The Power Is in the Word - Barry Bennett - CDLBS for June 21, 2022

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[Music] welcome to charis daily live bible study join believers from around the globe to study the bible with andrew womack and instructors from keras bible college [Music] hello and good evening my name is julianne harris and i want to welcome you to kara's daily live bible study we're so glad that you've tuned in this evening and so let me get right into the announcement so then we can dive into the word with barry bennett so my announcements are usually the same they're just a little bit longer on tuesday evenings so first of all we want you to interact with us how can you interact with us well i'm glad you asked so as you are listening to barry share this evening you are going to have questions that enter into your mind we want you to type those out in the chat section of whatever form you are watching so put those questions in there and then the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program we're going to get to as many of your questions as we possibly can in order for you to interact with us you need to know when we're live so we do these bible studies five days a week on mondays and fridays we have it at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 p.m and wednesday morning is at 7 a.m that is all mountain time so calculate that out tune in while we're live so that you can interact with us so tuesday night however is like the mother of all bible studies because that's what it started it was just once a week on tuesday evening was the bible study until we started doing it five days a week obviously so on tuesday night it's super special there's a couple of reasons why it's special we have the bible study notes that are available to you meaning if you sign up to get the bible study notes say for instance tonight then next week monday morning you will receive the bible study notes um in an email so you just have to sign up for it so you go to slash study you put your information in there and then you are signed up and when you sign up for the first time guess what you are entered into a drawing for a free uh product and so last week we gave away don't limit god by andrew it's an autographed copy by andrew and the winner of that was vanessa ray so vanessa they will be contacting you and getting that book out to you this week we are giving away effortless change you guys this is a message that is absolutely profound it is this is the christian life when you depend on the holy spirit when you depend on righteousness in your life it is effortless change that's what that's what i experienced after coming to karis bible college also we have lots of events coming up so let me just cover those real quick we have one of the most patriotic amazing live theatrical performances musicals coming up and that is july 3rd and the 4th and that is in god we trust i just want to make sure that you know that if you want more information on any of these events that i'm going to mention go to slash events so on the third and the fourth we have in god we trust and then we have summer family bible conference y'all and that will be from the 5th until the 8th and then actually on saturday after summer family bible conference we are having an open house for our saturday hybrid school here at keras bible college so we have a whole bunch of stuff coming up um you know summer family bible conference is for the entire family so it's amazing you get ministered to your children get ministered to please check that out also one of the other large events that we have during the summer is healing is here it's absolutely powerful that will be august 9th through the 12th and so we want to make sure that you register for these events so that we can plan um on your arrival so go to events a couple more things we have uh uh that is 24 hours a day seven days a week of andrew and friends we would love for you to check that out and don't forget that you can be a part of all of these live streams of all the content coming out of this ministry and all the lives being changed you can be a part of it by becoming a partner so i would encourage you to consider doing that you can there's a few ways you can either become a partner or just give so you can go to slash give or you can give us a call at 719-635-1111 and last but not least we have prayer ministers available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week so no matter what time you are watching this bible study if you are going through something if you want direction into the word if you want some supplemental teaching you know andrew has over 200 000 hours of free teaching that's just the free stuff on the website the prayer ministers can direct you towards that and so if you're going through something please give them a call at 719-635-1111 and i believe those are all my announcements for this evening so now i get to introduce our minister guest minister tonight who is uh barry bennett he's amazing he was my favorite instructor once i came to bible school his uh official title is senior instructor is that correct okay yay it hasn't changed you know we've been going through a lot of changes uh organizationally and so uh some people's job titles change and i don't know so i always try to check before but i forgot so barry we are so glad you're here i'm happy to be here praise god and we are ready for what you're bringing us today great i'm looking forward to it and uh i had to come up with a title for this so i came up with the title the power is in the word and as i developed it i began to realize this is sort of like uh hear and be healed which i did a couple of weeks ago uh part two so a good a good bible study to listen to would be here and be healed from a couple of weeks ago and this would be kind of like a follow-up to it i'm going to call it the power is in the word and so let's jump right in let's go to luke 5 17 luke 5 17 and it says now it happened on a certain day as he was teaching as jesus was teaching that there were pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by who had come out of every town of galilee judea and jerusalem and the power of the lord was present to heal them now as i was meditating on this thinking about this i