Heal For Free (2014) | Full Movie | Howard Straus | Edgar D. Mitchell | Gaetan Chevalier

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[Music] lightly the Northern Lights the moon and every force of nature gifts on the surface of the earth with energy mankind is at a sense of this all the way back to the Stone Age I live in the Alaskan wilderness and recently learned of this powerful energy myself he has made one of the most significant health discoveries of all time one man rediscovered this secret that was to change my hometown forever a grounding rod and a wire is all it took to personally test whether this was too good to be true and if anyone takes off their shoes and connects to the earth a profound change takes place immediately everything all interconnected anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything they call it earthing or grounding scientific testing occurs all over the world and what happens to our blood cells is just the beginning [Music] earthing has the profound power to enable our bodies to become resilient to toxic food we eat air we breathe and water we drink even electrical pollution can lose its damaging sting if we are grounded physicists and medical doctors studied the stream of data and scratched their heads in amazement every day javis gonna need this more than the guys has got millions of dollars how much money do you have silts and your back gotten better I have absolutely no pain in my back whatsoever and now long sleep I used to not be able to just reach up it transformed how local hotel operators did business but then came the skeptics we understand that you've created a website called skeptoid com [Music] [Music] I walked 30 feet today penicillin was a revolution in medicine this is a revolution in healthcare that transcends penicillin the earth knew what the patient's needed what are you here for business or pleasure well we're both I'm here to get together with some fellow colleagues of mine who are passionate about everything it's hard to believe isn't it to help them be heart-healthy just uncanny how fast people heal one of the most sensitive indicators of changes in the Earth's field environment is the human heart top medical experts from around the world banded together to further the scientific research in an effort to revolutionize health care and save the environment in the process why's everybody baby why is everybody bear Swensons well you want to answer that what we need to be connected with the earth which gave us birth it's such a simple and so profound and powerful concept and it's right there beneath our feet if there is a message at all about earthing it really is about our connection with nature with the planet with the universe scientists can now see forms of this energy in the laboratory Earth's vibrational power can rearrange grains of sand which suggests nothing in nature is random the world's greatest heroes are oftentimes visionaries in for one Apollo astronaut he was determined to learn more when he showed up at my doorstep is this a wire that's connecting me yeah it's a wire and then it was a mesh and it becomes really distinct over time this poor little sunflower that's not connected starts to wither and wilt and the one that's connected to the earth is still vibrant and strong it seems to me when I look at this that the earth itself has this energy to give every living creature certain suggests that certain energy first I'm an Alaskan filmmaker is shooting a documentary right here in the Upstate it's about a concept even the filmmaker says is too good to be true have you ever heard of grounding if the hailing concept filmmakers steve kroschel believes can change the world this will be part of the sequel to steve's documentary grounded a documentary that was pinned by critics who were skeptical steve says he now to prove these critics rock so yellow mom in town visiting you know here to shoot this movie and basically tell the world about the petitioning benefits which are absolutely huge [Music] [Music] all of my life I've worked with wild animals many of them orphaned and in the course of this activity I became a documentary filmmaker that tried to reveal truths about many animals that were long misunderstood one of them was remover really what scientists once thought about this animals physical characteristics and personality has changed profoundly over time and on this given day a BBC film crew was shooting a segment with me furthering that enlightenment they are not vicious cold-blooded killers they are instead highly intelligent and playful creatures that prefer to live as far away from modern civilizations mess as possible the film crew was shooting a cutting-edge documentary called beyond human and utilized my cabin as a home base the Wolverines extremely refined sense of smell was what they wanted to highlight their olfactory ability is exceedingly beyond human and we've barely scratched the surface with understanding what animals detect in their shrinking world as humans most of us have now lost our connection to nature and now there is a word for it in DD nature deficit disorder and this incompleteness has taken a severe toll on our mental and physical well-being [Music] [Music] and this is where the story turns a page I had a visitor who is from a different world yet he was lucky he was lucky because his father is a medical doctor a heart specialist who could see something most of us could not