Healing School with Daniel Amstutz - May 28, 2020

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for joining us today from our Colorado campus we are so blessed to be here and to be live streaming live around the world man I tell you what we've been having some great times in our healing school throughout the year but it's been so special for us to be able to continue to do this even in the midst of all of the quarantines and all the stuff that's been going around globally telling you God has a good report for you today if you know somebody who maybe is struggling with some fear issues or some sickness or disease that's trying to attach to their body man go get them and have them join you today today is going to be a good day you know why because God wants you well he wants you well more than you even want to be well and we're so grateful for this team that's here today our AVL team a live stream team and our five member worship team is back again and I just want to honor Rachel tail who has been a worship school student this year this is her last time with us at least for this season as she as she goes back to Canada so she has been a tremendous blessing to me and to our team and I know to you as well so Rachel thank you so much for all that you've given to us we would love and appreciate you alright let's jump into some worship as we always do because we want to exalt the name that's already above every name Amen exalt him in our hearts in our lives oh yeah come on you love me well well you made me whole [Music] with my soul you love me your brakes fade away so behind I can say Jimmy when you're my age Oh [Music] you really love volunteer amazed you said me that's we you the first for me for my sickness my knee with one use to [Music] [Music] with my [Music] me well [Applause] [Music] your grace made away so my heart I could say she were beware oh my god you really love me oh my god three [Music] race [Music] me [Applause] [Music] me [Music] your placement away so my hey you beware you tore the bells Oh [Music] new temple of your twice [Music] Oh [Music] sound boys except amazing you love me where [Music] [Music] where my soul [Music] Wow [Music] you will be [Music] well [Applause] [Music] yeah but we're so grateful that we can say today confidently that we know you want us well you said in third John - you want us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers Lord we're so grateful though we don't have to wait on you to finally come down and die on the cross and give and raise from the dead again for our sickness and our disease all over no it's already a finished work and God we are just absolutely so grateful today for that finished work that you have already provided our healing hallelujah come on let's just lift up our hands and just say thank you to the one who made it all possible the one who did the work that nobody else could do the one who paid the price that nobody else could afford Oh God you won as well we're so grateful Jesus hallelujah father we thank you today for Psalm 91 this just is alive right now today as it's ever been that no sickness or disease will come near our dwelling no coronavirus in this temple praise God this is the temple of the holy ghost not the temple of coronavirus the temple of any other sickness or disease anxiety depression Lord God thank you that you're our champion thank you that you're the one Lord God who did what nobody else could do and we give you praise today in Jesus name hallelujah thank you Lord God we are not afraid because of the perfect love of God [Music] have this confidence because I've seen the faithfulness of God was still inside the store the promise of the shore I trust the power of your word yes idea enough to see your kingdom first beyond the bear and place beyond the ocean [Music] work hard [Music] [Music] you keep [Music] is today so [Music] sir singing shoes [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] always is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you thank you for your perfect love for your perfect love cast out fear God we're so thankful today for the love of God the love that now lives on the inside of us by your love our faith is working knowing how love we are our trust our faith our confidence is in you God you got a good work and you're gonna finish what you've started in us and God we saved we will not be afraid will not submit to fear to doubt Tom believe to all the things that would bring us into limitation god no we will not do because of you [Music] always in shadow [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I'm afraid not afraid Lord you may the way Jesus you are the way through the life [Music] Oh Lord we thank you for the victory today oh thank you God thank you the we don't have to try to convince you or work something up but God we just received today by faith what you've provided by grace and you've given us everything everything that pertains to life and godliness has been given to us through the knowledge of you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh thank you Lord God [Music] yeah victory is ours born we've already won yes we've already won because of you we've already won because of you Jesus oh thank you lord thank you lord victory victory fight is with the we're friends on see oh yeah come on your enemies crash to their knees it's me rise up in worship [Music] when trials unleash like of [Music] belongs to bargain is we cry out in worship [Music] the victory is yours you're riding on the store [Music] your name though kingdoms all rise and fall you're the wrong with stanzas your name is Arshad what to break me has failed whoa now knows we'll silence my Berets I will [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but guy [Applause] [Music] we're shouts of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the victim is eros you're riding my the star your name is unfairly though kingdoms rise and fall give the wrong with [Music] shakin [Music] is our face your name is unfailing [Music] come on Saints aha why don't we be to tap into what God is doing right now we can unleash heaven from wherever you watch me to sing from your spirit just begin to give thanks to the Lord you can tap into what the Lord is doing right now in the supernatural we give you thanks for the victory let it ride let it flow let it flow we at least your power [Music] thank you [Music] we release your path [Music] thank you we release your powers order the name above every name whatever name has been given as a diagnosis whatever that name is no matter how scary it seems it's no problem for you Jesus you're the name above every name and you've given us as believers the same power that raised you from the dead dwells in us the same Authority you've given to us in your name you said go heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers go go go go and Lord here we are now all over the world as the body of Christ going not in our power and our personalities our strength but going in the power of the Holy Ghost Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] well thank you for the victory thank you for being our champion you're such an amazing God such an amazing alignment we'll love you Jesus [Music] thank you [Music] yeah before we sing this next song and Daniel as you were speaking I just saw a doctor's report on somebody's table and I saw somebody's lower back there's a like a cyst filled with fluid and water and I just saw God touching you right now just begin to stand up stand up when I saw that that fluid that um the tumor that sac just burst right now in Jesus name you'll be able to stand up so it's just praise God praise God he is the healer amen you will not be in Giants follow away [Music] undefeated every battle you've won I am who you say I am you crowned me with confidence I'm seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it all [Music] I've tried so hard to see took me so long to believe in you to someone like me [Music] victory perfection could never [Music] you give a we don't tease her you take the broken thing and raise them to be loved you my champion sighs whoa when you stand on two feet I am who you say your power with confidence i Shi [Music] skunker now I can finally see it teaching me so little the striving see again [Music] and finally see [Music] how mr. [Music] so [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I am who you say [Music] [Music] you've given us the victory [Music] I lived my voice and shop every all comes crashing down I have the authority Jesus has given when I open up [Music] Mira stop break-in now I have [Music] when I lived who and I [Music] [Music] [Music] my jaw you hi [Music] [Music] we let it rise just let your worship rise to him [Music] you did it all on your world you yes you did everything worse [Music] it was [Music] my voice and shout everyone I have the authority so do you Jesus has given me [Music] shout miracle son get out I feel Jesus has given me you my champion Giants for when you're still undefeated everybody you've won I am who you say I am you've crowned me with confidence I am seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it always with the one who has conquered it all with the one who [Music] and now you say we are more than conquerors in you it's awesome God thank you we are more than conquerors you fought the fight you won the battle you won the war and then you tell us that your victory is our victory and not only do we win but we bring back the spoils of war we're a partaker of that same nature [Music] and I exalt thee hi Sophie hi exulting oh yes we do come on wherever you're joining us from all around the world I know there's lots of stuff competing for our attention right now but let's just get our eyes on Jesus and see him as he really is high and lifted up as I say the Old Covenant prophet saw him high and lifted up come on let's sing it together hi hi hi hi I [Music] [Music] Oh now for thou Oh [Music] above the earth every kingdom everything our exalted far above every other name it is so called God without our high above all the earth [Music] now our exalted far above Oh God when I told me hi all around the world hi [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hi hi [Music] excellent [Music] told me it's all Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] we do exalt your Lord you are the Lord you are the champion you're the victor you're our