The Internet's Scariest Story (Borrasca Plot Overview)

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listen I'm the sort of person that if someone says watch the original before you watch this video I'll just say ah screw it and just watch the spoilers anyway but I'm serious when I say this experience this original story first blind trust me I will leave links to where you can find this video for free online in the description it's a short story compared to other novels you might find and also just know that this story has a lot of troubling adult content in it so if you're a sensitive nature this story will hurt you so the scariest story I've ever read it's a long story but one you've never heard before this story is about a place that dwells on the mountain a place where bad things happen you may have decided that you have all figured out but you don't because the truth is worse than monsters and Men The Walker family is composed of Mother Elizabeth the teenage sister Whitney the father Graham and our protagonist and narrator Sam Walker the Walkers are moving it's not fun for Whitney who has friends and a boyfriend at home but the family is moving and Graham is going to be the deputy in the new town the town of drisking as the Walkers move in Sam is introduced to Kyle Landy and Kimber daaro they hit it off great and these three become our adorable treat of best friends for the whole of this story Kyle is a fiery and sometimes obnoxious friend who buddies up with Sam very well and Kimber is a cute quiet skinny but very smart girl who becomes the glue of their Trio both of them are redheads but due to their name we can see that they're just friends even if people bully them saying that they actually related before school starts again they hang out all the time becoming the best of friends they play out on the cool days and on the hot days they sit inside playing PlayStation on one of these outings Sam is introduced to a cool new place a huge Treehouse that was two stories tall named Amber cot F at a tree known as the triple tree but they Shan Sam this after a long time of knowing him if it's so cool why did they wait until now well one reason there is a ritual that needs to happen it's nothing bad just like carving your name into the tree and saying a rhyme but if you don't do it you'll be gone forever okay and the rhyme underneath the Triple Tree there is a man who waits for me and should I go or should I stay my F's the same either way not om us at all at the tree they do the ritual and then after playing around for a bit they find a dirty mattress and graffiti saying Ro to the gats of Hell mile marker one then some Hears A terrific noise he thinks it's something akin to an animal but not really it's like metal scraping it sounds terrifying and he begs to know what it is and his new friends say that it's always happened in drisking the awful sound that rolls down the mountain and Sam is so curious wouldn't you be he begs to know more he finds out new information more so from other kids since Kyle seems to clam up about it but the info that he gleans is that the sound is tied to an urban legend involving a slew of Monsters the skinned men who drag people away to the mountain to a place known as barasa to meet a being known as the shiny gentleman who makes the awful noise and Kyle tells some to never look for barasa it's all fake after all anyway school starts again and Kyle annoyingly isn't in their class and is instead with some crappy teacher Kyle swears at this outcome but a man named Killian cley the town sheriff Sam's dad's boss tells him to watch his language he's just here to do some stranger danger presentation in class we find out that Kimber is not popular there's a mean girl sort of cleek who are outwardly mean towards her led by a girl named Phoebe danger and in fact they tell Sam directly that being friends with Kimber would not be a cool move but Sam is a legend and tells them to shove it and tells Kimber that what they said was they just jealous because you're so pretty a Sam's a sweetheart then at lunch Sam finds out that a guy with a surname whiter is dating his sister and her name if they were to be married would be Whitney whiter and Kyle has a cheeky LOL about that then the sound again then a guy known as Phil Saunders who Kyle will come to despise Sayes the skinned men kill again after Kyle makes a fuss of this Phil calls over a kid to to tell them about their runin with the skinned men to prove it's real and this kid says they didn't see the skinned men but their sister page did there is an awkward silence that some is confused by until we find out the page went missing after encountering the skinned men this Phil guy seems to know quite a bit so Sam of course grills him but Phil just repeats what he's already heard the monsters the men and bad things happen at barasa these sounds continue so Sam asks his father who was soon to be the sheriff you must have heard that sound and Graham just says that it must be like logging equipment but when Sam pushes about skinned men shiny gentlemen and barasa surprisingly Graham just flips out and begins shouting at his daughter thinking that she is scaring her brother with G stories even while Sam tells him that no it wasn't Whitney it was kids at school well back to school in the new new term Kimber is bullied by Phoebe danger again and we find out that they are related to a big family in town the prescotts the next day a history of drisking presentation takes place hosted by Katherine scandin from the drisking historical society and Jimmy Prescott Jimmy's dad Tom Prescott used to horse this presentation but recently he'd been having some mental problems with his age so Jimmy quite brutally threw him in a