Healing Is Here 2020: Day 4, Evening Session

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[Music] [Applause] is [Music] we were now forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh and [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] away destroying us thank you father [Music] you want me well well well [Music] well you want me well you're my hero [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you may [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my position oh my god you really love me you're my conqueror my provider and i'm so blessed [Music] and i rejoice [Music] me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no one yeah ever separate me from you now i'm your temple of your dwelling [Music] place [Music] no one could ever separate me from you now i'm good [Music] is [Music] and it is [Music] you want me [Music] [Music] [Applause] well [Music] hallelujah [Music] tonight amen [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] come on let's just lift up a shot of praise in this place tonight [Applause] [Music] hallelujah man i'm telling you what is god worthy or is he worthy [Music] how many of your hearts just feel like they're about to pop open with gratitude tonight i'm just telling you i am so thankful for jesus if it wasn't for jesus i definitely would not be here how about you for thou o lord art high above all the earth [Music] thou art exalted far above all god every name every name for thou o lord [Music] whatever you're going through he's higher thou art exalted he's bigger far above he's greater [Music] oh yeah come on from the bottom of your heart tonight let's lift it up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i all these [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] come on let's declare it tonight for thou all [Music] exalted far above every other name jesus oh [Music] thou art exalted far above all [Music] gods [Music] yes we knew [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] all [Music] come on if you have a prayer language tonight the bible says that we can sing in the spirit we can pray in the spirit and just between you and jesus just devotionally tonight would you just lift up the language of your spirit man and begin to sing from your spirit to the lord god we worship you in spirit and a truth jesus we worship you tonight lord god [Music] we worship you for who you are lord god hallelujah we worship you jesus you are greater lord god you are higher you are bigger [Music] lord we trust in you tonight whatever we're going through thank you that your word says we're not going to get stuck but we're going through just like you told the disciples we're going to the other side and whatever storm that comes up in the in the meantime god thank you that we've got your promise that's yes and amen thank you lord god that your word is alive and powerful and living in us tonight thank you god that you've given us a good report and we believe it we believe in god we exalt thee above every situation [Music] we magnify your name jesus jesus oh we exalt you lord father we made the choice tonight all around the world to say that we exalt you above what we're going through and in in the midst we give you thanks because we know god that it's a finished work we rest in that grace provision tonight hallelujah somebody right now on the internet has been struggling with cancer you've been trying to figure out what to do to get that cancer to leave your body i'm telling you the lord god is healing your body even right now as you're resting in that finished work that he's already provided over two thousand years ago i just saw it as clear as could be you've entered into that rest even as we were singing i exalted you you lifted up your hands and surrendered you said god i give up i give in i give to you the glory that is due your name lord we thank you we thank you tonight come on all over this place let's lift up holy hands and bless the lord come on let's just bless him tonight he's worthy he's worthy of our praise [Music] lord we exalt you above every name every sickness every disease every challenge every every storm god we bless your name [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord lord we're just so grateful in everything we give thanks for this is the will of christ jesus concerning us [Music] [Music] feeling is healing is here [Music] healing is [Music] healing is here [Music] healing is here [Music] and i'll [Music] [Applause] [Music] i where my help comes from i look to you my rock my healer i trust in you yes we are and freedom is here aren't you so grateful tonight freedom is here [Music] is freedom is here [Music] i is it is [Music] i trust in your [Applause] [Music] is [Music] come on let's make this declaration tonight sickness can't stay any longer your perfect love is casting out fear you are the god of all power and it is your will that my life is healed come on sinclair tonight stay any longer your perfect love is [Music] sickness [Music] [Music] so i reached my hands to the heavens i lift my eyes where my help comes from i look to you my rock my healer i trust in you [Music] i reached my hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] i trust in you [Music] wow [Music] [Music] i trust in you jesus [Music] jesus jesus how i [Music] jesus jesus precious jesus oh for grace to trust you more lord i'm so grateful tonight for multiplied grace for grace upon grace upon grace thank you lord god that your ability to do for us what we could never do for ourselves is alive and well in us tonight god you are so good and we give you all thanks all glory for who you are and who you are in us we say thank you jesus and everybody said amen so tell somebody next to you tonight if god is for you nobody can be against you tell somebody around you would you we're going to break away to a video and we'll be right back here in just a few minutes thank you so much for worshiping with us as a woman you are called to thrive you are created to know and be known by god experience unity with god and learn what it means to thrive in the vine god's purpose for your life is so big and so important you are his first choice do you know god loves you excessively we are called to speak forth we are called to prophesy you are royalty the violent take it by force we're your daughters we're linking shields cultivate fruit in the word and release yourself into a deeper purpose at the 2020 women rise conference november 5th through the 7th the power of life and death are in the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof i mean i stand amazed at the faith people have in the words of a doctor when they say you are you don't question it you don't doubt it you don't wrestle with it you receive it why can't we approach the word of god the same way in jesus our physician that says hey i got good news for you you're healed why not receive a blessing i speak blessings over our church every service blessing i bless them and i speak blessings over them i would never ever say what doctors say over people i just wouldn't speak those words over anybody and that's what carly did she just flat refused to receive what i consider a curse that's a curse uh and and it will not come it can't come without cause and there is no cause you're healed in jesus name and i remember you telling something about you had to go get a checkup and that spoke to me because i didn't even check the checkup they said one negative thing in that report and sue mentioned it and i gave her that look and she knew don't bring it up again i don't care what that report says i am healed and i think it was you that a doctor said that you i don't remember what it was but you called him a liar i think yeah yeah why don't you try that worked for him and dwayne is not saying that anybody who goes to a doctor is something bad and if you say well dwayne and andrew don't go to a doctor so therefore i'm not going to go and you don't have your faith where we are you're liable to die so please don't misunderstand what we're saying but you know what i'm not against veterinarians but i wouldn't take my dog to a vet you know why i don't have a dog if you got a dog maybe you need to take it to the vet if you believe you're sick well then go to the doctor but if you believe you're well well then believe your will amen amen amen amen hallelujah [Applause] man we have a lot of fun preaching the gospel you know it man it's this is the greatest thing going so you don't have to be all serious all the time we can have a lot of fun we've had a tremendous time this is our last service of the healing is here and you know we had to change because of this virus thing and the restrictions the government was placing out and so anyway there's reasons but we decided to do this and i think that this has wound up being the best one we've held we have had more people tuned in we have reached a lot of people and just it's been an awesome awesome time let me remind you that are watching that we have prayer ministers on the phones right now they will be on until midnight tonight and so anytime if something is happening if god is speaking to you and you just feel like i've got to do something you know the bible says faith without works is dead well then you know just call that number tell somebody get them to pray with you and we are here for you it will be a blessing also remember that our healing journeys videos we have 33 of them on seven different volumes and we've got more volumes that are in the works and we just haven't completed them but these seven volumes are typically a hundred and twenty dollars for the seven uh videos they're on the special for 99. also i mentioned yesterday that we just got my new book more grace more favor in and i announced it and they didn't have it in the bookstore yet so now they've got it in the bookstore but the bookstore is closed [Applause] so why did they tell me to promote this [Applause] just to let you know that it's there but you can't have it amen somebody's anyway so we've got cds dvds and usbs from this conference that are available and i would encourage you to get that of course the entire conference will be available on our website and if you've missed any of this please go back and watch it and even if you've watched all of it it'd be great to go back and watch it again i tell you this has been a faith builder it has just been a wonderful wonderful time and also a number of the songs that daniel sang tonight are on which one of our cds healing is here cd and of course that's available on the website and i would encourage you to get that it would be a real blessing amen tonight i want to give you your last opportunity to give uh into this ministry let's turn over to first corinthians chapter nine and i'm going to share something with you that may sound like a rebuke i don't mean it that way it's more of an exhortation but look at these verses here in first corinthians chapter 9 and in verse 7 it says who go at the warfare anytime at his own charges who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruit thereof or who feedeth the flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock say i these things as a man or saith not the law the same also for it is written in the law of moses thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn doth god take care for oxen or sayethy it all together for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written that he that plows should plow in hope and he that thresheth in hope should be partakers of his hope if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things if others be partakers of this power over you are not we rather nevertheless we have not used this power but suffer all things lest we should hinder the gospel of christ if you read this in context paul didn't even receive offerings in first corinthians and some people have taken this to say that paul never took offerings that's not true he took offerings from all of the other churches he matter of fact one time ii corinthians he says have i done something wrong and not allowing you to give an offering unto me he says forgive me this wrong but in this individual situation because there was so much opposition they were so ungodly secular and stuff he refused to receive offerings so that nobody could accuse him of just preaching the gospel for money and then he says in verse 13 he says do you not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar even so hath the lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel and the reason i'm reading these verses and again this is not meant as a rebuke but it's an exhortation you know the apostle paul goes on to say god forbid that anybody should take away from me my glory and he was saying god's my source you aren't my source and i believe that 100 but i got a email today that gave the total text to give that people have given this week and it was pitiful i'm not going to tell you what it is and there are other people that probably went to the website and gave there may be people that call there's people that are here in this auditorium that i'm sure have given but anyway when i saw this i just thought you know just because a person is sitting at home and watching this on their computer it is wrong it is wrong for you not to participate and i'm not saying this for my benefit i don't know how to convince you of that you can sit there and criticize me and say man you're just trying to get a big offering you know i used to go to a church in colorado springs and i held a five-day meeting there and after five days they took up an offering and my total offering was fifty dollars and one person i know of gave 350 dollars but the pastor stole probably five or six thousand dollars and gave me a fifty dollar offering and i wanted the cassette tapes that went with the uh meetings so that i could use them and he charged me for those and that was fifty five dollars so i lost five dollars on the deal and some people came to me and told it about him what are you going to do and i said you know what i don't care that's between that guy and the lord i said i'm not going to sit here and argue over this god is my source he didn't steal from me he stole from god and that's the way i look at it i've never gone to a place and looked at them as my source matter of fact many places that i go i give back more money than what they give me so i'm not saying these things for my benefit little