and because I had this visitor another guest arrived straight from California who is the host of a radio show about human health his name is Howard Straus this is the guy who had Clint over the rediscover of earthing or grounding on his health broadcast a couple years ago that I had listened to and because of that radio show it changed my life in my hometown of Haines Alaska for good he was here to do an on location interview with my visitor step Sinatra the son of cardiologist dr. Stephen Sinatra I knew the interview would be challenging from the start because step was starved for nature and didn't want to be in any one spot very long I admit it was nice to have some help with the firewood [Music] both of them are eager to have contact with the orphaned animals including Angelica the moose who wasn't feeling very good the past few days they brought over some organic carrots to make friends with her it was time for breakfast and what was on the menu was a prescription a prescription straight from the pages of a book written by dr. max Gerson an MD that succeeded in curing cancer almost a hundred years ago with the famous cancer therapy or rather infamous cancer therapy depending on one's point of view since the trick to its success is not drugs the basically diet which emphasizes juicing organic vegetables in a special way Howard Straus his Gerson's grandson I knew that step Sinatra liked to connect to the earth with his bare feet as much as possible and so do I for that matter years ago I realized that by this time no sane grizzly wanted to be dare I say barefoot in November and the only option was to go into the earth where it was warm and comfortable i fashioned an open-ended culvert into a den as well for human sense [Music] it is here that Howard was able to continue his on location interview for his radio show the power of natural healing you have attributed honor thing to saving your life it kind of goes along my philosophy now after all I've been through that nature has a cure for everything God talked to me it was incredible and God said something so simple it would be yet it was profound and he said do you want to be here and by be here you mean on earth and alive yes uh-huh exactly I live such a complex life I chased after a lot of material type things and I it's like I said before that was not the answer it got me to the wrong place so now I'm gravitating back towards nature towards the laws of nature towards the principles of Ayurvedic medicine where nature is your healer and your teacher like I said before nature has a cure for everything and that's what I learned going through my entire healing journey and I had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to see every specialist that was out there or clinic or or therapy whatever it was because I had the resources and all those led me to nothing still ill health and really the journey is that I had to go deep I had to go within myself and realize that the healing is from is from above as above so below is from the spiritual aspect I'm going to say God and that's it whatever everybody else may think that maybe or it's all personal but there is a an intelligence that is beyond us and connecting with that and feeling that love that's healing and that is nature step Sinatra defines his previous life as one where the bottom line was all that mattered he worked as a Wall Street trader but he eventually also treated in his health univer Tinley but perhaps his illness ultimately became his greatest gift when his father cardiologist Stephen Sinatra began a desperate search with step for the cause of his lost health he discovered a few key factors the two main ones were that his diet lacked proper nutrition and he walked around with cell phones sometimes one on each year day and many people are sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies to these people devices that label the word smart as part of the product ID are anything but that but steps recovery did more than give them back his life he had an epiphany and it opened his heart and his mind okay so I'm in the hospital and the main doctor walks in and he eight other doctors and white coats surround my hospital bed ten minutes before that I almost choked to death because I was so weak I was 83 pounds I couldn't even hardly breathe the doctor says this telling all the other doctors he owes this young man has a 1% chance of living through the night what 1% chance yes and my family's in the room or they're crying and I was and I and I said to myself at that moment I go oh my gosh this was my worst fear I can't believe I I created this because this was it was like I was in a movie and I realized that I had created my worst fear so the Epiphany was this in that a split second after that I said well wow if I created that then I can create my wildest dreams there was a time not too long ago that I wanted to see with my own eyes the documented proof of his past and it took me right to the doorstep of his mother Susie I was then led to reunite with dr. Laura Conover to independently evaluate his health profile steps health deterioration at society's current disregard for basic biological laws is not unique in fact some experts say the majority of us are now caught up in some kind of health crisis that is linked to environmental factors whether we realize it or not [Music] to live a healthy life doesn't mean one has to deprive themselves of tasty food and drink and