Heather Mac Donald | The Diversity Delusion

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everyone welcome to the Allen P Kirby jr. center for constitutional studies and citizenship where we are the outpost for Hillsdale College here in our nation's capital as many of you know we host numerous educational programs and the liberal arts tradition and on the first principles of our country so as is our tradition we were going to have one of our students introduce our special guest for this evening Reagan cool is a junior studying political philosophy and religion and is originally from Grand Rapids Michigan this semester she's interning at the American principles project while studying on the Washington Hillsdale internship program here in DC Reagan good evening tonight I have the pleasure of introducing Miss Heather McDonald Heather McDonald is the Thomas W Smith fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of city journal she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Yale University a Master of Arts in English at Cambridge University and a Juris Doctor degree from Stanford Law School she writes for several newspapers and periodicals including The Wall Street Journal the New York Times and Public Interest she's also the author of several books including the war on cops and the burden of bad ideas tonight she will discuss her latest publication the diversity delusion how race and gender pandering corrupt the University and undermine our culture please join me in extending a warm welcome to miss Heather McDonald thank you so much I mean I've been on the road get my little secret water glass here before I start I don't have a cough attack thank you so much thank you Regan and thank you for Hillsdale this is get back to normalcy I've been I've been speaking a lot on college campuses recently you know what that means I've received the walk out the storm the stage strategy and at Claremont McKenna College in California the blockade which prevented anyone from actually entering to hear my talk so-called students of color at nearby Pomona College announced that I was a quote fascist white supremacist Warhawk trans folk queer folk lacist and ignorant of ignorance ystem zuv domination that produced the lethal conditions under which oppressed peoples are forced to live end quote so to actually have an audience still in its seats and apparently willing to listen is an unusual experience outside of a Hillsdale crowd that may take me a few minutes to adjust to now we've been hearing a lot of late about the crisis of free speech on college campuses but not much about its root cause the narcissistic victimology that is rapidly spreading from academia to the rest of our culture in a word the American University and again all of this applies to everything other than Hillsdale fortunately so we can at least remember there's some sanity left but in general the American University is in the grips of a mass hysteria students actually believe that they are victims of oppression at risk of their lives from circumambulate ISM and sexism the degree of maudlin caterwauling is impossible to overstate at Brown students of color occupied the president's office and complained about having to meet such academic expectations as going to the class when they were so focused on quote staying alive and Brown at Yale a mob of minority students surrounded a highly respected sociologist and cursed and screamed at him for three hours because his wife had sent an email suggesting that students can choose their own Halloween costumes free from the ministrations of Yale's diversity bureaucrats among the shouts of shut the eff up and you are disgusting that were directed at this mild-mannered left-wing professor was a cry of or dying from one of the ranters referring to the allegedly endangered status of Yale's minority students but my favorite moment in this parade of narcissism comes from Princeton in 2015 Princeton's black students chanted were sick and tired of being sick and tired now this was a phrase first used by fannie lou hamer a civil rights activist who was beaten in the 1950s for trying to vote fannie lou hamer had grounds of Plenty for being sick and tired of being sick and tired but any Princeton student I don't care if he's purple orange or blue who thinks of himself as oppressed is in the grip of a terrible delusion that will encumber him for the rest of his life well perhaps you're thinking at least the adults on campus are trying to give these students a firmer grip of reality to the contrary the adults actively encourage this hysteria a massive diversity bureaucracy is devoted to cultivating in students ever more arcane species of self involvement and ever more preposterous forms of self-pity you want to know the reason for astronomical tuition look no further than this bureaucratic bloat students regularly act out little psychodramas of oppression before an appreciative audience of diversity Dean Lutz and vice Provo of equity and inclusion who used the occasion to expand their Dominion many campuses have created bias response teams modeled presumably on active shooter response teams on the assumption that discrimination is so rampant and lethal on campus that a rapid defense forces needed freshman orientations and dorm sessions invariably features seminars on toxic masculinity and white privilege students are taught that they are either the oppressed or the oppressors if you are not female black Hispanic gay or any one of the 116 and still metastasizing categories of gender the only way that you can escape being an oppressor is by becoming a quote ally allies are something usually associated with war and indeed the reigning thinking is that