These easy desserts are so yummy!

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all right y'all we have one can of pineapple I drained out most of the juice but if there's a little in there it's totally fine now we have some strawberry pie filling I love this stuff especially the jelly the jelly stuff that's in it I don't know why I just love it it's so good I just want to eat it I want to like lick it all right y'all look I'm using my little spatula to get all the goop out I know y'all give me a hard time about that so just putting it right on in all right so just going to spread this a little bit don't really matter cuz y'all know it's all going to the same place Perfect all right now y'all we have some sliced bananas fresh bananas all right so we have canned pineapple we have canned strawberry pie filling and now we have some fresh bananas and we just going to I don't know I mean I guess we really don't have to line them up pretty but why not pretty food tastes better don't y'all think I don't know I do Kevin agrees where's Kevin Fred where's Kevin Fred don't want to answer me he's shy all right y'all so look now that we have it lined up so pretty we're just going to take the the rest of the bananas and just put them on top all right so it's three bananas Three Bananas Fred's laughing I don't know why Fred's laughing at me Fred what's the problem y'all if the camera's shaking it's Fred's fault okay my friend brid's on her honeymoon so Fred is here he's not my first choice I ain't going to lie all right now we have some walnuts chopped walnuts y'all can leave the nuts out if you don't like nuts but I like nuts sometimes all right little some walnuts right on top y'all don't this look good so far all right next we have some milk chocolate chips so I don't even know how many are left in this bag but we just going to put some on top again y'all if y'all don't like chocolate which if y'all don't like chocolate that's pretty crazy to me but that's a perfect amount all right now y'all what we going to do we going move this to the side and then we have another little Bowl here okay so we going to take one box of super moist French vanilla cake mix all right very important we're going to dump this right on in and the bag every time every time always get the bag okay now to this we going to add one and 1/2 sticks of melted butter we just going to add that right on in all right and then we're going to take our trusty fork and we're going to give it a mixy Mixie mixy mixy y'all all right if y'all want to use a whisk you can but for this for the purposes of this this little thing I like using my trusty Fork I think we'll see my arm start it's starting to get hard though it's getting real thick real thick all right y'all there we go so it's perfect so this is I like to do this when I make dump cakes sometimes I like to do this topping instead of just the butter squares on top cuz I just feel like it turns out better all right so once it's mixed pretty good it don't have to be perfect now y'all we're going to bring this back and uh what I do this this cake mixture with the butter is kind of just like the consistency of dough or like cookie dough so I just take it and I sprinkle it right on top all right so we going to use this whole box and we're going to sprinkle this right on top now y'all this is uh I love making this dump cake especially in the summer when it's hot out cuz you got a lot of fruit um if y'all want to use fresh fruit besides the bananas you can um you know when when fruits and season the strawberries are real sweet I think it would be great I think this would be great if you did like mix Berry maybe some blueberry and strawberry I don't know there's so many versions y'all can do um but yeah this is my favorite way to do a dump cake just making like a crumble topping rather than doing the dry cake with the butter all right all right so that's it y'all so we're going to put this in the oven at 350 for about 45 minutes y'all are going to love this easy summer dump cake all right y'all I have one of those giant uh cookie tubes cookie not Cookie Balls look I love saying Cookie Ball the pre-made cookie dough all right so I have this 11 by8 uh bacon dish that I lined with foil and I greased so we're going to take about um 34 of this package of this cookie dough and we're going to put it at the bottom of our dish so we're going to push these down a little bit all right if they don't exactly uh fully cover the bottom it's totally fine but we just going to push these down so this recipe here is dedicated to my friend Juliana it's Juliana's birthday on May 29th and she's going to be 9 years old so she sent me this recipe to try for her birthday so I decided to try it cuz it looks real good so Juliana happy birthday girl I hope you have a great day and I'm excited to try your dessert I think it's going to be delicious all right y'all so I think that's fine the cookies are going to spread out while they cooking all right so next I have some Hershey milk chocolate all right Hershey milk chocolate so I got these giant bars so uh I guess I'm just going to leave them like this we're just going to put I have two of these giant bars so we going to line our cookie dough with uh this Hershey's um and if they crack that's fine let's see Perfection is elusive y'all we going to try but there's no guarantees all right I've been trying to be perfect since to day I was born it hav hadn't happened yet all right so now we have our Hershey layer on top of our cookie dough next