before steppin Howard left my cabin we all experienced that fact it's just that the wine should be made from grapes that aren't heavy laden with pesticides and chemicals and the same goes all the way down the line from the turkey to the potatoes but if our diet is less than optimal inflammation of the body can be a consequence and yet earthling or grounding can still help put out the fire surely there must be a lot of people that stay at the Eagles Nest motel that don't eat right yet something is going on with them because now all the rooms at the Eagles Nest motel are grounded because the public demanded it [Music] splitting firewood in the dark is asking for trouble but from personal experience the difference of having a broken body for a day as opposed to a week rests in connecting to the earth by way of a single wire connect it to a grounding rod on the earth under a pile of snow I can only imagine what the implications are if this ever catches on to what's possible I recovered fast enough to follow step Sinatra to Vancouver where he was visiting his brother drew and his family this was a place to gain a broader perspective so what's he doing steps routine in the morning it's his way of grounding it's his way of centering he doesn't load up a chi gong exercise with his arms and don't notice him doing that and it's his way of really building energy gets building Chi its building substance and he's barefoot knees ground he's barefoot he's grounded he loves it when he does it if you ever try this particular exercise it'll just kind of feel they'll feel sort of vibrant you'll almost feel like an energy in your hands step Andrew Sinatra nowhere to go barefoot in the city sidewalks made with cement are conductive and are like walking on the earth whereas asphalt which is what city streets and most highways are made of has a chemical makeup which is non conductive step was holding on to the water faucet while shaving for a reason because the pipes and water line are grounded even taking a bath takes on a whole new perspective and when Drew instep took me along to meet a patient at Drew's clinic they introduced me to a meter they use which to my amazement was able to read electromagnetic pollution emanating from power lines and cell phone towers which clearly proved that it existed it was over a year ago and I'd gone to see a girlfriend who was extremely sick and I think I mentioned to you about her being and and all those doctors couldn't diagnose so we took her for a walk in nature and we went over the overpass into the sort of park area and all of a sudden I was like oh my god you guys is it raining is it raining knives the nearly you're directly underneath the powerlines oh yeah for me yeah not everyone else felt that but for me it was like I gotta get out of here because it hurt it physically was hurting my skin because most of current society has bathed 24/7 in this electrosmog the best way to deal with this fact is through grounding and nutrition in the case of this patient she was receiving a vitamin cocktail intravenously just outside Vancouver in Victoria British Columbia I met up with Stepan Drew's father dr. Stephen Sinatra although he was using a cell phone he was also barefoot at the same time to counteract the effects dr. Sinatra was in Victoria to address the issues surrounding this subject [Music] nice to meet you dr. Blaine good afternoon and what are you going to be doing today here well there'll be a meeting if a number of us will be discussing there's aspects of the electromagnetic field pollution that's been pervading this country and then the world the last few years well most people don't believe that there's any danger what do you say to that well they don't believe that because they don't feel it but the things there are meters around that feel it and there are small animals that feel it and they let you know by not by not surviving small animals insects even insects can you give an example well there was just a study I read the actually a few days ago that was published in July in from Greece where somebody had the students raise fruit flies mammal fruit flies were the experimental animal that which we started to learn about chromosomes and genes very famous experiments done in the fly room at Columbia University but anyway he did this having these flies exposed to different kinds of gadgets all the different gadgets that we have now maybe a dozen of them and the fact of the matter is that it interfered with them and the eggs many eggs did not survive in fact all of the exposed insect eggs were damaged compared to the controls so you don't have to ask the insects I mean they tell you by just not surviving there are literally thousands of published independent studies worldwide that warn of reproductive abnormalities and DNA damage even cellphone manufacturers have warnings but most people don't read the fine print that comes with these personal gadgets I do not own a cell phone for several reasons one of which is that there is no reception where I live and in making this documentary it was becoming increasingly difficult to actually find a payphone they are disappearing fast and so society changes according to an economic plan for better or for worse and history has shown us that hindsight is 20/20 personally I look at EMFs as a kind of soft kill but necessary I guess no one is going to throw out these electronic gadgets any more than we are going to stop driving