Her Micro Camper Tiny Home - Digital Nomad Life

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foreign [Music] I sleep better in my rig than I've ever slept and the hardest thing I've ever done in my life this is what sold me on this camper but I am a sucker for adventure I am Jesse and this is Nash and this is my rig we have been living in it for like six months it is it's been awesome [Music] this is the first thing you see when you walk in my camper and it is my office I work remote so this is where I do all of my work usually sitting right here it's funny though because this camper is I think 5G proof because I literally can't get service in here so I always have to open the window the windows are really cool they're like pop-out windows and then they each have a screen and a blackout curtain which is super helpful for safety and all the things when you're solo on the road um but this is where this is my table and the the whole thing actually bends down into a bed so this comes off the leg actually goes into the bathroom and then this goes down and every it turns into a bed so when I have visitors hanging out in my camper in my house they have a place to sleep which is super cool so I when I bought this camper I realized that I wanted to have more amenities than other people did I wanted it to be a little bit more glamping and that was a hard lesson for me to like actually learn like that it was okay that I wanted it fancier than like you know just a simple basic thing but the air conditioner is here there's a thermostat over here on the wall and I can do and it runs everything in the camper so there's a cool there's a air conditioner and then there's a furnace and then there's a heat pump took me a long time to learn the difference between furnace and heat pump but unfortunately in a rig like this when you you can't heat it under and I didn't know this till after I bought it so learn you can't heat it after it's like 40 degrees or something it'll stop heating which is insane so I really can't take it like anywhere super freezing cold but it does have a water heater and the water heater obviously will heat the sink water and the shower water I did break it the first week I have a camper so I turned it on when it was still winterized so that was a trip but it's a small it's like an it's a typical like if you were on Amazon you would Google like RV water heater it's a small gallon water heater and it's yeah it lives under here so um with the water heater you do have to um there is a pilot light so everything's run on propane so the heater the heat the gas stove and the water heater are all run on propane but you I learned that you have to have electricity to light the pilot light so that's that was a really hard learn to like figure out how to run the heat when I was boondocking without extra electricity and I had to literally I had to plug it into my car like I had to use my car's electricity to light the pilot light so I could heat the camper in Colorado I also have this fan I don't know if you can see it was my first um thing I actually installed myself in the camper but it has like a rain sensor and it has on this remote like I can set the temperature to a specific degree so if he's ever in here but she hates being in the camper alone but if he's ever in here I can set it to like 70 and it will pump the air it's a smart fan so it'll like pump the air to a specific degree so it stays cool for him and if it rains it shuts welcome to my bedroom um this is where I sleep this is a um in between like a twin and a queen it's actually really um it's really comfortable I sleep better in my rig than I've ever slept in my whole life it's the best sleep I've ever had better than any I used to have like a like a king it was a California king with a huge memory topper nope this is better um here are my uh plethora of pillows that I often get made fun of for but I don't care because it's my house um I love pillows so much so this um bed is awesome because it's like almost a little bit it's rectangular but it's almost a little bit more Square so it feels like there's more room you see how this is like rounded different than other campers it's a little unique so I feel like I have a little bit of extra room especially when I like can lay all the way against the window this window is got extra safety locks on it which is super awesome um you have to like crank it out and it's more secure for my safety which I like and then also have the blackout blinds here um there is no storage underneath the bed because it is you'll see outside that's where I keep all my storage for underneath the camper and my water tank is underneath here on this side so it is um wonderful and it's cozy so this is storage um above the bed which is all um like that's bathing suits like sports bras and stuff and then that's shorts so this is this camper has a ton of storage which I love keeps me organized and it's just me so I'm able to do you know whatever I want with it so I will seasonally shift stuff out so I will keep stuff in storage and then this will become like snowboarding gear like gloves and stuff like that hats and thermals and stuff as the seasons change so yeah thank you the reason I wanted to live tiny is I used to live a pretty basic Suburban life when I lived in Nashville Tennessee it was a great life loved it but I am a sucker for adventure and my life scenario at that time did not promote that I was working a full-time job I was um driving 30 45 minutes to work every day and back and loving what I did I worked for a non-profit but I um just did not I did not like the the routine I didn't like that I could predict what every day was going to be like and I went through some hard stuff and sold my house and was like I had this investment money to invest and it was either buy a house and do the same thing over again or it was um live a life of adventure so I did a couple practice runs with a van like a full built out van didn't like it believe it or not and then I took a trailer and loved it and so I bought a 2017 4Runner to pull it and I um bought this this rig so it has given me the life that I've longed for it's been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but living tiny is but it's been the most rewarding for sure so the transition for me moving from a house to a trailer was hard it was seven years of stuff I didn't realize how much stuff I had when I lived in a house you just collect