thought why does it say that why does it he was teaching and it says and the power of the lord was present to heal them and yet who who are them the pharisees teachers of the law that had come from all the surrounding region are sitting there and the power of the lord is present to heal them and yet it doesn't go on to say and they got healed in fact this group began to argue with jesus about healing and about forgiveness when some people took the roof off and lowered a paralytic man down on a cot into the into the middle of the bible study and he said son your sins are forgiven and then these same pharisees and teachers of the law got all upset got indignant who can forgive sins and then jesus went on to say which is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up take up your palate and go home and so healing did happen healing was available but these that were listening to jesus in in this meeting weren't receiving healing and we find out more or less why they weren't receiving healing when the one that came through the roof got healed they were indignant they were upset they were resisting this and so i just found it interesting that the power of the lord was there and i want to ask in what form was this power of the lord what what shape was it taking what was the power of the lord that was there to heal and so that sent me on this journey that i'm going to share with you let's go with let's go to john 12. and i want to share something that i saw a few years ago that really uh impressed me and surprised me if you will john 12 27 i'm going to read from 27 to 30. and i just i'm developing this idea with you of the presence of the lord or the power of the lord or we're going to find the word of the lord uh can be somewhere and we can miss it we we can be in the presence of this and not be touched and so john 12 27 jesus is with a group of followers he says now my soul is troubled and what shall i say father save me from this hour he's being is getting close to the time of his passion of his crucifixion but for this purpose i came to this hour father glorify your name then a voice came from heaven saying i have both glorified it and will glorify it again therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered others said an angel has spoken to him jesus answered and said this voice did not come because of me but for your sake and when i read that i thought wait a minute the voice of god came from heaven and said uh would you say i have both glorified it and we'll glorify it again and the people that were there didn't understand that some thought it was about to rain some thought it may have been an angel they it was unintelligible to them and yet the voice came for them jesus said this voice didn't come for my sake it came for your sake and yet they didn't understand it and they were standing right there they were following him and i thought this is this is interesting because the power of the lord was present in the house to heal those that were listening to jesus but they didn't get healed in fact they got upset when someone did get healed and now we have jesus traveling with a group of people and a voice the voice of god comes from heaven and they don't even understand it they can't they think some think it's gonna it's thundering it might rain others think maybe that what was that weird noise maybe that was an angel they didn't hear it though they were right in the very presence of it and what i've seen is that many times we go to we go to conferences we go to meetings we go to church we go to different situations where the presence of the lord is there to meet your need meet my need and many times we miss it i was thinking of i can i can go to the pool of bethesda in john chapter 5. jesus is already quite famous he's quite well known multitudes are following him but he he gets him gets away and goes to jerusalem and goes to the pool of bethesda where there are multitudes of sick people waiting for the moving of the water which i won't take time to develop but i believe was a superstitious thing that they were doing and none of them recognized him he walked right through this crowd this multitude though he was famous though he was known for healing they were dedicated to what they wanted to do the way they wanted to be healed they weren't looking for jesus and so we have all those people that were in the presence of jesus or jesus is walking right through them and they don't recognize him they don't all call out and say hey isn't that jesus hey jesus come heal me there's none of that because they are focused on something else this is so key this is so important that many times we miss the presence of god we miss the power of god because we're focused on something else we're not looking for what we should be looking for and so the presence of god was in the house to heal those that were listening to jesus but nobody was getting healed the voice of god came when jesus is walking with it with a crowd of people and they didn't even recognize it was the voice of god yet it came for their sake how many times has god spoken in my life for my sake and i missed it right that's kind of a scary thought not that i'm afraid in that sense but i mean it's kind of wow how many times have i missed god trying to warn me of something show me something reveal something to me and i've been focused on something else and i've missed it and then other times i haven't missed it praise god which has saved my life a few times and so we need to recognize where is the power and by the title of this of this message the power is in the word amen when you're in the presence of the word of god you're in the presence of the power of god the gospel is the power of god unto salvation romans 1 16 the power is in the word but if you're not hearing the word if you're not and i don't mean hearing audibly i mean if you're not hearing with your heart you can be in the presence of the power that you need to get healed or you need to get delivered or you need to have something changed in your life you can be in the presence of that word and miss it and that that should be a wake-up call for a lot of us why are we not hearing the word amen all right let's go to luke 5 15. luke 5 15. and i'm going to build on what we did a few weeks ago