hospice and you know to hide him while he took over Tom's businesses however Sam is enthralled by the Charisma of Prescott he listens to the presentation about how Prescott's family brought the town back from ruin so Sam raises his hand and asks why the old drisking mindes closed and if there were any left still running Prescott answers that they simply just ran out of awe causing the town to lose its economy and that there might be like one still left running this is also we hear a story about the four missing boys in the mines the Masis Sam also learns that after people went missing in the abandoned mines they blew them up to stop people further getting hurt however the demo men they brought in did a terrible job making iron or contaminate the water table it's joked at lunch that since everyone has drank the water with explosives and iron in it then they all must be taking time bombs and these skinned men must have lost their skin from blowing up and they joke around and Sam tells us that this moment was the last true time of Happiness he has ever felt because soon after Sam unexpectedly is told he's been picked up by his parents and after fighting to know why he eventually finds out that Whitney his sister has gone missing even though whiter and Whitney got in a car this morning Whitney didn't get to school that day theories circulate from different parties about her trying to run back home to St Louis to be with her boyfriend but Sam is convinced that she wouldn't do that because she's dating whttiger so she wouldn't go back to some other guy then frustrated because no one's listening to him he checks his email and sees a single message from his friends did Whitney go to The Treehouse spurred by fear that she's Fallen victim to the skinned man he bikes off to the tree line and finds Kyle and Kimber are already there and after searching he is shown Whitney's name on the the tree and the sound from the mountain comes rolling [Applause] down some time passes until Sam is 17 years old working at the Prescott samood shop and in fact Prescott is right there caught him sleeping on the job and he needs to talk to his boss merera but even better he's allowed to go home with full pay while Prescott talks to merera with his time off Sam decides to to hang out with his friends and we find out that a lot has changed since before firstly Kyle and Kimber are dating cute even if Kyle is very protective and kimber's mom hates him now for some reason and the Mean Girl click includes only two girls now because one of them had run off with some college kids and Sam's dad is now the sheriff and Sam has never stopped thinking about Whitney and how her running away story doesn't seem to add up he's been obsessed he thinks it has something to do with this urban legend but unfortunately Kima has to leave because her mother has been quite depressed recently she's been leaning on Kimber for quite a while now in fact she seems to call up and steal her away from the group throughout the story anyway days pass and Sam goes to work and his boss merera is crying the shop has been doing poorly for business and he continues his shift but he hears mea crying the whole time more and more so he decides I'll call mea's husband to see if you know she he can comfort her when he comes however Sam sits through a very intense argument between the two he learns that they are trying for a baby but mea's husband unfortunately is in Fertile he laments how she's obsessed with having a kid and that merera won't go with the option He suggests even though the masi family is pushing her to have a child then change of heart after Sam and the husband talk about barasa the for mki kids disappearances Mera comes out and says she wants to do it some IVF treatment perhaps but who knows but all we get is that Mera says I've already called him the the doctor luckily however Sam is let off work again with full pay jealous so he spends the day with Kyle talking about the conversation he heard and Sam's curiosity leads them to asking Katherine scanland from the histor iCal Society about the disappearances of those four boys they just find out a more indepth story about the four kids the explosion Etc so they meet up with Kimber and decide who would have the best info Tom Prescott they head to the hospital and pretend to be family funnily enough they pretend that Kyle is actually kimber's Brother since they're both redheads and Sam is the boyfriend in this scenario the meeting swiftly becomes intense however since Tom is very volatile but in his ravings he talks about the family business they ask about the triple tree and he mistakes it as them saying triple the price triple the price for what he says stuff like he could do anything he wanted as long as money came in and that the business involves a white powder at this point Sam starts to push the ring man M asking about barasa skinned man and shiny gentleman and it drives Tom to a fit of anger so they just have to leave collecting the evidence this mention of white powder changes things what if this is some kind of Narcotics trade white powder and if if it is that are they going to get involved they're three 17y olds with a bunch of curiosity and not much else and worse if this is going on and it involves disappearances then the police department could very much be involved what might happen to them if they get too close to this but before they can discuss this Kima gets a phone call something has happened to her mother and at the hospital we are told that kima's mother jump from the hospital roof and after this Kima is no longer around she's grieving obviously and with her not around the boys realize just how broken they are without her but something is on their minds in the hospital