HermitCraft 7: 70 | MY OMEGA MACHINE

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today's episode is going to be a little bit special i will admit i hope that all my episodes are a bit special but what i mean is today's episode is going to be a little bit special for me to make you see a few weeks ago i got approached by msi a company that makes computers and parts for computers they came to me with a challenge and the challenge was if you can record an episode a full episode of hermitcraft on one of our laptops and it feels smooth and everything goes good you get to keep the laptop and i mean laptops are cool and i don't have one and they could be useful i could i could do mining before going to bed so i accepted and they sent me over a laptop and i guess i guess i guess i should set it up in my studio [Music] do [Music] hello i think we can all agree that uh they they went all in but skipped this this laptop is absolutely incredible and so far my frames are extremely high they're over 200 yeah i i gotta be honest i feel no difference in running around in on the hermitcraft server yeah it's actually extremely smooth i'm i'm impressed okay i did not think that a laptop could perform this well not with my recording software my microphone everything plugged in it's pretty impressive over the past few episodes i have been hard at work at pacific but today today we're going to do something different you see last episode me and mambo made the list the diaper list and on that list is a lot of items on my end that i do not yet have a farm for but that's not entirely true i am halfway there and what i mean by that is a lot of the items that i am going to be responsible of providing for pacific are going to come from these guys hello hello brian now the only problem is is that i haven't really maintained this system and i believe that the trades changed in 1163 and i haven't actually updated this system to fit the new items so well everything everything here is is a little bit broken like literally this is looking absolutely awful i'm also not sure if my gold farm is still working as intended because i haven't been here farming gold for a very very long time so long story short we need to do some maintenance possibly some repairs possibly some complete rebuilds of of my omega machine because let's be honest if you were to look at this and give it a name with all of these moving components and stuff that's happening in this machine this an omega machine is actually not a bad name the only problem is i don't really know where to start here here seems like a good place to start i am going to afk for a little bit just to ensure that my gold farm the gold form part of the mega machine omega machine is still working one could almost claim that i'm procrastinating getting this started but i have been afk for about 20 minutes and hopefully hopefully we should have got at least one box of gold nuggets in that time and that should have made it all the way into here oh oh wow okay i i forget how powerful this gold form is right so then i should be able to click this button and let's see if this thing works so far so good i believe i believe that shulker box should have broken itself so that's a little bit of an issue breaking manually for now and then this system is empty right so if i put a box in there and click the button then start filling this up i can request another one right so a little bit of an upgrade in terms of order breaking seems to be the first task that we do and i gotta be honest i do not remember at all hello hello sir i forgot to remove a spawn spot there hmm i can't have to feel that something is missing right here piston another piston here i am confused what is this repeater supposed to do here uh i seem to have done something does that change to another box that is not currently frozen oh wait a minute yes did that that that froze it did i fix it is it all right it's all working let's see we emptied this um yes yes no i may i made a monster oh did it stop it stopped i think it stopped okay i mean i mean that i mean it worked right that definitely worked hello you know we should do we should we should test we should test the brian's now one of the most advanced features of this whole contraption is this thing here the brian brain system of doom and one of the things that makes it really complicated is transferring the items in the nether without water into the sorting system and i i don't know i don't know at this moment in time how functional this is but i mean already this system as an input system is it's pretty bad okay it's pretty pretty budget i haven't even put a button here to to power the system but there we go that should contribute the gold oh and i need a lever shall borrow this torch that should contribute the gold ingots into the brian's and then if i press this button they should start trading this is such a cool system and they continue to trade until the gold runs out i like this a lot think yeah i see it there we do have a problem with the system some items get stuck and i bet you if i leave this for about five minutes this thing is going to fill up with items well surprisingly enough this is about one minute later and the items are gone and everything everything seems to be working pretty well i mean the the feathers i don't think they trade feathers i think that's that must be some other some other source of income right there but everything seems to be working i am confused wait a minute i have spotted a little bit of an issue this elevator here seems to be seems to be lacking behind i don't know if this is going to fix it but i'm going to try and apply the classic mo patcher to fix this ammo as in more observers i love