Healthy Homes with special guest Shane Willard

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the easiest way to stay connected and to find out what's happening over the next season is by visiting a new log website head to kalbarri CC global for all your digital downloads Church updates online giving and if you need assistance recovery care under digital downloads find great resource for your family and more for children each week we release an amazing online Kids program with videos downloadable worksheets and kids worship videos plus you'll find links to Calvary worship and all our other preaching content on a youtube channel and the Calvary podcast to give online during this season it's simple you can find all the information you need here on our website Calvary online streaming every Sunday on our website Facebook and on YouTube during this time let's stay connected check out a new look Calvary website Calvary CC Global Oh welcome back it is amazing to be here today is that we all have Mother's otherwise we all wouldn't be here happy Mother's Day we appreciate you all we realized that sometimes mothers can be the hardest to buy presents it's always naari don't worry about it I don't want anything and then you get some other day and you don't get anything so we've actually looked up here there are we looked up the top 10 gifts worldwide to get mothers yeah now this is just from Google right the first one here is a digital picture frame right a digital picture frame ah and your upload pictures to it I I don't think that's a good idea because mums well that's where we come that's right yeah next is a Airbnb experience well that's irrelevant now yeah you can't do that again maybe next yeah don't fail twice in a row what's it um pajama I can't I will admit that's a pretty good question 120 dollars who buys pajamas for a hundred and twenty it's just a boy I could knit you that out of it but it's for your mom next up we have a back to the roots organic mushroom growing kit so mums if you've ever dreamed of growing your own mushrooms well this could be your year now I also noticed that flowers are going out of stock Thanks instead of getting flowers we've decided to get flower what now this doesn't smell it's nice but you can cook with it yeah actually old instinct I this you can turn into multiple different things meal you can eat flowers but this the next one is in this year final one this is the best one of them all anyway so we're gonna look out right now a dinner and dessert combination that will have your mum's things bellissima all right here we go we have cheap $2.00 option here we have dinner and dessert in a can is that those bad boys in the microwave out a little bit of ice cream if you're feeling that way a little bit and here you go we have a chicken in sweet corn and followed by a first show in just ready to go now these options will not break your bank and will have your mother saying wow you are so I thought well you know here in the foyer we have all your mother's day needs coming and that's it from us we hope that you enjoy your Mother's Day and enjoy your services all day long [Music] maybe morning bright keys to the wallet APIs Dustin shot used to the only crazy bread up back before the top my heart [Music] made my heart is to open up my eyes wash away my sin used to be free alright [Applause] [Music] [Music] that you love as God used to the way you walked away my past is too [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm always sings together a huge key [Music] Chuchu [Music] ooh to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huge amount the highest speak life into a sir who to speed the world hold me ever close since Attica who could search the devs of me love me to the core who controls the world I see it walks me through it all we see this I see no No [Music] No [Music] [Music] who's made righteous [Music] he was paid by wind grave [Music] love me through my darkest out thousand different No No good [Music] see I can't arches [Music] [Music] see [Music] my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he the ocean Rossi the skies light up every high now sing to the Lord and he the rocks cry I see the mountains bow every heart come and worship the Lord come on see the sky [Music] see the night no the [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since [Music] [Music] we're gonna take a moment to receive communion together we've just sung the worship song saying that there is no one but Jesus and that's never more true than when we receive Communion the Bible actually says there is no other name given among men under heaven by which we can be saved it's not through our own religion it's not through our own good works it's not by trying harder that we can be good enough or declared right in God's sight it's only through what Jesus did for you and I upon the cross he took all of our sin so that we could receive the free gift of his righteousness so as we eat and drink today I really want to remind us afresh that there is no one but Jesus and let's just be full of gratitude and worship today as we receive communion we're gonna sing through another song and continue to worship together and as we do why don't we partake in communion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] we're gonna take a moment to pray right now and if you would like prayer our pastors are ready and waiting to pray with you if you would just follow the link on your screen right now we can facilitate that prayer hey before we pray we're thanking God for some great answers to prayer and we have one family thanking God for the healing and restoration of a marriage business people thanking God for favor new contracts coming in we have one lady praising