healer you're the name above every day Jesus everything that you are everything you have you've given to us freely we have received so now God freely we give what a privilege what an honor to worship you to magnify your name in our hearts this afternoon to exalt your name in our attitudes our thoughts whatever is going on on the inside God we declare that you are greater you're greater than he that's in the world you're greater whatever it's stress is trying to come against us and one God we declare that our trust our trust is in you thank you Jesus we don't have to fear the future you know the plans that you have for us and therefore good there for our future you came to give us life and give it to us more abundant light not sickness not viruses about destruction not poverty but God you have blessed us richly blessed us with all things Jesus we give you honor and praise again today so good to be able to come together over the internet thank you for this this incredible modern tool that we have available to us where we can connect via livestream thank you Jesus for every person who's watching right now who's partaking of this live and who will be even after it's archived even as Rachel got that word of knowledge earlier during the worship whatever it is that you are dealing with right now physically man don't wait till the end of healing school today to receive it just reach out and take it right now receive it right now whatever it is that you're believing God for it's done it's already a finished work and you just receive that right now in Jesus name hallelujah earlier I really sensed as Rachel was getting that word of that cyst or that tumor whatever that was that that's that ruptured sack that just broke someone's being healed in your lungs right now you've had a a SEMA issue and your lungs are being healed it looked like a really kind of impossible diagnosis in the natural realm but you and I both know nothing's impossible with God amen and your lungs are being healed even right now in Jesus name don't wait till the end don't wait till next week or next month man you just receive that for yourself right now just reach out and say I take that in Jesus name for myself right now someone else is being healed in your heart right now you've had a valve issue in your heart it's not been pumping properly you've been very concerned even experiencing erratic heartbeat and all kinds of stuff that you don't even know what it is that's going on there I'm telling you God is the healer of the brokenhearted and he's healing your heart even right now in Jesus name glory to God thank you lord thank you Lord God that you're the name above every name thank you the sickness disease has no place in us as believers the were the temples of the Holy Ghost whoo thank you Lord God man God is so good even got good in God good how good is he he's just that good come on tell somebody that's there with you he's just that good he's so good he is just that good that's how good god is thank you for worshiping with us today what a blessing again to be able to come over the internet and have our healing school from our Woodland Park beautiful Woodland Park campus we're so excited of all that God is doing you know what even though we're in a different season right now in the natural realm you just have to know today no I'm serious you gotta know that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he was great then he's great now and he was doing great things when he was on the earth and he still is doing great things today so go tell somebody go give away what you've been freely given and I'm telling you we're gonna have a great time in the healing school today we're gonna slip away to a video and then Tracy aja is gonna be up and give us some good news and then I'm gonna bring a word fresh from the throne of God today you didn't want to miss it so go get somebody happen join you we'll be right back in just a minute thank you worship team I love you all so much and when Jesus saw their faith the Greek word for faith his piston right he saw their persuasion saw their trust saw their confidence praise God by the way there are five elements to faith since I'm here there are five elements to faith number one Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing repetitively not just hearing in the Word of God all faith comes by repetitive hearing okay you believe what you believe when you were a kid when they started with Funes 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th grade they told you again and again and again that's the way it is is what it is the way it is where it is by time you got to the seventh grade okay and somebody says I said you just parrot it what you heard even though now of course is my age a lot of things that used to teach they no longer teach they changed it but back then they say it's such and such and such and such and so do you believe that once you heard it again and again and again and again and again so so faith comes trust confidence belief comes by repetitive hearing this is also true about healing faiths also manifest in by receiving why I recieving James 1:21 receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul to receive means to accept why receive because you can hear a word on healing and reject it you can go now believe that right then there's believing which is the third one so many birds don't believe you got saved believing so many verses don't believing well believing is something that is a determination you believe with your heart because you've made a determination to do so then you have the fourth element is speaking right saying what God says agreeing of what God said jesus said whosoever mark 11:23 and many other verses but whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed beat are cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says he'll come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith and then the final one is acting faith is acting on what you believe well James chapter 2 they meant be doers of the word and now here is only so you're not self deceived okay men so was hearing receiving believing speaking acting amen amen thank you so much that was bishop keith butler that was sharing with us the acts of faith well we thank you for joining us here this afternoon at beautiful Woodland Park Colorado for Karis Bible College healing school Karis Bible College is an extension of Andrew Wommack ministries and healing school meets here every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time we are so glad that you're tuning in with us I know that that worship moved you today because it was moving me I am so excited to hear all the testimonies that are going to come from just the worship before Daniel even comes onstage to bring you the word now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully all his Commandments we thank you for Deuteronomy 28 there's a whole bunch of blessings in Deuteronomy 28 yes they're curses too but there are some blessings there as they were singing the first song that they sang was God that you want us well he does want us well we are blessed to be blessings in this earth and the last song we exalt you we are giving you gallery and praise no matter what this season is right now we are so excited that you are tuning in with us if you want prayer any time during this session after we're done with healing school today please call our phone center right now we have magnificent prayer ministers that are there waiting to agree with you in prayer that number is seven one nine six three five eleven eleven again seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and at the end we're gonna have I'm gonna read some more testimonies I have truly been enjoying all of the testimonies that you guys have been sending in we have a lot to share today and we know that you're watching on all different platforms today Facebook YouTube all of the platforms that there is a chat feature I encourage you please communicate there is someone in our social media team they are there communicating with you and we want to know all of the testimonies that have happened Rachel called out a few things Daniel called out some things and I know that those were for someone that was watching today so let's jump right into our testimonies so we had testimonies from the week that Andrew taught which was the week of May 14th in Andrew on Facebook he said I am healed of ringing in my ears see she said that I'm she Andrew called out gastrointestinal problems and she took ahold of it that's what Daniel has been telling you all take ahold of what's been called out she said she immediately felt released in her abdomen Lily from YouTube she said I am blessed she said I have been so blessed by the teaching she says she received her healing over her irregular heartbeat in her thyroid while Andrew was praying praise God this quick on YouTube said that her my wife got Hugh from severe allergies to gluten-free she was list they were listening to healing is here from to 2019 and as they were listening they grabbed ahold of it also and they received their full healing Olu so from YouTube was watching and said that I have been blessed and healed of GERD I have lived with it for eight years and now I am healed Gideon on YouTube my feet were numb but they are not any longer Carmen on YouTube I'm healed of irritable bowels and low back pain all gone g/b on youtube my niece is healed from abnormal abdomen issues Vivian on YouTube I'm healed no more headaches we love hearing this Lujan on YouTube says that I am healed in my them and their husband were healed of thyroid issues and from last week last week we actually actually had a replay of an archived session and people were still being healed so we want you even if you're watching this and it's an archived version there's no distant in the spirit God is still moving so last week we had healings from Judy on Facebook she said sinus problems she had terrible blockage and she couldn't even breathe but she's healed now Mary Ann on Facebook healed of bronchitis and COPD Mary Ann also on Facebook her husband Jeff is healed of his hip no more pain Alice on Facebook receive healing in her body Sophie on Facebook received healing in her lower back thank you Jesus Nana on Facebook received healing of gastritis and reflux healed in the name of Jesus and DeWitt on facebook said my attitude change since I've been watching