Here Are the 10 Worst Cars I've Ever Reviewed

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this is doug d murrow and today i'm going to talk about the worst cars that i have ever reviewed people are always asking me for the extremes the best cars i've ever viewed the car i like the most the car that's the very coolest but also people just want to know what is the worst car one of the worst cars you've ever driven i have reviewed now hundreds of cars and there have been some bad ones so today let's talk over the worst cars i've reviewed on my youtube channel before i get started be sure to check out cars and bids which is my enthusiast car auction website with cool cars from the modern era we have sold some amazing cars recently on cars and bids including this my box 62 it sold for over 90 000 this tremendous lexus lx 470 which sold for 62 500 an unbelievable sale price and this beautiful blue e39 bmw m5 which sold for 45 thousand dollars if you're looking to sell your cool car from the modern era cars and bids is the place to do it the best place to sell cars from the 1980s and up and if you're looking to buy a cool modern enthusiast car cars and bids has great selections with daily auctions check it out cars and okay so time for the worst cars now before i do that one quick little interruption you may have noticed in my car views recently when i move over to the doug score part of the review i have this little graphic show up it's like a little animation and i think it looks really cool and i've been putting it in there and it's just neat that i want to mention was made by a viewer he just sent it to me i didn't ask for it i didn't commission it he just thought it would be cool and he sent it to me and i thought that looks great and so i used it and the viewer is steve hassler of hassler designs and his instagram is below on the screen as you can see you can also follow him if you click the link in the description below and he does a lot of cool design stuff and car stuff and you can see all over his instagram if you scroll through there are some neat pictures of a lot of his design work and i just wanted to shout them out because it is a really really cool little intro graphic thing and i'm really appreciative of having that and having kind of viewers occasionally send me really cool stuff like this and so i wanted to give credit where it's due to hassler design so check them out but anyway now on to the worst cars now you might think that it's easy to figure out what the worst cars i've ever reviewed are because you just go into the doug score spreadsheet go to the very bottom and those are the worst cars but it doesn't necessarily work that way because some of the very worst cars i've reviewed aren't necessarily the worst rated because like they have good technology or they drive where they look good they have one or two good things and so they don't go to the very bottom of the doug score although all these worst cars are pretty close to the bottom but let's talk through the worst cars that i have reviewed the top ten starting with number 10. that would be the 2005 maserati quattroporte now this car is actually kind of an interesting mixed bag of good and bad a lot of people think it looks good and it certainly handles very well and it sounds good if you put an exhaust on it but there were some problems specifically with the transmission that was the biggest issue the early quattroporte models like the one i reviewed had this transmission they called duo select and it was a sequential manual and it just drove horribly so there's an automatic that you basically had paddles for and it was so clunky and so awkward and so terrible and so it just destroyed the driving experience the car in my opinion now this alone wouldn't have been so bad it would have been pretty bad but it wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that the transmission is also unreliable so not only do you have this terrible component in the car that makes it worse to drive but it actually also messes up your even ability to drive the car because it's so poorly done and so this is a big problem now later in the run of this quattroporte they switched to a zf traditional torque converter automatic because there were a lot of complaints about the early transmissions and the cars with the zf are actually pretty good it's a much smoother transmission much more traditional like you'd expect and they drive pretty well and they are bargains so those later quattroporte models are definitely what you want the early ones not so good next up number nine worst car i've reviewed that honor goes to the 2008 chevy tahoe hybrid this was a hybrid version of the chevy tahoe which sounds pretty promising big suv hybrid version probably makes it very efficient except it didn't it only added like two or three miles per gallon to the whole thing it was way more expensive than a regular tahoe but it did say hybrid on it in like 37 places there were far more hybrid badges than there actually were like increased fuel economy numbers it was really kind of embarrassing and it just wasn't really that great of a car it wasn't really that great of a use of space inside the car it didn't drive well has aged poorly it was not a good car when it was new and it is not a good car now number nine worst car next up number eight worst car i've reviewed that honor goes to the ferret armored car that would be this thing i filmed a video review of this in tennessee and a guy owned this car and a bunch of exotic like super cars but he bought this thing because he thought it'd be cool and it is cool and it is cool to drive around and it's fun to use and whatever but you're sitting in it and your visibility is basically zero you