female students and students of color are literally in a war zone on college campuses and need allies from the opposing side to survive am i exaggerating I am NOT UC Berkeley's division of equity and inclusion hung banners throughout campus reminding students of the University of California's paramount mission assigning guilt and innocence in the ruthlessly competitive totem pole of victimhood one banner banner featured a female black student and a male Hispanic student allegedly pleading allow people other than yourself to exist a message directed to Berkeley's white students and faculty this is not hyperbole they meant it literally college presidents are the worst offenders in encouraging this delusional victimology after the three-hour expletive filled tirade against the Yale sociologist yells president Peter Salovey actually thanked the boorish thugs for making him proud of his student body Yale subsequently conferred a race justice prize on two of the most aggressive participants the Dean of the Harvard Medical School recently removed the portraits of its greatest physician scientists from the entrance hall to the school you can guess the reason they were all male and thus looking on them would make Harvard's wilting medical students feel uncomfortable and unsafe we can only wish these budding doctors luck in the operating room narcissistic identity politics has destroyed the serious pursuit of knowledge throughout the humanities and most of the social sciences students are being given a license for ignorance all they need to be told about a book is the melanin content and gonads of its author to know whether they can dismiss its contents as thoroughly repugnant and not worth reading Shakespeare Milton Plato condon Locke have been variously defenestrated by students who have not the slightest clue about Periclean Athens the Renaissance or the Enlightenment a Columbia undergraduate groused about Columbia's beleaguered core curriculum quote who is this Mozart this Hyden these superior white men the core she said upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism no professor has ever defended our intellectual patrimony against such shameful outbreaks of ecstatic no nothing ism without appending some pooling qualification about respect for diversity academic identity politics are now rapidly spreading throughout the culture at large every non academic institution no matter how previously meritocratic is now vulnerable and that means above all the STEM fields Exhibit A into our culture's descent into identity driven mediocrity and thought control is the firing of computer engineer James d'amour from Google in August 2017 d'amour had written a carefully reasoned fact-based memo suggesting that the average career preferences of males and females may explain why there's not 50/50 gender parity at Google and other tech firms the language that Google's CEO used in firing mr. d'amour was a direct import from academic victimology Google's employees were quote hurting he said because d'amour had dared to challenge the reigning feminist orthodoxy what followed mr. De Morris firing was even scarier a regional branch of the National Labor Relations Board upheld Google's actions on the same basis drenched victim grounds mr. d'amours memo had made Google's employees feel quote unsafe at work according to the NLRB associate general counsel the memo thus constituted quote discrimination and sexual harassment consider for a moment what this NLRB ruling means for science any evolutionary biologist soaked psychologist or account economist who studies the different risk preferences and appetite for competition among males and females is now at risk of his job these branches of shut of science could shut down completely no matter that their findings are true the thinking that got mr. d'amour fired is now the dominant characteristic of our time it holds that the absence of exact proportional representation of various racial ethnic and sexual groups in any institution is by definition a result of discrimination to suggest that different groups have different capacities cultures skills and behaviors that explain the lack of proportional representation is not just taboo it can get you fired and so the mad rage for race and gender proportionality in the workplace is accelerating especially in the me to moment from here on out everything you read everything you watch in the mainstream media will have been calculated in conformity with the demands of diversity if you are a white male no matter how talented you're gonna have to meet a higher standard to get hired or promoted this summer California Polytechnic Institute's crusade to lower the number of whites on campus with succeeding every college is in essence doing the same thing if not as publicly newsrooms are under enormous pressure to find reporters select sources and originate stories that improve their diversity profile book publishers are obsessively engineering their lists to prioritize quote diverse authors and themes thanks to media pressure and their own human resources departments corporate boardrooms have made a fetish of gender proportionality even before California mandated female board hires I routinely voted against every female who shows up on a proxy ballot since I assume that she is there because of her sex and not her business experience a case in point drew Gilpin Faust the outgoing president of Harvard recently accepted a position on the board of Goldman Sachs now who knew that left-wing history professors were experts in Investment Banking university administrators and faculty may hate capitalism but they love capitalist dollars even classical music is being poisoned by identity politics