parentheses let me just say that that pastor did not prosper he's now with jesus he's not even here on the earth anymore and his administrator that helped him do this has been in the penitentiary for probably 20 years so you know what god is going to take care of me i don't care you aren't my source but these scriptures say that you are supposed to give where you're fed and if you've been watching this i'm saying this for your benefit you're sitting at home and you have had some of the greatest ministry that i think we've ever put out and just because you're watching it on your home screen or computer or whatever and stuff you've been fed and it's wrong not to give where you're fed i'm saying this for your benefit you don't go to mcdonald's and go across the street and pay wendy's you give where you're fed galatians chapter 6 you know you reap what you sow let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches so i'm saying this for your benefit we've had one of our speakers one of the people that gave a testimony that gave four times as much as all of the rest of the hundreds of thousands of people that are watching this to this meeting four times as much that's pitiful so i'm not condemning you i'm just saying wake up and realize that maybe we've had to change some things and we're doing some virtual things and you aren't in church and we aren't passing a bucket in front of you but you're doing yourself damage if you do not sow into the kingdom of god when you re receive something you give you ask jamie i listen to people on the radio that have called me a cult and have called me one of those name it claim it blab it grab it prosperity preachers and they insult me by name and yet i've listened and if they say something good i'll give them five bucks amen the bad part of that is i get on their mailing list and i have to get off but i'm telling you if somebody feeds me if i learn something from a person i'm going to give to them that's just wrong to just sit there and take and never give so not for my benefit but for yours you need to participate tonight amen thank you for that thunderous silence all around the world some of you may not appreciate what i'm doing but i'm saying this for your benefit it's not for my god's going to take care of me but you know what if god takes care of me through other sources you are missing the blessing that god intends for you to have so father i just pray tonight for the people who've been watching this this week who've been fed father they have been given a royal feast they have received we i've heard comments this week some people say this is one of the greatest meetings they've ever been to and i know that there's people that have received and have been encouraged and this is going to make a difference in their life and yet they haven't participated father i'm asking that you would speak to them that you would just encourage not out of condemnation or guilt but just realizing that i need to be a part i need to give where i'm fed that you have ordained that those that preach the gospel live of the gospel so father i'm praying that the holy spirit speak to people that they respond and we just thank you father believe that you are blessing this back unto them one hundred fold in the mighty name of jesus amen praise god so you can give by text text to give and the information is on the screen there you can go to awmi dotnet slash give and you can give that way or you can call that number 719-635-1111 and the person that answers the phone will help you to be able to give that way but i encourage you to participate for your own benefit amen and i'm not sure i've i've been focused on all of the people watching by live stream i don't know what we're doing here but i can promise you if you want to give somebody here will take your money amen so don't leave without being a participant i tell you it's better to be a part of something to be a than to be a spectator every single time amen so tonight we are going to have a as our offertory we're going to have a little selection from our musical god with us and this is about the woman that touched the hymn of jesus garment and jamie is that person playing that the video that you will see is the actual dvd where this was done and then jamie and raquel and i i'm not sure for anyway there's a bunch of people who is it hannah and okay anyway that's who it is so they are going to be singing over the people that are on the video and this will just give you a small taste of the video and i tell you it's powerful if you haven't got those dvds of the heart of christmas and god with us you need to get those because i guarantee you they will bless you so let's listen to this and then i'll be back jesus please come my daughter even now she is at the point of death please lay your hands on her thus you might live somebody touch me master we're caught in this crowd like fish in a net jesus please my daughter but somebody touched me i feel power go out for me my lord it was me my daughter your faith has made you whole now go in peace and here i stand now free from my bondage free the lord my redeemer had mercy upon me for so long i searched for a cure for [Music] me from pain i had lost upon me i only touched [Music] living in darkness and fear every day was a fight to survive through this night with no end but today the lord my redeemer had mercy upon me i was blind but now i see now i hear him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] praise god man that's awesome that doesn't light your fire your woods wet man isn't that great we have had a wonderful time this week we have heard uh i made a list today i've been saying you know that i didn't know exactly how many people we had had testimonies from and i actually made a list there was 19 testimonies that we heard of miraculous healings and we have 33 of those on video so we just barely covered over half of them and man it has been exceptional and so one of the things i wanted to do i wanted to ask daniel amstets if he would come up here of course daniel is the one who leads all of our praise and worship but his second job is running our healing school and training all of this and he and carly teredes are the ones that started this healing is here conference and this has been different this year but it's been awesome hadn't it really has been very different hasn't it but it's been so great you know one of the things i love andrew is that we've been able to see the relationship between how god has touched these people and how god's used you and this ministry and the connection between these people is just amazing i tell you you know some people don't like this but one of my favorite movies is what's that christmas one it's a wonderful one oh yeah we love that too i watch that every day every year it's a must just minister to me but one of the points it makes is we don't know how much our life affects another person it's true and we get discouraged sometimes and think you know am i making a difference but if you just touch one life yeah and then they go out and touch another it makes a difference and this is one of the things i've got out of this this week is to see that man pray i had some people come up and say man i'm glad you didn't quit and i said man so am i so am i look what we would have been missing i had just gotten discouraged and run the other direction and there's a few times we had that opportunity yeah absolutely i i did too you know people think that ministers don't have any problems and we aren't going to sit here and glorify our problems but daniel has had things happen in his life that most people wouldn't come back from and you'd never know it somebody told me one time you know you can either get bitter or get better amen and i decided you know what i'm gonna let the lord use this even though he didn't cause it i'm gonna let him use it to his glory but we've gotta we've gotta surrender that to the lord don't we andrew amen you know when you're going through situations you can take it on and we've heard that this week how people can try to solve it in their own strength they can try to take it on in the natural realm but you know what god is so much greater than what's coming against us amen and praise god for his faithfulness and it's worth fighting for it's worth fighting for if you take the easy way out you know a dead fish can float downstream come on but if you turn around and start going against the flow it takes a little more effort but the reward is so much better yeah and aren't we seeing that in our culture right now well yeah i mean it's big isn't it that's terrible so anyway have a seat daniel what i want to do is uh i want to just go through every one of these 19 testimonies i've gotten them all written out here and just a draw out a nugget yeah from each one and so i want you to participate will do and share this but nikki was the very first one up nikki oshinski weller and she set the stage for this and of course nikki is the very first healing journey that we did and her testimony is tremendous her personal relationship really spoke to me but you know the number one thing that i took away from nikki was the growth and the maturity that she has now compared to 20 years ago and i mean i am impressed it's only god that could have done those things in her life and again this goes back to the if you listen to nikki talk very long she's going to talk about personal relationship with the lord and that's what produces relationship and then everything else healing comes from relationships so many people are seeking the healing instead of the lord and if you get the lord you'll get everything he's got that's it and you know what when nikki started to speak i've heard her talk before i've heard her healing journey many times but when she came to the 2020 healing is here and started to talk the way she expressed her heart there was something about it that was unique the way she said her phrases the way that she communicated her words it was like i was sitting up and taking notice like okay that is really good i've never heard that like that she was talking off the top of her head she was talking from her heart that had been in communion with the lord it was full of revelation and you know many times we try to take what someone else says and it really becomes imitation we respect them we honor them but you know what you can't take somebody else's revelation you've got to make it yours amen and that's what we saw from nikki when she began to speak out of the abundance of her heart man i'm telling you i'm going to go back and watch her session actually all of them like you were saying i'm going to go back and watch it several times and take notes it was that good and you know i've been talking to all of these people that gave their testimony this week and they're amazed sometimes that i know so much about it but i watch these testimonies all the time yeah they're faith builders they really are i i don't know if people consider that uh i don't know what they think about i don't care it ministers to me to see what god has done and it encourages me and so praise god we would encourage you to get these testimonies the second one up was theresa ho telling what did you what's your take away from her you know what i love about teresa's story she was so in as a carer student i got to know her uh when she first came to karis and she and patrick are just you know really special people but the thing that i love so much about her story is that she was determined that she was going to get this from the lord she came to healing school faithfully i mean she was ministered to several times while being a student but what happened was when she got into the word of god she said i'm getting this for myself i don't care what it takes i am gonna get this for myself and that's exactly what happened she did well i got a bunch of things from her but the one thing that really blessed me the most out of teresa's testimonies when i asked her i said so how long did it take for the symptoms yeah to go away and she couldn't tell because she she says i didn't even focus on she wasn't even thinking about her sickness once she got her eyes on the lord and once she got a word that she was healed she didn't think about the sickness anymore yeah man that is major that's major if people could do that to where they quit you know this goes along with so many said things similar to this but mike this morning was saying the same thing that man his focus wasn't on that tumor anymore it was on the things inside that was feeding it and once you get free on the inside it's just a short period of time until you see that freedom on the outside you know one of the things that so ministered to me was when we were in the process of building this building you know you mentioned one day and you said this several times but this particular day you said i've already seen this whole thing in my spirit i saw it before it was ever made manifest and you know i think a lot of people see themselves sick and they're trying so hard to get well but when you get that rest that mike hesh was talking about this morning where you really rest in the finished work you begin to see it as already a done deal on the inside and then it's just a matter of time before it's manifested on the outside and then michael schutz how do you say that that's right i got it what a deal [Laughter] amen one of the things i loved about michael and kevin and mary katherine was the fact that they just had this childlike faith and here was this son that they just started feeding pizza and it didn't look like it worked immediately and yet they just simply believe well god said it and they just kept standing on it you know we make faith way way way too complicated it's just a matter of what do you really believe do you believe what the word says or do you believe what your body has to say that's right it's it's really that simple and man i got that from this family as they were sharing their testimony that man would god all of us could be that simple yeah well and you know you're teaching on the balance of grace and faith has ministered to so many people because you know even for myself i i was in faith ministry for a long long time and you know we we just got to this place where we were trying to move god we were using our faith to try to move god and i remember the one time when you said you know god's not stuck faith moves us but