"Hellbound" [COMPLETE] | Creepypasta Compilation

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they tell you that hell is hot a raging Inferno filled with the screams of the Damned and tormented they were wrong hell's cold a freezing black void of Silence where they condemned spend an eternity far from the light of God only their wretched memories to keep them company even they begin to fade over time how long had I been in this aching void I I had no idea I still remembered my name my family and my friends the faces of my victims though I tried hard not to think about that in life I had suffered from a deranged Madness that had caused me to kill it was only when I arrived in hell that my head cleared and Sanity returned I suppose Madness was a kind of Escape not allowed for me here more time passed a day perhaps a year a hundred thousand when a light suddenly appeared in the darkness and an angel stood before me an angel with black wings the golden band almost crowned like circled its head I realized I was looking at a Halo couldn't really make out the sex the creature looked beautifully female terrifyingly masculine all at the same time the only thing I did know was that I was in the presence of evil an evil that made my shriveled soul shudder Christian Davis the thing is said looking at ancient parchment get to your feet I was just about to answer that I had no feet when I realized I was suddenly clothed in flesh again hurry up slave the creature growled you have an audience with the king of hell all of a sudden eternity alone seemed like a blessing Lucifer I croaked no longer used speech the Fallen one did not answer but turned his back to me and slammed his midnight Wings together Illuminating what I now saw was a small cell with slime-covered walls follow he commanded leading the way I did as I was bid stepping out of my cell and entering a vast hallway where rearing black pillars reached up into a starless sky and strange creatures swooped and called to each other shrilly seemed like we walk for an eternity through an ever-changing landscape of Horrors in one place fire burned and the smell of sulfur hung heavily in the air in another place the ground was covered in an orgy of naked bodies the air stank of sex and blood and I realized to my horror that these lustful bodies were not individuals but one writhing Mass fused together Forever by their own terrible desire what is this place I finally worked up the courage to ask the Fallen one who stopped and surveyed the scene reaching out a hand to stroke a nearby thrusting buttocks it's hell of course he laughed in My Father's House there are many rooms come he said moving off it's not wise to keep Lucifer waiting he is not known for his patience and his wrath is a terrible thing to be home sometime later we stood before a black Castle the terrain was black and arid with skeleton trees from which hung rotting corpses that screamed and cried out as Ravens tore their flesh in there the Black Wing angel said pointing towards a huge Archway that was emblazoned with a glowing rune my master awaits you inside you're not coming with me I pleaded terrified of the thought of being alone in this place not me he said looking at the castle thoughtfully I stay away from that one as much as possible his mood has been dour as of late and I would like to keep my head a little while longer I'll go I would tell you to pray but God hears no words uttered in this place that said he quickly turned away and left leaving me alone for a moment I was tempted to run but where to where do you want to hide from the king of hell taking a deep breath I pushed at the massive wooden doors that swung open easily as if expecting me inside was a great hall with a high vaulted ceiling there were no windows only black obsidian walls and yet I could see quite clearly and I realized the illumination was coming from the end of the hall as I approached it grew brighter and brighter pulsating around my body with a terrible cold heat and like I could stand it no longer and I fell to my knees crying out half blinded and yet I was drawn onward like a moth to some terrible Flame and then just like that it was gone when a Golden Throne Shone before me sat upon it was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen a terrible beauty that you would die for kill for give up your very soul to possess the creature smiled at me as if reading my thoughts then stood up repentant in its golden armor its black wings unfurling as it looked down at me with piercing blue eyes stand up it said but I could not like oh I could only stare taking in the this the Splendor of the creature before me with a sigh and stepped back bathing itself in a glowing white light until only an ordinary looking man stood before me in an Immaculate tailored Suit and Tie is that better he asked yes I answered slowly climbing to my feet you Mortals he laughed such simple creatures so easy to bedazzled so easy to manipulate whatever was my father thinking when he created you I wonder if he regrets it come he said leading me over to a nearby table that was Laden with all manner of food and smoking joints I realized I was hungry ravenous with a cry I leapt to the table and started stuffing food into my mouth tearing at smoking flesh cramming strange and exotic foods into my mouth until my stomach started to ache and groan I tried to stop but I realized I could not my will was no longer my own I I was choking now gagging on rich food I staggered away falling to my knees and was violently sick heaving smoking chunks of Flesh onto the floor through all this Lucifer sat at the table laughing uproariously don't you know that gluttony is a sin what will you do next I gasped suddenly Furious pull the wings from flies his smile faltered then and he caressed his own Wings lovingly no I would never pull the wings from anything my own were torn from me on the day I was cast down it took me an eternity to grow them back and when they did they were black the ultimate jest from an unforgiving God I spat what's he ever done for me in life I was an insane crazed killer and in death and death he left me here to rot indeed he said leaning closer he was that seething hatred that Drew me to you it puts you on my radar you might say what do you want from me I said staggering to my feet a good question he said playing with a Golden Goblet from which he drank very good question indeed tell me Mr Davis how would you like to get out of here uh a small vacation if you will after the job is done I'm sure that you could be made to feel more comfortable in your damnation what job I asked falling into a nearby chair suddenly he was on his feet sweeping the chair from under me causing me to spill to the floor on your knees he switched on your knees before me I looked up into his blazing face and I saw a Madness there that could melt mountains and dry up entire oceans and I realized he was insane driven mad by his own damnation forgive me a lot a Grove laying on my belly like a worm trying desperately to kiss his feet you disgust me he said kicking my reaching hands away your kind has always disgusted me he seems somewhat calmer now and smiled down at me almost pityingly now you may sit he said gesturing to the Fallen chair which I quickly rided and fell into keeping a wary eye on him but he only smiled and poured an oily substance that smelled like wine into a goblet before thrusting it into my hand there's been an escape a breakout if you will I don't know how it happened but it has five Souls have escaped the pit and I want them back no one escapes this place no one defies me do you understand yeah yes master I said quickly he seemed to enjoy my turn of phrase and settled more comfortably into his chair before going on at least five much like you killers and degenerates that's why I chose you your minds are somewhat similar this will help you in the hunt I mean of course other help will be provided but first I have an errand for you a small test if you will he smiled and the light of Madness burned in his eyes now go he clicked his fingers and once again I was cast in the darkness for a moment I feared I had been transported back to my cell but then I felt the cold dirt on my face and sat up taking a large gasping breath I let out a Bellow of pain as I was reborn into the world I was in a forest naked Malone sitting in a shallow grave I was suddenly aware of a searing pain in my throat and reached out feeling the gaping wound there that even now had started to knit and close under my probing fingers I tried to stand but sank back down to my knees noticing that my pale skin was covered in streaks of blood what is this I mumbled where am I you're in the body of a dead man or at least he was a voice whispered in a silver hiss from above my head quickly I looked up a large black snake looked down at me from a flat reptilian eyes well it hissed revealing needle-like fangs hadn't you better be about the Master's business what business I asked staggering to my feet twisting in the Bindings that bound my bloody wrists the man you seek is inside it said slithering further up a twisting branch I followed its movements noticing a bright light off in the distance they're two men one you must kill the other will assist you once he has ascended the throne I don't understand I said climbing out of my own grave Where I Stood shaking in The Frigid night air what's understand the serpent hissed our Master wants this oath breaker dead and you will be his instrument in this is he one of the five one of those who escaped no the snake replied this is a mere Aaron and a trial if you will now go I grow tired of your endless questions and I'm feeling the urge to bite something quickly I scrambled away and headed towards the light casting off my bindings as I went after what seemed like endless walking through the night shrouded Forest I stumbled Upon A gravel driveway that led to a ranch-style looking mansion wincing at the pain in my feet I stared up at it noticing that every light in the house seemed to burn and yet the night was deafeningly quiet I approached the door and wondered if I should knock when it creaked open as if by its own volition the hallway was vast and carpeted a deep Crimson with a high decorative ceiling a crystal chandelier twinkled lending the place in almost ethereal quality I was hearing something a low humming coming from a nearby a nearby staircase as I drew closer I realized was the voice of many people chanting from below a low-cut door embedded in the staircase itself taking a deep breath unsure of what I would find within I gently opened the door revealing a set of rough huge stair steps leading down into a flickering Gloom as I ascended the chanting grew louder seeming to Echo all around me at the bottom of the stairs I turned a tight corner and I was greeted by the sight of a vast Cavern filled with glowing black candles the room was overflowing with people in hooded black robes all but one stood by what looked like an ancient altar red robed knife poised to strike at the bound naked girl writhing upon the stone behind him hung a great black cross inverted a glowing pentagram carved into the middle depicting the face of some horned beast at the side of me the man dropped the knife and began to shake violently attracting the attention of the other men in the room that's this cannot be he gassed you're dead oh yeah I killed you myself I was just about to answer him when my mouth dropped open and Lucifer's voice issued forth David David David I thought we had a deal is that you master the man replied falling to his knees the others seeing this did the same pushing their foreheads into the Dust you know damn well who this is The Voice hissed from between my lips we had an agreement David once a month when the moon was at its fullest you would sacrifice two virgins unto me a son of Adam and a daughter of Eve in return I would give you power make you the leader of this coven and more has been done great Lord the man whimpered you lie The Voice screamed this one was no virgin that's impossible he was one of the coven he would he would never lie to me The Voice laughed then you overestimate your power over these dogs this one lied to you because he hated you and knew he would bring my wrath upon you for such an unworthy sacrifice and he was correct I can hardly blame him for this the priest Cried Out crawling on his knees towards me until his cold hand caressed my feet but you can The Voice laughed causing my head to look down upon his prone form besides I grow tired of your nightly devotions you bore me please Master the man begged but the voice had left my lips and was now in my head kill the fool kill him then tell Bartholomew he is now the leader of this coven and that that he is to assist you in any way and by any means do this and own your place as my Emissary upon Earth and just like that he was gone murder of course was not unknown to me in my former life I had been quite insane and a prolific killer but that was that was before my rebirth the desire had fled from me but the knowledge had not besides the groveling man before me was evil a follower of Lucifer but was I not the same I tried to tell myself that that wasn't true that I had been pressed into the dark one service I should not kill this man regardless of his crimes but in the end in the end my fear went out and with a cry I brought the soul of my foot crashing down on the back of his exposed neck breaking his spine killing him instantly Bartholomew I said trying to interject some Authority into my voice come forth a tall Slenderman with graying beard separated himself from the crowd and approached me warily these deep sunken eyes never leaving my face I am Bartholomew he sat in Rich tones and and bowing low how could I help you master your master is gone but he left you a message I said tapping my skull he says you are now a leader here and master of his coven and that you are to assist me if the news pleased him he did not show it and how may I be of assistance he said drawing closer I was suddenly aware of the many eyes watching us perhaps we can talk somewhere more private I said nodding towards the watching cultists of course all your needs shall be met and then you will tell me everything his request sounded very much like a demand but I let it slide all I wanted was a good warm meal and a hot shower after the depths of hell that in itself would seem like a small Slice of Heaven an hour later found me in a small study sitting by a roaring fire my belly full and wearing a brand new set of clothes Bartholomew pacing impatiently around me so he said stopping the endless pacing and turning to face me so tell me why you're here you're surely not Matthew you sneered Matthew the boy whose flesh you inhabit and how do you know I'm not Matthew I didn't he laughed you just told me my name is it was Christian Davis I was in hell for but that was something I didn't know what date is it I asked what year why does it matter it matters because I want to [ __ ] know because you've been commanded to obey me he bridled at that I believe the word you used was assist but the date is October 16th 2022. 40 years I guessed I was in that place for 40 years what place he asked excitedly you were in Hell weren't you did you see him did you did you meet the dark father yes I replied I met him and you're truly blessed above all men I myself hope to stand in his glorious presence someday you may want to hope for something else he is about as crazy as a [ __ ] rat how dare you he recoiled from me if you are not the dark princess chosen I would tear out your tongue with hot pincers for your blasphemies but I am as chosen I Shrugged and for why I'm here I'm looking for five prisoners escapees from hell five you say his face growing suddenly excited as he scored behind the nearby desk and pulled out a large black file disappeared on our doorstep about a week ago we did not understand why or what it was but now now I think I know he said dropping the file in my lap it was sent here to help you I did not reply but I snapped open the folder inside were pictures of three men and two women all were blank except one that had a name and an address written across the back in flowing black script underneath the address written in large capital letters was one word first I turned the picture back over and took a long hard look at the woman staring back at me she was incredibly beautiful with flowing black hair skin the color of moonlight emerald green eyes I turned the picture back over looking at her name and address and Tomlinson 46 Kiln close Bar Harbor Maine suddenly came to me that I had no idea where I was everyone I had met so far spoke with an American accent but if I was in the good old USA then whereabouts had my resurrection taken place where am I asked Bartholomew who was now leaned over the back of my chair staring at the girl's picture intently Massachusetts he shot right back as if he'd been expecting the question Cape Cod to be precise okay not too far away then I'm used about a five or six hour drive so you can set out in the morning I'll have a car ready and waiting for you come I'll show you to your room I was just about to stand when the fire suddenly flared in a great gout of flame causing me to cry out an alarm before suddenly dying back down and quickly going out and the glowing ashes there was a wicked looking dagger the long bone handle in which strange archaic runes had been carved the dagger of Fate Bartholomew gasped pushing me aside he fell on his knees and scooped the dagger up but as soon as his skin made contact the dagger glowed white hot with a scream of pain the high priest casted back into the ashes great tears in his eyes as he cradled his wounded hands guess it's not for you I said as I dropped to my knees where I reached out a tentative finger and gave the dagger a quick prawn but it didn't react I took a deep breath and scooped it up wincing against the pain but there was nothing it only sat in my hand feeling like like a perfect fit against my palm the dagger of fate Bartholomew repeated his pain almost forgotten and The Wonder of the thing do you know what you hold in your hand that dagger was once wielded by Lucifer in heaven it is said that the Archangel Michael still Bears the scars of its touch I looked in Wander at a shining blade Michael I whispered knowing this blade had tasted the blood of angels God help us all the trip from Cape Cod The Bar Harbor was uneventful Bartholomew had provided me with my own vehicle snow tires and all in the glove compartment I found a nine millimeter Glock and two large rolls of 20s I used some of the cash to fill up the gas tank and grab the odd steel sandwich along the way it was just getting towards dusk when I pulled into the car park of the ocean view hotel Bartholomew had already called ahead and booked me a room I had no idea of course but he told me it wouldn't be a problem just tell the clerk my name was Johnson and pay in cash it was all taken care of after a quick dinner in the hotel restaurant I left the hotel with my folder and sat on a nearby Beach her son was just starting to set the smell of snow lay heavy in the air I opened the folder and looked at the picture of my intended victim I wondered what such a beauty had done to buy herself a one-way ticket to hell and what right if any I had to send her back there from behind me came a scramble of Claws and I cried out as something heavy fell against my shoulder before landing in my lap it was a rat a huge rat with a Cry of Fear I left to my feet sending a loathsome creature toppling into the sand where it scrambled to its feet before settling down on its haunches looking at me with the stain thanks for that it said brushing sand from its fur Lucifer I gasped sitting back down hard is that you no it's a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Who do you think it is what are you doing here I said looking around but the beach was deserted I came to talk to you it would seem you having some misgivings about this little venture of ours I said nothing but slam the folder shot guiltily the rats smiled then showing yellowing canines before scurrying a Little Closer shall I tell you about the beautiful miss Tomlinson she's a killer a killer of both men and children she uses her looks to Wed wealthy men then she poisons them and their children and takes a life insurance alright Black Widow this one she had wiped out two whole families before she met her end not that it mattered the police had already started to zero in on their activities anyway how did she die I asked interested now a simple mugging gone wrong though she was shot to death fitting end some would say but now she's back and up to her old ways she's found herself another sugar daddy and works on getting herself re-establishing the world but you are going to stop her and send her back to me the suffering she endured in hell will seem like a child's