New Yorker music critic Alex Ross triggered outrage against the Chicago and Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra's this spring by tweeting that they had programmed no female composers in their upcoming seasons never mind that at that very moment the Chicago Symphony was at Carnegie Hall performing Jennifer higden's concerto for low brass a work commissioned by the Chicago and Philadelphia orchestras at doubt greatly inflated cost it is absurd to expect gender parity in the concert hall the reality is this the greatest composers of all time whether Bach Mozart Beethoven Schubert Chopin or Brahms were male get over it and simply be grateful for the beauty that they gave us unworthy mortals but classical music boards are also under enormous pressure to hire by gender and race for conducting positions and everything else a classical music music agent told me wistfully quote if only I had a trans conductor I'd be rich now it is an unalloyed pleasure that Hollywood is being forced to sacrifice its best box-office judgements to meet the demands of the race and gender bean-counters but it is in the sciences where the diversity imperative becomes actually dangerous every academic science department whether physics mathematics or chemistry is in the victimology crosshairs the federal government is demanding that scientific departments hire based on gender and race rather than scientific merit science education is being slowed down and watered down in the hope of graduating more females and underrepresented minorities an oncologist in an Ivy Lee at an Ivy League medical school was berated by his Dean for an exam in pharmacology that was quote too fact-based well I don't know about you but if I have cancer I want my doctor to know the facts about drug interactions the National Science Foundation is spending billions of your taxpayer dollars on programs to boost diversity in science arguing that only a diverse laboratory can achieve scientific breakthroughs well that's funny because somehow the 200 now Science Foundation grantees who won Nobel Prizes managed to discover dark matter and the genetics of viruses among other breakthroughs without conforming to today's diversity metrics and of course this mania for gender and race parity and science continues into the private sector after James d'amour was fired a human resources manager sued YouTube and Google for firing him because he had refused to go along with the mandate to interview only females and underrepresented minorities for incoming engineering jobs potentially groundbreaking scientists are being passed over today because they are of the wrong race and gender guess who does not care about diversity China the best thing that trump could do to level the playing field would be to airlift a few cargo planes of gender theorists from American universities and dump them on Beijing University and China's research labs until that happens China will inexorably pull out ahead of us since in science it cares only about one thing scientific achievement academic identity politics is tearing our society apart it is teaching young people to hate to hate the greatest thinkers and creators of the past and to hate their fellow Americans the diversity delusion therefore has to be nipped in the bud the next time self engrossed students occupy a campus building demanding reparations here is what their college president should say are you kidding me you're the most privileged individuals in human history you have at your fingertips the thing that Faust sold his soul for knowledge you're surrounded by libraries that would have driven the Renaissance humanists wild with envy and desire you can read any book that has ever been written you have access to scientific laboratories that are the most advanced in the world you can pursue languages literature and history everything is available far from discriminating against minorities and females in hiring every faculty search here is one desperate effort at finding remotely qualified underrepresented minority and female candidates who have not already been scooped up by better endowed schools far from discriminating against underrepresented minorities and admissions we employ double standards in order to engineer so-called diversity I can assure you that my faculty are not bigots they have nothing but good will for history's oppressed groups and want all their students to succeed at this very moment millions of Asian students abroad are studying night and day for the privilege of experiencing this alleged maelstrom of hatred if you feel so oppressed step aside and let them take your place but a college president never says any of these things of course instead he is silent before these outbreaks of narcissistic delusion happy to sell out his faculty as alleged racists and penitently promising to make further amends for so mistreating the oppressed students it becomes imperative then for the rest of us to rebut the victimology narrative head-on it is not enough to call for freedom of expression that is if I may borrow a term a relatively safe stance to take even some liberals will back you up no if we're going to restore sanity and civil harmony we're gonna have to take on the victim knowledge victimology narrative directly and assert that racism and oppression are not the predominant characteristics of American society today for all our historical sins and they were real and terrible there has never been a more tolerant opportunity filled polity than our present one the preservation of free requires knowledge of and gratitude for the extraordinary richness of Western civilization with its patient development of the rule of law the scientific method and the