HealBot Addon Setup Guide for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight 10.0.5+

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good morning everyone we're gonna be going over how I set up hilbot in dragonflight so if you haven't downloaded hilbot yet I got it from curse Forge and you just type in healbot hillbot continued shows up and you're able to download it from there and then sign into Warcraft and it'll be ready to go the first tab here that I messed with as I unchecked show minimap button all that does is just pull it from here before I do I have the Titan panel up at the top and I already have a button for it up here so I don't need two places with the button I didn't mess with anything in the overrides it seems like I could really just if I ended up [Music] the big thing here is spells you have left click middle click right click button four and button five if you have more buttons this will continue to populate and then you have modifiers shift control and ALT and what you can do here as well is you can add custom modifiers for a shift and control at the same time that'll probably get a little a little crazy luckily me being a druid I didn't need very much so I stuck with these four main spells I have Auto trinket to because I have miniature singing stone which has a use command on it as well but I used Rejuvenation wild growth middle button regrowth right click and life Bloom for Mouse button 4. and then my only shift modifier that I used was Swift mend and that's only assigned to the left click and then I also do control for Nature's cure next we go to the Skins General tab I didn't do anything in here I have sticky frames turned on it didn't seem to really make much of a difference Bex I kept this pretty uh pretty standard fluid bars with a higher higher refresh speed frames really aren't an issue streaming so I'm able to have a little bit of again I didn't change anything in here I didn't do anything on this enemy tab I have lvi as well which has a boss frame built into it so I didn't need to build up this particular frame as well didn't do anything with the chat window it can get a bit spammy so I left it maybe you could set it up for revives battle resins stuff like that but I left it like okay we're at the general frames now I have the frame anchor as the bottom left which is down here [Music] the bar anchor is the top left so the frame being the outside bottom left but then the bar anchor inside the frame the top top left the grow Direction for the for the frame is vertical you can have it set to horizontal and it will build window out horizontally across the screen I prefer it going up and down but it's completely up to you how you want to build it now and then seeing what the bar orientation as well as well so horizontal right here means that as we up as the health goes up and down full health the bark is all the way over to the right and then as they lose Health it goes to the left if you change this to vertical the health pool will be up here where it is full health and then it will drop down you can change the bar orientation or size to suit how you want to have this um visualized for you heal groups I didn't mess with much here I left pets and raid open when I have a warlock or a hunter in my group it separates their pet out into a separate window it I believe it's either right off to the side or down below what would happen here is that this option button moves up and the pets will appear right below it won't be in this particular chat window on my screen the entire frame will pivot upwards and create two separate areas one for the players and then another one down below for the pets bar headers I didn't have this checked you can rename these as well to whatever you want but I just left them empty it didn't really um have it have an effect on how I'm healing or who I'm healing so let's clutter on my screen the better this is where it's going to get really granular you can have a lot of visual control over what you want remember back here with the general where you could have your bar orientation and set it to vertical or horizontal now you're you would follow up here with the height and width of the bars so if you wanted to have your health pools go up and down you could make the bar larger like that give you a more accurate representation of how their health is is being managed [Music] the same with the wet stretch it right out so if you're keeping it horizontal like I am you can have a tighter window of of smaller increments of their health going up and down row spacer all that's going to do is increase the Gap in between the individual windows I just kept it at two just so there's a basically a hairline in between each one and then column spacer the same idea as the groups are built out it will add a gap in between the the vertical groups in in my case the colors this tab can get pretty confusing I spent a lot of time here dealing with a lot of um cosmetic headaches but I ended up settling on the health bar as a class which actually we're gonna go on a little sidebar here we're gonna go to Buffs and see how we're white right here and that's white down here so it's looking for Mark of the Wild and I have it just on raid but it when I have it on raid itself party and raid so what I do is I just click my name and then it changes to Orange being the uh glass the class color and then I did the custom colors healthy injured and critical added a threshold adaptive background bar I think this is relative to the debuffs a little bit of opacity Hazard color or Hazard