party compared to the agonies she will suffer at her return but how will I know it's her at this he looked genuinely surprised you have her picture right there he said nothing towards the file yes but surely she won't look like that anymore she'll be clothed in different flesh am I right no no he chuckled she is as you see her in the photo how I asked generally confused why is she not like me encased in the body of another he sighed sounding genuinely bored you're clothed In the Flesh of this boy because you had no body to return to after your execution your remains were burned and Scattered to the winds and however was drawn back to her own body all her spirit had to do was literally sit in her grave and her Resurrection began but how how is she able to do these things again he Shrugged I really have no idea my best bet is that she had some help just like she was helped in her Escape someone in Hell believes it's time for a change of management and this Escape was orchestrated to undermine me but these things are of no regard to you all you have to do is go to the address you were given destroy her body and release her soul back unto me I would suggest you be about it my patience is growing thin use the dagger give me back what's mine and just like that he was gone leaving an incredibly surprised rodent in his wake who scampered off into the darkness my original intention was to get a good night's sleep then begin the stalking process in the morning he knew all about stalking a victim I had done it a lot in my former occupation [ __ ] it I whispered into the dark let's just get it done moments later I was in my car and driving over to her address didn't take long to get there her house was only situated a few blocks from Ocean View a nice stately looking manor house set back a little from the rest of the houses at the End of the Street the place screamed of money and from what I had been told of our girl it suited her profile perfectly parking the car across from the looming gate I turned off the light and snuggled down on my seat I was in for a long wait knew from previous experience the wee hours of the morning were the best time to strike I felt some of the old excitement returning but crushed it I was not that person anymore this was business not pleasure she deserves everything she gets I thought to myself but this brought little comfort you're all doomed in the end everybody pays it was just a little after 2 A.M when I made my move climbing out of the car I took the Hellbound blade and stuffed it inside my jacket keeping it low I headed across the street the gates were large and high but I managed to scramble over them with extraordinarily little effort before heading up the tree-lined driveway keeping the Shadows praying there was no security lights or alarms I could accidentally trigger if there were none sounded I approached the front entrance relieved that the house was still extremely quiet the thing now was what to do next knowing it to be a fruitless endeavor I reached out and gently tried the front doorknob finding it locked I moved on to the other side of the house checking the windows as I went finding them all locked and secure okay I'm humbled only one thing for it returned to the front of the house I simply rang the doorbell and waited the door was almost immediately opened by none other than Anne Tomlinson herself if I had not recognized her from her photo the black pulsing aura that surrounded her would have immediately given her away she laughed and then reached out a slender arm tracing her hand inches from my face and I realized I realized she was seeing the exact same Aura on myself well well she grinned another Escape e H your timing couldn't be better come in you could use your help I said nothing to this but followed her inside closing the door frame behind us tell me she said turning to face me how'd you find me I haven't seen or heard from any of the others since we escaped how'd you manage to get out did asmodeus help you yes it was uh as Modis I lied knowing that I now knew the name of Hell's traitor but he told me to come here to help you my story was thin but her arrogance seemed to believe it very good she said tossing her hair best to get to it then he's upstairs come she said taking the lead and heading up the stairs this way I followed trying hard to keep my eyes off her shapely rear I was just about to get rid of him when you turned up she threw open a door and revealed a bedroom Within lying in the bed was a dead man his skin the color of old slate his mouth and neck covered in green bile Poor Tom the most terrible stomachache after dinner poor thing went to bed seems he must have died in his sleep he killed him a rounded on her me she said her face the picture of Innocence one hand squeezed between her ample breasts like some heroine from a 1930s flick of course not seems to me like he choked on his own vomit no come along she said moving over to the bed make yourself useful and grab his legs before we get started I said reaching into my jacket I have a gift for you from hell something in my voice must have betrayed me and she turned just as I pulled the knife what's this she said backing away her eyes never left my face as she circled backwards putting the bed between us they're going back I said pacing towards her back to hell where you belong wait she said holding out a slender arm before suddenly pulling her flimsy nightgown over her head and standing before me in all her naked Glory but why are you doing this she ran her hands down her smooth naked thigh my eyes followed giving her just the distraction she needed through the Cry of Triumph she sprang onto the bed and launched a hard kick that sent me Square in the face setting me crashing backwards into a nearby closet as she ran for the door cursing I leapt to my feet tasting my own blood as I chased after her catching her on the stairs where I swung the knife blindly opening up her back in a Walter of blood she screamed out in pain taking two steps at a time before hitting the floor and spinning into the hallway I was still hot on her tail slashing at her arms and unprotected back we crashed the door and into a moonlit kitchen where she scrambled at a half Open Drawer before turning towards me with the largest kitchen knife I had ever seen so you want to play [ __ ] games she hissed her hatred making her once beautiful face almost beast-like in feral let's play with a scream she charged me slashing in my face I thought the blade tear into my flesh spilling hot blood down my neck with a cry of Triumph she swung again this time slashing in my chest opening on my shirt and slicing on my nipple in two screaming with pain I fell back to the door landing hard on my back seconds later she barged through knife raised high for the killing strike but the blow never came instead she stood there shaking her eyes locked upon my chest as the great wound there began to heal and knit itself close how she gasped I answered her with cold black and steel driving the blade deep into her thigh piercing the artery with a spray of blood she screamed high and loud and turned to shuffle away but I left my feet and grabbed her by the back of her hair exposing her delicate throat which I cut long and deep what's practiced eased before casting her now dead body back to the floor almost immediately her skin began to smoke and Char the carpet blackened under her and she erupted into searing flames in the Roaring Inferno I saw a rising Apparition appear and knew this was her tortured Soul trying desperately to escape but it was too late out of the flames burst a hundred crawling hands the grasped and tore at her for a second she reached out to me with an imploring hand with a final cheated scream she was gone I expected the Flames to die down but they continue to grow revealing a gaping black void below me I was suddenly falling through a black abyss that seemed to have no end so I landed hard Upon A Cold Stone floor with a cry and realizing where I was I staggered to my feet once again once again in Lucifer's Great Hall the king of Hell himself loomed above me from his Golden Throne you've done well he said grabbing my arm as I staggered to my feet but as they say no rest for the wicked he waved an arm and a fiery portal opened before me so I said trying to show some bravado where to next he laughed then patted me on the back not so much where more like when I looked at him startled oh you didn't think it was all going to be that easy did you one I guessed still laughing with an evil glint in his eye he shoved me through the portal this terrible laughter followed me down through the eons of time I was falling through a black void no up no down only an infinite blackness in a sense of hurtling towards some unknown source I was afraid desperately afraid that I would be trapped in this aching void forever how long before I was driven mad by this vast lonely Darkness but you're not alone a voice rang in my mind Lucifer I whispered it was much like this when I fell he said I heard his voice an endless aching sadness the only difference was agony suddenly there was a searing pain in my back as if something that had never been was torn from me I screamed bellowed twisting and thrashing desperate to escape this Inferno of pain now you see Lucifer whispered almost pityingly now you understand I was falling faster and faster a great white light pierced the veil of Darkness pulling me in dragging at me like Rusty hooks through my flesh enveloping me and just like that there was Bare Earth beneath my feet once again the sudden shock of gravity set me reeling and I threw up an arm to break my fall but it was too late the ground flew up at me with Breakneck speed filling my vision there was a jarring pain and I knew no more well well the Gravely voice said as a rude finger prodded me in the chest you're a fresh one the old doc will pay a fortune for you I groaned my eyes creaked open the man before me let out a cry and let back his Lantern bobbing in the darkness what's this still alive are you he said it's linking forward well Tom and take care of that from his scruffy looking waistcoat he dragged out a viscous looking billy club no you just stay right there an Old Tom will have you off to the angels in no time at all no angels that croaked only devils and then off to hell you go he snarled through rotted teeth as he raised the club for the killing strike from behind me Rose a dark shadow a rotting arm oozing with maggots wrapping itself around his neck a face skull-like and black with rot came into light its tattered lips Whispering against his throat was my Dominion friend only I decide who goes there the man let out a shriek of fear but it was cut off as the arm clenched tight around his throat there was an audible snap and he fell to the ground that Dusty Heap um the corpse grinned that was fun like twisting the lid off a candy jar wonder if he has a gooey Center I coughed nervously Lucifer is that you the corpse side and his eyes rolled wetly in its head no it's Pablo Escobar who the [ __ ] do you think it is where am I whose body is this I said looking down at a hairy hand with thick brutal fingers questions questions he said kneeling down beside me he was all I could do not to wretch at the smell of him you're looking a little green around the gills Mr Davis is something wrong no I replied peachy keen you're sure he whispered drawing closer until I could feel his fettered breath on my cheek yes my Lord I stammered well that's just fine then he said drawing back now to answer your questions you're in the body of a dead man a cholera victim to be precise and for your whereabouts you're in London the year of Our Lord 1832. you're [ __ ] me I said struggling upright my back pressed against the Slime covered wall I was suddenly aware of the sound of water in the background and muffled movements up ahead what is this place I asked trying to appear through the Gloom it's a sewer Mr Davis Lucifer replied you have now been upgraded to the level of a floating turd that's for this one he said kicking the dead man he's a corpse Peddler the graveyards are becoming a risky business and he knew that people had been disposing of their dead neighbors down here so he thought he would pop down and see if he could find himself some fresh meat yeah but why hmm not big on our history are we Mr Davis he steals dead bodies and sells them to unscrupulous doctors all in the name of advancing medicine the man you're looking for is an acquaintance of his how about a little violer he doesn't wait for someone to die he makes them die themselves their nice fresh bodies and he's one of the escapees yes Lucifer nodded a man by the name of Albert Foster what does he look like I asked climbing to my feet ah well now that's the question isn't it he left a file I gave you back on earth when you destroyed that lovely Miss Thompson and for that you have to pay a forfeit hey grinned tell me have you ever heard of necromancy I was just about to answer but he waved it away a rhetorical question old boy a rhetorical question come he said kneeling by the corpse of the old Tom and waving me down beside him now take your fingers and gouge out his eye what why he grabbed me then his rotten bone-like finger digging into my throat do it or I swear by all of Hell's minions I will tear open your bowel and stuff your mouth with your own [ __ ] Yes master I croaked for a moment his grip tightened before reluctantly letting me go still a dangerous light burned in his eyes and I knew if I didn't hurry I'd be tasting my own [ __ ] before the night was through without another word I thrust my fingers Into the Dead Man's eye socket and grimaced tore the bloody eye free good good Lucifer crooned now say the name of the man you seek and pop it right into your mouth uh Albert Foster I stammered so great was my fear of Lucifer that I didn't hesitate but put the bloody Eyes straight into my mouth now chew it he demanded with a Grimace I bit down hard feeling a cold jelly-like substance fill my mouth a face was forming now a man with a broad face and Hollow cheeks a scar ran down the side of his unshaven face and his eyes were seedy and filled with a stupid animal cunning I have it I choked well that's just Grand Lucifer left now swallow it thought of it began to wretch I swear by all that is Unholy if you spit it out you're going straight back to hell that really didn't help the situation and for a moment I thought with my stomach but in the end I managed to keep it down that's good Mr Davis that's very good indeed no talking of things that you've forgotten you may need this he said drawing the Hellbound Dagger from behind his back I was just reaching for it when with the laugh of Glee he thrusts it hard into my thigh with a stream I fell back down cradling my wounded leg looking on in horror as the skin around the wound began to smoke and Blacken Ed you may want to pull it out before it spreads Lucifer said thoughtfully with a cry of pain I wrenched it free watching and wonder as the skin began to immediately knit together and heal well I'm glad to see that still works he said looming above me [ __ ] you nice spot suddenly Furious what if I said no stick your [ __ ] job get someone else to do your dirty work he moved then fast as Lightning his face pressed hard against mine render onto me caesar the things that are Caesar's and Render unto God the things that are gods he graded at me through blackened teeth and I could feel a terrible heat radiating from him I will let you he said licking the side of my face with slime-covered tongue figure out who is your god and just like that he was gone leaving a rotten corpse in his wake early I wiped the foulness from my cheek and climbed to my feet scooping up the glowing Lantern as I went the sewer was dark the walls covered with all manner of foulness tunnels seemed to lead off in every direction and I began to despair of ever finding my way out of this place just that I felt a scratching at my feet looking down I saw a small Mouse looking up at me expectantly what are you I asked my spirit animal the creature didn't reply thankfully but scurried off a short way before standing on his haunches and staring at me with black beady eyes when I made no move to follow it scampered back and began gnawing in my work boots savagely okay okay I said shaking a little brute free I can take a hint let's go then the little fiend squeaked excitedly and scampered away this time I did not hesitate but followed swiftly behind in no time at all we came to a rusting ladder that led upwards to a heavy looking manhole cover there the creature stopped and just stared up at me so what do you want I asked a graham cracker go on get lost think I could take it from here it looked as if to leave before turning back around and trotting towards me cocked its leg almost dog-like and pissed on my booted foot yeah well [ __ ] you too I grumbled starting on the ladder I hope you get gang [ __ ] by a sewer rat and by the creature had already slid off into the darkness the manhole cover was cold dank and heavy but after some heaving and groaning I managed to work it loose and push it to one side praying that no one would see me emerge from the darkened tunnels but the cobblestone streets were silent covered with a thick fog that hid my tattered figure as I quickly scrambled free once again I let loose upon the world of men the question now was where to go I knew the face of my intended victim but not his location wiping the worst of the filth from me and sticking to the Shadows I moved to the mouth of the alley and peered into the lamp lit Street pretty quiet few people walked by most of them seeming to weave drunkenly the houses were silent with only the odd light flickering from deep within just then a woman in a tattered looking dress the large Bonnet on her head staggered by she saw me and smiled before stumbling over evening governor for only a half penny I can send you to Paradise she said massaging her crotch through her filthy dress I recoiled at the stench of her gin soaked breath and felt around and my pockets coming up empty sorry I said seem to be a little short on coin but I wonder if maybe you can give me a little information she had already turned to leave you can go straight to house she cursed over her shoulder been there I said catching around the wrist and dragging her into the alleyway she let out a shriek which I cut short as I wrapped my hand around her neck and began to squeeze in no time at all she was unconscious it was a a dark part of me that wanted to keep on squeezing but I pushed it away I wasn't that person not anymore lying her down I quickly rifled through her dress until I found a small leather purse amongst the many folds the purse was heavy you had a busy night and I said tearing it Loose sorry for this but needs must and charity will buy you a one-way ticket to heaven leaving her there I headed into the street I still had no idea where I was going but now at least I had some money in my pocket perhaps I could buy a little information Lucifer told me that the man he had murdered down in the sewer was a friend of the one I was seeking a local man perhaps that's when it came to me a good place to begin would be the Local Tavern drink always makes men's lips loose perhaps if I ask the right questions and greased a few poems I could get the information I so desperately needed I now had a plan a thin one but a plan nevertheless feeling more confident I headed into the missed shrouded streets of Victorian London it didn't take me long to find what I was looking for only a couple streets over I found a body looking Tavern from inside came the coarse laughter of men and the drunken shriek-like giggling of loose women taking a deep breath I pushed open The Swinging Door and headed inside making my way through the smoke-filled room until I reached the bar there I turned to face the Milling crowd wondering where to start it was the girl I noticed first she was sat in a dingy Corner nursing a drink she was young it would have been pretty except for the livid scar that ran down her face petering out along the bridge of her nose she sighed looking around at the Milling men but none of them met her eye she sighed again and threw back her drink before standing to leave quickly I pushed through the room until I stood before her hello I smiled she smiled back but there was a hardness to her eyes guess you'd be wanting a discount on account of this she said tracing a slender finger down her scar no need for that I said to run closer do you have a place we can go upstairs Big John likes to keep things in house I followed her gaze locking eyes with a big man behind the bar who pulled out a piece of hard wood from under the bar and thumped it ominously into his palm the message was clear no trouble I gave him a quick nod before following the girl upstairs and into her shabby lodgings as soon as the door closed she fell