Helicopter Tour of Nome, Alaska

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[Music] Robinson r44 it's a small one but it's great especially for this opportunity because everybody gets a window my very first helicopter ride that was get on the get on board well I'll take you to the other side here I'm going to give you a quick safety briefing [Applause] all right so one of the V major rule with any helicopter the every ride in has never go to the back of the helicopter for any reason when it's off you can bonk your head on something or walk in and break some break your head break the helicopter when it's running we have a lot of moving parts back there we have the exhaust the only time that we're going to get out while it's running today yes if we have the unfortunate accident or some kind of emergency that we need to take care of other than that everything's going to be at a complete stop and I'll help you guys out the door to get out the doors should you have to the doors will be latched if you want to come around here real easy you just go up and forward door becomes unlatched then you open it up it's on shocks really easy to get in and out of the helicopter you grab the bar if you're in the front in the back right here that helps out also if you hop in you have your seatbelts the front seat belts a little bit different than what you may be used to it's a five-point harness everything kind of fits in and there's one between the legs that also fits into the bottom to release it you just twist it and everything comes undone so real easy I'll be up front also on the other seat to help you out whoever is sitting up front I would say it's totally up to you but for the person that's never been in a helicopter we may want to play to it if we make it totally up to you guys and if we go too safe that we could also switch around for the back the seat belts are just like a car seat belt so pretty easy there nothing out of the ordinary your headsets are all voice-activated so we'll be able to talk to each other if you see any traffic birds drones other planes by all means let me know if I show you don't take offense to it it may just be that I need to make a call or listen that being said talk all you want you know if you see something really neat see a rule of thumb with the headset is the mic if it's too far from you you won't hear yourself and so if you can't hear yourself we can't hear you let's move it a little closer you don't want to put it on your mouth because you want to have that possibly share spit with somebody else just close there is a fire extinguisher up in the front there so whoever sitting up front is going to be in charge of that the cameras so your video camera and your camera and be extra careful with the glass yep this is Plexiglas so once the scratches is permanently scrapped oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it depends on how fast you want to go Oh guys you probably got here I might have over prepared a little bit [Music] covered in snow [Music] [Applause] we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] wait two minutes let it all down [Music] shut it off cool very fast so we let it gradually cool down at idle for two minutes as a clutch mechanism I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: QFS Aviation
Views: 19,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, helicopter, nome alaska, nome, wildlife around nome alaska, port of nome, finish line of the iditarod, nome alaska tour, nome ak, nome alaska vlog, iditarod, quintin soloviev, qfs aviation, bering air, bering air nome, bering air helicopter, Robinson R44 Raven II, n998tp, bering air r44, nome airport, nome alaska airport, nome alaska helicopter
Id: ed4I_MPeJPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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