there was mention of a note by kima's father a note that kima's mother had left a note that no one acknowledges especially the police after some time eventually Kima returns and while they just want to focus on Kimber they ask about the note and Kima says yes there is a note but it was intercepted by my dad and he's been guarding the note in his office so a plan is made the mother's funeral is soon Kimber would say that she was overwhelmed and she had to the bathroom meanwhile Kyle would go to comfort her but would actually drive her to kimber's home to get into the dad's office to get the note then at the funeral they enact the plan but when Kima ran off Kyle went over to apologize to kima's father to give his condolences and the father also expresses negative opinions towards Kyle which causes a delay that causes Kimber text the boys and tell them she's going on her own she can't waste time she has to know about the note then after 20 nail biing minutes of waiting and getting no response from Kimber the service ended Kimber missed her mother's funeral and she's still not answering the phone perhaps Stranger Than This kima's father was seen talking to two police officers involving Killian cleery and he looks broken he's Beyond upset perhaps even afraid while the policemen look angry and then the policemen leave suspecting that something is wrong the two text call try to contact Kimber and get nothing so Sam calls Phil saunters to pick them up now he gets there they drive then Kimber replies she found the note they reply they're coming for you and Kimber replies they're here and when they got there Kimber was gone they searched in the car that she left outside and nothing so the only option they called Sam's dad the sheriff and they drove to the station to provide a statement but worryingly they already had a response for the boys kima's father decided to leave the town that had all these bad memories attached to them and Kimber being a minor just had to go along but this doesn't make sense Kimber would contact them to tell them that such a decision was being made at least but no matter what they say Graham Walker just says we're looking into it so some repli like you did with Whitney and of course Graham is full of Rage saying how dare you accuse me again of not caring and not doing everything I could have done to find her that he loves his daughter more than Sam could ever know so they're pushed away they leave a statement and Kimber is gone and Kyle begins to cry for the first time that Sam has ever seen this event begins a Relentless search Kyle and Sam become spurred by an endless desire to find Kimber it spans over days with Kyle almost sleeplessly searching on his own they searched the mountain the Triple Tree they even miss their graduation Kyle saying that he's not going without Kimber and the whole time they were trying to outrun the sound from the mountain but then 11 days later Sam is awoken by the sound and Sam cries and cries until he cries himself to sleep all the while he hears the same thing from Kyle next door at this point in the story years have passed since the beginning people have gone missing Clues have been found they don't know where to turn that is there's just enough evidence and doubt to make a million theories bubble to the surface of your mind if you didn't read it before what do you think if you did what did you think has Kimber like many before been removed mov D for getting too close to a long running white powder operation is there in fact a haunting a supernatural Force that's making the authorities just confused they are trying their best but a VNA from stranger things like force is burying the leads so the boys are dejected the sound that beckons death sings Them asleep so now what's the point of searching well if they can't find her like Whitney before then they will have her so if we're going to spend the rest of our days finding this let's get some Red Bulls at a gas station they run into Mera Sam's boss and oh boy Sam hasn't gone to work in days as he searches for Kimber and merera now seems happy the infertility treatment worked maybe and yeah we find out that she's pregnant they part ways and then a detail floods back to Sam mera's husband didn't say barasa when they talked about it he said e barasa implying that it's a thing not a place or or was it so they returned to Katherine scanland the Historical Society strikes again and they ask whether barasa is a thing or a place and learn that it's an underperforming mine the first mine to be underperforming among multiples so they ask which was the first in drisking and they get a location they they found it they leave with this information and they discuss that they don't know what's in there it could be dangerous more likely than not it will be dangerous and worse yet there is a high chance that Kimber is not there they heard the sound after all but if they can't find her they will avenge and at this point if you were a rebel and you said nah I'm not going to read the story then be warned this next part is the ending it's the reveal and it is distressing and I'm going to say as much of it as I can while making it safe for audiences so in a clearing on the mountain they find old buildings and a sign that reads drisking underground mine but some of the letters are missing instead it reads they run towards one of the buildings and they they see something we were standing in what I guessed was a Refinery and in the middle of the room was a large silver conically shaped machine a conveyor belt fed into it and the room had a sour smell even the dirt beneath our feet seemed to have taken on a crimson tint this is the machine this is where they take them I said this is the place where people