Hearing Him is Healing - Barry Bennett @ HIH 2023: Session 4

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you hear me yeah all right I was having such a good time and then I remembered I'm speaking hello man but man that can the presence of God is here it's uh what a what a precious time this is and for all of us to come together and to have the same Focus uh we're going to see we have seen and we will continue to see lives touched bodies healed it's praise God this is really really great amen I uh I'm trying to think what I want to do first here I'll just get this out of the way I want to give away my book he healed them all how many have read this okay is it any good I uh I read this when I was sick with cancer and I thought it's a pretty good book so if we can give this to someone that uh got all kinds of hands out there it's available out in The Concourse amen how many of you uh like to go to the ocean the beach you like the sound of water or if you're not close to a beach you like the sound of a running creek or a river or a fountain or some kind of a water thing in your yard or someone's yard we like the sound of water and I've thought about that for a long time and I I came across a vert I came across several verses actually but uh one of them I'll read to you Ezekiel 43 2. Ezekiel 43 2. says and behold the glory of the glory of the god of Israel came from the way of the East his voice was like the sound of many Waters and the Earth Shone with his glory and I thought about that and I thought that's why we like water that's why we like the sound of of moving water of Rushing Water of waves it's the sound it's it imitates or is similar to the sound of God's voice and that made sense to me and then I came across another verse in Matthew 13 1 and it says on the same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea and I thought he did it too in his time now people gathered around him immediately to be taught but he wanted to sit by the Sea he he's there's something about the voice of God and that's what I want to talk with you tonight about is the voice of God and I feel rather overwhelmed uh tonight I remember a time in Chile when I had a meeting and one person came a lady in her 80s and I went ahead and preached to her as if the room was full and this is better amen but I just feel such a responsibility to represent I mean I have things in my heart and I want them to come out to bless you and I want us to hear the voice of God everyone in this room needs to be in tune with God's voice that is what is going to change your life whether it's a physical change that you need or a mental emotional relational whatever it is we all need to hear God's voice and that does not need to be or should not be if infrequent thing that should be daily it should be daily didn't Jesus say in Matthew 4 4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God he's comparing hearing God to eating how many of you eat uh several times a day we won't count but he's comparing hearing God to the frequency of eating we should be so in tune with the spirit of God that that we we are walking in a we could say Supernatural life the voice of God is the power of God when he speaks things happen creation came into being by the voice of God everything is being sustained by the word of God anything that that he speaks over he calls things that are not as though they were whenever God speaks something happens and God has given us the privilege of being able to speak his word as if we were him whoever says to this mountain whoever says to this cancer whoever says to this issue be removed and be cast into the sea you have the privilege of not only hearing but of being the replicator of that voice and of speaking the word of God and bringing change this this is powerful the word of God in our mouths has the same potential as the word of God in Jesus mouth but we got to be hearing it first amen we've got to be in tune with God how many remember radios there are some folks here for my generation radios you know cords plugged into the wall knobs dials and what have you you remember if you're trying to hear a game or a certain station or something you have to tune it and some of them you just oh you just between here and here you know the signal changes we have so many voices in the world today it's mind-boggling the the technology that we have and the ability we have to hear anything at any time from anywhere and part of it I like because we have for example all of our all of our live Bible studies we have our conferences everything is available to you guys 24 7 around the world I mean that's cool but other things are also available that aren't so cool and there is a competition for your ear there is a tremendous competition for your ear and I'm not talking about the ears on the side of your head only I'm talking about the ears of your heart there is a a competition to we could go back to the Garden of Eden the competition began immediately with the serpent as God said a new voice came into the scene they only had heard God's voice and then a new voice showed up a new voice is what we're all dealing with we're all dealing with the voices that are of the world we're all dealing with the information that's coming we're dealing with the news we're dealing with politics we're dealing with all of these kinds of things and in the midst of that your only answer