Help for mRNA vaccinated - how to deal with IgG4 antibodies (update 101, IgG4 part 4)

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can people who have taken the MRNA covid-19 vaccine and as a consequence of that are producing increased levels of undesired IGG for antibodies can they treat that in any way this is the topic of our today's video my name is Dr Nikola Rasik of mirror genomics I've made series of videos dedicated to these unusual IGG for antibodies that have been observed in certain individuals who have received mRNA vaccines it's not seen in everyone there has to be a a certain order of both vaccination versus infection in order for this to be observed in essence literally what this appears to be doing is building tolerance towards the spike protein and we yet do not know what the clinical consequences of that are but clearly I was also interested in case this is bad news how can we be treating this and that's what I've assembled for this video so first let's talk about what we already know about diseases where there is high level of IGG for antibodies we did talk about that as well in the past we're talking about IGG for related diseases and talking with experts on this topic what we are learning is that idg for antibodies it's very potentially very valuable to to know these levels because individuals who have high levels of these IGG for antibodies they might not present clinical symptoms for a very long time so it's similar to say cancer imaginary we have cancer you might have cancer growing without knowing that at all and without presenting any clinical symptoms and yet there is damage going on inside and it's a similar thing with these igg4 related antibodies organs can be damaged without a person being any wiser because there is no clinical symptoms so that brings me now to measurement of IGG for antibodies and that's something that is potentially very valuable to measure it's valuable for people who have IGG for related diseases and the reason why is because it can tell you about the progression of the disease as well as where the treatments are working and we'll be talking about that in just one moment and also this also might be extremely valuable to people who have decided to take mRNA vaccine without knowledge of Prior infection so if you have measured your IGG for antibody levels please let me know which company you've used I like to assemble that information what are the companies that could be used in order to for vaccinated individuals to start learning this we need to start getting to the bottom of this is this a potential problem or not are these levels on the rise and the reason why it's important to know because it appears there is a way to treat it and potentially mitigate serious issues so again if you have been vaccinated with mRNA covid-19 vaccines you might consider measuring your blood levels of IGG for circulating antibodies and that's why I'm asking anyone who might have already taken such test share the information and let us know which companies you've used I'd like to track this information and and we'll see maybe I'll be able to assemble something maybe it really depends anyway it's very valuable information to know so that's how you can track this information to see whether there is a trouble Brewing because of this particular vaccines and it's more like the order of vaccination so it's not in everyone it's depending on circumstances and depending whether person was infected first or not and whether boosters were used or not you can check out past videos to learn more about this specifically okay so now let's talk about the treatments there that's one of the reasons why igg4 levels antibody levels are measured in individuals that are diagnosed with igg4 related diseases because that can inform whether they can go on treatment and there's two standard treatments first one we're gonna mention are glucocorticoids so these are steroid treatments and this is the number one standard therapy treatment as far as I understand so this information is based of course my discussions with certain experts in this area and and Reading literature remember this is how it's subject to change but the problem with with the stereo treatments that in approximately one month third or maybe 40 of individuals while the treatment always appears to be working immediately about 40 of individuals will relapse from such treatment so that means the antibody levels will come back so that's an issue with that particular treatment and that brings us to the second most popular treatment which is a use of specific antibody now this antibody I'm not even sure how to pronounce it it's something like re toximab okay we're gonna put a spelling of that just in case because maybe I'm not even saying that right but how does this antibody work it recognizes specific antigen on B cells called cd20 okay so antigen basically means antibody Target so this antibody recognizes a specific molecule on top of B cells what are B cells B cells are the type of cells that eventually will lead to generation of cells that produce antibodies so B cells are like progenitors of eventual development of antibodies and this molecule cd20 is specifically present on the type of B cells that will lead to the production of IGG for antibodies so if you treat with this rituximab antibody you will kill those cells and as a consequence you can clean that up so it's very effective these cells will die and you can literally remove the population of cells from circulation that would lead to development of IGG for antibodies so very very effective the only problem with this treatment is is its cost it's quite expensive so check out this beautiful Glacier behind me with the beautiful Glacier Lake all right so those are the two main treatments but now let's talk about maybe some natural methods so for me of personal interest was and I researched this and I wrote a article on this topic from my blog recently and that was to find out could you use fasting to remove IGG for antibodies and I could not find any information about this at all and the only information I was able to find specifically to igg4 and four antibodies I could not find any information but I did discover that fasting can indeed reduce the levels of IGG antibodies as a whole so all subtypes and that information came