Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 4 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen chef gee I'd like to volunteer jeez injury forced her to withdraw from the competition which resulted in Colleen and Lacey getting another chance both of you get back in line Thank You chef Andrea was resentful at Lacey's survival you had a saving grace tonight you better [ __ ] prove yourself you just turn on your [ __ ] switch in the challenge the Med showed they knew their meat watered again and while they enjoyed a day with Chef Ramsay if you're gonna win the challenge this is the way you roll all right the women were forced to deal with one of the worst punishments ever in Hell's Kitchen dinner Hell's Kitchen was converted into a steakhouse one steam will cook one table son then we'll turn it around in the blue kitchen Giovanni was confident I'm a chef a steakhouse I do this every day but he failed to deliver hey Phil walking that [ __ ] piece of beef Charlie Sunfire was lost on appetizers butchered the meat in the red kitchen cooking instructor Colleen what's going didn't make the grade but Andrea's prime performance I'm glad I wound up on that meat station he stays the fire sealed the fate for the blue team the winner was the red team the men had to nominate two of their own and Seth was very open about his strategy I'm gonna pick the best person here Giovanna hey got the best [ __ ] guy so you can save your head but it was Seth and Charlie who ended up getting nominated and Charlie takeover jacket and so it was Charlie's dream of being head chef a Fergana hotel in Atlantic City went up in flames [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen [Music] just as the fireball I'm still here boys sorry if that upsets some of my teammates but I got too much fight left in me to go down like that I said come have a second I'll be a dead eyes at you I don't respect you I'm pissed that Seth put me up for elimination cuz I think he's just trying to save it hi I wasn't a worse guy he was hands down I am here to play a game the way I want to play it there is no way that you are going to tell me how to play in the kitchen I'll give you a hundred and ten percent Accu up I'm like walk into that kitchen I read of that talk you mean Giovanni won't hang out with me on the weekends God thanks Giovanni trust me I ain't calling you either you need help in the kitchen we're a team I wanted help it'll help and not you can't help me trends right okay oh I know your three-star Michelin already dude cooking steaks Wow after a long hard day in Hell's Kitchen Robert does his best Chef Ramsay impersonation listen listen this is funny well good day yeah this is the most prestigious honorable chance of lifetime to work at the most greatest great impersonations in the business we just couldn't stop laughing because it was so funny crap [Music] good morning good sleep who is the strongest cook on the red team Co I would say myself for Andrea chef [Music] I know that I'm somebody that you have to be worried about so I don't really need Carroll to reconfirm that for me man who's the strongest on the blue team [Music] I believe I'm the strongest chef as a chef asking a group of people who the best cooks were I would wait for that one arrogant [ __ ] to raise his hand and say it's me chef okay listen up and listen carefully the one thing that's missing in both teams is teamwork so today's challenge is gonna force all of you to work hand in hand as a team is that clear yes sir this morning Hell's Kitchen is opening for breakfast now we're opening in 30 minutes let's go her move let's go guys come on I hate doing breakfast I'll take a case because I don't she's probably one of my worst freakin challenges he's doing hashbrowns I got him I'll take whatever is the hardest just real questions I know about his eggs he has a way of doing scrambled eggs that would definitely impressive and these eggs are phenomenal hi didn't you do eggs I have it down his thing perfect I definitely can't belt out some eggs I actually follow one of Gordon Ramsay's recipes for cooking eggs it's an amazing recipe are you ready to meet your customers morning yes [Music] Thanks is what you cool a team I thought the Oakland Raiders we're gonna come running through the paper become a bunch of small fries with their jerseys on when those kids came through it was the cutest little cheerleaders their little pigtails and then the girls had a cheer it was such a motivation it gave me chills we are serving breakfast to the Pacific Cote youth football and Chile [Music] off you go this challenge will be a test of teamwork kitchen races to serve breakfast to 50 hungry kids the red team will cook for the cheerleaders the blue team for the football players the first team to feed all their kids wins the challenge our team has one zero zero challenges I really don't think the guys know what Hell's Kitchen is all about until he was