The SHOCKING Truth About the James Webb Telescope

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the evidence is very clear dark energy that's something that it's based on observation interpreted by The Big Bang unfortunately we creationists have not yet interpreted that data yet in terms of what we might think it is it might be something different from what everyone else is thinking of we just don't know yet but it's a universe is a very mysterious place it's it continues to be even despite our best efforts to to probe its depths and I think that just speaks The Marvelous power at the wisdom of the creator NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has hardly opened its eyes and the universe is new more mysterious more beautiful than Humanity's dreams the largest telescope ever flown launched into deep space on Christmas Day 2021 its primary mission is to reveal the let there be light moment wins and galaxies first ignited the Big Bang so began the movie the program 60 Minutes on Easter a few weeks ago for those who don't know about 60 minutes it's a very popular news show that runs Sunday evenings on CBS television in the United States and we thought we would take the time to evaluate this discuss it among several creation scientists hi I'm Danny Faulkner I'm the astronomer here at Answers in Genesis I have a PhD in astronomy from Indiana University and for many years I was on the faculty at the University of South Carolina Lancaster I still have the title of distinguished professor emeritus there for the past decade I've been the resident astronomer here at Answers in Genesis working on the research staff joining with me in the studio is a word today is rocket Rob Webb that's Bob tell about yourself yeah I'm rocket Rob webs what they call me around here I have a degree in Astrid Dynamics and salad navigation graduate degree in aerospace engineering as a bachelor's degree I worked in the NASA industry for about 10 years worked on a whole bunch of fun space programs I flew spacecraft to Jupiter Mars leaving the Suns all over the solar system and now I'm here thank you and also joining us from distance out in Colorado is Jason Lyle Jason hello and say something about yourself okay I'm Jason Lyle I'm an astrophysicist and I founded the biblical Science Institute my PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado in Boulder and so that's my specialty field but I like all the sciences and we do science in order to promote the gospel really we want we want people to be saved and I have a passion to show people that science is consistent with what the Bible teaches and finally we have Stuart Burgess joining us from all the way from Bristol in the UK welcome Stuart tell us about yourself as well yeah thank you it's good to be with you um I have a PhD in mechanical engineering science uh I've helped the British Olympic cycling team uh designing some of the fastest bikes in the world I have a great interest in design optimization I also have worked for the European space agency and during my time for them I actually worked on the Hubble Space Telescope because Europe built the solar panels for that telescope it wasn't just NASA working on that so I have a particular interest in seeing what this James Webb Telescope can do thank you Stuart what we're going to do is we're going to watch the the video here's about 13 minutes long I believe and when we ever reach a point where one of us wants to say something or respond or clarify we'll just say can we please stop and we'll talk about it so without any further Ado let's get rolling on this well we've discovered the most distant galaxy in the universe the one that is the furthest away from us that we currently know about I'd like to share that with you can I show you some pictures I'd love to see it so as we zoom in we keep going we keep going and now this red splotch that you see there that Galaxy that's a Galaxy that Galaxy is more than 33 billion light years away how long after the big bang the beginning of the universe did this galaxy form it's amazing it's only 320 million years after the big bang the most distant Galaxy so far there on the right there doesn't look like all right so let's go ahead and just start with that here let's let's talk about uh let's just lay down the foundation here some of the underlying assumptions that are going into a lot of these observations by the fact that when they're looking at these really far away galaxies and stars out there what are some of the assumptions that are going into there Danny well one of the assumptions you see is the the Big Bang model and and the age of the big bang universe another assumption is they're using the Hubble relation to find find the distance to that Galaxy they had they actually didn't measure the Hubble the redshift they inferred it from the colors that they saw and that's kind of tricky thing to do it's it's a legitimate thing but it's not as good as a direct measurement of the spectral ship that you have seen done with spectroscopy that's coming but it wasn't done initially that way yeah obviously here we have we have two competing worldviews here we have God's word here that we stand on here at Answers in Genesis as well as biblical Science Institute where we stand on God's word that says he created everything all the stars and galaxies on day four by the way I have a mug here you guys can pick up here at our Creation Museum cover come on down but um that's what we started on Genesis 1 16 he made the Stars also whereas you have the What's called the naturalistic The evolutionary worldview which is based on the Big Bang Evolution millions of years so when when they're looking at these stars that are super far away which indeed we do believe they are far away they believe that they took that light billions of years from the Star to then make it to the Earth so that they they believed with James Webb they're looking at these stars that they were in the past right they're taking baby pictures of the universe and that was one of the major reasons for building the the new telescope is uh they wanted to study the most distant galaxies in the universe because if you look back uh they mentioned the distance being 33 billion light years that's a we can talk about that if we need to but the the distance the light's been traveling I think is going to be underwater like 13 13 and a half billion light years distance different ways we can talk about it within general relativity but that would tell you that if it's a big bang universe then you're looking at these things just as I said 340 320 some Millions yeah they said only only 320 amazingly uh million years which sounds like a long time but in terms of their secular timeline and the whole point was that we're wanting to look at what galaxies might look like and stars more in particularly in the very early big bang universe and this is something we've talked about a little bit already and Jason you've talked about it too is the fact that they were expecting to uh um I guess not see many stars back