Helldivers 2 – The Closest Win I've Ever Had, Laser Build (Solo, Helldive Difficulty)

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what's up Legends today we're going to be running one of MOX hd's favorite Loadout which he calls the infinite build so shout out to Ms HD he was actually the first Creator I've ever watched any hell divers video on and that was even before hell divers 2 was even released I'll link his YouTube channel and his YouTube video in the description box below so check the brother out so the load out goes a little bit like this you go with the laser cannon as well as the guard dog Rover this is going to be a laser heavy uh build and we're also going to be bringing in the rail Cannon strike he prefers the rail Cannon strike over the orbital laser and uh yeah we're going with that we're not changing anything at least not yet anyways we also bring in the Expendable anti-tank which he likes to use it to deal with chargers and biot Titans and such uh as most of his video does seem to be focused mostly on terminate but yeah since our major order is against the Bots we will be running this build against the Bots uh we bring the stamina uh enhancement I don't think he mentions that in his video we also bring in the Scythe as the primary weapon the dagger 7 as the secondary weapon and for the grenade he uses the impact incendiary grenade but I do believe that he chooses that for the terminates not necessarily the bots so we change that onto the stun so that we can have an easier time against the hulks as you will see in the game play uh here in a second for the armor set we bring in the butcher which I believe to be the best heavy armor set to use against the automaton the following in game play may have literally been the hardest game I have ever played against automatons and somehow still managed to win and extract spoiler alert but boy I I I do believe that it was the hardest mission I've ever played it was intense honestly I don't know what the hell happened this game it just kept throwing Factory Striders at us hulks Devastators the whole deal anyways let's get straight to it dude I'm not exactly sure when was the last time I used the Scythe I don't think I ever use the Scythe like to try to make a video with it I know I just tried it out on my own but I don't think I ever made a video with the Scythe this should be a first enemies in here the guard dog Rover and the laser cannon M's HD did say you could swap out the for his build he does sometimes swap out the Scythe for the sickle for those who prefer it but I kind of figured we'd stick with the whole laser theme you know for the primary the secondary the support weapon as where as the guard dog Rover we see the AA there so we're going to be going for that going to get rid of that before it becomes an issue there's certain secondary objectives that you can kind of leave alone but I don't know I don't like risking leaving an AA alone imagine if we try to extract later on in this game and we have to use strategems and this guy is not going to let us yeah so the laser cannon can just shoot right in front of the front plate of the turret not really an issue although it does take a while honestly I'm actually feeling quite confident about this buildz the Scythe has no recoil does it is dead accurate just can't see its head though cuz it's so tiny not today there we go okay yeah no this might work this might work it's so accurate I Like It by the way in case you guys didn't know the Scythe is one of the lowest DPS oh one of the lowest DPSS in the entire game it's like the second lowest or something like that so this is why I chose stun grenades oh bam beautiful oh we're already pretty low on stems we're going to need to resupply here oh yeah we're definitely going to need to resupply as always shootter Devastators are going to be annoying to deal with just just going to have to beam those little eyes but with proper cover ow holy crap didn't even realize my health was so low almost died there so the guard dog Rover is almost definitely a bad choice here I don't think the guard of Rover is going to be doing us much of a favor I mean it's to keep the the laser theme but yeah the guardog Rover against the Bots yeah probably not a good idea I'm sure it's going to be great against the the bugs it's good for dealing with hunters and such M HD did also say that he uses this build strictly in grouped play so um might not necessarily apply for solo play but we're going to run it anyways you know how we do got another big boy Jesus holy crap dude we literally got enemies from every three different directions already this is the issue with heavy armor I picked the heavy armor here because since we're using lasers we kind of need to stand still right as we beam down our enemies oh [ __ ] I just kind of figured The Heavy Armor would be a better oh crap is that a gunship it's so dark I just figured since we have to stand still and beam them with the lasers a heavy armor would be a better idea but this is why you should always run stealth when you're soloing Bots boys I'm only not running stealth here for the sake of this video but always run stealth oh god oh my god dude there's so many of them done s real quick nice beautiful rid of you please don't rocket me please don't rocket me yes dude I got so many lasers y I dig it I dig it I actually kind of dig it oh my [Music] goded like if you actually want to run this solo I tweak a few things but I I dig it I dig the the laser build especially because it's oh my God two more gunships where is this goddamn gunship fabricator come on there one oh I need to to uh resupply here there we go beautiful Laser cannon is amazing against gunships I love it crap 15 seconds on the resupply [ __ ] we just keep running into trouble a few tweaks I'd make is first of all the guard dog Rover is a nogo I'd switch it out against bots if you want to do this solo against bots switch out the Rover if you want a guard dog use the regular one for Bots anyways but I would just get rid of the Rover put in an eagle air strike especially cuz if I face a factory Strider here