challenged with preparations almost done the first orders are coming in for pancakes followed by three scrambled egg one over it I got two omelets coming at you Robert well the blue team gets down to business a chef on the red team gets into the spirit [Music] I can still fit in my cheerleading outfit these cheerleaders were so cute you know it's it's when they get older and they get more annoying let's go Kaleem dead [ __ ] hashbrowns on six pancakes followed by a scrambled eggs pancakes away while the red team tackles their first orders the blue team takes an early lead having already served 17 of their 50 hungry football players [ __ ] foots messy yeah actually like a slow you're thrown out I was serving pigs there were no serving pigs yes yep they're children now [ __ ] slow down yes chef don't see everything Jays the one plate in the potatoes do you stop me again now [ __ ] kick you out yeah it's breakfast respect it I ain't put those potatoes honestly I just took the whipping [Music] despite their sloppy presentation the men have now managed to serve half of their football players meanwhile over on the red side there's not much to cheer about I wouldn't eat that yes give me that give me that are you mad no chef okay it's like a [ __ ] rubber pair of knickers yes chef unfortunately I messed up a few of my pancakes I was just so nervous back in the blue kitchen I'm all scribbled a go got more hash browns I've scrambled eggs the men are discovering that a team is only as strong as its weakest link I need more scrambled eggs they're coming right now it's very apparent that Seth simply just doesn't have a clue just get the eggs rolling scoot and serve scoop and serve I want scrambled eggs Seth yes yeah the scrambled eggs were by far the most ordered thing on the menu there if you see that I'm falling behind make scrambled eggs - scrambled coming up right now dude that's not enough to each dude I bet you those football players could have cooked scrambled eggs better than the set with Seth slowing down the blue kitchen the women have caught up both kitchens have served 40 of their 50 customers and now it's a race to see who can feed their side of the restaurant first [Music] [Music] [Music] just gives me words that can play the table scrambled right what's come with that yes sir okay it's just unreal that we lost us we're better than that we should kick their ass [Music] [Applause] [Music] this was our first challenge that we've won I'm so excited [Music] [Applause] how can we lose with cheerleaders be yeah b/c itor whoa there you know these are kids they're gonna order [ __ ] scrambled eggs dude you should have had a big Teflon pan [ __ ] there man everybody is that fault it's not just one person if it was just one person that would mean that we're not a team anymore I thought we had it in the bag [ __ ] those eggs man killed us get ready to eat some crow boys and girls did you enjoy breakfast thank you so much for coming really good to see you thank you guys thank you thank you holy sugar I'm so sorry go go back the kitchen I'll come back okay okay ladies see what happens when you work together as a team yes congratulations okay gentlemen you started off brilliantly then the quality dip ouch punishment have a look out there you look around every table clean it down after that turn around look the kitchen's clean up both kitchen I mean one more you're responsible for prepping both kitchens and it's night service that's right we're opening for service tonight that clear having dinner service right after the challenge it is pretty hard with you there's a lot of work to do in a I don't know okay ladies yes chef young outdoors you're all going out camping you know that really sucks camping to me is you get out in the woods and you have no toilet no nothing but not just any style of camping Beverly Hills style yes you'll be lounging all day poolside and properly camp yes get some boys to rub us down how exciting is that you deserve it now ladies can get you bikinis because your limos waiting please why look so pissed off well they're grad I let you go every right to be pissed off you performers will [ __ ] now get back her says the doorman I'll get John Philippa to call you when he's ready move let's go yes we got a regroup we got to get it together and I have made it my business to come into you know to take on that position of leadership I'm gonna tell you one thing I don't like [ __ ] losing Danny I was over there helping with you then I jumped over here to help out the whole time you were the one drowning on the pancakes president that is correct look you gave me a hand walking the pancakes up and thank you for that wait a minute Danny come on man are you serious right now what do you help me plate some cakes and I appreciate it thank you I'm not not school man don't worry by just here oh here I never said I was said that earlier said you're a best cook who's the strongest on the