Iris After Hours - Episode 148 - Rolland, Heidi & Crystalyn

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guys welcome back to iris after hours here we are with this is called the cool sunglasses sunglasses now it's bright out here so we needed to wear sunglasses it's very bright it's very Kelly the x2 I'm gonna go ahead and let you know that one of us has pinkeye yes but really all our sunglasses you'll have to guess which one no one of us has an eye that swollen up but you won't bill which one we're just pushing through because we love each other exactly was covering each other since aperture covering the eyes but they can read each other one and do you know who has pink eye like more like we're in Africa though that's true we're here with my parents and the parents of iris come on again advice are you parents thanks parents all things and all people how many homes did you guys it you guys I can't kill I stopped counting I just pushed through my mom just carries pink eye drops in her bag I mean W told me wants to stop hugging people I would never get it but I'm not seeing like the one because it no no one's saying not I would say I just decided I'd rather hug people you know so yeah I covered my cover they cover it got drops in my bag and I just keep on smiling come on she's prepared this movie is big now we were talking about you before there's puffer and rolling right podcast and you're just saying how much you just carry that pouring it up and that loving serving hard money so do you feel that how how do you I suppose what I'm asking is how is your faith in Jesus are you aware of manifest or use worship in it just comes naturally or do you make conscious decisions to to actually pour out over being or doesn't this commentar I think it's all of the above I was just we're actually here in California because a good friend of mine that I've known for three decades is getting married so sue is getting married to mark and we're so excited and just the whole family and crystalline air and so he's a flower girl Minh it's real slippery there and Elijah's behind the camera here so it's just awesome and your questions perfect I've just been in my room preparing because love looks like something does not why do I want to share it you know in a marriage we've been married over 39 years no no no party come on coming up we're going on for t-shirts ah just seems like this Thank You doesn't it depends on the day you know sometimes it feels like you've ever really keep it real sometimes like whoa but I know one thing we love because He first loves us Wow we cannot cook it up yeah Jesus gave himself for us gave his life away and it's really about grace yeah I mean how many years been married to Serena 14:14 is it every challenge I never know yeah it is challenging a long time yeah absolutely there's four boys yeah we're 39 years it's so I just feel the joy you'll be with crystalline and Elijah so we left Brock is it easier in some ways now and right at the beginning absolutely yeah because we learned how to work one another right and the biggest the biggest deal is is grace right do you ever find that you would marry the left-hander's yes 11 years we were 12 they were not really job in fact Rock I'm just telling you a family secret Rob could not drive a rental car yes what do you want so but look it you have two beautiful children you have four beautiful children we have two beautiful kids who look like us and then we have the 15 foster adopted love is something from God but it also grows like the more you don't determine to show love the more the more love just flows out of your life and it has to look like something and I've just been going through that just preparing for Sue and marks wedding yeah grace can't have too much of those and not giving up I was reading in in Corinthians obviously you don't want to be boring in a wedding but it really is a classic scripture for for marriage in today sitting yeah it's about love and how I love the passion translation I've been enjoying it I have lots of translations but this is it says love never gives back yeah wow that's that's that's how take the ceiling book and that's it when you feel like you give out things go south there it could be you know what I mean you ever feel like that when you have to give it up and then it's like oh these terms like was given out days do you know you pretend to give up sometimes that I'm gonna give up how you actually test today put your toe in the water yeah actually you know then you make it with the word ago yeah in you pushed yeah what was kind generous I don't know I look at I look at both of you I was looking at crystalline rock and I look at rocket crystalline and so we and love and I think they're a beautiful family but it takes work to give you yeah and it takes dedication to keep giving one another and keep pressing it from our God you you just have your son yeah so just take the whole lotta love oh yeah is it always hi laughs looks like a lot of different things in and yet in my situation I'm at everything what what what's the most challenge I'm gonna ask you two questions even though you're hosting we're so glad crystalline came back live Levy's rocks got left so it works you know but what's your most challenging love challenge in a day now with two kids I mean it that is like a love challenge what's the thing that challenges you and how do you get through it you see it first what's the most challenging part of loving I think that changes my day-to-day business do you get enough sleep I think when you're parenting being sleep-deprived and not having time just made me really carve out time sweep into actually really think me that Alexa me love you get word of it yeah I think the busyness because you can miss each other a lot throughout the day so you have to really try to slow down yeah and when you're connecting with God and you've got little children around I notice just whenever I get to spend time especially my grandchildren but also little children of others okay that I'm around or taken care of or poor you to it's like you have an option to stop know what I mean as a parent like you both be parents of young children it's like how do you stay full of Jesus full of holy spirit full of the presence of God while parenting young children how do that there are some here get up at 5:30 in the morning but full of