The Making GOOD CHOICES Game!!! for Social and Emotional Learning Grades K-5

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welcome to the making good choices game for grades K through five by counseling fanny pack of [Music] fun here are the directions Let's Help Sam Sam is a good kid that sometimes makes bad or even unsafe choices that get him into trouble in his classroom and on the playground so sometimes Sam is unsafe other times he is not considering other kids or his teachers feelings when Sam makes an unsafe or bad choice he always gets in trouble with his teacher and with his parents this has caused consequences that he does not like such as losing his recess time fun class activities or video game time on his Nintendo switch when he gets gets home after a bad choice day but you can help Sam by playing this easy game with him for each choice that Sam is about to make help him to think about if he is making a good and safe choice or if he is about to make a bad choice you can let him know by giving Sam a thumbs up or a thumbs down before he decides this game is is brought to you by counseling fanny pack of fun and Teachers Pay Teachers for more fun and easy counseling games please click on the link below let's play the game Sam is about to ask for a paper towel to clean up a mess that he made at his desk during art give a thumbs up if this is a good choice and a thumbs down if this is a bad [Music] choice it's a good choice Sam go for it cleaning up after our messes is always a good decision Sam is about to kick a ball away from the group of kids playing soccer at recess is this a good choice or a bad choice how are those kids going to feel when they have to run after the ball because Sam is just kicking it away from [Music] them that's right uh-oh Sam it's a bad [Music] choice Sam is about to ask for help from his teacher by quietly raising his hand is this a good and safe choice or is this a bad choice to raise our hands and wait to be called on it's a good choice Sam we like to raise our hands and sometimes our teacher is helping other friends but she'll get around to us if she sees our hand raised eventually otherwise just keep working until she sees your hand hand Sam is about to climb under his desk when he doesn't want to do his work uh-oh Sam it's a bad choice to climb under our desk then our teacher might have to stop helping everybody in the classroom and just pay attention to you Sam is about to push the person standing in line in front of him is that a good and safe Choice thumbs up or an unsafe choice that might make others feel uncomfortable uh-oh Sam it's a bad [Music] choice Sam is about to throw away trash on the floor instead of in the trash can is that a good choice Sam or a bad choice to not throw trash in the trash can uh-oh Sam it's a bad choice good job boys and girls you're doing great Sam is about to try his best during reading time is that a good choice give a thumbs up or if it's a bad choice give a thumbs down it's a good choice Sam Darth Vader [Music] approves Sam is about to draw silly pictures on his work book instead of finishing his math work that is a pretty silly picture but is that a good choice or a bad choice Sam uh-oh Sam it's a bad choice Sam is about to pull a chair out from under a student who sat in his favorite spot we all have favorite spots to sit in but is it a safe choice to pull the chair out from under the student that sat in that spot hm let's think about it give a thumbs up if that's a good and safe choice or a thumbs down if it's not a safe Choice uh-oh Sam it's a bad choice that student might get hurt and if that student gets hurt Sam might get in trouble for hurting that student just because he couldn't sit in his favorite spot I think the 's other spots that you can sit in in the classroom or at the lunch benches Sam is about to throw his pencils and maybe even his chair around the classroom when he is feeling frustrated we all have big feelings but is throwing things a safe and good choice or an unsafe choice that might result in a consequence that we don't like it's a bad choice Sam don't do it let's remember to stop and pause and take some deep breaths when we're feeling frustrated so that we we have time to make a better choice and not have consequences that are going to result in losing our recess or our home video games we don't want that to happen [Music] Sam now Sam is about to calm down with breathing when he doesn't get picked by his teacher to share his idea with the class we all like to share but sometimes our teachers can't always call on us because there are other boys and girls in the classroom so is this a good choice to calm down maybe take some deep breaths count to 10 draw a picture or even ask if you can go outside and get a drink of water those are good calming strategies so I think this is a good choice Sam and Mario [Music] approves Sam is about to tell his teacher no and then ignore her when she says it's time to move to the next small group sometimes our teachers have two or three different group spots during small group rotation time but if we won't move to the next group even if we don't like the activity as much then other boys and girls can't move and do our fun activity small group learning is a great time to learn new and different skills and to practice them counseling thanks for playing
Channel: The Counseling Fanny Pack of Fun
Views: 246,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mJxk5cQULh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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