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what's up everybody how you doing hope you guys are doing well you know speaking of uh this poppy with armor there's something i want to try okay um poppy scales with armor which is pretty freaking cool the damage is what scales with armor so we'll mess around with that while we mess around this no what's doing here popster what you doing oh why hello there speaking of zz rod there's actually a build that i want to do with that that has to go crazy i'm using random game to start with falling blah blah blah blah blah blah getting ready episode started each round your items bench are randomized gotta love pandora's box dude you gotta freaking love it listen we're staying low level we're gonna make this happen bramble vest that's for you guys i think poppy will be able to become the coolest and best champion on the planet like i said we're staying low level let's buy a url because we can maybe we do yordles early we'll see what happens there's another papi thank you very much let's freaking send it to the moon and back let's see eight gold yikes okay econ not quite there one way to make the most armor in the game is gargoyle that is a great way to get a lot of armor okay i'm talking a stupid amount of armor okay probably should rock bodyguard soon digging the dub heck yeah baby dude do we dare ah it's not worth the cellar pop you don't even think about it don't even think about it all right oh that's exactly why the mind if i do hurricane no thanks econ looking groovy let's hold on to double kaitlin i actually like it quite a bit i need this bad boy to turn into an armor i'm just saying but if we have a bad social light spot things might not end so hot just saying i'll go ahead and tell you exactly what i'm talking about for now dude just keep giving us these poppies don't mind if i do bruh not the dragon's claw we're looking for we need an armor [Music] let's just scope some people out that have social light so we can figure it out oh boy oh boy oh boy if it wasn't hot i have a backup plan but i'm not sure if i'm going to like our backup plan or not huh let me think about this we'll buy all the yordles screw it we'll take them all what do we got here folks honestly since we have pandora's box let's rock with this and see what we can make dude how many poppies are they gonna poop out of here bro this is ridiculous okay here's the gargoyle i was talking about so you can't make a protector spatula but it can transform into it let me think about this okay hmm i think i might want to save save the poppy for another time guys trust me trust me trust me what i just did probably looked insane right we're going to switch it up i don't want to do the poppy we have the armor and everything dude how many are they this was the proper yordle game to bust out the poppy my goodness this is no joke we'll take some of this don't mind if i do we'll take some of this the monitor dude does garen's shield skill with ap oh my gosh he does bro we're gonna be able to make the greatest items on the planet if we can give guys so i'm gonna make a protector garen all right if we can give katarina a blue buff then she is gonna be able to give so much ap to garen which is going to make garen's percentage of his shield go crazy and he's going to have a lot of hp there's the protector emblem bro it is happening i didn't want to put in the tristana i'm an idiot protector caitlyn baby don't get much better than that we can get rid of the tristana i was afraid we were gonna die if i didn't re-roll there leveling up garen will actually help i can't believe we got our protector that fast that was nuts all right so we're looking for hp across the board all right we're gonna hook up our board garen and make him go insane alrighty speaking of going insane a few re-rolls now will go a long long way i am here i'm here there's the katarina baby oh beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful you take this not the greatest spot i'm happy we dip down it's too rare to get that to happen and whenever i get pandora's box i wanted to run this so badly just because items are so reliant on making this work insanely well let's see if we can rocked out a few more garen's up in this i'm willing to go down a little bit in gold just not much okay okay you know what two garands that's not bad not bad not bad we're looking for a blue and we're also looking for hp alrighty we shall make this work work and twerk son where do you have big guy so the whole point of this is gonna be garen we're gonna give him a lot of hp right and then garen shrugs off his crowd control effects empowering his next strike to deal 200 of his attack damage plus an additional 27 of his missing help in bonus physical damage all right that extra ap beautiful all righty oh god okay we're taking a beating right now that's fine that's fine that's fine don't need any of these bad boys we'll pass sorry brahm huh your team counts as having one additional academic your units with no items gain armor matter exists two test dummies we're going uh academia baby this is gonna be good that's like the only way he's actually gonna be able to carry because this garen literally will not die all right blue buff for you let the ap come flying on in baby do we have a oh my you dirty little rascal what were you doing over there hey it's katarina nice it sucks that son is going to be taking up two slots i don't like that whatever but pandora's box switching up the spat items makes literally so many things possible it is ridiculous all right we've played the protector cap before but i have not showed you guys something that's even cooler what do we have here hey not last pick not so bad we can also take anything i was just going to take the highest cost unit and sell it so we could um swap out the item to whatever the heck we wanted you know what i'm saying you know if we can get more academics going on that would be the dream all right we can slow roll let's find this gueron where you at big guy allow he don't care stop giving them to me okay we're chilling um huh we'll sell the graves if we have to don't care about these items not even a little bit we're looking for a war monks here a belt here okay that being said before the long rounds we're actually going to be in a pretty