faith can only receive what grace has provided and that balance between those two things i think is what we saw in michael's story yeah as michael began to just trust what his parents were saying and the whole pizza piece i mean how great was that you know finally getting to eat a piece of pizza i mean you think about these little things that become such big things in somebody's life yeah i remember herman talking about looking at a woman that could go to the bathroom it was appealing to me oh my gosh anyway we'll get to that in a minute and let me just say this about michael's story you know in andrew in 20 uh 2014 in this room when we had our first healing is here event um i was sitting on the front row it was during a ministry time we had i don't even know there must have been at least 100 people that were here up in the front and i was sitting there and praying and and letting our prayer ministers do what our prayer ministers do and all of a sudden i saw this little guy come over here who was not a prayer minister and he got behind this lady and began to lay his hands on her and in that holy ghost moment when i saw this little guy i got a word for him and i knew that there was an appointment on his life and an anointing well the lady that he was praying for and he just came up later laid his hands on her the lady said he turned she turned around she said who it was just like jesus and the hem of the garment she turned around she said who touched me and here was little michael schutz who had just laid his hands on that lady and the minute michael prayed for her she was healed fully recovered and that same night you gave him a prophecy about what god was going to do and it turns out you were the third person that gave him that same prophecy that same word i had no idea in god good that's awesome so julianne hartman was up on tuesday night what did you have to say about julian she's a holy ghost firecracker i'm telling you you know the thing about julianne was she was like the woman in the bible who had spent all that she had on doctors getting to the place where she had exhausted her resources to be able to finally just say i've tried everything and when she had tried everything she turned to the lord and the lord is the one that supplied the need that the money could never purchase and you know we aren't just reminiscing the reason i'm going back over this for those i'll be watching if you haven't watched all week you need to go back and watch these things but we are bringing out things that cause these people to be able to open up and receive what jesus had already provided for them and it this will work for you these are encouragements for you absolutely and one of the things i got from julianne was just determination yeah you know matthew chapter 11 verse 12 i believe it is says since the days of john the baptist the kingdom of heaven is preached and it suffers violence and the violent take it by force and what that's talking about is it's not talking about you go out and hit somebody or something it's talking about you've got to get this attitude and this is what julianne has al although she did say she liked hitting people she did say she did say that didn't she i wouldn't want to say that but i tell you what that you need that attitude this and this is a thread that really we could have mentioned that in many of these is as long as you can tolerate being sick you will yeah but when you draw a line in the sand and say that you've pushed me as far as you're gonna push me and i'm through yeah i tell you what it's just a matter of time until you're gonna see a breakthrough and julianne not only has done this herself but then she's now taking this and reaching out to others and man i just love this this is another thing that this week has blessed me so much is to see that these people haven't just taken the healing power of god and that's it every one of them is sharing it with other people and are impacting other people and and the generational impact andrew you know not only was julianne impacted and her husband butch but now her children have been impacted to point that they came to keras and and their lives are changed so now they're sharing what happened with them you know you can disagree with somebody's theology but how are you going to argue with their testimony yeah when you see a life change then all of a sudden they're they're going this direction and now they're going this direction something had to something happens right and connie weiskopf was up the next and and connie man what a great healing of cancer but you know the thing i took away from connie was that it was actually a deliverance from shame and guilt over using abortion as birth control and now she has worked in one pregnancy center and now she's running a pregnancy center right next to one of the biggest abortion doctors in the nation and just putting it to the devil making a difference man what a blessing that's that's what really blessed me about connie oh so huge and you know one of the things connie said i mean i had to literally just go what when she linked abortion to cancer yeah i had never heard that before i guess i might have heard it but it certainly wasn't stuck it didn't and she said this is one of the things that's that they try to cover up but it is a statistic that is absolutely connected to those that are having abortions the the chance of cancer goes up 50 percent yeah and i think i i forget the details but some like 90 something percent increase or percent of a chance of cancer and that's awesome also andrew the the condemnation when connie was able to really discover her identity in christ and get rid of that shame and that blame and that condemnation that traps so many people you know she became literally a brand new creation absolutely who she was before and who she is now is completely two different people that's awesome it's awesome and this is what everybody needs dwayne sheriff and i are going to have a conference here in about a month on an identity conference can't wait and dwayne and i are so much alike that it's scary sometimes except for that i'm like him except for your hair that's right praise god no afro my mother made me put my hair this way when i graduated from high school she because she said you are not going to graduate with a flat top that's what i'd had my whole life so i i had a flat top and i've had this hair do ever since yeah well you know what you're just being like god because god never changes here you go people that are stuck in a rut never change either so i don't know but anyway next came john and connie tesh and man what a blessing those two are in so many ways but one of the thing that stands out to me about them is that when they first got hold of the word they knew that it was god's will for them to be well they knew it was a part of the atonement but they weren't at the place of just standing without going through that medical treatment and they didn't have any condemnation but when it came back two or three years later they had grown and when they heard the doctor give the report about what he was going to do they said they both had no peace about that and they decided to follow god didn't take any medical treatments and were completely healed i think that was a great balance because this is one of the questions i get asked all the time a lot yeah about should i go to the doctor yeah so what i tell people is i said it depends on what you have peace about what do you have faith for right if you try and operate on my faith where i am you may not be at that level and if you uh you know don't go to the doctor well then you might die because you are wanting to believe that you aren't there yet that's right yeah and and you know john and connie their whole story has touched millions you know most of you know this but uh they did a pbs special here in our big auditorium just a few months ago and it was phenomenal and it's already being aired it's been aired already on pbs but it's available for even for purchase but you know they've used their platform that god blessed them with and they could have been quiet about this they could have just kind of you know gone away with the whole healing journey part of it all but instead you know it reminds me of what jesus said in matthew 11 when he said you know what i tell you in the dark or in the private or in the prayer closet shout out on the rooftops and that's exactly what they've done what god did for them was so good they couldn't keep it to themselves and so what they did was they made it uh a part of their story and a part of their journey but they weren't ashamed of the gospel of christ and therefore the power of god that's in the gospel is literally being communicated worldwide now on a platform that we would never have been able to touch absolutely isn't that amazing people that would never listen to me yeah it's awesome it is awesome and you know another thing about them that it blesses me is that they are young in this and they are just so hungry and excited and sad to say a lot of people don't maintain that excitement over a long period of time but they have and and that really blesses me yeah it's awesome it's awesome so the next people up was the mcdermott's timothy deborah christopher and james man in that oh man that's such a great testimony and you know the thing about that testimony is they were so determined once she heard that medical you know report of autism wow i mean that mcdermott family as you would say is stronger than horseradish they were not going to move off of god's word but that journey that stand that fight that we see in so many of these stories was so powerful just to watch the process and you know i was having to go to the next meeting i was up preaching and so i had started to leave and they and paul flanagan our director of our bible college says could you just have one more and they told me what the deal was and because i was in a hurry i this is nearly exactly what i said well father in the name of jesus we rebuke autism and command this to leave i release healing you are healed in jesus name a 10-second prayer yeah and then i turned around and said congratulations you are the parents of two normal healthy children wow and i walked off yeah and the point i'm making is it wasn't my great faith or fancy prayer that was deborah mcdermott that for years had been nurturing this and all she needed was a point of contact is what um oral roberts used to call it just some way to release their faith and that woman stood and believed and it was about two years of terrible uh things that she had to deal with she didn't go into all of these things but i mean james seems to be worse and and he wouldn't even wear clothes he he would run around the house just screaming they couldn't leave the house and it was literally hell on earth for the mcdermott family and she persevered through the whole thing you know a lot of people will fill in the blank when it comes to i know the lord can heal i know he can heal but can he heal and then there's the blank and autism has been that for a lot of people you know even in the healing school and in our conferences you know we have people who you know well i know god can heal this but can he heal that i have people all the time say i know he heals this and this and this but it is he healed this yeah and it's their situation i don't know what they think it means when he says bless the lord who heals all thy diseases i mean i looked it up and it actually means all that's amazing you know to me that reminds me of the guy in the eighth chapter of matthew the centurion that says speak the word deborah got a word and he wants that man the power of a word wow the power of just one simple thing man it's powerful yeah and we we just do not understand how powerful the word of god is but man it set them free and then andrew for timothy you know uh to think of this autistic child who couldn't even leave the house to now being on our stage doing major productions we had 3 200 people watching him perform in the david production and he was flawless it was amazing and to know where he was you know for us the public doesn't always know this but for us that know these stories in these journeys i'm telling you i even during this conference i finally just said forget about it i just went over and got a box of tissue and put it under my chair i mean carrie i'm telling you i'm you know i'm i'm right there with you you know but i am the guy sometimes that cries at those military commercials you know when the guy is coming home from war and he's oh god you know that yeah so but i'm telling you when you begin to see the power of god in people's lives and how their lives are so changed how can it not move you and timothy knowing that story and then seeing him up here in front of thousands of people and even global impact idris is like devil talk about rubbing it in your face amen this is awesome it's not about autism it's about an awesome god i've never seen him do anything that i don't just look at that and think jesus his whole life his whole family's life would have been completely different without jesus and you know most people wouldn't have this perspective but timothy went through school over in the uk and then he came over here and went through three years of school and before he lived by himself in a different culture if you were ever going to have anything aggravate autism and cause a relapse seems like culture shock living by yourself going to school just all of the things yeah man what a great great testimony i love the mcdermotts they're awesome and then mercy santos had you heard her testimony before i had heard her testimony yeah what did you think when she got up that woman's stronger than horseradish i'm telling you that's the truth mercy is like you know i guess a bulldog image would not be a good thing to compare a woman to but probably not but you just did let me tell you this this woman is a good-looking bulldog but she is not going to let go of what god provided and the passion that she now carries inside of her because of what she's been through she's so bold i'm telling you i loved her story because not only is it affecting her now and how it's changed her life but again her whole family and so many people are being set free as a result of that story that she now has shared with she's been on television she travels and ministers has seen hundreds if not thousands