healing school glory to God so you can have a physical problem you can need it attitude adjustment there's no distance guy can fix it all he wants it all well and good amen and you know we've got these testimonies that you wrote in to us we also want you to write in to healing school at a WMI dotnet because we want to share these testimonies they encourage other people to know that God is still moving he's in the healing business and he is healing today but also if you go to our awm site we have loads of healing journey testimonies watch this video as Daniel directs us how to get there hi there my name is Daniel Amstutz and I'm the director of the Karis Bible College School of worship as well as the school of healing and today I want to show you how to access the healing journeys video library we've got some amazing stories of people who have received their healings that Jesus provided over 2,000 years ago everything from emotional and mental and physical healings of every kind you could imagine but you're gonna get to see them and their journey of how they received what Jesus has already provided it's going to encourage your heart begin by going to a WM I got met scroll down and click the watch graphic [Music] once the page loads scroll down and click the healing journeys panel [Music] you will see that you can begin watching our feature to healing journey or you can scroll through the panel on the right to see our collection of healing journey videos we encourage you to do this because the Bible says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and this is going to be so strengthening to your faith and encouraging to you you are going to be so blessed and we hope that it will absolutely inspire you to live life abundantly that's what we want for you to live life abundantly you know when something happens for you and you get healed you don't want to keep that to yourself you don't want to stay quiet about what God has done for you during the course of today as Daniel gets up and brings a word to you that's going to be power-packed I encourage you in the chat feature on whatever platform you're watching please write down the testimonies that are happening right now in your body because we want to share them at the end of service and also if we're offline I still will share them the next time that we're online and at this time I'm going to give you an opportunity to give so if you would go to a WMI dotnet forward slash healing that takes you to our healing center page there you actually have the option to watch us live there that's a wealth of resources on that page but if you go to the middle of the page there you'll see that screen where you can watch us but below that you'll see an orange donate button so if you click that if that is going to take you to our student mission fund page and there you have an option to give one-time or monthly we prayerfully ask that you consider giving monthly to us and we have a special feature now it's called text to give so if you text the word give two eight four four eight eight seven zero seven nine six again text the word give to eight four four eight eight seven zero seven nine six you'll be able to give to Andrew Wommack ministry and just prayerfully consider partnering with us you know you might be thinking Tracy there's so many places that I can give today you know what's happening with you know Kovan 19 and stuff like that but this is a good place to plant your seed and if I am not convincing to you please watch this video of my friends Herman and Raquel Hudson when you partner with Andrew Wommack ministries you are helping everyday people overcome deadly attacks of the enemy people like Raquel Hudson whose body was shutting down due to an autoimmune disease with doctors leaving her without any hope that is until her and her husband found a man on television who had teach them the truth and I remember the first time watching his show and I couldn't stop I mean I went online and I was just watching program after program and it was like all these little things these little questions it just seemed like all the dots were being connected wanting to get his wife into an environment of faith Herman and Raquel made the move to Colorado where they began classes at Karis Bible College who know what Andrew talks about effortless change the word was effortlessly changing our situation but it was a journey everything didn't quite work out cookie cutter like you would like to think when you when you follow what the Lord is telling you to do but we knew we were receiving life after receiving a doctor's report that her heart was failing Raquel stood on the teachings of you've already got it and began acting as though she was already healed now that my wife hasn't had anything really to eat in eight nine years but she started consistently eating for three straight months I went back to see the doctor three months later and he was astounded and he runs his tests and her heart is healed her heart is normal and he said what happened and I said God healed my heart and he said well I cannot disagree with you because what I gave you I know I didn't have anything to do with it what I gave you did not accomplish this result because of your partnership people like Raquel are able to receive the good news of God's grace through the free teachings you help provide I'm really alive because of your partnership because of you coming alongside Andrew and helping him to get this message of the gospel of grace out all I can say is thank you to him I mean you saved our lives to see the full healing journey of Raquel Hudson click on the link below I pray that that encourages you on you might be saying okay Tracy why did you show that video it's because of giving because people partner with us here at healing school in because if you're partnering with us at healing school and caris you're still partnering with us with Andrew Wommack ministries so partnering with us you get results like that where people's lives are touched tremendously so prayerfully consider partnering with us today at healing school let's pray father we thank you we thank you for the hearts that are being touched Lord God touched by you that they would give out of a just a sense of love for you God because giving is connected to love and I thank you that they would have such a love in their heart to touch people's lives that may not be able to get the gospel any other way but except by them partnering with us and giving today I thank you Lord God that they are sowing into good ground and they will receive and harvest in this life in Jesus name Amen and at this time we will have the director of healing school Daniel M Stutz Thank You Tracy thank you so much wow what a blessing to be able to be here again today and to have you joining us from wherever you are joining us from I just put a lozenge in my mouth a little bit ago and I'm like chomping it on the way up to the stage here so a VL team and our online team thank you guys so much for all that you are doing we have an unseen crew that man I wish you could know these people like I know them they are such a blessing and so faithful and just always helping me and us I say me as the director of the healing school but us as a team to be able to do what it is that we're doing and so I just want to give a shout out to everybody and just say thank you to y'all you are a blessing speaking of a blessing the you know we're doing live bible studies now we call them daily bible studies and i had the privilege of teaching one on was it yesterday morning Tracy or was it Tuesday morning I can't even remember now Wednesday morning when Andrew and and Carrie Pinkett were hosting and man we had such a good time if you are not getting those daily Bible studies yet if you're not aware of them or if you're not partnering with us in those I want to really encourage you there are at different times so you'll have to go to our website to find out you know when each of those times are they're purposely staggering those times throughout the day and the evening to be able to maximize different time zones and that kind of thing but I will tell you the Word of God is going out from here and it takes a team to do it it takes partners to make this happen and so again I want to just thank you as well for being a partner with this ministry without you we would not be able to do what we're doing and I know Andrea and Jamie are so blessed to be able to have been ministering now for these 52 years that they've been in ministry and the ministry is having a greater impact now than it ever has before and again we are going all around the world because of God's faithfulness through people just like you so thank you again for being a part of our healing school today we are excited to be able to bring the healing school via the internet it's a little different environment and not having people here in the audience and so I'm looking at the camera by faith and seeing you yes you through those lenses and I'm so grateful that we have this opportunity so I've been praying about what to share today and I feel like the Lord gave me a message that I've entitled to move the stone so father we just come now in Jesus name and thank you for your word that is a live and power thank you for all that you're doing around the world thank you for your faithfulness to your word and your thinking your faithfulness to us Lord even in times when we have not been faithful you have always been faithful and you always will be so father we're just so grateful today for who you are and that you are alive in us because of what Jesus did and now by the power of the Holy Spirit you're living in us and operating through us we yield to you today Lord and want to hear what it is that you are saying to us not just another message or another teaching but Lord we want to hear what it is that you are saying to our hearts specifically right now in Jesus name Amen Isaiah the Old Covenant old prophet Isaiah many many years ago asked the question who will believe the report of the Lord and the Lord has a report and so does your enemy amen God's got a report and so does the enemy but I guarantee you the report that God has is a good report and the report that the enemy wants you to grab a hold of is not a good report it's it's gonna be a lie I'm just telling you right up front it's gonna be alive but it might look really real so be careful because