onto the bed and hiked up her skirt revealing her flesh to me gently I pushed it back down I don't want that I just want to talk she laughed then never had a man that wanted to use my mouth for talking I ignored that and dug in my pocket throwing a few coins onto the bed her eyes lit up greedily and she scooped up the money and quickly secreted them away what is it you want to know I'm looking for a man a corpse Peddler maybe a murderer he has a scar on his face much like your own goes by the name of Albert Foster well you're in luck then everyone around here knows awful Albert you could have just asked at the bar and saved yourself some money they can have given me a rebate are you I said rubbing my fingers together not bloody likely she scoffed her eyes narrowing and if you try to take it off me I will cut you I held up my hands harmlessly money's yours I just need to find him could be in a few places you could try the black dog on Winchester Street here's a room there although this time of night you might want to try Faith Hill Cemetery he and his crew pay the local Constable area a fair few copper to look the other way while they pillage Graves and with so many deaths lately business is rather good where is this Cemetery I asked excited now she Shrugged a couple streets over Faith Hill is at one end of the street the black dog at the other that's why he hangs there close to his place of business thanks I said turning to leave you may want to be careful she called after me Albert's a real bad fella I turned to her so am I [Music] she must have seen something in my face that caused her to recoil go on then get she said in a trembling voice before I call Big John on you I nodded and left her there a scarred wave living in her own version of hell less than an hour later I stood outside the resting Gates of Faith Hill Cemetery deep from within I could just make out a faint glowing light hush tones of men amongst the Leaning tombstones can't be this easy I whispered into the night as I scaled the iron gates landing hard before pulling out the Hellbound dagger and creeping behind a nearby crumbling gravestone using the shadows for cover I crept through the darkness the voice is growing louder I'm too cold for this kind of work one of the men growled ground's almost completely Frozen stop your bitching get on with it larger the two man's bat lifting the lantern over the half defiled grave giving me a glimpse of his face Albert I hissed what was that the other man said spinning in the direction [ __ ] I cursed knowing I had blown my cover I stepped out from the shadows and faced them I have no truck with you friend I said to the man holding the pick best you be on your way the man said nothing but with a cry of outrage charged me his pick held high for the killing stroke I waited letting him come on but at the last second as the pick whooshed through the air towards me I ducked low dragging the blade across his unprotected midrift the blade cut long and deep spilling his intestines onto the leaf strong floor in a bloody Heap the man fell to his knees just Trembling Hands hovering over his stomach with it crippled butterfly he tried to speak but I ended his suffering with a stroke of my blade I turn in the face the now silent Albert Foster who had watched the whole thing you'll look aboard Amusement on his craggy face you're him then he said backing away from my Approach this layer of the dams Lucifer's [ __ ] as Modia said he'd be coming for us you're going back to hell I growled showing him the blood-soaked blade really he laughed boy are you in for such a surprise suddenly he stopped his back pedaling and he charged me his grimy fists bursting in the Flames what the [ __ ] I screamed just managing to avoid his flaming Knuckles a gift from asmodeus he chuckled I'm gonna burn you up lap dog I was Panic stricken now this was not going according to plan still I had the knife all I needed was one clear shot and this nightmare would be all over come on then I said trying to Goat him Lucifer will stab you with Hot Irons for your insolence with a cry of outrage he lunged at me but I feigned to the left drawing him in as I sliced the blade across his arm with a scream of pain he backed away wincing at his smoking flesh you're mine now I laughed running towards him my blade held high and that's with my feet Tangled in the body of his dead friend and I went down hard the blade flying from my grasp with a roar of Triumph he leapt upon me pummeling me with his flaming fists everywhere a blow landed my skin began to Blacken and burn I screamed into the night half crazed with pain I tried desperately to throw him off of me but he was too strong all I can do now is pray that the end would come soon the pumbling continued until I was nothing but a burnt out husk yet still I would not die I could finish you now faster goated but I prefer to leave you here for the rats you'll have much time left what time you do have they'll be spent in pain he stood up then and undid his rough trousers I'm not without Mercy see soothing bomb for your terrible wounds laughing he began to piss all over me there you go he said adjusting his clothes you tell Lucifer when you get back down to hell you can kiss my hairy ass just like that it was gone fleeing Into the Night I lay there for what seemed like an eternity waiting for my smoldering flesh to heal but nothing happened I was just about to give up all the hope but I noticed a movement as something small scurried towards me through the Gloom first I thought it was a rat coming to Feast on my smoking flesh but it wasn't [Music] it was a squirrel small gray squirrel that ran up my leg before bounding onto my chest holy [ __ ] it squeaked do you see that that was amazing the flashing knife the fiery fists the bobbing and weaving that was like a Saturday night [ __ ] with popcorn holy [ __ ] Lucifer I croaked glad you're so entertained he looked at me with his Beady black eyes as if seeing me for the first time well look at you Mr Davis you're a real mess not even the power of renewal is gonna fix this one we just wait right there I'll be back in just a jiffy after what seemed like an eternity he returned bobbing along the ground a swaying man following laughing and muttering to himself he stopped close by giving the drunken man time to catch up hey little fella the man hiccuped squinting his eyes where'd you go over here Lucifer squeaked a man staggered over noticing me laying on the ground can you see this he said ignoring my burnt State a talking squirrel I want to be rich uh sell them to the circus prepare yourself Mr Davis Lucifer said when I bring him down you catch and hold I'll do the rest hmm where'd start he titted oh well might as well go for the nuts I was just about to reply when the squirrel lunged forward biting onto the man's groin he let out a scream of surprise and tripped over his own feet falling heavily nearby or the last of my failing strength I rolled onto my side grabbed his flailing arms instantly I felt a sensation like falling constricting for a second there was only Blackness and then I was there up on the ground looking through a fresh pair of eyes I just lay there for a moment stunned until the squirrel took a swipe at me flying open my cheek with a cry I pressed my hand against the bleeding wound feeling it instantly begin to heal and knit closed under my probing fingers well Lucifer said looks like everything's back in place what the hell was that I said sitting up with a flaming fist I mean looks like our enemy has given our escapee friends a whole new set of tools to work with Lucifer said thoughtfully has Modis I said quickly the name of our enemy is asmodius he laughed at that I hardly think so asmodeus is nothing more than a minor demon in the last circle of hell someone is telling lies Mr Davis our true enemy has yet to reveal himself but not to worry this is my end of things what you need to concern yourself with is your end of the deal I want Mr Foster back in hell where he belongs pow I asked tottering to my feet he's so much stronger than I am again he sighed use your brain Mr Davis that animal cunning that helped you murder so many find his weakness or perhaps in this case his greatest strength just get him back in hell you have 24 hours fail me and no true torment and just like that he was gone leaving behind a very angry squirrel that chattered at me and disgust before scrambling away up a nearby tree I spent the rest of the night flailing about in the dark looking for the Hellbound blade just as the first rays of light began to stay in the darkness I found it lying at the feet of a nearby Stone angel I was tired more tired than I'd ever been and yet I knew I couldn't rest Foster believed me dead and that was my greatest advantage I had to move against him now and he believed himself safe and secure the black dog in I whispered into the coming Dawn that's what the girl had said he had lodgings at the black dog in the streets were still blessedly free of people the only activity was an old woman setting up a rickety-looking flower stand and a few drunks who had staggered home to whatever hovel they had inhabited gently I tried the front door of the black dog finding it locked nothing's ever easy I muttered heading down the side of the building where I came to a weed strewn yard bits of broken glass they layered all about twinkling like diamonds in the coming Dawn it was a small set of double doors sit low in the back of the building held Loosely together with a flaking chain and Rusty padlock and only took two strikes of the Hellbound dagger to send it flying free I waited there a moment to see if the noise had attracted any attention no cries of alarm were raised I gently lay open one of the doors and climbed inside I found myself in a cold damp cellar the ceiling was low and covered in cobwebs the air stank of stale beer and sharp Tang homemade gin heading across the room mindful of the broken glass and grime underfoot I headed towards a rickety-looking ladder that led up towards a rough cut trap door slowly I climbed wincing at every Creek and groan as I pushed to the door praying it wasn't locked fortunately this time my prayers are answered and the door swung easily open admitting me into the Upper Floor bar room I was expecting the place to be empty so you can imagine my surprise when I Rose from behind the bar only to be greeted by a room full of people thankfully they were all asleep well actually they were they were all dead drunk [ __ ] vagabonds gentlemen alike or passed out over tables others snoring loudly from whatever position they had managed to pass out in I crossed the room silently heading to a nearby doorway checking slack faces as I passed but Albert Foster was done among these merry assortment the girl had said that he had lodging upstairs same stairs I was now on my back against the wall creeping through the Gloom the knife grasped tightly in my sweating fist I was afraid and not ashamed to admit it to myself and our last encounter Albert had bested me with ease if it wasn't for Lucifer's intervening I would I'd probably be in my freezing cell or worse I have a feeling Lucifer could get real creative with those who dared to fail him there were three rooms left on the floor the first one was empty the only Furnishing a pair of torn tattered curtains the second contained only a single cot for Lauren and empty I was coming to the last room at the end of the hall now sweat running down my face I grasped the tarnished handle and threw open the door a little bit Foster was in his bed his eyes widened and panicked I leapt across the room dagger raised High sweeping down towards his prone form at the last minute he ducked under the covers like a child Afraid of the Dark just as my blade pierced his squirming form [Music] something was wrong terribly wrong with a cry I threw back his filthy blanket it was immediately assaulted by hundreds no thousands of swarming cockroaches I fell backwards landing hard on my ass but the creatures ignored me heading towards the open window before falling into the street son of a [ __ ] I cried leaping to my feet no way you're getting away I slammed a Boot Hill down on one of the scurrying insects which exploded in a crimson smear I saw the color of its blood and began to laugh stamping on the remaining creatures and a kind of ecstasy frenzy fancy I could almost hear their screams when the last of them was crushed on her foot I rushed to the window just in time to see the scurrying pile warp and transform back into the loathsome form of Albert Foster oh well almost he was cradling the bleeding stump of his left hand to his chest from which three of his five fingers were now torn and shredded stumps as he glared up at me I caught the last of the flame cockroaches and slowly crushed it in my fist from down in the street Albert Foster screamed as his nose erupted in a red Welter run I grinned down at him I'll even close my eyes and count to ten [ __ ] you he screamed up at me before turning and fleeing up the street a bloody trail behind him I was after him lickety-split leaping from a high window feeling my ankle break as I landed hard I ignored the pain racing after him feeling my bones almost immediately began to knit and heal come across the opposite side of the road came a shrill whistle I looked around just in time to see a rather large policeman charging at me Baton raised dropped the knife field he was only a few steps away when a black cat suddenly shot out from a nearby Alleyway tangling in his legs causing him to trip and fall his helmet flying from his head as he broke his face on the pavement the cat grinded me through needles sharp teeth before dropping me a Sly wink and Searing off in the shadows Albert Foster even injured had now managed to gain a little distance between us cursing I raced after him desperate to finish this crazy nightmare I was gaining on him now my eyes fixated on the back of his exposed neck I was just about to take a swing at him when he suddenly veered to the left crashing through a nearby doorway the building was large almost a small Warehouse it was dark inside and reeking of bathtub gin I heard a clutter and a curse I ran out a narrow hallway that opened up into a large room filled with jars and kegs at the back of the room Breathing heavily was Albert Foster his back pressed against the stone cold wall nowhere left to run Albert I had said him you're going back to hell where you belong come on then he growled stepping forward we'll see who's exactly going to wear I don't need two hands for the likes of you just like last time he raised his hands before me but this time the only one burst into hellish flames still I had tasted those Flames once and had no desire to do so again he laughed at me then sensing my doubt that's a nice little pig sticker you got there let's see if we can get close enough to use it Lucifer's words suddenly echoed through my mind Hughes his greatest weakness against him or perhaps his greatest strength you're right they'll laugh at him I don't need this anymore that said I launched the dagger at his face the second I left my hand I rolled across the room and scooped up the liquid-filled jars you missed he left turning towards me did I I shot back throwing the glass jar at him with all of my might snarling he batted her away with his flaming fist causing it to explode like a bomb in midair drenching him in almost pure alcohol they began to shriek and dance his clothes and his hair on fire giving me just the opening I needed dodging the burning figure I scooped up the Hellbound blade and buried it deep in his lower back severing his spine causing him to collapse onto the filth covered floor his flesh melted like molten wax once again tearing hands appeared out of the Flames dragging him down Albert Foster's writhing soul as it tried to escape his burning body I'll see in Hell Albert I smiled into his screaming face seconds later he was gone and I was falling once again tumbling back into Lucifer's Great Hall only this time he was not stoned I landed upon but flesh piles and piles of wreaking flesh there were bodies and chunks of bleeding meat scattered all over Lucifer's Great Hall the Fallen one himself was sat upon his great Throne his armor was dented and an ugly red Scar and on the side of his left cheek the hell happened here hi Grandma swiping blood from my hands as I stumbled to my feet what's this he granted me through Fang teeth his eyes burning like hot coals this was a Revolt a minor one but a Revolt nonetheless a minor one I guessed taking in the devastation all around me he Shrugged minor demons driven mad by another's power sent against me to test my might what do you think Mr Davis did I pass flying colors my Lord I quickly answered terrified By the Light Of Madness that danced in his Crimson eyes so who's next I said quickly desperate to be out of his presence things have changed he said glaring down at me I have more need of information right now than anything else I'm afraid our lost souls will just have to wait you're going on vacation Hawaii I blurted he laughed then I'm afraid not and once again he clicked his fingers and I was falling I awoke upon a perfectly manicured lawn it was dusk in the sun was just starting to set for a moment I thought myself back on Earth but something was wrong terribly wrong the sinking sun was a burning black hole in a crimson sky and the air was thick syrupy hard to breathe from around the corner of the house cut the dark figure all dressed in black in his hand he yelled a small flashlight in the other sharp knife the blade was as black as the mask he wore no I gasped backing away for the love of God not this the figure saw me and strolled casually across To Where I Stood rooted to the spot he raised his mask in my own face grinned back at me welcome to Purgatory Mr Davis do you remember this place screams of your first victims the blood on your face he said catching my flowing tears in his fist judgment is at hand welcome to the reaping I had awoken in purgatory confronted by my own self for a ghost of my past at the very least to be honest I didn't have much of a clue what was going on I tried hard to forget my past and the insanity that had driven me to such wanton acts of Cruelty I tried to stop him but how does one stop that which has already been a clawed at him tried to hold him back but it was like grabbing a handful of smoke and I was forced to watch my past self butchered and murdered the married couple Within after it was all over I sat up on the grass outside wept but was I weeping for the murdered couple within or was it for myself knowing my past actions that condemn my soul to Eternal damnation I closed my eyes wondering if this nightmare would ever end nope The Voice chuckled from above me I gasped my eyes flying open I was back in Lucifer's Great Hall the Dark Prince himself grinning down at me from his Golden Throne all decked out in the fitted black suit and burgundy tie for you it never ends Mr Davis your soul has been condemned to Eternal damnation in other words your soul belongs to me stand up stop your wailing it's grown tiresome over the long years I said wiping at my face and climbing to my feet what do you mean years exactly what I said you've been gone for quite some time is different over there compared to here how long I asked trying to keep the anger from my voice how long did you abandon me there he said shaking his head abandon is such a harsh word besides you had a mission to accomplish didn't go exactly to plan with all the Weeping self-pity but it is it did prove a point after all he didn't cast you out or try to destroy you quite promising when you say you know Lucifer I said growing tired of his games I don't have a [ __ ] clue what you're talking about this he bursts out into a deep rumbling laughter Mr Davis it gladens me to see that you have still some balls left but to answer your question 10 years you're over there sat weeping in the realm of purgatory that that placed between the glory of Heaven and the Eternal damnation of hell and he let you stay he said and greedily rubbing his palms together that means he's still neutral in all this who I asked my curiosity overriding my rage who's neutral he sighed then becoming bored of the whole damn thing death he glared at me my brother the angel of death but he has the part to play in the whole thing for now it would seem he intends to follow the words of Prophecy open my mouth to ask another question but he was suddenly there before me black wings exploding from his back his forehead pushing against my own I could feel a terrible heat radiating from him yes Mr Davis he hissed do you have another question I'm here after all to serve your every will Whimsy and desire no master I cried falling on my knees before him smothered in his hatred and Madness the heat intensified all around me and I screamed gagging on the smell of my own smoldering