The Hebrew Root of Worship - 119 Ministries

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[Music] hello and welcome to another teaching from 1:19 ministry our ministry believes is the whole Bible is still true and applicable to our life if you would like to know more on what we believe and teach please visit us at test everything dotnet we hope you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching good morning if you dolla find our seats this morning we're going to go ahead and start worship come on that's the worst of our job fight you sing this song is worship you praise and worship Him father we worship you and praise you this morning it's time for us to praise the Lord and worship worship we're that almost every person who has spend time in some sort of religion is likely very familiar with it's used all over scripture as well Genesis 22 5 then Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you in modern society the word worship has come to have a variety of meetings and it's often associated with singing certain types of songs certain dances specific music and other such things many times the music we associate with worship evokes emotions that let us feel like we are connecting with Yahweh however is that what worship is there locally speaking does worship have to do with how we are feeling or the songs we sing let's take a look what is worship biblically inconceivable you can you send a hoard I've done the thinking us what you think it was just a zine ago points out to be see me in the Princess Bride about the word inconceivable it's possible that the word worship doesn't mean what we think it means in Hebrew chicag used for worship it carries the following meanings a primitive root to depress that is prostrate that's according to Strong's Concordance Brown driver bridge defines it as meaning to bow down and even more specifically to bow down or prostrate oneself out of honor or respect for someone or something deemed superior to oneself the superior can be a deity a man or even an idol other English words used in the King James Version as the translation of Chicago basin's bowed reverenced and crouched notice what was missing there is nothing relating to how one feels about the object or person that worship is being directed at it is simply putting oneself low in relation to another often as a sign of respect this is evidence repeatedly in Scripture it's the same word used whether the object being worshipped is Yahweh or man we aren't the only ones to have this understanding according to the ancient Hebrew Research Center the word for worship is misunderstood in scripture today because it's not often understood from the necessary ancient Hebrew perspective the same word shirk all that we've been discussing is used to both mean worship the creator and to bow down or make obeisance here's what they said whenever the Hebrew word shaka is used as an action toward god the translators translate this word as worship but whenever the same Hebrew word is used as an action towards another man the translators translate the word as obeisance to bow or bow down as you can see the translators are preventing the reader from viewing the text in its proper Hebraic context the literal meaning of the Hebrew works your call can be seen in numbers 22 31 and he bowed down his head and fell flat on his face shocked Allah means to bow down with face to the ground the concept of worship as defined by Webster's dictionary is not hue break in any way and it is not found in the Bible Lew better off to remove the idea of worship from our biblical vocabulary interplay sit with bow down the only true way to bow down or worship God or a man from a true Hebraic perspective is to bow down with the face to the ground of course this concept of bowing is an Eastern custom that is not practiced in our Western culture we find the same meanings when we look at the Greek word used in both the Septuagint and in the Brit how to shop or New Testament as well proskuneo course Creole carries a meaning of to make obeisance to worship to go down on one's knees to fall on or Crouch to prostrate oneself or do reverence to an homage to kiss the hand fall upon knees or pay homage to one of superior rank once again we see the act of worship is putting oneself below another out of honor or respect to another what we don't see is the most commonly understood definitions found today in the merriam-webster dictionary which defines worship as the act of showing respect and love for a God especially by praying with other people who believe in the same God the act of worshipping God or a god or excessive admiration for someone or chiefly British a person of importance use as a title for various officials like magistrates in some mayor's costuming reverence offered to a divine being or supernatural power also an act of expressing such reverence it's a form of religious practice with this Creed in ritual we're finally to the extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem like the worship of a dollar of the six definitions offered only the fourth one would include the biblical Hebraic understanding of the term but even then it only relates it to a divine being completely disregarding its use toward a person the second meaning kind of relates to a person's up biblically it doesn't have to be an excessive admiration as we've discussed in other teachings we need to make sure that we are following the meaning of the words within the context of which they would have been understood by the speaker and intended audience the modern understanding of words is not always the same as those used in ancient times the Hebraic understanding according to the context and culture appears to be that worshiping is making oneself low or bowing before one another with reverence worship today as mentioned earlier it's not uncommon to consider the singing of certain types of songs at church home or in the vehicle and often with arms raised to be worship shouting out the yahwah here singing up-tempo songs are most often what is considered to be praise however what we have found is that while we certainly find singing and dancing in Scripture we don't see where it's necessarily a form of worship the majority of instances we're seeing and dancing as mentioned in Scripture is in conjunction with giving praise not worship the two most common Hebrew words translated as praise in the Old Testament are Hollow and yada halal has different meanings based upon the context it can mean brilliant in tone or color brightness of light to boast and be grandiose to be foolish or mad as in crazy however it also can mean the same to glorify or simply to praise and relates to celebrating yada is most often used to confess or give thanks but it's also used as praise remember worship is about making oneself low humbling oneself before another when we praise someone or something we are heaping praises upon them giving glory to them or esteeming them some may even say we're lifting the object of our praise up but we find that the definition isn't always true more on that in a minute because of the understanding that praise is lifting someone up it is believed by some that the results are the same as worship whether we are making ourselves low or lifting something up above us in both cases we are below it however the father is the most high can we lift up what is already the most high to an even more elevated position no we can't he is already the most high we cannot elevate him any further that's why saying that praise is lifting another up just can't work across the board we can say however that lifting one up is a form of praise let's say you make the shot the basketball game your teammates lift you up on their shoulders that he praises on you they are giving you a steam or glorifying you they are not bowing down before you or making themselves lower which would be worship they're literally lifting you up starting as equals they then elevate you now let's say they're going before a king sucking what do you do do you host him on your shoulders and tell them how great he is and how he's done so