the truth always Trump's reality as we're gonna find out today and God's Word is truth so who will believe the report of the Lord will you choose to believe the good report or not and here's the good news we always have a choice we've been given a choice thank God we have the power of choice and God says I set before you life and death choose life hallelujah so who will believe the report of the Lord you know there's a lot of reports that are out there right now we see we see in here on news channels all around the world whether you have apps on your smartphone or whether you're watching television or whether you're on your laptop or whatever it is that you're on there are a lot of reports happening around the world and have you noticed how many of the reports are conflicting each other this expert is saying this another expert saying that and you know if we listen to all of these reports we would be one messed up puppy I'm just saying it would be super confusing because they can't even agree with each other we never ever have to be concerned about that with Jesus it's not awesome the good report that we've been given is a sure word and it is alive and it's powerful and it's working on your behalf so Isaiah wrote this something that we're gonna look into here in just a minute very that's very foundational about wellness and and healing and even reflecting the heart of God eight centuries I want you to hear this he wrote this eight centuries before the word actually became flesh Wow we will look at it again in the Isaiah 53 passage as we have many times here in the healing school but what Isaiah prophesied and declared didn't happen until eight centuries later when the Word of God became flesh the Word of God that existed with the father God the Word of God being Jesus but he wasn't Jesus then he was the word of God and the Word of God was made flesh and when he was made flesh the angel said you shall call his name Jesus hallelujah fully God fully human so let's look at it John one first of all one through five and then we'll go to Isaiah it says this in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God he was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and that light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it so the father was passionate about establishing a new covenant where he could show us all of us what it looks like what it sounds like so the Word of God became flesh and Jesus said this if you've seen me what you've seen the father in that amazing let's look at it John 14 and verse 9 I'm using mostly the New King James Version which I usually teach out of and I'm gonna be using the amplified version for a couple scriptures here as well but john 14:9 and the new king james says this jesus said to him have i been with you so long and yet you have not known me philip he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father this is such a big idea man it really is this is a big big big idea such an important revelation to really get in your heart seeing Jesus is seeing the father and let me take it a step further if you've seen Jesus you've seen the Holy Ghost amen they are three-in-one you know I have a teaching that I want to bring at some point to the healing school regarding the Ministry of the Holy Spirit because there's so much confusion about the Holy Ghost you know people treat him like he's a bird because he descended upon Jesus like a dove people think he is a dove he is a bird listen the Holy Ghost is just as much God as Jesus is the Holy Ghost is just as much God as the Father God is they are three-in-one so if Jesus is mighty if he's almighty guess what so as the Holy Ghost and you know we treat the Holy Ghost like he's so fragile that we're gonna offend them if week off during a worship service or somebody sneezes and oh man there goes the anointing listen if the Holy Ghost was that fragile we would all be in deep trouble I'm telling you if you've seen Jesus you've seen the father well how do we see Jesus today how do we see the Holy Ghost today we have to get into the Word of God we've got to discover what the good report is because there's all kinds of ian's of who the holy ghost is or what he's like there's all kinds of thoughts regarding Jesus and what he's like but we'll never really know until we get into the written word of God the living word became flesh to give us the written word so that we could live this life as he is so look at this again John 5:19 jesus answered and said to them most assuredly I say to you the son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the father do for whatever he does the father the son also does in like manner so the son can do nothing of himself that's a powerful scripture because what Jesus went around doing while it was on the earth he's saying here he did not do of himself what he did was what the father said to do or was showing him to do John 12 let's look at another scripture verse 49 for I've not spoken on my own authority Wow Jesus says this I'm not spoken on my own authority but the father who sent me gave me a command what I should say and what I should speak do you know that you've been commanded to go into all the world you've been commanded to lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover so the father gave Jesus a command and here's a couple things I want to point out to you number one Jesus never once turned away someone that wanted to be well never one-time did he turn away somebody who wanted to be well number two Jesus never had to pray about whether it was the will of God to heal someone why because he knew he already knew he knew what the father was saying and what the father was doing number three Jesus never said that sickness was a blessing in disguise he never said that ever number four Jesus never said that the father was trying to teach someone sickness so all these things I've heard and we've all heard these things probably right I'm sure but you know what they're all lies so whose report are we gonna believe are we gonna believe the truth and allow it to set us free or are we gonna believe what some well-meaning person but misinformed person may be declaring as the truth hallelujah these things are not the truth so what is well Jesus said in John 14 and verse 6 I am the life the truth and the way so either Jesus is the truth and he told the truth and he demonstrated the truth or he was a fraud he was a liar and a lunatic so listen you can't have it both ways you either are all in and say I believe the Word of God is the word of God that it's truth and when you get to that spot let me tell you your sickness in your disease is on its way out in Jesus name even though supernatural healing may be new to you don't reject it as if it's not possible it will only not be possible for you if you don't believe it your unbelief does not change the truth I had a lady come up to me after the healing school one day many years ago by the way we just celebrated our ninth anniversary if you're joining us today and you haven't been joining us for the you know a few weeks leading up to this we just celebrated our ninth anniversary as the healing school so we've been doing this now for nine years pretty pretty amazing and I'm so grateful for the faithfulness of God but I had a lady come up to me after healing school one day and she said you know I hear what you're saying but I'm sorry I just don't believe it and I said don't worry about it it won't work for you I mean right you know if you don't believe it it doesn't change the truth see the Bible says these signs will follow those who what don't believe know these signs will follow those who believe now I did minister to her but it shocked her enough for her to get out of her mindset to say oh you know what you're right that's why it's not working is because I don't believe it I remember another story where a man had come up to receive what we thought was healing he was standing in a in a line we'd given it an invitation and he came out I was standing in the line and for some reason I just knew about a spirit of God this man was not yet born again it was a word of knowledge that the Holy Spirit gave to me and I said sir are you born again have you received Jesus as your Savior he said no I said you know he came to forgive you of your sins would you like to receive that forgiveness and this man goes no not really I mean okay I said so do you need healing he said yeah I do I need healing and I carry memory now what the physical issue was despite what I did was I laid hands on him and spoke healing over his life in that moment and you know God is so good I'm telling you God is so good and what God did was healed this man right on the spot this man received the healing power of God into his life and absolutely rocked his world he could feel it in his body he could tell something had happened and as he's standing there kind of shaking I said now would you like to receive Jesus as your Savior and he said I sure would see when people experience the goodness of God what happens is the goodness of God leads you to repentance hallelujah and God wants us well more than we even want to be well so remember this you've heard me say this so many times if you are a regular with the healing school it's a phrase that God gave me several years ago and I just say it this way truth always Trump's reality amen we're not asking you to deny your reality we're just asking you to deny a place of prominence in your brain in your heart and you life we're not saying deny reality we're just saying embrace the truth a lady on the live you know the other morning said how do I get rid of toxic thoughts great question right and I think people often feel this way with truth versus reality you know how can I get more truth in my life and they think that somehow by denying their reality it's gonna cause truth to manifest it's just like with toxic thoughts you don't get rid of toxic thoughts by suppressing them there has to be an exchange where you replace what's been with what needs to be so when in the sense of reality if that doctor's report is staring you in the face and it's become the Almighty report in your life the doctor said it therefore that's what's gonna happen I've got three weeks left to live so I better start planning my funeral listen when you when you take that report in like that and you treat it as if it's truth even though it is reality that's gonna have