that sound so far so good that's looking like a fix we're getting places now i really i really really really really dislike my method of getting up and down from the actual storage to the cone farm itself i mean look at this thing it is it is the definition of ugly but i don't really know what to do with it i mean i can't use bubble elevators i'd have to install some advanced elevator of sorts i guess we just leave it for now oh my goodness this is the amount of gravel gravel alone i got from just one row of gold ingots not to mention all of the other things one thing that i should really do though is upgrade the input of this because this is just this is just super super budget now one change i'm going to make is i'm going to use a hopper minecart that should mean that i can load this quicker from a chest so hopper minecart will be sitting here and i'd also like this to work so that whenever the hopper minecart gets powered and sent over that circuit is triggered which is the circuit to tell the brians to start trading because otherwise they they'd just be standing there thinking about thinking about things i don't know what they think about i may not look much but this should do the trick so if we just go around and we load up the minecart that should be getting gold inside it and travel away and also i did see i did see the the line trigger so the brian's hello you should you should be trading oh oh okay well well now they are now they're trading and the gold gets refilled yep everything seems to be working and then once i'm out of gold this minecart should simply stay a stop and just stay in this place here no manual input needed anymore that's brilliant well i'm happy about sorting some of the technical difficulties that this place had but i guess the time has come to uh to deal with this these boxes are very very unsorted this is a lot of just random random junk to be honest i got a better idea nether portal fishing yay no i'm just kidding i'm gonna clean up okay i'm gonna clean this mess up it would be quite a cool feature though to be honest fish from the portal of the leather we all know that the reason it gets dirty like this is because you don't have any place to put the stuff as in if i would move this stuff out i know what happened the next time i'm here i'm probably gonna make a mess again so instead of just doing that i think i'm gonna build a little bit of a little bit of a storage area right here and then we'll just make sure that it has a lot of storage space brilliant i guess now all i gotta do is organize shulker boxes can go in this chest and other random items in this chest don't judge my organization skills okay well i gotta be honest that feels a lot better already well this thing is still really ugly i guess at the very least i can i can repair the damages that has happened here i should also organize this a little bit i mean after all this is where all of the output items come so this is where i'm gonna go to get stuck for pacific time for item frames some things in minecraft doesn't take that long but has a huge impact on your happiness with it this this is one of those things this is so much better random observation this gold farm is so quick i'll admit there's still things that i'd like to improve on specifically specifically the look of the mega i mean it it does look it does look like a big circuit board from outside but it would be cool to eventually have a huge building covering all of this up but with all of the technical bits sorted out and upgraded i can now proudly say that i can bring these items to pacific stock which is great so i guess it's time we head out of here because i got some lights to switch hello friend right back at the diaper list and i remember not long ago as in last episode my dear partner laughed at me for having so many unlit lamps well a lot of these can now be turned on ravel refined obsidian words quartz thingies is what i've named as as in the the regular quartz bits words bits and update this one towards blocks blackstone and obsidian it's still not look at that impressive though is it i mean if you compare these two sides to be fair i can definitely add some more things leather checked soul sand check and string check and i guess i do have infrastructure for a few more of these already terracotta yep i i i i could always i could do it i could always mine it and also masons they they trade terracotta bricks again masons and quartz blocks yeah masons things are definitely looking up and these these four items here all come from the same type of villager hmm wait a minute i just realized something yes that's why it's so dark in here i haven't actually checked this out oh my goodness hello hello basil [Laughter] he's done it he has done it unbelievable this is looking absolutely fantastic we have slides now i mean i i just i just have to hello oh no our meetings are gonna be even more even more productive now this is awesome best meeting room i've ever seen well hello there hello i've made my way back to the omega machine because there's one more upgrade that this place desperately needs i don't usually do this on camera but currently the way i get to my gold farm when i want to repair my lighter for example is through this portal here which currently links up to this portal here outside outside of my industrial district it's not the greatest i'd love it if i could come out up here and then have a proper floor because trust me the amount of times i've fallen into this machine it's not once okay and besides all of this looks really really bad it would be a lot better if we had a portal linked up somewhere over here and then when i come in i can walk over here without without having this stupid thing