The One Truth That Can TRANSFORM Society | Ken Ham

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do you realize whether it's racism abortion gay marriage transgender all those issues are the same issue do you start your thinking with God's word or man's work and really the answer to racism it's the same as the answer to gay marriage it's the same as the answer to abortion the answer is the gospel what I want to do is to show you today what happens when you start your thinking with God's word see this is not just a book about spiritual things moral things relationships if we really understand the Bible it is a book of history that is a revelation from God who knows everything and so the only way we can be sure of having the right world view is to start with what God has revealed in his word and building our thinking on that if there was one man and one woman and if the Bible's history is correct we're all descendants of one man and one woman how many races are there biologically there's only one race it's called Adam's rice do you realize we're all members of Adam's race it's very important to understand because we take the gospel to every tribe and Nation why because we're all one family we're all One race and it's very important to understand this so when you hear people on television talking about the different races you immediately should jump up and say wait a minute there's only one biological race the human race Adam's race and actually the the interesting thing is as I'll show you as we go on today the secular scientists say biologically genetically there's only one race and so you hear people like uh Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson talking about the races and so on actually the very terminology is fueling racism and goes against the truth of what we know scientifically about the human race but before we can get into all of that we have to do a couple of things I want to answer one of the most asked questions first because the atheists say this all the time when you say oh there was a Adam and Eve and then the Bible says Cain and Abel and Seth and so they will say well where did Cain get his wife and actually a lot of Christians don't even know how to answer that this is an example of why we need to be teaching apologetics uh to our churches and so what I want to show you is look when you take that history in God's word beginning in Genesis it gives you a foundation for a right worldview to deal with issues like this we're going to deal with that practical issue today in regard to the origin of so-called races racism Prejudice and so on and so to start with we need to answer this question where did Cain get his wife one Corinthians 15 45 says Adam was the first man so how many men were there to start with just one okay Eve was given that name why because she was in the Hebrew it literally reads to be the the mother of all the living and so there was one man one woman in fact acts 17 26 when Paul's talking to the Greeks he said God made from one man of one blood some translation say all nations of men for the dwell on the face of the Earth in other words we all go back to Adam and Eve I was in a restaurant in London a number of years ago and the chefs heard that we were doing a conference nearby and that we believe the Bible and came over to our table and he said you believe the Bible said yeah we believe the Bible said I don't believe the Bible said why not well the Bible says God made Adam and Eve and they had Cain and Abel where'd all the people come from then I said oh Genesis 5 4 says Adam had other sons and daughters and he said oh I didn't read that path so no he didn't read that far we don't read far enough so the Bible says Adam and Eve had Sons and Daughters right which means if there was only Adam and Eve they had sons and daughters and if the doctrine of marriage is one man for one woman which it is based on the creation account in Genesis then originally originally Brothers must have married her sister see as soon as you say that then you have atheists and others saying oh well that's immoral in fact I had an atheist call me up on radio once and he said I'm an atheist and if you believe Brothers married sisters that's immoral first thing I said to him so you're an atheist you can't call me immoral because then what do you base your standards right you have no absolute basis for your standards you can't call me immoral but you see I explained it like this look God made Adam and Eve and they were perfect so their genes were perfect but Adam sinned and you've got to understand sin and what it did to the world remember if you eat of the tree Adam you will die our bodies run down and die God doesn't hold everything together perfectly anymore so so we degenerate and the older you get the more you understand that right and so because of sin in the curse now there are mutations there are mistakes so when you're when your genes are copied from one generation to the next there are now copying mistakes mutations because it's a Fallen World now and then they add up for the next generation and the Next Generation and the Next Generation 6 000 years later here we are sitting in a room and it's full of mistakes sorry about that I can look around the room and see that just looking at you all but here's the problem if you're closely related today it's more likely you've got similar mistakes if you like and so so a brother and sister would have married today they've got similar mistakes inherited from their parents than when you get fertilization and an egg is fertilized then and those mistakes get together and reinforce each other they can have problems in The Offspring that's why it's better to marry someone further away in relationship from you and so where you have a bad Gene so to speak they have a good one that'll mask the bad Gene you get the idea and so instead of having some deformity maybe you might just have a crooked nose you look in the mirror and see your nose is covered in your Chin's out of whack and your eyes aren't quite straight see those mistakes are all there but their mask if you like by by good genes now the further back in history you go the less of a problem that is Adam and Eve were perfect their genes were perfect their their kids would have had few mistakes and so close relatives marrying provided it's one man for one woman wasn't a problem originally but it is a problem today so if God made Adam and Eve and we understand about Cain's wife and so on but how do you get all the differences that we see in people today I