to be exchanged for what the good report is declaring over your life do you see it so getting rid of those toxic thoughts is like getting rid of reality taking up space in your heart and in your brain to where you feel like that's the greater thing that's in your life listen you are not the sick trying to get well you are the well God has already provided wellness healing health and wholeness for you you are the well now resisting that sickness and that disease so we just need to deny reality the permission or the access to act like truth I'm not saying it's not real no it's really really really real you can smell it you can taste it sometimes you can feel it in the pit of your stomach if you go into a hospital room there's a smell sometimes when that sickness is there you know it's very very real but listen real is never greater than truth the truth is God's Word John chapter 17 and verse 17 says thy word Oh Lord is truth amen so let's take a look now at this Isaiah report that was given all these centuries earlier and we're gonna start I'm gonna do this out of the Amplified Bible today and this is Isaiah 53 verses one through five I love this version for this particular passage somebody said by the way this isn't new news but somebody said those of you who are ladies here in the room the amplified version is the ladies version because they use more words okay so Isaiah 53 verse one who has believed trusted in relied on and clung to our message of that which was revealed to us and to whom has the arm of the Lord been disclosed for the servant of God grew up before him like a tender plant and like a root out of dry ground he had no form or comeliness royal kingly pomp that we should look at him and no beauty that we should desire him he was despised and rejected and forsaken by men a man of sorrows and pains and acquainted with grief and sickness and like one from whom men hid their faces he was despised and we did not appreciate his worth or have any esteem for him surely he has borne our griefs our sicknesses our weaknesses our de-stresses and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment yet we ignorant Lee considered him stricken smitten and afflicted by God as if with leprosy or if this was written today we could say as if by coronavirus but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our guilts and iniquities the chastisement needful to obtain peace and wellbeing for us was upon him and with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole hallelujah what an incredible report that we have been given and like Isaiah of old I'm asking you today will you believe the report of the Lord I know there's a whole lot of other stuff out there man if you go to WebMD and Google Google your symptoms you're probably going to be dead before the Sun sets I mean it's amazing how you start going through those symptoms and by the time you get to the bottom of it you've got worst case scenario possibly happening in your body listen instead of becoming an expert at your symptoms and googling all that information why don't you get into the Word of God and find out what the good report has to say to you instead of that the Word of God will become medicine to your heart into your life I guarantee it praise God let's look at a New Testament scripture now that confirms this Isaiah 53 passage Matthew chapter 8 and verse 17 says this then it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying he himself this is New King James again he himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses he took our infirmities and he boar what he bore our sicknesses this is not just a spiritual healing even though that's been made available to us in Christ as well the forgiveness of our sin we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ old things have passed away all things have become new second Corinthians 5:17 but we're talking about actual sicknesses physical mental emotional sicknesses jesus said he himself took it he took our infirmities and he took our sicknesses he bore our sicknesses so let me ask you something if Jesus took infirmities and bore our sicknesses then why are we trying to take him why are we trying to bear him see we have no place no right to try to carry or take on something that Jesus already took on our behalf you know when people take on care which is just a you know kind of a biblical word for stress when people get really stressed out you can see it in their body can't you many many times I mean sometimes you can't but most of the time you can see when people are really stressed well living under that stress for a long period of time will do devastating things to your body there's all kinds of medical reports that would show you you know what that looks like when you're living under stress on a continual basis well Jesus told us in 1st Peter 5:7 to cast our stress or to cast our care on the Lord well see if our sicknesses and our weaknesses our infirmities all these other things have already been taken by Jesus then why would we carry it why would we carry that stress in that care when Jesus says you can cast it over on me even today in our daily life with whatever is going on in our lives we've got an advocate we've got someone who loves us so much that he says I don't want you living stressed out I want you living in the blessing of the New Covenant that I came to provide for you I came to give you life and I came to give it to you more abundantly not less abundantly praise God amen so again as we see clearly from the Word of God he bore our sicknesses as well as our sin so we can live life abundantly so when Isaiah asked that question who will believe the report of the Lord you know when I was in school I don't know if this is like at least a few years ago especially elementary school we won't talk about how long but Noah had just come off the ark you know no in elementary school if we knew the answer the teacher would say how many know the answer what's the first thing you do when you know the answer you raise your hand well you know what you know the answer his name is Jesus so you know what it's probably a good time to raise our hand braise both of them in fact give it a two-hander right because we know the report of the Lord we know the answer he is the truth he's the life and he is the way and he has provided for us all things that pertain unto life and godliness hallelujah I quoted from this just a minute ago but it's John chapter 10 and verse 10 and the first part of that says the thief when he comes he does not come except to do what to steal kill and destroy see that's what the enemy does so whatever the enemy has to say to you it's not going to be the truth he's gonna twist it and turn it and use it against you it's gonna become a lie because he is the father of lies but jesus said I've come that they may have life not just existing right not just you know surviving no jesus said I've come if they may have it more abundantly listen God wants you to thrive even in the midst of coronavirus we are not surviving praise God you may be quarantined but I'm telling you I believe we're gonna come out of this thing better stronger than we were when we went into it because God's designed for us is to thrive for us to be living life abundantly and the blessing of the Lord has not been diminished one bit not one bit hallelujah third John chapter one verse two says beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers the key to prospering in our soul is learning to see from the inside out most of the time we're seeing from the outside in especially when it comes to healing and sickness and disease and we're trying to believe well when we begin to see from the inside out that's what the Word of God will do it will create a pitch on the inside of our heart that begins to help us to see now from the inside out instead of the outside in and the outcome is very very different as a result so listen when you hear the word of God many times you'll say something like I agree I agree I agree I agree well that's good I'm glad you do but you know what agreement is not the same thing as believing but believing will always agree with the Word of God so as we clearly know we are a spirit being we have a soul and we live in a body right we've heard a lot of teaching on this if you've been involved with Karras or Andrew Wommack ministries or or the healing school our inner man is being renewed day by day not Sunday by Sunday by the way hallelujah and the soul is the part of us that is in the process of being transformed as the soul comes into alignment with what has already been redeemed which is our spirit man right the heart then becomes United and the body responds once spirit and soul truly believe the body responds because it's two against one you know how when you want to know if you believe when you believe there will be action following the belief if there's not action it's just agreement I've agreed with you but I'm not putting it into action therefore I really don't believe it if I believe it I'm putting action to it the Bible says that's true faith amen what faith without works is what it's dead so if we say we believe then we need to put it into action in our lives and you know the thing of it is it's not difficult man I've heard people who've been told all kinds of negative things about their physical situation you know by well-meaning Christians well-meaning believers things like well you know the only reason why you're still sick is you just don't you don't have enough faith well no it's not that you don't have enough faith the truth is you've got the same faith if you're a believer you've got the same faith that raised Jesus from the dead living on the inside of you you just have a bunch of unbelief most likely pulling against the faith that is in your spirit man so when you renew your mind to the Word of God you're able to prove or to experience or to live inside out that perfect acceptable and good will of God and I'm telling you it's a game-changer so don't be discouraged because you can do something about this today you can change how you've been thinking as a man thinks in his heart so is he and you can change how you've been thinking by the Word of God and as you do you will experience transformation as a result because the Word of God is alive and powerful so what is inside of you will be revealed from your heart through your mouth when you're in times of