I'm not exactly sure how I'll be able to deal with them the rest the rest is okay yeah if you use rail Cannon strike and then get rid of the guard dog Rover and put in an elego air strike I feel like you'll have a lot of Firepower I'd also recommend using a stealth build oh what the hell was that did we get headshotted I've been seeing a lot of people complain about that you can actually get headshotted by your enemies which will cause stuff like that I think that just happened there instantly died there head shot me I'll head shot you [ __ ] jeez dude Lally got enemies on every side beautiful here we go create space here we got to push for the gunships oh no go go go to get to pushing they're going to spawn here any second now we're getting in range is that a radar station no gunships found something I don't think they see me yeah they don't see me just going to run till we can't anymore and they're turning around here we go I like to dive and prone oh [ __ ] that landed on me my life for super earth when I'm fighting gunships I I generally like to do the dive and stay in prone to get rid of them because you know as you guys know your recoil is much better when you're prone pretty much regardless whether I'm using autoc cannon get rid of these mines autoc Cannon AMR even laser cannon yeah it's pretty good by the way a crazy buff that the laser cannon could receive is The Recoil of it be removed a lot of people talk about how that doesn't make sense how the laser cannon has like recoil to it imagine if it had no recoil like it would be the automaton killer dude I mean already is good please work I've had a few hell bombs in that place that sometimes didn't actually okay it worked it worked beautiful what how the hell did I spawn a gunship is there another gunship or was it Jesus man handle that come on Left Behind the mountain dude we already got Bots coming at us this is why I missed the stealth armor right it feels like when you don't run stealth armor literally everyone sees you it's crazy no way dude what the [ __ ] that's two for two bro that they land right on top of me that is crazy bro these Bots can smell me bro they're coming from everywhere not going to lie though so far it's pretty solid God damn it there we go that the guard dog rovero I feel like the little buddy here is not doing any well okay he killed that little guy but still feel like it's not really doing anything cuz it can't right it can't damage anybody except light like the tiny Bots cuz I don't think it aims for the head at all so it just kind of Misses its laser oh my God shootter Devastators what I stemmed did I not stem whatever land on one of them actually that was a terrible idea holy crap I'm in the middle of them I'm going die again yes I'm bleeding out wrecked idiot I'm so glad I wasn't punished for my mistakes come on Rover do something I'm not seeing half the things I'm shooting at the map is so dark oh no we got a Hulk by the resupply what oh hell no we got a factory Strider rid of you hulks are fine though not mad at hulks here we go that was nice see when you hit your shots like that come on climb you hit your shots is real oh my God wait a second that's a lot of bots I can't see that hul at all oh my God they're like blocking my way there I don't think I can go through that through there I got to go the other way uh um guess I'll try to take the long way around since that place is completely blocked off we're going to spend like 10 minutes here fighting if we try to push it I'm going to oh God going to try to run all the way South here and do a whole run around maybe we'll go for the other primary objective first yeah we're going to go for that one in the middle of the map should be a bit easier okay so far I'm not too too it's not too bad it's not too bad I could 100% see me using this in group play know the whole point of it as well is that it has infinite ammo so it's fantastic for group play again I for Bots I what is that is that the factory Strider what the hell is it shooting at for the guard dog Rover I would definitely remove it against the Bots really no reason to keep it uh not exactly sure I don't quite recall if mogs mentioned any alternatives for the guard dog Rover but yeah I'd bring in like an eagle air strike over it try to avoid that group dude we already got in way too many fights we're 14 minutes deep boys 14 minutes deep all we did was one AA and one gunship this is looking real bad is looking real bad that a radar station oh no that's already the final primary all right let's get here the SSD this is kind of looking Grim isn't it 25 minutes to do all this let's see see what we can do I a quick kill o I can't see you all right I can't see that bot at all have a taste of democracy je they're all on to us whatever let's start this primary we're late as hell support I can't really stay around fighting too much going to try to hold them off here oh god oh crap we got tanks is that a double tank that's a freaking double tank isn't it get rid of one of them stri didn't I call in Expendable anti-tank somewhere what was I high did I throw that into the sky what the hell did I do did I bounce off the floor that was a waste although ow okay here I guess that is really hard to hit there you go Rover that's the cover I need from you let's just bring this SSD as close as I can to the objective I'm not going to sweat about it too much cuz we still need to get all of the other primaries I think I'll just oh my God yeah that's too many of them leave it here oh no another gunship oh we're so dead here wipe it up out easy what okay that was the head shot again wasn't it with the one hit come on I have heavy armor how do I get one hit that's sad to the got to get rid of this gunship at least it's the one gunship Fabricators although it doesn't matter too much if it's only one or too I don't really have an issue with gunships with laser cannons but yeah still good nonetheless follow it over here I know it works from there what is that stuff in this Sky help Amo armed clear the area all right let's try to do this uh generator and we'll be pretty good to go