and stuff that even means a lot and I moved out of the house and thought I had minimized because I had everything from a house and moved it into I moved into my sisters for a little while and I got everything into one room I thought wow I'm super minimal like I've done it and then didn't realize how much stuff that still was so when I bought the camper I dropped everything in my life to um only live what was in here I didn't I wanted to live in this camper I didn't want to just like leave and come back and leave and come back so I actually just had a garage sale a couple weeks ago and sold all the rest of my stuff that was down there I said now everything I own is in here except for maybe some winter clothes so it was hard it was hard to get rid of things but when you are living a life that is free and that is exciting you don't want you don't want all the extra stuff you want what you need and I love it [Music] this is my half kitchen half bedroom half utility space but really it's more so the other half of the kitchen this is what sold me on this camper the ability to stand here and prep food while getting an incredible view has been one of my favorite things about this camper I wish it was a little higher it's a little low but um regardless it's awesome this whole counter is um just a blessing for for movies for for cooking for cleaning for laundry it just really makes the difference so up here I have uh tank tops and then I have um I'm a supplement junkie so a whole bunch of supplements and teas and all that up there and then I have a TV um right here that will swing out but it is so old that um I never use it but I do want to replace it with um a monitor so I'm thinking of like a like a monitor that's wide but flip it so that I do um Forex Trading and stuff so that I can have a double Monitor and social media I can do a double monitor system which is what I would like to have that's coming next this is a radio CD player what is that never use it um it's speakers and stuff that I can plug into which is nice and these are two fridges so again this was another thing I was so excited about when I got the camper because I cook I love to cook and so I have two fridges and I keep one they have a dial system um I have them off right now because they're loud but um one is kind of like low and then one's really high keeps stuff more Frozen each fridge does have a freezer inside of it but I don't often freeze things anymore and then down here we have shoes and some hoodies a girl can't get rid of all of her shoes I'm just not that person that can have a pair of Chacos and hiking boots and that's it so I have like four pairs of bands down there so when you come back from the like the prep stash station in the camper that's what I like to call it um you have this so this is my pantry and microwave which I actually use a microwave so this is actually going to be replaced here in the next I have one at home when I get back um to home base with a toaster oven so I use a toaster oven or an air fryer takes about the same amount of electricity so that's going to get changed this week so yes don't use that but this is my pantry fruit veggies all stain here I eat a lot of produce I'm gluten-free and dairy free and corn free my diet so I eat a lot of like clean so it's hard to keep um veggies fresh but you just don't buy a lot at a time so that is me and this is my pantry so everything that you could imagine is in here this is more clothing and um t-shirts it's really badly organized so you know uh but flannels so right now long sleeve shirts t-shirts undies and socks are in here so this is my bathroom and my shower in here so um it is enough that I can stand in but normal sized people I'm 5'3 and normal sized people can't stand in it but that's okay um it's for me so there's a shower so I have like a handle for it I actually I've been on the road for a minute and have not showered in it so I usually find places to go shower um but I wanted the option um for when I go start going more boondocking I've done it before but um I don't like didn't really love the concept of like being outside and showering in front of the world this is my toilet um again this is the um stuff I would just use like on the daily hair products and stuff like that you need the wipies always and toilet paper and then this is the toilet so um it's nice and clean every time I use a restroom I like clean it with water and spray and um there's a the flushers just right over here so yeah that's my bathroom thank you [Music] the biggest challenge and the uh biggest reward go hand in hand for me um they when I moved into this camper I thought I was awesome like I thought like I am that person that is doing the life like my life I'm 35 years old like my life is like ready you know when you like get into those moments in your life where you're like this is the time to do it do it now or you'll never get to do it like this was this was that moment for me and I was activating on that moment and so I felt really strong and really adventurous and really exciting really cool to be honest and uh then I started Living this life and realized so fast how unbelievably uncool I am like how I don't know how to do most things in a rig like this I don't know like I when I bought this camper I didn't know how to back it I didn't know like I didn't know how to Hitch it I didn't know how to unhitch it I didn't know I had to go and I'm by myself so I had to figure out how to do this stuff I'll never forget um I got all the way from Illinois to Arizona without having to hitch and unhitch my trailer by myself like there was always like a dude or a person that knew what they were doing a dad around to do it for me and I got all the way to this Campground in Arizona really cool Campground in uh at the lake and I was like I hitched it up I followed the directions that I'd researched and written on my phone I hitched it up and I was like oh crap what if I drive away and it's not right and I had no idea like what to do so I just picked up my little booty and walked around the walked around the campground until I found a dad to come check it and I found one and he checked it and he was like everything's right you did a good job and so I drove away and I felt so empowered so the biggest difficulty for me has been humility learning how to be a learner like learning how to be humble and let go of my tried enough to know okay I don't know how to fix the fan but I can