many good things well you could but that wouldn't be the most appropriate way to enter into the presence of the king would it at the very least you've probably bow in some cases you may need and sometimes you might even lay prostrate on the floor why would you do this to show respect to acknowledge his position or authority are you seeing the difference between giving praise and worship how give me one a steamer lifting them up is actually quite different than making yourself low if you come before the King and you do not bow meal or make any other sign of a basis or even respect what message are you sending you're saying that you will not bow you're saying that you're equal to or better than the king you're displaying arrogance not humility arrogance has no place where worship is concerned you cannot worship and be arrogant toward the object you're supposed to be showing deference to not really praise and worship are both important there is a time and place for both however the attitude and approach is not the same praise is a good thing so please don't misunderstand us while we cannot lift the father up any higher we can and should get him praise Psalm 104 enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him bless His name so with that being said what is often considered worship today is not truly worship as defined or exemplified in Scripture in fact it's really a form of praise we'll cover that topic more in depth in a later teaching the spiritual application of worship we've said many times that the physical action teach us spiritual truth just as a spiritual lesson can also teach us something in its physical or literal application the physical act of bowing or prostrating one's self before another is the obvious physical teaching here what's the spiritual application the spiritual aspect would be choosing to put ourselves under the authority of the Creator having a desire to follow him but plainly is the willingness to be obedient to Yahweh to his instructions is Torah remember the law of God is spiritual according to Paul in Romans 7:14 our desire to obey or disobey comes through our spirit for more on what Spirit is please see our teaching the Hebrew root of spirit our desire to follow the law of God the Torah is a spiritual action of worshiping him choosing to be obedient to Yahweh is how we can worship in spirit and truth thus when we kneel or lay prostrate before a creator we are performing an act of worship biblically speaking just to be clear worship is giving of honor and respect to someone or something else as being greater than yourself the physical acts of worship are more obvious such as kneeling bowing keeping the hand of someone etc however spiritual worship may not be quite so obvious as it isn't limited only to physical acts spiritual worship can be any act upon which you put yourself below someone or something for this reason it's especially important to be careful what we worship as it doesn't take much for us to make something else an idol for more on the second commandment please see our teaching titled the second commandment the truth in context abraham was performing a spiritual act of worship when he took Isaac to be sacrificed in obedience to the creator's command Messiah worship that he knelt and prayed in the garden and submitted his wall to that of the Father the prophet Daniel worshiped as he knelt before Yahweh and prayed is it okay to worship men with our new biblical understanding of worship the question may be asked are you saying it's now okay to worship men like your king example to answer that question let's again what the scripture to see what was lived out by the creator's people in addition to worshipping the creator in false gods we do see men are worshipped at times Genesis 18 - he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold three men were standing in front of him when he saw them he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed shaaka himself to the earth Genesis 23 7 Abraham arose and bowed shakka to the Hittites the people of the land Genesis 27 29 let people serve you and nations bow shakaal down shaaka to you be Lord or your brothers and may your mothers sons bow shakaal now shackle to you cursed be everyone who curses you and blessed be everyone who blesses you Ruth - 10 then she fell on her face bowing shakaar to the ground and said to him why have I found favor in your eyes that you should take notice of me since I am a foreigner for Samuel 2041 and as soon as the boy had gone David rose from beside the stone heap and fell on his face to the ground and bowed shakaar three times and they kissed one another and wept with one another David weeping the most Isaiah 49 23 Kings shall be your foster fathers and their Queens your nursing mothers with their faces to the ground they shall bow shakaal down shakaal to you and lick the dust of your feet then you will know that I am Yahweh those who wait for me shall not be put to shame Hebrews 11 21 by faith Jacob when dying blessed each of the sons of Joseph bowing in a worship over the head of his staff revelation 3:9 behold I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not but lie behold I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you in all of these cases the same word is used the worship the Creator to worship false gods or show respect and honor to another man remember the definition of worship is putting oneself low in relation to another often in Scripture evidenced by a bow an act of worship is not always a bad thing sometimes it is simply an act of showing respect even today we see this happen in some cultures such as several Asian ones they bow to one another as a sign of respect not because they are viewing the other as some sort of God and therefore be guilty of idol worship and breaking the Torah there is a time and a place for everything sometimes an act of worship is simply a sign of respect with the person conclusion in modern times worship is considered to be something done only to the Creator and is often accompanied by music singing and dancing raising your arms etc some may argue and say that worship does include singing songs or dancing before the Lord among other things we would look in the scripture and disagree we understand such actions to be that of praise not worship it's not uncommon for it to be understood that slower songs or worship and faster happier songs or praise we can suggest that it doesn't matter if the song is fast or slow somber or bright it is all to bring praise to the Creator praise is when we lift someone or something up worship is when we make ourselves low there is a time to praise we are to enter his courts with praise Psalm 104 enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him bless his name however our lives are to be lives of worship how do we do this through our obedience to him following his words his instructions by putting his will above our own we are worshiping our Creator this sentiment was echoed by Paul when he said whatever we do we should do unto Yahweh so do you want to worship your Creator and spirit and truth then do so by living your life submitted to his ways in his word you want to show additional adoration of him and all he has done fall on your knees before the Mighty One of Israel bow your head and worship your Creator through your prayers live your life dedicated to the Creator and know you will be worshiping him the way he intended we hope that this teaching is blessed you remember continue to test everything Shalom it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high-quality teachers completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 minutes in so that we 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Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 30,194
Rating: 4.9228792 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrew Root of Worship, what is worship versus praise?, 119 Ministries, shachah, Psalms 100:4, Genesis 18:2, what does worship mean?, how do we worship God?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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