is to hear God but can you will you take the time to hear God is this are we tracking together here okay so it says I want to go to Elijah for a second here I haven't started yet but I will Elijah when we'll go into the whole story but he went up on Mount Horeb which as I understand was probably Mount Sinai it had two names and he hid in a cave he was running from uh the queen that was out to get him and the Lord spoke to him in First Kings 19 I'm going to read 11 and 12 and it says he said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and be behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke the rocks and pieces before the Lord but the Lord was not in the Wind and after the wind an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire but the Lord was not in the fire how many of you have heard people say every tragedy every disaster every that God must have done that and God's not in those things he's not in disasters he's not into tragedies it says [Music] but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire is still a small voice and this is very significant for me I want to share a little bit of my story that three years ago in May of 2020 right as covid was breaking forth in all of this I uh I preached here at campus days we were live streaming campus days on May 14th I was preaching here I noticed that morning when I got up that I was turning yellow so not a big deal I don't pay attention you know so I came here and I preached I wasn't feeling great hadn't been feeling very well for a while and my son Daniel he said dad you don't look good you look yellow and I just I don't know I just keep going and I had a blood test earlier that week because of some symptoms and I thought well I probably should get checked out this has been going on too long and then the the next day after having preached here I get a phone call from the doctor's office they say Barry stop what you're doing get to the emergency room right now and I said why what's up and I said well your numbers are off the chart and I don't know what that means but sounded like a good deal you know your numbers are still on the chart mine were off the chart amen so I go to the emergency room and we go through this whole long thing but eventually what happens is the the admitting doctor walks in he looks at all my results a scan and X-ray and what have you and he looks at he said Mr Bernard I don't know if you're a man that likes to make plans but you need to make some you need to get your Affairs in order and I thought what and I was completely I can't even explain to you how disoriented I was I how shocked I was I said I was just preaching yesterday and now you're telling me I'm going to die he says if you hadn't come in today you would have been dead by Monday and what what turns out is that I had a giant tumor on my pancreas as I later found out the size of a softball I didn't know there was room in there for that but anyway uh it had shut down my pancreas and my liver both had stopped working and I was being poisoned to death with bile that was problem number one and then as time went on we found out that I had non-hodgkin lymphoma all of that is being relayed to me over over time but the the immediate get your Affairs in order was the first thing that that was told to me and I was completely dumbfounded but I didn't freak out and as I look back on this now I realize I didn't freak out because I have been in the habit of hearing God my whole Christian Life I have a book out there called hearing God where I go through some of those events in my life I had a foundation to where I could have reacted from my emotions I could have reacted from you know freaking out I could but I reacted from my spirit I mean I didn't shift in bed I didn't sit up I didn't scream I didn't I just stayed still in the bed and this the still Small Voice spoke to me I can't I don't it wasn't audible it was a quickening it was a more I think more accurately it was annoying I knew and what I knew that was quick into my spirit is Barry you will not die from this that saved my life being able to hear it wasn't the doctor's distracting distraction we could say it wasn't the earthquake it wasn't the fire it wasn't the wind it wasn't the doctor I heard God hearing God save my life now I have several stories no I had to go through a year of stuff it wasn't what I would have preferred maybe I'll talk about that more in a minute but I've had other instances my son my firstborn was declared dead in the womb 45 years ago with sonogram proof and no heartbeat in the whole thing and I was shown all of this information and the the doctor's words were the fetus is dead and that voice came to me now it wasn't still in small this time it was a little bit stronger it was no but it came from the spirit of God no the fetus is Now 44 years old he's doing well amen [Music] about 15 years ago bear with me while I tell a few stories because I'm going to get back into into the word here but I just want you to to understand where I'm coming from about 15 years ago I was working here actually at Elkton and it's in the springs I was working in the phone center at the time and I started having kidney stone issues anyone anyway you don't want that but uh uh and it was going on for months and months and I would have periods of freedom and then I would have periods of incredible agony and finally after