Hearthstone used to be a little different..

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This just sounds like a salt rant imo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arighzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

dude's kinda hard to listen to, honestly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShaggyStretchnuts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t agree with some of his smaller gripes but I do agree with his overarching message. I think the game needs to drastically change its direction in the need of avoiding randomness and spicing up gameplay with new modes and game types.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rhys2992 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Solem is so bad... He plays terrible decks that he builds and then cries when he misplays and loses to good decks.

Last stream he was playing odd druid and crying when losing to secret mage while playing so badly around the secrets.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dankheadiez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kudos for Solem on stating actual facts. Most oldschool HS playwrs either quit the game already kr keep lying to themselves this game is skill intensive in order to not feel like a clown when they try to "esport" their way to Blizzcon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eskamel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
the year is 2014 your queue for a game of hearthstone on turn one you summon zombie chow which came with the naxxramas adventure on tune you play another new card haunted creeper turn three master for battle and on turn four you summon a pilot to shredder the game is fun and you know what to expect when you go into a match fast over 6 years to the current year in addition to the basic keywords like taunt better crying death metal we now get all of these and they are all not as strong or important as the main thing hearthstone resolves around nowadays we're talking about this little word that was printed on more and more cards it can win you games it can lose your games and there is nothing to influence it whatsoever the word of course is random see in the past years every expansion brought new cards to the game that randomly generated other cards and make it so that half the cards you will encounter did not start in the player's deck but that does not sound too bad it's a game after all and having more random effects seems like fun well not really just imagine this scenario you play an evil cable rat which gives you 1 out of 7 random lackeys the random like you get discovers a random spell for you which in turn does something random and after getting like five random cards worth 15 mana in total both you and your opponent had no idea how you got there it's just random and that is the main thing that changed over the years on hearthstone but we had some limited rng in the beginning with cards like piloted shredder and unstable portal we know of entire games in which you will encounter more randomly generated cuts than anything else my name is solemn as apparently the arc nemesis of wolverine now and i've been playing this game for over 5 years now and today we will take a look at how hearthstone used to be and how it is right now if you have not played the game in the past few years let me give you a quick summary of everything that happened in april 2016 they introduced the white format next to the standard format while standard only allows the last year of cards to be used white gives you access to all cards making it the format with the most broken ducks we had a bunch of single player modes like dungeon run and the boomsdale app and in 2019 we get better grounds an auto battler that is more popular than all the other mods combined we got demon hunter as the 10th class that nobody likes because it's just broken and they also change the ranking system a little they introduced 5 stages from bronx to diamond with 10 ranks each before legend but the game still plays the same way your deck has your 30 cards you start the game by one mana crystal yada yada same game we might have some new hero portraits here and there but you probably remember this green hat guy his name was malfurion when you played him back then you probably tried to use cards like white growth to rent mana and finish the game by using a fun combination of force of nature and sever draw which did a minimum of 14 damage and was usually enough to get a fast win now the class plays a little different the main archetypes are token druid which can end games as early as turn three by summoning more and more minions and giving them plus one plus one there is jade druid which just uses this one mana spell to win the game as you can shuffle it into your dark the moment you're out of cards and then you summon a larger and larger green man you can play new cards like guardian animals to summon two beasts from the dark which draw you two cuts each when you attack oh and they also gain rush which is like charge but you cannot attack face the first turn or if you like combos you can do something so fun you definitely want to play it it's called line cracker druid what you do is simple you play that beefy boy target him with zombies and double the attack over and over until you feel like you want to convert that into armor then what you do is just wait because your opponent literally cannot deal enough damage to win the game and they either die to fatigue or they just leave because it's so much fun now next we got hunter hunter used to be the smog class all you did in there was you applied aggressive minions like abusive sergeant leper norman knife juggler and then you targeted the enemy's face now that is a