of people touched and man that just blesses us oh man the enemy wanted to take her out but god brought her out and has now put her on a worldwide stage i wrote down here by mercy's name walking by faith second corinthians chapter five verse seven literally she had multiple sclerosis and started walking by faith fall down get out and she didn't quit yeah so many people are quitters yeah i guess that's considered criticism but it's just the truth well it is the truth and you know a lot of people will will take uh they'll believe god for a healing but then when a symptom manifests in their body after they've been ministered to they're like see it didn't work they're focusing on the symptom instead of the promise and you know what mercy did was she focused on the promise and she said no this is mine jesus paid for it i'm taking it and no matter what i'm going to get up and i'm going to walk and you know what if we could have been there in that moment it probably wasn't pretty but who cares the point is she took a step and that step led to another step and to another step and here we are today giving god the glory amen healed of multiple sclerosis what a great testimony and then al and angie burke man i love al and angie they are a blessing and i tell you that that really ministered to me that he went ahead and held his monday night bible study in the er who does that well and angie that's who do that but boy the doctor and you know this is a common thread that was through so many of these testimony we are not against doctors but i'm against doctors who think that they're god right and that think that what they see and their diagnosis trumps what god says people that don't honor god there you go i'm against that and sad to say most doctors have a god complex and they believe that well this is what i said and this is the way it's going to be and it cannot be different yeah and uh man al and angie stood against that and this is a common thread among many of these i tell you the scripture that came to mind for me was uh john 5 44 how can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that comes from god only and if you are worried about people and them rejecting you and thinking that you're crazy what they think it hinders faith it does pastor dwayne when his son was raised from the dead jacob and him and his whole family had to do the same thing really just about every one of these testimonies had to stand against other people telling them that they had lost their mind yeah and you got you just got to get to a place where god's the only person you seek to please you know a doctor has a medical report right and you know they've studied for years i mean by the time you go through undergraduate school graduate school and then you have your residency you know you've got easily you know 12 years of education process to be able to practice medicine and probably even more honestly but you know they've got a medical report but what they often don't know is that god has a good report they've got a they've got a report but god's got a good report and what would happen andrew if the whole church i mean theoretically speaking you know but what if the whole church could actually believe that the word of god is really the word of god and we as christians when we're in these situations medically speaking what would happen instead of just an unusual one out of every you know 3 000 people what if every believer started doing the word of god like this you need to get a second report amen from the word from the word right sounds like a song doesn't it whose report will you believe come on i love that song i'll let you sing it [Laughter] that song by the way is one of the songs on our healing is here cd we did a medley and uh they were all older songs from you know a lot of healing revival and oral roberts catherine coleman you know but this whose report will you believe we will believe the report of the lord and see that's the issue most people would rather believe the report of the physician rather than and by the way the one who's practicing medicine as opposed to the great physician there's a reason they call it a medical practice he's he doesn't know he's just praying they're practicing well let's practice the word of god here i'll give you this pill see if that works if it doesn't come back and i'll give you a green pill yeah they're just practicing and oh by the way they do have side effects including death yes that's terrible so audrey scott was up next and i'd say i loved having audrey here i've i've seen that video many times but you know in the video they only bring her up to about three years of age i think and it shows her running and to see her as a 13 year old so great and to hear that testimony again it was tom and jamie had to stand just like so many of these against the reports it's not that we're against the doctors they showed respect to the doctors but they did not believe that report that's right this is so simple you got to have somebody to help you to misunderstand it but we have a lot of help we have a lot of help we are society just tells us that these people are the authority and if they say this this is the way it's going to be right romans chapter 3 verse 4 is what comes to mind where it says let god be true and every man a liar and you have to not only say that about maybe a doctor if they're saying something contrary but you could have to say it about family members sometimes you have to say about yourself that's right i don't care what i think i'm gonna let god be true what does god say amen yeah man man i just love the fact they were able to stand and praise god this was one of the relative quick ones only three days instead of three months or three years but we'll take a miracle any way it comes i thought it was so neat too that when she was missing her rib you know not only was it a major heart issue but that one rib that was missing and then how god restored the rib as well as the heart and i believe one of the keys to that healing was the imagination yes and we talked about that with jamie but she had a vision of her sitting in her rocking chair on her porch uh rocking audrey and singing jesus loves me and we ended the video with her doing just that it was so amazing and i tell you if you can't see yourself healed on the inside you'll never see it on the outside and again every one of these testimonies we might express it differently but it's the same thing my cash was making a great point of that today that he saw himself free and this thing on his chest was incidental it was not the problem the problem was what was inside that's right man if people could understand that they're trying to get this thing dealt with when they need to look a little deeper yeah they need to get it into their imagination and what if her parents had not believed god now here she is an infant having a major issue i mean most parents would want their child well but this child probably would not have made it well she wasn't gonna believe on her own you weren't gonna believe on her own right and that happens a lot of times with children we deal with this in the healing school all the time parents are like you know can i believe from my child well absolutely why wouldn't you believe for your child whether it's an infant or whether it's a child you know all the way up to them leaving home right and so we don't mean to put a uh we don't need to put a burden on you but you need to believe for your children and not accept all of these things that are being said yeah absolutely that's absolutely true vanya curry was up and met her and dave and i love vania's testimony the thing i got from that is i'm not against medicine i'm not against naturalistic things but if if your faith is directed towards those things instead of god it can actually be a hindrance i actually love it when people come to me and say the doctors have done all that they can and they told me to go home and die i am excited because that way you don't have to redirect their faith away and say god is god is able to heal you but they they've quit everything else now they're in a great place to just trust god and that's where vania and dave were yeah and i i love one of my favorite moments of that story was fun bonnie who was telling us all the various natural things that the doctor was you know having them do but when she got to the eating clay part watching your face why would anybody eat clay brush their teeth with it i mean i was the things that people you know this reminds me of the woman in the fifth chapter of mark who came to jesus and she had spent all of her living on doctors and i actually read a commentary on what they did and part of the thing this issue of blood they would make they would put herbs in a in a big pot of water and stuff and boil it and the steam and then they would make you sit over it and somehow the vapors would come upon you and that was the medical treatment of that day for an issue of blood and you just think how stupid can a person get and still breathe and then you hear of somebody eating clay and i think that might compete i was like i i know we're originally made from the dirt but i mean that's a little bit if you're watching vania we love you that was dumb to the second power dum-dum dum-dum that's it and you know the thing about vania's journey that for me personally that i loved so much was that it was one of our artistic productions that really connected her heart to the revelation of the truth when she saw that you know the bible or the bible a picture is worth a thousand words and when you see the bible in action you see it being portrayed from a biblical perspective there's something about the power of seeing that and when vania was able to connect with that that was her moment when she was just like i'm healed i got it i received it and i tell you vanya was just a a real blessing uh to see what god has done in her life yeah it's awesome so nicole marbach was up next and i tell you that is one of the most dramatic healings i've ever seen it wasn't necessarily like a cancer or something that was causing physical pain but it was just all of this emotional pain and i've read her book and she's very articulate in sharing that matter of fact you nearly get depressed reading her explain how depressing she was that's as close to it as i want to get but she you you really felt what she was feeling and and to see her it to me it all came down to her identity yeah she had been abused told she was nothing and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy yeah and when she saw that no that's not who she was in christ that's what turned her life around you know her story is so amazing as all of these stories are amazing but i think it gives people so much hope because there's so many people in our culture who have been abused sexually physically emotionally whatever you know there's a lot of abuse that's happening in our culture today and and sadly it's not getting less it's actually getting more and so one of the things that nicole's story really addresses is that even though you've been in the deepest pit there still is hope in god you know when you come from that place where you've been rejected you've been abused your whole identity is basically a piece of trash you know i remember one of our students one day her dad spoke a word over her that said you are just a piece of and you can fill in the blank and that was her identity she came living with that identity it was like a tattoo had been placed on her forehead and when she started to sit under the word of god and realize that there was a different a different report that she could really identify with it completely transformed her life well this is what nicole's story does for us because you know what a lot of people don't realize that there's actually healing for mental disorders they know that there's healing for for physical disorders but they don't know and isn't it interesting that when she was being clinically diagnosed how she began to share the various disorders she had bipolar disorder she had a disorder well you know what god is the one who brings the disorder into order if we'll just allow him through the power of the holy ghost amen and i'm reminded andrew of luke 4 18 when jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me he has anointed me to heal the brokenhearted and you know we've got a lot of people in our culture today that are dealing with broken hearts and i'm telling you if that's you tonight there is good news that god is the healer of the broken heart if you haven't heard nicole's story get it watch the video get her book i'm telling you it's going to be a blessing it's a bipolar ptsd cutting suicide all kinds of self-harm things and she calls her ministry her book and her ministry all has hope in it that's what changed and now like so many people she has used what probably many people would describe as her mess her mess has literally become her message and this center that she now has established is not only her hope now she found in jesus she's releasing this same good news to all of these people that are coming to this center you know we've had up to 12 000 people watching this one time and we've had over a million people view it but let's just take the 12 000 who watch consecutively and if every person received and then went out and did what nicole and what nicki and what julianne and every and if every person went out and just reached another dozen or a hundred or something like that think of that oh man if you reach 10 people 10 times 12 thousands 120 000 if you reached a hundred people then you'd be reaching 1.2 million people if just the people who have been participating this week were to receive and then reproduce man that would make a difference in this nation it sure would and you know what it's a difference we really need right now absolutely and one of the things i've loved so much about this week andrew is going to be no surprise to you but you know you and jamie have had this mandate in your heart now this vision in your heart for so many years for making disciples and this is what we're seeing we're seeing disciples people who have literally not just become converts but they've studied the word of god they've they've made into intimacy with jesus a priority and they've become a disciple and when you become a disciple then you can make other disciples and that's one of the things that has really