die with no sign of Kimber the they they keep going and see a familiar truck Jimmy Prescott's truck which is actually the least impactful revelation after what Tom said but it also meant that he was there with them they keep going then they reach a building and inside they hear a noise the sound of intercourse and worse yet this building as s and Kyle sneak through is full of makeshift beds and on each of the beds were people strapped and restrained to them Bound by wrists and ankles and most of them seemed to be in some kind of truns and not just people they were all women and they were bloated but not not bloated pregnant they don't see Kimber so they keep going but before finding Kimber they see something horrifying strapped to to a bed was christe one of the girls in the Mean Girls cleek Who supposedly ran off with some college kids she was in a trance and worse on top of her was Jimmy Prescott the sound explained accidentally making a sound Jimmy snaps around to face the two of them like an animal then grins at them like a devil and keeps going and in this horrific situation Kyle shows how devoted and determined he is what was once a trait attributed with him being like smothering of Kimber was now him being heroic in this moment and he runs past not stopping till he finds the love of his life meanwhile Sam is Frozen in shock shamefully just staring wanting to help but he just can't then a shout from Kyle he found her Sam runs past the rolls of entrapped women and joins his friend as they try to release the bind holding Kimber all the while Sam is unable to look at her knowing that if he does it will break him seeing his friend so tortured and then a bright confident charismatic taunting voice Echoes down the Halls Prescott telling them there's no point in trying to hide cuz they remember where they put Kimber they don't care they break the binds and grab Kimber they have to both hold her because she too is entranced in some way then as they try to quickly leave only quick enough because if they go any faster they hurt Kimber Sam sees a sight saw Soul destroying he almost drops her laying on a bed he sees Whitney Kyle pleads for some to help him but some he can't do it she's right there after years of obsessing and searching he finally found her he' found his friend but he knew he couldn't leave that girl in this hell too Kyle understands but he can't stay he has to get Kimber out so they nod say goodbye his brothers and part at this point Sam rushes to the bed trying his best to free his sister on his own and oh God it's a site that is almost unbearable after years of barasa Whitney was so bloed and everything else was frail her hair was long and she flinched at his touch she couldn't even look at him and that was when he heard it Prescott behind him laughing and taunting but Sam didn't stop he focused on his sister he got the last bind off and then I dropped the last Buckle to the floor and looked down at Whitney I expected her to spring up and run towards the door while I went after Prescott but all she did was rub her wrists and itch her collor then she put her arms back where they'd been turned her head away from me and shut her eyes Whitney was too far gone so some made peace with the fact that if she wasn't leaving neither was he then Prescott like a shining devil laughing at Sam's feudal tenacity and Sam just accepts death he even asks for it but Prescott doesn't kill him with a gun Prescott kills some with the truth this place was called The Stables and the women here the horses the family business wasn't about white powder or any Supernatural skinned men it was all about babies you see back when the water table was contaminated the iron AE had made everyone infertile and among other problems people didn't have families nor children to raise and then Tom Prescott got found that when he sold a baby in the family for five grand to a rich couple there was a market a big one rich folk would pay five figures for a newborn and even worse there were organizations that would buy these babies and they'd buy them in bulk but they don't just use it for the money the town the community gets the money and the babies a community service Sam broken just begs for the end at this point but Prescott says he can't kill him so some pleads he'll do anything if he lets Whitney go but Prescott tells him at the end of the day Whitney wasn't going anywhere she had a community service baby in her a baby for the town and it's already paid for and it'll be due in about a week and after that Whitney had an appointment with the shiny gentleman hearing this he plead with Whitney get up she'll be killed if she doesn't get up but she doesn't respond she probably doesn't even know it's Sam then in walks Killian clear and a beaten Kyle but no Kimber she'd run she'd escaped but Kyle wasn't so lucky he tried to beat up cley to give Kimber time to run and it worked but now they weren't just going to run around the mountain looking for Kimber they were going to get that information from Kyle what follows is Kyle standing firm after beating after beating refusing to tell Prescott where Kimber had gone and then Prescott grabs Kyle and lifts him up one last chance where is she Kyle doesn't budge and with a single stomp from Prescott's boot on Kyle's skull and by some miracle Kyle is isn't dead he's Beyond injured and clearly doesn't want to deal with a cleanup so he tells Sam to scram with Kyle and take him to the hospital giving no care for the bloody pulp that Kyle has been left as his skull is definitely broken but Sam refuses not without Whitney too but they simply say you can leave and give Kyle a sliver of a chance to survive or you all die here so some makes the choice lifting up Kyle and driving