Hebrew Letter Meanings Revealed! Part 1: Aleph - Eric Burton

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hey welcome to groundbreaker international where we break ground my name is eric burton i am your host it's great to be with you once again here on this channel and today i am going to begin a new series on the hebrew alphabet we're going to go through every hebrew letter that's right all 22 hebrew letters and i'm going to unpack the gematria the symbolism all of the connections for you on every single letter and we're going to start today with the letter allah before i get into that though i want to remind you to like this video to share this video and to subscribe to this channel also don't forget to ring that notification bell that way you'll know every time that we drop a new video so also one other thing make sure that you visit our website at gbreaker.org for all things groundbreaker international we would love for you to join the groundbreaker international family so without further delay let's get right into today's teaching i'm really excited to start this series today on the hebrew language and all of the letters of the hebrew alphabet and before i get into the first letter i want to give you just a little bit of background about why it's important to understand the hebrew language of course we know that the old testament most of it was written in hebrew there was portions of it that were written in arabic but the majority of of the old testament was all hebrew and so there's a significance just in that to understand the original language of what god was trying to say now i believe that hebrew is the original original language because if you go back all the way past the classical sense there was oral studies there were oral things that were done that were passed down by the jewish people from generation to generation and in abraham's time when things began to to be written down they basically took all of those sounds and all of those symbols and they wrote them down they began to record them before that they were all oral so i believe that when god spoke the world into existence that he spoke in that hebrew tongue now people can disagree you can disagree with me on that maybe we won't know until we get to heaven but that would be my understanding is what what happened and so there's a lot of symbology in the hebrew language the hebrew language in the hebrew alphabet is much like the chemical language that we have so for h2o we know that means water right hydrogen and two parts oxygen and so we have hydrogen and oxygen we know that means water right and so the hebrew alphabet is much like that that there are numbers that parallel and coordinate with the letters and it's interesting because all of these things interconnect there's a connection between all of these numbers and letters and it's absolutely amazing and let me just say this it is absolutely supernatural when you really begin to delve into this stuff and to see what uh how everything is just so connected and how the scriptures and the words in the scriptures connect with one another and so we need to understand that there is that that it's more than just uh you know a e i o u like in the english language you know what the letter a means it means a you know what the letter b means it means be it makes the bu sound there's not much to that same with greek it doesn't really mean those letters don't mean anything however in the hebrew language in the hebrew alphabet rather each of those letters have meaning to them and they're all made up of other hebrew letters so one letter is made up of other letters and they all have ways that you can add those up and so you begin to draw conclusions and get connections and see the bigger picture of what god is trying to say i've heard it said like this before each hebrew letter is a container of god's character so in creation that god poured himself into each of these letters he poured his character into these letters and so you can see god in his character and his characteristics in each and every one of these letters now there are some of these that have multiple meanings and even a pictorial look to it that is different than what it looks now so there are different scripts to each one of the to the whole alphabet there's the more classical paleo script and there's there's other scripts i believe if i memory serves me right that jesus studied in the paleo and you can correct me if i'm wrong in the paleo script of writing and so that's what i like to focus on uh is that right there so let's start with the first letter here now that you have a little bit of background about why those letters and and words are important and those numbers so let's start with the first letter the first letter is the letter alef and it represents the number one now interestingly enough you have to understand that hebrew is very fluid and so a lot of times there are many meanings and many reasons behind the many meanings so don't get confused it can go a lot of different ways in other words when i tell you this letter means this it can but it can also mean other things as well so it really opens up you know the creativity of god here to be able to see how all of it works but it's more than just one thing so the aleph is a picture of an ox and so the original pictograph of the aleph is an ox and it means strength or leadership it shows us strength and leadership the aleph has three letters that are interconnected inside of it and some of you that have heard my video on 5781 and heard me talk about some of these other things the hebrew calendar year have probably heard some of this before but you know i said earlier we have to start with the first letter so i'm going to give you everything that i can think of and that i can on this olive the three letters that the aleph are made up of are two yards and a vive so you have two yards and a vive it's the letter yod wants the letter your twice in a vav in between and so the yacht is a picture of a hand and we'll get into that in one of the other videos but you have to understand right now that it's a picture of a hand it really is representative of the hand of god and even more specifically the fiery hand of god so you have a yawd and another yawn now the first yard is is interesting because remember we're on the first letter the beginning letter of the hebrew alphabet the beginning and so at the beginning you have a man that is on his back reaching up into the heavens with his hand he's reaching his hand up into the heavens and he's reaching for his