cars because they burn poisons that obviously aren't healthy dr. David Suzuki gave me a better perspective we have come to think that our bottom line is determined by economics economics is a human created entity it's not some magic force of nature that suddenly comes upon us and we've got to bow down before it but we've created the economy as if it's some kind of thing here that we're all here to service the reality is we've forgotten that we are biological creatures and you are a lek tronic engineer is that right yes and you work in Silicon Valley yes and I describe to you what grounding is about and what did you think of that I believe we need to see data yes and if it is reproducible and if there is data to back it up the only way that I'm able to leave Alaska for brief periods of time is because I can rely on one man rocky Seward rocky is another example of someone who suffered from health issues that melted away because of her thing now I tested one of those meters in my cabin and was relieved to see it red minus 65 which is the best reading one can have the first documentary about grounding and how it helped the residents of my hometown was having its first premiere the only problem was there was a snow storm brewing this town is unique people in this place well are interested in doing something adventurous [Music] I hear electrician and some people say that bird thing makes you sick that if you go barefoot on the earth that there could be straight voltage and that it could make you sick what do you say to that no the earth is grounded you're not grounded if you you can't get sick from that all right now I'm an electrician 50 years my company is hurt selected and then there was Dave only who not only recovered the ability to walk again but recently had open-heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect two years ago the doctors and his family feared it would have killed him right on the operating table once you look at the evidence there you see it yeah and this if you notice is where I plug myself in every time I lay down what did the doctor say about this belt did you where they were doctors they didn't say anything positive or negative of course I didn't plug myself in when I was in the hospital but you know they I think they hear all kinds of stories he said if you conquered what you did as a paraplegic he said you can conquer this too and I had beautiful wife and family they helped me the doctors are they surprised the last time I went up there we had a checkup and we went up last fall and the doctor the evaluated me and he had nothing but a smile on his face he said that's a miracle no matter where I looked people were transformed take my associate Mario Benassi who works with birds of prey his life dramatically changed which of course also helped the snowy owl indirectly and what better way to celebrate than to place Santa Claus and deliver grounding resources to those that slipped on the ice or couldn't sleep or had a spouse that was desperate the list of people runs off the page [Music] when I stop and think about it mother nature in her vast silence speaks volumes to me sometimes I see a beautiful energy when one directly connects to her that makes a human being spirits soar and this soul shine seems to manifest itself in all life everywhere children from all over the country began to write me after hearing about how I would do tests with cut some flowers and vases in ground one and not the other for this young girl the results were worth a ribbon and it wasn't long before this idea of grounding plants branched out into our community with an herb that fuels scorn hatred confusion but yet hope for many for one resident of Haines Alaska he wouldn't let frozen ground a term from a test he wanted to do with me so he stuck a grounding rod in a tree and then ran a wire into his little garden in the house we wanted to verify that the potted plants he selected for this trial were indeed grounded and so we tested the connection from the tree with a separate ground from his water faucet [Music] I stuck two flags in the potted plants that were grounded to see what what happened over two weeks and three days one of the plants that was ungrounded in the back had a seven-day head start [Laughter] [Music] surely as they all grew together their leaves started to touch each other giving the entire garden a boost of power even so running a ruler across the tops of the whole garden verified the two grounded plants growing cannabis is legal in Alaska and I've personally seen it's astounding medicinal effects upon those sent home to die by allopathic medicine it's the resin that does the trick when ingested by The Walking Dead that gives them their life back I've personally followed these miracles through the work of dr. Jeffrey hergenrother who demonstrates hope health and life every day grounding is part of nature's recipe for keeping us truly alive we need to be grounded now more than ever because our present culture seems oblivious to basic biology in favor of short-sighted unsustainable economic gain [Music] I find it absolutely amazing that virtually all indigenous people clearly understood how connecting to the earth meant being truly alive but presently being grounded takes on a deeper significance countless studies have proven that a diet filled with genetically modified food is not good for humans and creates inflammation grounding can help significantly but if