blue team I believe I'm the strongest chef I am obviously the best cook on the team here someday I will circles around you I will circle you like a [ __ ] moon where have you been you couldn't cook my [ __ ] because I've seen you in the kitchen yet this is hey where have you been Danny's ego is getting the better of him and he needs to come back down in this planet you've gotten a compliment yet Ben I'm by no means a physical guy but if we were outside of Hell's Kitchen sure Ben he's got a little stick up his ass about me which is fine you know cuz I'm a cocky [ __ ] and I run my mouth no don't get all uppity on me bro until you thought I wouldn't let you cook my dick and I'm like I'm hoping that that just causes a little sliver in their in their foundation and we can just kind of crack it wide open there break it down [Music] with a clear lack of harmony on the men's team they must now begin their punishment this is lovely while the women had off for a day of Fun in the Sun please Lisa don't wear a bikini that's all I'm asking to go have a resort day in a limo iris is on cloud nine living like movie stars partying like rock stars [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were delivered to the pretty woman hotel it was beautiful we're not in Hell's Kitchen ladies welcome to the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel I love the personal servers today I think this came in a good time we needed something to bring our team together I just get some sunshine and re-energize this was our first challenge that we've won to date and we needed it bad [Music] but I don't like how he talks to what that was stupid I'm really disappointed and Ben and Danny for their fighting they did today been more than Danny just the things that Ben were saying like he can cook circles around them who is he to make others feel small this is our chance to give him notice that we want to get real [Music] [Laughter] [Music] massages rafer pure pleasure jamming Beverly Hills style is being pampered by the pool eating fabulous food and drink felt great I believe Ben needs to go cuz I don't like the way they were fighting ranch you played as a team now we're falling apart and we don't need that in our team you know stay oh no you don't mean everything Alison with only two hours remaining until dinner service the men are still hard at work prepping both kitchens with everything on prep guys I gotta shave Parmesan we gotta check on croutons you gotta turn around here we gotta turn it around we still have a lot of prep to do so I'm nervous about being ready to go for dinner service [Music] they're prepping our stuff it was just so exciting to see them prepping it our prep need to look a little beat down so hopefully the girls can take advantage of it you guys called it's clean we're gonna go into tonight's service we relaxed and we're gonna kick butt [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want to just beat them want to crush them their dreams that hope keep on winning ladies the red team right now is feeling pretty unstoppable I feel like the boys have a disadvantage because they've been in the kitchen all day they've been working hard and we've been chilling out so I plan to go in and kick their butts welcome back what are we missing that I can get on he's getting ready for the Caesar I need to get it spun and clean I got potato salad working negative right prep was their punishment and they didn't finish it we had to do a lot of the prep ourselves chef Gloria we're still missing tomato sauce from gentlemen hey hey guys guys where's the tomato butter sauce for the ladies tomato butter sauce then you got that right made of butter sauce oh no I have not done that yet but I will do it I'll start at the moment maybe we have to pull this out we can't afford someone to go home right now I'm not even set right guys just go please Creek disco okay cute look at that lovely glow Wow gentlemen yes how'd it go this afternoon Nicky bond good if we stay united and bond is we'll get through as a team if we've become fragmented or disintegrate rapidly is that clear move let's go okay jean-philippe open Hell's Kitchen please let's go [Music] we're delighted to have you here with us tonight this is your chance to shine get ready here okay on order four covers table for two is nothing was fifty one Caesar salad yes a chef is it boiling I don't Giovanni wait for the water to brush yeah you expect me to tell Jean Philippe we're waiting for your water to boil oh I'm sorry oh man Gio how are you gonna cook pasta in water that's not boiling hey look at me there's no olive oil in there the waters not seasoned it's not even boiling oh that was my fault I didn't check my equipment they won't happen again that's for sure let's go Giovanni let's go while Giovanni's in hot water over in the red kitchen koi is trying to get ahead I can't believe this why can't you just drop it to order ELISA tell me why