concept of individual rights until the majority of universities returned to their proper mission of passing on such institution Hillsdale and the Kirby Center will be ever more essential thank you for your attention [Applause] okay [Applause] questions yes sure you know this puts the left in a very difficult position it's it's are always the fal ready to fact open the case that Asians don't really count as students of color because it turns out the the actual operational definition of students of color is students who are not academically competitive since Asians are whooping everybody else's ass out there they don't count as students of color nevertheless you know it's been traditional on the part of the proponents of racial preferences to play it as a black-white issue and to play off of of white guilt but it's been the case for quite some time now that the real victims of reverse discrimination and racial preferences are Asians because again they outscore everybody they outscore Jews they outscore general white White's in general and so when schools are setting aside places so that they can improve their diversity profile with students that are basically it's black and Hispanic it's always zero-sum I mean they will try to persuade you that preferences are not zero-sum that's simply wrong I mean the the the the number of spots that are available in these selective schools are extremely finite and so every student you admit with a standard deviation or two below the competitive norm is taking a place away for somebody else and it's Asians who are the most severely impacted by this so what's been going on for many years I actually think to my mind the strongest criticism of racial preferences which is really don't use the term affirmative action that still has sort of a hail of good intentions and do-gooder ISM what we're really talking about here are simply preferences the best argument against them as far as I'm concerned is not the traditional constitutional one however valid that is the constitutional argument just says this is unfair it's unconstitutional for a government body or a government funded college to make distinctions on the basis of race it violates the Fourteenth Amendments Equal Protection Clause and and that's how the Supreme Court jurisprudence about racial preferences has played out and continues to be played out as far as I'm concerned though the the stronger more persuasive argument is that racial preferences do not do their alleged beneficiaries any good there's a theory that has been most empirically fleshed out by a UCLA law professor named Richard Sand are called mismatched theory that holds that if you bring students into an academic environment for which they are not academically competitive if their academic preparedness is much below that of their peers they're going to struggle in their classes and they're not going to learn as much and we see in law schools every virtually every law school employs huge racial preferences and the black students in law school end up overwhelmingly almost without exception at the bottom half of their class and in the bottom decile of their class it blacks fail the bar bar at magnitudes more times five or six times a higher rate than whites because they haven't learned as much because they're in an environment that is pitched above their heads Richard sander has gotten as much data as he can get to try and you want to show the outcome of students that are admitted with racial preferences and those few blacks who are not who are actually competitive with their school to trace their course in school and their bar passage rates he and other proponents of the mismatch theory have had to fight tooth and nail to get data Harvard as you may know just app has put up road block after road block to releasing its admissions data it's finally they finally got access to it but with they had to be dragged through several rounds of litigation and Richard sander has asked the California Bar Association to provide an amazed data on its students who have taken the buckets it has a very complete data set that has students college GPAs their ell SATs their law school GPA and their bar scores and sadly a California appellate court just denied his request on a grounds that it was not justified under California's public documents record law which is very very tragic because the data that does exist is has not been refuted in improving that the mismatch effect but more data the better but these colleges are absolutely opaque and you know if they were so confident that racial been preferences would were good for their recipients they wouldn't mind sharing the data but they keep it under complete lock and key yes administration's to these preposterous out cries and demands do you think it's due to cowardice or do you think it's that after 40 years of the whole neo-marxist Graham Shand project shoved through the universities that they basically bought into that narrative as well I think it's absolutely both I think I think that they've they believe it and it's just it's bizarre but we know that human beings are capable of believing very strange things that their daily experience would seem to to contradict because again for college presidents to say I'm sending all my faculty through implicit bias training at enormous time expense on the theory that they are discriminating against qualified females and underrepresented minorities in the hiring process is contradicted every single day on a college campus you cannot go to a faculty search committee where that's all that they talk about and I have asked college administrators okay and proponents of implicit bias theory if this is so ubiquitous give me just one