God that even though she has stage 4 cancer the cancer is actually shrinking and reducing in her body and the medical staff are amazed at what's happening so we're believing for a continuing miracle in in that life and people praising God and thanking our church for groceries being delivered through Calvary care in this time of need and some people have specifically asked us to pray some people who are going in for surgery this week people believe in for favor applying for employment and for healing of migraines whatever your need is as well we're gonna pray right now and let's join our faith together as Sarah leads us in prayer god we thank you for these incredible praise reports but can we also just lift up every single prayer need that's represented here today God we thank you that you're in control god we thank you Lord for incredible testimonies to come in this sees a lot of financial breakthrough of healings god I thank you that relationships would be restored God we thank you that you are in and go we just give you praise today in Jesus name Amen amen well thank you so much for joining us for Calvary at home today we love having you join us wherever you're connecting from and if it's your first time connecting with us at Calvary or maybe it's just your first time in a long time to connect with our church then if you follow the link on the screen below that will help us to keep you in the loop with everything happening in Calvary Church and allows one of our pastors to make contact with you this week see if there's anything we can do to help you a huge welcome as well to all of our mothers homonymous daddy knows don't month that gift is on its way awesome day today and we thought we would take this opportunity to announce to all the women in our church that we have reimagined what ybl conference or your best life conference will look like in this covert season we have we're going to be running your best life conference as an online conference experience we're very excited about that so may 28 29 for all of the women in our church invite friends we've got pasta Gillian Cameron from a rise Church we've got Patricia we raccoon who is a brilliant guest speaker that's going to be a fascinating session hey all the info is available on the website you'll see the link on our screen you do need to register there's no cost but you need to register and so just hit the website and we'll be able to get all the info to you that you need it's gonna be brilliant I'm gonna come and so right now we're going to just take a moment really to acknowledge and thank every person who's already given this week generously as we've brought the tithe and given towards our various ministry initiatives and so thank you for your generosity if you want to know how you can get involved in giving it Calvary it's very simple why don't you take a look giving online is simple text Calvary two zero four eight eight two zero two two zero two you'll receive reply seconds then follow the prompts to give a one-off or reoccurring gift direct from your mobile device to give our online banking visit Calvary CC global forward slash gift for campus specific bank details thank you for your generosity [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm Joe this is my story pretty much had atheist parents I would say or have that kind of lifestyle my parents met in Scientology so Christianity was not a thing in our household at all in my 20s I think I was searching but in all the wrong places I think it just took a lot of time and I still had the pain you know the scars of life in my early 30s I had a beautiful daughter Indy and motherhood took over being a single mom you know without much help really that was difficult she said hey mom you know can I go to youth can you drop me off at youth which I didn't know where it was so I dropped off here at Calvary and every Friday and pick her up and chair she loved it I've worked every Sunday for many many years with my job so working in the markets and I just couldn't do it anymore I hated my job just was over everything so I just decided to have a break and was actually enjoying the third Sunday off he's thinking how nice it is you know not to get up at five o'clock in the morning and go to the markets I had a voice in my head said you've got to go to church I just jumped out a bit I knew it was God I knew it was God I got up got ready and drove to where I dropped my daughter off which is Calvary very nervous so I walked in stood at the back as you do and really was just moved by the worship so after the worship I was crying you know throughout that and then when I listen to the pastor I thought you know that's a really good words of wisdom and I could do with some good words of wisdom so at the end of the service the pastor goes is if anyone that's not right with God just put your hand up and I thought me I just knew that finally I'm on the right path six months later I got water baptized here at Calvary which is just fantastic I wake up now not only happy and joyful which is something that I haven't been in the past and I've just got hope for the future my relationship with my daughter's changed because I've changed I just think I'm with a patient now or loving now I'm happier and that's just spilling over obviously into our lives I think my daughter's seen me happy so the energy of me being happy and joyful and not worrying like I used to about certain things knowing that you know God God has got us it's just freed up the energy for us to have a much better relationship I feel completely healed and completely home and I'm generally happy because Jesus is coming to my life as a role model that only be full of faith I'm full of faith I'm happy joyful and to me that is being a