Hercules in New York (1969)
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Channel: Amazingly_randy
Views: 36,239,678
Rating: 4.8048306 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold, Schwarzenegger, Hercules, In New York, Hercules in New York, Greek, discus, javelin
Id: TMUZect_pgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2012
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"Hey I bet you 50 bucks that the guy that looks like the perfection of physical fitness can beat this below average high school student in the long jump just after he astounded us in two other events" "I'll take that bet!" Da fuq?
I wouldn't say "A long way" but he's got a lot more personality now.
He should have hit the pole on the long jump.
From pizza parlor,
Detective, to Governor.
( about this jump, tho )
Yeah, but he sure can throw the shit out of things.