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[music playing] JANE: Chick-a-chick-ah! Super Jane will save the day! Huzzah! MELISSA: [laughs] And so will Mighty Melissa! TIM: And Captain Tim! Up, up and away! [makes airplane sounds] [chatter] TEACHER: Elmo, you're playing by yourself today. ELMO: Yeah, there's no one to play with. Everybody else is already playing something. TEACHER: Oh. Yeah, yeah-- those kids are playing action heroes. ELMO: Yeah. [laughs] Looks fun. TEACHER: Well, why don't you go play with them? ELMO: Elmo doesn't know. TEACHER: Ah, listen. I know it can be hard sometimes to join a group. But I bet we can figure this out. ELMO: Well-- well, how? TEACHER: Well, maybe we can come up with a strategy. You know, a plan. ELMO: Well-- well, what kind of a plan? TEACHER: Well, when you want to join a group of kids, sometimes a strategy is just asking them if you can play with them. ELMO: Well-- well just asking them, just like that? TEACHER: Yep. Just like that. [snap] Mhm. Why don't you go give it a try? Go on. ELMO: Well, OK. Elmo will give it a try. TEACHER: Great. JANE: Super Jane is super strong. She can pick up a truck with her bare hands. [yells] CAM: Whoa! MELISSA: Yeah! And Mighty Melissa is super fast! She can fly around the world in mere seconds! [tim laughs] JANE: Aw, coolio! Coolio! Hey, what's your superpower, Captain Tim? TIM: Ooh, um-- ELMO: Uh, hi. MELISSA: Hi, Elmo. Do you like our action hero costumes? ELMO: Ah, yeah. Hey, Elmo was wondering. Could Elmo play action heroes too? ALL THREE: Ah, yeah! JANE: Aw, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Uh, sorry, dude, But there's only three action hero costumes. TIM: Um, yeah. ELMO: Oh. OK. TIM: Oh! I just thought of what my superpower is! BOTH GIRLS: What? What? What? What? TIM: I can leap over tall buildings in a single bound! JANE: Ah, do it! [gasps] TIM: OK, so maybe that's not my superpower. ELMO: It didn't work. TEACHER: They didn't let you play? ELMO: Not enough costumes. Elmo will just play by himself. TEACHER: Oh, wait! Wait! Sometimes plans don't work out. But you shouldn't give up. You could always try a different strategy. ELMO: Well-- well, like what? TEACHER: Well, uh, maybe you can come up with a new way to play action heroes. ELMO: A new way? TEACHER: Yeah. Let's think about it. Who else is in action hero stories? ELMO: But just the action heroes. TEACHER: Mmm. ELMO: And the people they help. Hey! Maybe Elmo could be one of those people. Yeah, the action heroes could rescue Elmo! TEACHER: Oh! That's a great idea! Why don't you go over there and try that strategy? ELMO: [laughs] TEACHER: What's wrong? ELMO: Elmo's afraid they'll say no, again. TEACHER: Well, they could. But you won't know unless you try. ELMO: [inhales] OK. TEACHER: Good. ELMO: Elmo will give it a try. TEACHER: All right! MELISSA: All right, action heroes! It's time for our first adventure! [cheering] JANE: What should our cool adventure be? ALL THREE: [gasp] Hmm. ELMO: Maybe the action heroes could rescue somebody? TIM: Yeah! That's a great idea! Action heroes rescue people all the time! BOTH GIRLS: Yeah! MELISSA: [gasps] But who should we rescue? ALL THREE: Hmm. ELMO: Maybe it's a little red monster being chased by a dangerous lion? [roars] Huh? ALL THREE: Yeah! [tim laughs] [chatter and music playing]
Channel: Sesame Workshop
Views: 604,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tw_nQ4x19Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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