mean even in this room today there are differences in skin shade and eye shape and ear shape and and so on and there are distinctions you can say oh this person is an Australian Aboriginal or this person is an American Indian or an Eskimo or a Fijian how how did those differences come about how does that happen and to understand this we're going to have to do a little bit of What I Call basic genetics sorry about that there are people who say I never studied genetics if you got married and had kids you studied genetics so it's easy and we're going to do some basic genetics and then I also want to talk about skin color and and issues like that to help you understand how this is all easily explained for instance dogs is an easy one a lot of information on dogs and so you've got lots of different species of dogs but you can find documentation to show they're all connected in other words this species bred with that one that one with that one that one never bred with that one but a bread with that one the bread with that one the bread with up on the bread with that one you get the idea and so you can show when we show they're all interconnected like that we say then they're all the one kind and so our scientists did that and came up with at the most 1400 kinds it's overestimated because we would rather overestimate for the sake of argument there are 34 species of dogs they say you've got your domestic breeds for instance you've got wolves coyotes Jack authent Fox uh dingoes you've got all sorts of different species of dogs and here's what the secular world says based on genetic morphological and behavioral data it's clear that the domestic dog originates from the wolf so something like that gave rise to even these right and these actually do you realize poodles are considered the same species as a wolf right that do you see the difference there by the way and yet they're considered the same species and you look at those and say that doesn't even look like a dog when you look at it and I want you to understand something that's happening genetically here because that speciation has nothing to do with Evolution Evolution requires brand new information that never existed added into the genes what you actually see when you look at what's happening with different species and different breeds and so on is actually a loss of information until you get to the stage where there's not a great deal of information left as you can see which is the poodle the poodle is at the end of the line when it comes to dogs okay because if it lost any more information it'd be gone I mean that'd be that would be the end of it okay so how do we get our different breeds of dogs oh here's a dog with a short nose a dog with a short nose let's breathe them together and get rid of any of the genes for long noses in dogs so we concentrate the short nose genes you get the idea and we've done that to get our domestic breeds of dogs and by doing that you eliminate variability and information but because of sin now you're also concentrating mutations as well so that's why if you have one of those purebred dogs like a poodle or Chihuahua or something you'll know you've got to take them to vets and spend millions of dollars to keep them alive I want you to think about this all right if this is a poodle if you breed a poodle with a poodle can you get back to the original dogs the answer is no you don't have all the information there to do it but if you start with the original dogs could you theoretically get back to a poodle you see the answer is yes now to help you understand this is where it gets mind-blowing do you know how many atoms there are in the universe they estimate atoms you know how small an atom is they estimate in the known universe there's 10 to the 80th power atoms that's that number's so big you can't even think about it do you know how much information is in our genes right now do you know if you took one man and one woman from this audience how many children could you potentially have without having two with the same combination of information a set number compared to the number of atoms in the universe now people this is where this is see our kids in the public schools don't don't understand this they don't get this you start to realize God put that sort of variability that genetic diversity already in the dog kind the elephant kind the cat kind the humankind you get the idea two of each kind of land animals seven pairs of some went on the ark and they come off the ark and as they increase in number they're not going to stay together they're going to speed up and move away from each other and you'll end up with different combinations being dominant in different groups depending on which mates with which which survive which bits of information get lost which get combined with other you get the idea and you get different species and they're told in the public school textbooks that's Evolution it has nothing to do with Evolution it's the opposite of evolution what they call Natural Selection adaptation resulting in speciation here's what happens imagine those dogs go towards a cold climate and in a cold climate those with short hair medium hair get cold and they die and now you're left with dogs with L genes who on their own only produce dogs with what L genes then you get those they go towards a hot climate in a hot climate those with long hair medium hair overheat and they die and now you left dogs with only s genes who are on their own only produced dogs with what s genes so what's new natural selection results in new combinations of already existing information loss of information conserving information for the present no brand new information the opposite of evolution natural selection is the opposite of evolution and yet kids in our schools are taught natural selection is a part of evolution see you know we've never seen Mata produce one bit of information like you have in your DNA and DNA also has the information for a language system to read the DNA Mata can't produce a language system on its own it never produces one bit of information on its own but we've got zillions of bits of information God placed all that genetic genetic diversity there to start with and so over time now since the flood you can get all these different species now look at the human race I want to take the genetic principles here and say okay so when you look at the human race we see Australian Aborigines American Indians fijians Hawaiians Eskimos how could we get distinct groups like that well think about it in regard to dogs you