better a better mother and a better role model to her everyone can have a God story and that's mine [Music] so great to have you with us for Calvary at home in this service as we continue our current series which we've entitled healthy homes I honestly believe that the home environment that you find yourself in right now and the home environment that perhaps you've grown up in is one of the most shaping formative influences that determines the type of people that we are today and so it would make sense that we would take time in our church to talk about what a healthy home looks like and all of our homes look different and so our prayer is not that every home looks the same but rather that we have healthy home environments where we can flourish and be all that God has intended for us to be and so today we are continuing our healthy homes series and today I'm really thrilled to be joined by Shane Willard as we continue the conversation great to have you with us online it's good to be here man now Shane Willard is a close friend of Calvary and has ministered at Calvary many times both in Australia in South Africa and if you've not heard Shane Willard speak before Shane holds degrees in both psychology and theology and on top of that is mentored by a pastor with rabbinical training and so Shane has this ability to teach the Bible from a Hebraic or Hebrew perspective yes you do it very well every time Shane speaks at Calvary people say how quickly can I get the podcast of that message and so it's a joy to have Shane with us and I always really enjoy Shane's teaching a note today is going to be no exception today being Mother's Day I've asked Shane if we can have a conversation around the topic of honor because obviously we want to try to be nice to our mothers on Mother's Day but the Bible goes one step further the Bible teaches that we are to honor our mother and father and that command in Scripture can be either easy or difficult depending on the kind of home environment that we've grown up and so in a moment I'm gonna read from Exodus the fifth commandment which is that we honor our mother and father but I thought before I read that Shane could you talk to us about the context for the nation of Israel sure when God brings this command it's so basically this is that this will be a caricature cuz it's quick but you have you have a guy that has a son who has another son so Abraham has Isaac who then has Jacob who then has 12 children and then they sell their brother into slavery and this family is sort of kept alive because the brother they sold into slavery ends up in an important political position and there's a famine in in Israel and so this family that sold them comes and asked him not really known as him from mercy and instead of taking retribution on them it's a really great story of of help is not to escalate conflict and violence but rather act with mercy and he gives them a piece of land and then they start procreating a lot and they procreate to the point where they overpopulate Egypt and so the Egyptian King does something that scene reads with him which is he said I'm gonna enslave these people to hold him down and that's that's what they do and 430 years later so God raises up somebody to get them out of slavery and into freedom and on the way from slavery to freedom they stop at this mountain called Sinai and the way the the Israelite people look at this the Western people call it ten commandments and I have no trouble with that I I did a series and I called it Ten Commandments what we know it as but the Jewish people know it as a ten-word ketubah they saw this as a marriage proposal between God and a group of people to invite them into a new way of life right which is a completely different way of thinking about yeah it for a Western person it is and and actually the first line of the Ten Commandments starts with I am the Lord your God so it starts with an affirmation not a condition like so because I am your God this is this is what our life could look like this is what our life should look like right and there's this interesting word there that doesn't get translated and the word is Aniki a and och why and it means I am here to make you bigger in so the ten commandments what we call the 10 commandments was a 10 word marriage proposal solidifying God's commitment to take a group of slaves who didn't even know what it was like to be human right and and teach them how to live and if you if you look at the 10 commandments as a whole in that perspective it starts to get really beautiful really quick like don't have other gods like I'd like it just be me and you that seems like a fair condition for a marriage don't have idols in other words if we're gonna be married if you could put the pictures of your boyfriend's away every good cuz that you know let's have one day and 7 that's different than all the other days I'll spend it together and if you think about that from the mind of a slave who has to relearn what it is even to be a human being yes for him to here or her to here a in our new world one day a week you're off whereas in Egypt you're working seven days a week they'd never had a day off right yeah 430 years and no one's that old so is it was like oh my goodness this new world and then it makes it like crazy good like don't kill each other all right like right like all right wait a minute so in our new world the biggest strongest people can't kill the weakest ones right it don't sleep with each other spouses Hey don't steal each other stuff now remember for a slave who's starting a new nation they're going wait a minute in our new world our life our wife and our stuff is protected along with the fact that we're not a machine we get a day off a week this might be the