Here's Why You Shouldn't Run From The Police #2
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Code Blue Cam
Views: 4,518,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police chase, police pursuit, police chase 2021, police chase crash, Here's Why You Shouldn't Run From The Police, real world police, police activity, bodycam, cops, live pd
Id: qlwmhyx__aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Cop did exactly what I expect cops to do. This perp has a minor misdemeanour that could easily be resolved by pulling over, instead HE chose to run and HE chose to put peoples lives at risk, not the cop. These are the actions normally taken by people trying to escape from much more serious crimes. I donβt want people like this on the road, he used his vehicle as a weapon and innocent people as his shield.
The cop did not aggressively pursue, the traffic was light and the cop backed right off when the perp escalated things and went counter flow, again an action only taken by people with something serious to hide and desperate not to be caught. The cop was then calm, respectful and immediately requested medical support for the perp, at no point did he sound like he was reaching for his gun. This is the type of cop I would support 100% and one I would be proud to work alongside.
Downvote me if you want, I stand by what Iβve said.
I watched till the end just to see if they had a power load.
Poor guys :(
Damn, no reflective vests for the roadway, no shoulder straps on the stretcher, no collar for a 100mph unrestrained roll over.
I feel like my old FTO would have beat me with striker straps with buckles on the end if they saw me on video running a call this way.
Did the cop step through the low hanging power lines on his way to the car? I guess they could have also been cable or phone lines hard to tell.
Extrication gloves are fine if they have a BBP barrier or you wear nitriles underneath which is my preferred method. As long as you aren't doing active patient care IE bagging, bandaging and the such it's all good. Just make sure you are washing them afterwards.
Can someone explain to me why people are blaming the cops for this?
Best part is at 8:06