from study of Ramadan participants so people who who celebrate celebrate who practice obviously Ramadan fasting for religious purposes and there's that's basically all of the studies I was I was able to find come from the regions of the world where Ramadan is practiced and the the all the science information comes from these those particular studies so and these studies show that fasting during Ramadan and you know this is a fairly serious fasting because literally you don't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset if I understand this correctly and forgive me if if if I if I'm getting this slightly wrong and this there's numerous studies that show that IGG for IGS or IGG antibodies in general as a whole all types can be substantially decreased just waiting for the wind to pass so that's about fasting and uh the next method natural method that was of interest to me is natural infection with the SARS cov2 virus and that actually also brings another very interesting point about Dr Bosch and whether maybe his theory is wrong and I'll talk about that in just a moment as well so what about what about natural infections so the paper I want to discuss this showed that [Music] there is a problem with imprinting and imprinting basically means is that once you are either vaccinated or infected you program your body or your immune system to respond in the same manner when it encounters future infections and the fur the more unrelated the future variant is the more distant it is from the first one that that hits you the more likely you will respond with the type of antibodies that were imprinted in your immune system from that very first infection so that's imprinting and that basically means you respond with antibodies that are not very effective so these authors wanted to see what is the effect of imprinting on the current Omicron infections and reinfections that we're seeing they studied that both in mice as well as people who experience multiple Omicron infections and it was very interesting results why did they study this and this is what I found very fascinating because they mentioned right at the beginning of this article and they mentioned something super interesting they said that I don't think I would I even was able to hear a year ago and they mentioned look the virus is clearly evolving rapidly we do all know that we still keep seeing different type of variants popping up and and why is that what is driving this and they flat out say it's because of the humoral immune response meaning antibodies so this is the first time where I saw this type of statement being made that hey the antibodies that the virus is encountering antibodies we're producing is driving its Evolution I made videos on this what is driving the immune Escape of the virus meaning what did what drove the evolution of the virus in order for it to change so dramatically and so rapidly and I talked about theories about that and at the time when I made those videos no one really wanted to even mention such words so we clearly are changing our stance and we're finally coming back to more of a scientific reality of things that we run away from for a while because I don't know why we got very nervous to talk about potential causes and we really did not want to for some reason one reason or another we did not want to be implicating antibodies as a potential factor causing the viral virus Evolution but here it is these guys flat outside as if it's the most normal thing in the world and I haven't seen that yet in literature so obviously it struck me so I wanted to mention that to you as well so what they did is these guys they immunized the mice and they gave mice vaccine shots they they use coronavac as well as mRNA vaccines and they showed that once mice were immunized with vaccine Against the Wild type original strain that we humans were also immunized with if such mice subsequently were immunized up later on with against Omicron variant they predominantly responded with antibodies targeting that original wild type strain this is also what we kind of have seen with with the updated boosters Omicron boosters and why they did not work very well because pretty much the the same reason the immune imprinting and we made video videos on that as as well nice and um however what was interesting is that when they did another booster second booster shot that was Omicron related that actually restored the miles antibodies to be able to start neutralizing infection with Omicron viruses so this is really interesting because what they basically were saying is that okay the first first hit with Omicron Omicron booster was not positive response but the second one did and it really what it what it really helped is the mice were able to finally start switching into the production for of antibodies that were targeting Omicron Omicron variants now they also looked at what they also did is they looked at human cohorts who were vaccinated versus unvaccinated so that's interesting that it's a good thing they decided to use unboxing as well as a control and people who were infected with various Omicron variants and what they were seeing is that after first infection with Omicron variants the antibodies that these individuals were producing were once again predominantly made to Target the wild type so if if these individuals are vaccinated and they were infected with Omicron variant their Primary Response was to produce antibodies that would attack the original wild type and therefore they were not very effective against Omicron hence immune imprinting was really causing an issue here but if they were re-infected later on again with another later version of of on the KRON once again these individuals started to show levels of antibodies that were started to started to be effective against Omicron so what does this mean it means that these individuals their B cells were starting to transform and change themselves to be able to finally recognize the Omicron and there and these B cells were starting to change to start producing antibodies that once again could start neutralizing neutralizing Omicron variants so and this is very very evident however I'll add here that unboxing individuals their imprinting was not as strong as boxing individuals so unvaccinated individuals their response and transition towards