nine months one one weekend I mean it just wouldn't go away I was going through like two days of agony and uh finally I told Medicaid either shoot me or take me to the emergency room I can't I was hoping for the shooting part but anyway uh my wife thought she took me to the emergency room and I walked in to the like this and the policeman said have you been shot I wish but uh anyway I got in the emergency room they immediately rushed me in they said there's all these people waiting in the waiting room they rushed me in and uh I said why did you take me in front of all these people and the nurse says we don't want you to scare everybody so so they they scanned me they do x-ray me I don't know what all they do and they come back and they say Mr minutes you have a kidney stone that is so large it will never pass without an intervention and by then they had I said do you do you want painkillers and I said yeah before industrial strength give me all you got so so I'm I'm and they said this is what we have to do to get this Stone out and when he described it all you medical people the spirit of the Lord rose up inside of me and another no came out and I'm not making this up I said unhook me Unplug Me undo me whatever I'm leaving and they said this you're you can't pass this I said watch me uh two days later it passed with no pain no pain [Applause] [Music] because the spirit of God quickened me now sometimes you got to hear the devil before you the spirit of God gets it quick and then about five or six years ago I had something growing in my ear and that's not good so I went and finally after time had it checked out and they did a biopsy and comes back cancerous and so uh he says you're going to have to have an operation the operation is going to be significant enough that you're going to need plastic surgery and I thought well will I look like Elvis no [Applause] so anyway they he said plastic surgery and the spirit of God rose up inside of me and said no I heard something from the spirit and said no and so I went home and I told my wife and and she said what are you going to do I said I'm not going to do it and then two weeks later I get a certified letter in the mail you must have this surgery you must have plastic surgery you must you must you must that's probably legal stuff for them and I just tore it up I said I'm not doing this I am not doing this and it took a year now Andrews took six or seven I beat you mine took a year it took a year but it's perfectly healed because I heard God I heard god with the cancer I would not die now I wish I had heard get up and walk home go home and you're healed I wish I would have loved to have heard that I didn't hear that I went through 11 chemos and I went through a car T cell transplant and people wrote me and were disappointed in me and uh don't you feel guilty about taking chemo and all this and no I feel pretty good right now actually I'm here amen and so uh I I've been what my point in all of this and sharing all of this is that I've been in these situations in which I could have only had my soul to live from only my emotions I could have only done what the voices of the world were saying I could have gone that route and I would not be here but because I can hear God because I have conditioned or I have lived in the spirit long enough to notice the nuances of the spirit to be aware of these things and I'm not saying I do it perfectly and there are times when I've no doubt have missed it but I've hit it enough to still be here you in this room are one word of God away from your answer whatever it might be it might be a word that brings an instant Harvest or it might be a word that begins the growth of the Harvest but you're one word away and everyone during this week you need to be thinking and be sensitive about what is God speaking to me what is what has left in my heart what is come alive inside of me what am I what do I want to write down and not forget thus God speaking to you if I were to ask you right now how many of you believe in watermelons okay two or three okay how many of you have water was growing in your backyard right now okay we got a few okay but very few why don't the rest of you didn't you just tell me you believe in watermelons why don't you have watermelons growing in your yard you haven't sowed a seed nothing has been sown in the ground to bring forth a watermelon you can believe in healing all day long but if nothing's been sown in your heart and so many people are frustrated I believe in healing I believe in healing I believe in healing I believe I believe I believe I believe and nothing has been sown in your heart you haven't heard anything nothing has been quickened to you thus nothing is growing the soil isn't sensitive to the seed there's no seed and what's happening here this week is that you're having an opportunity now this may be common for you you may be hearing God all the time praise God or you may this may be completely new for you but I am telling you from experience you're only one word of God away from your victory but can your heart hear it can your heart hear what God is saying go with me if you will to Matthew 13 15. Matthew 13 15. Jesus is speaking of this very subject he says for the hearts of this people have grown dull their ears he's not talking about the ears on the side of their head he's talking about the ears of their heart of their