consumed in large amounts by a sensitive wild animal a tipping point can be reached in which nothing can be done after Marge the Moose died in late fall I discovered and research that a pellet that I was feeding Angelica and Karin as a supplement to wild browse contain genetically modified corn I was tempted to continue feeding it till I looked into Karen's eyes [Music] but it was already too late for Angelica how could I have done this was it really the genetically modified food called GMOs or something else I needed to be sure [Music] it would take me all the way to New York City to listen to one of the world's foremost authorities and researchers on the subject Jeffrey Smith I entered a lecture he was giving on this agricultural nightmare [Music] Brown death is now being sprayed on wheat barley rye and potatoes Sitrus berries as a ripening agent so if you're going to avoid GMOs also switch to organic because the organic does not allow roundup these are testicles that changed from pink to blue in rats that we're fed GM soy if GMOs are causing these problems why would we not see him no one is looking there's no post marketing surveillance I related the Moose tragedies to Jeffrey for his insights we've seen a lot of evidence of livestock and wild animals certainly avoiding GMOs when given a choice so be interesting to try that experiment but also getting better when they get are taken off of GMOs we've heard the cattle feed operation showed a lower death rate when the GMO corn was removed we've talked about we've seen certain organ lesions and animals fed GMOs whether in the farm or in the laboratory it was at this point that I started to introduce some good news in the middle of all this bad news this wasn't Haines Alaska anymore but I discovered quickly that the people were no different as fate would have it the ground and movie that premiered in Haines was suddenly in the national spotlight about to premiere in New York City and Howard Straus was set to record another on location radio segment for his health program this time he met with earthing advocate dr. Laura Conover and her two children for a segment in Central Park dr. Conover home schools are two children and utilizes these types of travels for home-school lessons are things the one in the you know it's the most ancient for healing modality of all time so it's the most easy for more patients to align with I've seen everything from weight loss to pain reduction to sleeping better and I've had patients literally say if they have a tree that's on their balcony that's you know they can touch the branch up but it's rooted in the ground below but there aren't about thing they'd sit there and read a book and touch that for ten minutes and it makes a difference in their life so yeah dr. Conover went from one radio program to another with their message of eating all your free radicals any have inflammatory things that you got built up it's starting to wash it right now before long I had Howard helping me hand out crumpled paper bags of earthling resources to these city folk it was deja vu while staying in the big city I switched to a more civilized way to ground even myself at night but first needed to check the grounding port in a wall socket to ensure the building was properly wired older buildings before the 1970s did not always have a good ground for this reason a groaning rod is often necessary I was in luck the wiring was updated in this old hotel now the Earth's energy could flow into the conductive fibers of the pad if my skin made contact so I had a conversation with Laura Conover and she said that she did a little mini study with with her obesity patients that they were all in 60% of them lost weight as she expected 40% of them did not but those 40% when she looked into it more deeply had more serious ailments and and the more serious ailments did Klee is in other words the body took care of the most dangerous things first most life-threatening things first leaving the obesity for later Howard was now recording dr. Nicholas Gonzalez who explains his experience with an earthing resource the best way to describe the way I felt as I felt extremely toxic and poisoned I couldn't sleep at all I felt irritable and developed terrible bitching I'm wondering first of all what kind of dwelling do you look I live in a pre-world War two apartment so it's no synthetics in it dr. Gonzalez thank you for joining us Howard it's always great to see with Cu and it's always great to talk with you and have stimulating discussions it was the opening night of the theatrical release of the grounded documentary and Howard had yet another segment to record his radio program with step Sinatra's father cardiologist dr. Stephen Sinatra in the projection room in the theater I've interviewed hundreds of people who have grounded and not everybody has a pleasant experience right I mean first of all people can have a detox reaction right where they are they're they're earthing and they're getting an energy through the body and you know this could activate parasites maybe even live spirochete activate microbes but remember even though they have a undesirable situation like leg cramps for example remember this that when you do earth when you do ground you could be detoxing the body so you're bringing the body to a level where it has to get a little bit worse before it gets better [Music] even my assistant back home in Alaska rocky was able to read the reactions