Here's Why the Lamborghini Huracan Performante Is the Best Lambo Ever

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this is the 2018 Lamborghini Huracan perform on teh and it is everything a Lamborghini should be it as insane performance numbers there's this crazy low slung exotic car styling it's massively expensive than that name Lamborghini Huracan perform on Tay you can't get away with the name in a car like that if you're Buick basically is the Lamborghini of Lamborghinis and today I'm going to review it I've board this Huracan perform on teh from Lamborghini Newport Beach here in Southern California which is Lamborghini heaven they seem to have just about everything including to perform on tazed right now so what exactly is a perform on time well here's the deal the Lamborghini Huracan is the entry-level Lamborghini it starts around $200,000 it has 600 horsepower and it's one of the best exotic cars I've ever driven the perf r'mante is sort of the next level more thrilling performance version of the Huracan it starts around two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars it has 630 horsepower and it's 90 pounds lighter than the regular Huracan so basically if the Huracan is a crazy Lamborghini this is a crazy crazy Lamborghini and today I'm going to review it first I'm going to show you around the perform on Tay and I'm going to show you all of its interesting quirks and cool features then I'm gonna get it out on the road and drive it and then I'm going to give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts on the perform on Tay click the link below to visit slash oversteer where I've compiled a list of some performance versions of exotic cars that are currently listed for sale on auto trader I mastered the quirks and features with the interior of the perform on tape and before I do that I want to mention I have reviewed the regular Huracan before but it was a long time ago before I really went well in depth on the quirks and features I don't even really remember all that much what I cover nonetheless I'm gonna link that in the description below if you want to see my take on the regular one and with that in mind we must start with the hexagon now I covered this in my review of the Lamborghini Eris but it seems that Lamborghini is obsessed with hexagons and so when you get inside this car it's the Huracan specifically you will see hexagons on just about every surface now some of them are very obvious the center of the steering wheel for example has a hexagon and the climate control vents are all hexagons the rear view mirrors on the outside of the car those aren't hexagon shaped the control for the rear view mirrors on the door panel that is shaped like a hexagon and frankly there's even hexagon trim on the dashboard in this car literal hexagons just there for decoration so there are some obvious hexagons but there are also some hexagons that you gotta give them credit for because they really went out of their way and found spots to sort of hide hexagons you won't notice unless you're really looking for instance the start/stop button has a little lid over it that lid is shaped like a hexagon pretty cool but if you look closely you'll notice that there's a little window inside that lid which is also shaped like a hexagon so you have a hexagon in a hexagon how about the fact that the drive mode display on the bottom of the steering wheel strata sport Corsa that is a hexagon looks like a regular display but it is it they tricked yeah and it goes further than that take a look at the transmission selector the park and manual buttons are square there's four sides but printed on top of them are hexagons you know their suppliers like now we can't do hexagons we got to make them square and Lamborghini was like well can you put hexagons on the squares and so they did it gets even crazier than that when you're sitting in the passenger seat on the door panel there is just a random hexagon pointed at you it has no function it has no purpose it's just there now I guess in right-hand-drive Huracan models that is the power mirror control usually start homemakers cover that up or do something a little different on the door pan but Lambo was like no no we'll just remove the mirror controls and leave the hexagon so they know my favorite hidden hexagon though is on the outside of the car on the fuel door the fuel door itself is not a hexagon but the little tiny tab where you're supposed to put your thumb to open the fuel door is a hexagon they just thought of everything during the design process for this car they must've been like well can we make that a hexagon now you may be wondering why all the hexagons the story that was told to me is that six signs corresponds with carbon which is the sixth element obviously carbon is very light in this car has a lot of carbon fiber and so the hexagons and carbon fiber are supposed to tie into each other I don't know if that's true it sounds kind of ridiculous but either way this car is all about hexagons both hidden and obvious moving on from the hexagons to the other interesting quirks and features I want to go back to that start/stop button and its cover now the start/stop button situation this car is very cool you get in you flip up the cover and you press the start/stop button it's like how I imagine starting a fighter jet would be now the interesting thing about that is you can see there's a little window in the start/stop button like I mentioned it's shaped like a hexagon apparently the early Lamborghinis with this flip up cover people were getting mad because every time I get my Lamborghini you gotta flip a thing and then push a button it's so much work people actually complained about this so