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hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that the blessing when somebody gives birth to a child they say they have received a blessing of the fruit of the womb that testimony is a clear confirmation of scripture the blessing of the lord make it rich that is god brought the blessing that broke the poverty god blessed the blessing as a package joblessness of husband disappeared house that couldn't be built was built promotion in the office resources flow that is the child arrived as a blessing may you give birth to blessed children may god give you blessings that change your life and change your status for those yet to be married may you get married to people that will bless your life that kind of testimony of since i got married everything went down shall never be your portion it shall never be your portion it shall never be the portion of your children of your family do you believe that shall the lord say amen give the lord a big clap of hand as you take your sin congratulations please listen amen mr mr sadness your names and what the lord did to you for you and your family straight to the point praise the lord we are mister and we see sunday i have i i should have given this testimony since before now but nature of my job i have not been around i want to testify of what the lord has done in my family my wife will complete the rest of the testimony church praise the lord i am during my pregnancy all the edds read february ending but i don't know being a first timer i started seeing water middle of january so i immediately ran to the hospital and they checked me they said my service was closed then the doctor said i should be induced but before the inducement i should go and do scan so i don't really know if it's my water that broke or i i all my i'm having problems with my bladder so i went to those kind the attendant immediately told me that i should not go home i should take this result straight to the doctor that is risky so that my nine months will not be in vain then he said that the baby is too small that when the baby is too small there's a problem and the baby is too big there's a problem that should just go to the doctor and pray immediately i became scared i started crying i went to the doctor and i said they will do emergency cs and i said no now let me call my husband my husband was a media guru so i called him he said i should call the dunamis prayer line and we did the pastor i picked prayed for me and told me i was going to come back with a testimony and i said amen immediately i went back to the world i was dead okay he prayed for me at about 11 pm at about 11 30 p.m so i feel feeling pains around my waist i went to meet another woman that i gave birth through cs close to my bed i explained to her she said ah call them to come and do emergencies here so maybe the baby have rested on your way so that you will not lose your own life i say it's a lie they've already prayed for me from the glory doom and i believe and it is amen so i went back to my bed at about 2 00 am i was feeling pain i went to meet the nurse she shouted at me i'm like they should give me pain relieved and my problem is too much i went back to my bed about 2 30 i went back and i told her ma please check me this pain is too much she sent her assistant nurse one check me and immediately that one shouted and become on her that she is nice see him and they came they took me they took me to the labor room before let me say three on dot i heard the baby crying i was like ah let me check they said see your baby is she's even small i was like is this the level of pain i was expecting to go through a liberal pain but to god be the glory the god of glory doom and sadness the god of glory dome not only that they have prepared her for a cs they are told that that she has to go through cs for the lord did it he delivered peacefully our testimony is like my own i'm sure you people know my own heart was born you see those those people who work in the hospital please be very very careful you are not god you cannot you may know sir you may know your profession but you don't have revelation you may not have right see for a um what do you call him a sonologist or a radiographer or whoever was doing the ultrasound or whatever to tell their iran just frightened the woman and put her in terrible fear that was wrong and then we might say i'm in pain a woman in labor comes to the metronome or the nurses they say i mean pay yourself go your problem is too much let them give you pain relief for somebody who is meant to be in labor you are talking of pain relief please come and check me again the pain is much only for them to check nine seven that's nine over ten yes she would have delivered on the baby would have come down there by the bat with cold and everything send the assistant look check her come ma she's 9 cm total dilatation is 10 cm and if the baby is small he can even come out with 8 cm do you understand that that was my mother went to the hospital this woman you are not in labor any small pain you come to hospital she went again you are not in labor so she went home and delivered me at home at home that is why i'm a cracker like this [Applause] [Laughter] that's why i'm not a japanese very rugged delivered drop on the floor on the background at home yo these guys say he's always in the toilet he was born in the toilet [Laughter] mine but check out those of us who are born like that check out those of us who are born like that i pray for everyone here today no devil shall abort your destiny because baby can die in the process and even jeopardize the life of the mother in the process no devil shall abort your destiny no devil shall abort your destiny shout the loudness amen give the lord the praise i shall take your seat elizabeth congratulations elizabeth fine fine baby they knew you are very fine that is why they were trying to fight you but it's okay the size of a baby the size of the baby at bed does not determine the size of destiny yes sir amen your name and straight to the point praise the lord my name is elizabeth lucas so i'm here to testify to the glory of the lord over my life and my family so last month my younger sister called me and said that she has been having an issue that the last time she saw her period was in february and she didn't see her period till may and when the period started in may it refused to stop up until last month so i was praying with her and it seemed it was getting worse during the mid-year first it got so bad that they said they had to operate and flush her tummy or something so and they said if they don't flush it her womb might be affected so i felt so weak and tired i didn't know what to do we kept praying but it kept getting worse so last week during the healing and deliverance service i was just stayed there because i was i didn't know what to do again so i told god that if before today the period stops i'll come and testify so on friday she called me and said it has reduced and on saturday she called me and said it has stopped so i really want to appreciate the name of the lord absolutely straight to the point where the lord praise the lord um we i want to bless the name of god for his awesome power for over a week i'll i've been have i was having hormonal imbalance which led to milk discharge from my breasts it was an issue of concern day one went day two day three day four day five on the seventh day i which was sunday i came into the first service and i was praying that god as your word becoming fault lord reach out to me and heal me during the prayer section the more i danced the more it flowed it was so embarrassing i was so uncomfortable while the word of god came i was so expectant then god savanta daddy came to the altar immediately after preaching he began to prophesy and he said there is a young lady here you are neither pregnant nor breastfeeding or you've been seeing milk discharge coming out from your breast as a result of hormonal imbalance that right now the power of god is touching you and that milk dries up now i said amen this is my word amen immediately i felt it reducing reducing reducing immediately i got home i rushed into the room checked myself low and behold it dried up six hours i checked it was gone 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours until forever i've come to you [Music] looking like that this is the kind of god i want to serve where he gives the world and backs it with his power in the name that is above every name anything that is flowing in your life that it is not god that is behind it today that flow is over forever that flow is over forever if you are saying him and say it like a believer it is over forever in jesus precious name give all the praises to take your sins to the point name is mrs agnes samayla i'm here to return glory adoration onto the holy name i came this commission as a seagull but god helped my life i have many testimony even when i came here in primation in my family every year i traveled but after i had a lot of prayer upon in the area when after that is over and the same way marital settlement i'll be praying for one of the nights when i pray i went to bed i saw that in the lord he came with action he said he's here to collect key to my marital marriage but the person is already late what is collecting they give me before his head i woke up but i prayed as long as my father i said he said to 2018 that i dreamed after that 2019 god help me we get married the marriage was colorful i returned glory adoration to his holy name these are very explosive testimonies family experiencing premature death premature death premature death she stepped into church and the premature death was arrested when did you get married you were 18. 2019 18 she had that encounter all right 2019 she got married and she was at the age of 40 when she got married yes that's what she told me sir all right i'm sure that um never listened to this because she was looking more than that 40. listen the person who tied her marital destiny was already dead he said he said even though the person is already dead yet i'll collect the key there are mysteries so there are people who the agents of the devil responsible for their challenge are no longer alive so you can say let the witch die he said but wherever he kept the key i will collect the king and the tree was collected and the marital door opened and at an advanced age mother are you sure you know your age 40 are young young people that many young people here are 40. even me and i can claim 40. i can't even claim 35. hallelujah and he said the person is dead but i will still collect the key i like this prophetic and apostolic man too i prophesy to somebody anywhere the source of your problem is today it is exposed it is excavated it is reversed in the name of jesus whether the people are dead or alive wherever they are whatever condition whatever position they are and they are responsible for your situation are responsible for your condition i decree today you are released now i decree a reversal i decree a reversal i decree a turnaround in this situation if you are saying him and shout the lord say amen today jehovah god will escapate the mystery so you see somebody hard working can get married beautiful can get married spiritual can get married everything is in shape married as a virgin can't get a child you know what i'm talking about bastard devil liar behind what is not working our forces at work i announce every force that is at work against what is not working in your life in this service today those forces shall be exposed and expelled they shall be exposed and expelled your believers shall the loudest amen give the lord the praise and take your sickness of the lord congratulations man go forth and bring forth abundantly in jesus name confront your name quickly and let us hear what the lord did church praise the lord my name is osando budu i entered this paragraph this this place with tears and they cry and god see me through any day when i enter