luke 5 15 it says however the report went around concerning him all the more and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities they came to hear him and to be healed or in other words the hearing is preceding the healing they came to be we could say it this way in the presence of the word he is the word made flesh but he's speaking the word and in the presence of the word the power is present to heal and these people had it right whereas the pharisees the religious people they were in the presence of the word who was also speaking the word and they they didn't get healed though the power was there to heal them the power is in the word but if you're if you're focused on something else or if you're offended by the word or if you are critical of the word you'll miss the word man how often have i seen this of people that would rather spend their time debating or criticizing or telling you that you're wrong and they're sitting in the same meeting with someone else who gets gloriously healed yeah amen and so some people are getting touched and some people are just getting angry because their hearts aren't right they're not hearing the word they're just there to criticize they're there to make fun or whatever they're there to do luke 6 17 luke 6 17 says and he came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all judea and jerusalem and from the seacoast of tyre and sidon who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases so there we have it again they came to hear him and to be healed or when you're in the presence of the word the power to heal you or the power to resolve the situation that you're involved in it's there amen but the question is are we hearing it are we listening are we are we receiving the power of the word in us and that's where it comes down to a heart issue where is our heart what is our heart feeding on are we feeding on his word are we feeding on good teaching are we feeding on prayer and praying in the spirit what are we feeding on or are we feeding on movies and news and all the turmoil in washington and i'm not saying don't be aware but you can't feed on that amen and hear god yeah at least i can't uh there has to be a sensitivity to the spirit of god that for me can only come from spending time in his word reminding myself daily of his goodness of his promises amen all of those things require my daily attention yeah matthew 4 4 jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word well there's the power that heals us amen doesn't it say in in psalm i think that may be next year psalm 107 20. psalm 107 20 says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions he sent the word to do it well the word is what was happening in the house where the power of god was present to heal them and no one was getting healed and in fact they got upset until somebody came down through the roof and got healed all right so the power that you need that i need is in the word in the written word in the spoken word and the revealed word and that which is quickened to us but it's hard to have things quickened to us if we're dull if we're if we're unattentive if we're focused on something else in fact jesus said in the parable of the sower that the cares of the world do what they choke they choke the word they choke the word and they make it ineffective and so when we give ourselves and we focus on the cares of the world and the concern for other things and riches and what have you whatever jesus spoke about there the power is present in the word to deliver you to heal you but if you're letting the word get choked you're choking the power and this is this has happened in my life i'm not pointing fingers at anybody i'm just recognizing what i have gone through in my own life and what i see other people going through and sometimes you bring it up and they get offended how dare you say i don't have faith well i'm not attacking you know we're not wanting to attack people but let's exhort each other and and keep keep on that razor edge of attentiveness to the things of god so that when the lord is present to heal the word is present to heal we're attentive to that word and we get healed amen all right galatians 3 5. galatians 3 5 says therefore he who supplies the spirit to you and works miracles among you does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith amen this is so revelatory and so powerful this says that how does god do miracles among you how do miracles happen is it by religious religious routine is it by uh the law is it by keeping the law is it by all kinds of do's and don'ts in fact when you visit most religious um legalistic churches you won't see miracles in healing in fact they don't even like the subject many times how does god do miracles among us it says by the by the hearing of faith by the hearing of faith or in other words the hearing faith cometh by hearing hearing romans 10 17 amen faith comes by hearing that's the power that's present to heal you praise god but what does it require because these folks that one group that we talked about heard the voice of god from heaven and thought it was going to rain they didn't get it they they thought it was thunder they missed it because their hearts were dull though they were in the presence of jesus and people go to churches people go to conferences they go to meetings they go to different things and they're in the presence of the power they need for their lives the power that is there to heal them but they're not hearing it their hearts are dull to it let me read matthew 13 15 to you matthew 13 15. this is jesus speaking quoting from the old testament and he says for the hearts of this people have grown dull there's the problem that's the the root of the problem their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes they have closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears lest they should understand with their hearts and turn that would be repentance and turn so that i should heal them this is as clear as water what the problem is jesus is saying my desire is to heal them but they have become dull of heart dull of hearing their eyes are closed in other words they are distracted or the the the word has been quenched in them or they are focused on other things or i would go on to say they're