him to the hospital in clear's truck all the while thinking that this hero fought alongside me when this was just about Whitney could I bear to let him die for my sake hell all of this might not have happened if my obsession didn't make me need to intervene then after waiting for hours at the hospital tragically Kyle's mother blames Sam for the son's injuries Sam's father calm arms her down enough to take Sam away and Graham informs Sam that he's going to try to keep Sam out of prison but there's a real chance that some could be put in prison for his crime but he he didn't do it but Graham simply says that he's already spoken to clar and Prescott and again he would try and stop his son from going to prison but Sheriff Walker Beyond a doubt must be involved and Sam at this point there's nowhere for him to turn so he runs first by staying at a Mel sleeping on benches and sticking around just long enough to hear about Kyle but he hears nothing but what he did he was that merera had a son a quick pregnancy the son's name William and that same night on the mountain the the shiny gentleman screamed she was gone but then an entry about Kyle was in the paper he'd been released and after seeing his friend by sneaking in when Kyle's parents went there he'd been reduced to a mute immobile unresponsive State all of Kyle's fire snuffed out with nothing else Sam runs he runs for years to Chicago and we later find out what life he lives in the sequel but in this time of self-medicating the trauma away he gets a letter from California there's no name on the address but he knows the handwriting it was Kimber and inside the envelope was the note from kimber's mother the day she ended it and this is the end of the book this is the end of barasa so I'm going to read the entire thing my Kimber I know you aren't going to understand why we did the things we did it was all born out of love at least it started that way you're everything to me and you'll always be my daughter do you understand and I'm leaving this world because of what I've done to you not because of what you are I don't want you to be upset about what you are because who you are is beautiful my dearest this town has done horrible things and all of us who live here are guilty read this letter and leave this place I need to tell you all of this I need to start at the beginning somewhere along the way decades ago the major population of drisking became unable to Bear children most people blame the town for letting the iron o leak into the water table during the collapsing of our minds this is the same water table that still provides the town's water today they were never quite able to fix it and the awe is toxic and exposure causes infertility the town did and still does suffer greatly from its effects and the prescotts they solved the problem that no one could solve it was an ugly crash solution but most people were happy to look away when they were able to raise families again you see they took girls mostly women from other places and they impregnated them and gave us their babies and the town came under the care of Thomas Prescott when he started to sell some of the babies on the side for a profit to Rich couples and the sheriff he helped him do this but then an ugly rumor started that they were selling to human traffickers and the prescotts had to offer triple the price for girls and in town we began to murmur but we we once again turned the other cheek and the city was suddenly flooded with money because of how well the trafficers paid people had well-paying jobs again and were proud to call drisking home so we said nothing and those that did were taken to the mountain because that is where they do it there is a place on the mountain where the women are taken Kimber Drifters runaways and if the parents choose it sometimes the girls in town are even sold back they arange to sell the girls and they meet them at a tree halfway between the town and their baby Mill sometimes kids play there now I think you played there the prescotts and the sheriff are the ones who impregnate the girls and the children are named after them P children for the prescotts and K children for the sheriff and when the women became too sick or too old to deliver profitable babies they are sent through a giant machine that was used to refine all and their bodies are crushed and the blood and skin are Stripped Away and what remains of them are their stolen children and the dust of their bones and all that's left of their bodies is the powder that they spread over the mountain to hide our crimes I'm telling you this Kimber because you are one of those children most of your friends are one of those children please get out of drisking before your father finds this letter run away and never come back never speak of it to anyone their industry has Deep Roots now and the traffickers have lofty connections don't tell anyone don't keep this letter don't look back I love you I'm sorry I have to leave you we all have to answer for our sins and I'm ready to burn in hell for mine love always and forever mom
Channel: Dungeon Bits
Views: 2,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, horror story, how to make your stories scary, how to create horror stories, how to make a good mystery, creepypasta, scary story reading, scariest videos on the internet, scary videos, the scariest, horror movie, horror video, scary stories, scary tiktok, creepypasta story, scary, the scariest videos in the world, storytelling, story read, dramatic reading, horror book, short horror story, what is the scariest story, the scariest books, borrasca, borrasca v, scary sound
Id: EM2tRPQS55c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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