they're awake I thought I can't have a time with God well it's really difficult I have a devotion with him if I if I miss that I try to have a devotion with the voice and that's for me as well it's like I'm not just training my kids in their devotional time I'm doing it for me just the kids story of that devotion is speaking to me and give me food for my day as well I'm not going to get to it but I try to get up and far they're what I do I see a difference in my day crazy difference just welcome I always weekend welcome home yeah you know and I don't want to look at all my text and my what's happened with an allogenic social media it's not just invite you isn't it yeah and so you have to be really for me there's only one way to to feel like I can carry love out there and that's to be full of God's love to receive and also to give yourself a break say Lord I just think yes I pray the spirit all the time thank you connecting when you're connected with husbands or wives you need time but you also need just understanding one another so as as I get closer and closer your whole experience I could know what he enjoys and he likes my mind being fully concentrating Jesus likes me to never disconnect even if [Music] yes so if I talk about that yes connecting father Jesus just connecting with God yeah one God people who are only gone which is connected with him throughout a busy day whether you're a young parent or whether you're you're a sweetener or whether you're running into a disaster so like sting Holy Spirit and finding a way to pull aside how do you pull this I I know it's full of kids how do you pull aside crystalline and just have time with Jesus how does pull aside honey I think learning to check in for a while your day I know that I'm asking about this to our block that is really where you taking this everything cabinet but if you're constantly kind of repositioning your mind throughout the day [Music] yeah staying to stay connected I think that's huge we love the to our times Jesus get him down before you have key sounds getting the to our Tom's now before town Sookie where should be Sookie but also bringing your kids into it yeah like you said devotionals reading great books to your kids before you go to sleep good books both presents are gone that that's an amazing way to staple but also like you said just a connect yeah and very few things come up up roll tell us there was a time right at wow I'm so busy that I chose to get up at 3 o'clock 3 not the morning there's a chance jump out of it it's been at least an hour - I couldn't live without it Nyberg first of all cannot escape the fact if you get married have kids they will in fact the descriptive it's impulsive yeah the Christian life is not just a solitary life of jeans it's doing life with Jesus God does everything you do you do with them Wow yeah I learned something else we might not like to wash dishes watch TV it's what Jesus likes those things Jesus Wow Jesus like two big bits he likes to fix the house he likes to do that's really cool so the Christian life is doing life with Jesus it's not just getting away from the world and people oh that's right it's not just that I think that's the best part is because Jesus loves family like God Himself represents himself as feeling loves merely bless our biological family yeah asking what his life made of you just in a constant pace of trans folks are we actually doing life eats things to be righteous people oh yeah but even with family I don't just sit with Elijah and to just sit there to be with him we talk about things we'd go places we do things we watch things together we drive places it's doing life with people but just yeah yeah and so it's a gravel ational for me when I found out that God and Jesus like there's another t-shirt are there Jesus my extraordinary lawyer there he likes ordinary people to play it just want to be of Jesus but I have two kids he wants us to love be with him where he is which is definitely wherever you yeah this is so powerful revival takes his time knows what's real he likes your life he created it you created the world this place what we need to do certain things life is made out of certain things he likes the ordinary is a good thing because most of them is yes - with him the most ordinary things can be justice that will the money dying good for your souls everything else brother Lawrence we've all probably read that brother Lawrence issues always return liver and loves children for being are a distraction raising crystal inhalation wasn't like Oh bummer they're pulling me away from Jesus foster adopting kids whether oh no I'm I'm gonna take care of the kids no it's a part of London Jesus yeah part of a loving God as is stopping for the one as is with other human beings like you don't want to be compartmentalized this every obviously we need troops at a time every day just worshipping and let's just in my room just reading the word worshiping the Lord just so keep it as presence like I love that we carry the Lord we don't ever have to be disconnected so I think I think of like rolling tonight I travel a third of my life around the world two-thirds of the time when at home it wasn't me we connect by phone when I'm traveling or sometimes we're all it travels with me but the key is don't ever have to do our work on us like marriage you've got to work on the connection if it's five I don't work on it sometimes I could forget to call us yeah now we'll just realized why for decades honey come on ordinary could be his home is another t-shirt ordinary like say okay God sit over there or you're safe Holy Spirit don't watch this because I'm gonna do something really I don't want you involved if you'd be doing Holy Spirit you can do whatever you do Holy Spirit Wow there's a teacher right there you can do what a bee do we pose for the presents got with you then there's Jimmy buddy should be changing what you're doing whoa how lovely it's like another room he's still you know so part of their lives they're like so no no no don't come in here I've thrown best times with God at the toilet I don't know what you put Bible this the toilet I don't know anyone want that I love my new watch MMA with those on I watch everything anyway he probably does it just follow integrity said pretty that's pretty good with your silence we're ready he's joking people are gonna be so offended