y'all we have one cup of cream and peanut butter so I'll put this in the microwave so it would uh so I could get it on here easier so I'm just going to pour it so we're just going to put this right on top of our chocolate layer all right one cup of creamy peanut butter M Juliana girl I got to tell y'all so far chocolate peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies I mean this is like heaven in a dish don't you think so I'm going to get this all out so are you making these for your birthday I want I want you I want to know if you're going to make these for your birthday cuz I can mail you some I'm just kidding all right so on top of this layer I have some gram cracker crumbs so I think the recipe says about half a cup but y'all know how I like to do things so I don't I don't really like to measure so this is how we're doing it today we just poured them right on top a nice layer of gram cracker crumbs right on top of our peanut butter and then I'm just going to give these a little pat pat pat down all right so we're just going to make an even layer you know it's all going to spread out while it's cooking I got to tell y'all I'm really excited about this I haven't tried it yet so but I think it's going to be good all right now we have one 7 oz container of jet puffed marshmallow fluff is this the same as fluff I don't know this is all I could find at Walmart so this is what we got so now we're going to do our best to spread this out this stuff is funny all right so we we're going to do our best here Juliana um maybe you've got a secret to do this better than me because this seems real hard all right so you're supposed to spread it out but I can already see where this is going y'all y'all know how I am uh it seems like it's going to be a little hard to spread out Juliana what are you going to do girl tell me I need some help cuz this stuff is real sticky I'm going to try but I also know that while it's cooking it's going to spread out by itself so honestly I might just leave it y'all is that okay with you juli I don't know I'm trying I'm doing my best here but look I'm going to move it and then it's going to move everything so guess what guess what Juliana girl this is how it's staying all right it's going to stay just like this all right and then uh we have the rest of our cookie dough left so um the recipe said you make a layer and put it on top but guess what I'm going to do it a little bit different we're just going to crumble up the rest that we have left and put it on top like so all right Juliana I hope this is okay with you too but you know what sometimes stuff is too hard not I like things easy so uh we're just doing this and if y'all know an easier way to spread this fluff let me know but I feel like if I spread it it it's just going to stay in a big ball and ruin my gram cracker layer so I'm just going to leave it like this and I think it's going to be just fine all right so now what we're going to do y'all we're going to put this in the oven at 350 and we're going to cook this for about 25 minutes all right after that we're going to let it cool completely and then before you slice these up you're supposed to put them in the fridge so we're cooking it for about 25 minutes we're going to let it cool completely so about an hour and then we putting it in the fridge for an hour hour or two and then we're going to come back and we're going to slice this up and try it all right so here's to Juliana's birthday I'm excited to try this and we'll see y'all later when we uh take these out of the fridge all right y'all I have some of these orange cinnamon rolls so we going to open these up all right these open pretty easy sometimes they don't we just going to put these right on in here in our 9x13 I did Grease all right so we just going to spread these out oh y'all I had to go to four different stores to find these the usually they used to have them at my Walmart all the time but I don't know I don't know if it's like a seasonal thing or what all right so we're just going to push these down a little bit so they all level but again that don't really matter that much y'all know all right here we have now a container of cream cheese frosting Betty Crocker so we just going to pour this right on top I did Heat this for a few uh about about 25 seconds in my microwave just so it will come out easy all right so we putting that right on top all right y'all our next step here I have one large can of Mandarin oranges it is the uh let's see 29 oz can I drained most of it all right so if there's a little bit of juice left that's totally fine we're going to put this whole can right on top of our cinnamon roll our orange cinnamon rolls and our icing all right and now I also have this orange icing that came with the cinnamon rolls so we just going to drizzle this right on top as well just like so so we have two containers of this all right y'all perfect we're going to get the other one now this one's real thick I heated it up on my microwave but I should have done a few more seconds but that's all right we going to get it all out all right y'all so now what we going to do this smells so good you can smell those oranges it smells so good all right so I'm just going to flatten this out a little bit move these oranges around I guess I should have done this before I put the ENT on but that's all right it's it's going to be good y'all it's going to be delicious all right so I like to add some some nuts here y'all can use walnuts or peans but I'm going to use peans for this dish