can't see a thing driving it is a challenge now it was never meant to be driven on a road to be clear but that's the situation getting in it you have to like go through a hatch on the top it is incredibly uncomfortable incredibly difficult to use and i really really hated the experience of driving and operating now the owner of the thing tells me that you know he drives around like fourth of july parades he kind of has fun with it whatever i think it would be cool for the novelty of it for sure but as a actual vehicle it was not good okay next up number seven worst car i have reviewed that would be the mitsubishi mirage 2016 mitsubishi mirage pretty controversial review when i did it um because i went through all these things about why this car is so terrible and people said well but if you don't have that much money this is a good car and you're anti-poor people and you're anti-whatever um now a couple things about that number one i had a disclaimer in that video saying you know i get why people buy this it is a mode of transportation and a relatively cheap one at that but probably more important to note there are a lot of relatively cheap modes of transportation this isn't a good one not even a little bit and so if you're going to be looking for a cheap car i get that but there are a lot of great cheap car options out there or at least acceptable cheap car options without you having to get a mitsubishi which is just the quality of it is so disastrous they are not known to be reliable they are not known to last very long they are not exceptional cars in any regard or even good cars many regard and it certainly is one of the worst new cars you could buy for a long time i don't even know if mitsubishi still sells it as a new car but they are disastrous i actually rented one of these when i was in thailand and uh i drove it like for like six hours that was an absolute penalty it was a fairly standard car for thailand there were a lot of cars about that size in class but this is not a good car it is not a decent vehicle and there are a lot of other alternatives that you can get including like a two or three year old used car that would be far better than this thing okay next up number six worst car i have reviewed that honor goes to the nissan murano cross cabriolet now let me be clear for a second here i personally love the cross cabriolet because i love weird cars and it is a weird car it is a two-door convertible version of the nissan murano suv which is a car nobody asked for and very few people purchased especially at the price point which was like 50 some thousand dollars back then um they have depreciated quite a bit since then and so they're getting more affordable and more reasonable but i don't think it's ever really reasonable to own a murano cross cabriolet now again i do like this car i think it's cool and interesting but it is a convertible suv with a 50 plus thousand dollar price tag based on the nissan mono and it was ugly it just was not an attractive vehicle it had a really high like hump in the back it just didn't look good the murano never been converted into a two-door soft-top vehicle it wasn't made for but i think it's at the very least it's interesting it just wasn't good compared to virtually every other competitor that you could have bought normal convertibles jeeps that sort of thing people who bought the morano cross cabriolet well that's a decision next up number five worst car i have reviewed that would be the cadillac elr we're getting into the really bad ones here the elr seemed like a good idea at the time basically general motors was developing the chevy volt and in order to kind of spread out some of the development costs and get back some of the money they made a cadillac version of it which sounds pretty reasonable except it was a two-door and they charged like 80 grand for them so you had a chevy volt that was twice the price and less practical now to the elr's credit it looked great i still think the elr is a nice looking car i just wish it had been a good car in any other capacity but basically you could have bought a chevy volt gotten a way better the similar vehicle underneath powertrain drivetrain you know fuel economy that sort of thing um but you could have spent double also and gotten a less practical cadillac so you're spending basically double the money for the for the brand name and for the appearance which nobody really did now cadillac dealers heavily discounted these cars when they were new and now they're selling for kind of bargain pricing although it's still a more expensive chevy volt and every time i see one of these on the road i'm just blown away that someone actually went to the made the decision to buy it but it existed it was a bad mistake it only lasted on the market for a couple of years but it certainly makes this list next up number four worst car i have reviewed that would be the mercedes-benz metris a truly disastrous vehicle so mercedes sells the metres the united states in two forms there's a cargo version which is fine just normal cargo van i don't know many problems then there's a passenger version and the passenger version is terrible it is worse in every way than a traditional minivan you have like a toyota sienna honda odyssey where you could get a mattress which is more expensive has way worse technology less power worse fuel economy it is a complete disaster now i put up the review of the mercedes metris and a lot of people really freaked out at me saying hey this isn't a minivan this is for commercial operators and not like traditional minivan families to which i would respond so then just buy a minivan if you're a commercial operator you'll get a better vehicle in every way it doesn't make any sense to