here they say everybody where they receive christ as personal and they are savior make it come out to closing time as we go ten times ago even whatever where where to run come on so what the lord what did the lord do for you as i come thy greatest day then they call people they go that side i followed them go to their side as i crossed down one side like this i saw jesus with a mountain gown which is mommy i hope i holler i cried sometime and that's why i said well i won't give up my husband and brother say good after i called my other and go grave he said go picture all my children and me i buy seagrass they say hepatitis i bp i said i do the love everything after mummy said you are in jesus name i go test i said i'm going to do tests today until one is that what we can do this here if i can't get another test got another place i bring the test i come here i say i will give god glory the honor of the honor well i'd like to make this clearer travel with the husband to the village came back hepatitis and high blood pressure they gave her this bag of drugs and she has been on them when she came here one of our services while they were there those who were giving their life to christ that day she had an encounter while inside the glory dome the lord visited her with the face of our mother and the lord and she says she held the legs of the handmaiden of the lord and said bless me and she said you are healed the first thing she did after a few days after that was in our own medical lab the bicycle team and everything negative hepatitis is negative right now high blood pressure gone she went back to a lab in town ran the same test everything negative and she's back here to return the glory to the lord [Applause] a husband late yes sir and so they said the person who laid who who was responsible said it is her thon and her children yes sir you see in the village people can boast like that that they are responsible we heard the testimony was it this morning the early wild sickly where a lady testified of an uncle very wicked uncle that boasts about his evil terrible evil and then suddenly she had an encounter two days ago where they gathered to do to do sacrifice on an altar and then his ghost god appeared in the face of his servant and then began to speak to them and fire broom from the mount descended on the altar and all of them and the man was the head of those witchcraft and occultic people that same day he got paralyzed the same man got paralyzed two days later which is today in the morning late to rest today today today today today today that woman's testimony is instructive she came out for the altar because if they make altar call 10 times she will cause it come 10 times because god bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name who forgiveth thy iniquities and when that has happened he then heals thy diseases redeemed thy life from destruction but the foundation of it is that your sins are forgiven am i communicating is the foundation for healing foundation for deliverance foundation for breakthrough and then while she went to where they were counseling the new people she sat a little while after that and then fell into that trance where she had the encounter that completely got her healed if you are going to receive the best from god don't play church do it well get saved be born again let your sins be forgiven and then the other things will follow but i now announce that man who's who boasted to you your healing is not the only thing that will happen here i declare if he does not repent he shall be laid to rest similarly he shall be laid to rest and everyone here today anyone who will not let you rest not let your your children rest not let your family rest not let us rest i will not repent they shall be laid to rest shall the lord say amen give the lord the praise congratulations man i thought you see virus if i told you be sufficient teaching all negative all negatives two different lives give the other praise good morning church my name is philomena onoja i'm here to testify of the goodness of god on behalf of my son destiny omojo noja this started while he was in the secondary school five years ago we had chronic stomach pain from there two years back they diagnosed and he says peptic ulcer he started stealing blood vomiting blood each time he vomits unconsciously blood will start gushing up from his anus and he got to this day my neighbor came and said you've gone to different hospitals now you will go to the last hospital which is glory dawn and i came here on the seas of a prayer and in the course of the healing and deliverance the our father in the lord said everybody shout fire we started shouting fire immediately i saw him open my son up and he said the intestine is bad he removed it he said the liver is totally bad he remove you say oh everything is bad here he now ordered one of the ministers give him a new park a new pack of intestines a new pack of organ all these ones are back he just wrapped it up like this remove them give him a new pack and immediately my son that could not walk could not stand instead want to stop to guide me because he vomit he now stood up and tapped me mommy mommy i am hungry i am hungry this is a child that each time he vomits he pass out i want to call i want to glorify the name of the lord because since then he went back to school and yesterday he came back he had never encountered anything no attack no challenge nothing i have come to glorify the lord because surely god the lord is in this place to cover my testimony and this lasted for five years jesus is five years jesus is lord this is very frightening this is very frightening very frightening that is attempting to do a surgery just on the intestinal tract and realize no this is bad liver is bad but everything is bad remove everything out give them new packs we serve a god of spare parts if mercedes can create parts for mercedes-benz carburetor top cylinder gasket contact set alternators engines and all the parts how much more the manufacturer general of the human body it has a pack that can fit you if they say your fallopian tubes are blocked what are new fallopian tubes doing they can be replaced the liver is damaged new liver is available the lungs are bad new lungs are available give him new parks and the surgery happened inside the service on the spot boy he said mommy i'm hungry a situation that was making him to vomit and also pass blood vomit blood and past blood institute at the same time one of the major things to quick query will be cancer gastrointestinal cancer that is among other things beyond all sun any other thing also future viruses and other things what the mighty god will say this is very very humbling only god can do this i'm not aware when it happened but it was me she saw that means it was god who did it my prayer that god will do this for everybody everybody who is in need of a womb may god give you a new womb everybody who is in need of a leader may god give you brand new liver everybody who is in need of a genetic system may god give you new genes and i announced it to happen today everybody in need of new eyeball may god give you new eyes new lenses everybody who is in need of new knees may god give it to you children that are in need of new brain down syndrome all matter of imbecility they can't talk they can't move god will give these children brand new brains in the name of jesus christ lift your hands unless i appreciate it worship him [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] saving my [Music] for me [Music] [Music] yes [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] your grace [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] me is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] get your house everyone [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] in the present of your majesty it up your hands high i see his visitation everywhere divers encounters diverse visitations go ahead and pray in the spirit hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in the presence of [Music] in jesus name lift your hand just whisper his name jesus thank you [Music] thank you jesus thank you for this privilege thank you for [Music] [Music] i am living god is fair as [Music] jesus christ [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] lift up your hands everywhere you are go ahead in the worship of god [Music] um [Music] [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] in the name of jesus we are in a season of encounter lift up your hands everywhere you are the god of spare parts the god of spare parts shut up um um [Music] hmm [Music] foreign all power is in your head there is nothing you cannot do you read to see our [Music] [Music] [Music] you know is [Music] you may [Music] [Music] you are the lord you are the lord the god you may be oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] food [Music] to see [Music] [Music] lift up your hands now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] please be upstanding [Music] there is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] lift up your hands where you are and if you are seated and you want to stand please do hands up lifting and just focus on the master focus on jesus this is encounter time close your eyes and if you are able to maintain some quietness please go ahead and do so hands lifted eyes closed in jesus precious me he said be still and know that i am god can we just be still for a while a chance let yourself just listen and see and i turned to see the voice that speak with me i've been turned i saw seven golden candlesticks it's encounter time it is surgery time it is spare part time if your hands are right just be quiet and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man clothing with a garment down to the foot and get about the perhaps with a golden ghetto his head and his hair we're white like woo as white as snow and his eyes wear as a flame of fire and his feet like onto fine brass i see they burned in the furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went sharp to his soul and his countenance was as the song shine it in his strength when i saw him i fell at his feet as dead with your hands can you see jesus when you see him you can never remain the same again lift your hands out something is about to happen as you whisper that day jesus uh caterly the parent he said receive the touch of the master receive the touch of the master receive the touch of the master receive the dissertation excitation of deliverance evictation of healing receive your spare parts right now right now right now right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's direct it up receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive the visitation of the master healing dissertation deliverance recitation encounter visitation a turnaround yes yes yes yes yes yes diverse body organs the lungs the liver the heart have just been fitted in the brain the prostate the uterus the womb the cervix the fallopian tube the ovaries they have just been replaced bad ones removed new ones replaced bones knee joints somebody trusting god for a hip replacement surgery just now this surgery has been done by the power of god [Applause] people have been pulled out of the pit ancestral gas is broken generational guts is broken spirit husbands ejected out spirit wives ejected out unclean spirits terminated flawed the breast milk arrested flow of blood from the breast arrested i even see the fire of the holy ghost burning i see the fire of the holy spirit burning the fire of the spirit men as arrows father we give you the praise father we give you the honor father we give you the adoration thank you and thank you and thank you with your hands and give him the praise with your hands and give him the honor with your hands and give him the adoration [Music] as many as have been healed just now receive an encounter from the master receive the visitation from the from the savior i'd like you to rush forward quickly and let us hear what god did for you take your sick people [Music] don't wait for who will come at first rush out as fast as the woman with the issue of blood something happened to you god set you free god delivered you god gave you a visitation give you an encounter give you a healing until you check yourself you won't know that what you came here with has gone until you check yourself now you will know that the pain is gone you won't know that the growth has disappeared you will know that that you can you can do what you couldn't do before you wouldn't know until you check yourself pastor check that woman coming out there liver leave our shower why are you interrupting with her [Music] god just pulled someone out of a very deep pit very very deep bit deep beat of depression beat of discouragement in fact peter premature death the spirit of insanity also left somebody even in this interval and even those watching via sunlight [Music] when you epilepsy just disappeared seizure disorder have that lady down there and when you see my jesus when you see my jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] mighty deliverance the life of this woman she said in the midst of that declaration administration that atmosphere and ambience of the spirit she realized her whole body began to vibrate still under power and she saw strange things flying out of her body things she can't explain she knows by all means that there is a visitation of god upon her life fire of the holy ghost completely go never return [Music] she said for 15 years she has had this lump on her left breast with excruciating pain with itching in the body in the course of the administration she came under power by the time she got up she has been looking for the lumps this is a very big lump on this for how long for 15 years 15 years yes step forward get a lot of praise fire of the holy spirit sir you made declarations that people were coming out of peace these are sister comfort she says she saw a mighty hand bringing people out of the pit packing them out of the pit and she believes that the deliverance has happened for her where she saw herself and her siblings in a dark beat very wide and very dark and then she saw lightning from heaven coming down to bring them out bring them out of the beat and she knows that a deliverance has happened [Music] [Music] anita she said she miss anita okay she said she had a dream yesterday where she saw a woman telling her i want to see how you are going to use this your right eye to see and she said prior to now she had had an operation on that eye january last year precisely she said july last year to be precise she said during the administration she saw where an angel came and touched her forehead power landed on her and she believed that she's normal and right now she can see with the eyes now i just believe she can see where the right eye believe is what you are still expecting all right and the right eye has not been seen for how long in july last year no problem until recently our dream and seeing my causing they'll come and be telling me sometimes they'll bring sun i said they don't want to point the eye yes can you close this one now which one was black this one okay close the one that had the surgery close the one with your hand you can use your hand so you can be sure so open the other one close the good one close the good one open the other one that was in close it with your hand the better you use your hand good this is the one that has such yes do what i do a demon appeared to her in the form of a woman or wherever it was and said i will see how you will use your right eyes and now when man rules god over rules the angel came touch the forehead and that brought light back to that eye every trance of man that is working against your life every verdict of hell working against your destiny is over is over come forward the same god who healed your eye said to you maritally and set to your destiny and set to your future shaka takataka embargo lifted embargo lifted auntie maritas fell broken i speak to everyone here today that is under a spell they said you shouldn't get married or get a child i declare today that embargo is lifted anti-marital spell is broken go forth and bring forth go forth and be established [Music] and she saw the lord appear to her with wide garment and you can you she could see the where they placed a crown of thumbs blobs fresh blood still coming out and he was handing out babies to women as a hand baby to them he will spray water on them and that was what the lord was doing in the congregation right now without any doubt today was a day of fruitfulness we had so many fruitfulness testimonies and the testimony of jesus is a spirit of prophecy everyone trusting god for the fruit of the womb definitely your children are in your hands even there are women here who saw children giving to them directly today i declare your children are in your hands receive receive and i declare your establishment yourself establishment yourself marital establishment establishment that will lead to marriage and lead to the fruit fire of the holy ghost i declare every claim of the kingdom of darkness on your life is broken every claim of ancestral altars on your on your marital destiny is broken in the name of jesus very accurate prophetic word for this sister sir as you were praying for her you took over authority over every spell on her destiny marital spell antimaria marital spell embargoes you said they are lifted she told me that she's in her late 40s there are four of them that are girls from my father's house only one got married and got divorced none of them are married it's not like men are not coming but when they come after some time they tell them i don't know what happened but i don't feel the relationship can go on anymore and the war came for her today there is no way you look at her and you know that she is not married lift up your hands and not not just have the whole family in the name of jesus i take authority now this is a family deliverance happening for people here god is not only setting you free but he's setting your family free and i take authority over that spiritual relationship that that and that spiritual relationship that spirit husband attack i i remove that ring off your hand now now now now be default from that devil in the realm of the spirit and be married in the physical [Music] as i pray for her i take authority over bestial demons not just her but someone here you are not just having spiritual relationship but animal trying to relate with you in the dream agadio fire all the holy ghost and be free everyone here today who is a victim of spiritual husband spirit spouse spirit children yeah sister helper yes yes yes it is breaking yes spirit husband spirit spells animals lesbian demons women to woman devil today you are set on fire you are set on fire you are set on fire you are set on fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i set that dog on fire when i say witchcraft dog or is a dog of of of whatever often clear spirit i set it on fire [Music] [Music] [Music] find out from that woman that i was pulling the ring from my hand all right go ahead sir this is mary at the cost of the worship she said you stepped where she was sitting and you ask her where are your children she said she have none then you hand over a bouncing baby boy to her today today so according to the time of life how how many years are you married five years for the child lift your hands congratulations congratulations are you out your husband okay do you have the name for the chief child yet do you have the name for the child yet what name okay daniel yes that's right lift your hands close your eyes father thank you for danielle according to the time of life daniel we welcome you to the world jesus name and when you are there [Music] when you are there when you are there [Music] yes sister enli abba said ever since she went home december in the month of december 2020 she got afflicted with a terrible smell that the smell is so pungent and repulsive that even if she sits in a sitting room she perceives it and she can't even stay with people but she felt maybe it was because she had some bad tooth she went to the hospital pulled off two bad tooths the smells kept persisting until while the service was on and there was so much the administration was heavy the lord opened her eyes and she saw something was being removed from her head and she fell under power when she stood up the smell was gone what a demonic reproach the devil is the is the is the master of misery master of misery specialist in making people look miserable you step into a place and people have to excuse you because of an unknown unclean demonic smell it is over lift up your hands say jesus thank you for freedom today i am released to fulfill my destiny fire of the holy ghost release to fulfill your destiny everyone here today that has a fight a battle over your destiny you see hear me today the reason why the devil is fighting you is not just because of where you are but because of where god wants to take you the battle is a battle of destiny and i announce to you today this destiny battle is over forever you shout for your destiny i fulfill your things yes yes sir this sister grace she said in the course of the worship you said the holy ghost fire is burning now and the lord opened her eyes and she saw the shrine in the father's house caught fire and a woman appeared and said all your clothings he handed it over to the mother give it to chris i don't want those clothes lift your hands and all the shrine in your father's house there just caught fire i prophesy to you today every controlling shrine in anyone's father's house here fire of the holy ghost set on fire sir you went to this sister located her and began to take authority over those dogs that have been molesting her she said just yesterday she had a nightmare where she saw a man and some wolves wolves of the dog family oh yes yes and they were pursuing her one grabbed her leg and beat her on the leg and that word came for her today she told me that she has been trusting god for an encounter since she had that bite that leg had been like numb and then today just exact prophetic word whether it is whether it was a dog or witchcraft or a dog of unclean spirit they are arrested okay say family affliction lift up your hands the dog family the wolf the jacao the bingos the dingles the fox they they they house domestic dog and this dog beat her leg just last night i take authority over every witchcraft attack i take a digger go back to hell back to hell back to hell back to hell back to hell [Applause] set free there is so much freedom happening today very drastic deliverance cases for sister comfort and sister good please sit down sister comfort said she has had this excruciating right-sided headache that has lasted for two weeks and who is the one with the tooth condition very terrible tooth condition that um on the right hand side the jaw the lord has healed you check it quickly and rush forward go ahead yes sir she has had this excruciating right-sided headache that has lasted for two weeks last night she saw herself in the dream coming out she saw her saving the dream in a pit in the father's house with her children this morning while you were ministering she said that fire proceeded from the altar and landed on her why she collapsed on that under the power of god she said she saw herself coming out of that pit she got up the headache is gone completely and sister goodness said while you were ministering also she saw an angel of god from the altar who came to her and said i came to set you free and she saw herself wearing a dark garment and the angel of god removed that document from her and then pulled her out of a pit coming out with an entire family her mother her siblings and there was this man standing by her side who said since you insisted you must go to dunamis carry your cars carry your houses carry everything i am on my way going how many of you are carrying your things receive your hands [Music] [Music] drastic encounter this