Herbal Capsules Formulation

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to another episode of herbs for health now on this episode I'm going to be showing you how I measure out the milligrams and the herbal capsules that I made okay so we're going to use this formula that I have written here up at the top and this is a formula that I came up with to help me figure out the milligrams okay now this formula is used specifically for those who do not have a scale that measures out milligrams okay now my scale measures out in grams ounces and carrots and things like that so you can convert your grams into milligrams all right so the formula says the number of grams times a thousand milligrams all right now we're gonna use this formula because we know that one gram is equal out to a thousand milligrams okay so there are a thousand milligrams and one gram so that's why we use this formula all right now as you can see to this side on the right this is the capsule size and chart so let me go ahead and write that in here just so you know okay now as you can see on the capsule chart here there are different sized capsules okay from the largest starting with triple zero all the way to the smallest being five you can't find some capsule sizes number five now this is important because when you are making herbal formula or your or making just a single herb that you want to encapsulate the sizes here matters because what if you are making herbs for a child how many milligrams you pit inside those capsules are important and we need the capsule we need to know the capsule sizes in order to determine about how many milligrams will go into the capsules okay now the reason why you see a range like the triple zero science caps going from 615 to 1370 it's because depending on the density of the herb it can be between those ranges okay so depending on the density of the herb it will measure out between these two numbers now in this example in this video today I'm going to be using double a double zero capsule size for my herbs okay now let's go ahead and get started now what are the herbs that I'm measuring out and dandelion we're going to be measuring out the density of these two herbs and I'm going to show you how we're going to do that now again I'm using this is capsules size double zero alright so first things first we're gonna go ahead and turn on the scale alright and we're going to place this and be container on there now we're going to place the empty herb I'm sorry the NPK so on the scale and we're gonna let that measure itself South now this is important because what we're about to do we're about to zero out the scale so that it does not pick up the weight of the container nor the capsule it will only measure the substance that's inside the capsule so now we're going to press ok press tare it's going to zero out now once I remove this well then we want to add the dandelion and Hawthorne berry filled capsule and it's going to measure what's inside of it alright so as you can see the density of Hawthorne and dandelion has measured out - let's give it a minute because it goes back and forth we're gonna go with zero point five four okay so that is the density and that is in grams okay this is the density both of the herbs together so let's go ahead and turn that off alright so now to go ahead and put the formula and action so now we know the density of both of the herbs that's how you want to get your density guys now let's go ahead and get the milligrams we're gonna convert this to milligrams so the number of grams the grams is this here zero point five four three grams times 1,000 milligrams okay so now we're going to convert the ground into milligrams by timesing it by a thousand milligrams and we get five hundred and forty three milligrams okay so now we know that this capsule that is filled with both Hawthorn and dandelion equals out to five hundred and forty-three milligrams okay so that's how you get the milligrams for your herbs now I just want to mention this can't be used for single herbs three to five herbs however you mix your formulas but this is my formula that I've made now just for a little bit more information when I formulated this I use equal parts of Hawthorne and dandelion so let's say I use when I say equal parts that means I use 50% but I use let's say I use 10 grams of Hawthorne 10 grams of dandelion and we know that was out the 20 grams so I use equal parts in my formula but you guys this is what I want to show you guys today I hope this has been helpful and I just want to leave you with something else here if you go and purchase your herbal products online and let's say you see a small capsule the size 1 or even 4 and it says that it has 3000 milligrams in here you know that's not true because as you look at the chart here number 4 can hold up to 210 and the double 0 can hold up to 950 and the largest one that we see at the very top the triple zero size can go up to one thousand three hundred and seventy so if you see something that says three thousand milligrams and that's a capsule you just want to be cautious but again I hope you guys enjoyed the video and take down this information for yourself all right enjoy your day [Music]
Channel: Herbs For Health
Views: 22,296
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: capsules, herbal, herbal supplement, herbal capsules, herbal x capsules buy online, herbal x capsules, herbal x capsules in hindi, herbal slimming capsules, herbal x capsues ke fayde l, herbal remedies, formulation, herbal medications, ural bph capsules review, ural bph capsules details, ural bph capsules, ural bph capsules review in hindi, vegetable capsules, liver care capsules, longeract capsules, herbal tablets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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