Spirit man their ears are hard of hearing their eyes they have clothes spiritual eyes lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears unless they should understand with their hearts and turn so that I should heal them what Jesus is saying is the problem here isn't the will of God and in our case this is now that was pre-cross we're post-cross the healing has been accomplished so that's not the issue the issue is are you hearing anything are you seeing anything is your heart alive to anything when's the last time you know you heard from God and for some of us may be a long time I expect to hear from God every day and again it's not that I'm sure I've missed it no doubt but I'm way down the road in this and this is what has saved my life and when they say get your Affairs in order what are you going to do and I get letters from people and they are spazzing out I don't know what to do well I immediately don't I'm not judging I'm not judging but I immediately know there's no spiritual Foundation there nothing's been being planted nothing's growing so when something is comes comes against you you have nowhere to go there's no Harvest there that is ready those nose that I had know that was just a spiritual as you will not die from this and it was actually better I wish I'd had that no this other time so I missed it somewhere perhaps but it doesn't matter I have conditioned my heart I've spent enough time with God and I'm going to give you hope here if you haven't spent time with God just hold on but for those of you that are here that are calling yourself Believers as was it Greg today that said this what should you be doing believing this is a daily thing amen we should be believing God continually we should be hearing God continually you should be so hungry for God that this is what you value more than anything else and yet the distractions what chokes the word the cares of this world choked the word the doctor's voice chokes the word if he tells you you're going to die what are you going to do well if the word has been choked you don't have any other resources amen we need to be sensitive to the things of God Jesus just said we just read it eyes closed ears dull heart dull I would heal them will post-cross he's he's already healed all of us I mean healing is a done deal but we're not sensitive enough because we're listening to too many other things and we could make a list of everything that's going on competing for your attention basically they're all the snake as God said I find it interesting in Ephesians 6 it talks about quenching all the fiery darts of Satan with the shield of Faith King James new King James fiery darts some of the newer translations talk about flaming arrows the Amplified classic says flaming missiles thinking good grief and I was doing okay with darts but now I've got to look out for missiles but we have these competing voices that are trying to steal your peace steal your faith steal your joy kill you if the devil Could Just Kill You he'd kill you but he's got to do it with words and if you're willing to listen you're on the road to death who are you listening to amen what is what is your heart sensitive to what do you value what are you hungry for these are questions I ask myself all the time I want to make sure I don't get off the road because I want to be sensitive to the things of God because you never know when you're going to hear those words get your Affairs in order I didn't I was not expecting that I thought maybe I had a ulcer I didn't know what was going on which is that was bad enough I was dealing with that in my head ulcer good grief no it's not that you're going to die okay that's different but I was able to hear God the voice of God is the answer to human problems everything depends upon what we hear in Luke 5 15 it says in great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities I think it was Andrew talking about this yesterday how many people come to us and have come to me I know have come to all of us that Minister and all they want to do is talk and again no judgment but a wake-up call you don't go to Jesus to talk and be healed you go to hear and be healed don't you don't have to tell him how bad it is I've had people come to me with with pictures of their post-surgical scars I don't want to see that telling me every detail every word every every prescription every I don't need to know any of that just tell me you don't feel well let's let's agree together I don't need the details why do you need the details I need the details of of what Jesus accomplished on the cross those are the details I need amen what you hear can kill you or it can heal you what are you hearing well the doctor but Barry you don't know I do understand I've been there I understand perfectly I understand what it means when they tell you you're going to die that you were two days away from Death to have to immediately save your life I had to drill a hole through my side and put a tube in and a bag to drain the bile those are the worst 10 days of my life I know what this is I I lost 30 pounds I was in a wheelchair going to my appointments I'm thinking this is not me what happened I was not prepared for this I was not thinking about this but it it happened there it was now what am I going to do you need to hear from God through all of that and I went through a bunch of stuff through all of that I had