you can't I just try to get ahead chef you can't get ahead you know that good I was trying to get so many steps ahead so I'm kicking myself in the ass because if I would have listened better he wouldn't have screamed at me koi pull some more spaghetti in later hey I'm joking you stupid cow well koi tries to get a grip on the appetizers over in the blue kitchen seth has delivered his first order of scallops to the pass sir yeah sure dude go [ __ ] yourself come here yes there you go rubber scallops yeah what is that unfortunately chef just doesn't have the skills and just couldn't do it it's just cookie mistakes they go eat it gone Chef Ramsay made me a couple scallop sandwiches I didn't have any dinner prior to that so I was pretty happy to be eating them make sure the pan is fine those scallops guys I need tomato butter sauce I never got my tomato butter sauce what are you doing in a butter sauce chef guys it's multiple assaults first time on where's the sauce sauce tomato butter talk beef it's right here and I will finish it is it ready no it's not chef I was pissed off when we didn't have our tomato butter sauce ready to go is this part of the sabotage no chef of course not chef I completely dropped the ball we were in the shits the entire day and it's just there was just so much it needed to be done already it was not worked on chef Matt will take care of it right away chef you're off what I'm up it well Ben hurries to complete the butter sauce in the red kitchen coy is ready with another attempt at the spaghetti appetizer come on Kelly's give you [ __ ] fingers in there what is that dry bland underseasoned undercooked I should have tasted it better chef I honestly thought that koi was gonna be strong in that station [ __ ] here I got my ass handed to me I never thought cooking pasta could be so hard madam don't send me [ __ ] yes yes chef it's more than an hour into dinner service and with no food leaving the kitchen customers are getting restless come pretty soon meanwhile back in the kitchen chef I just finished it what we've done to sabotage nothing salt and pepper ship that's all I added are you commander taste that what does that taste off andreas it tastes like spaghetti yeah it tastes [ __ ] disgusting yeah more hurry up you I took a gamble I didn't taste it before I put out my fault hey as long as you're over there and I'm cooking you mind getting some more tomato butter sauce going nail I don't give a [ __ ] what I'm cooking or what I'm doing I will get it out while Danny puts his differences with Ben aside and takes control making the sauce Andrea takes control of the red kitchen I always try to hit the ground running when service comes around and I always fall into a natural leadership position it's just in me it's in my blood still waiting on the Scotty coin thanks to Andrea the women have managed to get out more than half of their appetizers meanwhile Danny is prepared to deliver his attempt at the woman's butter sauce tomato butter sauce now taste it that's much better Thank You chef that sauce now tomato sauce much better the one you sent over there was [ __ ] disgusting yes yeah Chef Ramsay really liked it so that's cool I just seem to [ __ ] rock everything night touch yeah that one there he's a thousand times better yeah sure [Music] it's an hour and 15 minutes into dinner service and while food is making its way out of the blue kitchen look what's in my salad not all of it is edible what's going on that that's from a table 20 blue who disses Caesar salad I did chef [Music] oh hey fuzzy are you [ __ ] stupid no chef I'm not J feels like a jackass cuz that cricket lettuce I should have seen it it's a disgrace it really is did you see that I did not chef I saw it I would have never put it in there pretty hard to believe that that butter lettuce went out there it's hard to miss that big lettuce chunk if he just taught in a small salad un-fuckin'-believable despite Jays serving the butt of the lettuce the blue team has served most of their appetizers thank you and Ben is ready to impress with his first entrees Julie lamb two Wellington I'm coming right now to lamb I'm ready to roll I've cooked a hell of a lot of land I just want to oh let's just go baby I'm ready to unleash the beast coming down bland regular [ __ ] him down boys that lamjav sir lamb chop yeah eat it now it's getting thinner and thinner and thinner there's another one there's one rip - [ __ ] there now - Finn cowboy I'm like dude way sending that out it looked like a piece of carpaccio on a bone man how can someone so [ __ ] fat slice something so [ __ ] thin sorry chef it won't happen again chef I wouldn't serve that my [ __ ] dog I'll fix it right now chef while Ben tries to figure out how to cut it on the meat station la tries to figure out a way to work with Colleen why did she fire that one back in the ovens way too hot to keep it warm gosh I just was gonna drop it off tonight we had