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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Real_megamike_64 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Real_megamike_64 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Bruh this is so bad

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OneShot95 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome to my grocery store oh sorry I usually punch first-time customers all because they're so cute I like to punch cute things punch punch oh this place is nice and so big I bet they sell bunches and bunches of bananas in here oh hello neighbor so anyways Oh have a look around let me know what you need to buy oh there's a trampoline oh well sometimes you know we run up but we put some trampolines in some aisles and if you jump really high you should be able to find some uh some some grocery get some food on top of the shelves why are you banging your head get off of the trip let's go ask the Baker hey Baker is there any food in my grocery store because we have our first customer ever oh he said there's no foot excuse me you can't you keep you back here this is the cashier station look over there is where we have our frozen fish you don't like frozen not true this the worst of all set french fries in this aisle and kind kinds candy I think that is this should be potatoes in this aisle oh no potatoes can I come up there with you thank you where you found food I didn't think I had food in here I know I had cake you could have some cake hey you can't be behind that counter yeah dude go wait out here wait for the Baker go out there you're contaminating the case you're contaminating the cakes records speaker where are you Baker Baker where's the Baker hey you can't be back here you are you stealing are you fall in there fall down there people who still end up down there hey quit baking the cupcakes or you're going to the special stealer hole for thieves you want to go down there you can't come into my place [Music] you touch my pumpkin pie I'll smack you with a pumpkin pie hey you're making me you're making me break my own mark what are you doing in there bigger what are you in the person go you're free are you eating the cook nostril that's for display purposes only Baker where's the Baker no Baker I'll kill each on my self go in there Baker bye-bye big girl hahaha Arnim back the Baker is out he's out he's out to lunch permanently where's all the food dude oh I was gonna actually help you still touch you in your non-existent nose you know weird weird nostrils on aisle three [Music] no one has ever said such sweet things to me before hug hug you know what here I can tell this is all my fault you're just mad that there's no food here right yeah all right I'm going I'm going to check in the back if there's any food you stayed here don't do anything I'm going back stay stay stay stay no jumping going going are you staying okay okay I'm going to check I'm always watching I'm the king of security cameras let's go back here where's all the nostrils I'll salt out of nostrils all right everybody we need food we're low on food the whole gross where's where is everybody [Music] somebody where's everybody where is that oh I see what were you doing well you know I have a good nose I can smell where you been smells like chase ready wait a sec okay getting something he's picking up a scent trail wait why is it leading towards the cash register are you in my cash register let me oh my gosh registers empty get down from here quit banging your head at my ceiling I have no liability insurance whoa who's who's that guy over there is that the Baker he's come back to haunt me I mean he was on his lunch break he's come he's come back he's come back to work at me the Baker okay just just forget about it let me see your show me your pockets three fruit I stole did you take my money okay only stole pumpkin pie yeah well you did touch my 64 pennies right thank you for being so honest oh you know what there's actually this one thing I wanted to show you come on follow me follow me we do have food where no I'm gonna show you you probably that you haven't seen come ere you follow me what we almost kicked me there's this new section of our store it's right here it's all of this stuff yeah look we've got my Pepsi coca-cola Fritos spongebob cheese oh it's sleeping pills right here oh yeah I have a hard time sleeping so so sometimes I just come here and I get some sleeping pills and then and I sleep that's probably why I don't have any food or money in my cash register you know what do you think people have been stealing my food I gave them back it was on me I'm sorry you stole everything in here yeah this is this isn't your first time here well this is my first time here here have your bed back you throw it at me I want your stick of bread up I'll smack you Britt Hey after all this running around kind of thirsty but I don't have any money keep sorry I mean it let's try to show you my pockets Oh Pepsi wait where did you get this sorry sometimes I talk Turkey the camera off of me I got it from paper Pepsi Pepsi let me see why is it why is it look so flat it looks so flat because all my crush stood up and then I made it flat so you can still drink it little bit it's like not working I'm trying to drink it pick a hand which hand will have it pick turn around this one which one okay ready I'm putting it behind my back and guess guess which hand I have it mmm let's see if you're right tada [Music] I don't even know because it could have been my left or your left either way no look at that you're switching like a boss what else is inside of these machines Pepsi coke and water how do i click on hey can I have some money so I can see yeah I got this from my house here have 100 so this money's from your house there's no way you stole it or nothing right no no I told you I did well I stole your food but not your money I just got this funny no I I forget that for you ok and here when we do just put it in right here Oh Oh Liam torito's Hershey's Cheetos Twix Eidos we tried to reduce things you have to trust I really could trust you watch this switch switch I don't care my water switch switch switch switch switch switch switch have some more money I'm really really good oh man this is so taste I'm just gonna eat this really quick all of it oh my goodness I'm so glad I went into business this is becoming a new created mist thank you all right here I'm gonna treat you I'm gonna treat you come here come here I told you not to move no I don't want you at the point listen to me oh I broke it I broke it oh sorry oh I'm gonna make a new one thank you thank you okay oh we're getting so much food [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I'm a coke slow one yeah sure there you go good string whatever race anymore get a drink cuz I'm so Paul sign a cycle of jerky coca-cola with nostrils on aisle two I told you [Music] don't want a frozen nostril all right come follow me I'll show you where it is wait a minute we don't have that I'll see if I just remembered come on back we've got we've got four sleeping pills okay which one do you want three I'm gonna take a CD one two three sleeping pills worth of training about Cheetos okay now I can go dreaming of a Cheeto dream that was a good tree my to dream about Jase Jase my only friend Jake where are you where did he go geez maybe he's not a while - looking for the frosted nostrils change change are you out here Jason Hey [Music] chance where are you I got I got to Reno Cheetos Doritos Cheetos Doritos the Cheetos that got door cheetahs in Reno Hey Dude um I'm so happy that we yeah we found those machines I've just been eating man I'm just so hungry so what where are you this is big oh whoa what is it this is candy yeah no it's glowing I love it I hope you like a destroyed and the neighbor video because this was his I want to plan on okay you want to plan this on on the thing so [Music] let's go let's do this I go and drop the Trump will truck see chop chop driving this truck let's bounce it on Dwayne Johnson's like a BA
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 35,695,205
Rating: 4.5894713 out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, youtube kids, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, hello neighbor fgteev, hello neighbor Minecraft, adventure block, vending machine minecraft, vending machines mod minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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