flesh only when I lay prostrate and broken before him did the burning torture Seas up forgive me he said reaching down dragging me to my feet things are quickly coming to a head I find myself a bag of nerves these days I didn't dare ask him what he meant by this besides I was too busy checking my skin which was still mercifully intact anyway he said sitting back down upon his Golden Throne black wings curled about him back to business I have managed to locate another one of our wayward Souls while you were on your little holiday of self-discovery tell me Mr Davis are you by any chance any good with a sword he grinned at the look of horror upon my face clicked his fingers and then I was falling I awoke to the sound of weeping and groaning the smell of smoke heavy in the air I tried to sit up but I could barely move I was encased in some things something that groaned and creaked as it as I Rose my heavy arms wrenching what I correctly believed to be some kind of helmet from my head immediately looked down the length of my body I better stop laughing I was in armor dressed head to toe in steel plate armor I was laying on a battlefield the dead and dying All Around Me fires burning Fallen banners shuddered in the Wind now you've got to be kidding me I decide my head falling back into the mud not even a little bit a small voice croaked off to my side quickly I turned my head and looked into the beady eyes of a large Crow it was perched upon the body of a dead man happily feasting on the red ruin where his nose had once been enjoying yourself I've had better the crow said shredding flesh falling from a sharp beak are you going to lay there all day shouldn't you be about our master's business the blades over there it said nodding towards a gutted horse in the saddlebags oops it's sad Wings fluttering looks like we have company that said they quickly flew away landing on a low-hanging branch of a nearby tree just then a face came up into view it was a tall man with a scraggly beard blood-soaked bandage covering the top of his head so Stanley he beamed grabbing me by the arm and heaving me to my feet we did think you did good sir uh uh not yet I said smiling back at him it is good to see you sir come he said placing a gauntlet covered hand on my back we have set up camp to yawn the forest the evil of Draven has been defeated for now we have burned the bodies of these dead men they shall no longer rise to plague the living I said nothing to this now is the time for listening and gathering information besides this man obviously knew the man whose body I was now inhabiting and I didn't want to give myself away and so we started trampling through the mud towards the waiting Camp wait I cried suddenly remembering the Hellbound blade quickly I trotted over to the dead horse and rummaged through the soiled saddlebags coming up with a blade which began to Glow ominously at my touch what's that the other man said his eyes growing wide as he gave the glowing blade in my fist witchcraft have you forsaken our most sacred calls my Lord has your soul been polluted by our most foul enemy his voice grew louder more frantic just then the crow landed on my shoulder you're gonna have to kill now before he draws the wrong kind of attention it's squawked into my ear it does talk The Tall Man said his face going deathly pale yeah I said plunging the blade through his gaping mouth it's off I would like to tell you that I felt something watching him die regret sympathy even the old blood loss that used to burn through me like white hot fire but I I felt nothing when we called Detachment as he bled out the last of his life into the mud nicely done the crow said nodding has had an approval it would seem you are becoming just the man our Master wants you to be I ignored that stravin I presume he's the one Lucifer wants me to track down and what did this one mean I said Towing the Dead Man's side about the dead plaguing the living dragon is a necromancer and a powerful one at that able to raise the dead to do his bidding the crow replied A gift given to him by our master in exchange for his soul when his time was up Lucifer collected but now he's escaped hell's clutches and our Master wants him back so get to it Mr Davis and just like that he was gone sailing up into the sky soon he was nothing more than a dark smudge against the encroaching night the first thing I did was take the bloody bandage off the dead man's head and wrap it around my own before trudging towards the distant camp by the time I arrived it was almost full dark the flapping tents and fluttering Penance only dimly lit by the surrounding campfires the sharp Tang of vinegary wine and roasting meat perfume the air is madness out about talking softly as they warm their hands by the fires flickering glow whoever's body I was now inhabiting had obviously been a well-liked fellow that was greeted bolstrously by whomever I passed he was one of these men who approached me on the Run bowing lowly so Stanley he exclaimed almost falling over on his feet I did pray to All Saints in heaven for your safe return to us my thanks I said fainting some confusion and rubbing at my bandaged head it is I my Lord he said looking at me with some concern did you not recognize your most old and faithful servant Stephen of course Stephen my old friend it is good to see you again you are hurt my Lord you must go see the surgeon at once it is of no Accord I said it's like bang to the Head nothing more I could tell he wanted to argue but didn't quite dare in that case my Lord the Duke of argyle wishes to see you in his tent He commands all captains to attend him to make hasteful plans against the most vile and hateful driving come my Lord he said leading the way we must make haste I followed him into a large tent the inside was large and ostentatious with a large oak table surrounded by armored men their decorative armor showed their wealth and rank at the head of the table stood a large man with a great bristling beard his piercing green eyes watched me closely as my Approach the man who called himself Stephen bowed low and quickly scurried away leaving me alone under the heavy gaze Amanda my right Dustin chain mail with a flowing black cloak coughed politely are you quite well my Lord I turned to him a strange smile on my face quite well I replied I knocked to the head at the trifling matter it is good to see you alive Lord Stanley the bearded giant rumbled I could tell by his bearing and place at the head of the table that this was the man in charge the one Stephen had called the Duke of argyle taking a chance I bowed ever so slightly my thanks may the Lord God give us victory over our most hated enemy in the days to come that seemed to please him and he waved me into position around the great table as you know he said signing a great fist into the table the vile Necromancer Draven has to escaped our clutches and retreated to his Mountainside keep on myself did see this coward flee in Terror as his forces were so rudely routed by almost Valiant troops at this the knights around the table let out a roar of approval laughing and slapping one another on the back when the noise died down he went on this battle was won but the war is far from over we must make haste my lords and lay Siege to his most haunted Homestead he must have no time to raise another Army of the Dead against us and so I propose we break camp at first light and apprehend our despicable foe would say you Lords again they all roared their agreement and the meeting was adjourned I left quickly hurrying into the night there I found my man Stephen waiting for me is all well my Lord he asked drawing close uh yes we break Camp first thing in the morning now take me to my tent I said trying to fame the same Superior attitude I had observed by the other Lords I am hungry and battle weary and would sleep before our journey doth begin with the Rising Sun of course my Lord he said bowing low before leading the way flaming torch held Aloft as we made our way to the Eastern edge of the camp in my Approach men climbed to their feet with a clanking of Iron and Steel all them bowing low I realized that these were my own forces Blood Stained and weary from a hard-won battle I acknowledged them with a smile and a nod of the head before being led into my own tent the inside was far less Grand than the tent I had just left but still comfortable with glowing braziers rust covered floors and small comfortable benches come my Lord Stephen said let us get you out of that armor I stood there as he fumbled with straps and clasps until I lost I was free of its heavy grasp Stephen laid my armor upon a wooden rack before scurrying outside and quickly returned with a steaming Bowl delicious smelling stew and a flag and a Nutty Brown Ale I ate this too quickly enjoying its rich flavor before drinking the watery hail and heading for a nearby cot as soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes closed and I fell into a dream like sleep I was awoken early the next morning by Stephen the sun only just staining The Horizon you must wake my Lord he said shaking Me Gently your men are all assembled and the captains do gather on the hill to lead our armies into glorious battle great I'm humbled another day dressed like a tin can my Lord Stephen asked his head cocked quizzically never mind I granted just strap me into the damn thing let's get on with it of course no such thing happened instead Steven insisted that I eat first bringing me a watery looking porridge some more weak ale I began to wonder who was the master and who was a servant here still I found myself growing fond of the fussy old man who carried his Great Master with an almost superstitious zeal after I had eaten and been poured into my armor I was let outside but I saw there filled me with the utmost dread and horror there was a horse waiting for me a huge War Horse covered in armor a massive Beast a head taller than myself and heavily corded with muscle I was a city boy through and through and in my former life had never even touched a horse that was the last Road One I think I shall walk today Stanley I said nervously glancing at the great Beast before me the look of horror on his face quickly had me feigning laughter a jest good Stephen to lighten the mood he visibly relaxed and quickly called for two boys who placed a wooden stool before me taking a deep breath I climbed upon it placing my hand upon the creature's back noticing The Swinging stirrup that's enough John Wayne movies to know at least what this was thrust my foot inside and threw my leg over Landing heavily on the horse's back the bee snorted angrily and pawed at the Earth My Clumsy mounting but [ __ ] the damn thing I was more than a little happy I hadn't landed on my ass I sat there wondering what to do next when Stephen grabbed up the reins it led me towards the waiting captains we were soon on the Move myself and the other knights in the lead our men following close behind in good order we moved through the Lush Countryside in green forests and by mid-afternoon we left the woodlands behind and entered a great Green Meadow dotted here and there with small lakes and running streams in the distance a mountain range ran from east to west before crumbling into rugged Foothills there the Duke of argyle pointed towards the mountain range there is where we will find the home of our loathsome enemy we ride hard we can be at the foot of the mountain before nightfall look down there my Lord another mounted man exclaimed smoke in the valley a village perhaps Argyle said thoughtfully burned and pillaged by draven's retreating Army I volunteered to take a look my Lord I said nudging my horse forward wishing to learn more about my enemy's power very well Lord of Stanley take a handful of men go see if any doth survive we shall continue on our journey be swift unless you miss the great battle to come very well my Lord I said signaling to a handful of men as I rode away the ever faithful Stephen by my side The Village was a large one of its kind at least they had the good sense not to burn down the tavern one of the men snickered as we dismounted search the streets see if you can find any bodies he commanded drawing my sword Stephen by my side the old man was now dressed in Rusty chainmail shirt a pot like helmet on his head in his hand he gripped a short stabbing sword old looking but with a keen Edge be careful my Lord he wheezed as I gently open the tavern's door when no attack came I entered keeping a wary eye on the lengthy Shadows but there was nothing only overturned Furniture broken pottery and the smell of stale beer lingering in the air over here my Lord Stephen said a tremble in his voice I turned and strolled towards him taking in blood-spattered walls must have been a hell of a fight I said placing a comforting hand on the old man's shoulder hi my Lord he said where are all the bodies I haven't seen so much as a dead dog since we entered this place feels all wrong my Lord this place reeks of evil is Daddy a good Stephen I said just a few more moments we shall join the rest of our forces as we stepped outside a man came on the run I found the church boarded up and locked we called out to the survivors but we heard noises with him but they would not answer I fear they're too afraid my Lord take me to them I said following closely behind as we ventured down the hill a small rickety-looking Church came into sight thankfully the church was still intact and looked free from any burning or looting come out I commanded using my most lordly voice but you're safe now [Music] but there was nothing only the sound of rustling and scratching Within break it down I said to the nearby men who approached the door swords and axes raised as soon as the first blow was struck the doors were suddenly thrown open and a horde of dead men poured out it was villagers slaughtered and raised by draven's terrible power it's a trap Steven screamed no [ __ ] I cursed drawing my sword get behind me but it was already too late with a cry of outrage Steven charged in slashing grasping hands and yawning Mounds damn Stephen I cried waiting in after him a dead man left out in front of me gray eyes glaring with hate its black teeth darted from my throat quickly I threw up an armor and arm feeling the creature bite down I ran my sword into its guts its steaming pipes and organs splashing into the dirt and still he would not go down the head my Lord one of my men screamed as he went down onto the weight of the Dead [ __ ] this I cursed throwing down the cumbersome sword and dragging the Hellbound blade from under my armor the blade burst into flames as I rammed it into the creatures back instantly turning the battle thing to dust half crazed with fear and adrenaline I waded into my tormentors slashing at their rotting faces and desiccated limbs wherever my blade sliced flesh the dead burst into Hot Flaming dust after what seemed like hours I stood alone my men all Fallen beneath the onslaught the ashes of dead men in my feet stirred only by the growing wind for my right came a whimpering groan it was my man's servant Stephen lying on the ground the old man's face was covered in bite marks his hands hovered like crippled butterflies over his torn and bloody guts at my Approach he tried to shuffle backwards but his legs would not work and he slumped down his head in the mud Stephen I cried falling on one knee beside him he saw the glowing blade in my hand and began to thrash quickly I cast it away cradling the dying man in my arms be still now good Steve it's gone who are you he asked his lips covered in blood no not my master you're not the man I raised as a boy I saw you fight amongst the Dead he gassed you're smiling as you you stress that accursed blade into them again and again he reveled in their death no Stephen it is I I lied trying to bring him some comfort he raised a shaking hand and touched my face imposter he spoke his final word the light dimming from his eyes and he said no more shame that a voice growled from behind me the old fool died too quickly still if it brings you any comfort his soul flew straight to heaven I turned and raged but stopped when I saw the Great Wolf stood before me Lucifer my side the one and only he grinned revealing dagger-like teeth you're not going to start that weeping and wailing again are you no I said scooping up the blade and cutting the armor from me until only a chainmail shirt remained he was a good man he should be buried why Lucifer chuckled rats need to eat too I said nothing to this I was angry at his disregard and tired of being his lap dog I feared the things I might say and the inevitable punishment that would follow Lucifer perhaps sensing my mood ceased his mockery and continued there is a goat path that leads to the Foothills and up into the mountains to draven's Castle there is a cave there that leads to his dungeon an Escape Route the dark wizard should ever be cornered I will guide you there while Draven is distracted by the Duke's armies he will slip inside and kill this oath breaker come now he said loping off into the growing Shadows it'll be dark soon and we have a far ways to go the climb up into the mountains was a treacherous one even more so as the Shadows lengthened in the day gave way to night Lucifer was sure-footed as only a wolf can be I however stumbled and crashed through the forest holding my breath as we edged our way across narrow Ledges and crumbling boulders and last we reached the narrow cave entrance and I could hear the Roar of battle from above us unable to contain my curiosity I climbed a little higher to the base of dragon's Castle there through the pines and swaying spruce I could see the Duke's forces as they assaulted the castles reinforced main gates with a stout battle rat from above the Defenders poured hot oil and cast down huge rocks upon them decimating the Duke's forces not going too well is it Lucifer panted in my ear but that's not really your concern although it may comfort you to know that if you say Draven his power shall diminish and his forces will go back to their Natural State of Decay just think of all the suffering you can prevent with a single stroke of your knife I said nothing to this but clamored back down to the Cave's entrance you coming I asked him as I looked inside not me he chuckled this is your kill not mine besides I can't interfere with this it must be you that delivers the final stroke and why is that why is it you don't claim these lost souls of yours there is a reason for everything Mr Davis and soon you will know more perhaps more than you care to know but for now you must work alone I do however have a gift for you he said jumping up and placing his paws upon my shoulders before I could even react he licked my face with a steaming tongue with a cry I pushed him away what the hell are you doing look above you Mr Davis tell me what you see I suddenly realized that that was it I could see everything it was like the night had been driven back and I could see almost as clear as daylight you should see the look on your face Lucifer chuckled stick with me kid he laughed and all the powers of Hell shall be yours that said he howled up at the Moon and loped Away into the darkness I entered the cave with more confidence leaving my way past sharp fangs stalagmites sure-footed as a cat in the Darkness At Last I came to a small set of stone steps carved out of the very bedrock drawing the blade from my belt I snuck up the stairs wincing as my booted feet groaned and scraped against the dust and grit of centuries at the top I Came Upon A thick Iron Gate that seemed to lead off into a vaulted chamber of thick dripping Stone taking a deep breath I put my shoulder to the gate dug in my heels and pushed with all of my might but the gate would not budge locked or perhaps just rusted shut either way I was in a world of trouble feeling incredibly stupid I waved my hand over the lock but nothing happened yeah they could have given me that power I mumbled what are you a small voice squeaked from above a Jedi master use the blade idiot it was a bat hanging upside down and glaring at me with beady eyes Lucifer is that you again but the creature had already gone flapping away Into the Night yeah well [ __ ] you too I called after it before raising the Hellbound blade which burst into searing blue flames before my eyes quickly I pushed it against the metal lock looking on with AWS it slid through the metal like a hot knife through butter until at last there was a clunk and the smoking lock fell from the other side wasting no time I put my shoulder into the gate and with a squeal of rusted hinges it reluctantly gave way I stood there for a moment tense waiting to see if the noise had attracted any unwanted attention but there was nothing The Faded noises of the battle raging above moving silently I entered the room seeing the barred cells all around me and realized I was in some kind of dungeon I looked into a