blessed me is because every one of these people didn't just receive their healing they are disciples and now they are making other disciples that's the only way we're going to get this awesome that's great al and trina porter from over in glasgow scotland you know i was so blessed by that story i just kept looking at the joy on trina's face as she was zooming in from scotland and by the way can i just say our our technical department here has just done the most amazing job amen andrew mentioned i think yesterday that uh or maybe it was this morning that our zooms there was no lag time on any of our zooms and we zoomed literally from all over the world but listening well first of all for me i've been over to the uk several times ministering but listening to that scottish accent i love that so much and listening to their hearts be expressed and how she was just going to believe god no matter what she was seeing and you know let's be honest when you are looking into the face of someone who has just fallen as far as al fell and literally lands on his head on concrete on concrete and his head is just smashed up and you're looking at that well you know who wouldn't be tempted to be moved by what you see but she already saw something different in her heart and she was not going to let go and because of that she still has a husband today yep they still have us still have a dad yeah and the the phrase you know sometimes i'll grab a phrase what god spoke to somebody else and then god will speak it to me like i remember when jamie and i our son died we had just heard bob nichols preach a message and he he said this four or five times the first report is not the last report and the moment i heard my oldest son say dad i'm sorry but peter is dead that's the first thing that came to me i said the first reports not the last report don't let anybody touch him until we get there and because of that he was raised from the dead well i got a phrase from her that i have used and god used it for me and he's he told her he says it'll be all right and then when the doctors came out with the bad report and she says god you said it would be all right and he says and i haven't changed my mind i love that i love that too man all of the promises of god are yes and amen he hasn't changed a thing that he has promised us in the world amen it'll be all right you know what let's say that tonight come on it'll be all right amen say it again it'll be all right and regardless of what comes your way god's not going to change his mind it's all going to be all right that's awesome and then johan and brenda toot yeah man i love johann he he is an evangelist i'm telling you that was awesome that story is amazing and uh i think it was um robert muerin that was talking when he saw this he you can just see the anointing of god and when i asked them to pray the very first thing he did was go to if you don't know jesus you can see that there is a supernatural anointing on his life it's awesome and you know every one of these testimonies is awesome and i'm i'm not discrediting anybody but there are some people who you can see an anointing for ministry on their life and they just have an ability to communicate differently than a person who's just received the healing although every bit of it is all good yeah absolutely yeah yeah and you know the the whole story for johan and brenda both both of them come from such depths and to and to see where they were and how they were just you know quote flying high in the world and yet so lost and what god where god brought them you know 10 years in prison oh my goodness and you come out of that whole experience including prison looking first of all can i just say looking like he looks right and brenda looking like she looks i mean they look like they just stepped out of a fashion magazine somewhere right and you can see the anointing of god on their life because here's the thing when someone's been through what they've been through in the natural they do not look like johann and brenda look but the lord is the restorer of the heart and the bible says in proverbs 4 23 that out of the heart flow the issues of life and so what we're really seeing is what god did in them is literally manifest on them and now that testimony is literally being told around the world when he said that he used to be a multi-millionaire do you know most of you caught this but he was the guy who created um what's the drug stephen what was it ecstasy he's the he's the guy that created that drug dubious honor and i'm telling you and became a multi-millionaire over all of that trash and so you know you do you think that god's going to be outdone by what the enemy was doing in his life so now he's given everything up now just recently they sold everything again he was in spain living in a i don't know multi-million dollar home driving rolls royce are you know the fanciest cars that they could have they had so much money they had counting machines wow and uh it was all illegal money and they they just had money money money and now he has sold everything and given it away and yeah again just a totally changed heart and now because in his heart he wants to go to the nations and share this good news almost too good to be true good news of the gospel and how people are literally calling him up and writing him and emailing him and and giving large donations of money because they want to be a part of what god and you know it may sound like we're praising all of these people but what we're doing is is celebrating jesus jesus is the only one that could change johan's heart and brenda from being a prostitute to being this woman who is just ministering to people loving people and they're like mom and dad just hundreds and thousands of people that they bring into these homes and stuff you know uh just on a personal note johann and brenda were so looking forward to being here for the event when it was still a live event and i reached out to them several months ago to start making arrangements for them to be able to come over and we were texting through what's up app and it was it was so exciting for both of them to be able to come here and share their their testimony and then of course kova happened and some other things and they weren't able to actually come here physically and when i saw them up on the on the big screen and heard what was coming out of their heart i was like you know what devil you are such a loser not only are you not going to stop this message but now it's literally going worldwide with a bigger audience than we would have had before with bigger impact amen man's god amen and then bud and gina boop when they shared man the thing that stands out to me i mean there's so many things they had faith they had a revelation of the word they had prepared themselves they had personal relationship but it was the way that they refused to compromise and wouldn't let a doctor a nurse a friend or anybody in there that would and i just love that and there's not very many people that will make a stand like that because they don't want to be considered weird yeah i don't know why it is that we're so dependent upon other people's opinion well it's the fear of man isn't it for sure but yeah and the fear of man brings a snare but man that's the thing that bud and rachel their daughter i just love that that man that that's strong and like we said last night when we were interviewing them that i believe that it had to be god because in the natural that there's nobody like that no that's right it's just supernatural and this is one of the things that people miss you know i won't go into detail but i prayed for uh i was in florida and i had ashley and carly teredez with me who their their daughter was healed of these uh disorders couldn't eat food three and a half years old had never eaten solid food had to be fed by a tube we had a girl that was about i forget now eight years old ten something like that she came her mother brought her we prayed for i had ashley and carly come over and lay hands on her we prayed for and she could not eat anything and she was dying her mother and her went out and ate i forgot what it was but they just started eating anything this girl was healthy she was totally healed gaining weight but the woman had been divorced and when her ex-husband found out that they weren't following the doctor's prescribed routine that she was eating food he exploded and said he was going to threaten to sue them and do all things and anyway the mother caved and i put her back on the diet and she died within a very short period of time and she was totally healed wow and i tell you there's a lot of people that just in an inability to stand against the devil because it comes in a white suit or it becomes in a family member or whatever it's it's a shame but there's a lot of people that that's where they lose their victory one of the things also andrew that i love about their story is that when one spouse is not doing well physically whatever the power of that agreement between a husband and a wife and how the husband in this case bud was really the strength when gina couldn't be strong and you know what when you get into these storms in life if you're not already in agreement you know the time to prepare is when there isn't a storm and what we saw in this story with bud and gina was that they had already taken the time to prepare what they believed so that when they got into that situation there was no question and but i'm telling you man if you ever need somebody to defend you there's the guy but to see him do that for his wife it was powerful and i also really uh gleaned from that that gina said she could hear the whole time she was in a home 17 days she could hear everything they were saying that's powerful boy you need to remember that people that are in a coma are not uh out of it you may they may not be able to respond but they know what's going on you don't need to speak unbelief or let unbe unbelief be spoken around them and then go to uh janae and kellyanne esau and their son benjamin yeah that was raised from the dead man one of the things i took away from that was the how bad the healthcare national healthcare system is thank you jesus we live here wow telling you and then when when they brought their 12 year old son you know into the into the camera perspective well two things i love so much first of all just seeing him as a 12 year old boy but then also i loved the the just natural life moment here dad is just ministering powerfully praying and just letting it rip and the son who's 12 was back there doing you know he yawned three times while he was on camera i'm like is that not just like life right and i love that moment because we were brought into the reality of that family journey and that family story and you know honestly i'm not even sure what time it was in south africa as we were zooming in this morning think about that i think it's man what is it 12 hours or it's a big difference whatever it is i know that because i've flown there but boy you know just watching the reality of that journey play out like it did really spoke to me that god meets us in our every day he meets us in the ordinary of life and when we let him do that he transforms it into something supernatural and when i meant them back 12 years ago or 11 years ago janae is the guy that i talked to and i hadn't really heard kellyanne yeah discussed this and man she was strong it was great to have to get up and walk to another ward after she had given birth it had been cut on lost blood and she passed out and yet she had to get there on her own and she was ministering to other people and when the nurse said i'm sorry you need to get up we need the bed for somebody else i'm like are you kidding me man and and and the fact that she did it and then she went over hearing a lady who was in distress and went over and started praying for her and and massaging her back with her permission but she began to just minister to her i'm like man if that isn't the hands of jesus i don't know what is and then you know you you release your faith you see your son raised from the dead but then he's been without oxygen and he showed 13 or 14 out of the scale of 15 being the worst he was going to be a vegetable the rest of his life and they had to fight that battle and deal with that and then what was it two or three days time yeah they saw the entire thing restored and just think again how generations are being impacted you know dwayne sheriff shared a little bit this morning but his grandson you know was raised from the dead well it didn't just affect dwayne it's affected generations now as a result and the church all of the church people that are here in this test upon him man god is so awesome everybody wants a testimony but nobody wants the test well there you go and if you don't have a test well then all you got left simone [Laughter] i heard joyce meyers say that i'll give her credit one time and then richard and jacqueline uh waller man he's a he's an exciting guy wow and i remember the night that he came forward i remember that i remember that night really well because charlie just made it indelible when i said are you getting this and he goes no in front of everybody hundreds of people i thought well this is really going good praising worship leader didn't get kind of like jesus his praise and worship leader didn't get it either from chippendale to born-again spirit-filled minister of god you know if that's not seeing the grace of god in person that's incredible and you know i i was reminded of the apostle paul you know when we look at the apostle paul who was saul and to see his transformation from killing christians and i mean you know a bad dude to go from there to being the apostle paul who ended up writing a good portion of scripture you know i i keep thinking man what's yet to come with richard waller you know not only has god been using him and his wife in powerful ways in the uk and around the world and now one of the associate pastors with tree of life but what's yet to come that we don't even know about man that's awesome he's a blessing and he can preach too i've had him up in over in england and i usually have to hold the microphone because you give it to him you're liable not to get get it back he's a blessing so we had raquel and herman hudson come up i tell you that really blessed me this morning so great uh it's it's amazing i can't even imagine what that