testing or pressure or crisis maybe it's a 911 or or you know maybe hopefully not that severe but when you're in those times of pressure crisis storms whatever you want to call it we must learn to not listen to me to not come into agreement with the lie reality is staring at us right in the face in those moments man you've been there I've been there we've all been there when reality is appearing so much greater than everything else going around in our lives we're seeing in that moment from the outside in instead of from the inside out what is in us remember this what is in us is always greater than what's coming against us now somebody needed to hear that today I want to say that again what is in us who is in us and what is in us as a result is greater than what's coming against us let's look at John chapter 11 verses 38 through 40 you talk about a storm you talk about a testing a pressure a crisis here we have one in John 11 38 through 40 verse 38 says this then Jesus again groaning in himself came to the tomb it was a cave and a stone lay across the cave entrance and jesus said and here's what the Lord spoke to me for my message today take away the stone take away the stone Martha the sister of him who was dead speaking of Lazarus said to Jesus Lord by this time there is a stench for he has been dead for days you ever been in a situation like that where it just seems like it's too late and even if I did hear correctly in that moment do you know this thing it just it stinks I mean we would say today it just sucks I mean it's not fun it's not I'm not happy about what's happening right now no Jesus you don't quite understand here there's a whole bunch of ramification here including this thing stinks well look at what Jesus said there in verse 40 did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God hallelujah Jesus told Mary and Martha if they wanted to see the glory of God they would have to take away the stone some of you are dealing with a stony heart some of you are dealing with situations that are so big that the stone that you're dealing with that needs to be rolled away is literally a mountain man I've been there I was in a situation years ago that was so discouraged and just so discouraging to me that I literally just wanted to quit how many know that even if you come to the place where you say I quit what are you gonna do the next day after you've made the decision I quit you don't quit there's no quit life goes on there's another day right so listen I've been there III may not be feeling what you're feeling and experiencing what you're experiencing but I know somebody who does know and watch this taking away the stone or stones spiritually is always a response to his word hallelujah this has a direct effect on the natural realm even when stuff seems like it just stinks truth Trump's reality and sometimes these stones just seem like Giants right John 17 again says thy word John 17:17 thy word Oh Lord is truth so what is the truth declaring over your situation what is Jesus saying to you about your situation maybe you're in a hospital room maybe you're alone in a retirement center where family can't even come and see you right now because you've been quarantined you know maybe you're in your house and you're feeling like is this ever gonna end what is Jesus saying to you what is the report of the Lord that he is ministering over you Philippians 4:8 I've been ministering on this a lot lately and it says to think on these things Philippians 4:8 what things whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of what good report who's gonna believe the good report see if there's any virtue and if there's anything praiseworthy meditate and think on these things so what is the good report saying about you versus what your reality is trying to appear larger than life man sometimes it just seems like this huge giant is standing in your way when you know the truth John 8 verse 32 you know it when you know the truth the truth sets you free the key is you've got to know the truth see if you know your medical report you know your reality you know your symptoms more than you know the truth those all that other stuff is not going to set you free what's gonna set you free is knowing the truth not just knowing about it oh I heard somewhere I think it's in the Bible that I don't know by His stripes something happened and yeah I you know no you got to know the truth what what are you standing on in the midst of that crisis what has Jesus said to you that is the word that you can count on hallelujah his word is faithful he's alive he's powerful and so is his word his word will transform you this is really what faith is we're responding to what he did not trying to get him to do something he's already done what he needed to do he's not gonna come back and die on the cross again for your sickness he's not gonna get beaten with stripes again for your medical report he's already done what needed to be done and I'm so grateful for Andrew and Jamie and and that they've been teaching this message on God wants you well for all of these years you know andrew is one of the first people that I heard who really talks about healing from the position of a finished work there's a lot of people who teach healing and they know it's possible but it's like out there somewhere still waiting to happen as if we got to do something to get God to show up we've got to convince him that somehow were worthy enough to have him manifest and show up and provide our healing know I'm so grateful that it's not up to my goodness hallelujah it's because God is that good and he's already done what needed to be done for us to be living this life as he is so are we in this life that we can be living this life abundantly abundant life transforming life as a result hallelujah hallelujah man I'm teaching myself happy today and I was already happy before I got here I hope this is blessing you because it sure is blessing me amen your faith doesn't move God it moves you into action see if we say we believe then we're gonna put that belief into action and that's true faith see faith just receives what grace has provided and then puts it into operation in our lives so what you believe will determine what you do Jesus gave us an amazing scripture in mark chapter 11 verses 22 through 24 let's look at it jesus answered and said to them have faith in God for assuredly I say to you notice he didn't say have faith in your faith he said have faith in God for assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain to this place of stone this giant this this hard situation whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatever he says do you see this look at the connection between the heart and the mouth therefore I say to you what whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them wow what an incredible promise that we have from God listen your prayer life all God is waiting for is you to engage your mouth with your heart many times we want to see that mountain moved where like God move my Mountain move my mountain you know what God saying move your mouth move your mouth because as your mouth declares what's in your heart you're gonna speak to that mountain and it's gonna be cast into the sea now just now for those of you who are not here physically which is actually everybody you you don't know what is this direction where I just said speak to that mountain I did my hand like this well our Mountain right here is Pikes Peak so you can remove every mountain except that one do not be talking to Pikes Peak to be removed we loved that mountain and this view from this auditorium is absolutely spectacular if you've not yet been on our Colorado campus man I can't wait until you can be because this whole wall is glass and so we look out over the mountains and Pikes Peak is right over here I'm telling you we are blessed amen so many times we'll be facing these stony places these places of obstacle these these difficult situations and God says man stay alert and pray you know pray believing when you pray believe that you receive because here's the thing guys when we get under stress a lot of times we just want to check out don't wait we want to just eat Cheetos and you know drink Mountain Dew or you know whatever it is a whole gallon of ice cream in one setting oh that sounds so good right now I rebuke you ice cream you know no we just we want to what do we want to do when we check out we all kinds of stuff right let me watch television there's not anything wrong with any of this but here's the deal when you're under stress and pressure do not check out because you're not gonna get out when you're in those times of stress and pressure you need to be praying believing believe when you pray and what's gonna happen you're gonna put the Word of God into action you're gonna put faith with what you believe and you're gonna walk it out get out and the heart and the voice are connected together and you're gonna see that difficult situation that that you know stage 4 cancer medical report cast into the sea praise God it's not the last report listen to me some of you have gotten a report that is not a good report I'm telling you it's not the last report God's Word is the report that we're standing on a man who will believe the report of the Lord it's time for us to move that stone so that we can see the glory of God may manifest hallelujah in mark chapter 4 in verse 13 through 25 we find the parable that all other parables are hinged on this is the parable of the sower and the seed and I don't want to take time today even though I really want to to go through this entire parable here but he begins to talk about the various kinds of ground of our heart in this parable and he says you know there in verse 15 these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown and when they hear Satan comes immediately it takes the word that was sown in their hearts now let me ask you something is there a problem here with the word why on earth if this word is sown how can the enemy how can Satan come immediately and take the word that was sown wait a minute I thought the word was alive and powerful I heard that pastor teach on healing three years ago I mean I know there's something in there from some prophet named mulashi or you know Isaiah whatever no listen if you don't have the Word of God planted in your heart if it's just sitting on the surface of the soil the