Here's Every Car Daily Driven Exotics Have Ever Owned

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hello everybody my name is John you're watching Otto on Iraq and today we're covering one of the most famous channels on automotive youtube of course it is daily driven exotics we're gonna be covering their entire garage let's get into it [Music] [Music] the first car that we ever got to see in the daily driven exotics fleet was Damon's gear lamborghini gallardo this was a first gen Guyardo and obviously had the LP 560 front bumper on it new exhaust system might have even been a rear-wheel drive I believe that this car was a little bit of a money pit for him he said that the e gear transmission had a lot of flaws and of course this was a very uncertain time in Dedes history this car was made famous by the lamborghini WRC series which was essentially the very first web series done by dde which Damon said was inspired by Gymkhana this was actually the first video that I myself watched from daily driven exotics and yeah it definitely got me hooked [Music] the next car to join the fleet was Damon's heavily modified Ferrari 458 Italia with 562 brake horsepower and a dual Club system that actually worked the 4/5 it was a much better tool for the job of tire slaying the car got some very nice upgrades from Nava tech it was lowered it was on wheels it had a front splitter and of course a rear spoiler but things really changed up whenever the car got that iconic Liberty walking the upgrades that were done to this car were not to be laughed out at all adding to the Liberty walk it this car had official Ferrari mirrors official Ferrari gt3 rear wing and of course a gt3 seat then ankle just about the craziest route that the internet had ever seen a simply ridiculous IP exhaust system then he took it on gold rush slayed some tyres and proceeded to crash this for five years which he launched his channel off oh it doesn't stop there though the car did get rebuilt and he even drove it during its rebuilding process [Music] the next card we got to see was DMC 46 a lot of you probably don't remember this and to be honest I can see why it was an auto it had lots of pea cam badges and needless to say we're all disappointed then of course there was the other fed addi this I believe was owned by Damon and his business partner a really cool card that eventually got wrapped a similar color to the Huracan that he bought later this was the lightweight hardcore truck version of the f430 and I think you'll agree that 4.3 liter v8 sounds quite awesome [Music] then there's the KN that's owned by demons wife it's again turbo he did donuts in it once but not much more than that other than that but now we get to the most famous car optimal tire slayer 2.0 this is the replacement for his Ferrari 458 liberty walk a Lamborghini Huracan LP 580 - - that means this was the rear-wheel drive variant of the Huracan the car was quickly tuned to about 630 horsepower which is quite easy since it's the Huracan motor out of the 610 and then the car got the complete Porsche steiner de navarra´ body kit definitely one of the most beautiful body kits on any car in recent years additionally when he got that body kit he also wrapped the car in that same wrap I was talking about with the Scuderia earlier and the wrap consisted of various different wrist tracks across the world the size you just heard our thanks to the VF engineering supercharger that brought the Huracan to over 800 brake horsepower the car also had a roof box but uh wall 175 did the trick following a year or so of abuse the car needed a new refresh it got canards it got Brixton forged racing wheels a brand new rap and of course that gigantic rear wing and the wing was mainly just a solution for all the space that was left after he ripped off the rear bumper next for me was the most iconic look of the tire Slayer that had those skull racing wheels in orange too much but crazy rap that was inspired by the Lamborghini svj test car the car was also on air but there were no additional performance mods those came later in its final iteration it got a lark livery and a she burries twin turbo kit we're talking a thousand horsepower with no traction control the famous tire Slayer has since been unwrapped after purchasing the Huracan he also got his wife a range of her sport it got new wheels it looked pretty good but who cares well we really care about is the debo does friend give an r8 not only was this a cool car but it was a symbol that David was becoming a more serious member of the channel and it also meant the DIA could drive a car with a proper gearbox or once with 420 brake horsepower and a 4.2 liter v8 it stats aren't quite as incredible as a lot of the other cars that you'll see on this list however it was a start of something quite amazing for Dave I'm by amazing of course mean that Dave Goodis car turned into a hell of Kitty 'mobile by Alex Troy and it gained one of the most aggressive body kits I think I've seen on any car it had the gigantic chassis mounted wing it had the side skirts it had the rear splitter the front splitter coupled with the neon green highlights it wasn't exactly a car to be low-key next is my favorite car that they've ever had on the channel a Murcielago lp640 is a beast in its own right or more so about since that's what Marsha Lego means anyway when you add a manual transmission into the mix on a crazy body kit things get turned up to 11 pretty quickly I was never a huge fan of the blue wrap it covered the carbon fiber and I just didn't like that but when the cars been driven like this how can you complain [Music] [Music] after that the car got a certain iconic racing livery from a certain company and additionally this car also got some Brixton forged Racing wheels however this car is just being in the shop getting its v12 fixed up because I had some issues engine ID the usual sort of Mercia Lego stuff next was Dave's beautiful 500 brake horsepower manual first gen Guyardo which was crashed so yeah that's about it it ended pretty quickly and then following the purchase of the mercial lego in the garret ODB went in a bit of a spending spree and got this h1 Hummer it's very slow it's got the worst drug coefficient of any car in recent years but it doesn't matter it can be dropped from a helicopter it can be dropped from a plane and it can be used for shenanigans not a bit of YouTube and they enjoy that Hummer so much that they went and bought another Hummer h1 alpha this one I believe was actually owned Bowen and the bosses of August motorcars I did in Canada and they've kept this car in Canada we haven't really seen much of it but what we do know is this got a huge exoskeletons of the Duramax motor and it can lift and Alex Troy after that as a thank-you for all of his hard work they got their editor