greatest thing ever well I think that's really important for us to note because some of us would think all 10 commandments here we go this is going to be a fearsome and we get this idea either that God gave Ten Commandments so that if we could prove we could keep all ten then God would love us right whereas you've pointed out it's the opposite God already loves us yes here's ten ways that we can have relationship yeah oh here's ten proofs I love you let's create a world where people's life wife stuff business integrity and days offer protected who doesn't want that world it's Australia I think the the other thing that it does is sometimes when we think ten commandments we think ten restrictions right on our life whereas what you've pointed out is no this is ten provisions for your freedom yes and and this is not God trying to make our life smaller this is God trying to make our life larger correct so I think it's really important we lay that foundation before we even read the commandment to see that when God commands that we honor mother and father he's not trying to drill us down and make our life miserable he's actually trying to bring us freedom yes and he's speaking from a position of love so Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12 is the fifth commandment as you've already started to point out the first four Commandments speak to how we relate to God correct the fifth commandment shifts key and it starts to talk about God's design for how we relate to one another and this commandment is so important it's picked up again in the New Testament repeated by Paul in Ephesians chapter six which is really about family household relationships and so Exodus 20 verse 12 says honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you shame can you help us to understand what honor is and what honor is not because some of us would hear that and think honor means I have to pretend my parents were perfect and never did anything wrong right right right none of us are perfect no and so what does God mean by the word honor so I think it's important the point you're making that words matter less than people's imagination about how that word functions right so so the problem with saying honor your father and mother is that some people like I had good parents you had good parents we go oh yeah easy mmm easy easy come on and but we can we can think that and then miss the whole point but then there's there's people who they hear that and they're thinking that's the very reason I don't go to church on Mother's Day or Father's Day because somebody's gonna use the Bible to make me feel bad about not being able to honor somebody that if you knew what they did or you knew what they put me through because there's no there's no file folder in a kid's brain to be exposed to adult emotions adult problems or mostly adult violence like they shouldn't have had to do it and they're going to whew you know you two up there you could probably tell the worst stories about your parents that you could tell it'd be sort of funny you could make a sitcom out of it it's some idiosyncrasy but not me and so and so what's important is that we talk about what honor isn't and then went on it isn't and create a new imagination about how functions yes so in their world honor didn't have anything to do with what you said to someone as much as it had to do with how you behave away from someone see that right there would be the opposite to how many of us would think we are obeying that commandment right honor means I I say nice things I send mum a card on Mother's Day even if I've got a few things that I think she could have done better right I'm gonna say nice things to her but behind her back and please keep doing that yeah yeah yeah hi mom love you yeah further to that let me speak to those of us who are viewing who already feel like man maybe I should turn out of this service cuz this is like I already feel bad that I don't love my parents enough and this is gonna bring up let me just say the whole theme and tone of this conversation is redemptive loving empowering and so hey maybe this is already difficult I really want to encourage you what Shane is gonna want this is gonna be helpful and light is gonna be very helpful okay so I jumped in and interrupted that's okay suits and that's why for guys that in it for for those of us who had great parents you know we can go that's easy define it that way in our imagination and still missed the point and then there's people who went through horrendous things and they just avoid it altogether but there's a there's a better there's a better way that honor has less to do with what we say to someone and more to do with how we behave away from them and we know this into it like if you're a parent if you're 16 year old said dad I honor you what would that would bless you yeah yeah but what's more honoring is knowing that when she's out with her friends at Mooloolaba at 11 o'clock at night that she is acting in a way that exhibits the values of your home out there yes right same as a pastor of a church if somebody says man I just I honor the values of Calvary great what's more honoring is knowing that they're living according to those values out there so it's the the same thing with honoring your parents is it honoring your parents is not pretending what was wrong was right it's definitely not ignoring the issue as a matter of fact we're gonna find in just a second that honor actually requires that we donate North right that that honor requires us naming the darkness naming the dysfunction in order to change change it in generations that to come and so in their world honor had nothing to do with what I say to a parent although that was important to be respectful and honoring and