cuz I think it's going to be real good all right just like that this smells so good all right so we just put as much or as little as we'd like right on there so now I'm going to move this to the side for just a moment I have a bowl and now y'all I have this uh orange Supreme cake mix so y'all this is hard to find um I I I it's none of my stores had it so I actually had to order it on Amazon but I got a three pack for like $1 so that's not too bad so into that we're going to put one and 1/2 sticks of melted butter right on top all right just like so and now guess what time it is mixy mixy mixy mixy y'all oh my goodness y'all and I'm wearing an apron today my friend candy got me these cute aprons I can't wait to show y'all when I turn the camera around to taste this all right so y'all we're just mixing the butter into the to the cake mix so y'all know uh sometimes when I do dump cakes I like to do it this way rather than just put the butter squares on top you are using one extra extra bowl but I just feel like the topping turns out better all right and then you kind of get a this thick texture it's kind of like a dough almost um yeah so I love doing this all right so once it's nice and mixed that's pretty good it's going to be real thick all right we're going to take our uh our little cake here right back and then we're going to take this mixture and we going to use our hands y'all we're going to use our nice clean hands with no gloves and we're just going to sprinkle this delicious orange Supreme cake mix right on top kind of like a crumble topping all right so I want to know y'all what what your hacks are to make dump cakes I know some of y'all told me to use like frozen butter but I keep forgetting to put butter in my freezer um you know the regular way where you just do butter squares on top is great I still do that but sometimes I like to mix it up a little bit you know and I just feel like this is one of my favorite things to do but y'all can do whatever you'd like so if y'all have any uh other other hacks I want to know I want to try them I love y'all y'all inspire me so much y'all give me so many great ideas and uh that's it I love it y'all I love it I read as many of y'all comments as I can I I reply to as many as I can and uh that's that all right y'all so this is it so once we have all this crumble topping on we're going to take this and put this in our oven at 350 for about 45 minutes and I can't wait to show y'all this delicious easy dump cake all right y'all we're using uh one bag of chesman cookies these cookies are so good we might use two I don't know but we're going to see we're going to line these up at the bottom all right grease 9x13 baking dish and y'all I know I have this baked on stuff on my 9x13 I did clean one of them the other day and I'm going to clean the rest one of y'all told me to use that Dawn power wash stuff with a SP with one of those wire sponges and it worked great so I have to do the rest so don't give me a hard time I'm going to do it all right all right here we go so oh yes all right you know what y'all you know what this means I get to eat one right now I'm hungry I'm going to eat one Fred you want one yeah all right blueberry Pelin right on top all right I'm going to get this all out like so sorry y'all I was quiet for a minute cuz I was eating my cookie but some of y'all are probably like good keep eating so we don't have to hear you talk I know bble a lot but some of y'all like it story time I have to think of some stories I'm in my new kitchen y'all I'm still getting used to it so bear with me all right after that we have H one can of lemon pilling lemon M we going to try and get it out oh there we go it looks like lemon Jell-O kind of like my soup Jell-O all right I feel like there's a lot in the can all right y'all you know what I'm going to get a different spatula even though it's all going to the same place we're using a different one right there I feel like Fred knows how to make this lemon stuff lemon curd or something it's real good when he makes it I just eat it out of a jar all right all right y'all we getting this all out okay so now we're going to do our best to spread this but we're going to do our best sometimes things don't work out the way I want them to so we just going to leave it all in the middle I think it's fine I know it makes some of y'all mad but you know that's not that's not my intention y'all all right let's see what else we have I'm like what what am I missing here okay that's that's nice we have one box of lemon Supreme cake mix all right so we're just going to put this dry cake mix right on top we going to use the whole package all right even the bag just kidding just kidding y'all I'm joking I'm just joking around today all right going to take our spatula and we just going to spread it out so it's kind of flat as best we can all right some of those cookies trying to creep up but that's all right I love this lemon cake mix y'all have y'all ever had this it's real good so we're going to try and get it as flat as we can so y'all I think uh in some of my other videos when I make dump cakes y'all know that I mix the dry cake mix with butter and crumble it on top but I still like to do it this way sometimes too okay so don't matter whatever makes you happy do it get some cats secret to life Fountain of Youth cats make make you happy okay butter now we having butter look y'all I'm using my losing my train of thought so I'm just thinking about Kevin and jeie and Frankie fuo I got to get one of them