name of a female faculty candidate or an underrepresented minority who was not given a job for which he or she was superior quality or qualifications for or I'll make it easy on you we simply overlooked in a job search because they weren't trying hard enough they've ducked that question every time so it's it just perverse but they I think you're absolute they believe this and because it makes them feel superior to red state America that they think that they are the places of of succor and and safety for these ever-growing victim groups who would otherwise be at absolute risk of oppression out in the great unwashed Massa's you know who voted for Trump so it's a combination but there's also cowardice I mean there's people who I think should know better and they just you know there's nothing that's more lethal to somebody's career today than being called a racist and they don't want to stand up to that yes since the situation on many college campuses deteriorating during a time when tuition is skyrocketing do you see the higher education bubble bursting where lots of people just won't go to college or seek out alternative forms of instruction instead of four-year colleges and universities it may start happening and I know that Peter Thiel is thinking about alternatives you know there was the big hope for the MOOCs the massive online what's the o second oh I don't know something courses that didn't really materialize you know that and ironically it turns out that the most challenged students are the ones who do least well in online learning everybody was sort of hoping that this would be a way to help the underrepresented minorities do it but they they need the hands-on but frankly for status obsessed post baby boomer parents that purport to be so equity minded and yet are the most fanatically you know social ladder climbing people in the world they are extremely eager to credential eyes their children with the mark of an Amherst or a Williams or a Stanford and that's going to be a very hard thing to break to to break that lock on credential izing and you know there's a lot of conservative libertarian voices that are also saying don't go to college I'm a mixed mind about that Brian Kaplan a economist at George Mason University has written a book called is it not the end of education or does education Matt or something and part of it I agree with he says you know too far too many people are going to college which is absolutely true and he addresses the paradox that employers put such a high premium on a college degree I mean the numbers are sort of clear that you really do get a very big boost in earnings with a college degree but his point is but these students they don't learn anything so what the heck is an employer doing paying an extra 20,000 30,000 50,000 and salary but the book is also laced through with utter contempt for learning for its own sake and and Kaplan has various disclaimers to these intends to do that but it's it's unmistakeably there and I'm not willing to go that far I still I still to me the pursuit of knowledge and the ability to study literature and art and music is is the highest privilege one can have and so I think we need to still try and reconstitute universities as places that pass on the inheritance of Western civilization yes it'd be great to see and I imagine it's gotta be available because the professorial staff is listed online data on the trends on these things because if you're going towards equity then you've got to be hiring underrepresented minorities at a dramatic rate in order to in order to shift what is already the institutional norm so if men are white men are over-represented then in order to shift the direction you have to hire two or three times as many under episode of minorities as you are men right so do we have data on that well no the I can tell you that in some science fields like computer engineering and economics there's a slight creeping up of women minorities that blacks and Hispanics cuz again Asians they they're very competitive it may be improving a little bit but really the problem is the pipeline and this is what it just drives me nuts you know you can talk about the composition of the faculty without seeing who's getting PhDs blacks have gotten been concentrated black phd's concentrated traditionally in education in 2016 there were sixteen phd's granted to blacks in computer engineering that's 1 percent of the total so to expect that every computer engineering department in the country is going to have what 13 percent blacks which is what their percentage of the u.s. population is is simply absurd and there's many fields physics you know astrophysicists that have no black graduates so they're just not available but your question I mean it seems to presuppose possibly that well there has been a problem or that there's some discrimination at work or you're just asking empirically are they even available to be hired they're not available to be hired and I would also say it's it doesn't matter the only thing the only thing that matters is if you're the most qualified person in your field and if we have a lab that is exclusively females that are all the best nuclear engineers there are that's great fine let it be but if they're also all Asian males because they're the best who cares the only thing that matters is what they are capable of producing the New York Times just this week had a story about oh that the K through 12 teaching body is still largely white females this means that black students can't learn oh please you know I was lucky to be in college in the 70s before multiculturalism hit nobody thought to complain that I was reading Chaucer Spencer Milton and Wordsworth thank God this