have to separate them out and isolate them from each other can you think of anything in human history that could have separated out people from each other and kept them isolated from each other the terror Babel it's very simple God gave different languages so what happens well they the Genesis 10 says they moved away according to their language groups and their family groups and there were certain basic language groups that moved away from each other and they developed all the various ethnic groups or cultural groups that we see in the world today and so we all go back to Noah and back to Adam and we're always all we're seeing actually is the working out of the genetic diversity God had already built into the humankind when Darwin published his book in 1859 and the Origin of Species by natural selection the rest of the title said the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life now that book was about animals but at the end of the book Darwin said this in the distant future light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history he intended to take what he had discussed in regard to animals different breeds natural selection and he didn't understand genetics in his day of course and apply it to man which he did 12 Years Later in his book The Descent of Man and in that book The Descent of Man it's very very sad but he actually fueled racism because if you do read it you know what it says at some future period the Civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the Savage races the break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider than the Caucasians and some ape as well as a baboon instead of his nail between the Negro Australian aborigine and the gorilla do you know do you realize what Darwin's saying the Australian Aborigines and people from Africa are closer to Apes than what he calls the Caucasians how's that for racism you see I'm going to challenge us that is God's people we need to get rid of the word races see I believe the church should be leading the way in dealing with racism and Prejudice and if God's people really believed his word and really understood the history in Genesis we would be doing just that and the reason I say let's get rid of the word races because years ago the word racist has changed meaning the word races used to mean an ethnic group different cultural group but because of the influence of evolution now races means lower races higher races primitive Advanced and that's why I challenge us to get rid of the word races in fact I suggest we use a term more like people groups ethnic groups cultural groups I like people groups you know what's interesting secular scientists know that this is so for instance Journal counseling development 1998 evidence continues to collect that the term races meaningless used to point out differences in people that are not definitive in the year 2000 it was announced to the world was headlines and newspapers all across the world that the Human Genome Project that was headed by an atheist actually Dr Venter but they did observational science study of genetics they put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome and unanimously declared there's only one race the human race well who would have thought of that do you know what the church should have said told you we're all descendants of Adam and Eve the Bible's history is right but see because so many of our Christian leaders adopted evolutionary ideas and and didn't teach the Book of Genesis you know what most people are churches don't know what to do with that issue we don't have a real Christian world view in regard to this issue because we haven't built our thinking on the history right there in the first 11 chapters and this one here the American biology teacher 2011. here is the biological problem with race the genetic variation Within each of the various ethnic groups of homo sapiens is greater than that between the various ethnic groups you know what they're now saying wobble once decide to separate races the variation the genetic diversity variation within each group is greater than that between the groups which means what the whole concept of race is meaningless you know it's interesting in response to the Human Genome Project in New York Times and quoting a professor of molecular genetics the criteria that people use for race are based entirely on external features we are programmed to recognize and people in the culture in America people are programmed particularly look at skin color what they call black and white and what I'm going to help us understand here is that there are no black people there are no white people we all have a main pigment in our skin just like when you go to the to the store and you say I want to buy a brown paint I want a dark brown a light brown really dark brown middle Brown we have a pigment called melons couple of different forms of melanin there's a few other pigments but the main pigment is melanin and there's quite a number of genes involved but again just the basic principles to help us understand if big a and Big B represent a lot of the pigment little and it'll be a little bit then if you had all Big A's and big bees you'd have very dark skin little Asian Little Bees very light-skinned in the middle big a little a big b little B you'd be middle Brown the majority of the world's population are middle Brown if you get skin shade not color because we're all the same color so we shouldn't talk about what color you are it's what shade you are if you group people in the world you find it's that bell curve with middle brown right in the middle because that's the majority at the bottom of the epidermis there's special cells called melanocytes they're here and they have these little tentacle things here and in them there are special little organelles called melanosomes that produce packages of melanin that pigment and these little tentacles will take that pigment up here into your skin and your genetics will determine whether you produce a lot of melanin or not as much melanin and when you go out into the Sun and tan you will produce melanin to tan to a maximum that your genetics allows and it's important to have melanin because it protects you from ultraviolet radiation see we need to redo our terminology we should talk about shade not color people groups not races all are colored not just some so when people say there's a group of colored people I got news for you this whole room is a group of colored people because if you're not a colored person you have a problem right you want the