Heihachi Mishima VS Geese Howard (Tekken VS King of Fighters) | DEATH BATTLE!

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businessmen are as talented at martial arts as they are terrible at being dads but whose fury will prove the most fatal he's whiz and i'm boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle the mishima zaibatsu is a multinational conglomerate so powerful it can field armies massive enough to conduct world wars its leader is the enigmatic martial arts master heihachi mishima his goal world domination this dude treats male pattern falten is like an extreme sport he taught his super intelligent bear best friend karate and if he doesn't like you he'll strap you to a rocket ship and launch you into space he's like a kung fu wolverine elon musk he's well he sure is something all right the words you're looking for here are ruthless and bastard whiz he actually didn't like how his dad jinpachi who looks like the charizard to his charmeleon was running the family business so he locked him in a basement to die and get possessed by a demon heihachi built the mishima zaibatsu into the largest military developer in the world and believe it or not he's also a family man with a wife and child sucks he had to kill his new baby mama with his bare hands after she got possessed by a demon too a different demon this was the devil gene and it would prove to be heihachi's greatest adversary for the rest of his life bearing his son kazuya had inherited this gene and its terrifying demonic power he did what any loving supportive father would do toss his [ __ ] off a cliff if he climbed back up it meant he was a devil if he didn't that meant he was a-okay except for being dead which is basically what medieval peasants did to witches the mishima are old-fashioned now truly alone without love or family holding him back heihachi could focus on one thing power and not just the kind that lets you finance a satellite in order to kick family members you don't lack out of it but the punchy kiki kind too higachi is a practitioner of mishima style fighting karate based on real-life gojiri also known as hard soft style oh that's too easy even for me whiz goju ryu combines heart striking kicks and punches with open hand circular techniques for grapples takedowns and throws heihachi's fighting style is aggression personified with such techniques as the dragon uppercut slash punch combo and demon scissors and if he really wanted to he could impale you on one of his hair horns maybe heihachi has even mastered the use of ki or spirit energy to manifest lightning like in his classic electric wind god fist his key can even enhance his physicality to frankly absurd levels like the time he cut a bullet in his mouth i'd say that's crazy but he did the same thing to a tomahawk before shattering it with his teeth how much of that blade did he swallow dude must have gave his b-hole braces or the time he got dog piled by a bunch of russian androids called jacks which all self-destructed annihilating the temple he was in yeah he got up a bit later infuriated i'm sure by the world's audacity to declare him dead from such a paltry wound other jack bottles were strong enough to destroy a six mile wide apocalyptic asteroid and survive being blasted by a satellite laser by taking a look at the size of the blast compared to the height of the clouds this laser was packed around 1.6 megatons of tnt and heihachi can tear through the newest jack models like that hatchet must have tore through his boomstick can't stop thinking about it whiz either end that's coming out of it's not gonna be good after decades of dominance heihachi finally hosted the king of iron fist tournament and who should show up to the fight but his son kazia for the salty run back all grown up and definitely not dead by cliff oh man what i wouldn't give to beat the [ __ ] out of my dad and toss his ass off a cliff probably what elon musk's son will do after he finds out what his dad named him that man he and heihachi are kind of similar he launches rockets he's super rich and weird and i don't even want to think about heihachi with a twitter account well except for the whole martial arts thing musk is just some pasty ladies i did taekwondo i did the karate uh shinkai oh man he's been heihachi all along and that means his son is puzzlia someone keep their eye on him in case he throws them off a cliff but hey muskie if you ever host a king of iron tesla tournament give me a go despite his humiliating defeat hihachi returned to battle his son once again and this time tossed him into a volcano these people really have a fetish for this one particular kind of execution especially considering it never works beating his son ain't too shabby considering kaz is one of the strongest fighters in the entire world even without the devil gene which surprise turns him into a goddamn demon he can fire laser beams fast enough to hit a satellite in a fraction of a second and yes this is the same satellite we keep bringing up measuring how far kazia was from the satellite his