few cells as I passed but there was nothing but molded bones crumbling cloth keeping my back against the dripping stone wall I rounded a corner and almost ran smack Bang into a waiting guard this one was thankfully alive his eyes wandering as he emerged out of the Gloom hurriedly he fumbled for a sword but did not attack who are you he demanded how'd you get here I have come for your master Draven I said wielding the Hellbound blade before him I'm gonna send him straight back to hell good the man said much to my surprise he's lost his mind what little of it was left the way he looked at me he shuddered you know what he told me he told me I'd better serve him dead so I knew he wanted to make me into one of those the cursed things a Slave you should see what he does with them are the women I mean his face turned deathly White I am not a good man I've killed murdered slain other men but I swear by the blood of Christ if I survive this night I shall join the priesthood and spend the rest of my life atoning from my sins here he tossed a bunch of keys in my feet those will open any door in the castle Draven is in the main hall surrounded by dead men now tell me how did you get in here and is there a way out yes I replied there's an old gate that leads to a small cave system after that a goat's path that leads down to the Mountainside my thanks he had thrown down his sword and hurried past me you remember your oath I called after him trust me friend you don't want to suffer the torments of hell if he heard me he gave no sign but it hurried away I scooped up the keys and carried them up the stairs here I encountered another Stout door this one was also locked and after fumbling with many keys I found the one that fit and pushed the door open just a crack peering into a narrow hallway hung with mouldering tapestries I was just about to step out when a dead man shambled past then another and another following closely behind was a weasel-faced man who cursed them roundly move your sack of Bones quickly quickly now get to the battlements as he passed I reached out an arm wrapping it around his throat and dragging him through the doorway kicking it closed behind him dagger at his throat if his dead companions missed his company it didn't show as none came to investigate his sudden disappearance who are you the man squealed feeling the cold steel against his throat what do you want from me I want you to take me to Draven I graded in his ear show me the way to your master you're mad he gassed people run from driving not at him mad friend you have no idea I dug the blade a little deeper until the blood began to flow okay okay he gassed I will take you to him will we encounter any more guards along the way doubtful he replied most of us are upon the battlements trying to defend a castle that's good then I heard Draven is in the main hall take me there no he's gone to the tower now to watch the battle it's close real close I can take you there just please don't kill me good you may live yet now let's go I said kicking the door open bladed his throat quickly we shuffled down the hall and through old rooms filled with decaying drapes and rotting Furniture until it lasts we came to the base of the Tower there I took hold of his greasy hair dagger at the base of his spine he headed up the Winding Stone staircase the sound of dying men and Clashing of Steel ringing in my ears the battle continued to rage outside when we neared the top he suddenly stopped just from the bend draven's quarters he'll have Meredith with him I'll go no further I shall not look on that monstrosity again who's Meredith I asked him but he only shook his head stubbornly driving will know I have betrayed him I must leave this place at once you're right I said grabbing him by the back of his neck and the seat of his britches you should leave he let out a single scream as I ran him into a nearby arch window before casting him into Oblivion he screamed again which I'm quite sure it was drowned out by the sound of raging battles below okay Draven I said approaching the Stout wooden door here I come ready or not I put my shoulder into the door expecting it to be locked but it swung open easily and I Strode in the room was round and large decorated with flowing black tapestries depicting all manner of morbid scenes dravid himself was sat upon a throne made entirely of human bones a dark pulsing Aura undulating around him but it was not this that Drew my attention with a thing slumped by his side the thing had obviously been a woman but now was an amalgamation of many parts it didn't have two arms but four crudely stitched into its enormous rib cage from which large sagging breasts hung down the nipples replaced by glaring eyes the skull was Broad and flattened the jaw heavy with a drooling lipless mouth and just below this in the throat area was a second mouth larger than the first and filled with piranha-like teeth from which a blackened tongue protruded as if tasting the air how do you like her Dragon chuckled my magnum opus Meredith you're one sick puppy driving you can only imagine what Lucifer has in store for you down in the pit and you think that you will be the one to send me back he's golfed let me tell you something the Dark Prince lies like others breathe but of a pact he's made with you but of a promise he'll break it no I piss on Lucifer then I will piss on you for all eternity Meredith he commanded destroy this fool and bring me that pretty little knife of his as soon as the words left his mouth the creature left to its feet with frightening speed for one so big but I still had the dagger and the slightest Nick upon the creature's flesh and it would be nothing more than dust on the Wind with a roar the creature charged me trying to grab me up in its crushing Embrace I ducked low meaning to slash its side but the second set of arms caught name and swing snapping my wrist setting the Hellbound blade clattering across the room Draven instantly left from his chair and with a roar of Triumph scooped it up but his Roar turned into a Bellow of pain as the bone handle turned white hot at his frenzied grip howling he cast the blade from him setting it spinning across the room the creature now had me by the throat hammering me against the wall in an act of sheer desperation I reached out and grabbed one swinging breast and rammed my thumb into its glaring eye the creature roared in pain rearing back and giving me enough space to raise my knees and pissed in my legs forward catching it hard in the midriff breaking its grasp as it stumbled backwards enraged and half-blinded straight into Draven setting them both tumbling to the ground in a mass of flailing limbs titty twister [ __ ] I coughed massaging my throat as I grasped up my blade the parent already managed to untangle themselves the creature upon one knee is driving dragged himself away one leg completely shattered no you don't I said advancing on the thing but it was already moving rolling Into Me Knocking my legs from under me setting me sailing over the top of its massive bulk and slamming me into dragon's great bone throne with mind-numbing Force I felt something in my skull give and my vision began to fade but only for a moment as my bones began to re-knit and heal and still I lay there feigning unconsciousness as the creature crawled towards me its drooling mouth chomping with anticipation I didn't move not even when the creature tore into my leg I had endured all the torments of hell this held little to no comparison to me that's right Dragon screamed eat him up Meredith eat his man parts gelled that lap dog of Satan the creature reared up meaning to do just that and as it started on its downward strike I suddenly came to life and rammed the Hellbound blade into its gaping mouth instantly the creature exploded in the hot ash and Bone showering the room with its grisly remains no driving screamed oh I'm afraid so I said staggering to my feet feeling my torn and battered flesh already beginning to heal tell me I said stamping down on this shattered leg does it hurt much the piercing scream he delivered pretty much told me it did so I did it again for good measure in fact once I started kicking him it was like I was unable to stop by the time I stuck the knife in him he was begging for the death he had so crudely denied to so many I obliged him sending his tormented soul to Eternal damnation and once again I was falling falling into Lucifer's Great Hall only this time I landed on my feet you're getting better at this Lucifer said from his Golden Throne is it me I asked oh is this getting harder oh definitely he chuckled and still two more to go so where to next I asked eager to be put out of his presence the Wild West ancient Rome perhaps now now Mr Davis I said our wayward Souls were displaced in time I never said strictly in the past okay wait you mean he overrode me as a great songwriter once said the future is uncertain and in the end is always near future I guessed you you have to be [ __ ] me he grinned dropping me a Sly wink and once again I was falling [Music] I was standing in a desert the heat was oppressive almost like a living thing crawling over my skin in the air was bitterly dry as if it had long since forgotten the taste of water a man stood a little way off in the distance his back towards me he was dressed in a simple white robe torn smeared from his time in the wilderness his hair was long and flowing where it ran down to his narrow shoulders and I felt in a way that I knew this man that I should go to him I even took a step forward but I was stopped in my tracks by The Gentle sound of weeping I turned slowly my eyes widening as I took in the beauty of the angel that sat on a nearby Rock its midnight Wings wrapped about its huddled form Lucifer I guessed approaching slowly the sound of his awful weeping tearing at my heart Lucifer I said again falling onto my knees before him he looked up at me then his sapphire blue eyes filled with an Agony I could never even dare to comprehend best to come away from him the other man said from over his shoulder he's failed and he weeps only for himself I couldn't break him Lucifer breathe against my face I offered him the world every imaginable Delight known to man would have been his if he would only bow down before me but he could not I don't understand I said reaching for him he would not bow to me he suddenly screeched flying to his feet a hot wind surrounding him as I fell backwards into the sand desperately trying to scramble away he stalked towards me his face a rigor of hate his once blew eyes now a bleeding Crimson but you he hissed his hate-filled face looming above me you are mine I awoke with a scream my face pressed against the dry hard pan floor I sat up quickly trying to gather my senses bad dream a small voice tendered I tried to look around my eyes swimming in and out of focus there was a sudden sharp pain and I cried out snatching my hand away from a small scuttling scorpion that emerged from a cluster of nearby rocks its claws raised its stinger dripping Venom I hope you're not poisonous I growled tempted to stamp that little bastard to death oh wait the Scorpion said not that such things can affect you Mr Davis Lucifer my side leaning back into the shade of a decaying tree where am I and whose body is this you are in the future well one possible future he said scrambling between my legs there are many timelines and this is one of those timelines I said interested now despite myself there's more than one oh yes Lucifer replied I've been the downfall of many this just happens to be one of those but tell me Mr Davis how do you like it we set up a little higher trying to get a good look around but there wasn't much to see only gray shattered ground and a few dead trees the sun sat high in the sky and shown weekly between thick Ash like clouds I seem to be in some kind of basin surrounded by high shattered cliffs I think this place has seen better days this Lucifer burst out laughing you are the master of understatement Mr Davis what happened here I asked attempting to raise my feet but Lucifer scuttled forward thrusting his venomous Stinger into my unprotected thigh I screamed out and fell backwards my leg on fire thought I would turn up the juice on you Lucifer chuckled Stinger raised threateningly you do not stand unless I tell you to stand Mr Davis you don't even [ __ ] without my permission you have asked questions you know sit down and I have the wisdom to listen to the answers I did as he asked the pain in my leg already fading still I watched him carefully as he continued as I would say there are multiple timelines and I've been the downfall of many this is just such a one as for what happened here I caused a little eruption at Yellowstone Park well actually a rather huge eruption that wiped out most of the US oh it was a psyched to behold molten lava great clouds of Ash spewed into the atmosphere but the fun didn't stop there that eruption set off a chain of events worldwide earthquakes and tsunamis that wiped out whole continents ever heard of the Pacific Ring of Fire Mr Davis the whole thing went up like a tar Barrel soon the very sun in the sky was blocked from the side of men Millions died of hunger Z's resources became scarcer and scarcer and then you know what they did what was left of these raging government they started to fight each other Mr Davis over what little resources were left even I was stunned I have always hated your kind but I think when those first nukes began to fly I fell in love with your race even if it was only for a short time Jesus I guessed they really did that to one another even amongst all that death they did that oh yes Lucifer replied and those that are left scratch a living from this torn and battered Earth hell of their own making and the Soul you're after is here in this place Yes actually she is her encampment is to the east but you're going to the West the body you now inhabit belongs to a hunter from that particular Colony unfortunately this time he didn't quite make it back with his bag of rats and lizards he stumbled too far into the waste and found himself trapped in a particularly nasty dust storm when you know it he fell victim to a certain venomous scorpion that just seemed to be hanging around how convenient I saw it so why am I going to the West if the soul we're after is in the East oh well because on this occasion our little constants will be coming for you see how easy I've made this little Escapade for you that's her name Constance what does she look like oh you'll know her when you see her in fact you could hardly miss her he chuckled okay I decide tired of his games and where's the blade for a moment he was silent before continuing and I heard something in his voice that I'd never heard before embarrassment oh time travel thing to be a little tricky Mr Davis the blade should be right here but it's not whether this is interference from our unknown adversary or just my own miscalculations I am I'm sure but the blade is that way he said pointing one Jagged claw to the West in The Lost City don't worry Colony you're traveling to is on the same path on the other side all you need to do is pick up a blade on your way through and don't worry about the radiation it won't hurt you much radiation I stammered what the hell do you mean radiation but I was talking to myself he's already fled leaving a rather grumpy looking scorpion behind which I quickly squashed with a booted heel before standing and rummaging through a nearby Dusty bag Lucifer had been right the bag contained the loathsome bodies of a few skinny rats and not much else the only thing of any use was an old battered and cracked Compass which I stuffed into my torn jeans I was also wearing a short jacket patched in various places and pretty scarf wrapped around my neck and lower face to keep the wind at Bay playing close by was some kind of spear made out of plastic piping and sharpened to a wicked looking point Shrugged I picked it up there was no Hellbound blade would you want to pinch okay I said brushing myself off let's get this done Eclipse were further away than I had first thought and it was growing dark by the time I had reached their base the night was coming on Fast and the cool air grew colder by the second I feared that I would have a long climb ahead of me in the dark but after a little searching I found a crack in the base of the cliff just wide enough for me to squeeze through I wasn't sure if it would lead to the other side but I was willing to take my chances rather than try to scale those crumbling blackened Cliffs starting in my back pressed hard against The Rock shuffling slowly through the sky a starless blackened void above me time took on no meaning it was only the cold Rock and the sound of my labored breathing as I fought my way through at one point the passage became so narrow that I had to force my way in tearing the skin from my forehead and back ripping up my clothes I was afraid it's terribly afraid I would get stuck mummified alive covered in the dust of eons until I became one with a rock still I forced my way forward the bones in my skull starting to squeak until at last I popped free like a cork from a bottle there I fell to my knees blood pouring from my face as my body once again began to knit and heal whether it was fear or just brute exhaustion I passed out I awoke with the Rising Sun the first thing I saw was what Lucifer had referred to as the Lost City if ever a place had been so namely apt this was it for the great City before me was indeed lost the once rearing skyscrapers had crumbled slumped like skeletal fingers reaching Towards the Sky the roads from what I could make out of them were cracked and covered with dying grass rusting hunks of metal that could have once been cars set hunched and broken clinging weeds crawling through their shattered windows and hanging doors as I drew closer the air took on a metallic taste my skin began to itch and burn and I believed if I had a geiger counter in my hand I would have started to run the other way still I pressed on wondering what city this had once been and if it really mattered anymore after all this world was dead the remaining denizens clinging to life is tenuous as the surrounding weeds I passed a park the rustling swings creaking in the wind an overturned slide lying like some forgotten Relic amongst the tall grass there are also other things in the grass shining bones bleached white over the long decades I tried hard not to look at those as I moved further into the city past shattered buildings and crumbling shops the air was getting thicker and harder to breathe looked down at my hand that still clutched the makeshift's spear you know just a small group of sores breaking out across my skin only to heal for breaking out into weeping sores once again I realized even with my accelerated healing couldn't stay in this place too long I had been in the city perhaps an hour wandering aimlessly not sure what to do or where to go when the attack came I was just standing at a crumbling intersection mostly blocked by overturned cars and rusting wreckage and there was a howling Screech to my left and four men suddenly rushed at me from a darkened doorway with a cry I left backwards spear held out before me unable to believe that anyone could still live in such a state for the men before me were almost zombie-like in appearance emaciated their gray skin covered in running boils weeping lesions in their withered hands They Carried an assortment of rusting weapons and it still they seemed imbued with a frightful vitality seeing the weapon in my hand they spread out in a semi-circle hissing and growling at me like feral beasts one of the men raised an arm and launched a rusting Hatchet at my face which I just managed to avoid by twisting to the side in Rage that he missed he howled his frustration and charged me but I was ready for him as he came on I thrust my spear forward piercing his throat in a bloody Welter he went down hard dragging the spear from my hands the other two men seeing their opportunity charge forward a machete sailed through the air burying deep in my lower rib cage the two men thinking perhaps it was all over for me backed away but I only grinned at them wrenching the machete free from my body already healing the massive wound as they stood there gaping I brought the machete whistling down burying it into one man's skull the other man turned to flee but the remaining man the biggest of the four who had not attacked thrust the man back towards me off balance he staggered almost falling his arms flailing seeing my opportunity I grabbed his arm and span him around thrusting him into nearby wreckage and twisting metal it impaled him on a broken grinder that burst from his chest for a moment his eyes widened his blood erupted from his mouth and then you lay still quickly I turned to the other man who grinned me revealing black shattered teeth from behind