Here’s Why the Younger Generation Is ABANDONING God

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what we're doing in our churches and homes as I said we tend to be teaching Bible stories and by the way the word story today has come to really mean fairy tale we even say to our kids look at these wonderful Bible stories but you see for them what they're being taught at school is the real history of the universe we've been taught all this real history about Millions years in evolution and all this evidence what are we doing at church stories and we wonder why we're losing the Next Generation [Music] we had 300 atheists in 2009 who came to the Creation Museum in one group that was an interesting day you know what's interesting one of the atheists afterwards wrote this he said for me the most frightening part of the Creation Museum was the children's section it was at this moment that I learned the deepest lesson of my visit to the museum it is in the minds and hearts of our children that the battle will be fought you know what the secularists understand if we can get the kids we'll get the culture if we can capture their hearts and Minds we'll get the culture and sadly many of us in the church we basically handed our kids over to the culture and we're wondering why we're losing them in fact I want to show you something here's one of the biology textbooks used in the public schools in America we have most of the biology textbooks earth science textbooks that are used in the public school we have them in our offices back at Answers in Genesis and this biology textbook will teach students about the origin of Life the origin of animals plants and so on the origin of the universe the origin of man so it deals with all those issues and teaches them some good observational science as well when you know talking about cells and things like that but notice what it says here in science you have to search for natural causes for natural phenomena Supernatural explanations of natural events are simply outside the bounds of Science by the way who decides decided that science only explains things using natural causes and the Supernatural is not allowed to have any part of science who decided that people who don't believe in the Supernatural people who don't believe in God do you realize what this means you know what the word science means the word science means knowledge that's what it means it means knowledge see I have people who come to me and say but hasn't science disproved the Bible the Bible's not a scientific book you know the first thing I do with those people excuse me what do you mean by scientific what do you mean by science you know I had one man recently say to me now do you believe Genesis is a theological book or do you believe it's a scientific book I said could you tell me what you mean by scientific and he said what do you mean I said what I mean is can you tell me what you mean by scientific and he said well I don't really know I said it's a problem isn't it you see what do we mean by science or scientific see the word science we tend to use for all space shuttles and our technology and so on but science means knowledge do you realize what they're saying in this textbook knowledge can only be gained by looking for natural causes natural events naturalism Supernatural cannot be allowed do you know do you know what do you know what that textbook is doing is promoting the religion of atheism that's what it is it's an atheistic philosophy and people what we're going to understand is this is that we have been misled in this country because many people have been told oh you know separation of church and state and we could talk about that for for quite a while in regard to those supposed issues suppose separation of church and state which means anything that's secular is neutral and so you Christians if you're on about the Bible and so on you're imposing your religion on others you can't do that you can't have the Bible in the public schools and so on so what's happened is many Christians in this nation have said okay well we can't use the Bible and fighting the abortion issue with a gay marriage issue we can't have Creation in schools because that's imposing our religion and we step back and you know what's happened they've imposed the religion of atheism they've imposed the religion of naturalism you see the education system in this nation like the nation as a whole had a foundation that you start from God's word and what's happened is this due to the so-called separation of church and state issue and really when it comes to that issue I mean the phrase war of Separation was actually in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist who are asking about states rights but you see there's this idea today that oh no separation of church and state means you know if you if you mention God that's religious if you don't that's neutral people if you mention God that's religious if you don't that's religious you're either for Christ or against you're either walking lie do you walk in darkness remember what the scripture says in Matthew he who is not with me is against me if you don't gather with me you scatter and so we've got to understand something when they through the Bible and and prayer and God out of the public school they didn't throw religion out there through Christianity out and they replaced it with the religion of naturalism or the religion of atheism really public education even though there are some missionaries in that system has become an atheistic and atheistic uh educational institution across this nation that is capturing the hearts and minds of generations of our kids ninety percent of our kids from church homes go to that system and they're being captured by the system Psalm 11 3 tells us if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do here's a barn that had a foundation that was that was cracking and collapsing and when the foundation finally collapsed down came the barn that collapsing structure to me there represents the collapsing world view in our Western World it represents these moral issues the moral relativism that is pervading our culture in America and through our Western World why is that because a foundation has been removed and the structure is collapsing what Foundation the foundation of the authority of the word of God and you know in this day and age God's word