from the film critics to the grounded documentary it wasn't pretty the New York Times didn't pull punches Oh [Music] while considering the film critic feedback an acquaintance who advocates earthing and grounding to a broad audience tried to cheer me up with yet another published scientific double-blind study yet all I wanted to do was go home [Music] well that's maybe take your things out of your ear so you can hear me [Music] do you feel better than you did 24 months ago rocky yeah can you tell me what your last name is sure Rocky Seward now do you feel better are you richer than you were 24 months ago nope what do you mean nope how much money do you got a dollar to a name well you're rich in health now right yeah you don't look very happy not financially on that well maybe I can change that I'm gonna go to on a trip and when you come back I'm not sure yet Hey you don't believe me do you there's people in New York that say they saw this movie and they thought it was a bunch of crap didn't believe it what do you say to that my experience I know it works what experienced it I know it works they had sleep apnea I don't have it anymore well what about other people in this town a few people here we're sitting at that pain and such we're all healed now but would film critics on the west coast see the documentary with a different perspective [Music] [Music] welcome back folks this is Howard Straus the power of natural healing the guest is dr. Gita Chevalier dr. Chevalier works and he is faculty at the California Institute for human studies now california institute of human studies welcome in science institute thank you very much dr. Chevalier here is the technology that is simple and basically free for anyone and yet is one of the most powerful techniques for healing that that has ever been identified I started doing research for earthing with everything within over in 2003 and it happened at the California stood for human science and well at the time I was very skeptical you were never good but connecting to the ground is to my surprise amazing results beyond what I expected actually the first study was an electrophysiology study so we measure brain waves muscle tension heart rate skin temperature and blood falls all these things and we also measure the flow of energy using a machine that developed by the founder of CHS called the am PI this would have vast implications in the treatment of political depression I would think yes people with depression even people with Alzheimer's and also children with a DD we have another study that is going on right now in blood pressure how it changed so we're measuring blood pressure directly so we're gonna confirm this I'm pretty sure if this technology which is basically free can relieve pain better than any of the pharmaceuticals that are sold over-the-counter and that are this huge we know the multi-billion dollar industry you can see that there would be a fair amount of commercial jealousy and/or competition going on but I was not here to pet dr. Chevalier on the back I was here to play the devil's advocate to represent the film critics who lambaste it at all a snake oil and New Age nonsense and I don't know if this guy's an expert in electricity it doesn't sound like it I'd like to see this credential this guy doesn't know anything about and I can't demonstrate down to you know work now remember dr. dr. Shivani I used to teach electronics and electrical engineering students about electronics and electromagnetism okay so this person is saying here that up anything like Wickfield present everywhere in the environment they are radiated from wires even when they're with no current is flowing through them I can't even begin to imagine how they can come up with such a thing here it is we have a wire that is just plugged in connected to nothing okay and we're gonna beam up straight okay and this is not a particularly sensitive now I know this is a device you can find commercially they're very cheap you don't in it so this person I'm sorry but it's kept to it does not know about Vectra magnetism from California I went to South Florida or step Sinatra's father dr. Stephen Sinatra was spending a relaxing morning with another doctor who advocates natural healing dr. Joseph Mercola we know that vitamin D is just so crucial the fine point that I think that most people fail to appreciate though is that it's not simply swallowing a pill because kind of like the allopathic approach the elemental paradigm and that you know there's a pill for everything well we weren't we never did swallow the vitamin P our ancestors never swallow vitamin D pills they've got it by exposing a significant portion of their skin to Sun you know in the the non winter months unless you live in a subtropical environment as I listened I thought about a man that has carried the torch for the Native communities that always knew what nature could do in giving one their life back whether it was physical mental or spiritual I met Clint about ten years ago I was at a conference in California and we were sort of in a trailer looking at what we call faux and medial tala tation you know basically basically endothelial cell dysfunction using the blood pressure cuff and I met this cowboy and basically he's talking about grounding and as a cardiologist I gotta tell you I resonated with it because the hearts of electrical organ what dr. Sinatra and dr. Mercola find is outstanding healing modalities is