is sister sarah buhiri peter peter she said when the woman testified that god gave her marital breakthrough at the age of 40 she said god you will do likewise for me she's above 40 and she said the course of the administration god opened her eyes she saw you walk to her and gave her a bunch of keys and she believed that that anti-marital spell is broken since that night counter she had peace lift your hand sarah you are established i see on you a change of garment garment of acceptance replacing the government of reproach and rejection the name that is above every name father touch her the change of story also a visitation of the reproductive system fire of the holy ghost everyone here today with any form of rejection garment everyone battling with acceptance today is the end of that rejection [Applause] [Music] give a lot of praise so this is mr ebel he said two months ago he had malaria and then he the injection was prescribed unfortunately when they gave injection that is like left buttocks it affected his nerve that he couldn't walk properly he couldn't stand for five minutes without sitting down so at the in the course of that he did this administration he felt a shock that leg now he can do what he couldn't do before he has been standing since and in that particular administration too he also saw a hand cleaning his bowel from up there up from down up cleaning every debt inside history wow congratulations is today your first time here okay you've been coming wow and they injected you physically and the injection landed on the nerve yes sir come around most likely it's been like three months on yes definitely can paralyze the person just paralyzed leg is gone and and and and now the hand touched you he's shocked on the leg the leg is very free now yes how was it when you came i walked normally but within five minutes i can't stand for more than five minutes and as a very short man that is a challenge no he's laughing he's smiling you know he's very short lift up your hands father in the name that is above every name jesus christ resurrected lord thank you for cleaning out this man's system power of the holy ghost everyone here today in need of a cleansing it is gone can you give me two or three at the moment so can round off we have one sir so this sister patience she said in 2007 the father's younger brother boosted that he will kill the father and actually that happened in 2018 and he also said that nothing good will come out of the family since then there have been frustration here so syndrome a lot of bad things has been happening and today in the course of the encounter she saw she saw the sino pastor appearing the angel of the commission using your face to appear between her and the same uncle the uncle was about to attack her as suddenly you spoke and fire came out of your mouth and devoured the uncle and she believed that that empire was lifted you remember two days ago fire came out and devoured an uncle and he died today that's another day don't go right now another dead weekend uncle right now step forward here any uncle that will not let you rest any weed any wizard that will not let you rest the fire devoured them right now fire all the holy ghosts and every and every attack on your family line today the power of god retaliates yes yes sir white prince4 are very accurate and precise you said that that reproductive issue is handled and also the rejection is handled very precise for over 10 years she had had hormone imbalance oh wow the left breast bringing out yellowish yes and also she knows that people are highly placed in the society but no help life grounded nothing working rejection the two things are anti-marital rejection will not allow you to get married and then the hormonal imbalance you get married no child sahab menstrual cycle have stopped right yes sir so today is a total renewal a refurbishing a replacement brand new hormonal systems brand new ovaries brand new fallopian tubes brand new system and a garment of acceptance fire all the holy ghost somebody stand on your feet and give the lord a shout of praise this is the kind of god i want to serve this is the kind of god i want to serve this is the kind of god i want to serve this is the kind of god i want to serve this is the kind of god i want to serve i pray for everyone here today everything in your body in your system that is not working well i decree they are working now [Applause] the anti-marital spell is broken rejection is over and your system is working leave your voice and say in the name of jesus every demon of rejection your tenure expired in my life rejection over doors open [Music] oh [Music] stand him up get your hands close your eyes grace to fulfill that which god has placed in your heart great desire you have to be of help to people the enemy tries to resist you and resist your resources and as i use him as a point of contact to people that god has placed something in your heart charitable things to do for people less privileged people and those kind of people and yet just a resistance help her there today i declare the release as i speak right now someone here runs a foundation something like an ngo but you are struggling and you don't want to be crooked you don't want to turn into a beggar and a borrower because you are running such a thing i prophesy upon you today god will give you your own resources [Applause] you won't need to beg or borrow or endless application for funds god will put in your hands resources massive resources that you that you will use to do what he has put in your heart to do if you are saying amen say it like a believer [Music] i'd like us to summarize this session because we have a long way to go [Music] sister bridget here said um three months ago she was rushed to the hospital unconscious was diagnosed to have had humorate of the head movement on the head headache excruciatingly as if someone is draining the blood from her head now while the administration was on this morning she fell under power and a light shone on her and then she saw somebody pulling her out of a pit by the time she got up the whole symptom she came in with all gone blood clotting the brain lift your hands and you are glorious so glorious [Music] in this place yes sir this is very drastic this is mrs mary abalaka she said she had had this husband spirit molestation for eight solid years and her husband's life grounded in the course of the administration a dark being walked out of her and for the husband a giant she saw a giant wearing boxer and tying a lie long on the waist walked out of the hospital and somebody stand up on your feet in the shadow of victory lift up your hands and lift up your voice and say after me say in the name of jesus speaking to god in the name of jesus every stranger that married for eight years and still having spiritual husband still having spiritual husband attack eight years i decreed today and that grounded the life of her husband i decreed today somebody said after me every stranger attached to my life attached to my destiny today is your end you are living now in the name of jesus oh you stranger on your mars [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you are free [Music] last week thursday something hit her on her right eye and that affected her she could not see clearly with that eye in the course of the administration you walked to her and carried out a surgery right in the center just now writing i just went number that i'm not aware okay it's a revelation a revelation sir and the moment she got up she discovered that that eye is clear she can see clearly with the eyes eye surgeries are happening everywhere here no no this is this is this there was one here that just happened now eye surgeries are happening if you have any challenge with your eye place your hand on the eye wherever you are i take authority over the spirit of blindness i take authority over the spirit of blindness i take authority over the spirit of blindness i take authority over glaucoma i take authority over cataract i take authority over retinal detachment in the name of jesus astigmatism i take authority over every tormenting devil witchcraft blindness occultic blindness i take authority over every form of river blindness short-sightedness long-sightedness press biopsy i take authority over you your tenure expires right now in the name of jesus i command the blind eyes open now open now open now and see clear [Applause] in the name of jesus remain standing with all of you with the eyes that could not see and then look at me here and do what i do if you couldn't see before look at me on the altar that's right that's right that's right do you have a handkerchief or something for me that's right that's right that's right now if you couldn't see with one eye block the good eye so that you can begin to use the eye you couldn't see with to see you couldn't see with water that's right that's right do as i do and also as i say hallelujah father thank you all the people whose eyes can see now quickly come out and join that woman whose testimony made me to pray the prayer your eye can see right now quickly step forward here and join that woman give the lord a big club let's celebrate [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] everything blocked in your life today shall open [Music] now of all of you who were healed of eye problem those who cannot couldn't see at all with one eye or the two eyes or you can see now you can step forward you couldn't see at all yes let him say forward you couldn't see at all with it either one eye or two eyes couldn't see at all yes because therefore you can see now you couldn't see at all with one eye or two eyes but you can see now step on that on that just keep on interviewing the others you couldn't see at all with one eye or two eyes but you can see now you couldn't see at all with one eye or with two eyes and you but you can see now you couldn't see at all when i say baby or an adult couldn't see at all and if your cases you couldn't see without glasses except you wore the glass you can't see you can also join them no not everybody not you could you couldn't see at all if you pull the glass you are blind if you wear the glass you can see there you can that's a moment so what was your situation for how long you couldn't see since secondary school you use glasses and without that you don't see you see blurry everything is blocked but you are seen clearly yes sir you see me clearly do everything i'm doing give the lord a big clap of him i know this mother you couldn't see at all i can't see with this one for how long this one is for four four weeks now this one is for three three years this one i can see what this one is can you close this one you see me do as i do give the lord the praise what which eye is this one for how long for more than six years you are totally blind yes i can see it can you close this one now you see me do what i do somebody give the lord a praise wow you were the first to jump out yes sir how long was it since 2011 i have a problem with my left eye then i go to cardinal eye center after treatment i'm not sitting clear with it they said the medication they are running to me so i'm not to affect the right one but after i touch the eye as you i mean so after prayer eye opener and i'm seeing them with it since 2011 yes that's ten solid years yes which one this very one close this one now you have seen me really are you just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i announce to you today anything that has not been working in your life by the power and the anointing of the lord that made this eyes to open now today they are working give another praise take yourself already we took our own yes since 2009 yes yes after the operation i begin to see small small then from last year i will be receiving message that the i will completely lost inside the brown and physically become reality again with this eye yes the surgery was done where 2009 2009 13 years ago 12 years ago and then from last year it became totally blind can you close this