How many Darkmoon Faire Cards already Exist?

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we've probably all seen this picture before why because silverback patriarch is not the best minion there were a ton of different minions that have the same mana cost but a better stat line or just a better start time for less mana which then gets you thinking why exactly silverback patriarch still in the game if nobody would ever play it as there are so many better alternatives when skullman's academy was released a couple months ago i thought i should make a video about all the reprints we've seen in that expansion as they were quite a lot while it started with something simple like pen flinger and then elven archer which is like the same thing but one is better there were dozens more and so i thought let's take a look at this expansion after the reveal stream on wednesday we had access to every single card we couldn't play them in games but we could at least look at the effects the names the stats the mana cost and so i went through them one by one to see how many of those cards were actually just reprints of all the cards i have an effect that already exists in the game but now is reiterated on a different cut and i can tell you it's it's quite a couple quite a few out of all the cards we've seen in there about 70 about 70 of those are reprints that is like more than half that's a lot and i put in everything into this video so let's compare all the cards going from one mana to ten see what is a reprint see what is new and maybe there are some new effects or some interesting things that are usually in different classes but now are available for other classes my name is solemn a bunt of you aren't subs and i hope this is not going to take too long the very first thing i saw was that tom cry got reprinted as stage dive tongue crier is probably better as it is just a one-two minion what i noticed looking at most of the cards is that there are sometimes just alternatives in wild that are just better than the cards we now get new next we get warpath which has the echo mechanic we get witch's brew which reads repeatable this turn and now we also throw glace you add a temporary copy of this to your hand why not just use the word echo or repeatable this time why do we have another way of saying the exact same thing as the cuts to the left hand in the middle spectropilia is basically price plunderer but it can go face we now have revolve which is like evolve and devolve but instead of changing the cost it just changes all minions fail screen blast is basically shooting star but also has a life steal also different wording youthful boomers that's basically tenbu just voice then we have handbag warrior with stage hand which is like the handbag warrior cards we got in gadgetzan if you upgrade your sweet tooth if you corrupt it then it's basically a shadow rager mystery winner is secret plan but you also get a one one for free wrinkling horror is like a cheap version of fungal manta so this card might actually be good wicked whispers is the better version of grim rally because they don't destroy your minion and you can also have the scout mechanics elektra has the exact same as sole eclipse but it's a shaman exclusive card then the idea of snack run where you discover a spawn to restore health equal to its cost that is exactly ivory knight just without a minion we know of a couple menagerie cards with ring masters baton but it was a mag dragon a pirate while the menagerie cards we had in karazhan both a beast dragon or murloc we have the 50 version of coldlight oracle but it has plus one health and cost minus one mana we for whatever reason still have like rush synergy in warrior because that turned out well according to rastakin i guess yeah after you summon a rushman and give a plus to attack i think this card will never see play anywhere open the cages is now like competitive spirit a secret that will trigger on your own turn those should be the only two in the entire game every other secret triggers during your opponent's turn then obviously silverback patriarch is just bad but i wanted to mention that while midway maniac has plus one health and minus one mana it is basically due to the swarm but he can't choose what you transform into preparation and lunar eclipse are pretty much the same thing but you have to spend too many on one to deal three damage we have another card that reads guests the other two guessing cards are only in priest curious glimmer root and envoy of lazur now we have game master which makes the first secret you play each turn cost one which is how cards should be when they make things cost less costumed entertainer and hidden catch is the exact same thing but one gives you a 2 minute 1 2 in addition to it we now have a new version of firefly which looks delicious confection cyclone also adds 1-2 elementals to your hand but in this case two instead of just one kevon shiny finder is now a shaman card and has two two instead of three one in stats the bumper car is like a way better version of spark drill and it adds pretty much the same thing to your hand we now have back an old hammer which similar to breast knuckles buffs something after you attack but instead of buffing something in your hand which is not that good you buff something on the field so that's a little bit better then we get fedori strider which is like ticketmaster just costs plus one mana the old emerald spellstone for hunter which can summon up to four wolves is like petting zoo but petting zoo is far more aggressive and active and you don't have to upgrade that you just play it whenever shop shop copter is like magic fin but the difference is you get legendaries instead of max harragan of light is pretty much like insatiable felhound but it doesn't get the plus one plus one buff as it doesn't get corrupted then it just noticed randomly that bellringer sentry has the put a secret from your deck into the battlefield text while it's now usually a caster secret from your duck the worm which has an amazing artwork is like the cheaper version of blaze collar that being said arcanosaur is still a terrible cut should cost like three mana for the card is not good feet of strength which is like stolen goods just plus the mana gives a minion plus two plus two which fun fact never saw play but into the phrasal play as it buffs every single minute in your hand we know of another card that interacts with mana crystals and the two cards that set mana crystals are mojo master zihi and nosdomu some of us might have prayed and those prayers were heard we know of rock rager which makes the total amount of collectible rages to eight and if you also count wax rager from that one adventure we have nine ragers in total now they are all decent and very powerful but again it's magma rager but minus one mana so yeah power creep knuckles on trembling rhino are fairly similar and here's the fun fact the only other cards in the entire game that read access so like the access