peace I had emotions I was up and down I was cranky I was grumpy I was under drug influence of drugs that changed my moods and what have you I went through a lot of things physically I went through stuff but my spirit was solid as a rock because I had heard God and I continued to hear God throughout the ordeal and I continued to get comfort from God and consolation from God and I wish I'd gotten the word that said get up you're healed I didn't get that one maybe that's my fault nonetheless I don't feel bad about it uh so many people have come to me and said thank you for sharing your your story it gives me hope well if it does that amen you don't have to die you don't have to live with whatever you're living with what you have to do is hear God now I want to go to Acts 14. acts 14. and for those of you that you're thinking oh I've never done this I'm in trouble okay let me let me pull you out of trouble right now okay let's go to acts 14. Paul is preaching his first missionary journey he's traveling the region and he ends up in lystra and it says in verse 7 acts 14 7 and they were preaching the gospel there okay I want to highlight that I'm going to come back to that they're preaching the gospel there and in lystra a certain Man Without strength in his feet was sitting a from his mother's womb so let's this isn't even a sickness this is a birth defect people wonder well can God do that yep all right who had never walked this man heard Paul speaking Paul later says and I forget if it's first Thessalonians I think it's first Thessalonians that when you receive the Gospel that you heard from us you received it not as the word of men but as the word of God which effectually works in you who believe he's preaching this gospel and this man heard the gospel now we don't even know if he heard a healing message probably not he heard the gospel message which includes healing but specifically being mentioned healing it's not there he heard the gospel how many of you how many of you have heard the gospel I'll get back to the story here but the gospel is the power of God into salvation and that word salvation is the Greek word soteria which includes physical health healing Deliverance everything you need the gospel is the power of God unto salvation the gospel will set you free from addictions the gospel will set you free from Twisted Lifestyles the gospel will renew your mind to Truth The Gospel will set you free praise God he was hearing Paul preach the gospel and it says and Paul or observing him intently and seeing he had Faith to be healed where did healing come from where did that didn't even get mentioned And yet when he heard the gospel what's the gospel the gospel is the power of the cross to deliver you from the powers of Darkness of Corruption of wasps of perversion of sickness of all of the of the stuff that goes on in the world the gospel why do people reject the gospel they're rejecting life they're rejecting the way out of this Dark World the gospel is the power of God and he's listening to this word of the Gospel that's coming from a man with the man's accent with the man's intellectual abilities but is still the word of God that works effectually in you who believe and this man is sitting there laying from his mother's womb has never heard the gospel didn't have it on his calendar get healed today he was not thinking healing he was probably thinking begging he's probably in his spot this is probably a busy area that's why Paul stopped there and yet he hears the gospel he's never heard God before but he's hearing Paul preach he's hearing God if I could be so bold you're hearing God [Music] you're hearing the word of God that will set you free and this man having never heard this to our knowledge it says and Paul looking at him intently seeing he had Faith to be healed oh that's awesome Paul could discern this he could see it something in the guy's countenance had changed he had heard the gospel that sets people free that gives them eternal life that heals their bodies he heard the gospel and when he heard the gospel Faith came alive though he had probably never heard anything before never heard God before was not part of what I've been talking about in the first part of this message that Christians need to hear God but this guy wasn't a Christian but now he has Faith to be healed it's that simple it's that simple so I've qualified everybody I hope if you're a Believer you need to hear God if you're a non-believer you can hear God and you can be healed and you can be healed tonight or the watermelon can start growing because a seed has been planted amen and so he leaped and walked because he heard the gospel praise God the power of sin and sickness has been destroyed by the gospel when the power of sin was destroyed we'll call that the root if the root has been destroyed the fruit sickness has no Authority it's lost it's Authority the only thing that gives it Authority is US listening to the doctors telling us that the sickness has Authority legally spiritually speaking legally sickness in a Believer has no Authority it only has place if you allow it to have place every believer I don't care if you were born again three seconds ago you have authority over the over sickness now if you don't know it or if you don't believe it or if you're dealing with guilt and condemnation and all this stuff you're going to struggle but you have