feeding on other things and man in the day and age in which we live there is so much there are so many other things out there electronically speaking there are just so many distractions and a lot of it we can put to good use and use it for our benefit but when it becomes your only source of life where it and it's not spiritually uh led in that sense you're just looking at entertainment 24 7. you're not going to be in tune when the when the power of god is present and you go to church on a sunday and the power of god is present in his word to heal you you may not be in a place to hear it because your heart is dull your ears are clogged up your eyes are blind this is this is a major problem and people write me all the time asking what they should do because they believe this and they believe that and they believe the other and it's not happening i had to ask myself the same questions in my healing journey what's going on why did this even happen to begin with and why is it taking so long to get rid of and so i've gone through this process and i had to come to an honest conclusion with myself that though i knew the word a lot of word i can teach the word and i've heard a lot of word in my life what has been in the past isn't good for today necessarily in other words i need a fresh word just like i eat three meals a day i need the word of god on a daily basis and if my heart is is dull or if i'm focused on other things or i'm distracted or i'm busy or whatever we can have all kinds of reasons and excuses and i understand life we all go through life but what's the most important thing to you and how important is it that you get healed amen i've heard testimonies of people that go to the healing meetings and the the minister i've heard the minister talk about these people that would come and they want to they want to be prayed for and he says well i'd like you to stay and listen to the message and then come back tonight and then come back tomorrow no no no we can't do that we're on vacation or we're going shopping or there's all all these other things that are more important yeah to them than their healing they want to get healed but they don't want to invest in hearing the word that would heal them the power is in the word amen this is so so incredibly important and as i'm as i'm speaking my heart is just going out to so many that i'm aware of and so many that have written me that uh what do i do what do i do what do i do and uh this is what you'd have to do amen you have to get in a place with god to where you begin to hear him and you say well how do you know when you hear god something will come alive inside of you what how do you know you've heard god faith comes by hearing when your faith comes alive when you know that you know when all of a sudden it's not principles you're trying to follow it's not well i did everything andrew said to do and it's not working no we're not talking about that we're not talking about formulas we're talking about a relationship with god in which your heart is sensitive your ears are sensitive to the spirit of god and when something is quickened to you and we talked about that today on the q and a quicken means when something is made alive to you it it comes alive inside of you and all of a sudden you know that you've heard from god you know that faith has been born in your heart amen this happened to me in in guatemala many years ago and i was diagnosed with hepatitis and after a few weeks of just being in the word because i was quarantined i couldn't go anywhere or do anything the lord spoke to me and he said bury by my stripes you were healed and i and i'm sharp as a sharp as a bowling ball i thought yeah i i know that i teach that as i'm talking to god yeah god i know that i teach that and then all of a sudden i realize wait a minute that was the voice of god that was something being quickened to me by my by his stripes i was healed and immediately i knew i was healed i just knew it i knew it and i got up and got dressed and took a walk down the street and i was healed and so that that's what it means when something is quickened to you it's made alive to your spirit but it took me four weeks to get to the place where my spirit could hear it now that that kind of bothers me uh i was a missionary i should be hearing god all the time and yet i've discovered that even if your occupation is the ministry you don't always hear god all the time because you get distracted by the ministry you get distracted by all the needs around you this this is common for many ministers they've ceased hearing from god because there are so many needs that the people are looking to them to meet their needs we all need to stop looking at each other and we need to start looking at jesus amen amen we need to hear god uh they came to hear him and to be healed they didn't come to talk they didn't come to explain how bad it is they didn't come to tell this is what the doctor said and these are all the pills i'm taking and i want to make sure you know just how bad it is no they didn't come to talk they came to hear him because the power is in the word he sent the word and healed them praise god and delivered them from their destructions praise god it's in the word amen the gospel is the power of god unto salvation we could go to acts 14 i'm adding things here but acts 14 the man at lystra laying from his mother's womb and paul walks up and just happens to stand there and preach and i doubt very seriously he's preaching healing he's just preaching the gospel but the man is sitting there listening to the gospel what does the truth do the truth will set you free the truth will make you free so the man is sitting there listening to the gospel which is the power of god unto salvation and all of a sudden paul discerns that he has faith to be healed the man has faith has come alive from hearing the word didn't we just read that in galatians 3 5. he does miracles among you by the hearing of faith this man's heart was open and he heard the word of god and when he heard it not just sharing it with his ears but hearing it with his heart faith was born and paul said stand up and he was healed instantly praise god amen this is this is the power that we all want in our lives but so so many times we're too distracted to