his back he drew the Hellbound blade but his leaders soon turned to grimaces of pain as the blade turned white hot in his hands at my presence with a scream he dropped it to the ground holding his weeping hand before him I dived for the blade but I was too slow and he kicked it away from me leaping on my back dragging me down on top of him his forearm wrapped around my throat reaching over my head I managed to find his face groping for his eyes I thrust my fingers deep into the socket he howled in pain loosening his grip giving me just enough space to throw a couple of elbows into his ribs moaning and holding his cracked side he slackened his grip finally allowing me to struggle free I clamored to my feet trying to learn how to breathe again but still he wasn't done for he was already staggering to his feet cursing I rushed forward just as he straightened I grabbed him by the tattered ears and head butted him viciously into the face there was an explosion of blood and teeth and he went down hard instantly I was upon Him straddling his prone form I grabbed him by the hair and began to smash his head into the cracked pavement over and over again until nothing remained but red ruin at last he stopped his twisting and convulsing he lays still exhausted I rolled three of them and lay upon my back covered in a cold sweat and breathing hard once I'd recovered I stood and staggered over to the Hellbound blade and scooped it up hello friend I said enjoying the feel of it in my hand did you miss me you did gave no sign because I stuffed it into my belt and quickly covered it with my ragged jacket my body had mercifully started to heal I checked my compass and carried on towards the West eager to leave the rotting remains of the Dead City behind the rest of the journey through the city was uneventful yet whether this was just my own paranoia or the lengthening Shadows pulling on my frayed nerves I had the distinct feeling my every movement was being tracked and followed I only relaxed and breathed the sigh of relief then the city spiers and broken towers are no more than a smudge on the darkening Horizon I was entering a kind of swamp land now stale water and stun vegetation on either side of the broken asphalt road I was hungry and Incredibly thirsty like since neither dehydration or starvation could really harm me I put them from my mind and dodgedly stroll on soon it became too dark to travel and I hunkered down in the middle of the road residing myself to another night in the wilderness pulling my ragged jacket tight about me I fell into a Restless sleep I awoke with the coming Dawn only to come face to face with a mangy looking feline that's sat close by gnawing on the remains of a ragged looking fish hey you uh fancy sharing some of that I remarked irritably rubbing the sleep for my eyes even better go catch me one ah sorry Lucifer replied smiling at me from between needle-like teeth I'm afraid this was the last fish in the whole stinking swamp it tastes all the better for it feeling the rigors of the Wasteland are you Mr Davis well hopefully now you have the knife back and you can be about your business the settlement you seek lies only a couple of Miles along this very Road you couldn't have told me this yesterday and saved me another uncomfortable night on the road I have to eat chuckled then where would be the fun in that besides this isn't a [ __ ] Walt Disney Epic what would you have me do appear as a fluttering Firefly to guide your dainty feet to your next destination give you a foot rub check your prostate perhaps I wonder he said cocking his head quizzically if you could fit a full-sized cat into a human rectum I stood out quickly just along this road you said the cat Grand wickedly yes Mr Davis just a couple of miles we have to take care of something first no meal he commanded I did as he did falling on my knees before him good now take the blade and open up your palm with it cut deep I really want to see the blood flow I did as he asked Winston as the Hellbound blade slid easily through the meat of my palm when the blood began to flow like a crimson waterfall Lucifer's eyes lit up greedily and he stalked forward his tongue spindling becoming serpent-like as he lapped greedily at the bleeding hand do you mind telling me what the [ __ ] you're doing I guess to the pain eager to be rid of his touch but he ignored me looking deeper and longer his tongue probing the open wound and last he withdrew sitting back on his haunches a look of smug satisfaction on his face all gone what 's all gone I asked checking myself over that annoying little Aura of yours Last Vestige of hell that cleans the Earth forsaken the soul this is a stealth mission that aura of yours is a dead giveaway it's never been a problem before I said ripping at my shirt to make a makeshift bandage from my still bleeding hand indeed you're applied but then again you've never been offered up for sacrifice before now have you sacrifice I said in a strangled voice what the hell are you talking about sacrifice follow the road he said scampering away the settlement you seek is just over the next Horizon that said he hurried away and soon vanished amongst the stunted growth leaving me stood bewildered on the shattered Highway my stomach tied in tight knots after a few deep breaths I got my whirling emotions under control and I carried on along the road after all what choice did I really have besides I thought to myself Lucifer must have some kind of plan it was far from his own best interest to leave me hanging out to dry so I hurried onward eager to leave this living hell this world had become the settlement itself was nothing more than a few crumbling buildings flapping tents and rusting lean twos in my Approach an alarm was sounded in a bunch of ragged looking men came on the Run Michael their leader scowled stepping forward the man was tall skeletal frame with hawk-like nose and watchful eyes we thought you dead he growled I had a disappointment in his voice not yet I applied not sure how to proceed saw me then he said Terry massager for my shoulder thankfully I had strapped the Hellbound blade to my inner thigh with the Ragged remains in my shirt and the Satchel was now blessedly empty yet somehow they seemed to please the big man who grinned at me shark-like from between rotting teeth oh Michael he shook his head with exaggerated sadness what did I say would happen if you came back from the wastes empty-handed once again three days you've been gone and not so much as a lousy rat for the cooking pot he nodded to the two sacraments looking men at his sides who instantly surged forward pinning my arms down to my sides you're useless Michael and I have no use for useless people you're going to the tribute he whispered into my face it was all I could do not to wince away from his fedded breath and that pretty little woman of yours he'll be wanting my bed before your bones are cold in the ground but he got no reaction from this he snarled bringing his head crashing down into my upturned face and for a little while I knew no more I awoke sometime later a gnarled hand pushing at my shoulder okay okay leave off sitting upright I was in a cage with about six other people two young girls and four other men ranging from young to old it was the old man still clawing at my shoulder as if he hadn't heard a word that I said they're coming he wheezed coming for their tribute coming for us that's when I heard the Roar of engines deafening in the surrounding silence as if the whole settlement was holding its Collective breath the sound of engines grew louder as a makeshift vehicle pulled into the settlement from the very Direction I just traveled great nice bird from the living dead to the [ __ ] Thunderdome more Vehicles were arriving everything from open top Jeeps to large canvas covered trucks blowing great plumes of smoke into the ash filled air from the lead vehicle a leather-clad woman bounded forth a makeshift spear clenched Titan her scarred battered fist she was a big woman tall raw boned with black men like hair flowing down her back she smiled wickedly as the settlement's leader approached revealing yellowed teeth fouled down to Sharp looking points at that smile the approaching man faltered before continuing forward bowing low ah great lady we're honored by your presence the tribute awaits you he said his arms outstretched in a fawning gesture as he gently herded her towards myself for the rest of the terrified prisoners a Shabby looking lot she said glancing over the cowering Mass all except myself who met her glance with one of my own well well well she said betting low to give me a closer look what a pretty little man you are you don't look diseased anyway I have never been overly fussy that's what I like about men you can do a lot more with a man than simply eat him if her comment was supposed to strike fear in me it didn't work but I feigned It Anyway dropping my eyes and faking a raking shutter she laughed at this and stalked away the settlements had man hot on her heels I have an announcement to make she bellowed I found another settlement far to the east this settlement is large and thriving and now belongs to me and so I release you from your bondage this place is dying hell she said glaring around this place is already dead you folks just don't have the good sense to lay still Jonah she commanded the headmen who came forward tell me what do you do with a chicken when it stops laying eggs before he could answer she whipped a rust-covered machete from around her back and took his head with one foul swoop for a moment his body just stood there spraying blood before it collapsed in a Dusty heat but her booted feet round the map she screamed at her men there for the cooking pot boys the man let out a roar of excitement before giving Chase to the fleeing crowd it was over all too soon as the denizens of the settlement were slaughtered in Mass their bleeding torn bodies loaded onto the truck like sides of beef what are these a bald man with a scarred and battered face asked rapping on the side of the cage Constance turned to face him keep the man and the two girls they can go to the breathing patterns the man is mine Slaughter the rest the man grunted and signaled the two men who came on the Run the cage was thrown open and myself and the two crying girls were dragged out and shoved roughly towards the waiting trucks from behind us came the screams of the dying because they were brutally dispatched I didn't look back or even flinch these people were not my problems only constants and her imminent Return To Hell we boarded the back of the truck and rode through the Wasteland in the company of the Dead I was unsure just how long the journey lasted I think at some point I may have simply drifted off either way the sun was just starting to set in the west when the truck suddenly slowed followed by a shouted command and the sound of a clinging gate a voice was raised in greeting in the trucks lurched forward before coming to a complete halt there are more raised voices and the Echoes of coarse laughter before the back of the truck was flung open and we were herded outside the Raider compound was very much like the settlement we had just left only on a much larger scale the only marked difference was a large intact structure with a sheet metal roof The Faded picture of a pig wearing a chef's hat smiled obscenely from the building's flaking side not to worry one man said following my gaze you're not for the grinder my friend well at least not yet Constance wants to play with you a little first who knows if you please her you may yet live her last play thing lasted a whole week before she wore him out now take a seat he said shoving me down by the side of his truck Constance will send for you when she's ready and don't even think of running would you dream of it smiled up at him he must have seen something in that smile that he didn't like and he scowled at me before quickly turning away I sat there for some time the Hellbound blade digging uncomfortably into the scant Flesh of my thigh the Raiders hadn't bothered to search me or anyone else for that matter perhaps not seeing the Ragged shelters as any kind of threat that was fine by me like Lucifer said this is all about the element of surprise sometime later as Darkness settled across the land the same man from before dragged me to my feet come along Prince Charming he growled your new mistress is eager to see you I let him lead me to the tent said a little way back from the others before being rudely shoved inside the tent was large and spacious with glowing braziers and rug covered floors a table and chairs for eating the rest of the room was dominated by a large double bed chains ending and bloody handcuffs hung down from the corners of the splintered bedposts she followed my gaze smiled wantonly take a seat she said gesturing Towards the bed I did as she did knowing that I would have to end this thing soon before she decided to slap on the cuffs she was slinking towards me shedding bits of clothing as she came on suddenly she moved Lightning Fast pinning me beneath her the blade strapped to my leg erupted into searing flames in her presence setting my meager clothing on fire causing her to LEAP back in pain and confusion not wasting any time I tore the Blade free and left from the bed but she had already moved with that same Eerie speed putting the table between us so you're one of his she snarled Lucifer's [ __ ] but you don't know what a true [ __ ] really is come let me show you the transformation was almost instantaneous one minute a naked woman stood before me the next huge slobbering Hellhound the last thing I saw before she left at me clamping her massive Jaws around my neck was the glow of her burning Crimson eyes and suddenly I was falling I landed in Lucifer's Great Hall in a sprawling Heap only to be grabbed up like a ragdoll and smashed into the midnight blackened walls how dare do you fail me the dark lord screeched crushing my throat with a hand grown tall and like and twisted I had seen him angry before but nothing like this his rage was suffocating all-consuming you're going back he screamed at me from between razor-like teeth you're going back and you're gonna break it for me do you understand he said shaking me back and forth but I didn't understand break what I managed to gasp through his crushing Embrace something slid between his eyes and he cast me away from him go back he said seeming to regain a little composure go back there and kill that [ __ ] give me what is mine he clicked his fingers in a fiery portal opened beneath me once again I was falling I awoke naked and suspended in midair stifling a scream against the razor sharp hooks embedded in my back to my left and right hung similar corpses strung up like sides of beef some of the missing arms and legs others gutted and cleaned out I myself was mostly intact and I surmise not much time had passed since constant had bested me the knife and muttered what the hell she done with a knife the corpse by my side suddenly turned its head and grinned at me who said you needed the knife in the first place is crooked considered it was merely a conduit for your own power is it I asked never even considering such a thing no [ __ ] the crop screens at me [ __ ] useless get the blade back and finish that [ __ ] yeah it's real funny [ __ ] I growled but I was only talking to a dead man well life fled all right I said raising my knees to my chest let's get this [ __ ] done with with a cry I thrust my legs down with all of my might again and again feeling the hooks tear and slide through my flesh until it lasts I was free I knelt on a Cold Stone floor lost in agony until finally my wounds began to knit and heal I stood then and made my way over to the door which was mercifully unlocked before appearing outside it was full dark now and only a few smoldering campfires remained surrounded by snoring men the sharp Tang of homemade Hooch roasting meat perfumiere heading forward I slinked into the night keeping a weary eye out for any Roman guards but it was nothing these Raiders consider themselves the apex predator of the Wasteland why bother with guards I mean who in their right mind would dare to attack them sticking to the Shadows I made my way towards constance's tent there was a guard here the man was asleep dead drunk like the rest of the Motley Crew he was laying on his side his arms wrapped around a makeshift's spear hugging it close like some deadly teddy bear squatting down on my haunches I crept closer until I loomed above him then gently host so gently I slid his knife from the sheath developing a hard hand over his mouth they thrust the knife deep into the side of his neck he kicked a little bit and bled a lot but it was soon over I sat there for some time listening for the slightest noise or cry of alarm there was nothing only the sound of a staring Ash on the night wind standing I took a firm grip on the bloody knife and I slipped around the back of the tent only a single light bulb burned inside and I prayed that Constance believing me vanquished had retired for the evening life has to be inside I considered no way she could have touched it taking a deep breath I sliced the canvas and slid inside Constance was sat at her table grinning at me the Hellbound blade sat atop the table between us I noticed the rough bandage on her hand it returned her smile with one of my own tried to wield it did you guess you learned the hard way it only serves one master she ignored that I knew you would return Lucifer is nothing if not persistent I Shrugged edging towards the table he wants you back in hell where you belong where do you belong she fired back at me do you think Lucifer will send you straight up to heaven when this is all over did you even consider why he doesn't collect these Wayward Souls of his himself question caught me off guard then that's when she made her move leaping across the table at me transforming into the giant Hound as she came but this time I was ready for her instead of Leaping away I left forward diving onto the table popping up like a Jack In The Box on the other side I grabbed the Hellbound blade just as she turned and launched herself at me once again swinging wildly I slashed the side of her foaming muzzle she left away howling as her torn flesh began to smoke and Char I laughed at her she began to backpedal out of the torn tent now I said weaving the burning blade at her you are royally [ __ ] her nerve broke and she turned and fled Into the Night there was a sudden commotion then another great howl of pain I heard from the tent dagger raised and just suddenly stopped before bursting into laughter Constance on men woken by the commotion had come on the Run only to see a great feral Beast covered in blood flee from their mistress's tent in Rage they fell upon her stabbing and kicking piercing her sides with makeshift Spears and sharpened staves until the last weakened and no longer able to hold on to her terrible transformation she reverted back to her more human state I will kill all of you for this she spat at them and I'll help her I bluffed raising the burning blade that was enough for this rabble fearing their mistress wrath and seeing a dead man come back to life they fled screaming Into the Night I stalked over to Constance who is now trying to crawl away leaving a bloody trail behind her I stomped down on her back driving her down into the dirt before grabbing a handful of her matted hair and placing the blade at her neck have you ever considered I graded at her that it's better to serve in hell than to reign in heaven I didn't wait for her reply but sliced her neck with precise ease and once again I was back in Lucifer's Great Hall well well well finally got the job done did we Mr Davis real tough [ __ ] that one he beamed down at me from his Golden Throne in every way imaginable I turned to face him bowing low four down one to go tell me are you by any chance a fan of Eastwood or how about John Wayne he chuckled I think I'm beginning to sense a theme I saw are you indeed he laughed slapping at his thigh before clicking his fingers and summing another fiery portal well he said with an evil glint in his eye what are you waiting for Hi-Ho Silver away turning from him I headed for the portal wanting nothing more than to put an end to this madness yeah I said Giddy Up cowboy from Step through I awoke in the desert a figure looming above me you picked one hell of a place to take a siesta Mister that's all man said straightening up and looking towards the horizon one large hand stroking his handlebar mustache thoroughly he was dressed head to foot and block a large pistol hanging low on his hip hurts it to you I said a little sourly not happy at being once again in another desert at least this one was blessedly free of radiation still the sun burned my skin where it Seth white hot fire in the hazy Blue Sky the man turned back to me pulling