decent spot the fact that we don't have any healing on garen kinda sucks but whatever missing health as physical bonus damage huh this is gonna be good this is gonna be good okay let's see how this works um garen where are you at big guy we are slowly building the masterpiece of garen tarik's cool and all but i don't think he's going in this comp honestly blitz spank shore shore shore let's see level seven we're gonna be able to put in scion and then level nine would be able to put in two more academics that's a lot of levels that is a lot of levels we'll probably be chilling at seven for a hot minute not gonna lie maybe leveling up our boy uh or getting extra katarina bonuses in there that'll help out a lot we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see all we need is good items out of these bad boys come on oh okay i mean it's getting there honestly this would be really good on katarina but we're gonna pass for now two more garonnes baby that's all we need leveling up casadino or graves sounds like a good time as well i'm trying to pick up one at a time so we can sell the champion if it's not the one we want all right don't need any of these and we're getting more bouts this dude's a tier three heck yeah baby that's what i'm talking about let's front line this bad boy and see what we can do alrighty uh chalice of power good but no need let's start working on some levels and throwing in some more academics joan or uh lux is who we're looking for right now oh gosh now it'd be a pretty good time to level up katarina as well but i don't think we'll need to go crazy on her right what's gonna be going crazy is this bad boy right here this shield we're gonna make it our duty to become massive alrighty absolutely massive go gear and go oh dude the shield's already insane bro so let me read this correctly um karen shrugs off to cc yadda yadda yadda empowering his next strike to deal 200 of his attack damage and oh hello oh hello dude we gotta do it we gotta do it five protector are you kidding me plus an additional 27 of his missing health and bonus and bonus physical damage so if we have 10 000 health and we're missing 27 which is 2 700 do i do that much damage i'm confused guys help my peanut brain please please please please let's just pay attention to the damage and see if it starts going nuts go gear and go we got 887 that was a crit though i don't know if that counts i i don't know if that one counts screw it i'm selling blitz for econ all right these champs we want more of these not so much oh baby that is exactly what we needed my gosh bruh oh that's what i'm talking about another warmock's added on to the list baby i like it i like it look at this shield dude i freaking love it every time this dude slaps somebody his shield's taken up his whole entire bar i saw this on the tft red i don't know who actually did it i feel bad for not giving him credit if you guys know who i'm talking about the comments feel free but uh wow this is memetastic dude only is this possible in a freaking stupid pandora's box game what else we got hot diggity dog is it worth to joint this thing i mean if we can we might as well right get in my belly [Music] bro another spatula maybe we eat scion the heck on out of here so dude i think that's the plan i think that's the play i think that's the move baby remember we can't create a protector spatula not sure why i feel like you'd go well with hp or whatever but chemtech one of the steel spotlights so we're gonna try to make another can we put in eight academia i want to get a sign so we get two slots here so that's gonna put us at six and then bro if we get to nine we might be able to put in eight academia as well yo that is ridiculous oh my gosh this game's about to get wild we need one item from raptors that that that can happen right there's no way we don't get one item there's no way i refuse to believe that's a thing all right gain an assassin emblem and an echo what the and an echo that's hilarious let me see let me see let me see actually it's an emblem we could reforge this emblem if we wanted maybe that's what we do the random echo dude i love it all right i need i need to crunch some numbers right now do we want to keep in this assassin spatula i genuinely don't know so if we take out sign we put in two academics that's six go to level nine that's two more i think we got this so i think yes we can put in this assassin spatula but you know what i'm gonna prioritize the protector oh god maybe with how much h8 oh god okay maybe this is bad we might be too weak for this i'm gonna save this bro we need this guy to level up whatever if we can get three items here that would be the absolute dream okay the absolute dream how many items are there in this game what are the odds of actually hitting this war mogs trying to crunch some numbers right now oh one more baby one more one more one more one more no oh my god i didn't put it on fast enough it went bye-bye we got to make a decision here folks we got to make a decision in the perfect world in a perfect world we put this assassin spatula on but this the odds of this going into a warmog are low they're really low so i'm considering turning this into a warm mogs but then i won't have a spatula to turn into i'm gonna have to get rid of the assassin i don't believe this can turn into a freaking warmock i really don't no faith whatsoever so we gotta make another protector so we can eat out the scion and gain two slots right we have this under control i believe you got to keep in blitzcrank for the protector i was going to say we could put a bra instead of blitz because the whole bodyguard shenanigans what not oh boy dude we need one single item that would help so much maybe later on down the road next carousel we can we can get something groovy it's so funny i would rather have a separate item rather than anything else kind of funny kind of funny i say we rush to level nine once we can 76 gold no thanks we'll get a rid of blitz crank we'll keep the castinos oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy i think this is a decent setup so we're looking for protector here four mogs here and a belt here the spatula that that ain't moving oh my gosh no more holding back oh god getting rid of the assassin bonus was scary all right gary let's see what you