has particularly been attacked in regard to the Book of Genesis in regard to that history in Genesis 1 to 11. we live in an era of history when even much of the church has said to us and many of the church leaders and our Bible College professors and Christian College professors and Seminary professors have told us you can believe in evolution you can believe in millions of years you can believe in the Big Bang we just reinterpret the days of creation we we reinterpret the history in Genesis that doesn't matter as long as you trust in Jesus but people what they have done is really take the Pagan religion of the age that's what evolution of millions of years really really are that's really the Pagan religion of the age that the secularists used to explain life without God and we just like the Israelites have adopted a Pagan religion into our culture and it's contaminated the word of God and we wonder why we're losing our culture you see as a Christian when we say that you can add millions of years in evolution into the Bible and we reinterpret what Genesis clearly teaches we do two things one we undermine the history that's foundational to all Doctrine but secondly we undermine the very word of God itself let me explain to you in Matthew 19 when Jesus was asked about marriage he said haven't you read there's the authority of the word haven't you read in Genesis 1 27 and Genesis 2 24 because that's where he quotes from that he who made them at the beginning made the male and female and said this is the reason a man leaves his mother and father Cleaves under his wife there'll be one flesh you become one in marriage because you're one flesh it's based on the fact that the woman came from the man she didn't come from an ape woman if if we if the woman came from an April when you destroyed the whole basis of marriage she came from the man you see what Jesus was showing was that the doctrine of marriage is founded upon Genesis 1 to 11 but not just marriage do you realize ultimately every single biblical doctrine of theology directly or indirectly is founded in Genesis 1 to 11. why did Jesus die on a cross Genesis 1 to 11 why is there sin in the world Genesis 1 to 11 why is there death Genesis 1 to 11. why do we have a seven day week Genesis 1-11 why do we need a new new heavens and a new Earth Genesis 1 to 11 why do we wear clothes Genesis 1-11 do you think Genesis 1 to 11 is important it's the foundational history for the whole of the rest of the Bible you see I've had many parents come to me and say oh when my little Johnny came home from school and my little Johnny said to me he was taught millions of years or big bang or Evolution I said to him you know what Johnny it doesn't matter and I asked the pastor of our church and he said it doesn't matter either it doesn't matter what you believe about Genesis you know that's not that important how God did things or whatever you know what's most important Johnny that you trust in Jesus but friends I want you to think about this for a moment if we are born again Christian we would believe that Jesus Christ bodily rose from the dead is that correct let me ask you a question how do you know Jesus Christ bodily rose from the dead where'd you get that from you got a movie rerun did you go back and see it were you there how do you ultimately know Jesus rose from the dead where do you get that from oh the Bible oh you want me to take this authoritatively oh but wait a minute the secular scientists say a man can't rose from the dead shouldn't we on the basis of the secular scientists reinterpret the resurrection you can't do that this is the word of God huh I suppose you people believe in the Virgin birth where'd you get that from oh you want me to take the Bible seriously oh I see I suppose you believe that a fish swallowed a man how do you know a fish swallowed a man because the Bible said so ah I suppose you believe Jesus walked on water how do you know that happened because the Bible says so in fact we could go all the way through this book how do you know the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry land and how do you know Jesus fed thousands of people as a miracle and how do you know that the walls of Jericho fell down how do you know all these things because the Bible says so and then we come to Genesis and in the average Church in our Western world and the average Church in America the average Bible College Seminary Christian College when when we go to Christian leaders professors when we go to pastors Elders deacons and we say well in Genesis says God created in six days it was a global flood Adam from Dust Woman from his side death came after sin you know what we hear oh we're not sure about that oh we don't really know well actually you've got to listen to what the secular scientists are saying and and we've got to reinterpret the word of God and you know what happens see you know what happened in England back in the late 1700s early 1800s when the idea of millions of years was popularized by dearsome materialists people who didn't want to believe the word of God who are trying to come up with a so-called scientific justification for saying God's word is not true instead of believing Noah's flood laid down the most of your fossil layers they said those layers were built up over millions of years and you're not many church leaders in England did they said we can take the millions of years and reinterpret the days of creation and Along Came Darwin and they said ah we can take Evolution and say God used Evolution a god came the big bang oh we can say that God used the big bang and what they did was I unlocked the door you know what the door was they unlocked you don't have to take God's word as written you can use man's ideas outside the Bible reinterpret the Bible people what do you notice in scripture when there's compromise or sin in one generation is it usually to a greater or lesser extent in the next greater and you know what happened the Next Generation pushed that door open further and the Next Generation pushed that door open further if you go to England today even most of your conservative churches will not take a stand on a literal Genesis and stand back and look at the nation and say can't you people see what's happening you're losing the culture it's an issue of authority now when I speak authoritatively that like that I have people say to me but are