that that at that time nor were they expecting to see uh full galaxies why don't you why don't you talk about that just for a minute yeah so back uh January in 2022 before James Webb had taken any data it had already been launched but it hadn't taken any data yet I thought I need to make some predictions based on creation what I would expect to find as a Biblical uh thinker as somebody who builds his model on what the Bible says and I was expecting that they would that they would continue to find galaxies at increasingly greater distances I reject the notion that we're looking we're effectively looking back in time that's a nuanced issue because uh general relativity tells us that space and time are a little different than most people assume and there's more than one way to to synchronize clocks and to measure speeds and so on and so I don't necessarily believe we're looking back in time I would expect that the the farthest galaxies we see ought to be fully formed because God spoke them into existence I don't believe that galaxies merged and and came together and informed under naturalistic conditions I believe God spoke them into existence some of them in the process submerging maybe but I don't think they form naturalistically so I was expecting to find fully formed mature galaxies massive galaxies at tremendous redshifts and redshifts that go beyond what the secular astronomers were expecting to find they they basically believe that the Galaxy should stop at a red shift of about 14. which in their view corresponds to something like 350 million years after the big bang that's again an assumption uh the redshift is what they measure and again as Danny pointed out it's an indirect measurement they're using the uh the Lyman Forest to try and make a guess about that but they they have now measured um three or four of these galaxies using more accurate spectroscopy and they've confirmed that the distances are are real and that gets them out to the 13 point something in terms of the uh in terms of the redshift the uh the really far ones go out to around a redshift of 20 and those haven't been confirmed with the more accurate method yet but that is that is coming so I which we're going to get to I think later in the video as well I think later in the video they even talk about the fact that they have to rethink everything based on that they're looking at these galaxies that are not in the process of formation that they look fully formed and mature and and I'm sure we'll we'll give in to that later on in the video here and I'm glad you've made that prediction Jason you made it publicly and I was thinking the same thing uh but I didn't say anything publicly about it I wish in retrospect I would have because I'm not wouldn't have been surprised at all you know because it did turn out that way but that is what we expect within the creation model something fully functioning all the way about yeah so in other words our observations are expected from the biblical worldview but they're puzzling for The evolutionary worldview they can't explain it yeah yeah and I think also um from a Biblical point of view you would expect the universe to be filled uh with stars and galaxies it's interesting in the video how they talk about how this guy is is filled with galaxies it's it's not possible to look at a part of the sky yeah that's what it comes up later on the video yeah yeah and I think that's definitely a Biblical prediction because in Job chapter 9 verses 9 and 10 uh it says he made the bear Orion and Pleiades and the chambers of the South he does great things past finding out wonders without number and I think it's wonderful how the James Webb Telescope is proving that verse to be absolutely true that the universe is filled with stars and galaxies God is a God who creates an abundance so and it's quite sad in a way that some of those scientists had the great privilege of having the first views of that massive stars uh but it's sad that they didn't consider the the reality that God had created those Stars that Galaxy is more than 33 billion light years away how long after the big bang the beginning of the universe did this galaxy form it's amazing it's only 320 million years after the big bang the most distant Galaxy so far there on the right doesn't look like much but astronomers can fill textbooks by analyzing the spectrum of its light so we can actually measure things like how fast it's forming Stars we can measure the amount of stars in the galaxy we know the size because we know how far away it is and we know the typical age of the stars in the galaxy so we know a lot the earliest galaxies so far formed when the universe was all right so yeah I just wanted to get your take on this Jason so essentially he's saying that we know a lot we know things right it's a question of epistemology how do we know what we know so I want to focus on that first thing that he said we know things like how fast the stars are forming do we actually observe that in the universe no we don't we don't observe Stars forming we see hot blue stars that even secularists would would admit can't last you know many you know billions of years hot blue stars can't do that and so when you find one the the secular assumption is they must have formed recently and therefore if you find a lot of them that must be a star-forming region so it's a it's a little bit it's a little bit deceptive the way that's phrased I don't think they they mean to be deceptive that's just the conclusion they've drawn but it's a conclusion they've drawn based on their worldview and the data not just not just the data a lot of the things that he said you know what what they measured and even this was approximate until recently was the redshift the the degree to which the light has been shifted toward the red end of the spectrum the lengthening of the the wavelengths and that Galaxy that he pointed out must be around a redshift of 13 for him to draw the conclusion that it's 33 billion light years away that's a little bit of an assumption too yes there is a distance redshift relation but baked into that are certain assumptions about how the universe is expanding there's the assumption that there's the that the Robertson Walker metric is correctly describing the expansion of space and I never really questioned that until because it's not it's not it's something that the Big Bang needs but it's not something that's inherently Big Bang it's just one of the ways of describing the curvature of space-time uh I'm beginning to question that because one of the things that you would expect to see if that metric is correct is um as you look out farther into space you'd expect you know galaxies would look smaller and smaller but then there's a relativistic effect that kicks in to where at a certain distance they start looking larger again it's it's think of it as a weird kind of magnifying glass and it's due to the effect of general relativity and it's not that far out that that happens it turns out it's a red shift of 1.7 where the galaxies will actually start