got to work with your buddy bro this is a mega tank oh god that luck stay in the lab was like our only freaking hope you dude this guy slaps that's for sure hit him buddy oh my god i just crippled three thousand okay it works how we thought it worked bro that was sick of course there's a freaking warm mug bro oh my gosh there's no way we can put that on we gotta commit to the bit here free lux i guess she's gonna have a trap claw now i'm leveling up might be worth it might just be worth it all right the odds of us getting hp from this are i'm not sure i shouldn't have put it on garen dude i'm such an idiot i should have put this belt on somebody else so if we did get a warm logs off of this we could have just put that on that was my mistake or a warm wash from the carousel that's some uh pandora's box mechanics right there that we could have improved on all right we're now at six academia all we need now is a protector spatula dude that's massive bro actually massive savor the misery bro i love you want to put in tom just so this dude can spit us out an item one problem one big big problem we need a yumi and a young like now now now now now whenever we oh heck yeah bro sion i freaking do that's why we put in tom kush bro we're making the plays we need to make to get back on top that's what i'm talking about once we get our hp then we're going to make the spatula then get an assassin spatula so we can put into assassins so our boy can do what we gotta do honestly making the academia wouldn't be bad there's the freaking armor baby beautiful beautiful here's your mama as well so it's time we do this we are looking for i'm an idiot gosh darn it dude again back with me being an idiot we should just made an academic spatula that would have done us wonders um honestly i is probably the move here no no no no no no no bro now we're talking now we're talking eight academia five protector are you kidding me that's crazy that's actually crazy all right let me think what can we do with these i kind of like the ie on katarina it's going to be useless though until this turns into an assassin spatula whatever i think we send it anyways we need to give lux some items as well oh gosh bro no we can't lose we can't lose we can't lose give us something good come on another ie not not really what we're looking for you take this all right these can turn into some good stuff let's not worry about those we find this young mama maybe we ai yawn i mean it's an option it is an option dude i should have given katarina a healing item she's not meant for damage she's meant to just spam her ability to feed ability power to people in this game oh we can trade out the katarina bro that's genius oh this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad i might just need yellen to carry our booty oh i wanted that young so freaking badly bro um okay academia or assassin spatula and we're good if we get academia we can put it on and then make it carly the carrot if not i don't know dude i can't watch this bro yawn please carrie we're gonna freaking lose dude oh my god karen's holding down the front lines bro oh my god what is this stupid game we win we won yes dude holy cats fired me off what is happening do we even want a spatula i don't think so please don't take that item you fudging i think just guaranteeing damage for our boy is what we need spatula's cute now oh my god screw it lux we're taking this we can't risk her not having a good item okay john getting stronger i like that here's the akali i should be moving my blitz around a bit oh my gosh that's a good pull that's a good pull poll lux can mess up this dude give me a crib baby all right katarina's still alive ap is going wild right now if this lux stays alive we're in a pretty good spot did you see that i saw that jones doing 200 damage on his clone as well yo that's ridiculous all right academy or assassin please pandora's box please we might just need to get stronger now that being said we might just want to do this oh boy just because we have to get stronger we have to get stronger now yo and mama do your thing big guy this person trapped his camille just knocked your blood sucked dude this shield is hilarious darren i believe in you big guy i believe in you this is the best tank i've ever seen in my life bro oh keep on zapping keep on zapping we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling look at this shield bro you cannot break it oh god oh my god are you if i die from this i'm punching my monitor yumi was mid-travel therefore no oh my god the odds of recreating that bug are literally zero to a bajillion okay yumi was mid travel so she became untargetable the person she was traveling to died and um you guys understand what i'm saying right i feel like i'm talking another language just because i don't know how to explain a bug that has a one and fifty bajillion chance of actually happening she was just stuck in vulnerable more dog you gotta see this video dog is that why they call you mort dog anyways i'm down to get a renew on my giants okay maybe not actually that's not bad either that was risky that was really risky but we just did hmm rebuilding a lux might have been worth it yo speak of the devil let's put this yumi back together hey give me can you do that for me too bro if that happens again i'm gonna cry all right what are you looking for oh yumi on deck bro we're both maxed out capped out right now this is nuts all right i'm down to hook the janna we'll see what happens holy god bro this is one of the most ridiculous games of tf2 i think we've ever played jinx got the burn luck's got the damage i think we're chilling oh we're so good to go baby the hurricane helped out a crazy amount on yellow and that was slick guys the fattiest thumbs up you've ever seen i would appreciate it a lot let's shoot for 5 000 thumbs up so we got to send this to rito so they can fix whatever just went down all right my goodness we almost lost because of that bug are you serious bro 2 hp left that's ridiculous all right we'll see you guys tomorrow peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 124,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, bbiggest, shield, garen, tft
Id: 2cHRT_4qqgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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