his long duster coat to one side revealing a glittering golden star the name's Earth he said looking me up and down wider and law around these parts you want to watch your lip around me boy I ain't known for my patience why don't you tell old why and why you're doing out here wreaking the booze in the outskirts of town what town I blurted holy mother of Christ he's bad you answer every question one of your own Tombstone boy stop your delay and answer the question you're going into town drunk his hands were now hovering over his pistols my mind was racing tripping over itself Tombstone Wyatt Earp Jesus I could hardly believe it he was just about to make a grab for me when I blurted out the first lie that came to mind drunk I I got drunk as hell must have staggered out of town to take a piss just keeled over I said trying hard to play the simpleton from town he said his hazy blue eyes narrowing and just when did you hit town see I noticed about every resident of the tombstone you ain't one of them for once I couldn't think of a single answer but a gunshot suddenly rang out and a woman screamed in pain God damn it he said whirling towards the town those goddamn sons of [ __ ] Cowboys are in town again just like that you hear it away stalking back towards Tombstone as if I no longer existed sagging with relief I mopped at my brow glad to be out of his presence impressive isn't he a voice growled from behind me I Whirled around coming eye to eye with a huge mountain lion that is seemingly materialized out of nowhere and now sat on a nearby Rock its head cocked to one side as if wondering how good I would taste he made it into Heaven by the skin of his ass Lucifer continued what a prize he would have been such a challenge to break oh well he sighed You Can't Always Get What You Want sometimes what you need that mattered ah a Stones fan are you Mr Davis personally my favorite is Sympathy for the Devil he chuckled obscenely I wasn't really listening to him anymore but I had fallen to my knees frantically digging in the surrounding sand what are you doing he said a hint of amusement in his voice I'm looking for the knife I shot back at him what do you think I'm doing digging for grubs he said somewhat lofty by the way the thing that you are so Desperately Seeking isn't there I stopped digging then where the hell is it I want to get this over and done with he looked back at me and then his feral green eyes narrow before lunging forward with blinding speed I felt a terrible pain I sat down hard my chest bleeding I cried out as I looked down and my flight open chest The Gleam of bone shining wetly in the midday Sun but already the skin was beginning to knit and heal Lucifer sat there silently watching me heal until finally I managed to crawl to my feet the instant I stood he gave me more of the same only this time shattering my rib cage shedding me flying into the sand an explosion of Blood and Bone I lay there for some time feeling my body slowly begin to heal and reform finally when I was whole again I crawled to my knees and I sat there before him my head bowed low at last he began to speak I understand you'll need to wrap up this little adventure of ours but always remember one thing Mr Davis I am the master and you are my dog don't you ever bark at me again now get your feet I did as I was bid keeping my eyes on my feet look at me Christian look at me and tell me who you serve you my Lord I said and the kind of sadness came over me as if I had somehow disappointed him it was in need of making amends but I wasn't sure if this feeling came from me or was just another one of his Sly tricks and why is it you serve me so Faithfully there was something in his voice now a kind of longing taking a deep breath I did the only thing I could I told the truth because I fear you I stammered I fear you more than anything I've ever known more than the wrath of God Almighty himself he grinned them Well for now that is enough you asked a question would you like an answer yes Lord then ask again and this time mind your manners when you speak to me the knife my Lord I said bowing low where's the Hellbound blade follow he growled leaping from The Rock and heading deeper into the desert we walked for hours the sun giving way to shadows as we entered the shade of a small rocky outcrop in there he said nodding towards a small cave like entrance surrounded by sagging Timbers what's in there I got up the nerve to ask but he ignored me loping inside the place was Pitch Black and I stumbled my shoulders brushing the rough human wall open your eyes Mr Davis really open them remember the power I bequeathed you at draven's Castle open your eyes and see and just like that the veil fell from my eyes and I could see clear as day in the Deep darkness of this forgotten mind very good Mr Davis very good indeed you have such power now more than ever you must stop and learn to use it but that hanging in the air between us he heard on the head a few minutes later I Came Upon him Sat staring at a pile of massive Boulders broken Timbers and Dusty Rubble blocking the depths of the shattered mind what now I asked standing beside him he turned to me his tongue lulling the knife is behind that mess of Boulders if you still feel you need it that is then you must retrieve it for yourself what I exclaim and how the hell do you expect me to do that and why is it buried there anyway I said pointing an accusing finger at the Fallen boulders because I put it there he grinned playtime's over Mr Davis if you still feel you need that knife then you must get it for yourself what are you talking about of course I need it I mean how else can I reap this final soul how indeed he said staring at me blankly I knew there would be no answers forthcoming and so began to mooch around the edges of the Fallen Boulders looking for a way inside had my touch a light burst into being shining through a narrow hole from the other side wincing I put my eye to the hole the blade had burst into light in my presence and lay amongst the debris and Rubble just on the other side at the side of it I felt a terrible longing and pounded at the Hard Rock and frustration I see you found a way through Lucifer chuckled some entrance I turned on him he Shrugged do you remember Albert Foster how could I forget I grimaced he had been the second soul I had captured a corpse Peddler it had haunted the fog strewn streets of Victorian London but about him I continued Lucifer's side do you remember how he escaped when you confronted him that second time I mean after he set me on fire with flaming fists I shuddered still remembering the god-awful pain just so Lucifer chuckled you were quite the mess that particular day when awful Albert had got through with you but we aren't talking about that we're talking about how he escaped you the second time the Cockroaches I said remembering Albert's terrible transformation just so Lucifer said slinging closer until I could feel his hot breath against my face the Cockroaches but I can't do that I stammered looking at him incredulously that was power given to him by asmodeus the one who orchestrated the breakout in the first place ah yeah asmodeus we can talk of him another time but tell me Mr Davis do you believe as modius's power is greater than mine or even your own my own yes your own he snapped his tail swishing angrily are you not my chosen haven't I promised you all the powers of hell must I now explain everything to that dull mind of yours when we are close to the end or is it only fear and pain you understand and respect if so let me encourage you if you don't transform and get through the wall then I'm going to rip your balls off he snarled and showed razor sharp teeth I'm going to tear you open again and again until you either do as I bid will you go insane with the pain of it all but I I don't try it out backing away from him he sighed them some of the anger melting from him as he sat on his haunches it's rather simple Mr Davis just bring your will to bear wish it to be so and it will be wanted like you wanted the deaths of so many of your victims it happened the Primal desire of yours that desire that you have so long tried to convince yourself is no longer there that Fury and bloodlust the hatred Let it Loose become the creature you were always meant to be I turn from him and glared down at the hole he was right he was always right he was no longer any need to hide no desire to change I was already a lost soul my days condemned to eternal torment the worst that could happen it happened I've been forsaken by both man and God and there was literally nothing else to lose feeling that old hatred well up in me building until I thought that I would burst with it I directed my will and I felt myself begin to change until I wasn't one but many a scurrying Mass with a thousand eyes that crawled up the wall and through the small opening reforming back into human form on the other side howling and Triumph I scooped up the glowing blade Lucifer answered my howl with one of his own an ear piercing shriek that brought me back to my senses I had the blade but I was I was now trapped if I took on my insect form again I would no longer be able to carry the knife suddenly I was Furious that mere Stone would dare to stand against me bringing my will to bear I slam my fist into the Rock causing the whole Mass to explode outward in the shower of dust and Rubble Lucifer just managed to LEAP out of the way and there came a low rumbling from deep in the ground run Mr Davis if you don't want to spend an eternity buried alive run I did as he said both of us sprinting for the exit who managed to jump free just as the whole mess came shattering down an explosion of choking dust and flying Pebbles subtle Christian he glared at me shaking dust from his coat very subtle indeed sorry I said so much sheepishly feeling suddenly exhausted where I sat covered in dust and filth Lucifer patted over and licked my face with a long wet tongue don't worry take some getting used to you'll find it exhausting at first but your batteries will recharge in fact now that the process has started you'll only get stronger but why why have you given me these gifts now when we're so close to the end who says it's the end this is only the beginning there's so much you don't know so much I need to tell you but there's no time now so we must finish what we started the final Soul you mean yes the man you're looking for is just east of here in a Cliffside encampment he and his bunch of Bandits have taken over a small town it's from there that they strike Terror and Discord throughout the land the man you seek is Harvey Dillon a murderer wrestler of cattle in life he was heavily into torture the things he did to the flesh victims could rival the horrors of hell and now he's back and so much worse than before not that I give a fig for his victims but he belongs to me he belongs in hell and that's what you're going to do Mr Davis you're going to bring him back to us aren't you I stood up and brushed away the last of my Humanity you're goddamn right I am we walked through the night Lucifer padding along beside me he seems stronger now that he could stay in this world longer than before even if it was only trapped in the body of a lower base creature the first rays of dawn were just starting to stain the night sky when he heard the sound of a rider coming on hard behind us suddenly Lucifer grabbed up my sleeve and dragged me down into the underbrush hell are you doing beside don't move don't make a [ __ ] sound moments later a horse galloped into view frothing at the mouth as a writer pulled hard at the reins bringing the big mayor to a halt a pair of Dusty boots at the ground from our position I could just make out the man's lower half he wore a long dust-smeared Overcoat a shiny revolver hung low on his hip and in one scarred and battered hand he held a torn looking Bible that seemed to be missing many pages the man's feet turned as if he were scanning his surroundings and my body broke into a cold sweat fear warming its way in high guts therefore the man in toned as the tongue of fire burns the dried grass you'll go down in flames for your roots they're rotten and their blossoms shall be nothing more than dust on the Wind for you have forsaken the Lord thy God and projected his laws henceforth I shall stretch out his hand against you I'll find you he muttered I'll find you and I'll send you back to Hell from whence he came that said he mounted his horse and rode away I let out of breath I didn't even realize I've been holding and I sagged down the tension leaving my body who is that I said turning to Lucifer trouble he replied glaring at the receiving figure a preacher driven mad by the light of God a Joker in the pack the eye in the middle of a storm God's feeble attempt to divert the course of Prophecy many times I've tried to rid myself of the thorn in my side once when his wife's called dead fingers closed around his throat I thought I had him but his love for God was greater and it prevailed let me kill him for you my Lord no he snapped at me you must leave him alone go nowhere near him not unless he forces a confrontation I must leave you now he suddenly averted this body can no longer hold my magnificence just Over the Horizon is the town go there they know of the man you seek for now farewell and just like that he was gone leaving the corpse of a mountain lion behind which immediately began to rot and smoke I walked on the sun beating down on me like an anvil until I last I crested the cactus strewn Hill and looked down at the Town below it looked more like every town ever seen in the Spaghetti Western all bleached Timbers false storefronts horseshit strewn streets slowly I made my way down to the outskirts of town not really sure where I was going who I was supposed to be talking to but this was far from the first time Lucifer had left me with my dick swinging in the Wind I just have to make the best of things besides with my newfound Powers I was feeling more confident than ever before as I walked more fully into town people seemed to be giving me sideways glances and quickly scurrying away what the hell I remembered just before I felt a sudden blow to the back of my head it all went dark I awoke in a darkened cell there was blood on my hair but of course no wound quickly I felt around and found the Hellbound blades still stuffed down the back of my jeans there came a sudden rattling of keys and a squeaking of a door the corridor was lit by a flickering oil lamp a man stood outside my cell he was Willow thin with a shock of red hair and why are you looking side chops a silver star glittering on his narrow chest you had some nerves showing your face back in this town Andy Wayne after what you did to that [ __ ] over in ed's place then burned down the church and all there's a whole mess of people right now over at Ed's drinking it up and planning a hanging party and you know what Andy I was pretty fond of Jesse before you messed up her face guess you can call me a regular he grinned a gap tooth smile so I reckon I'm just gonna let them hang it partner now how do you feel about that well I said stumbling along the bars and feigning exhaustion I think you're a pock-faced son of a [ __ ] and the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass I said I spat in his face and began to laugh hysterically his face went first red then purple as he fumbled his keys in a lock revolver in hand boy I'll beat you black and blue when we was kids and I want to beat you down again there won't be much left of you for that hanging party you better believe that thrusting open the door he charged in smashing the gun barrel across my face I grinned at him through smashed teeth in a torn mouth grabbing his hand and smashing it against my knee setting his revolver flying his wrist snapped like a rotten twig he bellied in pain but I caught him up by the throat I pulled the knife from around my back I plunged it into his shoulder before twisting it cruelly dragging it out and thrusting it into his thigh screaming he sagged and fell to the floor grasping at his bleeding leg and rocking to and fro I kicked him over and over again for kneeling down beside him my knife at his neck I'm looking for the Dylan gang I growled pressing the blade hard against his bobbing Adam's apple he would know where said bandito's would happen to be would you the light of Hope gleamed in his eyes sure sure he gasped they're camped up at high Canyon Ridge they took over heston's Ranch how they took over the entire Village where is it this High Canyon Ridge two days Easter here just follow the river out of town can't miss it please and don't kill me okay sorry Andy in home I grinned dragging the knife across his throat his hot blood spurted over me quickly I stood up and headed outside there I was greeted by the townsfolks Flaming torches hell The Loft it seemed like there was a gun or a rope dangling from every hand I looked down my bloody clothes and grinned at him just give me a second to explain there was a cry of outrage and bullets began to fly sending me crashing backwards as I was peppered with hot lead my shirt and chest exploding in a Welter of blood the last shot rang out [Music] and there was silence until I stood back up that's when the women began to scream and the men began to curse quickly reloading some of them took to their heels you want to play I grinned down at them through bloody teeth okay I can do that let's play bringing my will to bear I summon the Hellfire to my hand and released it amongst them the Flames jumped from one person to the next lighting them up their skin melting running like hot wax as they thrashed and screamed and when it was all over I walked amongst them their ashes stirring on the ground in the cold night wind as I followed the river out of town the morning Found Me by the Riverside washing ashes and blood for my clothes there's a splash and a nearby Beaver pulled itself out of its free-flowing Waters Lucifer is that you who else the beaver chuckled just before its head blew apart into about 300 pieces spotting my face with blood and gore I spun around there was a cowboy rushing down the hill towards me his one good blue eye blazing with pure hate I got you now you son of a [ __ ] he fired off another round but stumbled just as he pulled the trigger the shot went wild but the bullet which I was pretty sure was meant for my head buried in my shoulder the pain was enormous like like nothing I'd ever felt before spun me around dumping me into the freezing River the current pulling me away the Cowboys stood on the riverbank sparking off round after round another bullet clipped my ear and I ducked under the flowing water whoever he was the son of a [ __ ] was deadly accurate you can't hide from me boy the Mad preacher screamed as I rounded the bend you can't run from Jacob Masterson God's Gonna Cut You Down hear me you son of a [ __ ] God's Gonna Cut You Down I stayed in the river for some time letting the hard current drag me miles between us before finally managed to climb out into the opposite side of the riverbank there I collapsed and I checked my wounds they hadn't closed but burn like acid small wisps of smoke rising from the wound of my shoulder a crow landed on my outstretched Boot and hopped up my leg as it drew close to my face I could hear it muttering to itself Bible thumping Jesus loving son of a [ __ ] it cursed of all the goddamn nerve Lucifer they gasped is that you ask me that just one more [ __ ] time they caught in my face and I swear by the bloodiest depths of hell I will pick out your eyes Kate k I threw up my hands and surrender wincing of the pain in my shoulder why isn't it healing I said flopping back down because that crazy [ __ ] shot you with silver blessed silver actually we need to get this out of here before the poison spreads to your body and it starts to shut down okay now hold still [Music] suddenly his head darted down and he buried a sharp beak into the raw wound I screamed an Agony as he rooted around after it felt like an eternity of pay and he pulled free the smoking silver Slug and spatted onto the ground immediately the wound began to close and the pain began to First fade then eventually vanished altogether I was instantly on my feet suddenly ferocious I'm going to kill that mad [ __ ] I growled I'm going to cut him into little pieces and piss on his bones no you're not I told you to stay away from him like I have a choice I cut him off he's tracking me somehow he he's [ __ ] tracking me perhaps he replied but Masterson is not the target you're here for Dylan he must die now today time grows short but it has to be today why I asked why today stop your infernal questions he snapped at me just get on with your job I will run interference on Masterson once the job is done he will become irrelevant to the whole thing what thing I asked him knowing he was keeping something from me but I didn't quite have the