that's part of it the main part was how do I exhibit God's ways of light and life going forward instead of focusing entirely on the past and so whether so if we if you had good parents there's a way you could write nice notes to your mom and be perpetuating ungodliness to the next generation and you've missed the point yes or there's a way that if you had a horrendous upbringing and you go I can't say nice things about mom but I can call that what it is and change things for my kids and then by the time my grandkids come along people won't even remember that level of Darkness well you are in fact being honoring what I love about this already is you're exposing the fact that honor is not an empty platitude it's not a service well it's the complete opposite mmm it's actually about the way that we live our lives and the legacy that we leave in the future a question I wanted to ask you on this is the Bible says honor your mother and father that it might go well with you yes now I think instinctively we think I would need to honor my mother and father so they feel better right right but God is saying no if you honor your mother and father yes they'll feel better but it's actually going to go better for you can you talk to us about why honor is actually more about us than it is about the mother or the father yes because if if honor has less to do with what we do towards someone and more to do with how we live away from them then actually honor is more about increasing the quality of my life going forward in my children's lives going forward then it is about propping up some false memory of the past yes right so and and and Paul talks about this being the first command with promise yes and so and so it says that it'll go well with you and your days would be long in the land and so sometimes we read that and go well if I'm and then we do something if I'm really nice to my parents I'll live a long time and just existentially and observably that's not necessarily the case like we all know people who were incredibly honoring of their parents tragically their days were cut short yes and so and so what you have here is remember this is a family that became a nation who is God is fixing to give them land and the land for them represents God's best for them yes and that's why the prophets come around later and they go remember if you act like this you're gonna lose your land you're gonna lose God's best for you right well so so this command is basically if if every generation takes an audit of what parts of my family belong to light and life and what parts of my family habits belong to death and darkness and choose to perpetuate light in life and choose to eradicate death and darkness and because here's that here's the wrong question the wrong question to ask is is this normal because what we think is normal is engrained in our brain by the age of eight raus so and you and you had no choice in that like like the way you saw your parents handle conflict is the way you think normal people handle conflict yes this this is why at fifteen and you go spend the night at seven friend's house and they're yellers and your parents were peaceful people nothing in y'all we're I'm laughing a little bit because over the past few weeks Sarah and I have had this discussion with the Calvary at home services and we've been saying I thought my family was normal she thought her family was normal right turns out everyone's normal is different everybody's normals different yes and so if we only ask ourself what's normal well normal is just what your family did so some families are promiscuous some families are get drunk every weekend something is that normal yeah is that wise no is it useful no is it book doesn't - life-or-death well that belongs to death so the far more profound question for us to ask when it comes to our family habits is not is it normal but is it wise is it useful does it belong to life or death right that gives us less wiggle room yes and and what honor requires us to do is it requires us to audit our family habits wrong and go hang on this clearly belongs to death in darkness yes and I'm sure they meant well but that is not life in light and I'm gonna eradicate that from my family with it and this belongs to light in life and what will probably find for most of us is that there's something that belongs to light in life what I'm really enjoying about this is when you first think about this passage on or this command honor your mother and father you almost think about it as I just have to blindly honor them and close my eyes to a whole lot of things that happen today but what you're actually saying is no don't close your eyes open your eyes yes to everything that happened the good the bad the ugly do an order and determine what is going to be part of me my future of our family so to honor is not to sweep things under the rug to honor is not to walk through life blindly and I've got this blind obedience to God and I have to pretend my life was perfect right no it's actually eyes wide open yes what honors God what brings life what do I want to continue what is gonna stay in that generation because you don't you don't honor people because they're honorable you honor people because you are X this is though that it will go well with you yes if you let's say somebody had a drunk abusive isolative father and they they now have two children of their own and they're given a choice they can go what's normal well that's normal that's where a girl with or they can go no no that's death in darkness and we can call that behavior death in darkness without disrespecting the person yes and we can be active about changing the family habits so that our children think normal is different than what I did which is the