buy a worse car just because they market it towards commercial operators and in fact this is proven if you go to new york city they use toyota siennas as taxi cabs those are the highest use commercial operators you'll find the most demanding miles you'll ever be put on a car is as a taxi cab in new york city and they're not using the mattress they're using the sienna because they know they want a vehicle that lasts they want the most cost-effective reasonable economical vehicle so the metris there's really no good reason to buy it it's way too expensive it is terrible unless you just want to drive people around and tell them you have a mercedes-benz but even then they'll know this isn't a very nice mercedes-benz it's just a disastrous vehicle truly one of the very worst okay next up down to the top three worst cars i have ever reviewed number three that one's easy the hugo it's just bad the hugo was a yugoslavian import to the united states it was sold here in the late mid to late 80s and early 90s there was a convertible version unbelievably um and it was just a horrible car it was brought here to be the cheapest car on sale which it was but that's all it was it wasn't good in any way and people quickly discovered this and realized they'd rather instead of spending like 4 500 whatever the hugo cost they'd rather spend 50 300 and get any other car you know a cheap civic or corolla or a geo at the time uh anything else basically the hugos were famous for just being totally no frills very buzzy loud kind of disastrous cars to drive not fast in fact quite slow not very practical not very useful just not great cars and they just didn't really work for the american market now in europe they were relatively popular especially in eastern europe at the time but it just didn't really work here in the states and they certainly have not aged very well it's a 30 year old car from that era lower base spec cars are generally not that great let alone the cheapest base bed car but they are something of a novelty and i do find you guys to be kind of interesting vehicles okay next up number two worst car i have reviewed that would be the trabant which was a truly awful car in so many ways the transmission was an absolute disaster driving it was horrible it was incredibly slow it had a difficult time with hills there was no comfort there was no frills there was nothing nice about the entire car it didn't even have a fuel gauge you had to measure the fuel level with a dipstick like you're measuring oil everything about the car was just a complete and utter disaster now this car was built under communism um you know back in like the 50s and then it was sold all the way through like the 80s they just never updated it was just bad and they just kept doing it because that was kind of how life was under communism at the time and when i posted the video saying that trabon is a terrible car a lot of people took issue with that and they said hey at the time this wasn't a terrible car you have to look at it through the lens of of you know communism back then and i can do that i get it but now it is a terrible card you get in it and you think this is so depressing and so bad i'm so glad that people don't have to suffer under the trabant anymore unless they're doing it for irony or for enjoyment and it was certainly an interesting car to check out and to see kind of how vehicles are being made at that time in that place but it isn't good and it is the second worst car i have ever reviewed second only to the number one worst car i have ever reviewed that's actually easy not even a question bmw icetta so the izetta it's hard to believe that bmw's number one guys that is hardly a bmw it was a little micro car and it had four wheels but only technically two in the front and then two in the middle in the back it looked like a three wheeled car basically it had one door you climb in through what is essentially the front and the windshield and you sit down in the seat and you drive it and it is horribly small and underpowered and ridiculous and it was what it was was a little city car a lot of little tiny very tiny city cars emerged from europe at that time and a lot of them have kind of been forgotten about but the iseta has become kind of a thing of lore because bmw then became like a real manufacturer and so people the i said has kind of remembered a little bit better than all these other tiny cars that most people have forgotten but driving it was a truly terrible experience um incredibly slow any accident you're going to be dead it's just a ridiculous car there's no interior space it's laughable to look at people look at you and they point and laugh and they think it's so stupid and it didn't help matters that the isetta that i reviewed broke down during my review it actually literally broke down and it couldn't go anywhere and we i had to tow it back to the dealership where i was reviewing it and that was just that was kind of the final nail in the coffin for the izetta in terms of my enjoyment of it and my placing it anywhere but the worst car i have ever reviewed on my list so there you go those are the 10 worst cars i have no doubt that people are gonna take issue with some of these uh but just keep in mind you're wrong no i get that you know my opinions maybe differ from yours and there are fans of the mercedes-benz mattress or the mitsubishi mirage or whatever but i've driven a lot of cars and i've driven some bad cars intentionally to do reviews with them and these are the worst [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 1,997,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZRhcnqFpTbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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