pursue it we're too distracted to spend this time with god uh one thing that i've done now that i've come through my my healing journey which took a year is that i have redoubled my efforts if you will i know it's effortless change but it's an effort in the sense of taking the time to do it yeah of listening to the word i listen to at least two hours of teaching every day going down the hill coming back up the hill to work i listen to a lot of teaching and then at work obviously i have the privilege of being a bible school teacher and so i'm in the word a lot and i get my own revelation from god but just hearing the word even though there are things i know doesn't matter if i know it it matters if i'm hearing it amen and when i'm hearing that when i'm in the presence of the word the light comes on and it's it's really changing my life is it's something i wish i had been more faithful about not that i was negligent in the past but i'm just doing more than ever now because i see how powerful the word is to bring healing to bring life to bring revelation and to activate faith in our in my heart amen let's go to proverbs 3 1-2 proverbs 3 1-2 it says my son do not forget my law but let your heart keep my commands for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you do you see that that god wants to add life to you there's not a fixed date and a fixed time on the clock when you're going to expire that's not fixed by god that's determined by us unless we're in persecution and that's a different subject but apart from persecution our time of departure is basically up to us we can lengthen our days this says do not forget my law so we'll put this in a new covenant context but stay in my word let your heart keep my commands well we know his command is to believe him and to love and he then he equips us for that so i'm contextualizing this for the new covenant but the principle is the same stay in the word it says for length of days and long life and peace it will add to you it will add life to you to be in the word because the power is in the word the life is in the word jesus said in john 6 63 my words are spirit and they are life it's in the word and so this this god wants your life to be long but many times we cut it short because we're too busy we're too preoccupied we're too filled with fear anxiety or whatever and we're cutting our own lives short let's go to proverbs 4 23 22. proverbs 4 23 22 says my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings do not let them depart from your eyes or keep them in front of you continually keep them in the midst of your heart isn't that what jesus spoke of in matthew 13 15 your hearts have grown dull it says keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh the power is in the word but if the word isn't in the believer then the power is not in the believer wow we have got to dedicate ourselves to spending this time becoming sensitive asking the lord father i want to i'm going to listen to a teaching or i'm going to listen to the bible on audio i'm going to do this i'm going to do i'm going to read a book and i want your spirit to quicken these things to me i want to be made alive to this so that my faith gets activated i'm going to turn off and many of us need to turn off a lot of stuff and get undistracted and spend time with god if you really want to be healed how much time are you spending with god in his word and versus how much time are you complaining about why you're not healed okay been there done that so i'm not criticizing anybody just pointing out the obvious here how much time are you willing to spend in the word of god which is where the power is the power was present to heal but nobody was paying attention amen give attention to my words we'll do one more i see that we're into my question time here so let's do first thessalonians 2 13. first thessalonians 2 13 says for this reason we also thank god without ceasing because when you receive the word of god which you heard from us you welcomed it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which also effectively works in you who believe now those of you that are watching right now you're hearing my voice you're hearing my accent you're hearing my vocabulary you're hearing me but it's the word of god that you're hearing and so get me out of the picture and listen to the word read the verses and it's the word if you believe if you will open your heart to believe the word will work in you who believe it effectively works i used to use i probably still do use the example of the old alka-seltzer commercials i don't know how many remember those i do but you drop two tablets of alka-seltzer into the water and plop plop fizz fizz or what a relief it is right the word of god is like that it goes to work when it plop fizz fizz is in your heart and it begins to produce according to its nature but if if there's a lid on your heart it's going to bounce off it's not going to do what it wants what is it that chokes the word the desires for other things the cares of this world choke the word it's not that the word is weak it's that our hearts are distracted they're given to something else and so we're losing the power uh that's that's available for us to be healed or for us to be delivered or whatever the situation is that you may be going through the power that you need is in the word the power that i need is in the word and the question is how much of the word are we going to get into and let get into us and perhaps turn off all the distractions amen praise god okay so i'm going back to the top you guys have amazing questions so keep them coming in we're going to get through as many as we possibly can man that was powerful barry so okay so justin on youtube says how do we know what to focus on so we don't miss what god is trying to tell us or show us well focus on the lord focus on the goodness of god uh i've gone through and i've said this before i've gone through my bible and marked all the all the passages about his goodness or his promises declarations on our behalf and so i just go back and read those over and over again and then as i you know i'll see something that i haven't seen before perhaps and i'll take a rabbit trail of study and god will speak to me in that in other words just make jesus