would have been like no on your wedding day to have that happen and for i think they said what eight years or something like that and then i remember when they came here and we were standing right over there when r and herman told me that they were going to quit because they had to take care of her but they would be back and i said yeah sure i've been told this before but praise god they proved me wrong they came back and man raquel she travels with us and just awesome i tell you they are a blessing and they're making a difference out there in l.a oh absolutely and you know raquel's story it touched me in so many ways i was telling her tonight in fact that i've heard her story before but i didn't realize how many things medically speaking that she was actually dealing with i think there was more because when i was on with julianne hartman one time they gave her like an hour or something and she had a bunch of i mean she was a long mess yeah i mean all kinds of things that one thing would would often take somebody out but she had multiple major things like you know a failing heart and kidneys and and shingles and you know she went into strokes and there were just so many issues and for them not to give up but to press into what god had provided for them you know andrew i i'm reminded when we were in elkton uh i had the privilege of auditioning our people who wanted to be involved in the worship ministry and raquel was one of those people and she came in and she had a cane and she she auditioned and can i just say this with with you know a totally sincere heart i was so happy when i saw a black woman walk into our auditorium to audition i'm like thank you jesus we're going to have some black gospel flavor at charis bible college amen that's one of the things i love about our whole ministry is all of the different flavors we have people from south africa i love it and and the diversity is awesome it's just awesome isn't it but raquel you know was so weak physically that she literally had to sit on a stool and she led worship with us in those early days sitting on a stool and also over at kara's christian center and you know what i love that so much because she didn't wait and herman really encouraged her with this she didn't wait until everything was all lined up but she began where she was with what she had and i respect that so much it really ministered to me and herman man he was bold strong oh man so anyway just another great example of refusing to give up determination violent taking it by force common thread and then mike and caroline hesh they were the last ones we had this morning and and i tell you i thought mike really articulated very well the fact that so many people are trying to do something to get god to respond to them instead of making their faith a response to what god has already done yeah man that was profound it was profound and the fact that he ministered uh his story like he did and shared how that whole element of the natural realm is such a trap for so many people where they try to find their healing in in a natural way even from being a spirit being that's been transformed and born again made a new creation but they're going back to natural to try to bring the healing forth and mike does such a great job of breaking that down and showing that you know what it's resting in the finished work of what jesus did and we don't have to do another thing except i love when mike says another bleeping thing except believe and receive what jesus has already done and and there was a connection between that tumor that was on his chest yeah and the performance mentality that was inside and when he changed the thing that was feeding this it was just a matter of time until it was gone yeah and that is so true for every person watching this that the physical thing is not what you're fighting that's right you're fighting a fight of faith right dwayne quoted that this morning what was it second timothy 6 12 fight the good fight of faith we aren't fighting cancer we aren't fighting uh multiple sclerosis lupus all of these different things what we're fighting is a fight of faith and once you get into faith anything that's not of faith is just going to fall off of you that's right and uh man that that was powerful yeah and mike is such a teacher you know mike and caroline were uh interns for me for the healing school oh i did i had forgotten i remember that he ministered in healing yeah he ministered and he still does i still bring him in as often as we can but his teaching gift is so big and to see what the enemy intended for his destruction and how god has literally delivered him from destruction and now again uses this message and more to be able to literally impact the world how good is god that's awesome man so anyway what we did was basically just go back through point out some of the major things try and connect some dots to help you and now we're in just a few moments we're going to have all of these people that are still here we had nikki oshinski go goham i'm not sure if everyone is still here tonight but we're going to have them come up on the stage we are going to be praying specifically for you but i first of all want to ask stephen bransford if he would to come up here and stephen not only stephen but his whole team are the ones that produce these healing videos and if we hadn't have been able to produce these videos even though it would have been wonderful to see all of these healings it would have been it would have been lost in some way maybe for the individuals it wouldn't have been lost but the impact on other people wouldn't have been there and so i just want to thank stephen and all of our crew who've done this and you produced a special little video that kind of is a 20-year anniversary of all of our videos so i wanted you to introduce it and just share anything you want to about all this well first of all andrew you gave me the greatest greatest opportunity of my career i'm a storyteller and it doesn't matter if it's writing a book or making a video or doing a television program first thing that happened was learning what your gift was as a minister and then not doing too much in fact it was the simplest formula i've ever done for a television program one camera in front of him so that he can talk to you and millions of others at the same time intimately and share what god has shown him in his heart that's the foundation of all these healing journeys you know let me interrupt just say that when stephen came on i wanted three cameras i wanted all of the bells and whistles i was just following the way i saw everything else on television and stephen had never heard of me and so he says give me some materials and i think you read a book and watched uh or listened to a cassette or something and after a week he came back and basically said this isn't you you aren't flashy he didn't use these words but what he meant is you're as plain as dirt and so he says you just need one camera and so anyway he talked me into it and the way we are doing tv 20 years later is still because god brought stephen to me in package well it was very interesting because at that time in christian television everybody's trying to hustle and be a hot shot and trying to you know out mtv everybody else and um it was cut this got that make it make it look cool and this was the opposite and i said to andrew at the time i said you know i think you're going to succeed as a whisper in a room full of screamers wow and and i saw that happen but in that very first year while i was still getting to know andrew and his ministry and being affected by by the way because i had that performance thing too big time and the lord has been fixing my heart and um but during that first year he came to me and he said a miracle happened in dallas and he said it was significant way beyond what i know would you go down there and document and that was nikki oshinski who is now nikki weller and so i did and i conducted the interview and that began what later has become now i just saw the seven up here on the screen the the seven volumes of healing journeys and the blessings that those stories have have been around the world i couldn't ask for a greater career i didn't make a career i just i just said okay to the lord where do you want me to serve you and he's he's made all this happen and now here we are in this event which has been very unique for me i've sat there and i've cried i'm invested in every one of these stories one way or another now i have teams i'm training disciples they're excellent better than me but i am the last word on every story and i tell them when it's ready to go and we do we work on stories as storytellers and we're professionals every one of you has a story and i say it's better than you think but it takes a good storyteller to be able to bring it out and share it in a way that touches people deeply and helps them really grasp in a short period of time what that story is about so that's the healing journeys but beyond that i have sat here and listened to the people behind the healing journeys and andrew i must say you have become an excellent interviewer yeah i agree i'm i'm really really i am i'm just loving the way he connects with each of these stories and helps bring them bring the people the folks alive beyond what the the video story would do you met them and now i have such a greater appreciation i hope that's true for everybody who's been watching this week but just let me say i'm a storyteller we do have a school here a media school and we teach these techniques but but just just bear in mind when i say you all have a story that's better than you think you're not all storytellers of the caliber that that would be able to do what we do and that's all right because your story is between you and god and we heard some more of that here here today and realize what's behind the scenes is way greater than what we put on the screen god is so good and i've just i sat there i couldn't keep the tears from coming listening to each of these and i got up and went to the bathroom after the session this uh this afternoon and there were grown men in there who didn't bring a handkerchief and they were in the stalls blowing their noses i wasn't the only man who was touched by these stories and you know that's how it's supposed to be you know um you're having your hearts opened by stories and so storytelling is a you spoke of the connections between this ministry and i'm a connector being able to connect your story with your audience or your ministry with your audience and we want to teach that here in the media school so if that's a calling somebody i'm speaking to i will see you in media school but in the meantime i have such great young people who have come out of charis and storytelling is is a high art but there are many different ways to do it and in this room right now i just want to compliment thank you for complimenting this crew and what they've done with the stage with handling the the live streams coming in here going out and coming in and being able to connect you to people around the world live and be able to share this that's storytelling too and so god bless them and i'm boring you with all the technology and let me just say that stephen has written a book entitled everybody you've got a story and it's better than you think and it would really really bless you yeah all right commercial well get it at stephenbransford.com or you can go to amazon and put my name in there and look at look for the do we have it in the bookstore uh it's coming to your bookstore soon they contacted me here okay so we've got a video that your team produced this video was done by uh my uh my two chief storytellers they sent it to me a week and a half ago and i just said i'm sorry it's not good enough and i made them change their priorities go back to the well and get in touch more deeply with what we're doing with these healing journeys and we'll share that with you now i think it speaks first so let's watch that video in the year 2000 a girl named nikki ochenski was healed of fibromyalgia since then her healing journey video has influenced thousands around the world to receive their healing he said hi nikki my name is andrew and i believe you're going to get healed today and i looked at him and i said i do too and she looked at andrew and she said i don't want to shake anymore either i was mad at that point it resonated you really need to get angry with your situation i couldn't be around anything that had a smell she was the same way and to watch that girl sit in a bedroom at the end that was painted was like a miracle a lot of the symptoms she described were very similar to my symptoms and if she got completely healed i knew i could be as well after nicki andrew womack ministries has created over 35 healing journeys cancers defeated autism is overcome and the dead brought back to life these breakthroughs did not happen to seasoned ministers or bible scholars but to people like nikki who finally had had enough of letting the enemy steal what was rightfully theirs i walked through those hallways going in the name of jesus numbness you are dead you get out of my body now i took my healing i took the word and it was planted inside me in my heart and i knew that i was healed i am healed so eyes you must see in jesus name yellow fifa must die right now in the name of jesus for the first time i said hives get off my son in the name of jesus i said it's so stern and said pain you live right now as we celebrate 20 years of healing journeys let us remember that what god has done for them he has already accomplished for us may these next 20 years be even more fruitful as believers around the world stand on their authority in christ and take the healing that is rightfully theirs so let's welcome to the stage all of the people who have spoken this week and given your testimony you and your family also our speakers mike and kerry uh pastor duane stephen come up here you've been a big part of this daniel and what we're going to do is we are just going to be thanking god but we are going to join our faith together the bible says if any two or three agree touching anything and man you have heard these testimonies the faith that has been released is powerful and i want us to just agree to start praying for you and a lot of the people here they operate in the gifts of the holy spirit i believe words of knowledge are going to come forth