the authority to rebuke sickness didn't you say whosoever he didn't say whosoever has graduated from Karis or whosoever has graduated from Rhema or whosoever has been a Christian for 65 years whosoever shall say to this mountain be removed be cast into the sea and shall not doubt on this heart he shall have whatever he says that I'm a whosoever we got any whosoevers in here [Applause] but what's going to give you the the initiative to do that what gave me the initiative to say no when they said the fetus is dead no what gave me the initiative to say no when it they said we got to do surgery on your ear what gave me the initiative to say no this kidney stone will not pass I'm out of here Chuck please and they they gave me a check or I gave them one anyway uh but what what produced the initiative hearing God being in communion with him not on Sundays only but seven days a week all the time walking and talking with you know what your number one call in life is we always talk about purpose and not that kind of thing put up First Corinthians 1 9. First Corinthians 1 9. if you would I can't see that God is faithful by whom you are called into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ Our Lord that's your number one calling if you would get caught if you would obey the call into Fellowship all the other things in your life would would pan out Fellowship is your number one call I just don't know what I'm my purpose is fellowship with Jesus but what about the fellowship with Jesus the more you fellowship with Jesus the more you're hearing him the other parts of your life are going to just work but if you're not in here if you're not hearing God the rest of your life is going to be a disaster this man was sitting there not planning to get healed he didn't go to a healing meeting the meeting came to him he's just sitting there and Paul preaches and and it appears to me not healing he preached the gospel what did Jesus say to the man the paralytic that was let down through the roof first thing he said was what son your sins are forgiven why is that significant because if that part's been dealt with take up your palate and go home if you deal with the root you've dealt with the fruit if you've uprooted the power of sin if you've forgiven sin then sickness it's like dominoes you knock over the first one the rest go amen how many of you are forgiven now don't raise your hands but how many of you are still dealing with guilt and condemnation that's the problem because if you really knew God you would not be dealing with guilt and condemnation you could be walking in Freedom and from a place of Freedom Faith flows that's why when people say I just can't believe you went to the doctor and I can't believe that I don't care what you can't believe I'm free I'm free from your opinion I'm free to walk with God I'm free to mess up and I'm free to do it right and I'm free to get healed one way or the other I'm free because I believe the gospel that God has for me not against me God wasn't ringing his hands oh I sure hope he doesn't do chemo I sure hope he doesn't no God is for me he loves me even if I do chemo [Applause] I had to get over that I had Christian friends not friends enemies Christian enemies write me [Applause] all upset with me they're not in the hospital bed I didn't see them in there all right I had to make some decisions I have a family that is wanting some decisions made I have other things to think about but I had peace because I heard God the voice of God is like the sound of many Waters that just blesses my heart and when you hear the voice of God all of the fears disappear all of the frustration disappears ladies well let me let me move on I'll get you ladies in a minute I want to talk about conception I'm getting to you pretty quicker I'll talk about conception Proverbs four I know Andrew mentioned this yesterday and I'm sure it'll be mentioned more as we go through the conference and that's okay that's good proverbs 4 20-22 it says my son give attention to my words I mean this is this is what we need to do it's just simple we got Jesus saying the problem is you're not listening you're not seeing and and here years before Solomon is writing the antidote my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings and climb your ear doesn't mean lean across the table and make sure you hear me incline your heart to my sayings the ears of your heart listen to my word turn off the TV turn off the distractions the other voices the Flaming missiles turn it off do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart if there's no seed there's no Harvest but if you keep it in the midst of your heart your heart is the soil but nothing will grow if nothing has been planted keep them in the midst of your heart for their life to those who find them and health to all their flesh this is this is where I live now I've taken on a new uh lifestyle I thought my lifestyle was okay and it wasn't bad but I've just seen something new that if I want to walk in health I'm going to have to walk with the health Giver I'm going to have to be in communion I'm going to have to be hearing him I'm going to have to Value his voice above the voice of doctors and bankers and lawyers and politicians and TV stars and all of this I have to Value his voice that has to be number one and it's not a burden for me it's exciting because who knows what what God