nerve there's a bridge about a mile down the river he said lighting up upon a nearby branch cross the bridge follow the winding path out of the canyon the place you seek sits upon in your bide range that said he took to the sky soon he was nothing more than a black dot on the horizon sighing I clamored to my feet rushing myself down quickly hurried away keeping my ears open for the sound of the pounding hooves whoever that Masterson character was he had Lucifer unnerved but I wanted no more part of him that's to just finish up here and get back to the safety of hell less than an hour later I came up on the ridge which was nothing more than a few splintered planks held together with frayed ropes the river flowing fast beneath taking a deep breath I spread it across wincing in every Creek and crack until finally I was across the rocky sides of the canyon rose up before me there was an aero path leading straight to the Canyon's sheer sides in another small track that wound its way up the flat looking Ridge I could just make out the sides of small building and the muted sounds of human voices okay I mumbled up we go the track itself is narrow perhaps wide enough to accommodate a single horse not much more I was about halfway up but I noticed the vulture circling overhead and the faint smell of smoke that blew on the light Breeze [ __ ] I I cursed drawing the knife and coming on the Run by the time I hit the top I was breathing heavily and drenched with sweat just like Lucifer had said there was a village here atop this flat Plateau or at least at least there had been now there was nothing more than a smoldering ruin bodies of men women children even a few horses lay scattered about their poor broken bodies smoking in the midday Sun Welcome to Hell partner a voice rang out a wild-eyed man stepped from one of the charred and blackened ruins he was shirtless his genes torn and bloody and one shaking hand he held her revolver leveled at my chest and the other a half empty bottle of whiskey the hell happened here I asked lowering the knife he laughed then the light of Madness dancing on his bloodshot eyes Harvey's what happened here he spat kill everyone the whole village his crew I've seen things he said tears rolling down his face things no man should ever see Harvey he had powers he burned everyone and had laughter a mammal that God awful after he shook his head as of trying to rid himself for the memory of it before raising the bottle and gumping down the fiery liquid at last the bottle was empty and he casted away from him I hear it mister even when I sleep even drunk he chuckled obscenely I can hear it right now suddenly he put the revolver to his head no I screamed lunging at him but he had already pulled the trigger the sound of the shot booming around the Canyon's walls son of a [ __ ] I screamed kicking his flopping corpse more out of frustration than any real anger whatever had happened here I had missed it and Harvey Dillon had moved on leaving his crew behind it was left to them anyway putting the knife away I stomped the cross to the only remaining intact building the one I had observed from the bottom of the trail I went through the open door but recoil in horror as a swarm of flies fled before me there were bodies here three of them hanging from the ceiling it was impossible to make out the sex they were too torn up for that they had been skinned and butchered bone and flesh gleaming wetly and even I cursed hoping like hell they'd been dead before this terrible torture had taken place quickly I left slamming the door behind me but now I mumbled to myself the hell did you go how the hell am I supposed to find you Lucifer's words came back to me it has to be now today worried I looked at the midday Sun godling knew what he would do to me if I failed him sitting down in the blowing sand I once again remembered Lucifer's words will it and it will be concentrating I cast my will under the wind feeling my awareness searching for Dylan's rotting soul and there it was just west of here a dark figure in the desert Sat by a blazing campfire gleaming eye hooded beneath a wide-brimmed hat I have you now [ __ ] I growled leaping my feet even now I could feel him like a magnet pulling me like a iron filling toward him strolling over to one of the dead horses I laid a hand upon its smoking flesh rise I commanded rise and serve me at first nothing happened gritting my teeth and bringing all of my hate and rage to bear I thrust it Forward Into the Dead creature that began to shudder and twist at last its deflated eyes begin to fill until they rolled White and the dead thing stumbled to its feet not wasting any time I grabbed at its tattered Mane and jumped on its back digging my feet into the black and skeletal sides immediately the creature began to gallop Guided by my will we raced down the canyon side the stench of burned Flesh and Blood covering me like a comforting Haze night was coming on Fast and I spotted his flickering campfire in the near distance climbing from my Mount I clicked my fingers turning into Dust in the Wind I sat down crossed my legs and called out to Lucifer wanting to know more about my Quarry before the final confrontation suddenly there was a sharp bite on the back of my hand cursing I looked down I saw a huge hairy tarantula poisonous as ever I see but the spider did not answer but merely started to crawl away still the message was clear get on with the job sighing I got to my feet and squashed a little bastard just out of pure spite before continuing onwards not even bothering with stealth now comfortable with my newfound Powers I approached the dying campfire and the man the hunkered down by its flickering light so you finally came for me the man chuckled the Devils yeah I interrupted the devil's [ __ ] lap dog is Satan I've heard it all before my friend such a fool he laughed casually climbing to his feet did she ever wonder what's really going on here I know exactly what's going on I smirked at him I know all about it rebellion of hell as Modis setting you free to undermine my master he laughed them and slapped his knee a rebellion in hell like they would ever dare to go against your master he said mockingly well you're here aren't you I said not falling for his ruse you escaped now I'm here to send you back escaped he said shaking his head sadly not escaped set free nothing happens in Hell Without Lucifer say so but why by salmon why would he set you free you and the other four that's the question he granted me but there was a great sadness in his eyes her pawns my friend pawns on the great chessboard of Eternity so let's play and I believe he grinned slyly it's my move suddenly he raised his hands and a great Maelstrom began to blow whipping up in the sand quickly I threw up my hand to protect my face even through the biting sand I could see him Twist and Turn as he went through some terrible transformation other figures rising up from the endless Sands and just like that the wind dropped and a herd of crimson-eyed horses suddenly stood before me with a great snorting and thundering of hooves they raced towards me meaning to trample me the dust a shot rang out and the lead horse went down exploding into hardened sand another shot rang out another one and another of the Demons went down something hit me high in the chest throwing me to one side Blood and Bone exploded I landed hard on my back unable to breathe that was that mad preacher the one Lucifer had called Jacob writing like the wind towards the demon heard the Reigns of his big mare clamped between his teeth a pistol in each hand laying the very wrath of God upon the now terrified horses who would turn to flee clamoring to my feet feeling the terrible silver spread through my body I saw him fire a last shot hitting the transformed Harvey in the side of the neck instantly the rest of the herd turned to dust and Harvey Harvey lay in the dirt bleeding hard Gravely injured but still very much alive Masterson took no notice of him but Whirled his big Mount around coming straight from me come on then you son of a [ __ ] I growled raising the now burning blade grinning Masterson fired off another shot and the blade in my hand exploded it was as if I heard every soul and Hell cry out at its destruction sighting down the barrel of his gun Masterson pulled the trigger intent on my destruction but his eyes widened in shock as his gun clicked empty with a cry of Triumph I swung what was left of the shattered blade at him bearing it in the back of the mayor's chest the horse screamed and went down with an explosion of blood and Sand trapping its writer beneath quickly I staggered over blood pouring from the terrible wound of my chest but the preacher had already managed to kick himself free even as badly injured as he was his fingers were already doing their deadly dances he quickly reloaded his smoking revolvers with a cry I charged at him but he grinned raising the revolvers and I knew I was dead but suddenly he hauled in pain and began to dance around firing his guns into the dirt that was now somehow crawling with large black snakes that hissed and struck at him still he shot them blowing them into tiny pieces and when his guns clicked empty he stomped them into the dirt growling and spitting curses but even his terrible Vitality could not last and he went down under the onslaught of the deadly venom the snakes all around him began to squirm and meld into a giant serpent with glowing red eyes looming above him ah Masters few at last what a thorn in my side you've been unbelievably the old preacher laughed the serpent suits you Lucifer low creature that crawls with his face in the dirt shunned by all men Lucifer hissed Venom dripping from his needle like fangs smoking where it hit the parked Earth Fearless as ever a masters but it's you who Now lies in the dirt you're a dying old man but you could live yet join me bow before me call me Master and King of Kings and I will spare your life again that harsh laugh I'd rather [ __ ] a cornhole filled with chili flakes and serve a poor broken down [ __ ] such as yourself you're nothing to me but a low down mangy dog oh get to killing me you're tired of your yammering Lucifer Howell is outrage and frustration Christian he commanded smithering away kill this fool I'll let soil myself with his death staggering over my knees weakened I collapsed on top of him straddling his broken body his hand came up weakly grabbing for my throat his eyes filled with hate blood on his lips but I knocked his clawing hand aside and pinned them beneath my knees who are you I screamed into his face who the hell are you Masterson that he didn't answer me only looked up to the heavens as if listening entangling and smiled the sons of my son that'll be the end of you he growled at me and I get to killing me if that's what you're gonna do about my ticket to Heaven long ago am I afraid to die and then science I'm already tired of looking at your [ __ ] face that said he spat a lot of bloody phlegm right in my face with a howl of Rage I pulled what was left of the Hellbound blade from the dead horse and raised it above my head for the killing strike but the light had already faded from those Hazel blue eyes you lay there dead small smile Frozen on his lips his eyes turned up towards heaven yeah you had balls my friend I said wiping his blood from my face I'll give you that you had balls a groan came just off to my right was Harvey Dillon pulling himself through the sand like a broken snake leaving a trail of sticky blood behind him standing I weaved over to him and knocked him onto his back before straddling his Twisted form I brought was left of the Hellbound blade down piercing the diseased heart beneath and sending his loath some soul straight back to hell but suddenly time slowed and then stopped before the final blow could land please don't the voice said to my right I slowly turned my head the rest of my body Frozen in Time there was an angel kneeling before me it's great white Wings spread across its back their tips brushing against the sand please don't Mr Davis all of creation depends upon the final note who are you I asked shock bites Beauty and splendor I'm Gabriel it's sad it's beautiful blue eyes boring into mine I am the Messenger of God impressive isn't he Lucifer laughed where he had appeared just off to my left but this time he wasn't in the body of some loathsome Beast animal but in his own beautiful terrible form his black wings folded about him as if seeking comfort I looked from one to the other in many ways they were the same but in others terrifyingly different the angel looked to be full of light and love Lucifer on the other hand was filled with a swelling darkness and yet you're still more beautiful than the glowing Angel as if his Darkness didn't diminish him but somehow added to his Allure brother the angel said acknowledging Lucifer who gave the slightest of nods in return say what you have to say Gabriel your presence offends me the angel ignored that and turned to face him once again he's been lying to you my son for he was ever the great liar he has been using you all this time from the moment you were born he's corrupted you bench you to his will what are you talking about I guess unable to comprehend he's put his mark on you the moment you were born Gabriel continued gently he marked you as one of his own he was he who turned you into a mad killer all those nights in that orphanage slithering from the Shadows laying under your crib whispering in Endless Deluge of obscenities into your poor innocent mind don't you understand it was him who drove you mad set you on a path to Mayhem murder he savented your free will but why I guess why me what does he want from me the angel smiled sadly and gently stroke my brow he wants you to free him to break the very seals of hell and bring his kingdom to Earth what SEALs I said yelling at him with anger and frustration I I haven't broken any seals oh but you have my son four so far and you're on your way to the final one then he'll be set free and look down at the dying man before me my knifeled up his heart seals seals you mean him he's just an escapee they all were I sent them back I didn't have any choice the angel sighed yes they are escapees but so much more you see in the beginning when Lucifer was cast out and imprisoned five great seals inscribed with the very word of God who are put in place to hold him confine him he could not touch them unless he suffered the true death and he'd be returned back to the universe but his will is not so easily cemented if he could not touch them he would change them and so over the long Millennia he bent his terrible will towards them until at last they become incorporeal much to his frustration he still could not leave but perhaps they could and so he found five of the most evil souls in hell and placed them inside using all of his will and with the seal somewhat weakened he made the smallest of cracks between this world and the hell of his own making and set them free but the seals were never made of this world and grew even weaker yet Lucifer could not lay his hands upon them or he wasn't willing to try for fear of the true death and so he groomed you to do it for him from the moment of your conception he used to you he put the knife in your hand on Earth put another in your hand in Hell an instrument not forged in Hellfire but forged in heaven just as my brother Michael his sword so Lucifer had his knife my brother still Bears the scars of its terrible Wrath I look toward Lucifer his face in passive is that true you son of a [ __ ] is is it all true every word of it he smiled I answer that smile with one of my own I won't do it I Won't Set You Free not now not ever you could rot in the hell for all eternity if that's your decision I respect it he nodded thoughtfully but before you decide I mean really decide just ask him one question he said nodding towards the glowing angel that's all I ask just one tiny question what question I spotted him ask him if you will go to heaven I mean if you stay your hand you will have defeated God's most hated enemy you will have saved billions of men women innocent children from annihilation go ahead Mr Davis ask him will I I said turning back to Gabriel if I do this if I save the world if I trap Lucifer will I finally be at peace will I as soon as I see the face of God can I can I be forgiven the Angels smiled sadly there can be no Redemption for one such as you my son your action condemned you to hell when you murdered all of those innocent people but but you said he made me do it he stole my free will he used me I roared you said it yourself you he made me do it they don't care Lucifer said falling upon his knees before me and grabbing at my face my nose almost touching his don't you understand they don't [ __ ] care ask yourself my son couldn't they have stopped it is God not all-powerful all those nights I whispered into your lonely crib from the depths of my own forsaken hell could God not have silenced my voice the first time you slit an innocent throat could God not have stayed your hand he didn't care enough about you to stop it not only see only now only now when it matters do they bother to even acknowledge Your Existence and try to manipulate you and what do they offer in return nothing only an eternity trapped in hell they simply don't care why should you serve them the glory of God huh He barked a harsh laugh is that their reason he's at their best offer I'm offering you a place by my side together we'll take this world we'll shape it into our own image you are my son Christian I placed my hand over your heart the moment it let out its first beat I looked at him and knew for the first time perhaps in an eternity of existence he was speaking the truth I turned to the waiting angel tell your God I said bite me no the angel screamed as I fought off its spell and brought what was left of the Hellbound blade whistling down breaking the final seal foreign atop a great Hill below us a huge battle rage between Angels and Demons in the midst of this Fury was a man with a silver sword who raged amongst demon kinds slaughtering all before him who's he I asked Lucifer who Stood Beside Me watching the battle intently [Music] Masterson Lucifer growled another God cursed Masterson wild card the eye in the center of a storm but not to worry he smiled he can change nothing so what shall we do next he grinned as the chaos continued below us I closed my eyes smelling the ashes a small smile playing across my lips now we set it to burn now we burn them all his hand fell upon my shoulder and felt good there like the Embrace of an old friend like a Lover's kiss best of all [Music] it felt like coming home hey there kids it's me and Mr Creepypasta and I want to tell you thanks so much for watching tonight's video or listening to tonight's episode of podcast quick reminder I am also a narrator over at chilling if you guys like the stories that you're listening to here then I'm sure you'll like the stories that you can listen to over at chilling because they're almost the same thing I'm still narrating them but you can select your own background music or background sounds and you could select a whole mess of other narrators such as Autumn Ivy swamp dweller and a bunch of my other friends if you guys are interested in checking out chilling apps starting up with a free trial you can use the link in the description down below or you can head over to thechillingapp.com and also use those free trials to win prizes from their giveaways and as always I would love to give a big thank you to everyone who's supporting me over on patreon you guys are the real MVPs you guys keep things going especially while things have been nuts for me over the past couple of months and things have been getting crazier and crazier as time goes on you guys are the ones who are keeping me sane and I mean that with all sincerity that you guys have helped me immensely so in my personal life and my professional life I want to give a very big thank you to Jordan Alexander Sanchez located acid system the ginger Bros and stormcrow Daniel Paulson and Cory Kenshin to everyone on this list everyone in the description and of course anyone who could support even just one dollar thank you all so much for making my life significantly easier with this and if you guys would like to be able to join any of the names that you see here or down there or anything at all head over to patreon.com Mr Creepypasta and with that I wish you all a very very pleasant night and sweet dreams
Channel: MrCreepyPasta
Views: 440,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrcreepypasta, creepypasta, creepy pasta, nosleep, reddit, horror, stories, scary, story, narration, audiobook, podcast
Id: QIb3Zq6u368
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 10sec (12670 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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