looking bigger and bigger with increasing distance and that's not what you see you see this tiny little red Speck it's as if the geometry of the universe is nearly euclidean which I think is really interesting and that gives me some ideas on how we can build a creation cosmology but things like the 33 but it's far away there's no doubt about that is it 33 billion light years away well that's called a co-moving distance that would correspond to about 460 billion light years if you're using light if you're using um Luminosity distance and so on there's different distances in relativity but baked into all those is the assumption that this this metric is describing the universe correctly and I'm now thinking that that might not be right it's not really consistent with the data that we're seeing my secular colleagues assume that it is right and therefore these galaxies though many of them are very massive or tiny like a few hundred light years across and I'm very skeptical of that so again we got to distinguish what we're observing we see galaxies uh we there it's it's a good bet they're far away there's no doubt about that the exact distance depends on the metric you're using and then the size will depend on the metric that you're using as well yeah and again it comes down to that worldview issue it comes down to the presuppositions how you're actually interpreting that evidence is something we say often here at the ministry you can't just approach the evidence in the neutral fashion you have to bring your worldview into it you have to interpret it based on the biases the are the your your preconceived notions of how the universe was formed it's either you're starting with God's word or not God's word it's what it comes down to uh yeah I think it's pretty clear you can see the atheistic assumptions in the program it's quite interesting at the beginning they say uh they can now see the universe is more beautiful than they could have dreamed it's bigger than they could have dreamed of um there's so much they don't know and yet despite those statements they're not prepared to be open to the idea that there's a creator that created everything so you see how firm their worldview is it's like a hummingbird you know the heartbeat of this galaxy is so rapid what do you mean by that well this galaxy is forming stars at about the rate of the Milky Way even though it's a hundred times less massive so it really is like a hummingbird the heartbeat of this galaxy is racing T minus 30 seconds and counting more than a few human quick time I I just want to get your take there Jason in terms of that and Danny that that analogy it's like a hummingbird what do you think about that uh I think it's again built into the evolutionary assumptions they have to hypothesize very very rapid star formation in the very little Universe now that's been the idea for as long as I've been around I think and I think part of the part of the reason is they have to create the heavier elements of out of hydrogen and helium um Jason do you want to add anything to that yeah just the you know according to the Big Bang idea the the big bang is only supposed to be able to produce the three lightest elements everything else is supposed to be produced later when stars form and and and in the core of some of those stars when they explode it's you're supposed to produce some of the heavier elements and that might actually be possible but I don't believe that all Heavy elements were formed that way because the Earth was made before the stars and the Earth has heavy elements Like Oxygen that was in the water molecules and so on and so the assumption is because we're seeing Metals in some of these these galaxies some of these heavier elements that can have formed in the Big Bang it must have formed later in their in their mind they're assuming that wow star formation must happen at an incredible rate because this galaxy got really massive really really quick so how does that work well it's because they're ignoring the fact that the Galaxy was supernaturally created so the the conclusion that he's drawing is is logical in so much as his premise it's consistent with his premise that God did not create these galaxies but they must have formed naturally and therefore they they had to form stars at an alarming rate to get some of these medals and so on yeah it's really begging the question just kind of circular reason throughout the whole thing basically they're assuming the big bang and looking at the evidence and then proving big bang and so you see that circular that they're kind of stuck in and also I think Jason um I think he also have a prediction in terms of what they would see as well as terms of those heavy elements you were you were saying that they were going to be looking out and finding these galaxies with the heavier elements Like Oxygen and yep and all these other ones which is which is a huge deal I mean that's that's huge for the the the the big bang idea and um I I think we're going to talk about it also later on in this video they they talk about the Supernova explosions and how they're producing all those raw materials but again I think that's just a great confirmation of the biblical worldview and what we would expect from God's word and generally it takes multiple generations of stars within that scenario to create all these elements and getting them and they're detecting that way all the way back and that that's something that I don't see many people discussing yet but I think that's even more significant than seeing stars and galaxies forming earlier than expected yeah they're called the population three stars right so in terms of um the in terms of the Big Bang idea they think that they have these stars with just hydrogen helium maybe a little bit of lithium and but we're not really finding people inflation three stars we're still finding SARS enriched in the heavier elements that's that's the weird thing exactly yeah don't let the evidence get in the way no I always say human hearts were racing in 2021 as the 10 billion dollar Observatory readied for launch wow earlier that year we were among the last to see Webb in California before it was folded into a 15-foot wide nose cone well somehow that's a lot bigger than I imagined 25 years in the making Webb is named for an early NASA administrator Northrop Grumman engineer Amy Lowe showed us down below the silver colored sun shield big as a tennis court and 21 feet of gold-plated mirrors for Gathering light there were 18 of these hexagonal mirrors fold them at this point here so I just want to get Stuart's take on this in terms of just the engineering involved in this telescope I mean it's amazing the amount of precision and and design that went into it all 18 mirror segments have to align perfectly I mean just talk about some of the electromechanical Precision that has to go into all of that yeah that can be uh you know a few thousand people in the design team if you consider all of the instruments all of the subsystems of the spacecraft it's an incredible feat to