can Quicken to you each day versus jump off the page all these live Bible studies that I do these all especially since I've been back from uh from this this year-long battle this is all fresh stuff that I'm just getting or it's old stuff that's been refreshened whatever but it's fresh because I'm hearing from God all the time amen this this is how I live well what is that word doing in me what did I what did we just read what is the word doing in you it's health to your flesh I feel better than I've ever felt it it's it's hard to explain but when the spirit of God touches you and you're hearing from God you begin to want to hear more you begin to get addicted and I have a testimony of 50 years of this but the last two years three years have been awesome and I'm happier than I've ever been I'm better looking than I've ever been That's My Confession I I am I am stronger maybe not in the muscle area I'm working on that still but but I'm stronger in my inner man yeah than I've ever been why because it saved my life and now I value it more than ever there was a foundation that had been laid so that when he said get your Affairs in order I didn't say oh my God I'm going to die I waited and I heard God I didn't even shift in bed I just quietly waited until the Lord said you will not die from this okay I'm good to go now it wasn't fun but I made it I made it Psalm 107 20. [Applause] Psalm 107 20 says he sent his word and healed them oh man he sent his word and healed him and delivered them from their destructions what is going to heal you the word of God it's either going to be a miracle Harvest sea time Harvest or it's going to be seed time Harvest or it's going to be seed time and harvest but it's going to have something to do with the seed you can't get away from that you're going to have to have the word so now now for those of you that are saying oh I'm out of this no the man at lystra heard it that day and got healed it was tea time Harvest okay those are the best but in the meantime keep sowing the word into your heart and turn off the Flaming missiles don't listen to those other voices in jail I was driving one day while I'm driving every day but uh one of the days I was driving I thought about this verse James 1 15. James 1 15 says then when desire is has conceived or lust in the King James when desire or lust has conceived it gives birth to sin when something is conceived there's a birth that follows and sin when it is full grown reaches 18. [Applause] brings forth death and the Lord spoke to me the Lord spoke to me I heard this it Barry if you can conceive sin and death you can conceive healing and health and that seems maybe mundane to some of you but it was a moment for me I can conceive my healing and what how do I conceive how do you conceive let's not get too graphic here but it takes some intimacy yeah but the conception is quiet you don't always know when it happens but ladies when you find out it has happened what happens your whole world changes you have a new vision you're seeing all new things that need to be done you're preparing why because something that hasn't shown up yet has been conceived you can conceive healing it hasn't shown up yet but you know that you know it's coming you know it's growing you know it's in the soil of your heart you know the seed has been planted there's been a conception there's been a fertilization something is taking place and and people say but I just don't know why it's taking so long who cares [Applause] keep watering keep blessing keep expecting keep preparing that's one of the things I did while I was in bed for a year is I I've shared this many times but I got on Amazon because I have a vision for the future because I know I'm going to be well so the future is still mine therefore I'm going to buy stuff I can't use till I'm Healed [Applause] and I went on Amazon praise the Lord for Amazon and I bought stuff I couldn't use until I was healed now looking back probably I was under the influence of drugs [Applause] for some of that but it served its purpose I brought things for the future because something had been conceived I'm gonna have a baby called healing I better get ready but you can't do that unless something has hit the heart and been conceived the word has got to come alive to you is this making sense his voice is your answer his voice is your healing his word is your health but it has to hit the heart and be conceived there has to be a birth take place a conception take place so that the birth of your health can happen and it may happen tonight it may happen next week it may happen in a year but it will happen if you know there's been a conception you'll take care of it you'll water it you'll you'll you'll put more word into you you'll pray in the spirit you'll know you know that you know you don't keep going around saying why do you think it's taking so long I don't know why do you think it's taking you don't you quit talking like that and you say I know what is faith faith is the evidence of things not seen well quit asking those dumb questions and start believing God if there's been a conception if there hasn't been get with God your number one call is fellowship with the son do that here's him let the word of God come alive in your life how do you know that you've conceived your healing what comes by hearing faith what does faith create vision you know you have