here after that we just got to run to the other SSD gunship down all right that's one AA that's a dual that's two gunships facilities oh what the does that always happen you blow him up and one of them spawns when you do that what the [ __ ] man all right that's frustrating sorry for cursing I mean I curse a lot but still what the hell is that the try again oh God come on oh a factory Strider ohoh that's not good oh God start up to terminal oh that is so bad do we no that doesn't hurt it so here's what we got to do we got to get rid of the turret on top of it and then we got to get rid of the Min guns underneath it then we'll laser beam its Underside that's the only way we can fight it off holy [ __ ] if we can even fight it off holy crap dude there's Bots everywhere we got the rail cannon that's actually perfect let's use that on the factory Strider to get rid of the rid of the cannon there is the cannon beautiful double Min guns to go ow F these guys are going to be trouble crap here we go let's try to find its Minun one two oh Jesus I need to Res oh my god dude we're getting shot from people over there on the East Side in front of us to our right and behind us what the okay we got to we got to go far we have no reinforcements oh my God this is bad oh we got a tank oh we're dead we're actually dead got to get my laser cannon back our dog Rover [ __ ] oh my God this metal pipe what am I even shooting at come on come on come on okay [ __ ] the guard dog Rover okay yeah you can stay there dog okay we got to get rid of you before you shoot me in the back do we have an angle here Strider Strider down [ __ ] that's oh my God I have one Health that's the tank we got the tank I wanted to get Are you seriously coming from that side oh my God we got the factory Strider and the tank coming at us uh spend one an tank I almost forgot about that honestly up the stems we got bot again oh my God you guys are you guys are going to kill me from behind aren't you try to pop off the tank how many does it take I forget feel like it's three oh God damn it it is three how the hell am I going to get behind this tank I'm so glad I missed okay let's get rid of the minigun one two okay Factory sters officially harmless behind the tank the problem is the Devastators the thing can spawn oh my God come on come on [ __ ] oh my God stem okay we got a reinforcement back this is how I'm going to have to kill it but I can't I can't do that I got to kill them first yeah I killed them the factory Strider is harmless right now it's got to kill the little guys so hard to tell where the beam is going it's to too many crossair there's like three crossair there's the white there's the dot there's the green them up yes yes come on reload oh come on stop coming oh is it spawning again oh there we go [ __ ] let's go holy crap we're still going still going boys got another shot here holy [ __ ] get some get some start pushing back there is so many freaking Bots all the time that's crazy how'd you like the taste of freedom is the major order Planet usually harder like I don't think that's ever been brought up confirmed or anything but I don't know if I'm crazy or what but it does feel like the major order planets are Freedom never SL pretty tough man I don't know if it's just coincidence or what or if it has some sort of like oh my God like increase right like look at this dudee there's still like a dozen of them we got people shooting from the smoke back there where the [ __ ] are you guys oh we got another group coming I'm getting tortured out here so the one of the things with this load out is that I just kind of realized is I can't get rid of factories oh my God so I can't get rid of the factory behind me it's just going to keep throwing enemies at me and there's just not that much I can do against it oh come on soon as I landed my shots on it what how are the Rockets hitting underneath me what how's it launching me up in the air that's so weird oh no we got another Hulk a whole last group again beautiful let's go oh stem St oh my God bro oh no got to do the terminal what is he is there a tank again this is so hard injury what injury got to reload rid of The Strider first we go oh my God it is a tank again wait you're still up what reinforcement did you call dude please don't be nothing crazy okay some Berserkers no biggie oh my God bro another Factory Strider no no way no way can we use the Expendable anti-tanks now maybe we can pop the maybe we can finally look at this [Music] Army we are so dead wait what do I do honestly oh my God what the heck do I do run away a little bit let's see if we can pop this uh Factory strider's uh turret what I was trying to do on the previous one let's see if we can do it on this one yo holy crap this is this is insane I'm out okay at least that was a CLE clean shot just one more CRA we got the whole whole Squad coming come on okay I'm dead that's it beautiful turret down go go go go go go go not today if we can go the long way around give us a bit of uh bit of of uh space here so we can maybe yeah let's resupply problem is I can't call my laser cannon or guard dog Rover as we just called it oh we got 9 minutes yeah I don't know about that so we got a generator to do we still got to run all the way to the other SSD pick that up take it all the way to the next primary objective I don't think look at that big [Music] boy I don't know if we're making it boys I'll fight this out anyways I want to see how how how bad this turns out but look at this there's even another group there just big chilling this is honestly one of the craziest games I ever had like I mean in regards of like a game that I'm still out here fighting I mean there there have been harder games that I've just been killed killed killed and immediately or not immediately but losing the mission but this one in the sense of like still being able to fight this has been one of the craziest missions I've had this is this is crazy I think this is kind of working I was honestly just trying to avoid that rocket Devastator group but it seems like we might be in the clear for this holy [ __ ] can we do