figure it out and giving myself the time to do that to figure things out but the most rewarding thing is when I do figure it out even if it's not right even if it breaks like when I recaulk the outside and still leaked I feel strong for real not the fake kind not the Instagram strong not the I look really cool when I make a reel but I actually feel better about myself [Music] all right welcome to my kitchen I love this part of my camper the first thing that caught my eye when I first walked in when I bought it I bought it actually off of a Facebook Marketplace it was this I love the backsplash um the reflective nature gives it makes it feel a little bigger so there's plenty of room behind the sinks so I have my sink and the the stove is propane so everything has to be lit via lighter just like a you just push down and then the gas turns on and then you light it um and here's my sink cold water when the hot water heater works hot water but it's not on right now this is my water pump so first time I was in the camper alone uh in Kansas somewhere I had left the water pump on and it makes a buzzing noise and it took me hours to figure out what was making that noise and I was panicking thinking like ugh if you all knew all the stories of like how silly my fears were but it was this so I like woke up in the middle of the night I was like my water pumps on so you learn um but that's the there's electricity over here um I use cast iron for um everything now I bought like a ceramic pot and it like broke within on propane within like days and so I use cast iron for everything so this is where I keep all of my dishware um when I first bought the rig I went to Target and decided to buy everything cute that was I wouldn't call it a mistake but I wouldn't do that again I would buy utility every time because as you can tell there's just a lot of stuff in here I don't really need it I thought surely I'll need four plates for all the people that are going to come camping with me and that's happened twice so um the next goal is to get like metal plates and stuff like that that are way more durable than plastic when I back my rig up and put it into its location wherever I am this is the first place I come to this is where I keep all of the things that allow me to drop the trailer so when I first bought this camper I didn't know how to back a trailer I didn't know how to drop a trailer I didn't know how to Hitch I didn't know how to unhitch I just figured it out as I went but this is where all of that stuff is so I use these um cranks for my legs to drop them wood pieces and stuff then I have this gray water tank which technically should be out right now but it's not and then my water tank is out there so my water tank is six gallons so I have plenty of water if I'm coming somewhere and I have enough water for my sink for like a week I usually use my water tank for um just dishes and sink water I don't shower much in it so I don't have to I don't pump through it super fast okay uh this is the most humbling part of my entire rig uh moving into this life learning how to take care of my own when I bought the bathroom I realized I was going to have to take care of it too so this is actually not bad not as bad as I thought it would be so um here at campgrounds and stuff there's always a septic dump and in towns like boondocking towns and stuff where I've been in like in Southern Colorado they actually have them randomly around towns that you can dump in but so it's just a suitcase uh I don't have gloves on so I'm not going to touch it but if you go in here like you literally just pull it out and roll it to the dump and so and then you dump it and so I have a whole cleaning solution and stuff I drop in there but it's super easy so yeah foreign so when I first started on the road I still had a full-time job and I bought like my car during uh covid and then the camper was right after like the big hit of covid so I um I bought it because I wanted to Adventure I thought I was gonna go like fly around the world and do which is super cool that I still get to do that I thought choosing this life would take away World Travel for me but it actually hasn't it's actually up to my world travel because my mindset is in all traveling but anyway I was working a remote job so it was still a nine to five and I was had to be like at my computer and it was hard to go on these Adventures because you go to like a national park I didn't want to miss it and um I would have to be still be working so over time I started my own social media management company that allows me to run people's social medias for them and run their Instagrams and their Facebooks and Facebook ads and stuff and I can do that on my own time so I now run my own business which is the coolest thing ever I love it and then I also do Forex Trading in the market by leveraging a software and a managed account so yeah that's what I do that allows me to be um mobile and work on my terms there are many times I'm sitting right here and working until midnight but that's part of the part of the gig so Wi-Fi is the hardest part living tiny and living in a mobile space has like literally been the best decision I've ever made in my life hardest decision scariest decision been in some moments that were very scary but so stinking worth it it allows me to be to be me to live the way I want to live and be free so if you're ever wondering whether or not should do it should absolutely do it it's amazing you can follow me on Instagram I am at Jesse Lauren Harris and Jesse is just with an eye and I'm going to be starting a YouTube channel here really soon about living free and living life solo on the road um I don't know what I'm going to name it yet but you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook and uh have a group that you can join and yeah you can follow all my Adventures on there so thanks for coming and seeing my house and me and Ashley are glad you're here foreign [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 87,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house england, tiny house uk, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, tiny home uk, diy tiny house, diy home, digital nomad, van conversion, off grid, rv living, van life plus, digital nomad jobs, rv living full time, tiny homes, solo female van life with dog
Id: lkzMBEB551w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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