exactly what saved dr. Sinatra's son step from certain death and I was there to be a witness [Music] [Music] I see lots of cracks now in the brick wall that allopathic medicine has built to protect larger interests and because of suppressed information many people go to their graves far too early dr. Conover and I had lost to talk about concerning this and I was already late for that appointment when it comes right down to it most of what it takes to maintain your health is free in the form of grounding all one needs is awareness without this what do we do in a place thin like this this is what this is what we live in what do we do well I think that there's a way for us to accept modern technology and in our society as it is and also still make the time to touch Mother Earth and find ways to connect with or even even with this all around this I mean we're still living on the earth so there's still ways to touch our connect with there I don't think it has to be that we live that way constantly I think it could be that we take the effort to do that every day even if we're not living directly offer our homeschooling continued and now I to students there's so much sacred geometry in the human body and their human body it's full sacred geometry so in your ear the way you pick up sound it's through a sacred spiral that's right next to your brain in the eye first of all the shape of the eye is one circle awesome oh yes so here we have a sensory organ your eye that's designed to pick up on what you're seeing and the back of is called the retina and there's broad and cone cells there and wait to see what they look like up close here's what they see these now they're like some are pointing summer stuff like sticks well they're called that because of this a broaden the cone and if you were to look up close look at what it really is it's these disks stacked on each other beautifully and repetitively and with a geometry - oh my goodness and that's crazy yeah that's the back of your retina and that's what picks up on life [Music] dr. Stephen Sinatra has never stopped his pioneering research into earthing working closely with colleague Clint Ober they continue to break down barriers in conventional medicine that separates patients from real recovery and freedom and so today I was on hand to document a first-time experiment which if it would work would make history in medical circles but if it failed would leave dr. Sinatra embarrassed at best and confused at worst it was an introduction of grounding to a diabetic patient whose retina would be photographed before and after only two hours of grounding if even the slightest change could be observed after that time it would be groundbreaking news and unequivocal as to what's possible his mother earth has given a chance to be heard dr. Sinatra placed a grounding patch on the bottom of both the patient's feet and on both palms of his hands the earth would do the rest [Music] you're grounded doctor how much more time do we have before the be tested about 20 minutes or so okay what what are we gonna see hopefully so the purpose of this test and the reason why we do it is retina specialist it's called a fluorescein angiogram fluorescein is a vegetable based dye and we inject it into patients a vein through an IV and it circulates through the heart and then up to the head and into the eye and we can actually document the blood flow in the eye in the retina in particular so the retina is the photographic film of the eye it's no thicker than tissue paper and it's attached to the inner wall of the back of the eye and coursing through the retina are very fine blood vessels and so say for example patients with high blood pressure or diabetes or macular degeneration we monitored the blood flow in the back of the eye by doing this test [Music] [Music] I've got like 3000 angiograms so I'm used to reading you know yeah have your grams in a heart but when I see something like this you see that this branch coming off here and it's really lit up over here and you have a branch here yeah I mean and could that be a different yeah I mean is that what it it could be Steve yeah I mean higher I mean and even though this tributary - yeah you see that there is you can't see it here I see a beautiful tributary there I mean yeah it looks like you're right I did nanika face much love tonight I was looking at I was concentrating on the man immaculate yeah because that's the game right envision the macula actually looks better perfused post ground it that that's I would tell you that's pretty neat because usually when we see a distortion of the foveal a vascular zone like this in diabetics it gets progressively larger it you never see it shrink now that's that's what was that's what caught my attention right away and I said these vessels are lining up more in other words can you assume if you do have better perfusion of the retina yeah could there be under microscopic conditions better perfusion of the macula that's what I'm getting at yeah yeah that's exactly that's not saying that the change in the fovea like vascular zone or the shrinkage of it suggests that there's improved perfusion of the macula that's really what and that's what we want that's exactly that's the game even if we had one percent confusion that's not significant at is gigantic in for two photoreceptor cells that are that are affected by that and that's only two hours of grounding less than two hours you I mean suppose