greatest opportunity every generation has yeah we get to redefine what normal is for our children and grandchildren uh otherwise you end up in a horrendous cycle of blame right so like Ezekiel has to address this in Ezekiel 18 he says thus says God I don't want to ever hear this out of your mouth ever again that my father ate sour grapes and it set my teeth on edge yes right in other words for the current generation to blame the previous generation for why they are the way they are will never get you where you want to go right it's best to take responsibility audit it name it because once you can mention it you can manage it yes and then and call it death and darkness or call it light in life and make a commitment to change that for the next generation hey I trusted this conversation even so far as encouraging you please let us know in the comment section what's helping and if you're on our calvary online platform okay maybe some of this conversation already is just stirring up some emotions some memories some challenges our online pastors are ready to pray with anybody in the in the prayer section please reach out to one of our team would love to connect and together walk through some of these these are deeper issues of the higher now we were chatting before the cameras turned on and you travel the world preaching now when you are able to travel yeah and you said that oftentimes people will come to you and say you must be like a third generation preacher right right can you actually tell us about your family tree yes so that this is a great illustration of what this is talking about so I do get that question quite a bit right man like you must come from a long line of educated preachers um no my great-grandfather was illiterate he couldn't read well he was a moonshiner which if if you don't know what that is it for those of you watching at home a moonshiner if someone in America who makes his living bootlegging illegal liquor across state lines my grandfather was a member of the Ku Klux Klan Wow so my grandfather my great-grandfather was a illiterate moonshining racist right now which leads to this question how do you get it how are you you right like how do you get from illiterate moonshining racist to three university degrees traveling the world asking people to urgently respond to the call of Christ to love people the kindness improve yes yes so how do you how do you how do you get there well the way you get there is my parents were the heroes of the family trait because my parents drew the line in the sand and said no as for me and my house will serve the lord you know what our children gonna go to school our children gonna read books our children are gonna learn the ways and presence of Jesus and our children will not be racist because that's just stupid in and in one generation it changed everything yeah and so now there's a brand new normal that's me so to the point where people all over the world think my great-grandfather who's been dead since the sixty seventies right that my great-grandfather was a well-educated preacher what better way to honor him yes than to live the way I live now so the way that I love this the way that you actually honor your parents is not by telling half truths it's not by pretending things were something that they weren't it's actually by getting on and living a god-honoring life 100% maximizing the potential that God has given you and in doing that you actually get to what you've done is you've reshaped the memories or the perception of the Willard family tree a hundred percent and and I got to give credit to my mom and dad because see here and here's what's so important for all of us to understand if we and I want to speak to the audience you if you're listening to this and this is stirring up emotions in you I want you to hear me when I say if you had a horrendous childhood I am so sorry for what you went through it wasn't your fault you didn't choose it and if you had a great childhood that's not to your credit either you didn't pick your parents if you had good parents you might want to write them today and thank thank them for letting you start on third base but the truth of it is if you had a hard upbringing I want you to know I'm so sorry I am but the hope for your life and actually the hope for culture in Jenna is that is that you do name at as darkness you name it as death and you choose to change your family tree because if my parents would have left it for me I would have had to make that hard call and why would you leave it for your children when it's within your power to change your family tree starting today maybe by choosing to trust Jesus maybe it's just by choosing not to gauge your life by what is normal but rather what is wise what is useful what is light and what is life and and not only can you do it I would even be more urgent to say you must like are you perpetuating the darkness or eradicating it are you perpetuating light and when we we ask the question am i breaking the cycle of darkness and my family tree we're asking a more profound question that allows our family to live a long time in God's best land for us and and that's really really important shine this has been such a helpful conversation for all of us regardless of what clone looks like or has the fact in the past so thank you I know I speak on behalf of everyone watching in this service and thank you for sharing about your own family as well we really appreciate your vulnerability in your candor there'll be some people who perhaps is the first time they've heard you speak and and some of this they're saying hey I want to read some more on this where can people find some more of your resources so my resource would be available at shane willard ministries org and