HELLDIVERS 2 vs Most Popular GPU, the RTX 3060, what's the FPS, at what Graphical settings

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welcome back hell diver today we're going to dive in the hell of the hardware I'm going to check with the card the most popular from Steam Hardware survey which is the RTX 360 don't know if it's the 12 gig or the 8 gig but I only have the best of the both the 12 gig and show you at what settings you should play or at least give you an idea welcome to respond PC I'm dunk let's hell dive in so the RTX 36 12 GB a little bit better than the 8 GB variant I don't think that will make a big difference for that game and I've paired it with the I3 1200f 16 GB of memory for the setting I left everything at Auto I just add a bit more of field of view and remove the motion blur I'm obviously at the 1080P and with all that we have an average FPS of 64 the CPU utilization is in the 80 the GPU utilization is in the 95 and the vram utilization is at 5.2 5.3 so we way far from the 12 gig so even from the 8 gig so the card should be okay even the eight one for the ram we have overing just under the 10 GB almost look like this is the perfect GPU to play this game now boosting the settings to the preset High we get a little bump in the FPS we jump to 69 so my guess the auto detect have put some of ultra high settings but the GPU us AG stayed at 95% the vram stay at 5.3 we have raised the vram by about 100 MB the CPU usage didn't change at all but the RAM we pass from 9.2 9.3 to 10.1 to 10.2 gab of usage I'm telling you h ders 2 is the best game for the RTX 360 which is the GPU the most used from player in their PC this is the game the best targeting Gaming Community you can get the RTX 360 and if you didn't get the game yet I don't know what you're waiting and to finish the ultra high settings giving everything the game can give to that GPU and he take it quite well we have an average FPS of 56 highly playable I still going to play at high settings instead of ultra ey but you can still play at Ultra ey the GPU usage went from 95 to 96 average so nothing to compare about for the vram we are using 5.5 5.6 so you have the 12 or the 8 GB card us still in business CPU ination and RAM ination didn't change much and don't forget that depending on which planet you're fighting maybe you get a different uh result in fps and if you're looking to get a brand new pc the budget version high tree 1200 and RTX 3060 and if you tweak a bit on the settings you can maybe leave at ultra high and move some slider to high or medium settings that you don't care to bring down and maybe going to reach your 60 FPS at ultra high I know I said this was the last part but let's try at 1440p because this card is doing so well right now and it is doing well at 1440 AP I redu from ultra high to high the render is still at ultra high quality and I get an average of 64 FPS and depending on the area on the map I reach sometimes 72 FPS for a while seems so that the RTX 360 the most popular GPU from a steam Hardware survey is the perfect GPU to play at 440p at high resolution and still be over 60 FPS the memory usage the CPU usage and the GPU usage stay almost the same and the vram just use another 150 megabyte more from 1080p now if you still didn't have B the game I don't know what you're waiting for this game is so enjoyable it's hard to just test it I call myself multiple time to just continue playing instead of recording not like some other game that I just B play to record my video and never Play It Again Starfield anyway that's all for today's video see you on the next one and subscribe
Channel: ReSpawn PC
Views: 3,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, RTX3060, minimum requirement, system requirement
Id: jfuKk2YBGOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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