of Porsche Macan - I believe replaces old Honda that had kind of deteriorated it was a lovely gesture and quite an emotional video but it's Porsche Macan so vigorous continuing the escapades of buying various exotic cars Damon went out and bought a car that he'd always wanted a cheap-ass 55 AMG these cars aren't to be overlooked even though they're pretty cheap they have 5.5 liter supercharged v it's producing around about 500 brake horsepower and they're still luxurious to this day definitely a good buy however maintenance isn't the best on these but in spite of the impending doom of maintenance fees he went and sent it anyway the car was then sent some more and then some more things really kind of got out of hand oh yeah it was stripped and they also may have turned it into the only s55 AMG convertible in the world in a matter of minutes I also forgot to mention just how angry this car sanding potentially after the mods that be done to it following the well we'll call it the interesting time he had with his last card Oh they've got the Guyardo and all guy orders around about the time of mob Ragini's fiftieth anniversary in 2013 they decided to kill off the Guyardo but before that they made this squadra Corsa a one a fifty-five hundred and seventy horsepower lightweight version of the Guyardo these were only sold in yellow in North America that's how rare they are as a self-proclaimed Lamborghini obsessive you can imagine how upset I was by their wrapping this car probably my least favorite rough that they've ever done I know Damon probably liked it to each their own you can do what you want it's your own car but wasn't a fun although it did get a VF supercharger which dip the car into the 700 horsepower territory next was their rocket bunny 2020 Supra that was running on Brixton forged racing wheels in white I suppose in tribute to the Strad man this was probably the most hated car in recent years in the channel since it wasn't a supercar and people kind of thought it was a bit of a sellout thing to do by jumping on the super quiz teach the room it was ok I never really liked the green [Music] oh don't watch Aamir must appear Deeb's next super car was a 616 horsepower McLaren 12c yes 12c because they took away MP Ford they said it took too long anyway we were all expecting a McLaren on the channel at some point since the Damier said it's kind of the YouTuber thing to do but I must say it's kind of a brave move for dde considering what they tend to do with cars I'm MacLaren's consistency in being known as the unreliable supercar manufacturer moving on though the car doesn't seem to have had any issues and its exhaust from jin thani signs yeah pretty crazy the car was in this beautiful baby blue wrapped for a little bit and then it changed to this sort of dark military grey onion the 600 LT asked exhaust system on second thought I think the 12c is just sort of lloyd not very good so I think unlike this this is one of the best sounding Italian v12 in the world from NEPA daddy f12 730 brake horsepower 6.3 liter v12 the f12 is set to be Dedes craziest build yet with a full twin turbo kit on a crazy wide body kit done by a guy called SP design and he did the renders I would definitely check him out an Instagram but for now this car has been lowered straight piped and on brand new wheels it looks mean [Music] he's after buying their first v12 Ferrari they had definitely caught the bug and pretty much instantly bought an FF however the great thing about this car is its unique purpose as a potential camera vehicle yes the world's only v12 660 horsepower four-wheel drive camera car it was originally owned 50/50 by Dave and Damon I think Dave actually exited out of it and after that they got a rap in this sort of dark camo it's actually really nice pretty reflective I do love this rap and of course it's got there was yellow front lights would have inspired by French racing they seem to really like putting the other lights in the car is a bit of a signature didi touch right there [Music] as soon as dave and dim and realize that they'd be spending more time in canada they pretty instantaneously bought brand new daily drivers g63 these were equipped with the 5.5 liter Biturbo is not to be confused with the g65 s that had bi turbo v12 the g63 s were always a bit of a better choice because the v12s were a bit too boaty they actually added in Sam exhausts to these yeah let's hear them da went a step further and added some Boston wheels to his silver one I think they look actually pretty nice and he even went off-roading which is pretty ballsy for most g63 owners the next one was a pretty cool idea I think we've all dreamed about opening some random barn door in the middle of nowhere and finding a supercar and that's a dde brought us a Ferrari f430 that David ended up buying for one of his friends that he got a loan for $5,000 for a couple years ago a pretty cool gesture to his friend who I'm sure has no regrets but loading him the money all those years ago this car was put on new wheels new suspension and of course got an F I exhaust [Music] and the next coat got unbelievably was a laferrari as a four-million Paulo Freire Oh although at least in Demon's eyes well they actually got was the lacquer event a budget laferrari you'll notice many similarities they're both red they both have black roofs they're both mid engined they're both red yeah okay there's not entirely that much in common but I suppose it was a cool tyre the car has since been equipped with a brand new $10,000 titanium exhaust system which lends amazing and in the future who knows this car might even get a twin turbo conversion nevertheless at the moment it's being an amazing addition to the fleet very cool seeing this brand you see it Corvette on the channel no doubt we should be seeing a lot more of it and now it's time for a little bit of a confession since making this video they bought two new cars the Lamborghini Huracan LP 610 - for which they're going to make into a drag car and also demon brothers white the g63 currently you're seeing footage of an at 10:00 p.m. believe five series which is one of the cars that Dave I believe has or had but all my footage got corrupted so I'm not actually able to produce anything else but I really hope you guys enjoyed this video and let me know what you like in the future I'm looking to do savage garage next so that's your being pretty exciting thank you so much everybody for watching please don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AutoAnorak
Views: 55,161
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: dde, dde all cars, dde full collection, daily driven exotics, dde garage, dde lamborghini, dde new car, dde murcie
Id: s3odXAbXqa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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