center make god the nature of god front and center the love of god the goodness of god and then god will broaden that but just keep keep that in front of you at all times amen uh so this you said something that um provoked a lot of questions a lot of the same questions so i'm hoping you can expound on this so deborah exactly so deborah a and krista on youtube and let's see lorraine on youtube and sandy on facebook all had basically the same question which was how do i hear with my heart the other forms of it were like how do i know that i'm hearing with my heart like what does that concept mean all right well i i tried to answer that as we went along that you'll know that you've heard when faith comes alive we can call it a light bulb moment we can call it an aha moment we can whatever you want to call it but it's when all of a sudden something that was perhaps even mental knowledge before has become part of you when it changes the way you talk when it changes the way you act when it changes the way you see things when it creates an excitement in you when you want to give thanks and praise god hallelujah i get it that's when it happened as long as we're laboring and struggling and all of this you know that it hasn't happened yet but listen don't lose heart these things don't just happen immediately i'm going to pick up my bible tonight and i'm going to get all this great revelation you know praise god if that happens but it could be a process of sowing and reaping the same same thing we've talked about in other lessons just keep sowing the word keep sowing the word keep sowing the word don't get discouraged and expect the holy spirit to start quickening things to you and it may not be why you're in the word it may be while you're driving it may be while you're doing yard work it may be while you're cleaning the house or whatever i never know when it's going to happen it just but because i've sewn so much in me it happens on a pretty regular basis that i get new revelation all the time so that's the best i can do is just keep sowing the word and you'll know when you know that it happens amen and i think um what i was thinking of when that's happened to me it's that you are fully persuaded that you know that you know in spite of your circumstances like your circumstances don't necessarily change in that moment right but you know that you know um the truth exactly you're believing it without seeing it and that for me uh my name is it's called faith it's called everybody we got to do this by faith but you will know when you hear with your heart i really believe that ruthie on chad says how do you minister to those who wish god would just do something rather than actually having expectancy or hope well i mean this a large part of the church is in that condition of why doesn't god do this why doesn't god do that and the truth of the matter is god has done all he's going to do 2000 years ago this was all accomplished and now it says in ephesians 3 20 the power is in us god is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or think according to the power that works in us and so now the we can say the ball is in our court we have to believe we have to trust we have to use the name of jesus we have to understand righteousness it's up to us to take on the the inheritance that has been given to us in christ to study these things of who we are in christ and as we do this we begin to see wait a minute i have the the authority i have the power it's in me the greater one lives in me i don't have to wait for god to do something that's going to be a long wait because god's already done all he's doing amen uh it's he's given this to the church he's given us to to believers and so we we are the ones now that are responsible to walk in the victory praise god man that's powerful diana on youtube says do i need to declare and speak it out loud in order to receive the word and for the power of the word to manifest in my life you need to do whatever rises up within you when you get that revelation let me tell a quick story back when we were missionaries in chile and we were about to leave chile after 12 and a half years and we had a car that i was trying to sell and i've been trying to sell for a couple of weeks two or three weeks and i had no no no interest in the car whatsoever and it was like two days before we're leaving the country and i still have this car and i had to drive down to the bank to do some business for the church and meet with my assistant pastor and so i i parked my car and going to the bank and while i'm in the bank oh i forgot the best part of the story i'm sorry that morning before i went to the bank i was praying in the living room reading my bible and praying and i came across romans chapter 4 where it says god calls things that are not as though they are and the lord i was i had been praying god what am i going to do about this car what am i going to do about this car and i read that verse and the spirit of god just quickened me and said that's how i do it call things that are not as though they were and i all of a sudden you know once again i thought yeah i teach that and then i said wait wait wait i think i just heard from god and i jumped up out of my chair and i can still see it and i had my arms in the air and i said i call that car sold today in the name of jesus that didn't come from a formula that came from something that got quickened to me as i was in the word the power's in the word and the power got into me and i called my car sold went to the bank long story short within two hours of calling the car sold we somebody bought it right there on the spot we went to his bank across the street we went to the notary public i mean we did the whole thing two hours from when i called it sold it was gone and the money was in the bank and the whole deal and i thought this is this is a powerful testimony because it was when it was quickened to me that i declared it i wasn't declaring it before it was real but once it became real it came out of my mouth and it was done and that was a powerful example wow that's awesome rachel on youtube says how do you break through screaming symptoms and scary diagnosis in order to properly hear what god has to say i don't know who's doing the screaming but screaming symptoms