Lamborghini put a little window in the cover so you don't actually have to flip up the cover you can just stick your finger through the window to start the car in case you're too lazy to flip the cover to your start/stop button in your Lamborghini next I want to talk about shifting into gear because that's another unusual thing now you can see if you look below the start stuff and you have R P and M now R is on this like hoop over P and M that's how you stick this car in Reverse you pull up on R and then you're in Reverse it's kind of a cool little thing now below that you have P at MP is obviously for parks then I put in park you press that and M is for manual mode so you're wondering we'll where's D how do we put it in Drive well it turns out to port it in Drive all you got to do is squeeze on the right paddle the upshift paddle which is of course on the steering column and then you're in Drive no need to fiddle with anything down here mixed up moving on to the center control stay actually above the center control stack there's a little screen up there that shows you all pressure oil temperature and battery except all of those things are written in Italian now the cost to convert that to the language of every market where this car was sold it would have been minuscule but Lamborghini gets away with it because they're like well this is an Italian car and so it's our culture and so they save a little money don't have to make those in Turkish and Russian and English can you imagine if Toyota did that pip on their oil pressure gauge you're like oh it's in Japanese we're a Japanese company so we're gonna put it in Japanese part of our heritage so target I could never get away with it but Lamborghini can next step still in the middle I want to mention one interesting item I found is the world's tiniest armrest most cars have an armrest that's like a foot long and sort of goes from a transmission selector to the seats well not this thing in this one it's like 4 inches long and it appears to only be for a tiny elbow interestingly it actually works when you're driving down the road you just lay your elbow on that and it works out in speaking of incredibly tiny things we now have to talk about the Sun visors the Sun visors are really small only like 2 inches high I don't know if they'll actually field you from the Sun but to me that isn't the most interesting thing about them the most interesting thing about them is that they come forward in most cars obviously the Sun Visor tucks up towards you and then you pull it down the opposite direction of this car where it comes forward that is kind of an interesting quirk of the Huracan now next up we move on to the center control stack and another interesting quirk of the Huracan that would be there are seven switches up here and they control various different things the power windows turn off traction control your hazard lights your parking sensors fine the weird thing is there is a blink switch now I often complain about blink switches in expensive cars I think if you pay enough you shouldn't have any blank switches but this is a different case because in this case Lamborghini went to the trouble of creating one of these switches and the little plastic piece it sits and and the little hoops around it and yet it doesn't do anything you can't move it up or down it has no function so there is a blank switch but it has to be like the most expensive blank switch in the entire history of the car industry next up you'll notice if you look around this interior there is no cup holder in the Huracan which of course is by design this is a driver's vehicle and so you don't need a couple you shouldn't be drinking while you drive there should be joy the road not quite actually there's a cupholder hidden go back over to that hexagon trim on the dashboard and there's a little cup icon you push it and a couple there is hidden in there and it pops out so you could put a drink in there and that is really kind of a cool little touch take the drink away push it back in and no one would ever know that there's a cup holder in there cool hiding-place Lamborghini now next we move on to the steering wheel and specifically the turn signal now in cars like this high-performance upscale expensive sports cars there's been a movement in the last few years to get everything sort of on to the steering wheel so the driver doesn't even have to move their hands off the steering wheel when they want to put on the wipers the headlights the turn signals and so the turn signals this car are not a stock coming off the steering column like in every other car instead they're mounted on the steering wheel and check out how they work if you want to make a left turn you flip this switch to the left and the left turn signal turns on when I make a right turn same deal switch it to the right so you're wondering well how do you cancel it if you're just making a lane change you don't push it back over to the left or right instead you push it in now I was driving this car around and I got to admit this is weird for the first 15 minutes but after that you're like you know why aren't all cars like this now right above the turn signal you can see there's a little light button that's to flash the brights at someone the actual headlights are over to the left of the steering wheel and of course they're automatic but if you just want to flash your brights at someone if they're coming toward you then aren't their headlights on you can do that easily on the steering wheel now beyond that over on the right side of the steering wheel you have your wipers and that operates in very much the same way that the turn signals do it's a little switch you want more wipers you move it to the right