over here y'all but they be scared every time they hear a noise they like run and hide y'all know we moved into this house Genie hid in the closet for like 3 days straight okay y'all so anyways back to the butter we're using about uh we're going to use about one and A2 sticks of butter all right so I'm going to finish putting these butter squares on we putting this in the oven at 350 for 45 minutes y'all are going to love this Delicious lemon blueberry dump cake okay y'all someone else wanted to say hi say hi Frankie fuu no he he's like I don't want to say hi Mom I want to go back to sleep it's daytime nap time yeah all right say bye say bye baby all right all right he trying to get away real fast pineapple I'm really mad at Fred y'all he's going to hear it from me after this video I'm not even kidding pineapple canned strawberry bananas and uh cake mix and some nuts and some chocolate chips man I was like what else is in here so time to time to try some Fred you in trouble you you a bad boy Fred Fred's laughing you hear that y'all all right y'all this is going to be the best jump cake ever look at this all right let's put some right there y'all I'm so excited this is going to be so good did I even tell y'all the r stuff that was in here I don't even remember now Fred Fred's throwing me off it's all Fred's fault let's put a little Cool Whip right on top and let's try some oh yeah okay I remember now yep it's a pineapple uh pineapple strawberry I'm going to eat I'm going to eat a few bites cuz I already know it's good m M oh my goodness y'all okay you know what hold on okay y'all look I'm like I need to tell you something but I want to keep eating it can y'all tell I haven't eaten anything today yet um oh my goodness I don't even know what I was going to say y'all this might be the best dump cake ever ever y'all have to try this best dump cake ever enjoy here we have our delicious s'mores peanut butter chocolate chip cookie whatever you want to call it I'm so excited uh this has been in my fridge setting up for a while so uh we going to cut into it and we going to try some so here we go now y'all should leave this in the fridge for a few hours so it sets up um mine's only been in there for about an hour but you know what I'm going to try it anyways all right y'all I'm going to flip the camera around and we going to try this all right before before we try it y'all Kevin wanted to say happy birthday to Juliana thank you so much for sending us this recipe and uh we're so happy happy [Music] birthday all right y'all here we go we going to try I'm going to pick up this big BT look at this look at this y'all chocolate peanut butter I'm about to have a big bite here we go m m M oh my goodness y'all M y'all this might be one of the best things I've ever tasted y'all have to try this all right y'all here we have our orange cinnamon raw mandarin orange orange cake pean dessert uh this looks so good y'all look at this it's so pretty it looks so good so uh time to serve some up y'all all right so let's see I'm going to try and just get right in here oh my goodness y'all have y'all ever had this orange Supreme cake mix let's see if we going to be able to get this out I feel like I'm going to have to use a different utensil to get it out all right so I'm going to try this one there we go y'all oh my goodness y'all this looks so good I'm going to get all this goodness up here look at that y'all all right so y'all I'm going to top this off with a little bit of Cool Whip and I'm going to turn the camera around and we going to try I'm so excited this is is going to be so delicious y'all all right y'all so here we have our orange cinnamon roll orange Supreme cake mix mandarin orange orange orange dessert y'all I put some Cool Whip on top so time to try I'm excited uh I'm excited y'all let's see I'm just going to try and get a little bite of everything got the Cool Whip here all I'm missing is uh a cat yep I I don't have any cats right now but I might go get one all right y'all here we go m M y'all y'all this is a winner all right y'all so here we have our blueberry lemon dump cake I'm so excited let's try some blueberry can of blueberry pie filling lemon pie filling those chesman cookies lemon cake mix and uh yeah that's it deliciousness that's what it is I took this out of the oven a while ago but it's still hot look at that look at that y'all it looks so good I'm going to put it right here blueberries lemon I'm I'm just excited y'all everything in here is delicious okay all right uh what else we going to put on here we're going to put a little bit of Cool Whip Because Why Not Cool Whip makes everything better and then you know what else y'all I have these like I don't know these pretty lemon slices I had left over from something else I made so look look at that now it looks like this looks like a $15 dessert at a gourmet restaurant y'all just from that little lemon slice and guess what it did not cost that much at all all right time to eat anyways now I'm B here we go y'all it's going to be so good M y'all M you know what y'all I'm having one of those days where everything I'm making is a winner like like 11 out of 10 y'all need to make this it's so good
Channel: Kristin's Friends Cooking
Views: 256,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, chef, recipe, recipes, life, lifestyle, fun, cats, budgetrecipes, homecooking, DIY, cookingclass, foodrealitytv
Id: CFPxJbmNpjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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