little different mainly because all those cards i just mentioned were nerfed but also because they made something like mid-range and a control hunter archetype almost viable instead of just blocking the entire battlefield to only focus on the enemy's face you cannot target your hero power and minions in addition to that a highlander hunters saw more and more play besides arena jackson there are a couple more cards that benefit a deck build like this dragon queen alexstrasza gives you two random dragons that can just win you the game on the spot because you're random and this guy named zephyrus is quite an interesting case you can wish for the perfect cards which if you never played him just sounds confusing zephyrus takes all the public information like health of each hero mana and minions on the field into consideration and then offers you three cards on the classic and basic set for you to choose from that often leads you to either clearing the board or getting some good value hunt in all honesty is not the best class right now and that is mainly because all the things you can do while playing hunter can be done better more efficient than other classes but it can still go faze and there tons of damage but now let's take a look at the nerfed hero jaina made should be the most known class for you as it is the class we all had to play in the tutorial now back in the old days there were two different types of mages we either used frost nov and doomsayer to stall the game as a freeze mage to then drop fireball man and listen to aha over and over all you played max to summon a bunch of minions and then run face some things stayed the same something's changed the popular decks right now are secret mage which literally just plays a ton of zero cost cards and point face until you win quest mage which cheats by getting an extra turn after you summon a bunch of zero cross giants because why would you ever pay mana for things and lastly a duck that is getting some popularity called turtle mage this turtle allows you to cast a spell from your deck and when you select this potion you get the cut back to your hand but there's a woman aversion this time again why would things cost mana now all you do next is just go infinite with that until you deal enough damage to win the game you can always freeze the enemy's field have ice block up and point face but there is one last thing that mage does well and that is random pages of cards full of random effects with york sparks being your best friend here casting 10 random things randomly but let's move on to paladin which is far less random this one is going to be quite short because you're hard and you still have like two main archives of playing paladin you either covered well and use your mana each turn with mid-range paladin or you go for a clear win condition like anything can happen to murgle murder the enemy down now you get something similar but more effective to just win the game on the spot you can become a death knight and summon 4 guys on horses that literally win the game when summoned mid-range paladin also become a lot better as you now have access to librarians those cuts reduce the cost of certain cards in a dark so things like equality can be better and cost zero mana instead of four or you just get explorers hat for zero mana constantly because why would things cost mana if you're not that patient though you can also play two other decks that are often seen and fairly aggressive and those are a combination of max and handbuff which just summons dozens of stats are pretty much free or you just hear a power over and over because this dragon-like thing upgrades your hero power makes it twice as good for you for the same cost but here's a heads up if you ever played priest at any point it's still the exact same it is still the most annoying class in hearthstone so at least it stayed true to that you know of more control cards than ever and more barclays than any other class you also have more random generation through galacrunt a card that replaces your hero and adds something random to your hand the most seen priest deck in wild right now is a razer priest which was introduced in 2016 to make your hero pocket zero and become broken in 2017 when you get a hero power with shadow reaper anduin which deeds to damage and can be used again whenever you play a card that combined makes it so that he can deal lethal damage by using a zero cast hero power over and over this guy fun fact was once nerfed to make your hero power cost 1 mana but then blizzard was like why should things cause mana and then they rewarded that nerf in short priest is either controlling the bar to make people unhappy or they deal way too much damage for free rogues on the other hand had quite an interesting evolution oil rogue was a draw heavy died that resolved around making a big weapon playing auctioneer to draw a bunch of cards and use blade flurry to deal way too much damage for free well that got nerfed and became unplayable gladly rogue had all those other archetypes like playing aggressive and going face and well that is still true you can play a bunch of aggressive cards like pirates or king spain a legendary weapon that keeps all buffs and then your aim phase or you know that's actually that's pretty much it but solomon he asked didn't you just say that rogue had an interesting evolution yeah well i lied the only real viable dax for rogue are really just play aggressive and go face both in standard and wild you could try to play control rogue but that is just bad shaman though had an interesting evolution and this time i'm not lying i think this class started out to be completely unplayable i mean back then you could barely play a mid-range shaman but it was far worse than