enemy can come immediately and steal that seed why because it was never planted you just heard about it but you don't really believe it it's maybe just an idea but you haven't put it into application in your life now listen I'm not trying to be hard on you I'm trying to help you because listen if we don't get this the enemy is gonna come and steal kill and destroy and I want you to be experiencing life abundantly like Jesus paid an incredible price for you to be able to have then in verse 16 it says these likewise are the ones sown on stony ground notice here's these stones again this these are the ones who are sown on stony ground when they hear the word immediately they receive it with gladness but because they have no root in themselves and so they endure only for a time Wow afterward when tribulation or persecution arises look at this not because of what you're doing wrong but for the words sake this is why the enemy comes he comes to steal the word so when you're going through tribulation or persecution for the words sake the Bible says it's time to rejoice it's time to count it all joy and I wish I had a Hammond b3 organ right now come on it's time to rejoice why we've got the Word of God that's been sown in our heart and we are not gonna let stony ground dictate to us how this thing is going to turn out it's time to move away the stone what stone the stone that's in your heart the stony ground where you're only gonna endure just for a short time and then when the pressure comes you cave in now look at this last area here these are the ones sown among thorns there are the ones who hear the word and the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter again choke the word again is there a problem with the word here now the word is not the problem the word is alive and powerful what is the challenge what is the problem it's the ground of your heart it has not been properly prepared the seed is just sitting on the surface rather than going in to the richness of that soil of your heart so God says this thorny ground what happens is the word that's been sown it becomes unfruitful listen you don't want that ground do you lastly in verse 20 these are the ones sown on good ground man saves me today I walk good ground hallelujah I want good ground these are the ones who hear it they hear the word look at they hear the word they accept it and they bear fruit they put it into action some thirtyfold some sixty and some 100 you will never be limited by the Word of God the ground of your heart will grow whatever you sow into it as long as it is good ground you know my wife and I actually enjoy gardening my dad was a pastor at my I grew up in a ministry home and my mom and dad always had a big garden so from the time that I was a little kid I grew up mostly in North Dakota and Montana and then when I was a junior in high school we moved to eastern Colorado and I remember that when we had to be very careful about how we plant it and when we planted because of frost in the spring much like Colorado you know we're just now able to get flowers out and every time at the temperatures dip you know we just had snow on Memorial Day weekend here in Woodland Park yeah so if you're joining us from Florida I know don't feel sorry for us we actually love it but you know you've got to be careful when you plant and how you plan well we were living in Idaho for a period of time and this particular garden that we had at our house had a lot of rocks on the top of the soil of this garden and I mean some of these rocks were really big rocks and so we got a professional grade rototiller have you ever used those things I mean if you don't get those in the ground properly those things will take off and like you're running a relay race and that that rototiller just will go without you you know you got to hold on to that thing and it's like shaking you and you're going down well inevitably as that rototiller blade would go down into the soil I'm telling you I swear we were growing rocks instead of a garden we would get all the rocks off the surface of the garden and we'd wrote until us some more and a whole new crop of rocks would start rising to the surface we must have done that at least six to eight times and every time we wrote it till the garden we would have a whole new crop of rocks we finally had a whole little fence area made out of the rocks over on the side of the garden listen do you know that your stony ground will not get replaced with one scripture and in one day God has called you to meditate in the Word of God day and night this is a lifestyle that we've been called to this is not just a flash in the pan or when I get under stress I'm gonna pull some emergency scripture out of the air somewhere no you got it in the good times you've got it in that in the times when everything's going well you got to get this thing sewn into the soil of your heart for out of your heart proverbs 4:23 out of your heart flow the issues of life and God wants you to be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers so you can do something about this even starting today you can change the soil of your heart if you've been in a place where there's been some stony stuff going on you've got some difficult situations that you've been walking through or you become hardened because of disappointment and you know disconnection disillusionment man I'm telling you I could write a book on it how do I know what I'm talking about because I've been that guy in that place and I don't want that for you I want you to what Jesus came to give us he came to give us life and to give it to us again more abundantly and then look at this and I'm gonna wrap this up here pretty quickly he talks again about putting a light under a basket in verse 21 he says is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed is it not to be set on a lamp stand for there's nothing hidden which will not be revealed nor is anything be kept secret that it should come to light if anyone has ears to hear let him hear then he said to them take heed what you hear and this is what I want to share with you today we need to take heed what we hear not just how we hear but what are we hearing what are we giving our hearts to what are we listening to with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given for whoever has to him more will be given but whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him man don't let the enemy the thief steal from you take he what you're hearing what are you hearing are you hearing that report or are you hearing the good report are you are you hearing the Word of God faith comes by what hearing and hearing by the Word of God amen your body is housing you but it also is housing the Holy Ghost we've talked a lot about this but 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 19 and 20 says do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost who is in you whom you have from God and you're not your own for you were look at it you were bought at a price now watch this therefore glorify God do you want to see the glory of God then roll away the stone take that stone and roll it away therefore glorify God where in your body and in your spirit which are gods maybe maybe it's time to roll away some stones today maybe you got some stony ground going on in your heart maybe you're facing an obstacle that seems like this enormous mountain that just you can't see over it you can't climb over it you can't get over it you tried but you know what you've been trying to do it with the power of your will where now it's time to surrender to the power of the Holy Ghost and allow God's Word to do in you and through you only what God's Word can do I've seen so many people who are in impossible situations right here in this very room that we're in right now we've seen literally thousands of healings and miracles take place right here let alone churches that I've pastored places where I've been places where I've ministered in my lifetime I've seen so many people who've been healed and restored and blessed and recovered in in all kinds of ways we saw a baby raised from the dead at our last healing is here conference hallelujah so it's way too late to tell us that this stuff is impossible no the only thing that's impossible is it's impossible to you if you don't believe it so remove that stone move that stone that's been limiting you even in places where it looks like it's too late or that there's gonna be ramifications that are gonna be way too big for you to handle listen God is faithful he's faithful to his word and he'll be faithful to you if you'll put your trust in him let me close with this Colossians 1:27 to them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is what Christ in you Christ in you the hope of glory listen you don't have to try to get rid of all those toxic thoughts and and all that other junk by pushing it down and pretending it's not there no you just need to focus on who you really are and what you really have you've been seated with him in heavenly places when you know your identity in Christ and the exchange that's happened as a result then the riches of the glory that's now in you becomes manifest not only in you but through you hallelujah move the stone amen we need to realize what God is saying and move some stones from our heart we have some things written in our hearts that is not what was written on God's heart amen what did Jesus say what did Jesus do what are we going to believe as a result you know stones can be many things they can be and usually are hard things right stones are hard aren't they and if we're not careful when we go through some hard times when we go through some hard stuff we'll come into agreement with those lies the fear the doubt the unbelief the unforgiveness the rejection whatever it happens to be and so what is written on your heart really becomes the question do you really believe that God's Word is God's Word two different purposes four stones natural stones can build a wall or a fortress of protection to keep out the enemy but these stony places in our hearts can either be used to build a wall that divides us from the Word of God maybe even becoming a place of what I would describe as self-protection or these hard situations that you've been through that we've been through let those hard places those stones that we move out of our hearts be used to build a memorial come on somebody let