one now are you seeing me you see me come with me father thank you because this eye is returned back to fullness of sight jesus precious name it is dawn amen it is a month now which one this is because of the diabetes because of the standard test because of diabetes and now you can see yes close this one now and you can see me clearly give the lord the praise give the lord the praise what are you for how long for two years now i have not been seen with this with this i totally blind for two years incredible this is this is double miracle right eye blind right ear death an abdominal pain on the novel novel god right eye blind open right ear death open yeah hold that hold up right forward now waiting i do i make you love me die so the cross because of me you died on the ground [Music] [Music] i saw you love me [Music] that's how you [Music] god is not just going to touch one part of your body you will touch different areas of your life it will touch different areas of your life your spiritual life your financial life your marital life your career life your destiny shall be touched by power shadow of this amen chase over where all right let's go ahead and express ourselves oh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] she's totally overwhelmed sister can you close this eye yeah no this year sorry yes and now begin to hear with the ear that was not hearing jesus thank you hallelujah i am thank you jesus all right click close this eye also and see me now oh [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] blind eyes opening what happened to this baby [Music] 11 years ago i fell down at the edge of a towel and i injured you fell down at the edge at the edge of a third house and i actually tired and it sits here and they have to sew it so since then i could not see with my glasses and and i uh yeah i would have done my glasses so me and my mom we came from my back clicky and we're at the hotel i um in the process of the rush i left my glasses any day in the car i was like i'm not going to see anything today and i don't know what is going to happen so my mom told me you will receive your healing immediately you said it i cannot look at this screen and see it clearly but i'm seeing it clearly now it will always be very blurry but none i'm seeing it 10 to 11 years she left her glasses at home thank god for that mistake if she had comfort with the glasses you wouldn't have been able to trust god somebody give the lord is his mom around yes she's here mother mother congratulations baby came from habakkuk like they used to call it now our place can make it over here congratulations for your purpose you told me she said mommy i won't see today to forget she forgot her glasses and told mommy mommy i won't see today he said god who made you to forget your glasses will make you to see today i saw jesus because i have had issues it's affecting my truth i i and when i saw jesus standing before me and i had had a new heart shaking like this my heart was caught you had put in me and then the road had brought out very dirty so you said one time power i pulled her hand and we fell together did you hear her when i got up i belched and i started telling her what happened to me she said that even herself that one hand was removing pins from her body and her eye so you came here with a heart condition and the hand brought out a dirty hat and put a new hand and put a new house in a surgical plate on a surgical plate i removed that one oh my god you shot that power that enjoyed me hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i am just listen things are happening here mother and daughter hold your hand like this side by side lift it up father let your fire perfect fire all the holy ghost of perfection in the name of jesus something just happened again ahead while you were testing the other sister that had deafness on the right ear and blindness on the right eye she said the sister started speaking to her suddenly the right eye of this little girl she's right right right here sorry of this little girl she's nine years old suddenly popped open she has never had in that right ear since bed and white they were testing the other lady the ear open and now are you just sitting and looking like that year since bed i announced to somebody here today now while we are taking these testimonies others are happening i announce to you today every negative thing that has followed you since the womb of your mother today they are over forever if you are saying they may say it like a believer they are over forever shall the lord say man ayah congratulations let's go yes please take your seat people since 2000 when i finished my graduation i cannot read without 2 000 2000 you finish graduation which graduation bsc oh really yes education so i couldn't sleep with my i'm even during my work without the glasses i can't even ride i can't water glasses i cannot do anything anything at all even when i came the last one i was happy i saw a screen i would see letters on the screen but today i'm seeing when don't even put i want to put down the glasses it seems the glass is blown so i look i was the glass is not working anymore the eye is too sharp that the glass is not a challenge so glass filled so in short i was surprised somebody give the lord a prayer [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you are you [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] since 2000 that is 21 years ago eyes that could see are now seen give the lord praise what almighty god those who have said all right hold on let's let's yes what happened since i am six months now that is from january i just saw my my eyes the two eyes i see if they are using something like cement to cement it to cement yeah it's something like me to judgment so that i will not see charger so i run to the hospital as i went to the hospital they tested and they said that is glycoma caused by by by bp they said do i have the other this i say no i don't have that one but bp yes i have the other one is it diabetes yes so that is that i went to and they referred me to another hospital they say it's oppression so as i came here i've been coming home as i came here today and when i come i will not be seeing papa especially with this eyes very well but today after the this thing the declaration i can see [Applause] okay [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] confirm that you see me cha-cha you see what i do kill the lord praise churchill means chances brand new combat and now the hypertension that brought the glove cover be healed now come for him father let the hypertension that brought the club come on [Music] right from when i was small i was having issues with my two eyes one time there is sun i cannot be i cannot open my eyes to see the sun so when i enter into the high incision my mum when i get to school i literally teach and i cannot be able to see the but what happened today my mom said we should go to fmc cafe and when we went to fmc decided i'm going to use glass so i was using glass so throughout last week i was not feeling fine i said i'm going to come to this healing and delivery service today as i was coming i said let me carry my glass because if i i cannot see anything light i cannot be able to see light if i'm inside where there is light my eyes painting me i would just close my eyes and i came with my problem i said god let this this sickness that is stopping me let this sickness go and this my eyes are we used to see today when you were saying when you were preaching would you close your eyes and pray i closed my plate my two hands on my eyes and when i opened it i was able to see the light everything i was seeing somebody give the lord a praise what happened to you that i'm here to collect my insulin i had a lot of testimony people it's in their hearts so now i use glasses because of diabetes but it asks that whoever that cannot see with physical eyes should come out so i just remove the screen i mean the glasses and i was able to reach through the screen so i believe my healing is gone for five years my face and the insulin you don't need it anymore the jehovah god clean out the diabetes power of the holy ghost help help the name of jesus that is collateral in partition i was praying for another one this one was trying to fall five years ago my mom was trying to flop me and she mistakenly blocked me at my right eyes so since then i could not see properly how old were you i was nine five years ago yes five years ago her mum was trying to flog her and the kids mistakenly entered the eye the right eye and since then she couldn't see properly so today i came with an expectation telling god that my eyes i want to see properly because i can't i can't read well even the bible uses of a tiny writing so i could not i can't read my bible now it gets worse every day and what happened today today as you said we should lay our hands on our eyes and we prayed my night became clear yes you can see clearly now you see me you see me right do anything i do give another press come baby [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i was born like this my both parents are using glasses and then i started using glasses since in 2002 when i went to secondary school and then since last month the glasses started breaking by itself it has been breaking breaking out fix it out i got another i replaced it but it was breaking and then since last week he was bringing out literally two particles like sun and he was bringing water if i'm driving i don't see clearly at night but after the prayers today i placed my hand while we're praying and then i felt a release like it wasn't heavy as it used to be praise to this permanent in jesus name praise the lord mine i was coming here on friday from cardona to bring my wonderful twins here when you mention church they will be running so i had accidents from train station to prince and princes were coming they tipped across my car my phone is there for god i would have brought it so yes and now i had access you can see the black the scene i went to federal medical center they took me on emergency actually i was unconscious when i regained consciousness they said the doctor said i had traumatic cataracts that he they would refer me to the ea i mean i unit and i told them that they should leave when i go back to cardinal he said no that the thing is obvious i was there yesterday they did an x-ray that i should come on friday for surgery but when they said that you placed hands on the ice i put it and i discovered i was telling the driver that we had accident together and i can't see you from this eye that they said i would go for surgery he said i wonder what i did i was trying to do the vital signs myself and i could see very well i'm so happy kill the lord she's so happy traumatic cataract healed give the lord a bigger bigger bigger clap of hand your healing is permanent in the name of jesus we start the god who can heal the eye heal the ear heal the nose heal everything give the lord the praise congratulations sir for this is very drastic sir this is mr simon he told me that he was driving some time ago and an invisible hand slapped his two face his two ears invisible hand slapped him on boat on both ears but yes he became on board yes became blind couldn't see he managed to park when he parked he picked his phone tried to see if he can call his wife he couldn't do that and suddenly he got a call it was from the wife as the wife as they were conv conversing the wife told him gwen he told him this is not matter of food something slapped my face he was evacuated from there to the hospital couldn't walk they went there like that until he came here today he told me that while the the two eyes were blind under ears death brethren began to come to the house to pray for him because his wife is a member of the church and a member of the home cell they were coming to pray for him and then one of the eyes got opened one of the ears got open with that home church with that home church prayer and then he decided to come here today because