you can click on the the resources link it's all downloadable and mp3 or mp4 this particular topic is found in my 10 commandments series um it's also found in my history in the bible series part 2 where I talk about the Ezekiel passage on sour grapes and blaming you can pick that up amongst with a lot of other topics and as always 100% of the profit we make from resource sales goes to the poor and the afflicted to make sure that we are making our world a better place for them I really want to encourage people to jump online access some of those resources this service will actually be available on demand on YouTube in the coming days as well so if you want to re-watch it maybe discuss it with a spouse or you could sit down with your connect group and discuss it some more you can jump on YouTube and access that in the coming days showing we're about to close but I'm gonna ask if you would just pray for us sure that God would give us all grace and and wisdom and kindness in our homes and then after Shane has prayed I want to take two more minutes to pray for those of us who today would like to make a decision to trust in Jesus but Shane right now why don't you pray for us sure so I would urge you to let's open our hearts to the Lord and just ask this question Jesus can I trust if you're the fullness of God manifest can I trust your kindness and love to engage my situation can I trust you with that and I would encourage you if you're married maybe have a kind talk over a cup of coffee with your spouse and say you know is there anything that we are engaging in as a family habit that's just because of how it's always been and I would encourage you to have that courage and change your family tree I'm gonna pray for you now we're gonna submit this to the risen Christ so Lord we step into that place that's you you're compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and I pray that anybody watching that they would feel your presence now and that you would empower us to have the courage to act upon what we've heard today well would you would you let that kindness flow through all of our families give us the discernment to name it to call it what it is and to change our family tree thank you we trust you Jesus amen amen if you're joining us for this service and as Shane has been speaking and as we've worshiped together you have a sense in your own heart you just know that you're not in a right relationship with God maybe whenever the topic of God is brought up you don't have a peace in your heart with God well that's probably a sign that you need to make your peace with God and as Shane has put it so well already in this conversation God loves you God is for you he's not against you it's God's kindness the Bible says that leads us to place where we change our mind and we try in Jesus and so in a moment I'm gonna pray a very simple prayer of faith in Jesus and I'm gonna invite you wherever you are wherever you're watching this service from maybe you're sitting at a beach watching this on your phone maybe you're sitting in bed maybe you're on your couch at home wherever you are I believe that no matter where you are God can visit with you today you can come to know God personally in a real way and as we pray I'm just gonna pray the first part of this prayer you could pray it with me I don't want to assume that you know even where to start when it comes to praying so just right where you are why don't we together pray this simple prayer of faith in Jesus let's pray dear Jesus I thank you that you love me I know you love me because you proved it when you died upon the cross for my sin today I ask that you would forgive me what my past clean now help me to live for you from this day forward in Jesus name Amen amen hey for every person who prayed that prayer right now and meant it from your heart whether for the first time or whether you're coming back to God that really is the whole point and purpose of our church is to help connect people with God's love and grace and so we can't walk your faith journey for you but we can resource and encourage you and so on your screen right now you'll see a link hey if you prayed that prayer and you want to continue in your journey of faith in a relationship with God just visit that link and our team would love to connect with you encourage you in your faith journey and maybe answer any questions you've got but if we would love to really help you go forward in your faith journey from this mode what we're gonna do before we close our service whenever we have a guest speaker at Calvary our habit our culture is that we are generous in return and so we love to be a blessing and to financially thank those people who come and share God's word with us and help us and encourage us so it looks a little different via Calvary at homes but you could use your general giving option whether that's online giving or via push pay you're in South Africa via snap scan and just simply allocate guest speaker and you'll see all the details on the screen but I would love us to be really generous to thank Shane Willard today as he's been so generous in encouraging our church together hey thank you again for joining us for this conversation Shane thank you again hey easy man I love this I love this kind of stuff it's good greatly appreciated we're gonna finish our service with the final worship song and really look forward to you joining us for Calvary at home next [Music] good I [Music] if years ooh [Music] did you that you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Calvary Christian Church
Views: 1,447
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: WSnwMMxZooA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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