in my face to be honest that that's that's just gotta go so we'll plan to have the nether portal over in the back and i wonder if i want to make i think i want to make a pretty cool looking portal a five by five cool looking portal it's just the start it's absolutely crucial that all of this is spawn proof so sandstone slabs they look really good i think i would really like to make assault work somehow i mean this is a really cool block i just can't seem to figure out how to use it properly hmm i may be onto something that took me a couple of hours for the tiniest tunnel but i'm really liking this i have finally been able to incorporate a little bit of assault it's not much right but a little bit of assault at least in my build and i gotta say this feels so much better than what i had before i mean even this stupid tunnel isn't terrible as it is right now and remember that 5x5 portal i think this looks pretty cool and i did also leave a space in the back here because eventually i think i want to move the tube in the middle the elevator in the middle to back here and then make another elevator all the way up there because that area is really important that that's my that's my fk spot so i guess with this done let's light this portal that that looks really cool i i like it and since that portal is lit i can finally get rid of this stupid ugly ugly sliver in the wall i mean what was i thinking just make sure to block this up never to be spoken about again and now to the important part we gotta make sure to link this portal just casually writing some coordinates in the chat and either my math is really off or or this portal is off by like 400 blocks nope it wasn't right that's what it's supposed to be it turns out that this pillar here represents the correct placement of my gold farm portal a little bit unfortunate to be honest because it is is in the middle of nowhere guess i shall make an effort in remembering the correct portal by simply making it very very big this may very well be a mistake this is a lot of obsidian but i guess the bigger the better i should have probably tried this out before placing even more even more obsidian sometimes though you just have to trust your maths that's actually looking pretty cool i guess i should have tried to light it i may have made this too big right fingers crossed yes yes yes and does it work it it works this uh this portal feels a little bit silly right now doesn't it just gotta make sure to add a way to get up to this thing brilliant the golden portal of doom and i probably won't lose sight of it which is good i'm very happy with all of the upgrades and changes done to the omega machine and considering how much i will be using it now that we have pacific it was something that i really needed to do i am very happy and very relieved of all the little small fixes and upgrades and stuff like that that's been done to the omega machine today it's gonna be so useful now that we're pacific and i'm not worried anymore okay because yes i was a little bit worried last time when we made the diaper list that i wouldn't be able to provide all of the things i thought i would but with these upgrades everything is working and even though this is quite messy from the outside i like it i really like the look of this thing it looks it looks so advanced to be fair it is a machine that produces a lot of different items and we are out of video time for today but i have one more big announcement that i want to share with you and i feel like since this announcement is going to be a blast i shall stand on the creeper hello or maybe in front of the creeper is this a chair this is a chair why haven't i been using this chair now here's the thing over the past five months me and my team have been working in all secrecy on a brand new minecraft project since august my developers has written over 21 000 lines of code and for reference that is about four times as much code as the minecraft 116 update itself which is absolutely mad but what we've done is to create a modpack like never seen before a modpack that incorporates you guys in various different ways [Music] a modpack that gives you the possibility to level up and evolve inside minecraft [Music] a modpack with a self-destructive countdown and it's up to us to basically save save the world and get out there will be vaults to run there will be arena fights and there will be base building hello having worked on this project for five months i am overly excited to get started and if you want to be there from the beginning tomorrow friday 11th of december at 2 p.m central europe time i will be starting the very first stream day of walt hunters i gotta be honest i can't wait and no it's a bit sad that i have to say this but don't worry it won't mean that i'm not gonna continue to play on the hermitcraft server but that being said we are out of video time for today so i really do hope that you've enjoyed this video and i'm really hoping to see you tomorrow for the very start of world hunters now if you did enjoy this video make sure to hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because subscribing and i will see you dudes in the next episode oh and yes this entire episode was recorded on the laptop and it was omega smooth
Channel: iskall85
Views: 881,559
Rating: 4.9710507 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall, plushieman, iskall gold farm, gold farm 2020, gold farm minecraft, bartering farm minecraft, minecraft piglin farm, minecraft gravel farm, minecraft obsidian farm, minecraft mega farms, minecraft mega farm, iskall85 pacific, msi ge66 raider
Id: UvbvI75PgMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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