and just as we've said so many times this week healing isn't just here healing is there healing is everywhere and we are going to be releasing this faith towards you and i believe that tonight that all of the things we've been speaking all week long that this faith has built up on the inside of you and i believe that miracles miracles are going to take place right now right now in the name of jesus so i just want to encourage all of us we've got a few mics scattered around if the lord speaks something to you if you want to lead in prayer you just join in and we are going to release our faith we are all in agreement and we believe that miracles are coming to you so right now i know that you know many of you are at home and you are doing other things as you watch this but i'm asking you right now just to focus to focus on this to put aside everything else and i believe that the spirit of god this we didn't hold these meetings just to entertain ourselves and you know i don't think any of us really understood exactly the potential that we had this week i think god has done something greater than what any of us know god is in this and god is going to be ministering to you tonight so father we just agree and right now all of us put ourselves in agreement and father we release your supernatural power we've been speaking the word of god we've heard it preached we've heard it testified about we stand on that verse in revelation chapter 12 that they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony and father we've been giving testimony to how that you are alive and that you are still doing miracles we've shared how you've helped us to be bold how to stand against opposition to not go by what we see how you've delivered us of guilt and shame how that father you've helped us to quit trying to earn it and we just release all of these things now towards those who are viewing and father we send forth this same healing power just as you told that centurion in the eighth chapter and you said go your way according to your faith so be it unto you and father we release this anointing right now to flow through these cameras to flow through the internet to flow right where these people are holy spirit i know that you are there you are present with them and and as it says in the scriptures that the power of god was present to heal father i believe that you are present to heal right now and so we release this power thank you jesus man i feel the anointing of god i'm not a big feeler but i feel the anointing of god flowing right now towards people paralysis is being healed all kinds of paralysis it might only be partial or who knows but paralysis is being healed right now you begin to start doing something that you were unable to do if you couldn't stand up right now start pulling yourself up do what you've got to do if you couldn't get out of bed you get out of bed right now you begin to move if you have to get on the floor and start crawling until you can walk but you begin to start doing some the power of the lord is present to heal you right now you begin to move arms things that you couldn't do people who your knees and your elbows and joints you couldn't move them shoulders that were messed up god is healing them your movement is coming back to you right now in the name of jesus don't just listen to this act on it act on it right now here's the anointing of god flowing towards the palsy towards those who've been paralyzed thank you jesus we release this we command you paralysis to be gone right now right now in the mighty name of jesus father we agree and we receive this thank you boy some of you are being touched right now you begin to start praising god i'm reminded of a woman who had arthritis so bad she could not get out of bed and she heard me on television and she got up and started and she was in her nightgown and she got so healed she took off ran out the door and down the road before she realized she wasn't dressed praise god you know what you need to start moving right now and call that number 719-635-1111 tell somebody what god is doing anybody else here got a word from the lord about what god is doing i know you do julianne well as i was sitting in my chair when we were when andrew was just finishing up before they showed the video i just kept seeing people like literally throwing off grave clothing that means that you were you thought you were headed towards death and you had the clothes on you and it was consuming you death was consuming you i'm telling you right now you throw that thing off don't you dare let that take you down it is nothing it means nothing it's a piece of nothing you stamp on it don't you dare let anything take you out of here jesus christ is bigger and higher than anything that any could be bothering you whatsoever it is time you have to make a decision now you're either going to sit in your room or your bed or your whatever and you're going to feel sorry for yourself or you're going to stand up and say this is it no more you've got a whole life ahead of you you've got so many things that god has purpose in your heart to do and you're in your you're succumbing to this this fear you're succumbing to how you feel and as you heard from everybody today it's time for that to be over we can't consider how we feel anymore you got to go to that word now and start letting that the love that comes out of that bible to start penetrating your heart to take over your whole body and say i have so much love in me now i don't care what it takes where i'm gonna go i'll go to the streets i'll go to the hospitals i'll go to the gravesides i'll go anywhere for you lord i'll do anything for you but it is time now make your decision make it now i just got a text from my niece that has been riddled with with anxiety and she just told me i have to get mad at this anxiety i can't let it consume me anymore and i know she's not the only one you got to stand up to it now if if you would allow someone to walk in your house and completely destroy your home how long would you actually let that happen probably for one minute because you'd be surprised wait who just came in my house well something has gotten into your house the temple which the holy spirit dwells in something has got in there and it's trying to it is trying to take over this house you got to stand up to it just like if a burglar came into your house and tried to rob you of everything well it's trying to rob you of your whole life don't let this happen anymore don't let these little conditions stop you anymore it is time for you to literally throw the grave clothes off and say that's it i am done i am drawing that line and i am never going back in jesus name amen amen raquel what really came to my mind and i didn't say it earlier but the lord told me now is the time to say it but there are and it's been mentioned already throughout the conference but there are those of you who are watching and who may be here now that have been dealing with condemnation because you feel that you caused the whatever is happening to you whatever's happened to you you feel that you are the cause of it and there is no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus you have to throw off the condemnation and what the lord brought to my attention was that we always hear about how sarah laughed when god said that i'm going to give you yeah you sarah a child we always hear how sarah laughed in genesis 18 12. but what we don't realize is that abraham also laughed abraham laughed in genesis 17 17 he said oh lord let ishmael live before you just let him live before you he's already here no sense in you going through all that trouble we are old and just just just we'll just go with ishmael and the lord said no and he fell on his face but then when you get to romans 4 when you get to romans 4 the lord talks about how abraham who against hope believed in hope and was strong in faith giving glory to god he considered not his own body neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb and he was fully persuaded that what god has promised he was also able to perform but what happened between all of that faith talk in romans 4 and in genesis 17 17 when abraham laughed when he decided to get in line and get an agreement with what the word of god said god doesn't even look at genesis 17 17. he doesn't even bring it up in his path he doesn't throw it in his face and he doesn't say yeah but you doubt it abraham yeah but look at how you didn't believe me look at how you tried to have an ishmael how you did have an ishmael with a hagar when i had already said you were the father of many nations when abraham got in faith god credited him with being in faith so get in faith agree with the word of god forget how you laughed forget how you doubted forget how you didn't believe forget how it was your fault get in faith and stay there there is now no condemnation to you shake it off glorify god he paid for it all whatever was your fault it doesn't even matter he is greater than your faults amen so that's what you are going to have to do and that's what i felt in my heart that you needed to hear and while i'm up here i want to go ahead and take authority over autoimmune diseases autoimmune diseases are from the pit of hell so right now i speak to autoimmune diseases i speak to all of you i speak to lupus fibromyalgia children's all of you in jesus name and we curse you right now and we remind you that you have no place in the temple of the holy ghost in jesus name so we curse you and we speak life right now we speak the life of god that is already actually resident on the inside of you it's already resident to come forth and be made manifest in your physical body right now in the name of jesus particularly all of these women that have reached out to me that have spoken to me concerning all this this no you cast that off you are not an auto me it is not your lupus it is not your fibromyalgia it is not your nothing you are a child of god we curse that thing you receive the righteousness that you are the position of righteousness you receive you now live unto that righteousness you receive that right now in the name of jesus amen amen hallelujah you know when the devil fell he took a third of the angels with him we were created to replace them you are in your heart a worshiper and if you don't worship god you will worship something else that's right you could see it in the world they and they worship this and worship that if you let somebody and i'm not against doctors if you let the doctor tell you what he's going to do and you don't and you allow that to become above the word of god you're actually worshiping that more than you're worshiping god you're going to have to learn how to stand firm i spoke to the lord i said you know lord i don't understand why the culture is full of addiction i said it's just crazy what i see out there and people's lives are being destroyed and it goes back to what i said we were designed to be worshippers and if you'll just worship god you'll you'll see healing well it it'll just start and it'll just begin and i said to the lord i said lord why is that and the lord said this to me he said i made man with an addictive spirit you ever see how people how quickly they can become addicted he said i made them with an addictive spirit so that they could become addicted to me and this was designed to help you complete your mission and your purpose on this earth amen and let me say this if you don't understand the purpose of something if you don't understand the use of it abuse always follows and you look at the abuse and the culture and you look at the abuse in the church you were made spirit soul body everything to be a worshiper and i want to encourage you today to set your heart and mind to worship god with all you've got and watch this healing blow you away thank you and that's a great word praise god well i have something simply to say that john 10 10 says that the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but i've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly and and the devil will try to steal your future he'll try to steal your dreams through the sicknesses that come up as far as your life is concerned but remember one thing that god came and he came to give you that life and that more abundantly so remember when you've been prayed for now that you're healed congratulations remember your future continue to go with the plans that you've had for your future and walk it out walk your life out amen amen and god says in hosea 4 6 that my people perish for lack of knowledge you've been sitting under this word or maybe a month from now you'll be watching these testimonies you've been feeding your believer and starving your unbelief continue to do that god god wants you well just as andrew teaches all the time so continue to watch andrew's teachings and all the teachings of those here at keras because you will get the knowledge of who you are in jesus christ and get rid of that old knowledge of who you thought you were and who the enemy wanted you to believe you were if you're sick in your body if you're considering terminating a child you have a knowledge problem so replace that knowledge with god's knowledge amen amen [Music] when i was invited to come here back in february by daniel the lord immediately gave me a word and he gave me john 10 10 and he said tell my children that the enemy is trying to steal the word for them and i looked up john 10 10 as he told me and it says again just like it was just said the thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy but i have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly and i sat there and that word may that they may have life that they may have life and the lord said and i said lord may means permission how do we give you permission and it's like i know the answer and he said to me immediately everybody gives me permission by being in my word because i sent my word to heal them and he said my children are striving for something that i already gave them tell my children stop striving stop striving you already have it inside of you if you are born again child of god it's already inside of you be still i know that he is god he's already done it just be still i mean like andrew said don't just sit there and do nothing be in the word believe god it's the rhema word of god you don't have to run from profit to profit from profit to to you know uh try to grab somebody's