forehead laser would have to be moving at just over one percent the speed of light and the hatchmeister was fast enough to intercept the same beam in order to save khazia's life from his evil devil self maybe he had a change of heart oh um oh no okay or i could be wrong not after that man they really hate each other even heihachi's grandson jin got in on the action three generations of mishima men bonding over throwing each other off cliffs after living a life consumed by hatred the drive for power and that heihachi reunited with kazuya for one last battle to the death and shed a single tear at his son's complete transformation into a monster oh he did care maybe all of that crazy bond villain bluster was just a facade for the heartbreak he suffered at destroying his own family and creating a cycle of violence as so many fathers have before him dad he fought khazia as he lived a man no cyborg enhancements no devil gene no whatever yoshimitsu is hihachi fought his literal demons with nothing more than his stubborn egomaniacal refusal to give up until he could stand no longer those who live by the volcano die by the volcano well at least until he magically comes back in the next game and when he does he'll be determined as always to rule the world with a tekken don't you mean iron fist oh god damn it broomstick welcome to the sun drenched streets of south town usa should you ever find yourself there on vacation you can rest easy knowing the howard connection protection agency will keep you safe from the clutches of the local mafia until you realize the howard connection is the mafia top tier business model they got there and in control of both stands the legendary geese howard okay whiz that was all sounding pretty badass until you said his name was geese what kind of dork is named after a waterfell the only worst name i could think of would be swan his absentee dad may be an austrian terrorist but the only thing he's blowing up is his son's future after geese's mother succumbed to an illness they were too poor to treat 15 year old geese tracked his father down to kill him before getting completely wrecked by his half-brother krauser who was nine years old now the ultimate scrub lord he's found the martial arts master tong furu to gain ultimate power and take revenge geese fights with a combination of the deep strong stances and hard-hitting combos of karate the quick deadly blows of kickboxing and his primary style aiki jutsu translating to hard soft which again all too easy nike jutsu is all about throws counters and locks it focuses on using opponent's weight against him kinda like its descendant aikido yeah you can't forget the [ __ ] eating catchphrases [Music] but what geese was really there to learn was hippopotamus jesus with hakyoku saken geese can absorb life energy or qi from the earth itself and mold powerful energy blasts his repugan rockets across the ground like a buzzer while raging storm is a massive fanged geyser that'll devastate anyone nearby he can imbue these attacks with lightning called down from the heavens or enhance his strength and speed to perform blindingly fast combos like deadly rave and roshuman which is the goddamn second whiz if geese just throw that poor man straight into the air and then patty cake is nuts on the way back down that is pure evil geese's master felt the same way sensing his pupils darker intentions so instead of entrusting the dojo's most secret of scrolls to geese he gave them to his other student jeff god damn it jeff i hate him as much as geez does kind of name is jeff gf infuriated geese left tongue school to take over south town's existing criminal empire and install himself as the city's new crime lord who for some reason demands to dress up in karate ghee at all times well geese's appreciation for japanese martial arts extends to the culture as a whole music architecture he's a weeb like a buffotaku vito corleone who do you think his wife who is himself that probably would do i don't know i appreciate geese's tenacity and business acumen it reminds me of me inventing reality bending weaponry for black markets around the globe has done my checkings account pretty well like my cyber goose mega goose howard oh please whiz i've seen your student loans from mad scientist you it's a sideways 8 next to a smiling turd emoji i hear they sell self-respect next to the dollar pizza place you like so much [Laughter] despite being a badass crime lord east was still plagued by inadequacy so he took out his anger on the lamest person he knew jeff and he did it in front of his kids i'm sure that'll turn out well in a decade or two wow this guy has got to be the pettiest [ __ ] in all of south town next to jeff oh you think that's bad how about when geese had a son and left him and his mother in poverty and when that son asked for help paying for his mom's illness yeast ignored him wow without a hint of irony after successfully conquering shout down he's hosted the king of fighters martial arts tournament in order to solidify his position as the strongest fighter around