you want less wipers you move it to the left and right above that you have the Lamborghini windshield washer mounted on your steering wheel and since we've all wanted to see what a Lamborghini windshield washer looks like take a look now the other interesting thing in the steering wheel is the drive mode button which is in the bottom in the center of the wheel you have three drive modes to choose from strata which is a street regular sport and then Corsa which is track race and you can switch through them with that little red toggle switch on the bottom now when you switch through them you can hear changes in the exhaust but to me the coolest thing is what happens in the gauge cluster all right so you're in strata and here's like the normal Huracan gauge cluster it looks fairly normal you move it into sport and I like the fact that a couple things turn orange and that's pretty much the difference between strata in the sport in the Huracan but check this out you move it into Corsa and look what happens the entire thing is totally transformed to like a track gain of cluster setup now the tachometer is huge the gear in is huge and there's a G meter on the bottom it is one of the coolest gauge cluster displays in the entire car industry it really looks like you're in a fighter jet and or a videogame or something like that now beyond that there are a couple of other interesting items in the gauge cluster this car has no center touchscreen like a lot of vehicles instead your entire center screen situation is right there in the gauge cluster and that includes your navigation map so the navigation map sits right there next to your tech ometer and your speedometer so you're driving along and you have all of that right in your field of vision it goes along with sort of the driver focused ethos that puts the turn signals on the steering wheel your radios on there etc now interestingly there are a couple of interesting items inside the gauge cluster and some interesting setting is in order to go into the menu for the gauge cluster you press menu in the center control stack and then it brings up the menu which is of course several icons arranged in a hexagon I would expect nothing less now one of my favourite items inside the menu screens is in the car menu and the parking now a lot of cars give you the opportunity to turn the volume of parking aid up or down so if you want your front parking sensor to be very loud you can do that whatever this car also lets you change the frequency and so the result of that is when you go into the parking sensors thing and you change the frequency you can play a little song take a listen to mine [Music] now I know I already showed you that in the Volkswagen Golf R and this is all the Volkswagen Group's so it's probably the same hardware but I just think there's something more ridiculous about it happening in a Lamborghini our next interesting gauge cluster item is in this stereo settings you go in there and you can change the balance basically where the music is pointed in the cabin if you want on the left side the right side further back whatever that's pretty common the weird thing in this one is the little icon that shows where its most directed is of course shaped like a hexagon I would expect from nothing less in the Huracan now next up we move on to the time zones we can pick your time zone frankly it's kind of an interesting little geography lesson it displays four cities that are in each time zone which is very useful the one I think is odd though is you go to Eastern Time and the cities they've chosen our Toronto makes sense DC makes sense Havana and Lima so Miami's not on there New York's not on there those are probably two of Lamborghinis biggest markets but hey Lima is on there so don't worry all as well now next up we move back to the center control stack in the peripheral monta the second switch from the left controls the front axle lifter now a lot of high-end sports cars have this now they're all so low that if you want to go into driveway you might scrape so you press the front axle lifter and then the front-end pops up a couple of inches which allows you clearance over driveways and speed bumps and anything else you might have to clear if you're actually going to use this fairly frequently that is a good idea and it's offered on most of these exotic sports cars offered I say because it doesn't come standard instead this is a window sticker right here that was a $6,900 option $6,900 in fact this car has quite a few options I calculated them to be a total of $38,000 in options bringing the original price from 274 all the way up to 312 and change which is a lot of money and options some of the options are obviously very expensive the axle lifter but also the navigation system is $4,100 I once bought kind of a crappy BMW m3 for not much more than $4,100 the cost of a mere navigation system indeed Lamborghini Huracan now my favorite option the best deal that would be the one entitled travel and smoker which is only 600 box travel and smoker just 600 bucks so what does that get you well it gets you a cigarette lighter mounted in the center console here in the back so that you can smoke your cigarettes but then you're wondering well there's no ashtray so where do you drop your cigarette butts ah but there is behind the angled center console there is a little space back there you wouldn't really know about it sort of hidden and in that space there is a little ashtray it's like a portable ashtray in like a cup and it's Lamborghini branded and so if you get that option you have a cigarette lighter and in that lamborghini ashtray for at least 600 bucks seems like a deal now next up we move on to the outside of the performance