coordinate such a big design team just looking at those pictures may feel a bit nervous because I remember looking at the Hubble Space Telescope just before uh it was launched one of the great challenges is you have to fold up so many of the panels in that case the telescope panels but also any solar arrays as well and then you hope that after the vibrations of the launch then everything will unfold and work and it's a testimony to the Ingenuity and skill of man that they're able to make these wonderful telescopes work and it's been a great success of engineering so I'm very pleased to see that but of course there's a there's a very important um question uh if you can understand what's involved in the creativity of building a telescope then why not apply that same lesson to looking at the intricacies of the universe you have someone like Isaac Newton one of the greatest scientists that ever lived and he he noticed the Clockwork motion of the solar system and concluded there must be a Creator who made it um so he's very much at odds with the modern atheistic uh world view that's right yeah and in terms of just the amazing engineering I actually wrote it down here so for the 18 mere segments to align they they had to align it within a fraction of a wavelength of light is what they said that's that's 15 nanometers and they take these small steps of one one ten thousandth diameter of a human hair and if you go onto NASA's website they basically use this analogy that imagine the entire primary mirrors the size of the United States and then each mere segment would be the size of Texas then you need to be able to align it within 1.5 inches so that's the amount of precision just the engineering design I mean I both me and Stuart here we're both Engineers so this is this is part of the stuff that I love this is what I did for a a decade before coming here and and just with the folding and the unfolding of the origami style trying to get it into the payload fairing they said there's 344 single point failures and 80 of those are deployment mechanisms and again and again whenever I see this kind of stuff like like Stuart was saying I mean you just think about that it demonstrates that we're made in the image of a creative God that he gives us these amazing abilities to make these awesome telescopes in this amount of design and at the same time it just shows the foolishness of the atheistic worldview I mean in in terms of that amazing design that goes into it you know you talk about the uniformity the order the logic the reliable senses there you can't get that in the atheistic world but it's only about the biblical worldview we can make these kind of advancements which is just amazing can I can I add a little bit to the um I I just I'm it's not only that these these mirrors were designed to fit so accurately they're built on Earth where the temperature is different than it is in space and so they had to design them too large so that they purposely did that yeah that's right yeah to the right it's brilliant that's amazing they're made out of beryllium they're covered with a layer of gold 700 atom stick and just it's just it's a brilliant design uh even the lens of the thing is not made of glass which doesn't transmit infrared very well so they made it out of a type of salt so that it would actually transmit the infrared it's a brilliant design and all of the people that worked on it have have a even though many of them would deny biblical creation uh they are tacitly relying on it because they're assuming that the laws of physics will work out at lagrangian too the same way they do here on Earth and that is a creation a creationist assumption based on the fact that God upholds the entire universe by the word of his power and he does so in a consistent way that's why the spacecraft works it's not just the Ingenuity of human beings which is something that God gave us and that's a wonderful thing but we're relying we are relying on the faithfulness of God whenever any of these spacecrafts functions properly and it it is a it is a masterpiece the James Webb Space Telescope is a masterpiece of engineering but it works properly because because God upholds his universe consistent way yeah it's a it says Hebrews 1 3 says God sustains the universe by the word of his power and that's why we can Bank on the future being like the past that we can have these that's basically to make science possible to begin with but I also want to add the cut that at that caveat that people always accuse us well you're saying that people who don't stand on the Bible they can't do science but that's not what we're saying at all um there's a lot of people on this program as well that they would they would reject the Bible but they would still do great science it's because they're borrowing from the biblical worldview like we were saying before because they're made in the image of God they have the reliable senses and they're assuming that the future will be like the festival so we're not saying that you have to stand on the Bible to do science we're saying that you only have a foundation for science unless if you stand on biblical Authority their worldview is inconsistent in that case yep exactly but when you fold them out they all work in concert as one mirror that's right all 18 images will form one very nice solid image [Music] where it begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe Webb lofted on a European rocket into an orbit around the sun A Million Miles Away to set up for observations engineering yeah I just wanted to say um we would not spend too long on this I just want to say that the fact that they're A Million Miles Away about 940 000 uh miles away at this L2 or sun LaGrange point it's not serviceable like like Hubble is so there's no repair Mission they it's it's uh that's going back to the engineering involved they had to have enough redundancy out there into the design um because it's it's not like they can just send up astronauts to be able to fix so I just wanted to mention that and the cooling is passive in the sense that's what the sunscreen is doing it's it's perpetually in shade and so it's very cold and the reason for that it's an infrared system and infrared is heat radiation I mean our bodies are giving off a lot of heat radiation and so you you need to have the telescope and the detectors aboard cooled uh very low temperatures and the way in space you just simply let it keep any Sunshine off of it and it will cool down pretty low I think they were saying there's like a 600 degree difference between the coal outside and the hot side so that's just amazing and by the way for anyone um wondering I am not directly related to James Webb I mean technically we are related because we all go back to Adam and Eve but um I'm not directly related in case anyone's curious about that but Nations Engineers used a star to align those mirrors but the image was speckled with what looked like artifacts of digital noise which forced a closer look these were not artifacts from the detector these were not