recognition of Omicron variants was much more potent and stronger so that was also interesting so what does this mean it means that these pieces are switching switching again to start recognizing they're changing themselves so our own immune system is mutating itself to be able to eventually start recognizing Omicron variants we are now producing antibodies that are recognizing Omicron variants and it help it's helping us deal with with these latest variants now why is that a good news for the IGG for antibodies is because clearly we are shifting the number of B cells that are no longer producing antibodies Against the Wild type strain the one that started the pandemic the one that is not even around anymore and we are now producing more B cells that are recognizing latest variant and that would mean that we are also having less and less or it should mean that we should have less fewer and fewer B cells that would be responsible also for production of this IGG for antibodies so that's the potential good news is that naturally because of these reinfections with Omicron we actually might eventually drive down the production of IGG for antibodies so that's a good news but this also brings me to another very interesting question and remember Dr Garrett vandenbosch which we've whom we've been following quite closely and the reason why is because he was one of the first individuals who successfully predicted that um that we're very likely going to see immune Escape which is exactly what happened with the with the Omicron so because he was one of those few individuals who was warning about that we've been following His science very close closely his his writings it's not published it's all in scientific journals it's published strictly in in on his blog but nevertheless I've been following this and he's been making some dire predictions that the virus very likely is going to mutate eventually to be more pathogenic and there will be dire consequences and this brings me to this question because obviously very very dark predictions unwelcome predictions and could this event where we are now changing our Productions of antibodies to indeed recognize Omicron variant would that not kibosh's Theory because clearly that means we can start neutralizing the virus once again and I would love for him to be able to respond to this particular publication and see how that fits his theory or not because obviously I will I have been attempting to find any evidence I could possibly find to contradict his theory because obviously no one wants the series to come true right including himself is just quite adamant that he he thinks that is what's going to happen so I would love to know whether this might actually not well really contradict history or not I cannot pretend that I that I have the grasp of all of the knowledge that he he publishes because it's that complicated that complex and I would love to know what he's got to say but I'm hoping that maybe this is the evidence that this means that the warning and his dire predictions of what might be happening with the vaccinated individuals is incorrect and by the way in one of the interviews that I've heard from him in recently the antibodies that are partially responsible for the immune Escape by ferric immune refocusing as he calls it he calls these antibodies polyclonal non-neutralizing antibodies he also admitted that that he expects that these are exactly the same as IGG for antibodies and if these are responsible for causing these issues including lack of training are innate immunity which is the primary immunity that he believes and claims and I would tend to agree with what I've been studying scientifically is mostly responsible for clearing a viruses and why this is going to be a problem for the vaccinated well if these antibodies are also disappearing well wouldn't that actually change change the course or basically negate his theory so I would love to know if he could make a comment on that particular publication because clearly we need to listen to some of his brains on this topic but basically here are some of the treatments against IGG for antibodies we should start monitoring this on a greater level so this is more like a hope that scientifically we will start looking and investigating this on a greater level and if you have vaccinated yourself with mRNA injections and you were not infected prior to that you might consider looking at your IGG for antibody levels in case they are higher than they should be and in case they are On The Rise and the reason why is because then you might consider taking certain actions to negate any potential problems that such antibodies could cause right so that's all I have for you in this video it's a video I want to make for a while and uh just wanted to say once again thanks for your support I wanted to remind you quickly that there I was invited to a conference that's already been all recorded the the registration has been open for a while please check it out the conference is dedicated to Long covet as well as chronic fatigue syndrome and uh and clearly it's a big issue because um apparently it's fairly common so just wanted to say thank you because that's thanks to your support of the videos so really what I'm saying is thank you for supporting me supporting the channel sharing this this knowledge and um thank you for all your donations as well I always forget to say that and and also check out my patreon channel where I add additional content as well that does not necessarily make on this channel as well and I look forward to seeing you in the future everyone and bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: Merogenomics
Views: 441,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: help post vaccine, vaccine help long covid, post vaccine syndrome, post vaccine inflammatory syndrome treatment, fever post covid vaccine, post vaccine reactions, long lasting side effects of moderna vaccine, vaccine side effects how long last, post covid vaccine long term symptoms, post covid vaccine effects, how to help body aches after covid vaccine, help for vaccine injured, how to reduce vaccine symptoms, how to treat vaccine reactions, how to minimize vaccine effects
Id: CZhYUvJ8kZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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