you saying if you don't believe in in in a literal Genesis and a young Earth then you can't be a Christian no I'm not saying that look here's what the Bible says in Romans 10 9 it says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead and believe in a young Earth in six literal days you'll be saved is that is that what it's saying no it's not saying that in fact here's what it says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead you'll be saved it's not a Salvation issue but you know what it is it's an authority issue you see salvation is not conditioned upon the age of the Earth of the days of creation but as conditioned upon faith in Christ but here's my point where does the message of Jesus come from it comes from the word of God and if you can't trust the word of God over here why should you be able to trust it over here people what's happening is we have Generations today who when you look at those Seven Seas of History which is really how we summarize Genesis to Revelation then you understand those first four C's creation corruption catastrophe confusion that's the geological biological anthropological astronomical history of the universe that's foundational to the next three C's which is the message of the Gospel we have Generations today who recognize that if the first part is not true how can the rest be true because we grow up in a culture in which we're being taught a geological biological astronomical anthropological archaeological history that totally contradicts the Bible and so we have Generations today saying can the bible really be trusted in this scientific age because for them the world has bombed out the Bible Evolution millions of years and so on and they're saying well what's the church going to do about this the church says well trust in Jesus but see they recognize if the first part of the Bible if that history is not true then neither is the rest and what we're doing in our churches and homes as I said we tend to be teaching Bible stories and by the way the word story today has come to really mean fairy tale we even say to our kids look at these wonderful Bible stories but you see for them what they're being taught at school is the real history of the universe we've been taught all this real history about Millions years in evolution and all this evidence what are we doing at church stories and we wonder why we're losing the Next Generation 1 Peter 3 15 says always be prepared to give an answer to give a defense and one of the things that we need to understand is we need to be preparing Generations today to be able to stand on the authority of the word of God and give answers to the Skeptics of this age we need to teach them for instance concerning Noah's flood that Noah's Ark was a real boat we we want to make sure we don't teach them the way many of our Christian books do showing Noah's Ark as an overloaded bathtub with giraffe sticking out the chimney at any moment about the sink which teaches them as a fairy tale we need to be teaching the Bible as real history we needed preparing them to answer questions for instance how did Noah fit all the animals on the ark well he didn't need all the different species or varieties if you take dogs they're all a one kind the one family only needed two dogs on the ark that's all he needed and two elephants and two horses and so on there was plenty of room on Noah's Ark in fact the real question is not how do you fit the animals on the ark but why did Noah build an arc so big he didn't need and then we need to be connecting the flood to geology If there really was a global flood you'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers lay down by water all over the Earth and by the way that's exactly what you find in fact and look at the scriptures look how it all fits together here we're going to teach these these children the Bible is real history and help them understand look originally God told Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 verse 29 that they would eat fruit he said the animals would be planted it is in verse 30. it was until after the flood in Genesis 9 3 that God said just as I gave you the plans now you can eat everything as I say to people that's the definition of a hot dog everything see a hot dog has its origin even in Genesis as you can see there by the way why did God change our diet because sin changed everything Adam if you eat of the fruit of the tree you will surely what die death is an enemy death ended because of sin but if you believe in millions of years we need to understand this we need to be raising Generations up to understand look you can't be consistent believe in millions of years and add it to the Bible many church leaders do today many of our pastors do our Christian college professor summary professors but if you believe in millions of years if the fossil record was laid down millions of years before man the fossil record has a evidence that animals were eating each other but wait a minute the Bible says they are vegetarian to start with the fossil record has evidence of diseases like cancer and not arthritis and brain tumors and so on wait a minute when God first made everything he said it was all very good he wouldn't call cancer very good there are thorns in the fossil record said to be hundreds of millions of years old the Bible says thorns came after the curse you see these two accounts of the past don't fit together one is a perfect world marred by sin and now it's a groaning world because of sin that's why there's death here and in fact when Adam sinned we forfeited we and Adam forfeited our right to live and so God placed upon us the curse or the Judgment of death so our bodies would die but our souls we would live forever separated from God but but he already had a plan to step into history in the person of the Son of God to dine across be raised from the dead and offer a free gift of Salvation to save us from what we did God wants to save us from what we did but these two things millions of years of death and suffering in animals eating each other and thorns and diseases leading up to man or the other one a perfect world mud by sin and now it's groaning because of sin you can't add them together not consistently and you see children understand that they start to realize when you take man's ideas man's religion and add into the Bible and reinterpret God's word you're