only on the border collar and incoming heals future health which is really helpful because if someone's health is way down here and if you're in a raid you can see where other people are healing if a huge deal is coming you'll see their actual Health measured here and then you'll see a green line or a green small box to represent the rest of the health that they're about to get so you know whether you need to apply a small heel or a large heel to help fulfill the person getting back full health here you can sort now these groups are organized I have it sorted sorted by roll and you can do name class group Max Health the max health will basically put the tank either at the top or at the bottom of your list depending on how you have this oriented since mine grows from down to top the tank is always on the bottom it doesn't really matter as long as the tank is in the same spot that way you always know where your your main Target's always going to be I didn't mess much with the visibility it did pretty pretty stock same with the aggro I have monitor aggro even though I have deadly boss mods it's evenly because I'm usually so hyper focused on this right here that it's nice to get a macro alert for the group so if you see someone that's been targeted you can get a pre-heal on them especially as a druid if you generally generally want to be proactive next we have the auxiliary I didn't make any changes or additions here everything is just turned off everything that I've so far has always been stuck within this one particular window our text this is the font right here you can adjust the specific font size the offset whether vertical or horizontal that's basically just going to slide it left and right up and down Max characters font outline I generally just keep all that as minimum possible and and the clean font so you can I don't really care about the names it's the help that really matters now we have the text we want show health bar and show Health on bar font font vertical offset vertical horizontal offset and then the same font characteristics I just keep everything the same and you can choose how you want their health to be displayed I just have it set as just pure numbers you can you get more abbreviated it's whatever suits your place down same with the colors keep all the numbers the same the number same as the font just to keep everything clean looking you can show your incoming heels right here and course Over Heels next we have the icons these are going to be for Buffs and debuffs we're looking at the debuffs here they're going to appear in the bottom left on the bar you can have adjust the maximum amount of icons icon scale and the vertical and horizontal offset and you can see this visualized with Buffs here so we're going to do a Rejuvenation and a regrowth and the wild growth you can see the numbers for seconds are ticking down this would be really important when you need to back up another heel so we're going to do regrowth see just as it falls off same with the regrow with the Rejuvenation so we have bottom right you can change it to bottom left or we want to orient it whatever works for you same idea D bus various offsets icons scales and spacing I haven't done anything with the extras you can have a chill class which is just an icon you can see it just barely right there but I already have it um just have the bars as class colors so I don't need that indicators I'm not really sure what we have going on here but it's checked I don't have an emergency bar I haven't really looked into it debuffs I only have one debuff Nature's cure so I have I just have this set for all three self partying raid um I have priorities Set uh Magic is number one poison number two curse number three and disease is number four because if you look at Nature's cure cures harms of harmful effects on the friendly Target removing all magic curse and poison effects doesn't say anything about disease so I have that set as number four so is your classes differ you can re-prioritize these as as you see fit because sometimes players will get multiple debuffs on them and you want to be able to prioritize their colors based on your class here we have fluffs same idea is what I was talking about before if you have this set to White anybody missing a certain debuff will be displayed in white so with only Mark of the wild as my party buff that's the only one I have so that's pretty much how we're going to be using this in an instance or a raid it works really well for me you can see everything on the bar without any issue you know you know exactly who's getting one you can clearly see the countdowns the countdowns go through a reddish orange when they're close they can prepare to start casting more now we're going to cut away to a couple of boss fights so you can see this element thank you very much students [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blackxknight
Views: 13,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, world of warcraft dragonflight, warcraft, world of warcraft 2022, wow dragonflight, world of warcraft 2022 classic warcraft, classic wow, retail wow, dragonflight, raiding, questing, leveling, wotlk, classic, mmorpg, raszageth, gameplay, casual, goldfarming, crafting, strongest dps, healing, resto druid, beast master, marksmanship, destruction, affliction, asmongold tv, asmond, hunter, rogue, warlock, elvui, healbot, titan panel, shadowlands, priest, paladin, shaman, monk, healbot setup
Id: eButXC53xEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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