is before feminism I got to read the greatest writers without anybody whining about what was between their legs and it didn't matter to me that the professor's who I revered were males the idea that you can't learn from somebody who's different from you is ridiculous but that's you know the idea and so now you have UCLA requiring every faculty applicant to make a statement about his contributions to equity diversity and inclusion so you have to ideally say that I'm researching the problems of underrepresented minorities or I have the ability to attract and mentor females and under-represent minorities which is basically code in California because you can't use explicit racial preferences anymore - I am a female or minority but you know I you have to wonder whether Albert Einstein could be hired at UC elated tomorrow because he's not working on equity diversity and inclusion he's working on the theory of general relativity and I submit that that's more important yes [Music] mom great schools in it not do you think that a great school mace is a trade school a community college or a for-profit college what's a trade school community colleges are definitely getting hit by this they're the last holdouts but they're getting hit I was interviewed recently by the Chronicle of Higher Education about a community college in the San Diego area of Southern California MiraCosta that has just gone bonkers for diversity it's all completely ethnic studies hiring you know they've they've destroyed whatever traditional literature requirements they had so that Chicano students only need to reach Chicano authors as far as trade schools if we're talking about like a degree in auto mechanics that would really be something if that gets it with gender and race I don't know and the for-profits you know they've been on the news recently with DeVos and the various rules on accreditation I don't know about them actually that that's an interesting question there for one thing I believe that they are all commuter school I mean is there any campuses there I think campuses tend to sort of let this insanity fester and stews so maybe a if it's all just like correspondence course or something it wouldn't be quite as bad yes why do you think basketball courts and football fields are exempt from diversity and doesn't doubt the fact that there are you know such 90% african-american accentuate the stereotypes that they don't want yeah because Americans think sports are important academics not so much ya know it's it's amazing but I also think you know it's incredible that we are push females into combat units introducing not only double standards and physical qualifications but eros the most destructive force in human existence is eros it drives people insane we're putting this into combat units but again we will not force women on to the end unto the National Football League because football is important war less so so you know people are quite capable of holding two separate ideas and and they're willing to have meritocracy when it works in favor of the victim groups just not when it it creates a bar that for now does not lead to proportional representation yes has the Trump administration in the less than two years that it's been an office done anything to reverse the flow of funds or have there been decisions from the Justice Department trying to push back against this stuff or are they just not touching it they're proceeding with deliberate speed I guess they've been very good in some things as you may have followed Betsy DeVos is is holding notice and comment on the campus rape due process problems they are they joined the or had a statement of interest in the Harvard lawsuit so they have signaled that they are not going to they withdrew a bunch of Obama era guidances to colleges that basically laid out the path for racial preferences what they really need to do and this would take a lot somebody that really knows the regs the Code of Federal Regulations is get rid of in its entirety the disparate impact concept wherever it exists this is the idea that facially neutral standards are nevertheless deemed discriminate or if they have a disparate impact so if you have a requirement that firefighters know how to read at a twelfth grade level if that requirement which is facially neutral has the effect of disqualifying blacks at a higher rate than whites even though the intention of the 12th grade reading rule was not to exclude blacks it was to have people who know how to read chemists you know the chemicals that they are using that that's nevertheless going to be deemed a discriminatory violation so this disparate impact idea is really at the core of a lot of madness and that's that's what Trump should get on but he should also I mean it's really the National Science Foundation is completely out of control it's just it's unbelievable what they're doing I cannot tell you the nonsense that they're funding they're funding gender studies professors to study intersectionality in the STEM fields it's madness so you know NSF is a congressional creation whether then that means that only Congress could rein it in I'm not sure but there certainly is a lot that can be done and that remains to be done Jeff Sessions obviously I mean he's a hero and I'm just gonna say this is totally unrelated I think Trump's treatment of him is abysmal and grotesque and appalling he has done so much in the area of law enforcement and immigration enforcement but you know it's a lot to also turn turn to the Justice Department that's also for Betsy DeVos to do yes City and Oklahoma Wesleyan for standing fast but the question is this looks like a systemic change how do you go against the systemic change and pull