strange Stars the whole of the sky was filled with galaxies there was no empty sky and that's when I went this telescope's going to be phenomenal Matt Mountain leads Webb's operations as president of the association he's going back to what Stuart was saying earlier there is no empty sky and made me wonder what's the latest estimate on the total numbers number of galaxies in the universe right now Danny probably a few trillion yeah so nobody knows yeah yeah and there's how many stars in each Galaxy would you say a few hundred billion in a big Galaxy yeah so I mean just think about the uh well I keep saying there's no empty sky everywhere we look we're seeing galaxies and within each one of these galaxies there's numerous countless number of stars and just reminds me of Psalm 147 Verses 4 through 5 which says he determines the number of the Stars he gives to all of them their names great is our Lord and abundant in power his understanding is beyond measure talk about the powerful God right that the number of stars that we're seeing out there he's named every single one of them and yeah he thinks about us well I think making them once you do that the naming and Counting Parts pretty simple yeah that's the easy part yeah yeah I think it's all too easy for an all-powerful guy yeah I think having this countless number of stars is in entirely consistent with God's character it's not just that we read it in Joe nine he does wonders with that number but for the Heavens to declare God's glory I think you need this almost infinite number of stars to do justice to the glory of God and I think you see this in other parts of creation I don't know if you've heard but in the last 10 years it's been discovered that the deep seas are filled with fish which is really surprised many scientists but in Genesis 1 God says let that the Seas be filled with the fish and I think it's entirely in God's character that he creates in abundance whether it's fish in the sea stars in the sky or creatures on the ground so I think it's a wonderfully exciting discovery that the James Webb Telescope has made that that the universe is filled with these stars and galaxies I think it's an exciting Discovery and I think is entirely consistent with what we read in the Bible yeah just again again and again every time we're looking out learning more about the universe it's confirming God's word time and time again you know I'd add too that it's it's a little bit surprising as uh fair and balanced as the media seeks to be that they didn't point out that we creationists had predicted this and uh this this is not a problem for our understanding of the universe this is it's wonderful but it's not surprising this is what we were expecting and uh I I don't know I didn't I didn't get the phone call to ask to be interviewed for this for whatever reason I I assume it was just imagine that yeah yeah again I mean it's it's something we actually we talked about last time all three of us were together it's you know we us biblical Creations we always get the cues of not having models that can make accurate predictions but now it seems like the tables have turned would you say Jason oh yeah yeah and and there's and again those predictions are there for everybody to read they're on the web they're on the biblical Science Institute website and uh you can go back and check those out I did a follow-up article in September of 2022 uh basically saying okay here were my predictions here's what we see and I even predicted how the secularists would respond yeah that's my favorite part of the article is in terms of okay here's my predictions okay now here has how The evolutionary secular Community will react to my predictions I thought that was the best part right there and you'll hear that in this in this uh in this little interview here now in 60 minutes push it back Galaxy formation happened much earlier than we thought yep yep they're going to hold on to that world view don't let the evidence get in the way yeah can I just mention one verse from Psalm 8 verse one uh you who have set your glory above the heavens I think that's very relevant to what the James Webb Telescope has been discovering in a sense it's looking above the sky in the heavens and it's discovering a whole set of Glory that we hadn't seen before so I think there are so many verses that are wonderfully relevant to these discoveries we call it space because we thought there was nothing out there there is no empty sky with James Webb that is what we have discovered Matt Mountain says that Webb is a reminder of how much we do not know for example galaxies are rushing away from each other at greater and greater speed Defying Gravity it makes no sense so scientists infer that there must be unseen elements at work they call them dark energy and dark matter and whenever you hear the term dark energy or dark matter this means we don't know what it is we're not that imaginative but it is a force it is 95 percent of our universe and we have no idea what it is wait a minute 95 of our universe is made up of dark energy and dark matter and we don't know what it is correct we're lucky if we even understand four percent of our universe today let's go ahead and stop right there so we're lucky if we even understand four percent of the universe is what he goes on to say here what do you think about that Danny well I think the Lord has made an Incredible Universe we've studied the universe for centuries and we've learned a lot about the universe and how the world works but yet in this 21st century we've come to Stark realization we don't know much about the universe at all we don't even know what most of it is I'm I'm kind of sitting on the fence with dark energy dark matter I'm very bullish about I think the evidence is very clear dark energy that's something that it's based on observation interpreted by The Big Bang unfortunately we creationists have not yet interpreted that data yet in terms of what we might think it is it might be something different from what everyone else is thinking of we just don't know yet but it's a the universe is a very mysterious place it's it continues to be even despite our best efforts to to probe its depths and I think that just speaks The Marvelous power and the wisdom of the Creator there are far more secrets than we can ever ever even dream of and I think it's important to point out that the fact that we believe in dark matter that doesn't depend on the Big Bang idea I don't know if these two things are separate here yes but dark matter no but there's still there's they have evidence interpret in terms of dark of the Big Bang model to get dark dark energy so um there is data out there but how do we interpret it we don't know but dark matter I'm pretty bullish I think Jason is as well yeah I think I see Jason on his head there so yeah so yeah dark matter we they're basically dark matter is anything that uh we cannot see but we know it's there because it's exerting a gravitational pull on something that we can see and so there's abundant evidence of that the rate