which he basically was geese is powerful enough to obliterate entire swathes of force with his qi and defeat the reality warping entity verse who could create a hurricane the size of a stadium even takuma one of geese's subordinates was strong enough to redirect a blast from the zero cannon a city annihilating satellite laser considering the laser was intended to eradicate southtown which is a fictional stand-in for real-life south miami the blast would have to have a yield of around 1.7 megatons and judging by how fast it reached the earth's surface it must have been moving at over two percent the speed of light and taco was father compared to geese seemingly unbeatable geese was finally confronted by terry bogard the son of the man he murdered years before you know jeff now that man has great taste enhance after one of the fiercest battles ever witnessed terry defeated geese and threw him from the top of geese tower to his death until he came back so terry threw him off it again you can't keep a good goose down whether it be manipulating future events from the shadows or demonstrating his magnificent power in front of the whole world geese's tenacity will always strive to crown him the king of fighters stay down maggot all right the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities but first if you want to know how geese and heihachi got to beat dance in the first place check out adam and eve hey you know what's awesome what's awesome free stuff you know what's even better than free stuff what free stuff to spice up your bedroom oh now you have my attention well you're in luck this episode of death battle is brought to you by adam and eve and if you use our code battle at checkout you can select almost any one item and get it 50 off but where does the free stuff come in after you enter the code battle 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[Music] [Applause] [Music] too easy [Music] [Music] [Music] you cannot escape from this [Music] better break out the soy sauce for geese because this goose was cooked both fighters had the brutal tenacity and martial arts mastery to push each other to the limit but heihachi just had the greater limits to push sorry whiz this one was obvious one of them throws people off cliffs the other has people throw him off cliffs kind of a no duh it was not a no duh in fact geese's wider variety of chi techniques were able to keep heihachi at a distance and his ability to draw chi from the earth meant he could spam them for as long as he wanted but heihachi has had plenty of experience with projectile spammers like kazuya whose lasers are fast enough to reach outer space in seconds he'd have no trouble getting close heihachi's decades of combat training over geese also allowed him to learn and adapt to his aiki jutsu he's even defeated aikido masters like nina williams before so it wasn't entirely new to him ultimately it came down to who was stronger faster and tougher boat scale to characters like jack and takuma who survived satellite lasers nearly equal to each other but both feats were performed pretty casually by weaker characters so what could they do at their best for geese let's look at his fight with verse who created that hurricane by measuring its size compared to the stadium to get the mass of the clouds making a storm that big would take about 1.8 gigatons of tnt about a thousand times more powerful than the zero cannon that could destroy south town but we're not done one single jack unit was able to destroy a six mile wide asteroid heading toward earth estimating its volume and density the energy it would take to violently fragment it is nearly eight gigatons of tnt over four times more powerful than vs hurricane and heihachi can tear through jacks like nothing which is crazy because that satellite laser it reacted to was moving at about four percent the speed of light twice as fast as the zero cannon and geez's best geese was a clever ruthless opponent but heihachi's power experience and sheer bull-headed stubbornness allowed him to walk away the victor man this fight was so intense it almost made me sheet my pants the winner is heihachi mishima thanks for watching stay tuned we'll be jumping into the next matchup next week but you can always get more death pedal right now by clicking one of those boxes right over there and by downloading the battle music linked in the description
Views: 2,412,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DEATH BATTLE, Rooster Teeth, DBX, DEATH BATTLE Cast, screwattack, deathbattle, roosterteeth, ben singer, chad james, who would win, versus match, animation, vs animation, heihachi, mishima, jin, kazama, kazuya, tekken, tekken tag tournament, tekken tag, iron fist, king of iron fist, martial arts, akuma, street fighter, harada, video game, sprite animation, battle animation, animated fight, animated battle, sprite fight, mugen, fatal fury, snk, bandai namco, tekken 7, tekken 8, shermie
Id: WVq2zIbEMfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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