Heaven and Earth, and the Law of God - 119 Ministries

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to another teaching from 119 ministries our ministry believes that the whole Bible is still true and directly related to our lives today if you would like to know more about what we believe in teach please visit us and test everything net we hope that you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching [Music] [Music] there are at least two reasons why Jesus his Hebrew name being Yeshua said that not one jot or tittle of the law of God can change till heaven and earth pass away have you ever considered this matter Matthew chapter 5 do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them for truly I say to you until heaven and earth pass away not an iota not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven consider the following Deuteronomy 30 verses 11 16 and 19 now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach for I command you today to love Yahweh your God to walk in obedience to him and to keep his commands decrees and laws I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death blessing and curse therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live revelation 21 verse 1 and 5 then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more and he who was seated on the throne said behold I am making all things new also he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true and he said to me it is done Yeshua did not come to abolish the law and prophets but to fulfill all the law and prophets not one jot or tittle or any part of the law will pass away until at least two criteria are met number one heaven and earth pass away it's not done yet number two all the law and prophets are fulfilled also not done yet some might say Yeshua clearly said on the cross it is finished thus now jots and tittles can be removed from God's law John chapter 19 when he had received the drink jesus said it is finished with that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit what was finished was all the law and prophets finished as heaven and earth passed away or was it simply the plan of salvation the cross that was finished is the plan of salvation the cross concluding all the law and prophets did the cross cause heaven and earth to pass away even though that should be easy to answer we will pull in Scripture just to prove that heaven and earth have not passed away 2nd Peter chapter 3 but in keeping with this promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells even if heaven and earth passing away was only figurative we consider it a likely a literal event Peter still states that heaven and earth have not yet passed away we are still looking forward to that prophetic event as it turns out having an earth passing away and all the long profits being fulfilled happens to be the exact same thing it should be no surprise why Yeshua mentioned such criteria in this same sentence as a relate to the law having an earth pass in a way equals all the law and prophets being fulfilled it as simple as that those that know their Bible rather well also know that the last prophecy mentioned is heaven earth passing away and being made new revelation chapter 21 verse 1 and verse 5 then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more and he who is seated on the throne said behold I am making all things new also he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true and he said to me it is done it is then that Yeshua States it is done exactly like Yeshua in Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19 declared that the law and prophets would be at this last event although law and prophets are now done at this point also note that in Revelation 21 and Isaiah chapter 65 17 that it is the first heaven and first earth that passes away regardless of whether you believe that this is a literal or figurative event likely literal this is the event that Yeshua clearly references in Matthew chapter 5 and it has not happened yet this is the only heaven and earth passing away event that Yeshua can be referencing because the first heaven and the first earth only passes away once the first heaven and the first earth are still here until they pass away according to Revelation 21 and the former things are no longer remembered it is quite apparent that removing jots and tittles from the law before this event would not only be premature but against God's plan but Jesus did all the law for me yet still in a last-ditch effort to hold on to a slipping law abolishing doctrine some will say but Jesus did all the law so obviously I do not have to in reality this is a true statement but at this point we are clearly talking about two different things to illustrate this all we have to do is allow them to finish their sentence but Jesus did all the law so I don't have to for what they would have to respond something like this we don't have to keep the law of God for salvation Yushu observed all the law perfectly so that we do not have to observe God's law for salvation no one has ever been able to keep God's law for salvation all believers since Adam and Eve were saved by grace through faith this is the only way those before the cross looked forward to the means to salvation grace via the cross and those after the cross look back there is no salvation process difference so then it is true we do not have to keep God's law but only in the context of salvation and that has always been the case but in Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19 our Messiah is teaching obedience that is to result because of our salvation we know this because you should begins discussing rewards for believers based on whether they remove jots and tittles from the law of God in their teachings thus there are consequences to removing jots and tittles from the law of God if a believer teaches less Commandments they are going to be least in the kingdom if a believer teaches all commandments they are going to be great in the kingdom these are not solve a tional consequences these are rewards or lack thereof for those who are already in the plan of salvation based on our level of practicing and teaching obedience this should be simple to understand we all understand that breaking God's law is sent first John 3:4 believers who send more break God's law teach others to do the same will be least in the kingdom as part of their eternal rewards those who send less and teach others obedience to the law of God will be great in the kingdom these are rewards based on our observance of fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 through 20 we are to make disciples and teach them to obey everything that Yeshua taught we know without a doubt that you should had taught the law of God as written by Moses otherwise he would have been a false prophet see Deuteronomy chapter 13 and are related teaching for an example thus there is only one logical conclusion as Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19 agrees we are to teach all nations to obey everything out of the law of God as written by Moses to say that we do not have to keep God's law just because Jesus kept it for us makes absolutely no sense issue was baptized as well should we say that we should not be baptized because yeshua was baptized for us Yeshua did not commit adultery should we say that we can commit adultery now because Yeshua refrained from adultery for me absolutely not we are covered by grace for such things which is in the context of our salvation but that does not mean we should start ignoring Commandments because of our grace what faith in the word would we really have if we do not even contain a real desire to live the same word that we profess to believe in Romans chapter 6 are we to continue in sin that grace may abound by no means obedience is not to maintain our salvation but simply be the evidence of our salvation it is an expression of what we believe in wordly which is the Word of God so we might not have to keep God's law for salvation but he asks us to keep God's law because we should not want to sin and we should want to love him back and love others first John chapter 5 by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his