I'm totally kidding we're never alrighty that's amazing that is how do you send something just came to you I had how did you like that one out that's a really good rule of thumb I really I just been praying to be fully fully filled with Holy Spirit every day that they the Lord's presence in love it was so needed me or I'm not on an often no it's so I'm not upset if I'm not I used to get upset whenever as we close with me and go somewhere and travel you know always told I got to see crystallinity problem so people are good to see you guys could see you I should that's awesome but out there you know dealing with the rest of the church yeah I always want to get home I always want to go home always homesick I'm not hosting this the Lord says I will make my home like he lives inside of me so wherever I'm sleeping that's like I don't say like last night so let's let's go to the hotel room I'll say let's go home because whether were sleeping that's gonna be home obviously works Courtyard by Marriott yeah there weren't ever yes I'm excited and I want I want the Lord so I know what have like some secret God Wow okay okay god you're so welcome in my life just policeman but don't come don't go in this room you know they're scary bits in there there's all kinds of spiderwebs in there I don't want you in there don't deal with that part of my life now I want to live like this well the Holy Spirit you can live in every room you can live in every space and then I won't be frustrated my life's about my own or your stuff literally belong to gave them - yes we really couldn't just snatch us and say your to do this it's like you're my daughter isn't that lets you actually although what do you think about how people wouldn't families do you think causes your family that's like so seek you to get a powerful isn't it cool ask me what's your favorite picture that's your fancy - like Baptists emotion we're Grady feel at home with your finger close to me where you live is wherever I am right now - run - it is far electricity where he's home no the trains not [Music] [Music] i oh haha as long as you're in this heart yes so maybe first of all it's out of your town we're good time right yeah right here come on I think we're gonna release that yeah Carlsbad it's not so bad good bad jokes that Jax I also noticed about family and how God how God really speaks to us food did you know that yes food cuz we're nathan has a lot of other yes food food support and I've been to now 128 nations preaching the gospel since I got hit and revival twenty first twenty forty years ago Wow and with the Lord called me my little children my mostly children were laying hands on me and they said you have to say yes to heart a now scream Oh cuz I was seeing the nation's all these people drives tons and all these different socioeconomic backgrounds like flashes and faces and thinking I can't leave my children I can't leave my boys weak and children I can't leave crystalline and a life shy even if it's a week like that's just too much and the kids kept saying no you said you said you always say yes to God and I remember them just like sitting on living you know are the kids sitting all over us right push your netid I was in our front yard they were just fishy face down we let it grass and dirt you know and they kept saying you have to say yes Savage yeah but as I travel to these 128 Nations one thing I found out for sure is there's not a single people not a single child not a single human being who doesn't like to eat right yeah exactly culture they eat different things I'm you know I've had frog spit soup that's what that's funny like all kinds of interesting food rather on the stick a stick over and a stick oh yeah that's what feeds a rice rice abuser I suppose a lot of that all but all cultures left because Jesus had this beautiful meal with his disciples even though there was one betrayed he's like and they sat together and he's like drink of me and what I think happens when maybe you have young kids or you're busy as an engineer or you're busy as 19 a lot of times people get weak they get dizzy they lose the plot they're not focused that great start buzzing the heart start buzzing you know because they stopped me that's true what are you eating yeah and we have we don't have to we get we get to subject with Jesus he's the bread of life real food maybe he's he's the drink and drinking is suffering enjoy it Steve what he sees but I think a lot of believers whatever they're doing so to make life work ministry and schools and say have you ever been you guys are doing this that I love that Pyrus elite family school it's just more hot I'd love it but you could be so busy doing the work of God doing you know training for your craft whatever you tell you maybe you don't literally forget you ever forgot oh yeah yeah just like wait maybe the kids are doing everything that you think yesterday you're feeling a little bit grouchy or grouchy tired dizzy absolutely not so what do you do dancing it's a big no check oh yes oh yeah talk me out so I think we're called that now I know I'm I know that we fast as well of course we do but we don't fast from Jesus you don't fast in Jesus to you Jesus I think a lot of Christians especially in the Western world are dying of starvation they're eating stale bread they're grouchy they lost the plot sometimes maybe it's just a little bit of the day whatever you see for God to me but if you forget to eat maybe make it for 40 days to today's whatever that's not forgetting that's just fasting that you did I mean but if you don't drink great three days oh you've got like such a little bit of time and you are obsessed you just want it Jesus is saying I'm gonna drink and come on so you know just take a sip of Jesus once a week you know just take a little drink of Jesus every five days but you just just like for me close to him it's like it's like yeah it's not a horse thing I'm not like making myself but I am conscious of that day so that's how I want to explain this he's not pushing you know eat drink and I know it's true but the way he fights there's only one way only one way [Music] and obviously as baby scrub they're no longer nursing and you read them otherwise it just feel soft had Christian adjust it but Jesus yeah well I think what people are so busy - they forget to self-assess that's why mr. I am hungry here I am like