two people on the meat station it does cause a lot of confusion because she doesn't like to be talked to during service and that's not necessarily easy for me Wellington's two medium one medium will did you cut it already yep cut more I'm calling this tugging on my arm constantly asking me something ladies it's okay we gonna get that a little harder I think when I'm have something in my head and you have someone go wood and I start questioning myself I mean I know how to cook meat come on please yes right here chef hello you don't even trip in the ends off you will need that slice the [ __ ] ends off I don't get it while Colleen and LA try to work it out on the meat station back in the blue kitchen there's chicken of the past and all that needs is garnish please where's the garnish we're gonna see how Danny produced on the garnish station as long as he's talking to talk I'd certainly like to see him walk the walk where's the [ __ ] mashed potato I need the garnish honey don't even ask me now it's just a difficult station Chef Ramsay's like always calls it you know just heating up vegetables but it was rough man where's the [ __ ] garnish 30 seconds I'm gonna [ __ ] kick you out personally Danny it's working chef how long it's gonna be a minute chef while the blue kitchen waits on Danny's garnish back in the red kitchen cooking instructor Colleen and line cook la are ready to go with the Wellington's let's go let's go let's go let's go yes well meanwhile comedians I hear you you brought me for one meeting one meeting well one well done why is the meeting one the medium is here chef where's the medium well the medium was here chef where's the well-done one then right here chef so what the [ __ ] is that one the brisket Colleen takes a damn hard beating from Chef Ramsay just about every night and she keeps her head up high but I think in her brain and it's just breaking down are you under why I'm [ __ ] pissed off I understand you're mad chef while Colleen tries to keep the orders straight out in the dining room the customers are getting impatient with you apologize for the delay and Chef Ramsay looks for the blue team to focus and get out their entrees on order four covers Table three wants color formers after one spaghetti one Caesar bacon one lamb one Wellington right here yes chef come here what did I just go out [Music] hush up now I know you don't know because you won't even [ __ ] prepare to listen no wonder you're struggling why is he doing are you are you come in [Music] sorry chef I just watched you wipe your face and then wipe a pan if this one's for your [ __ ] nose where's your cooking cloth while Chef Ramsay has had problems in both kitchens it's not surprising that John Phillipe is in his own hell in the dining room well let me bring it back one was nearly having no Lobster in they're both undercooked I'm not enough lobster in there hey madam now it's a customer refire on a night with very little consistency Chef Ramsay is at wit's end and desperate to get quality food out of the kitchen again this ticket and the next chef so sorry chef it's a little on the rare side scallops are undercooked kind of have a refire place what is going on come here hey hey look at me you are pathetic no [ __ ] off both teams start thinking about two of you to [ __ ] go home you pathetic I don't want anymore I don't wait for your [ __ ] anymore I don't want your [ __ ] anymore I know what you dry in your face and then [ __ ] cooking with a cloth you [ __ ] up [Music] after a shocking end to a terrible dinner service both teams must nominate two people for elimination for some reason you and I were on point tonight Lacey can I give you a high five yeah guys I'm so [ __ ] sorry boys I'm going home he's had it up to here with Kalidas with me yelled at her the past three services you guys know I suck to ask you know you know what would happen tonight if Lacey was on the lobster spaghetti in the risotto I mean it would have been ten times worse whatever they're gonna find any excuse to make me look bad even when I've done a while are you putting yourself up boys of course I am everybody else did better than me are we prepared to talk about this now or what do you guys think just talk about it Giovanni who are your people me I'll pick Seth and I'll pick you today so you're saying you're saying based on everything you saw him since I've been here you think I'm the one on the chopping block to you of Amy are you [ __ ] serious I'll agree with geo oh my god you're saying to me that I did the second worst in the kitchen today and I do not believe that I heard Danny's name called just as much if not more than my one land being sliced wrong there's no way I need to go down for this no [ __ ] way not once have I seen Danny step up to the plate tonight he sucked he was [ __ ] and as of right now I am the only one on this blue team to push his team forward Robert who's it gonna be his mouth your lamb