faith it's your faith the woman with the issue of blood it was her faith that made her well jesus said daughter your faith has made you well has made you whole you have the faith of god allow it to bring everything that god has provided at the cross for you that jesus provided because faith receives receive what god has given you look at all of us we've received for what jesus has already provided if it wasn't for jesus i would not be standing here he is our healer he is a wonderful man he is a redeemer hallelujah he provides everything that we need don't strive anymore be still and know that he is god amen [Applause] i'll be quick come up here nicole you're next what they've said over and over is is awesome it's god who's already done it for us so you are more than conquerors through christ jesus who strengthens us first thing in the morning what you do get up and just be happy thank god for what he's done this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it and then renew your mind daily so that one thing that i always have to keep doing is you i think it's philippians 4 worry for nothing but in prayer with petition and with thanksgiving give it to god give it to him and that peace that passes all understanding will be upon you and then your job concentrate renew your mind daily concentrate on what's kind what's good what's noble what's praiseworthy he's already done it for us amen amen i don't know if this is for one person but jesus went after the one so i just saw a woman that was really broken-hearted over a severe betrayal and the father is healing your heart right now and he wants you to know that that was never his desire for that to happen to you and he loves you dearly and as your heart is being healed you're able to forgive and see this person through the father's eyes and it's going to affect your body it's going to affect everything in your life but we were never created to be rejected but jesus went through rejection betrayal humiliation he went through it all he knows what it's like and we can go to him and we can cast our cares on him but he went through it in order to provide the healing for us for anything that we would go through so just receive that for your heart and i just feel like saying just just a word because this is what i love to do and i just want to speak a word that you the father loves and cherishes and treasures you you were always wanted by him there has never been one moment in all eternity that you were not wanted you are special you are unique and you are his favorite say it right now i am his favorite i am his favorite and then just say i heard nicole really is his favorite no i'm kidding but you are his favorite and you are cherished he doesn't tolerate you he celebrates you and he wants you to know that because when you know that you are perfectly loved by perfect love that lives inside of you it transforms every area of your life and amen your abba father wants me to tell you how he sees you in isaiah 61 10 it says that you are clothed in his salvation that word salvation isn't just going to heaven it is his health you're clothed in his health you're clothed in his victory you're clothed in his protection and safety his prosperity and that on top of that you are covered in the robe of righteousness that's how your daddy sees you he sees you perfect in his eyes as jesus is so are you in this world right now so are you without sickness right now you're clothed in his health [Music] righteousness key to receive the bible says the righteous are blessed there's blessings on the righteous the head of the righteous and he sees you all he sees me he sees all of us up here as righteous that is right standing before our god our creator every sickness is part of the curse we are not cursed we are blessed we are made righteous jesus became a curse for us so we can walk in his blessing in his righteousness in his health in his victory jesus himself took our place and he gave you his place of righteousness and right standing amen amen praise god you know um i know i'm speaking to one person in particular and you've been challenged after you've received a great miracle and now something else has come into your life and i'm reminded of the children of israel that crossed the red sea they crossed that red sea and then they rejoiced and they were so happy and they get a little bit further and here comes the amalekites and now the amalekites are coming against them and god sends moses up on the hill and joshua's down fighting the battle and moses lifted up that rod that rod is jesus and each time his hands got weak and they fell down he had others come alongside of him and every one of these testimonies that you've heard today are those that are standing alongside of you and they're telling you just keep lifting up that name of jesus hold that rod up and you will defeat this attack that came from you from behind and you'll have the same victory that those children of israel had under moses you have that same victory in jesus christ amen man our god is so good and the same god who paid for cancer he paid for allergies i was healed of severe food allergies and i want you to know that jesus paid for peanut allergies he paid for like dog allergies and cat allergies man the same god who paid for cancer he paid for the little things because man god he went the extra mile and as my mom just said as god is so are you in this world man i'm telling you god doesn't have a cat allergy jesus doesn't have a dog allergy jesus does he's not suffering from a simple peanut allergy i want you to walk in complete freedom because jesus paid for it so right now allergies you have to go in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you're completely healed this is who you are this is who jesus made you to be amen amen um i come from hollywood where image is everything and people are very worried about what other people think of them but what does the bible say about the fear of man this brings a snare it's a trap i want to read this story to you but before i do a lot of people want their healing but they're afraid to go for it because of what other people might think of what they're doing i don't want to pray to the lord that'll look silly if i get healed people won't believe it or i you know no one's going to be my friend anymore if i'm not like them anymore or if i reach out to the lord that's going to sound weird because nobody else in my family has ever done that before i want to read the story to you um mark chapter 3 again he entered the synagogue and a man was there with a withered hand now in the synagogue if you were kicked out of the synagogue that was bad socially you were an outcast you couldn't you couldn't be seen anymore you were you were shunned and the last thing you want is attention in the synagogue a man was there with a withered hand and they watched jesus to see whether he would heal him on the sabbath sabbath so that they might accuse him and he said to the man with the withered hand come here now the man with the withered hand has a choice to make either i sit here in my seat and live with my illness or i take a chance on what this man's saying to me either i stand up and i stand for something right now and i make a bold step into my healing but what are people going to think of me so the man's got a choice to make come here and he said to them is it lawful on the sabbath to do good or to do harm to save life or to kill but they were silent and he looked around at them with anger the lord gets angry he looked at them with anger grieved at their hardness of heart hardness of heart is a killer it will stop everything and he said to the man stretch out your hand man's got another choice to make so he's got to come there and now he's got to stretch out his hand have you stretched out your hand to the lord if you have a sickness right now if you have any problems in your life have you stretched it out to jesus when he told you to it might just be waiting for you to stretch out your hand he stretched it out and his hand was restored the man stretched out his hand we have to stretch out our hand to the lord it's our decision stretch out your hand amen amen i'm just felt like the lord that there's a lot of people dealing with fear and so i just want to speak and we're going to pray over fear because what fear tries to do is it tries to paint another picture in your heart and i just saw people that they've been dealing with this fear of what if and what if and what if my kids don't have a mom and what if my husband doesn't have a wife and what if what if i'd lose this and what if this part and so you've been having these what ifs and there's these pictures that fear and so i just speak right now against fear and we just say fear you have to go in the name of jesus and all the emotions that fear is rising up in hearts and minds and so we just say fear you have to go right now in the name of jesus and we just speak the word that says perfect love casts out fear and so we speak a revelation of the love of god to these hearts to every single heart every single mind every single lie and attack that tries to rise up we speak the love of god that will rush in like a flood and they said no i am loved of the father my children are loved of the father my family is loved of the father my life and my calling and my future is loved of the father so enemy who are you to speak against the love of the father and so we rebuke fear that's been trying to come has been just gripping people's hearts i mean they're just paralyzed by fear and so we just rebuke the lies of what if right now in the name of jesus perfect love cast out fear and faith works by love father we take all of these words what you've been speaking through every single person here and we just release those words into people's hearts that father this word would carry the anointing the power of jesus on it and that it is healing hearts it's healing minds it's healing emotions it's healing all of the hurts and pains we speak luke 4 18 that the spirit of the lord god is upon all of us because you have anointed us to preach the gospel to the poor father to bind up the brokenhearted preached deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind father we release your power for physical mental emotional healing and father we thank you that lives are being transformed and father we believe that even people who watch this in the future that father this same anointing is flowing right now towards them and we thank you that sickness diseases bondages are broken and father we thank you for it we receive it and we give you glory right now father for the way that you are alive and well and making other people alive and well thank you jesus amen let's give god a big shout of praise hallelujah thank you jesus and let me just say thanks to all of these people man you have been awesome this week praise god man we appreciate you so much anybody got a parting word here before we leave dwayne does well i if you didn't open it up the only word i had and i needed it confirmed would have to come at the end and that is picture for a moment the lord's presence wherever you are picture him looking over you and here's what he would say to you the lord has blessed you and the lord will keep you the lord has made his face to shine upon you and been gracious unto you and the lord will lift up his countenance that's my favorite part the lord will lift up his countenance see him right now lifting up his countenance that means you stand out in the crowd when i ministered earlier i looked at everyone in the room but if sue my wife would have come into the room it would have been me looking at you and looking at you and look at you then when i see sue i go that's what jesus does when he sees you and gives you peace god bless you amen [Music] andrew may i say something i have to do this um i know you don't like this you know to be praised but i have to what you've done for all of us it just it just goes beyond that because of you my whole family their whole life changed we were going in one direction but it completely changed and just the lives of the people here but then the people they know i mean it is just it is millions and millions of people's lives you've you've changed and i know you'll see it all in heaven but i just have to tell you that because of you our lives are just so enriched and you know i had two birthday parties this week and both parties were filled with 20-plus people people that i didn't know until i met you and that's a lot and i just want to say thank you from the hartman family and i'm sure everybody here but really andrew you you maybe you don't know i know you just do what you do and i know you just do what god tells you to do but i don't even know how to thank you but what i do now to do is to try to serve as much as i can for you best way thank you all very much i tell you what uh where's raquel she's gonna lead us in every praise is to our god amen so let's end with that and just give all of the glory to god because he is the one that makes us all look good amen so y'all stay up here you can do whatever you can dance anything you want to do yes ma'am don't make me do it but you i'm sorry hallelujah amen glory thank you jesus hallelujah you guys know the song okay so we are gonna give god our highest and best praise to close this conference out amen hallelujah because every single phrase is to our god here we go every praise is to our god every word of worship with what a core heavy praise every phrase [Music] sing hallelujah to our god glory hallelujah [Music] with is [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is hallelujah [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah amen well it's hard to quit hallelujah praise god for heaven we won't have to quit we'll just praise god all the time thank you for being a part of this thank you for those who came thank you for those who are watching man remember to share the goodness of god take all of these programs and share it with somebody else i think that this will be good for a long time to come god bless you we love you we'll see you in glory if not before [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 23,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4A91X9jgAVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 1sec (10141 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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