color you need that pigment and everyone's related to everyone else it makes a big difference when when you see someone if someone you don't like and you're saying but they're my relative right maybe it'd make you pray for them because if you say I'm praying for my lost relatives there's billions of them so a question what shade not what color was Adam and Eve's skin if Adam and Eve had all little ladies and Little Bees the whole world would be that but if Adam and Eve had all Big A's and big bees the whole world would be that but that lacks a genetic variability we see it makes much more sense that Adam and Eber in the middle middle Brown and from two middle round people you can get people who are lighter than the parents people who are darker than the parents that's very very easy to understand there's lots of families like you go to Florida California you see a lot of families like that kids darken the parents and lighter than the parents and see that's why you can end up with instances like this where you have and these are from Australia actually uh and they're probably much bigger than that now and uh these from mainly United Kingdom but there's lots of examples of twins like that and you see because of the Tower of Babel if some people in some groups because of who married who who died out who was left who was isolated from who if they ended up with only Big A's and big B's on their own they're only going to produce dark-skinned people if they ended up with only little A's and Little B's are on their own they're only going to produce light-skinned people remember poodles with poodles only give poodles right these would have to mix back with others to get back the genetic diversity that was already there to not have just light skin anymore but to produce people with different shades it's the same for eye shape one of the major factors in eye shape is the amount of fat in your eyelid but again eyelid but again it's just part of that genetic diversity we have and the and the lit tiny part of our genome that reflects the differences in the outside and so as ABC news said in 1998 what the facts show is there a difference is among us but they stem from culture not race and actually the answer to racism is this do you realize whether it's racism abortion gay marriage transgender all those issues are the same issue do you start your thinking with God's word or man's word and really the answer to racism it's the same as the answer to gay marriage it's the same as the answer to abortion the answer is the gospel to see people say one to the Lord Jesus Christ who then build their thinking on the Bible to have a world view that is Christian that is the answer to racism biological fact to all humans belong to One race spiritual fact All Humans abide into two races what is the difference between the two spiritual races the direction in which they are racing because there's the Broadway which is the world and the narrow way within the Broadway running in the the other direction and so I want to challenge us we tend to look on the outside and think there are major differences we've got to stop doing that we're programmed to do that we've got to start understanding in humans the outside reflects a tiny part of our of our genetic diversity and you see a good example to me to understand this and and to make application is when Samuel went to anoint the king first Samuel 16 and we know Samuel didn't know it was going to be David and he met one one of David's brothers and you can imagine putting in a modern vernacular wow look at this guy tall muscly football star at the school intelligent he's obviously going to be the king remember what happened the Lord said to Samuel do not look at his appearance on the height of his stature because I have rejected him for the Lord sees not as a man sees man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart you know it's interesting evolutionists look on the outward appearance of short hair long hair big beaks little beaks but you look on the inside of the genetics and you realize wait a minute that's not evolution we tend to look on the outside oh look black white whatever wait a minute they're just minor variations and and shade and so on you know what we should be doing thinking about the heart so you think about it someone comes to your church has a different skin shade to you or eye shape or earlobe shape or whatever it is we we need to train ourselves not to even look at differences on the outside but to think about the person does that person need the Lord and you know even when it comes to marriage and dating and stuff like that think about a Christian girl who says oh look at that guy at school you know he's the football star and he's he's strong and well I wish he'd take me out wait a minute young lady does he love the Lord with all his heart and all his soul and all his mind because it is not the outside that matters it is the inside or imagine a Christian guy and he looks at this girl oh she's so pretty got just the right amount of melon that I like wow I I'd like to go out with her you know what young man does she love the Lord with all her heart all her soul all her mind because it's not the outside that matters it's the inside and and I have a message for the guys that's very important remember this the outside changes with time look at the mother and you'll understand exactly what now I'm in trouble aren't I but you know what if you fall in love with the outside you can fall out of love but if you choose to love the inside and make that commitment before the Lord and I can say that my wife and I love each other more than we ever have do you realize think about this for a moment we talked about poodles mutants dog species kinds animals on the ark Kane's wife skin shade racism prejudice marriage dating all in the same talk how can you do that do you realize how exciting is people when we believe that history in Genesis which is the geological biological astronomical anthropological history that so many Christians have ignored and so many churches and ever taught from and you understand that's the foundation for all of our Doctrine the foundation for our worldview then you know why you believe what you do and you know how to answer questions and defend the Christian faith [Music]
Channel: Ken Ham
Views: 37,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ken Ham, ArkEncounter, Creation Museum, Answers In Genesis, Biblical Apolgetics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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