what am I feel I do have feelings yeah however listenable feelings out for a look yeah you have to do by yourself and in your relationships so that shows the difference between imitating Jesus feeding her yes a lot of teaching what we should be doing now we should be following imitating duty census that's not talking about eating drinking so we have famous books like the invitation in price Wow try to practice their places yes come on top of them yeah drink you miss your eat my pleasure for a lot of winter feed on yeah yeah this is this even is even a visitor yeah and that that what you were calling like look stopping to look at your own right every day you know sometimes believers in this busy world so much information forget to the word this is the word of life and you see make sure you know so that they grow strong Jesus says justice yes funny I remember when I had the great joy rocks mom it's a liquid which is so beautiful that she's my hero but I'm worried mostly but when I get to now it's time you know I realize well I turn over the Bible and there's this stuff going on it's like there's Legos and toys and food it sauce strip it down oh maybe he says why not the floor do you do it with your head analyst with this is hotter kids how do you do yes Yemen and I feel like we've you know I've been seven sheets you know I just turned sixty so no no yeah but but I realized wait a second we need to stay really it just helps it stick punch in your phone slowly yeah listen to audio the audio the other guys have electricity oh yeah I've several tables so if you just while here to take care of your kids you can get the word economy I just know get it on while you're washing dishes change of diapers cleaning up the Legos just like it doesn't hurt them either right they're here on YouTube you just to keep that big Testament on at least two hours a day but you promised to be sold fooled up and when challenges come your way oh my gosh well I think I think we run out of time but crystal and I want to get these guys to pray because this is like oh such an amazing revelation for us as parents is there any other questions you weren't the hospital on the debt what are you gonna chance don't you have a few used always easier is it yes I just played tennis today he does he rolling you know I just dig hardest he doesn't wake up at 3 a.m. now and let's go get a piece of chalk what I call ministry it's literally Wow yes yeah well it's a great definition people ask me but revival as well that word the written word speak coming alive again yeah second reporting we're raising people from the dead my traditions I'm spiritually out of their slumber out of their dead we were tired and bored and a disconnection she was wild I know some people might not believe this but in our movement people literally have and raised Jesus physically right and the first thing that they that they want they actually want and it's very interesting no wonder why the Coker's water the one that's like that falls under the category yeah I mean mostly it's all bush pastors like bush pastors that pray for the ones that have gone and and they come back but the fact is they want to eat and I think what we want to say to the body out there if people is the Lord does want you to be strong and if you're sick he wants you to be nourished with with healthy food and the Word of God is healthy dude yeah and the presence of God is is healthy it's drinking of Jesus and that's gonna give you strength just make it also the body sometimes there's concern you know there's physical cancer you know that we deal with and fight it we also say if you can't get it cut out well nothing wrong with that kind of right out like Jesus ain't often NATO country yeah don't do that normally but the cancer go ahead cut it out you know but there's Yeah right out of it seriously chop your hand up dude but it's nothing and she said stop it now eat what's good dude concentrate up and you're gonna find joy joy in your soul so the body of Christ I don't know I just keep really later join together he's been tied we don't all have to choose the same board me all our voices this everybody kind of fixed that doesn't mean they're not there's a body of Christ um types of meat once steak somebody said Vegas and I was almost I dunno maybe you know the serration was the first thing she said out of your mouth was that it is Wow the wolf any other questions come on Christine anything come on real quick is there a way my gosh it's been very intense the best way to follow the best thing the best way to follow is to go to iris org I also have a public face book and you can learn and the whip so it works on Bible of course the website so five all friends late it's like going you fine now yeah I did a little bit yeah you also see what iris is doing iris global is a mission it used to be mom and pop that's years ago now we're in 70 I believe seventy six locations 34 nations you know check it out to find us iris Globe Award and and to come and join us you know somewhere in the world you guys have an amazing school in Los Angeles trained artists don't forget that like check out iris it's now bubble friends pull it up on your phone and check out what's going on we would love for you to stay in touch and link up somewhere with beautiful family well guys thank you so much for listening tonight thank you Mama and Papa are all dishes yes yeah we're gonna take off that's a class no no okay secret love you so much check us out next week put more hours after hours yeah this podcast is presented by Iris cover for more information or to support the work of iris [Music] and virus global dot you can also text together simply text the amount you'd like to donate to five three zero three three eight three eight three seven or to speak to someone at iris global call our office at five three zero two five five two zero seven seven iris global is an international Christian mission and relief organization with a focus of working amongst the poorest of the poor and those by Stevie I hope this podcast has inspired your journey thanks for joining us for iris after hours
Channel: Iris Global
Views: 9,236
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Id: 96T1U9jC8_U
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Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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