and that salad thing it's a pretty small salad to miss that big of a [ __ ] piece it shouldn't happen not with professional hairdresser Caesar salad I did chef no way is that a reason for me to be on the chopping block it's a pretty small Sal [Music] something's really bugging me you know that I can't stop thinking about it and here's why if a customer goes out for dinner and their steak is slightly overcooked or undercooked it gets redone and they move on and enjoy the evening but if a customer goes out for dinner and they get served a butt of lettuce that's our reputations get destroyed in minutes go ahead Danny first nominee and why our first nominee is Seth chef for obvious reasons he struggle very hard to get the scallops up you know I think fish one of the easier stations and he just totally lost it routine second only one chef our second nominee is then why we just feel like he hasn't been able to perform for the dinner services I'll agree with that one yeah lacy first nominee and why the first nominee chef is choline based on her overall performance up until this point she's been very weak on the line chef second nominee and why and second nominee chef is myself yeah yes chef do you personally think there was anyone worse than you this evening well I I feel that kroy's performance wasn't up to par my performance was better than hers tonight toy you're silent what do you think I think it was my worst performance so far thank you for being honest okay Lacey Colleen been Seth step forward [Music] right Lacey what makes you think you have a future in Hell's Kitchen I'll admit the first two days I was here were rough and yeah I will admit that I thought about quitting absolutely but now that I'm in here doing it I'm learning a lot and I know I can get stronger Helene so why do you think you should stay inside Hell's Kitchen because I work hard and I am still learning chef and I admire what you're teaching me chef and I am not done learning chef sir yeah chef why do you want to think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen although not as experienced as the rest of these guys I definitely I think have the biggest heart here and the most passion to want this and I absolutely think that I could still be the victor of this competition outright chef thank you yeah sure Ben every time I come into the kitchen I give it everything I have whether it be to help pull the team together work my station fast in accurate follow direction and simply try and motivate everyone on my team every single day I come in here's the thing you move too fast for your own good and you run around like a [ __ ] rhinoceros all day long but achieve zero my decision is Ben get back in line a person leaving Hell's Kitchen is say take your jacket off let's go I can't go any further with you big boy yes chef a pleasure [Music] my abilities and my skills definitely was what lagged behind it's not my confidence on my passion not my love for food you know what Chef Ramsay you know decided that it was my turn to go home so I hope he welcomes the competition in New York when I open my restaurant now tomorrow is a new day Lacey yes sir you're now in the men's team oh my god we got rid of some dead weight now we picked up 250 more pounds of dead weight now all of you [ __ ] off with you boy how did we get so lucky not only are we rid of her but they're stuck with her Thank You Chef Ramsay for that thank you and the [ __ ] rejoice they have no more Lacey I would love for the red team to find out that I was not their problem and now that I am on the blue team it's just more motivation for me to whoop their ass for the people on my team to even consider putting me in the same category as [ __ ] Seth Colleen and Lacey it's very apparent that slowly but surely this thing is becoming a personal endeavor first showed that he had all the passion in the world but the bottom line is he's a crab curry next time on Hell's Kitchen I'm gonna go home one chef gives up on her dream of being head chef at Borgata Atlantic City stop saying of going home we don't plan on [ __ ] losing the chef's talk the talk I personally will kick her in the ass if I think she needs it but can they walk the walk we have a you don't know what it is dinner date at dinner service no one tries at this kitchen nothing's cut out Andrea falls apart you're [ __ ] up big time Robert gets backed into a corner come here you do it I'm trying to do the best I can for you your family's elected but comes back swinging he touched a nerve with me who will get the final word if you've got any comeback I'm doing now juice find out next time Chef Ramsay on an episode full of surprises it's a Hell's Kitchen you have to see to believe [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 514,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: -bEeGfXS_5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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