at which stars orbit in galaxies is consistent with there being uh more mass in the Galaxy they can be accounted for simply by looking at the stars and the gas and the dust things that we can buy effective about 10. yeah yeah it's a large amount and then Dark Energy I'm with you Danny I'm a little bit more skeptical of that I'm open to it because general relativity does allow for it but at the same time uh it might be just because we've been misinterpreting we've been using the wrong metric perhaps to describe uh what we're seeing in terms of the expansion of the universe uh so I think there might be some other possibilities there so it'd be interesting to see if some of these uh Galaxy counts once we have a little more uh data from James Webb will help us to to kind of form a more precise creation-based model on what we'd expect to find with with further observations so again dark matter thing we observe so by so by believing in Dark Matter it doesn't say it doesn't mean that you're believing in the Big Bang and actually Dark Matter was discovered before oh yeah the Big Bang was popular the data for Dark Matter go back to 1935. um I have one more thing about about Dark Energy um it's it's the the again the data are there and trying to figure out what that possibly May mean is just a matter of interpretation and um uh a lot of times Creations think that dark dark energy was something that that big bang or evolutionist made up to salvage the big Bank somehow I assure you that's not the case they weren't looking for it all they were quite shocked 25 years ago when the evidence for now interpreters Dark Energy came up so uh folks keep in mind this is this is something that blindsided evolutionist it was not not something that they ran toward easily yeah and if you guys want to learn more about that you can jump onto our website answers in uh Danny's also written some articles on Dark Matter so if you guys want to learn more about that from a Biblical worldview definitely encourage you guys to jump online as well as I don't know if Jason's uh written about that as well on his website I'm sure you could jump on see the biblical Science Institute website and learn more about that as well so there's also a question for secular science if they know less than four percent of the universe how can they be so confident in their assumptions and their atheistic yeah surely they should be open-minded um and it may be also worth mentioning the the first law of thermodynamics you can't just create or destroy uh matter and energy and now we see there's so much matter and energy in the world so really the the secular scientists they don't have strong reasons to ignore the biblical worldview to ignore God to rule God out of Origins uh there's there's just no reason to do that every time there's a supernova explosion it's producing the raw materials for Life the iron in our blood the calcium in our bones the oxygen that we breathe love that oxygen all that is being manufactured in Supernova explosions the late astronomer Carl Sagan used to say we're all made of star stuff that's exactly right web reveals unprecedented detail so I want to camp on that just for a moment here so in terms of The evolutionary naturalistic worldview we're all made of Stardust star stuff um Jason let's go ahead and just unpack what that means in terms of if we're just star stuff if we're just star uh whatever how does that actually affect our our world view it uh it would mean the Bible's wrong because according to the Big Bang uh idea it's the big bang is only supposed to be able to reduce hydrogen and helium just a little bit of lithium and so but there's more there's about 90 elements naturally occurring elements in the universe and so how do you get from three to ninety and the idea is well Stars when certain kinds of stars the very the most massive stars the idea is that when they're done fusing hydrogen into helium that they then go through they begin fusing heavier elements and so on in in some of them explode and then they they produce these heavy elements and distribute them into the universe when they explode so the next generation of stars gobbles up some of this material that's now contaminated with heavier elements Like Oxygen for example anything heavier than lithium is what we astronomers well even lithiums of metal in astronomy so these these heavier elements and so uh well lo and behold on Earth we have oxygen and so in the secular worldview that must have come from a star couldn't have come from a big bang and so that's where Carl Sagan get it's this idea we're all made of Stardust or Star stuff but as a creationist I know that's wrong for the Earth because the Earth is what the Earth was made on day one if you read Genesis Stars aren't made until day four and we already know that there are certain elements present on Earth we know oxygen already existed on Earth on day one because water is present Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 talks about the spirit of God hovering over the waters the face of the waters and so that means oxygen was already there and so that's a heavy element and yet Stars didn't exist yet so we know from the creation point of view that at least some heavy elements were not produced in stars but were produced as part of the original creation by God and so that's one of the reasons why I was expecting to find some of these heavy elements even even in the most distant galaxies that we see out there because I don't believe that while I do believe that that some of the heavy elements can be forged in Stars I don't believe that all of them were made that way yeah I think like we were talking about earlier that is a powerful confirmation of what we read in God's word like he says in Genesis 1 16 1 16 he made the Stars also so we would expect to see all of these heavier elements in these galaxies and and out there but one of the things I always think of every time I hear that argument all we are is just star stuff then why bother doing science at all right if all of our minds all of our uh just thoughts are just fizzing gas like kind of like a can of Mountain Dew how do you trust your actual reasoning how do you actually know what you're seeing in the universe is actually that valid how do you actually understand what's going on around you having to use immaterial laws of logic for example and reason if we're just star stuff so again you see that inconsistency so anytime you're engaging in these conversations always look at the foundation of the person you're talking to and their statements are they consistent are they having to borrow Capital that doesn't actually belong to them so that's what we're seeing here as well unprecedented detail at the center of these explosions and that's what Webb is most sensitive to for our purposes understanding what's happening inside the explosion that we couldn't see before because it only comes out in infrared light infrared light is what web is designed to see like a night vision camera the telescope is sensitive to heat radiation