I want to start with the wing which is like the most striking visual detail it is fixed and it's far larger than the saw little adjustable wing on the regular Huracan a couple things stand out to me about the wing one is the finish instead of this like very careful perfect carbon fiber weave you have this sort of daring bare carbon fiber look that I think looks really good it's rare that you see this look on the outside of a car but Lamborghini has chose to finish the wing in this trim and it's a really cool look to me next up we move on to the rest of the rear of the Huracan there are a couple of things that I think are worth pointing out back here one is right below the wing the next thing down you have this honeycomb pattern back here for heat dissipation it won't surprise you to see that all of those little honeycomb things are hexagons because of course they are now right below that right in the middle of the rear of this car you have the exhaust it is massive and it's right in the middle but the look of the exhaust has nothing on this sound I'm gonna let you listen to the car first in regular mode and then in race mode which is insane all right here's regular okay that frankly sounds pretty good but now here's race and that sounds amazing frankly it's one of the best exhaust notes of any exotic sports car in the industry and one of the thing I like about the back of this car when you look back here it looks like the license plate is just a complete afterthought you have the exhausts in the middle and the honeycomb in the middle and then the license plate looks like it's just sort of tacked on there in the bottom like they forgot about and I love sports cars where that's the case where it looks like the license plate was forgotten during the design process I can just imagine it a designer going okay I have finished with my Lamborghini oh wait what do you mean I need a license plate a license plate for what people are going to take my work of art on the road Oh fine I'll put one on just for them I'm not sure what country the designer is from but nonetheless I really like that that looks like just sort of something they put on last because they had to now another interesting item and I find rather unusual in this car is the door handle may you can see right now it's sitting here and it's just sort of flush with the sign in the door of the car which doesn't really make a lot of sense well if you walk up to you can tell well first off its shaped like a hexagon because of course it is and in order to open the door you push the front part which by the way is also shaped like a hexagon because of course it is and then the back part comes out so you can open it and then you pull it and the door is open it's actually a fairly simple design and when the doors are closed and the door handle is just flush it looks a lot cooler than a normal loop door handle like your car might have next up another cool feature on the outside of this car is the headlights now when you're just driving along the running lights are very cool they make this sort of cool Y shape in the front there's two of them in each headlight cluster but when you put on the turn signals look at this the turn signal sort of takes over the place of the running lights in the same Y pattern it is a very cool and very distinctive look it's the same story in back the rear tail lights and turn signals also carry on that Y shape that you saw up front and when they're illuminated or when they're flashing they look kind of cool and it's even the same story inside where the perform on Tay is unique ultra crazy grippy tight bucket seats also carry that y-shaped there's one y on the bottom and there's another y on the backrest which sort of carries in the exterior design into the interior and of course it looks pretty cool and next we move on to the engine bay and there's nothing particularly crazy or quirky or unusual back here except for the fact that it's painted gold but it is always nice to gaze at a mid-mounted Lamborghini engine in this case of v10 making 630 horsepower that is a cool look no matter how many of these I Drive next up two other rather interesting quirks one is the field or you press the aforementioned hexagon to open it right up and you can see it's a fairly standard field or fuel tank situation but there is one interesting item and that would be the little sticker on the hinge well this car takes unleaded fuel and most cars say unleaded fuel only this thing has a gas pump with the letters PB crossed out that's because PB is the chemical symbol for lead so it's crossed out so supposed to be no lead unleaded fuel it's kind of a leap I'm not sure if anybody really realizes that's what that means or if anybody is actually trying to put leaded fuel in this thing but it's interesting to see that finally one other cool item in this car is the key now the key for the most part just looks like a fairly normal luxury car key but I love how at the very end when they could just taper it off in the chrome and make it stop instead they sort of have it shut out again and that the very base of the key you have the Lamborghini crest with the bow logo on it they don't have to do that but it adds to the coolness of the key dramatically and I think it really makes it look nice so that's a tour of the Lamborghini Huracan perform on day now it's time to get it out on the road and see how it drives all right driving the Huracan perform on thing first thing you notice these seats really grip you they're really tight I don't consider myself a very big guy I've just sent a lot of these Jeep t3 sports seat things these are about as tight as anyone's i've ever been in [Music] whoa this thing Paul it is impossible to