oh like really bad really tough symptoms is what i'm assuming what i would do right now is go to youtube if you have a phone or a pad or something with youtube on it look at healing teachings just type in healing teachings i would go to andrew you can do me you can do greg moore you can do keith moore he's really good uh you can do there are so many amen healing teachings i mean i'm listening to them all the time and so i would just listen to the word listen listen listen even if you think you know it knowledge isn't faith faith is of the heart knowledge is of the head listen listen listen until something goes off on the inside of you and then don't stop keep listening keep going i just we have got to give ourselves to the word uh much more than we have at least i do uh if we're going to stay on top of these situations so that's what i would do is just turn on healing teachings and stay in it until you start to see change amen and you can also call or go to andrew's website which is there's healing journeys there as well and then don't hesitate to give our prayer ministers a call at 719-635-1111 they can give you all sorts of references to resources for that to just do exactly what barry was saying get your mind on something other than those symptoms and all of that char on chat says why um and she's just looking do you have any insight on um why we're all who came to jesus healed uh in the in the bible but so many are struggling to believe in him today well that's a great question and the one element that is missing today that they had then is that they were dealing with their five senses type of faith they could see jesus they could hear jesus they could touch jesus jesus could touch them and so their senses were involved now we are you know jesus said blessed blessed are those who do not see and believe so we are in a different dimension where we have the same power but we don't have our five senses involved now it's just simply the sun has said the the sixth sense of faith we're just limited to faith but that's not a limitation that really is it's better because jesus is everywhere at the same time in that sense he's not limited we don't have to go to israel and track him down he's right here right now he's he's in your house right now and so faith gets the same results but we lack the sensations the the visible the tangible that they had and so for some that's what they want they want the visible and the tangible but they don't want to walk by faith and faith is where it's at amen that's why it was probably harder for the pharisees to believe that jesus would say your sins are forgiven yeah because they couldn't see it because they couldn't see it exactly wow that's interesting uh and one last question and i think this is a great question wacuna on youtube says how do you know when to let go of something or remain persistent in prayers like how do you let go of a godly desire for god to take care of it while still being expectant you come to when you're in prayer you need to come to a place of not just giving up but of coming to a conclusion in which you know that the deed is done you know this is going to be accomplished amen and and then you move on from there another one but i don't know that i ever would leave something completely dangling i would i would continue until i start seeing manifestation but there comes a time when you've you've prayed you've declared you know and i'm not saying this out of formula i'm saying this because it's been quickened to you when it's been quickened to you that this thing is accomplished then you're done you know i would go back then and begin giving thanks as my way of keeping it alive in my own heart and my expectations alive i would begin to give thanks for what has been accomplished in the spirit faith is the evidence of things not seen and so the in the natural it may not be seen yet but in faith it's done amen and when you know that then you just begin to give thanks and it it manifests it will come amen you know and i think the the question there is casting your care the care that we can hold of it right well yeah maybe i missed that well no i don't know either but yeah they said let go of it that is faith faith is casting your care yeah uh once you once you know that you know that you have the response the answer from god you don't have to can carry that anymore but i would continue to give praise and thanksgiving for it amen man that's powerful well we're coming down to an end and so we're so glad that you tuned in this evening uh barry that was a powerful teaching uh where might people get more of your resources i'm sure they've been posting it on yeah they have on there i have a website that i haven't touched in four years mostly mostly facebook barry bennett public figure on facebook and i have four books uh they're available on amazon so like that yeah that's awesome so um if you're going through something if you have a testimony of how you've been set free this evening we would certainly love to hear that so give us a call at 719 719-635-1111 you can also get prayer there and they can direct you towards further study in the word of god don't forget we have live bible study tomorrow morning at 7 00 a.m mountain time and so barry you have a wonderful evening thank you i certainly will and we'll see you all next time bye i'd like to encourage you to come join me on july the 5th through the 8th for our summer family bible conference this is always one of the highlights of our year we have many different speakers it goes from monday night through friday noon and this year we've got our patriotic musical in god we trust that will be performed on july the 4th and i tell you this is powerful it's just going to be a special time we got special ministry for the youth for young people it's a great time so join us on july the 5th through the 8th for our summer family bible conference [Music] join us every weekday for our daily live stream on gospel truth tv [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 56,471
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Keywords: AndrewWommack, CharisLive, CharisDailyBibleStudy, BibleStudy, Jesus, Faith, Grace, Bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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