which is All That Remains of the light reaching us from the dawn of time trouble is infrared um I just wanted to mention here's one of the main distinct differences I think from Hubble and James Webb in terms of uh Hubble was more in the visible spectrum right and James was more on the infrared so a lot of the times they'll call James Webb the replacement of Hubble it's not it's very different again there's optimized for the infrared one of the main objectives of the of the new telescope is to look at the most distant galaxies but the problem is the light is redshifted by a factor of 10 or 20 from what they would be in the optical part of the spectrum so they had to work way way out in the infrared that part of the spectrum is completely blocked by the Earth's atmosphere we only get a little infrared here on the Earth's surface so you had to go to space and you had to make a very very far infrared only ever made a telescope that went this far in the infrared and they have several channels that they use in that and I want to emphasize that all the pictures you see those color pictures are false color pictures they're not trying to mislead you it's just that we don't don't see infrared and I think a lot of these photos are showing you like the blues and the Reds and yellows what they've done is they've made a guess how much redshift there was and then they took the images they took they made and they they they said okay if it weren't so redshifted what color would it be and I think they've tried to do that if we had eyes to see them in their true color this is what you would say I wish they're going to get over it I think there was two scientists at the interview later on that talks about that and and just real quick so they they mentioned but it's a very different telescope yeah exactly yeah two different things there and just in terms of whenever they say that the light's reaching us from the dawn of time again that's based on their big bang uh evolutionary assumptions there if you guys want to learn more about why we can't mix the big bang with our Biblical Christianity jump on to our website as well answers in you can see why big bang and the God's word is not mix together this is what a web infrared picture looks like until they match the data filled Darkness to colors of Wonder there will be many mind-blowing Revelations Webb is already the first to find carbon dioxide in the sky of a planet 700 light years away it will continue to look for planets with atmospheres that might support life yeah so this is actually one of the big motivations behind a lot of these NASA missions is trying to find life and there were there were two prime objectives of the of the web telescope one was to look at the most distant galaxies in the University Elder was to look at in detail that some of the exoplanets we've discovered and you're right the motivation there is to look for uh planets that are earth-like planets or life might exist and then maybe life could be there so they're going to be doing uh using the the webs telescope to look for the Spectra of these Earth-like planets they mentioned the carbon dioxide they found what they're really wanting to find though is diatomic nitrogen does that sound familiar to anybody yeah that's what the Earth's atmosphere is made of 78 of it and they're looking for an Earth-like planet because they've discussed this great and have they found any Earth-like plants yet not yet out of 5 000 plus no I know they claim to sometimes right oh we found the Earth like it'll be headline news and but they're they're looking for nitrogen based because if it's if it's is nitrogen based like the Earth's atmosphere is then then it's potential of being Earth-like so that's one of the big objectives trying to find earth-like planets to somehow prove that life is common in the universe because if it's rare in the universe that is unique to the Earth and that suggests that maybe we're created yeah which obviously they would reject but again that's uh like like you said we've seen upwards of five thousands of these exoplanets and not one of them is Earth-like which again is a confirmation of the Bible that the Earth is unique and special made for us to have dominion to have life yeah Jason 30 years ago if you have asked a scientists and astronomers when we found 5 000 exoplanets how many Earth-like ones would be there what do you think most scientists and astronomers particularly would have said well their answer have been they probably use our solar system as a basis and say well maybe one out of eight would be Earth-like you know because that's kind of a one out of nine because Pluto was a planet back then yeah one out of ten that's rounded one out of ten that's 500. and uh yet uh you would agree with me that they haven't found any exoplanets that are both like yeah right aren't there when they say that well we found an Earth-like one they what they mean is they found one that's about the same size as the Earth and they have found a few that are that are comparable to the Earth and size but think of Venus Venus is all is just slightly smaller than the earth it is not earthquake you're not going to want to go vacation on Venus and what's been so puzzling is is when they find these other solar system they're not finding solar systems like ours right they're finding ones with these hot Jupiters what they call them right these huge gas plants that are close to their star which is just puzzling to them but again expected with the biblical worldview I mean that's just the ver just the variety that God decided to uh design in the universe so again it's expected in the biblical worldview but it's a a a puzzling um Paradox for the evolution one so on both fronts we're we're getting confirmation what we expected yeah amen can I just make a comment on in the video there's a few references to the beauty of the images that the telescope is producing just to mention a very important scripture verse from Job chapter 26 verse 13 it says by his Spirit he adorned the heavens which basically means god beautified the heavens and it's a bit sad that some of these astronomers are looking up and they're more interested in the whole mechanics of explosions rather than the beauty of what they're looking at it's almost like scientists looking at a very beautiful picture in a museum and they're analyzing why yellow is yellow or why green is green and not looking at the picture itself to behold the beauty of what they're looking at and also appreciating the artist who created that beauty so I thought I'd mentioned that verse from Joe yeah Heavens declared the glory of God astrophysicist Erica Nelson of the University of Colorado Boulder thinks her team may have made a discovery that she says would break the theory of how the early Universe formed either this is wrong or this is a huge Discovery and we think that it's a huge Discovery more observations are neat all right so again this is um the power of the world view right so it's basically two different options either we're wrong or this is a huge