something conceived when you have a vision for the future you know if healing is at work in you when you can start seeing yourself I started planning vacation I planned Christmas I planned this I plan I started seeing these things happening I saw myself doing live Bible studies they started that during covert when I couldn't do it and I was so jealous in a Godly way that I want to do that that's that's what brought up my in my ballpark sharing the word of God I began to see myself doing that I began to see things why because faith had come alive in my heart which produced Vision I'm expecting a baby I'm expecting health and healing I will walk in this I will be on this platform again I will take my wife on vacation I will have a blowout Christmas I will why because there's been a conception I will not believe the doctor saying the fetus is dead I will not believe I need surgery in my ear I will because why not because I'm just presumptuous I heard God this is this is so powerful so so important in this room right now the spirit of God is here some of you have heard him through me some of you have heard him in spite of me praise God some of you are still wondering what I'm talking about but we have several more days be expectant expect to hear from God let there be I'd like to see lots of conceptions taking place if you know what I mean all right we need to be having things conceived in our hearts and some of them will be quick ones some of them will perhaps be a process but you know that you know that you know you're already making plans for it praise God let's just stand up I want to minister with you for a minute [Applause] Hallelujah oh Father first we just honor you we thank you for this incredible place to be we thank you Father for this worship that we've been able to be a part of we thank you for this environment of believing Hearts we thank you that we're two or three are gathered or two or three thousand you are in the midst you are here right now your word is alive it just got preached your word is alive in the Bible your word is was alive this morning the messages of this morning your word is here your word is alive father our hearts we declare them to be open and sensitive to the word of God we are not Dull of hearing our eyes are not closed we are conceiving your healing for our bodies now in the name of Jesus we are seeing the future not with limitations but free we are seeing the future healed we are seeing the future full of joy full of peace that we can share a testimony with others how good you are whether it takes medical intervention or not MediCal intervention that's not the question the question is do you see it has it been conceived can you believe it will you prepare for it father I speak over every heart in this room a quickening of the Holy Spirit that every heart would be sensitive to your spirit right now to hear you even if it's a very still small voice that they would hear you and father I speak to everybody in this room every physical body whatever has come against our bodies together corporately we take authority in the name of Jesus and rebuke the work of the enemy Satan take your hands off sickness you were defeated at the cross you have no Authority we command you to leave in the name of Jesus I speak especially to cancer that demonic thing I curse you cancer in the name of Jesus in whatever form you have taken be gone in Jesus name as I speak let things be conceived in you let it be conceived if it applies to you take it I speak to failing kidneys be healed in the name of Jesus be delivered be cleansed in the name of Jesus I speak to mental issues dementia Alzheimer's no no in the name of Jesus some of you need to learn how to say no [Applause] I speak to heart disease be healed be transformed in the name of Jesus the gospel has set us free from the power of sin and sickness we'll take them both praise God thank you Father I speak to arthritis be gone dissolve in Jesus name joins be reshaped in the name of Jesus columns spinal cords be healed in the name of Jesus discs be healed in the name of Jesus eyes be opened in the name of Jesus ears be opened in the name of Jesus praise God praise the Lord lungs be opened all of the lung issues that are now so popular on TV we rebuke that in Jesus name we're not listening to that anymore you have got to protect yourself from those words father we declare we are going to protect ourselves with the shield of Faith from all the darts arrows missiles all the negative words that are coming against us we rebuke that we are taking possession of your temple our body and we are declaring health and healing Deliverance freedom in the name of Jesus Hallelujah hallelujah praise God everybody just give God some praise Hallelujah [Applause] thank you Father praise God father we give you we give you all the praise and glory Hallelujah you deserve all the glory in Jesus name we are speaking life now no death we rebuke the spirit of death we speak life now healing now Deliverance now in the name of Jesus we give you all the praise in Jesus name amen and amen praise God [Applause] thank you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 161,697
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Id: JK1qK2Wo0M0
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Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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