creator then you have a yod a hand that is reaching down so you have a hand reaching up a hand reaching down and in between you have this letter all so what that means is this in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and he created man and man was lifeless and meaningless without god the father and so you have man that was made from the dust of the ground that god reached his hand he reached his yield down into the earth and picked up that dust of the earth and connected with man and breathed life into his body so without god we are lifeless we are meaningless but he reached down as we were reaching up for him and total dependence upon god and he connected with us now what is the vav in between the vav is a letter that means a man so it can represent a man but it also means a connector so it's a connecting letter anytime you see the vav you might as well put the word and in there because it means it connects the former to the ladder whatever was former to the the latter and so we have this this and this ladder that connects the hand of man in the hand of god now for those of you that are messianic that believe in the messiah we understand that jesus christ came down because that vav is a man and it means to come down as well the shape of it is coming down so we know that jesus christ is god the son and that he came down to connect man to the father he is the go-between between us man who are dependent on somebody to give us life and the father and so through and by the blood of jesus we have been given life eternally and not only life eternally but life abundantly full of glory and hope and he came to bring us healing as well healing and deliverance so jesus is the bob he is the man that connects us to the father because the scriptures say that no one comes through the father except through jesus so we cannot make up our own god and we cannot connect to the father in of our own way now how did man connect with god before the son well obviously it was through the law and it was through obeying the law and the sacrifices but jesus came to fulfill the law so that we might have a better life and a better connection and relationship with god the father that is the olive so it's the first letter because jesus is the first and he's the last the last letter being tov so when jesus said that he is the first and last he was saying i am the aleph the beginning and the top the end now the the aleph what's interesting about that is if you add up all three of those letters two yards which are uh ten and ten the odd is the number ten so you have two tens which is twenty then you have the vav which is the number six the number of man you add those up and you get the number 26. now uh the name for the the uh the sacred name of god in the jewish tongue that they won't even pronounce it it's unpronounceable uh we say it jehovah or some people pronounce the j there they don't have a j sound in the hebrew language but they pronounce some people will pronounce it jehovah but the the correct pronunciation if you're going to pronounce what's on the paper is jehovah but they actually don't really know how to say that name but if you take that name in the hebrew language and you divide the letters up there you get yod hey vav hey which is jehovah and it equals that's right the number 26 so the number 26 which is added up in the aleph the first letter of the hebrew alphabet is the name jehovah god that is incredible at least i think so i'm a little bit of a hebrew not a hebrew nerd and i love the inner workings of god and and all the hidden meanings and the secrets and that's why i love it it brings the bible alive so much and so you have this letter olive here that is the name of god is contained in it the number 26. now um some side notes here uh aleph is one of two letters that don't make a sound it's a silent letter much like the iron both of these two letters they don't have a sound sometimes they will be used as vowels but they don't make a an actual sound in and of themselves let's see here i also want to say that the word aleph means a king or a teacher and so the word aleph its meaning can actually mean a king or a teacher very interesting i'm just giving you some side notes it can also not only represent the number one but there are times in which and don't ask me why on this somebody smarter than me is going to be able to get on here probably and comment and tell you but there it can also mean the number one thousand so not only is it the number one but there are times when it can represent the number one thousand okay uh the word aleph is spelled out in elongated form 111. you spell it out in the elongated form it's 111. another words 1 1 1. so we see this symbol a symbolization here of the 1 in 1 1 1 1 and 111 so you see even the the triune godhead being represented in this number in this letter the olive so you have one letter but there are three ones in it god in three persons god the father god the son god the holy spirit and so i love the the olive and the symbol the symbolism of it and i love the hebrew alphabet and today i hope that you got something out of this video i i know that as much as it helps me i just pray that these teachings will help you the next letter coming up is going to be the letter bait in the next video you will not want to miss that i will be showing that to you next tuesday until then make sure you like this video make sure you share it and subscribe to this channel ring the notification bell and please visit us on our website at gbraker.org and if god so leads you you can give a gift to us on there and online seed offering to us on gbreaker.org and that is between you and god but it's very easy to do if you'd like to do that listen god bless you god bless your family it's been great to be here with you once again at groundbreaker international's youtube channel until next tuesday we'll see you real soon
Channel: Eric Burton
Views: 24,396
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Keywords: hebrew letter meanings, aleph gematria, aleph number, gematria, hebrew alphabet meaning, hebrew letter secrets, hebrew letter teaching, hebrew letter teaching aleph, hebrew numbers biblical, meaning of hebrew letters, secrets of hebrew gematria, secrets of the hebrew letters, shivim panim, what do hebrew numbers mean, alef gematria, jewish letter meaning, hebrew calendar year, hebrew letter alef, hebrew peh, jewish new year 5781, Hebrew Letters
Id: E5lw_-_CA1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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