another friend told him why don't you go to that dunamis he came today as the declarations were on even before you made prayers for the eyes the second eye became clear opened the ears became open now he can hear with both ears he can see with both eyes the leg that had challenged cannot walk to the glory of god are you just looking like that every satanic affliction releasing your direction today they are returned back to hell if you are saying amen shall they say amen if you are saying amen shall the lord say amen [Music] [Applause] when did this slap happen it was more than two years now that's more than two years thank you jesus both ears are open now and both eyes are open come on come with me and the paralyzed leg is now free oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hell wherever there god came from are you ready for this somebody said back to sender satan i said back to sender say every arrow of evil every attack of evil targeting my life today you are returning back to senders on your marks that's it shout back to sender socialism please be seated give the lord the praise as you take your seat yes amazing at five moons this boy was diagnosed of cancer of the retina yes cancer of the retina retinoblastoma at five moons the lord intervened they kept praying and they got back to the hospital then i said it's cataract that optic nerve damage something some stuff concerning the optic nerve nerve damage yes then continuously contract genital catheter optic nerve damage now to summarize because the boy had gone through a lot two surgeries at the end they said which are the same right answer now they said that there is a retinal detachment and that there is nothing they can do for these eyes to see again they have a relative abroad an optician and they called her the lady said what they told you in nigeria is correct there is nothing that will make this voice the relation said nothing will make him see again he had had the retinoblastoma cataract that might be congenital and then recting out the tattoo now every one of those things is made us enough to make a person blind each one of them in fact the retinal plasma is not just blindness but death it's cancer right but tell us what happened sir they they in the service they came the father is out there with the mother and the word came about retinal detachment so mother father held the boy and was praying for the boy later the mom said are you seeing now and she began to show the boy her hands and the boy was counting now the same eye they said i will never see that i will never see it again the eye that will never see again is now seen my friend it's well with you okay come boy is crying passed through so much as an early age sorry sorry sorry sir he will be seven this month and he told his mother that the better gift he wants from god this month is for god to restore his vision and the lord the lord just honored he needs a birthday gift from god at age seven it's passed through so much at an age i don't know why the devil is so wicked if your body suffers pain and your health you can regain and your hope is almost sinking in despair jesus knows the way you feel and he can say take your bodies to the lord thank you master thank you master blessed peony thank you for healing this child he's a great man a very great man that is how the devil fights destinies that are very great from childhood i was fought fought fought very well [Music] [Music] do you think that it is enough if this was the only reason why somebody became a pastor and a child that was diagnosed with retinoblastoma cancer of the retina at childhood diagnosis and then cataract and then retinal detachment never the lord can blast it out in just one moment congratulations wow [Music] doctors say he cannot see again for life with that eye the sister in america say he cannot see for life even though i'm your sister i'm medical i will tell you the truth they cannot see but jesus said he can see people stand up on your feet i think if we if this was all we was achieved today is enough live [Music] [Music] if you trust and never die he will surely bring you out take your burdens to the lord i live [Music] take your burdens to the lord [Music] he will surely bring you home take your body to the lord [Music] [Music] yes sir the boy's mother has her own eyes issue but she has never been bothered about her own but her son's own it was a lost intervention that she herself is not paralyzed now as they kept coming holding on to the lord crowd where is the father father you can come out right now he said god should give him a birthday gift the only birthday gift i need from you i'm not looking for a toy i say boy let my eyes see where is the father mr peter you can come now get your husband um [Music] that's the junior brother peter congratulations father we thank you for the family we give you the praise and the honor of breaking this ancestral curse and delivering this family from this burden that would have lasted for life we are grateful so so do [Music] my [Music] my so lift your hands maybe there is someone here today you have a child in distress or a family member in lead of health one little child told the mother he said please mommy tell pastor to ask god for me what do i need to do to be healed the child said the only birthday gift i need from god let him heal my eyes and god has healed his eyes i don't know what you are looking for from god today i don't know what is a concern lift up your hands and kill into this lord i'm looking for you me change my story as you are touching others touch me touch me change my story today open your mouth and pray because i see god see the mercy of god i see the compassion of god i see the love of god i see the help of god i see the mercy of god i see the change of story the change of story [Music] who show you take your body [Music] [Music] he will surely bring [Music] if you trust my name or never never never go he will surely bring you home take your bodies oh [Music] if you trust that never never done he will surely break [Music] [Music] [Music] i live with her [Music] [Music] father be upstanding everybody if you can't [Music] to the lord [Music] he will surely bring [Music] you sad for a touch another touch of god today lift it higher just high above far above your head i will count up to seven when i say one you bring it down gradually when i say two gradually three gradually four gradually five by the time i say six it's just on your forehead on your head with a whisper not a shout not a shout a whisper let it die and it will touch it will give you a gift change your story [Music] he will surely bring you home take your bodies to the lord one two three four five six seven receive his touch receive his gift receive his touch receive his gift receive his turnaround on your life on your family receive his touch receive his touch [Music] [Music] thank you master thank you master blessed be your name adoration to your name worship to your name thank you lord thank you jesus with your hands and give him the praise thank you master thank you master we worship you lord we honor you so many testimonies here we might not be able to take them today anymore tomorrow we realize it we on tomorrow evening meet with communion service you might be able to take all of them but just return back to your seat on your feet on your seat and the rest of us take yourself holy oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] learning club and the shadow frame just within the next 10 minutes give you a word and then pray a final prayer before we go subject is the god of all possibilities we serve the god of all possibilities mark chapter 10 verse 27. and jesus looking upon them saith with men it is impossible but not with god for with god all things are possible with god all things are possible luke chapter 18 verse 27. and he said the things which are impossible with men are possible with god our objective is to understand the possibilities of god and to know how to access these possibilities impossibility is the only word is one of the only words that does not exist in the dictionary of god with god all things are absolutely impossible why is that so number one god is the custodian of power all power is in your hands there is nothing you cannot do you raise the dead and may the blind to see oh lord we will shape you there is a baby in the womb that has been declared dead in intrauterine fatal death that the power of god has touched in the course of this service if you are here in prison or you are watching let us know now baby was not kicking and the ultrasound is a dead baby and baby is now alive [Applause] you are worried to be glorified you are worthy over you are worthy too glorified [Music] you are worthy [Music] you are [Music] i want [Music] sir this is mrs johnny very accurate she's six months pregnant and doctor told her that baby is dead by the instance of that word it started kicking and she ran out in the name of jesus the lord concerned me a miracle return back and do a fresh ultrasound to confirm why is all things possible with god god is the custodian of power did you know that how psalm 62 11 god has spoken once twice have i had these that power belong get unto god check that take the ultrasound and yeah let her proceed they can even drift a fetal heart sound now let her finish hearing the message and then they will check the fetal heartbeat at the medical stand here power belonged to god if power is in the hands of god then anything can be done with that power how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power acts chapter 10 verse 38 he went about doing good healing some that were oppressed of the devil some right healing some that you oppressed of the devil for god was with him god is the custodian of power so everything is possible with him second god is in is the custodian of all resources every single resource on earth all resources psalm 24 verse 1 said the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof everything is possible with him because he has everything he needs by time everything is possible with him because there is nothing he needs that he has to look for hello everything is possible with him because there is nothing he needs that he has to look for everything is possible with him because there is nothing he needs that he has to look for somebody say aloud amen and the realm of possibility see that where you are in when things are impossible it is either because you are you are lacking adequate power or lack in adequate resources so things can happen you know when somebody said i can't find a house to rent in abuja doesn't mean there are no houses if you want a house of five million dollars per annum you can't you can buy or a house or five million to buy you can find what is lacking is the resources to get the house any amount of land you want anywhere you want to come you put in also drive you can buy a house now so when we say things are impossible is it that because power is inadequate our resources is inadequate but we are dealing with a god who has super abundant power extra usual unusual super super abundant resources and then why is all things possible with god because god is the custodian of wisdom a custodian of wisdom the bible calls him god the only wise romans chapter 16 27 that is everybody is a fool compared to god the wisest man on net is a fool compared when you when you stand him side by side with god he's the only authentically wise where you want to be wise you connect with his wisdom is not lacking in power it's not lacking in resources is not lacking in wisdom john chapter 6 verse 6 he he made five loaves and two fishes to feed 5 000 people because he knows what to do himself knew what to do it is possible to have five loaves and two fishes and you don't know what to do himself knew what to do so you can see the three things were combining that miracle the power to multiply the wisdom to know what to do and the resources that should be multiplied and in fact the resources that should be multiplied he