that place that the enemy intended for harm let God turn it around for good and every time you think about that difficult situation you've now used that stone to build a memorial to say you know what every time I think about that I think about the faithfulness of God now I think about how God delivered me how I thought I was going down for the last time but God delivered me he brought me out more than a conqueror I'm gonna look at that situation and I'm gonna be reminded of the goodness of God over and over and over again hallelujah whoo one more scripture I said that was the last one okay this is really the last one Luke 19:40 you know what you better get to praising God because how embarrassing would it be to be outdone by a rock I'm just saying do you want to be outdone by a stone jesus said if you don't praise him the very stones would immediately cry out don't let those hard places cry out on your behalf listen God has given you something on the inside now that's greater than what's trying to come against you he's given you a new song and he's giving you his grace you've got something to praise God about and even though you may not be where you want to be it can always be worse so thank God let that be a memorial to you and offer up praise you know the answer right it's time to lift our hands and just bless the Lord because he is that good I want to pray for you today before I let you go Tracy is gonna come back to the stage and share some of what's been happening even as we've been live streaming today thank you for being interactive with us and going to the chat sending us reports sending us questions whatever it is you have we love hearing from you and thank thank you for being a part of our healing school again today God is so good in me and I'm so grateful that he came to give us this kind of life it doesn't mean we're not gonna have problems it doesn't mean we're not gonna have situations but it just means that in the midst of all of the stuff we've got something greater on the inside that is gonna bring us through father in Jesus name I want to just pray take a minute to speak life over every person who's a part of our live stream today I speak life over you in Jesus name where it's looked like the death not only happened but it's been for days and it just seems like it's way too late everything is stinking it just can't happen listen I speak life over that situation right now in Jesus name I declare the power of God is made manifest right in your room even in this moment hallelujah thank you Jesus I declare that the anointing breaks that yoke of bondage the Spirit of God is for you not against you and if God is for you what are we gonna say to these things things you cannot be against me in Jesus name we speak to those things those hard places that stony place that mountain that's been standing in front of us and we say be removed in the name of Jesus I'm not gonna live anymore with stony ground with thorny ground being a believer who doesn't believe I'm not gonna do it anymore in Jesus name I'm gonna be a believing believer and I receive the Word of God today in Jesus name I pray that over you even now I declare miracles I declare recovery hallelujah someone's being healed of an addiction even right now you've been on pain medication for so long that you're addicted to it you've been wanting to get off but you can't I'm telling you today's your day that thing is broken even right now in Jesus name hallelujah that addiction is being broken off of your life in the name of Jesus someone's dealing with a foot issue and I believe it's your left foot and you've had a it's probably a traumatic injuries what I'm seeing because there's been bones that have been crushed and in that left foot area where those bones have been crushed the power of God even right now is coming to heal that heal those bones heal heal that foot in the name of Jesus glory to God thank you Lord God that that person is no longer lame they are no longer limited by what was limiting them in the area of their feet in Jesus name glory to God hallelujah and I I'm getting lumps again somebody is being healed in in the respiratory area hmm thank you lord the respiratory system has really been under attack you weren't sure if it was allergies you weren't sure if it was Co vat19 you weren't sure what it was I'm telling you right now the power of God is manifesting in your lungs and in your respiratory system bringing balance to your body again bringing healing to you even right now in Jesus name and God is so good god is so good he cares for you and loves you deeply hallelujah Oh glory to God Tracy you better come and share some reports of what God's been doing man it's been so good to be with you in the healing school again today thank you for being a part of it Tracy what you got well I'll tell you one thing I've got one thing I've got is as you are up here and you were just praying and stuff like that I just saw somebody that is depressed I mean just truly truly down trodden in depressed and I just speak to that depression right now we just cast it away right now you think that I'm depressed how are you good how is God gonna heal that there is nothing too hard for God nothing Daniel spoke early and he said open your mouth open your mouth and the word that you know speak that against everything that's coming against you we come against depression right now in the name of Jesus we thank you God for who you are Lord God you have not given this person fear or depression or anything like that you've given them Salman our spirit he's over you right now please peace in the name of Jesus yes this peace surrounds you the favor surround you you're surrounded with peace like a shield right now that you would feel the Holy Spirit's arms wrapping around you knowing that you are loved because it's about you knowing that your love is you are loved by God if you if it would have only been just you you only Jesus would have come and died just for you that's how much he loves you yeah thank you so much that's so good that is so much you know people just in the natural realm have been I mean we've seen reports we've got reports you know with mostly in the news media but there's no all kinds of reports about how stress people are to where they're seriously dealing with depression I mean like like clinical depression not just I had a depressing thought but now I can't get out of this funk no I'm when I was back there as you were praying that's I saw the person and it seemed like it was a man and he was just so depressed and just I mean wow it wasn't like you said it was not a depressing thought it was like I mean deep deep depression yeah deep deep depression you know Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble we will have stuff you know stuff is kind of like the modern word for trouble right you will have some stuff right but he said be of good cheer see so if you're dealing with depressant depression or depressing thoughts if there's thoughts that are coming against your mind listen it's probably time for you to have a count it all joy party amen you just need to be of good cheer well how do you say that's so easy for you to say you know no it's easy for Jesus to say yes because he said it we can put it into action so how do you be of good cheer you let the Spirit of God rise up from the inside and the way I would do it is if you have a prayer language I would slip over into speaking and singing in other tongues and just do that for a period of time and I guarantee you the joy of the Lord the cheer of God the be of good cheer is gonna come up from the inside and completely change that yes situation the enemy doesn't even know what you're saying when you're praying in the Holy Ghost so you know what let's just do that amen amen do you want to use the pulpit to lay that down Tracy yeah we're trying to be good and do our six-feet social distancing here I've mentioned earlier I believe that Andrew from Facebook last week he said that he was healed from ringing in the ears but today we have in the fan you Porter on YouTube and he said that this is the first time in two years two years that he was able to walk barefoot in his place where he's living at due to a not on the ball of his foot pain two years yes two year so keg rules on YouTube she said that word was for her with the word that you called out in the word that Rachel called out she said that word was for me when you talked when Rachel talked about the tumor and the lung healing she said that was for her glory to God she said thank you Dan you and Rachel for letting God use you she is so excited about her healing so we encourage you continue to write in to us those were the only two that we have for the moment but I know I know that there are other people that are here on so please write in again you can email us at healing school at aw mi dotnet we are waiting to hear from you you know Tracy and I talked about this a lot but I dare you to stay so yes going back and watching our archives of nine years of healing school are you kidding me listen when you meditate like this in the Word of God it's medicine to your body so as you're spending time in the Word of God just like a medical doctor would tell you to take those tablets or take that prescription with a glass of water and you sit down with a glass of water and the Word of God and just let it rip amen but I'm telling you when you're in that environment of people who believe in the healing and talk about healing and walk in healing and health hallelujah it's gonna be really really hard for you to stay sick so we just want you well but you know what more importantly God wants you well so spend some time in the Word of God get on our website go watch some of our other healing schools until that healing begins to manifest from the inside out in your body and I guarantee you you're gonna be experiencing life more abundantly as a result we sure love you and thank you so much for being a part of our healing school again today god bless you and we'll be back next week one o'clock Colorado time so join us again for another healing school next week [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 4,857
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: u93j2dX4wOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 7sec (7867 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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