undermining the authority of the word of God what you're really saying is God doesn't mean what he says here we don't take it as written that's why when I have parents say to me but I told Little Johnny you know it doesn't matter if you believe in millions years in evolution as long as you say God did it because God could have done anything and my answer is it's not what God could have done it's what God said he did and if you've just told Little Johnny that what God said he did is not true then you've just undermined the authority of scripture and by the way as we do all this we need to be helping them understand with even scientific evidence as as we do at the Creation Museum and in the resources it answers in Genesis for instance when Mount Saint Helens erupted May 18 1980. sedimentary layers were laid down thousands of individual layers were laid down in a matter of hours it didn't take millions of years Canyons were formed in days or weeks in fact even Canyons through hard rock were formed over a period of two or three years when you go to the Grand Canyon today when you go to the Grand Canyon you know you drive up because the whole area has been lifted up the Kaibab up warped the plateau that's there actually the Bible indicates how God ended the flood raised up the mountains lowered the ocean basins the water poured off into the ocean basins and when you go to the Grand Canyon you can actually go to where you actually see that uplift and when you stand there and you see that man for scale there and you look at the rocks and you analyze them you start to realize something those rocks were bent when they were still soft they couldn't have been bent over millions of years of heat and pressure because there would have been metamorphic processes but there's no evidence of that no evidence at all they were bent when they was too soft you're looking at what happened at the end of the flood and see the point in doing all this is to help people understand today you know what the history in the Bible is true that helps us understand this is God's word and that history is true by the way if that history is true then the gospel based in that history is true here's the bottom line if God's word is true we have an absolute authority of a basis for right and wrong we have a basis for marriage one man for one woman see when you start with God's word we have an absolute Authority who does determine right and wrong who determines what marriage is all about it's only if there's an absolute Authority that we can say this is why marriage is to be a man and a woman but if you say no we don't start with God's word we start with man's word then who decides right and wrong you do you know it says in the Book of Judges when they had no king to tell them what to do they all did what was right in there own eyes do you realize what's happened in America America Has Changed religion it's changed Foundation from God's word to man's word that changes occurred now government that change has occurred in the courts that changes occurred in the education system and you know the saddest thing of all it's occurred in the church because when we adopt man's ideas into the Bible and add Evolution millions of years into the Bible when you take the what the secularists say and reinterpret the Bible our starting point is no longer God's word our starting point is man's word what we're seeing happening in America today and across our Western world is the collapse of Christian morality increasing moral relativism you know why there's been a change foundationally from God's word to man's word when penguin books published their survey and said that two-thirds of the young people in England teenagers no longer believe in God a church spokesperson in England said this in response many of these results point to the great spirituality of young people today that the church is seeking to respond to through new forms of worship alongside traditional ones you know one of the things that I've noticed in England I've been over there many times and I see it in America as well I see the way the church is responding to how the culture is going and instead of understanding the foundational reason as to what's happened they look and say well obviously we've got to make the the church more attractive and so I see more and more of a watering down of the teaching of the word and an increase in entertainment programs to make the church look more like the world to try to attract the world in instead of giving the world the answers they need to understand this is the word of God and I like to sum it up with these Castle diagrams here's the foundation of God's word and the structural Christianity those doctrines and the gospel that comes out of that here's the foundation of man's word and structural sexual humanism moral relativism you see there are only two religions in the world you either start with God's word or man's word start in Genesis 3 trust God or you decide truth for yourself I mean that's it and see what's happened is there's been an incredible attack on God's word in this year of History God's word's been under attack since Genesis 3 but the attack in this era of history is particularly being upon Genesis 1 to 11. much of the church has said that doesn't matter it doesn't matter how God did things but see this is the word of God we've got to understand this is the very word of God itself it doesn't matter how God did things as long as we believe the rest of the Bible and believe this structure but people that structure needs a whole Foundation to stand or like the barn when the foundation collapses the structure world and we look out into the culture and we see the moral relativism we see the gay marriages through the abortion issue and we're looking at the collapse of the structure and and we're looking up there and saying look at all the problems in the culture they're not the problems they're the symptoms they're the symptoms of what's happening foundationally and in fact the church in America Christian organizations have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to try to fight those social issues but let me ask you a question from a big picture perspective has it really worked the answer is no and you know why because we've tried to change the culture the Bible doesn't say go into all the world and change the culture the Bible says go into all the world