multiplied five loaves into the resources he had is god speaking to somebody here you are walking out of here into the realm of all possibilities jesus is everywhere [Music] he really cares no matter what you're going through he'll fix it up for you all he knows just what to do jesus is everywhere jesus [Music] he really cares no matter what you're going through he'll fix it up for you all he knows [Music] is [Music] true [Music] the will so if you are here this morning and it is power that will change your story hello he has the power if it is his resources money that will change your story he has the resources if it is his wisdom something a strategy that will change things he has it what do you do to access the possibilities of god hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 but without faith it is impossible to please god for he that commit to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him what do you do exist number one exist with the mentality of the reality of god exist with the mentality of the reality of god don't live as if god does not exist don't live aimlessly don't live carelessly are many people seated here today people who know you in your office don't know that you know god because the way you live does not depict that you believe that god is real the way you dress the way you look there is nothing about you that shows anybody that you have any business with god some dress to church like they are going to night club meanwhile you are not permitted to be a christian and be a night clubber not to talk of nightclub dress exist with the reality with the mentality of the reality of god the reality of eternity because if god is not real in your mind and in your lifestyle he can never be real in your expectations he must be real in your mind and real in your lifestyle before he can be real in your expectations and outcomes live with them exist with the mentality of the reality of god number two exist with vital faith in god vital faith exists with faith that is alive faith that is alive vital faith in god believe that he is believe that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him mark chapter 9 verse 23 jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth so with god all things are possible and if you can believe all things are possible to you which means that your faith connects you with the possibilities of god if thou canst believe all things are possible and all things are possible with god all things are possible i welcome you to this season of faith belief confidence in the reality of god thank you master lift your right hand and give him the pray oh lord i believe lord i believe all things are possible blood i believe lord i believe lord i believe all things possible [Music] lord i believe [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] the lord i received all things [Music] oh [Music] just lift your hands and receive right now father we give you the prayer we believe and we receive the possibility of all things we receive the possibility of all things thank you master just stretch your hands and begin to receive from god what is yours today [Music] is [Music] thank you i don't know [Music] thank you thank you raw faker thank you back again [Music] in jesus name someone who came in here could not walk crippled or paralyzed a broken bone power has come upon you strength has come weakness has gone pain has gone in the name of jesus if you can stand up and check yourself you will confirm that the pain has gone the paralysis is gone and the the the yolk is broken especially those who came in with a crotch or a walker or a walking came on a stretcher quickly do that and check yourself and lift up your stick or your crotch and move your leg and move your feet and confirm that you are healed and if you are lift up the crotch lift up the stick and lift up the cane move it up and down check your leg check the crotch check your leg move it up that woman walk in there as you come you see here with a cane or a crotch or a stick check it and if you are able to walk you can't feel the pain anymore you can't feel the paralysis anymore and you are able you can walk forward here [Music] or you are lying down couldn't move at all and you are now able to move stand up and walk forward lord i received lord i received [Music] a miracle is happening up there miracle is happening another one is happening right here give the lord be a clap of han give the lord a praise give the lord a praise give the lord a praise they are younger the rose of sharon the lily of the valley blessed be your name all not to your name [Music] there are two miracles right here people come around this side [Music] miracles here massive miracles here those two things belong to one person or two different people give the king the praise give the king the praise give the king the praise give the king the praise give the king the praise give the king of and the lord of lords the praise incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible [Music] please let me know when next we have a tuesday that is a public holiday so we can organize it well camera are you able to pick all these things another one coming right in the middle there right in the middle there right in the middle there are you just looking like that give the king stroke paralysis the power of god the one with the walk they stay right here right here right here right here another one right at the back of that one coming with another walker another one right here are you just looking like that give the king the praise mm-hmm [Music] tell us about your mom sir god has worked at work here mama mary she had septic arthritis on the left knee she was operated a punch she came into the service with this worker the surgery happened in maine she could not walk this is the first time she is walking like this at the instance of that was the power of god switched through her and she made their way with this and she walked out by herself mama show us oh that's how mama came oh wow lift up your hand man father in the name of jesus let this be the end of these septic atreides let the devil find this level let the devil find his level and let him find that level back to hell in the name of jesus father in the name that is above every name let this miracle be made real be made real be made real it's over it's over mama stand hold my hand right [Applause] [Music] there is no one else like you [Music] blood pressure back to normal and everything that is not of god in your life be over forever [Music] [Music] there is no one else like it [Music] [Music] there is no one else like you [Music] ever [Music] so this is mrs funke she told me she had this accident 25 years ago that crippled both legs she couldn't walk with it without the aid of her crutches after sometimes she dropped the crutches but have been using this stick for a very long time now she told me that it degenerated to arthritis of the bones and then body pains all over but as you made that declaration she said she felt the power of god searched into that demand help people to sit down first okay don't bring him forward with pain like that the healing is in process oh she has not been mopping and doing no work he's still carrying a crotch and the feeling is still in process let him say that and now she can move better for she knows something happens how you walk when you came how you came with the crowd with the stick how you used to work with it yeah okay all right what can we lift it up lift it up leave this leave this for 25 years accident crippled her leg and now she's walking mama come come give the lord a big clap of him your hands in jesus name be free this is the most incredible i can see you involved with the walking stick and a walker there not just this in fact on tuesday last week they flew in from lagos tuesday last week and he came on a wheelchair last week last week i came on a flight my sister in america said i should come to her your sister in america invited you who is in nigeria yes to come to dynamism service and that she's been here when she was in the country she has seen many miracles what was wrong with him the diagnosis was leukemia you came here yes sir and then they said they were going to do a chemotherapy he said he wants the divine hand of god upon him god began to intervene he said when he went to the gents this morning people that recognized him last tuesday said is this the same you that came on a wheelchair that is not working now he couldn't walk without the aid of these things he was able by the impartation of god's power and word upon him now to walk from where he was right to the front here the wife said since november last year she had not seen her period stepped in here last week on tuesday exactly the imperial sunday was restored inside water for you because i'd be on fire on sunday to tuesday that i should bring water so i don't know wow that's a miracle come over here leukemia blood cell cancer that's how he came last week on the wheelchair blood cell cancer it is looking fresher here now healthier yes yes yes yes that's sickly look there yes that's right so i know nothing what a mighty mighty mighty mighty god lift up your hand sir father thank you for healing this man and taking death out of his body today that was how he came there showing us how he came to this world it has been progressive it has been progressing blood cell cancer now back to hell return back to hell return back to hell return back to hell i pray for everybody here today whatever thing the enemy has packaged in your blood is returned back to hell whatever the enemy has packaged in your blood is returned back to hell in the name of jesus i call it dawn amen yes what was wrong with him problems in 2015 sir at night you had to use two pairs of socks yes go back and bring your result he had to use two pairs of socks with severe pains couldn't bend couldn't stand do what you couldn't do before he's doing everything now everything give the lord the praise diabetic neuropathy lift up your hands it's over forever amen in jesus precious name amen in jesus name that stroke is over in jesus name this man also walked all the way from there look is that what he used to work two years ago he woke up from the sleep and discovered he couldn't move and he was afflicted with stroke on the left side and he couldn't walk without about today as the world went forward it's improved powerful powerful miracle give the lord a praise father thank you for this miracle leave that thing up lift it up father you will never need this for life jesus be completely totally healed in jesus name in jesus name this was january this year i tried this on both legs when i can move without the world come come sir that's right that's right i tried to seal this his walking lift up your hand sir lift up your hands demon of arthritis back to hell in jesus precious name thank you lord for this mama she's healed in jesus precious name and this child and all of you are healed stand on your feet one minute and and let us appreciate god for one minute that's right match there match there all right father thank you for the healing and you two you are healed does the man from america yes he got stroked was in coma for four months when he got up he couldn't walk couldn't stand he couldn't sit where he sits he would defecate and do everything there he decided to come to the dynamics from the plane they flew him on wheelchair so observing him he's coming for three weeks that the first week he came here he was like a vegetable every day we see progress it's a miracle that he walked out himself today father thank you and thank you for this man and thank you for this man in jesus name can you stand up on your feet thank you for this man thank you for every one of them here what shall i do again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody king of games and the lord of lords a clap of honest shout out pray [Music] blessed be your name oh not to your name adoration to your name wave your hands and give him the praise give him the praise