Commandments for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments I should sound rather acceptable right if we really believe in His grace for us which is really his love for us then how could we not want to love him back in the keeping of his Commandments from the beginning observing the law of God was always equated to loving God for example due to Rami chapter 11 you shall therefore love Yahweh your God and keep his charge his statutes his rules and His commandments always we are to understand that we are to love God as he defines how he wants to be loved it is not up to us or anyone else to define how to love hell that would be true with any successful marriage today we do not tell our spouse how we decided that we were going to love them they tell us how they want to be loved so we have established that not one jot or tittle of the law can be removed until all the long profits are fulfilled we understand then it is all fulfilled when Yeshua says it is done it is then when heaven earth pass that clearly no more prophecy remains to be fulfilled but why is there a reason that God has to wait till heaven and earth pass away before is even remotely possible for a jot or tittle of the law to be removed it turns out that there is a reason a very good reason in fact what is the relationship between heaven and earth and the law of God heaven and earth are the witnesses of the law of God being set before us Deuteronomy chapter 30 verses 11 16 and 19 now what I am commanding you today the law the Torah is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach for I command you today to love Yahweh your God to walk in obedience to him and to keep his commands decrease and lost the Torah I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death blessing and curse therefore choose life that you and your offspring may live why does that matter it matters because two or three witnesses establishes a matter Deuteronomy 19:15 Matthew 18 verse 16 2nd Corinthians 13:1 every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses this can only mean one thing which is another reason why you should had taught it the way he did not only is heaven and earth passing away the last prophetic event before all the law prophets are fulfilled but having an earth are the witnesses to the establishing of the law to the establishing of the Torah the law of God is established until heaven and earth pass away just like issue is says in Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19 do not think that I have come to abolish the law or prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them for truly I say to you until heaven and earth pass away not an iota not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven isn't this amazing simply looking up heaven or looking down earth is all the proof you need to know that the law of God has not changed in the least any believer teaching anything contrary to this will be least in the kingdom at best Yeshua continues in Matthew chapter 5 verse 19 therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven remember what Paul said about establishing the law Romans chapter 3 verse 31 do we then nullify the law through faith may it never be on the contrary we establish the law do you used to think or currently think that Paul taught against the law of God many have even in the first century remember how many times Paul is accused of teaching against the law of God how did Paul directly respond to those accusations Acts chapter 24 but this I confess to you that according to the way which they call a sect I worship the God of our fathers believing everything laid down by the law and written in the prophets the irony is is that we're still accusing Paul teaching against the law of God as written by Moses Paul might be the most misunderstood individual in all of history is because of this unfortunate pattern with Paul and his writings that Peter felt compelled to issue a warning about Paul and his teachings on the law of God 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 15 through 17 just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters there are some things in them that are hard to understand which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction as they do the other scriptures you therefore beloved knowing this beforehand take care that you are not carried away with the air of lawless people and lose your own stability understand this lawlessness is simply sin which is the breaking of God's law first John chapter 3 verse 4 everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness sin is lawlessness so it appears we have a choice we can use Paul for or against the law but according to Peter there is only one correct way to read Paul's difficult letters and it is certainly not how most of us have been taught what this means is if Peter is right is that we should not be taking Paul's difficult words as a tool to teach others against the law of God all while ignoring Paul's positive statements regarding the law of God this of course would make Paul to be a unstable schizophrenic at best Peter even warned us against such unstable teaching and is warning about Paul we need to reconcile paula's more challenging words despite our previous or even current doctrinal bias that wants to remove jots and tittles from the law it is possible and when one is not ignorant about the front of the Bible Paul is actually much easier to understand this might sound like a harsh statement but Bible colleges today spend much less time in the Old Testament which was the scriptures in the first century and much more time in the New Testament and as with any book this is simply not best practice like Bereans we are to test all doctrines to the Word of God in the first century the Bereans only had the Old Testament so if you want to be at true Berean acts 17:11 then employ the same process that they did test every word of Paul to the law and profits there already exists much study to assist in the understanding of Paul's difficult words for example check out our Pauline paradox series Paul can be reconciled with the whole Word of God but in any attempt to dismiss Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 through 19 one will only find contradiction and some are at peace with this most are not determined for yourself because in the end yourself is all you will have at the judgment seat that determines our rewards and eternal life so as you walk the earth and you see the stars in the heavens let that remind you that the same law of God - the Bible declares to be the way truth life light perfect and freedom still exists and is for us today in fact Christ our Messiah as the word of God in the flesh was also called these things for that very same reason notice that the law of God that Yeshua walked was the whole Word of God and remember he is our example in our reading of Acts we also realized that all the Apostles including Paul walked this same law of God that Yeshua did even after the cross this should not surprise us at all for the New Covenant Jeremiah 31 was to write the law of God on her heart the Torah giving us the desire to do it not the desire to abolish it so with the words Yahshua said Peter's warning about Paul the scriptural way to test doctrine and the whole point of the new covenant what are we still doing mitigating our means to love God let's love him back the way he intended as it turns out obedience and loving God is a blessing just like he said I hope that this teaching has blessed you and remember continue to test everything shallow [Music] it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high-quality teachings completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 ministries so that we can continue this effort please visit test everything dotnet and click on the support 119 tab learn how you can partner with us to take the whole Word of God to the nation's [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 29,467
Rating: 4.8858399 out of 5
Keywords: law, heaven, earth, Matthew 5, Deuteronomy 30, Revelation 21, 2 Peter 3, forever
Id: 44KTKp_3c0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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