and what preach the gospel and to make disciples we have got to be out there capturing for the Lord hearts and Minds raising up Generations he'll stand on the authority of the word of God know how to defend their faith know that they can preach with authority because they believe the authority from which it comes know how to give answers to the skeptical questions of this age and because it's those people that will be Salt and Light and change the culture and people you know you know what's happened atheists have got themselves on school boards atheists have got themselves into those positions and they vote in accord with their atheism and then when a Christian gets on there they say you can't do that you're imposing your religion and then we say oh I guess we are and we let them impose their atheistic religion that's what's really happened as you think about this I want to show you a video clip back in 1986 I was filmed in Arizona and this is the message that I was preaching in America at that time my wife and I moved over to America in 1987 as missionaries to a pagan culture to call the church and culture back to the authority of the word of God now when you see this video clip you'll think it's my son I look at it and say what happened well sin affected the world and me but I want you to hear what I was saying in 1986 and what I was in a sense predicting would happen in this nation and I want you to think about what's said and look at this nation today how many people fight it at the issue level instead of saying hang on God's the Creator he sets the rules let's see what his word says the reason I'm against abortion is because God is Creator his word tells me Psalm 139 Psalm 51 many other places at the point of conception you're human therefore abortion is killing we are not the product of chance random processes we are not just animals God created us what I'm saying is if we don't fight the issues at a foundational level even if we get the laws changed today in regard to abortion or pornography what happens when the next Generation comes through who so believe Evolution even more and reject creation and Christianity won't they just change the laws back again we have to fight it at a foundational level there's a war on there's a war in society it's Christianity versus humanism but you know at a foundational level it really is creation versus Evolution you know the whole creation Evolution issue is not just a side issue it's one of the most fundamental important issues of today and if Christians don't grasp what the foundational issues are we're not going to be successful in the long run in evangelizing society would you say that that was a good prediction of what was going to happen in America or if the church didn't start standing on the foundation that they should stand on stop compromising that Foundation if the church just fights the issues and you know if you think about it in America at this point in history people think oh if only we can get a conservative president or conservative senators or conservative congressmen in that's what will change America people you could do that and they could change the laws again in one sense in regard to some of these issues but when you have Generations coming through who are so much more secularized than previous generations and they get into Power they're just going to change those laws back again the solution is that we need to be restoring the foundation of the authority of the word of God starting in our own homes and churches and then dealing foundationally with these issues we can't just go out there we can't just go out there and fight the issues now we've got to be Salt and Light that's true but people if that's all we try to do in the long run we'll lose it you know there are many people today calling for a return to conservative values in America what they really mean is they want conservative values which are really what Christian morality but you can't have Christian morality without Christianity you can't have Christianity without the Bible and by the way you kind of have the Bible without Genesis 1 to 11. ultimately if you just call for conservative values so to speak in the long run you'll lose the culture you see do you know what the answer is people say oh we've got to get back to what the founding fathers believe we've got to get back to the Constitution I understand that that in an ultimate sense if you don't get back to the authority of the word of God you will lose this nation and so what we should be calling for is a return to the authority of the word and so really that's what our ministry is all about Ministry is really all about calling this church and culture back to the authority of the word of God it's about time Christians stop being misled and thinking that oh if we go out there and wave the Bible in the culture we'll be accused of of being religious we'll be accused of imposing our religion on the culture we're letting them impose their religion on us on the education system in this nation as a whole it's about time God's people went out there unashamably uncompromisingly stood in the word of God and said this is what it's all about proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ show that we can defend our faith if we honor God's word remember faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God is God's word that's sharper than a two-edged sword it's God's word that will not return unto him void when we start standing on the word of God that's what's going to change this nation [Music] [Applause] now that we understand the times that we live in and the foundational nature of the spiritual war of our day let's go out there and proclaim the gospel with boldness but do it in a way that people will understand defending the Christian faith giving answers what we believe and let's commit to raising up Generations who know what they believe about God's word why they believe what they do and can give answers to a skeptical world so people will understand the history of the Bible is true that's why the gospel based in that history is true thank you [Music]
Channel: Ken Ham
Views: 73,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ken Ham, ArkEncounter, Creation Museum, Answers In Genesis, Biblical Apolgetics
Id: UFrSW46NmsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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