overstate the precision of this steering in a Lamborghini Huracan 488 is a damn good car but this thing is so sharp it's just absolutely amazing how sharp the steering is and how connected it is and the moment you even think I want to change lanes and just start you're there it I can't imagine automotive steering getting sharper than in this car Wow the speed is just absolutely incredible because the thing is the speed with the regular Huracan was already absolutely incredible and now we have this which is even more amazing I will say the ride comfort is atrocious not only is the seat incredibly tight and and Huggy it's also hard now the seat being a bucket seat means there's less material so you're a little lower so you have a little bit more Headroom and I fit just fine and I'm 64 it's no problem the problem is because it's a hard seat it hurt you know you're not getting a lot of padding when you're sitting on it but also I mean the comfort of the car this thing you go over the lane line bumps it boy can you feel it and because it's a wedge shape the ceiling the roof kind of comes all the way forward and so visibility up is actually a challenge I'm sitting here like this and I can barely see the headlights I'm sorry I mean the traffic lights a little distracted because there's a citroën traction Avant next to me I have no idea why this is Southern California now sitting here stopped I have to admit it feels pretty good it feels like an Audi I mean all the materials are nice it's not it's not shaking like an older Lambo or something like that probably would be the the climate control is blowing on me like I feel like I'm sitting in a nice car like a nice luxury car the outer spot is just amazing not only is a car tremendously fast but you just tap it a little bit and boom you start to go there's no you know fear there's no lag there's no delay obviously the cars zero to 60 number speaks for itself there obviously can't be a delay if it's put down those kind of numbers I love touching the steering wheel it's nice and thick with the Alcantara it this is exactly how a steering wheel should be it feels right it feels perfect to Hana perfect to touch and so that's the Lamborghini Huracan purr for Monday I'll put it simply this thing is amazing no you wouldn't want to use it every day but for Trek days and weekend fun it's practically unrivaled I've always been a Ferrari fan over Lamborghini always basically since birth but the simple truth is that the Huracan drives better than the Ferrari 488 and the perform on teh drives best of all for track days and weekend fun it is the ultimate entry-level Lamborghini and now it's time to give it a dug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the peripheral Montay looks wonderful striking but not necessarily beautiful since it's mostly just an angry wedge shape it gets an 8 out of 10 acceleration 0 to 60 is bike to point something seconds and it gets a 10 out of 10 handling is incredibly insanely sharp and it gets a 10 out of 10 becoming just the fourth car to do so after the Porsche 918 spyder the Carrera GT and the new Ford GT it deserves it fun factor is strong it's a blast to drive and it gets a nine out of 10 cool factor is also strong it's a special car obviously one that will always turn heads it gets an 8 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 45 out of 50 next up for the day the categories starting with features it's fine good for a car like this it gets a 6 out of 10 comfort however is rough between the harsh ride and the tight seats it gets merely a 3 out of 10 quality is strong the interior is beautiful with top quality materials everywhere potential reliability is the only reason why it gets knocked down a bit to an 8 out of 10 practicality is weak of course the trunk is small it's hard to drive anywhere there are only two seeds and it gets a 2 out of 10 value is fine it's a lot of car even for the money but it isn't a better value than a regular Huracan it's $75,000 more for only incremental performance increases and it gets a 6 out of 10 for a total daily score of 25 out of 50 add it up in the dug score is 70 out of 100 and you can see where it falls the perform on Tay is an amazing car and it beats the regular Huracan by one point in the weekend categories along with the McLaren 720's in the Ferrari 488 but it loses to the regular Huracan by two points in the daily categories one is for comfort and the other is for value the peripheral monta is an amazing car but I think I'd rather save my money and get a regular Huracan which is almost the exact same thrill oh and yes I know it's pronounced citroën traction Avant not a van so I don't need 4 million tweets declaring it so digging the pasture seat over on the door panel there is just a random hexagon on the door panel pointed at you what you need it needs a license plate a license plate well it will ruin the design the perfect design I'll fine I'll put it on just for the people who are going to need to drive it on the road and then they do that I think this guy's Irish I'm not sure but anyway the point is now next up we move back into the center control stack here in the perform on teh one of these switches controls the front I don't know
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 3,157,718
Rating: 4.8696671 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini huracan performante, huracan performante, performante, huracan performante review, performante review, lamborghini huracan performante review, huracan review, huracan, lamborghini huracan, lambo huracan, lambo huracan review, doug demuro, demuro
Id: aB-qzVue3xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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