it back this is so deep I know I know you're like you know I agree with you and probably the whole class here I mean the audience's is right right with you and what do we do I'm not I'm not in a university setting so I have no I have no influence there it's it's I have to say I mean I know that as a speaker there's sort of a mandate to be optimistic and think we're gonna win I'm by Constitution of a pessimist so everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt but I mean people like me conservatives have been writing about the universities for the past 30 years using all of our rhetorical guns to mock them and it does get worse and worse I would just say again the more voices that can be brought to bear to push back on this idea of endemic racism and sexism that's really what the problem is the free speech problem that gets a lot of attention is an epiphenomena of the victimology as long as the victimology is in place you're gonna have the demands to silence speech on campus that has deemed hate speech because it is viewed as literally an existential threat to these poor female and minority students so you know people like me or sessions anybody can invoke John Stuart Mill til we're blue in the face and talk about the need for open debate it's not going to make a damn bit of difference as long as the ideology of victimhood is is the dominant one so all I can say is if it comes up in conversation people just have to start fighting back and say we are not a racist society you know I don't know a single mainstream institution that is not tying itself into knots to be fair and to hire females and minorities the other thing obviously is that my lung I need to stop giving money to their colleges there they're fueling the Beast these endowments are huge and you know it's an it's a it's a wonderful instinct of giving back and generosity but you have to do your due diligence you wouldn't buy a stock without doing due diligence don't send money into these colleges unless you're really confident that it's not going into the victimology machine do you think it could be considered deeper than victimology maybe a movement a socialistic movement perhaps somebody jordan peterson sent around a video that the some democratic committee has made about their sort of message for america and it's very much class politics not identity politics and you know it's the all of a sudden the rich took over and they're gaming the system and ironically there's a lot similar with steve bannon's message which he made a film about the 2008 financial meltdown frankly at this point and it may be because I was not really politically aware during the Cold War I take class politics over identity politics any day at least there you know you have people saying I'm a worker that's an accomplishment being female is not an accomplishment I don't deserve credit for being female it's not something to study being a welder is being a chemist is that's something you have accomplished so yes class politics is bad and America's you know the left wing of the Democratic Party certainly likes to flirt with socialism on the other hand it likes its goodies you know and nobody's gonna mess really with Silicon Valley so it's it's really sort of paying lip-service to the hip notion of being sort of post neo-marxist but III don't i think the identity politics are a bigger poison in society so our immigration system was changed dramatically in nineteen seventy do you see a tie-in between that and kind of the diversity delusion today well it could be I mean we certainly have a a third world population here that was not assimilated that you know it arrived and and got we had already chicano studies that were breeding this separatism so I think it definitely makes it more difficult you know Robert Putnam wrote a groundbreaking work that said diversity actually lessens social cohesion in communities at lessens social trust he then had to walk that back as he got so attacked by the left because he's a liberal but it's it's been borne out so I think yeah we have were now at the highest level of foreign-born population since the turn of the nineteenth the twentieth century but we're in a very different environment without the confidence in American values to demand assimilation and instead we promote separatism so I think yeah it's it's it I think it's definitely related I'd have to think about Europe I mean they're not they're still much more committed they're much less apologetic about Western civilization than we are they obviously have their Muslim problem but French schools you learn French literature and as far as I know there's not a whole lot of apologizing going on for it what German yeah they're state possibly I mean the operas have been destroyed that's for sure I mean the opera productions they are just utterly atrocious they trashed the greatest works of on the musical stage I don't know about the literature though you think that that they're not reading Hina and Kleist and Goethe I don't know could be I mean German drums ironically actually in the United States the German departments traditionally were the holdouts against French theory against deconstruction and Jacques de he'd on the 70s at Yale the Yale friend the German department was seen as like so backward because it was still reading books instead of reading theory so whether that reflects something true in Germany I don't know but yes they have a lot of they are easily manipulated they've got their own guilt source so that's true [Applause] you
Channel: Hillsdale College
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Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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