damages dealt to something else are mage cards and those are rolling fireball combustion and explosive runes so interesting that hunter has a card that reads access even though it's a mage specific thing so far fairground fool is literally hired gun just with an upside stand against darkness is the worst version of bay at the fair darkmoon statue is like sneaky devil or raid leader just yeah it has no attacks unless they're corrupted then it's not that bad scarlet crusade is just the worst version of darkmoon derijable now cloak of shadows is the only other card besides veliro the hollow that can give you hero stealth also the artbook is amazing i really hope it's going to look good and golden we now have a better version of hobgoblin on magic carpet and that is carnival barker as the card buffs your minions when you summon them not play them play is when you play a cut from your hand and you drag them onto the battlefield and summon as if they get summoned in any way we know of banana vendor which is like banana buffoon and king mugler combined i'm not sure why but demon hunter gets acrobatics which is arcane intellect but better and potentially a sprint for three mana so that's fun warrior has access to sword eater now which equips a 3-2 sword as a four mana card it has one more stat point than arathi weaponsmith gives you plus 1 attack on the weapon you equip and is also a pirate so you can combo it with like ship's cannon which makes arathi weapon smith even worse than he is already ring toss seems like the worst version of arcane keysmith because you have to upgrade that also wording cars instead of put into the battlefield now a renowned performer has a rush and summons two one ones with taunt guaranteed when it dies why settler's ranger for plus one mana only has plus one health and has to overkill to summon stuff that doesn't have taunt just thought i point out how bad the rust against rumble is it is such a bad expansion overkill is such a bad keyword we have knife vendor which is the same thing as shadow bomber just gets plus one damage but costs three more mana fire breather has the effect of demon wrath but for one moment you get a 4-3 demon fantastic firebird is just grog through master f for the monkey dunk tank is potentially just swipe but plus 1 damage on all enemy minions i just thought i'd point out the wording on 9 by ammo game which reads this is an elemental mag demon murloc dragon beast pirate and totem tribe all and circus amalgam just reads this has all minion types i feel like one is a little bit easier to understand but it also has taunt now we have an optimistic ogre which has really good stats for the cost instead of just bold of his dog and it has the 50 chance to attack the correct enemy instead of the wrong enemy as it usually is the curator is the same thing as wetley but you draw a b-stroke in a murloc from your dark the from your dark part is not on wedly also you draw a mac dragon and pirate that is like the new pool for menagerie malevolent strike is just better assassinate in i don't know it's just better like yeah fortune teller is like a combination of brainstorm and violet spell swat things that never saw play they're just bad so i don't think that thing is going to see play ring matron reminded me of piloted sky golem but the difference is that it has taunt and summons three twos instead of like a random forecast minion thing is though you don't play top minions that have more attack than health it's like lord of the arena just not good deck of kios is another card that swaps the cost and is the only thing that swaps the cost of attack and cost while other cards like prismatic glance and tentacle menace just swap the cost of other cards arc and jointed umbral all are very similar just 1 cos -5 mana and is half the stats mask of c'thun is a normal spell for mage but it is literally timepiece of horror which you can only get if you play a nine mana rough farm which then discovers this 10 mana spell and it's the exact same thing but it's minus three mana so maybe we can buffer a farm by a little i crafted him in golden recently because he looks pretty cool a jewel of lazard is quite similar to kanger's endless army i couldn't really find another card that just resurrects three specific minions we have like this mass resurrection spell for priests but it's not specific it's just minions that died so this is kinda similar also the wording is completely different so yeah resurrect stuff oh priest yeah we know of either of your characters i pronounce those things perfectly i can speak world of warcraft so blood of g'huun just cast shadow essence and idol of yashar raj is literally shadow essence just twice as big that being said the artwork is fantastic but i don't like big priests at all more great artwork on high xorg euro this reminds me of the laurel or euro thingy that we had like two three years ago it's pretty much just shivala but you know has taunted and looks better because girl grand final reminded me of dragon collar atlanta but elementals are a little bit better than dragons especially because you have like frost lit jenna which makes those elementals into lifestyle element notes then i wanted to look at gehun the blood god the only other cards in the entire game that change it so that you spend health instead of mana are warlock cards and those are cho'gall for the next spell blood bloom for the next spell and sea double stinger now all those cards are vlog specific and now we have a priest card with an effect that is so far only warlock specific then we have something like a new portal we have like iron forge portal for warrior moon blade portal for druid and now we have cenarian ward which is like the same thing and lastly one of the worst legendaries ever i saw is now yeah we have fizzy elemental looks like salamander from battlegrounds but it has a russian taunt so it's like living monument plus a rush and it's isol but it can actually go face to turn after and that is everything i found so far there might be a couple other cards that i've skipped i'm also just one person so if there's something else that i forgot to mention let me know in the comments down below that being said thank you very much for watching we stream on twitch probably at some point there's a link just i don't know it's in the description click it like the video sub all that stuff and take care
Channel: Solem Hearthstone
Views: 112,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone wild decks, best wild hearthstone, best wild hearthstone decks 2020, hearthstone legend decks 2020, hearthstone best deck 2020, best hearthstone decks 2020, solem hearthstone, standard, solem, constructed, descent, dragons, descent of dragons, wild shaman, wild rogue, wild mage, wild warlock, ashes of outlands, demon hunter hearthstone, ashes of outland, demon hunter, wild demon hunter, scholomance academy
Id: 0yVYPx0ISZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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