Discovery obviously they would refuse to believe that they're wrong there's no way that they're going to be abandoning their big bang ideas so what are we seeing here in terms of some of these rescuing devices these excuses that we're seeing from these astronomers oh well they're going to change the theory I mean when when the news broke last summer with some of the pictures and some of the images and things they were getting it was indicating uh structure way sooner than expected galaxies way sooner than expected uh Stars way sooner than expected elements way sooner than expected and some of the headlines were saying this proves big bang and they had to walk that back it was badly reported oh Grant it but still it was funny the thing was what happened is it disproved certain parts of their model and they're going to have to go back and and change that to make it make it fit the data I'm getting tired of this you know all my life the big Bang's been largely for half century um largely largely accepted and yet the Big Bang model today doesn't resemble the one at all from a few decades ago it's been morphed and changed and it strikes me that it's become a model that can't be falsified you know a theory that explains anything and everything explains nothing ultimately yeah and then just goes back to Jason's article as well in terms of um your expected response from the secular astronomy Community they want to go ahead and share a little bit about that yeah I predicted that they would just push back the time the timeline because they're I'm predicting they'll see galaxies that are fully formed that are distances they weren't expecting that they would see Heavy elements at those distances and since those are supposed to take time to form none of those were expected in the Big Bang view so my prediction is rather than give up the Big Bang they'll just they'll just push it back they'll say well Galaxy formation must have happened much earlier than we thought star formation much earlier than we thought and the production of heavy elements much earlier dumb luck you know just and that's that's exactly what they're claiming that's exactly yeah but again I mean like Stewart was kind of hinting at earlier I mean we know why from the Bible why they are rejecting it it's because they have a harvest Stone that's why we say here all the time it's not a head issue it's not a knowledge issue it's a heart issue right they they know the evidence Romans 1 says that the evidence of the Creator is plain to every single creature but they suppress the truth and then righteousness and readily that is the heart of the problem is the problem of the Heart John chapter 3 says men love the darkness and hate the light lest their deeds be exposed so they don't want a God in their knowledge because of a sin problem they like their sin they love their sin the same way a criminal doesn't want to see a cop because he loves what he's doing he doesn't want to have anyone or anything telling him how to live his life and that's really is the root cause of the problem here it's not the evidence it's not the data really it comes down to a moral issue here is what we're seeing Nelson is investigating what may be five giant galaxies that appear to have formed much too quickly after the big bang if they're confirmed astronomy may have to revise the timeline of Galaxy formation and that's the most exciting the evidence getting away of this telescope of this remarkable instrument we put in space is finding things that we didn't expect that we can't explain because that means that we have to revise our understanding of the universe well we Brandt Robertson who showed us the earliest Galaxy found so far by the James Webb Telescope told us the record for the earliest will not hold long how far back can you go to the origins of the universe well jwst is so phenomenal that if you spend enough time you could probably find any Galaxy that ever formed in the universe it's really that powerful will the history of astronomy be divided between before web and after web yes I believe it will be Matt Mountain who manages web operations told all right so in terms of the biblical worldview how would we describe in terms of how that history is divided Danny well it's not in terms of a telescope or any man at least not any Normal Man it's determined by the God man Jesus Christ that's right yeah it all goes back to Jesus Christ that is the turning point in history um this it's it's something I say often the Old Testament God talks about how he promises to destroy death and New Testament he tells us how he did it and it's through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross Psalm chapter 8 verses 3 through 4 says this when I look at your Heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have set in place what is man that you were mindful of him and the son of man you care for him so the god the all-powerful god that we serve the one that's named all of the numerous countless stars out there he thinks about us and we are the only ones made in the image of God yet he provided the way for us guilty Sinners to have salvation through the finished work of Jesus that's a god that is worth worshiping for all eternity amen amen yeah so real quick so I think the one that the astronomers that we're talking Jason I think she's also another fellow buff CU Boulder um I I went there for my graduate degree I know you did as well I don't know how we made it out of that University alive either but um yeah any um any final final thoughts before we wrap up here can I just share one more verse from Job chapter 37 I think verse five God does things that we cannot comprehend and I think uh in that program you can see lots of things in the universe it's so vast so complex there's so much that we cannot comprehend that we need the humility to believe in God the Creator and uh to accept that he's created all things um and I I think that's the humility that the world needs today yeah again it it comes down to a hard issue every single one of us we need our hearts transformed and that can only hope only happen through God through the holy spirit so that's what we need to be praying for this uh this for all of our friends and neighbors and family um it's not a matter of presenting the evidence to them it's really about preaching the gospel um that's what we say here all the time we are a Biblical Authority Ministry we love giving you answers to help you defend your faith but we are rooted in the gospel through and through and that's why we exist that's why we're here um friends so if you want to learn more about that jump onto our website uh search good news the gospel and you can learn more about how you can be reconciled to God today for today is the day of salvation is what the Bible says okay thank you very much and thank you folks for joining us uh have a very good day alrighty God bless foreign
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Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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