this oh no oh no what do I do I think I'll fight it really difficult to see the the beam I don't know why I called for guard doog Rover if I already have one support weon leave me alone let me just do the generator you see that guard dog is doing absolutely nothing he's just shooting at their hip oh my god oh the aim Flinch I hate it right yo looking good let's get the hell out of here closer comp feels good okay I think I'll six minutes uh think I'll grab this SSD we'll deliver it to the primary objective and we'll just Sprint to the other one dude may like the only way this is still winnable somehow is if I literally Sprint from one point to the other and back and and somehow make it oh my God look at another Factory Strider there of course that one we don't want to mess around with that one is in the heavy Factory whatever ever heavy Outpost let's turn this in turn on Terminal just to speed things up a tiny bit 100 m what the is that the factor trainer get off me bro come on Rover you have one job keep the tiny guys off me all right 5 minute dude is this I don't think it's doable but we we we'll do it we'll do it holy [ __ ] oh that's that's a tower that's not that's not the factory Strider uh in case you guys didn't know you can still win the mission like you know when the when it calls for extraction like forced extraction you still can win the mission even after it forces you to extract so maybe we'll do that I mean I don't think we can do it in four minutes for Prosperity come on just going to run in there dude YOLO only way we can win not even going to waste time with you son go go go go go go go go now oh my God there's a tower shooting us AR are these towers seeing us from so far away please Don't Shoot Me Tower oh that's close Okay Strider down hi from the tower hopefully it'll lose us it lost us [Music] beautiful let's go Boys 3 minutes 3 minutes minutes got to straight run the final primary objective that's only way we can do this try to run around all the Outpost just to so we don't have to waste any extra time fighting off anybody 2 minutes is it duable in 2 minutes I'm I'm getting nervous here I don't like to upload anything that's not a win so I don't win this you may never see this although I might still upload it because holy crap this was one of the craziest games I ever had one that we're still picking that isation come on come on go go go asset SEC resupply here holy crap boys I'm minute 25 we can do this as long as there's no big surprise we can do this the problem is when I have to PRP there to that there's a strategen gemmer there good thing is not a any more relevant we would not have been able to do that one minute remains Destroyer depart right let's see how hard we have to turn the antenna oh oh my God scamer loot YouTuber loot holy crap there's no freaking way we just pulled it off okay sir please don't do that please don't kill me iy rock you already know what to do you are single-handedly the only reason the only thing keeping me alive oh the turret lost me I can't believe the tiny Rock protected us again oh let's go dude Super Destroyer let's go yo and we did that at0 seconds at the perfect time holy [ __ ] I can't believe that wow that should have been a loss all right now let's just focus on extracting okay we don't want to mess with that group uh let's go around here we don't need to resupply not going to lie I think I think this extra minute on the extraction timer may be actually beneficial for us see if we can get some samples here before oh we got B drops Metals how many medals we get okay three medals beautiful go go go we got to go the long way around we got to avoid as many fights as as we possibly can cuz we literally can't afford anything right now let's go around these outposts got a minute boys holy crap dude did this Tower may be an issue may be an issue want to throw oh no I can't I was going to say I was going to throw a rail cannon at it but we can't do that what turning it's turning oh oh okay 30 seconds let's go Boys Home Free that was the closest closest game I've ever had like I've had games where I've been stomped harder before of course like losing the game but this was the closest game I've ever been able to somehow still find my way to win it cuz holy [ __ ] that was insane dude three Factory sters like five or I think like five tanks right no no less tanks it wasn't that many we killed I think we killed three tanks bunch of Hulks bunch of Devastators let's go boys let's go all right righty holy [ __ ] that was incredibly close so a quick talk about the build I think the build is really good uh I think the guardog Rover could be swapped out against the Bots against the bugs it's okay cuz it can handle Devastators Warriors you know the whole deal but against bots I can only handle the little guys so not worth it at all an eagle air strike is going to be a much better choice or even like an orbital laser whatever anything really like literally anything would be better than a guardog Rover it's very very weak against bots sadly but uh everything else even the Scythe dude I think even the Scythe was a good choice because of the lack of recoil it actually makes it dealing with shoota Devastators like a lot easier there aren't too many Primary Weapons that have such perfect recoil making it easy to deal with shoter Devastator so yeah I think it was fantastic at that and we can deal with everything as you saw there we can deal with hulks with fact fact Striders gunships uh tanks whatever we we needed we had you know an answer for everything anything and everything how many did we kill 276 W that felt like four shots fired what counts as a shot anyways yeah so we can definitely handle everything with this Loadout so the loadout is pretty good thank you guys very much for watching man I'll be catching You Hell divers on the next one let's finish off this major order shall we peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 32,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 0225TVqHLgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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