most of the classes over time though we learned that shaman is a really aggressive class and while in 2016 you played your tunnel truck into totem golem and then aimed face with crackle you know of even shaman which summons totems for one mana and then buffs them to eventually use face you can also play big shaman which as you can tell by the name is about playing big minions some of the deck names are really just straight forward you summon stuff and summon even more stuff and that stuff will be reborn over and over until you just win because your stuff is too big you can also play this one minion that got introduced and pretty much broke the game by itself it's called shadow walk this game replays all your better cries that happen this game so when you play doppler gankster to summon copies grumble to get minions back to your hand and then anything else you can also go infinite when you play this minion usually you just include a better cry like life drinker to deal damage and heal as well as some aoe and freeze effects so lock out your opponent this is really just watching animations over and over while shaman either studies something incredibly broken to be played or just summon totems and then buff them warlock is different while every class can be played in different ways like having an aggressive duck a combo duck and a control deck warlock is by far the most versatile of them all back then and even right now back in 2015 you had two different archetypes those were handlock which summon twilight drakes and giants to then taunt them up and overwhelm your opponent or you played zoo which is just you summon a bunch of locos minions also don't forget zoo was invented by reynard nowadays you can literally do anything in warlock want an otk you have markathon want to play discard cards well you just discard the right things because random ever felt like summoning a giant board full of demons just include void color wordle and maganas into your dark and you're set for that as a warlock he can do absolutely anything in the game and that is very likely just because it has the best hero power but there is one class left technically too because demon hunter exists but it didn't exist back then so we only talk about the last class warrior wallet warrior was a description for the fairly expensive control deck in the past which had a ton of legendaries he could also play patreon warrior which eventually got nerfed or you made use of pirates to aim face in 2020 warrior looks pretty much exactly like that just with better cards it's similar to rogue in that way you either play art or demonstrate warrior which is just incredibly control heavy all you use pirates or galactrond and then deal damaging of face what you could consider in your active is bomb fourier you play those cards that shuffle bombs into the enemy's stack those bombs deal 5 damage when drawn and because the entire draw is random you might just have random lethal or you don't because random and that card mechanic is pretty much what sums up hearthstone nowadays while it started out as a game that resolved around decision making and strategy it now heavily resolves around random effects how lucky can you be and how unlucky can your opponent be more more cards that were introduced than the recent sets have an effect that either generate something randomly or just have a straight up random effect or in order to actually play cards that have no random effect they have to be power creeped this happened hundreds of times to old cards and makes it so that at least 500 cards are completely unplayable like i would say like 20 25 of all cards in the entire game cannot be played because it's a better alternative that is just more efficient for the same mana cost and as it seems right now with the competitive scene moving from twitch exclusively to youtube not a single wild tournament this year from blizzard's side and the main focus is relying on battlegrounds hearthstone might just be known as the game that is like teamfight tactics but with cards i still hope that this street from froden becomes true and hearthstone is actually cemented for the next decade but so far everything outside of battlegrounds is really just declining the numbers are all going down and the only things left for me to do are playing stupid dexter fun in the game and making videos like these my name is solemn and this has been a lot more work than i expected thanks a lot for watching liking the video is free bunch of yara and subs what do you think about the game what made you stop is it the fact that you have to spend like 300 each expansion because it's way too expensive let the game become boring or still because it's pretty much the exact same thing over and over for the past five years or is it something else let me know down below maybe battlegrounds is our final destination and we all gotta end up playing auto chess let's just hope that the new game mode they talked about is going to bring some people back to the game and in case the numbers go down further i can always make pokemon videos or something like that take care
Channel: Solem
Views: 224,800
Rating: 4.8106389 out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone wild decks, best wild hearthstone, best wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone legend decks 2020, hearthstone best deck 2020, best hearthstone decks 2020, solem hearthstone, standard, solem, constructed, descent, dragons, descent of dragons, wild shaman, wild rogue, wild mage, wild warlock, ashes of outlands, demon hunter hearthstone, ashes of outland, demon hunter, wild demon hunter, scholomance academy
Id: eRQxSbVyGO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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