thank you master in jesus precious name take your seat one minute everyone that is here this moment you have seen miracles and seen signs and seen wonders and you want your sins forgiven and you want jesus to be lord over your life while you're cured in the testimony the by elsa church dedication that turned into church crusade into hillary deliverance crusade the clip for the asaba that play and then the crusade clip just hold on while we are waiting for that anyone here today you are in need of surrender to jesus need jesus to be lord over your life you need your sins forgiven you want to be genuinely born again to make today a new day for you pray this prayer with me i'm not asking anybody to come out yet not coming out yet pray this prayer with me and say after me lord jesus i am a sinner in need of hell coming into my life and make me a new person today i have decided to follow you lord and not turning back today i go forward ever backward never thank you lord in jesus name amen those who prayed that prayer i will come back to you shortly give us the clip [Music] shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord [Applause] [Music] not sure lift it now [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your leg up and down up and down and see that you are already working several years and trying to she couldn't walk without the aid of the walking seat but right now she can walk really [Music] stand up right and walk there now [Music] [Music] [Music] that is [Music] [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost [Music] beautiful auditorium or sanctuary rather dedication and it was powerful the pastor they are showing the pastor there give the lord a big clap of hand hallelujah powerful power in fact my wife i tire for everything when they happen my husband no dates are yet what do you mean no they tired even you never tire our business don't crumble completely see my health even see your own health from one problem my husband my husband oh [Music] any problem is it that i am under a spiritual attack or a physical why you they laugh i love because the typo kind of attack no matter why because the man of god they come down oh god general doctor pastor pauline senior pastor dunamis international gospel center joy i don't hear plenty plenty this about that man of god yes tell us more yes doctor pastor paul and dr mrs becky paulineshi senior pastors the igc worldwide they go hold crusade for the capital city of dental status and the crusade now healing and deliverance crusade so whether or not for your body you need healing or maybe not for your business you need deliverance in fact anywhere you need the touch of god make sure you attend this program we will be dead and the good news is now this week on thursday which is july 22nd 90 program they start to 24 and the time that 5 p.m every evening why morning session now 7 30 a.m and it happened for stephen kirchy's stadium are you ready dr master paul and dr mrs becky paul and legend will be stopping the city of assad for a hearing and deliverance crusade park the god that answered by fire hearings signs and wonders restoration of destinies and the mighty move of god like never before will happen date thursday 22nd to saturday 24th july 2021. venue stephen cashie township stadium night bc road at sabah delta speed time morning session 7 20 am even session 5 pm daily it's your season of relief recovery and replication god bless you to the lord and be clap of hand shadow praise do you see that asaba made publicity everyone in that territory be aware it is jehovah god himself that will set witchcraft powers marine spirit altars and all the local demons in those territory on fire within this week your life will never remain the same stand up on your feet everywhere you are all right two more things to do please take your seat one minute those who pray the prayer just now or you are intending to give your life to jesus and be genuinely born again quickly carry your bibles and vibes and rush to the frontier you saw miracles you saw signs you've heard preaching there is nothing you haven't seen you are not born again or you haven't given your life to jesus or you want your sins to be forgiving you stand up on your feet quickly and rush to the front here don't be the last person to come be the first i'll give you the count of seven one run two come and have your sins forgiven and be genuinely born again and be set free come with your bibles and your backs and everything you came to church with one two i've got my mind [Music] someday [Music] [Applause] [Music] people don't ever leave a service without hearing the last word it's a bad habit the bible says better is the end of a thing at the beginning the word you may be looking for may come at the very last the last statement we have had many people's testimonies like that or just please assist them to to prevent the abortion of their expectation today by assisting them not to work out right if you are here and you are bound by a lifestyle a bondage tobacco smoking alcohol drinking indiana cocaine pornographic lifestyle whatever lifestyle it is that you are not happy with quickly come forward here and let us pray with you to be free from from it quickly i'll give you the count of seven one go by one that's right two quickly [Music] the rest of my life [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you master in jesus name place your right hand on your chest those of you standing here and pray this prayer with me say after me lord jesus i come before you today to ask for forgiveness for my sins today i have decided to follow you jesus no turning back from today i go forward ever backward never the grace to live for you lord i receive it thank you lord for hearing me and for answering in jesus precious name say aloud amen i pray for you today i declare the hold of the enemy broken of your life and the grace to live for god is released upon you i call it dawn in jesus precious name say a louder amen and i'm sure that you meant this prayer you have prayed our officers are here they have they want to have a word with you they want to speak with you and assist you to be established and planted in the lord if you have any questions ask them and they will help you to answer the questions we appreciate your coming we know your life will never be will never remain the same god bless you in jesus name somebody say aloud amen can we honor god with our substance now stretch your two hands in front of you as i pray for you including those watching online i pray that the lord will bless your hands systems will be put under pressure to lose their peace and sleep and rest until what is yours enters your hands i decree your harvest is released from the north the south the east and the west and i call it dawn in jesus pressures me amen go on ahead pick up your offerings tie some pledges and listen to god please counsel us and show your account for all these people and let none of them be lost in the crowd god bless you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] lift up your offerings now father multiply the habits of every giver let the hands lift and never drop to bed forever thank you master in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stand up on your feet with a loud child of prayer [Music] there is one final touch for somebody one final touch you are saying lord let this happen it's not end without you touching me lift your hands now close your eyes and receive that touch [Music] [Music] five [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] something is dropping something is dropping something is dropping something dead yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] secreted [Music] [Music] name of jesus [Music] i take authority over every vengeance spirit back to hell back to hell back to hell back to hell back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lift your hands hard fresh grace fresh hell fresh mercy they release upon you proceed with testimonies and leave your hands high those who are here today for the first time would like to receive you in the frontier pick your bibles and your bags and step for tomorrow is also public holiday i want you to be here in mass for the midweek service 5 30 pm it's going to be another continuation of the healing and deliverance service which will continue nasa and then continue the home church on saturday and coming sunday is the third sunday of our seven weeks and it is going to be breaking financial limitations and embargoes whatever has tied down your resources shall be broken stretch your two hands in front of you i prophesy upon your hands and i decree today that there will be the release financial release supernatural relief from the north and from the south and from the east and from the west everything that is yours that the enemy has kept so far i declare they are releasing to your hands i command prison doors to open and to open until what is yours enters your hands in the precious name of jesus christ as you arrive on sunday you arrive with testimonies near success syndrome is over and failure at the edge of breakthrough is over thank you master lift your hands and give him the praise first time as a newcomer step forward [Music] you came with a bottle of oil or anything you care with as a point of contact you can lift it up [Music] everyday [Music] everything i see [Music] [Music] [Music] gonna [Music] lift your hands everyone those who are here for the first time we appreciate your coming we believe you are not returning the same and i prophesy upon every point of contact the bottles of oil the phones and all the things you have lifted up i decree that god will give you a testimony a miracle arise shine your light is calm the glory of the lord is freezing upon you i see light can you on your full light and just wave it light is shining on your path light is shining on your destiny everything about you that has been darkness is now exploding with light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light a jesus name i prophesy light over nigeria i prophesy light over the church i prophesy light in the dark secret places of your life everything that is a mystery be exposed concerning your life return back with your testimony in the name of the father and of the son not the holy ghost somebody shout the loudest hallelujah [Applause] somebody who is blessed shall the lord hallelujah and then go forth i return back with your testimonies in jesus precious name amen the year 2021 is our year of word release and what again recoveries and what again replication give the lord a shout of victory the grace of our lord jesus the love of god the fellowship of the spirit be with us now forever now amen and surely goodness and messenger follow us all the days of our lives as we dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen god bless you don't forget to off your phone light so you don't kill the battery those of you who are right here for the first time we are appreciative of you we believe that god has brought you here for for good and we believe you are not returning back the same way you came if you believe that say louder amen god bless you and right now our counselors are right behind you they will speak with you they will talk with you if there is anything on your mind you want to tell them let them know if you have any any prayer requests you have you want us to pray along with you let us know and we'll be glad to come into agreement with you god bless you and god give you god give your children and god grant your heart desires everywhere in jesus precious name counselors [Music] just a moment they have a package from the church for you go ahead and receive it and god bless you in jesus name [Music] then i've seen
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 31,816
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Id: bdbpTZKGkr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 2sec (13862 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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