suppose we've been 12 hours ago that'd be interesting so doctor what does this mean for you will you do it this with more patients absolutely I mean this is a very interesting initial observation it's quite exciting because if we can show as in all good science that it's reproducible and we can prove the perfusion and in this instance of a diabetic patient during other patients that has huge implications to their the health of their eye and actually their health of their whole body for the first time there is even hope for this patient to regain his sight dr. Sinatra can also see significant differences between horses that are grounded [Music] the obvious golden ratio in nature is an emphasized homeschool lesson for dr. conifers children because it ties in the subjects of mathematics and science and health and even social studies all into one tight curl it is a symbol of life intelligence unity beauty and hope the more I thought about it our architecture our corporate logos our engineering feats even our ventures into space is based upon this power of interconnectedness [Music] Laura and her children were now at the home of Apollo 14 astronaut dr. Edgar Mitchell dr. Mitchell also sees the power that grounding can render and sees that power from a unique perspective longer to point out the hand controller and this is the hand controller I use and Apollo 14 to land on the moon [Music] [Music] Oh so how many interviews have you had in your life I have no idea run into thousands I'm sure I'm sure every few days I have a different interview Wow yes you go girl two years ago Laura's daughter Clara gifted dr. Mitchell with grounding resources to improve his own health so in some ways this was an update and a reunion well I don't know that they're in it great surprises but we practice to train everything was a result of training then setting up the science station out in front with the lot of equipment we set up that then broadcast data back to earth for 14 years and yes we have been visited by alien life-forms and the evidence is overwhelming that the extraterrestrials have been coming here for perhaps centuries in our lifetime the famous Roswell incident was the beginning of the modern era but the evidence is pretty strong and I know all of the fortunate cases have met all of the primary investigators both in Europe South America and the United States that have better the experts in that area why the powers that be or are covering it up are trying to keep it hidden have tried to keep it hidden but I suspect that his product control did what Edgar speak of had anything to do with grounding a century ago if once suggested a human would walk on the would have been thought of as sheer lunacy yet after several failed attempts edgar is only one of 12 people to ever walk upon the surface of an alien world I see this as a metaphor for earthling or grounding and what it suggests as a new healthcare modality Edgar embraces grounding wholeheartedly why is it based on something else that he knows [Music] do you see math equations in the universe well I don't see them yeah we don't what created a lot of math equation to describe the movement in the universe and where things are with respect to each other [Music] these are petrochemicals formaldehydes fragrance toxic preservatives just to name a few and there's also many that won't appear on the label they're just byproducts of the manufacturing process that are residues that are going to be in that product that will not appear on a label because it's not beneficial ingredients in my opinion it's like why take the rest I think innately we know that these chemicals should not be present in our bloodstream we're a living dining right now we don't know the health impacts of these toxic chemicals and how they interplay with each other and how our bodies are dealing with them so the sooner we understand that life is interconnected and cyclical and our health is intricately tied to this planet the better we're excited about everything that's going on and without further ado [Music] all right thank you so much for coming through so much so let me tell you a little bit about how I transition from living disconnected to the earth and not knowing I was just connected to really embracing how it feels to start earthing and to making a conscious choice er I had my daughter she's the one you're talking about everything really Clara put me right there in the front and she came into my life and changed me in million ways but one of the ways is that she had colic that was a life changer because she cried constantly the only time she's not crying when she's nursing basically and we're pacing around then eventually I start pacing outside and I lived in Arizona besides I never wore shoes because I was a warm year round so pacing outside in the fright yard playing a little baby girl and every time I do this for stops for me every time so I finally dawning on me through sleep deprivation that this is the only way to get her stuck crank so every day we just go outside and walk walk almost always goes to sleep or something and I thinking no and then I realize sometimes I'd have my shoes on it wouldn't work right I go outside and my daughter would be crying in a thread and I'd have my shoes on a guy do this working it's not that it's I'm barefoot and she's all my skin you know my chest and she first been touching my skin and I'm proud and that's the difference so I didn't have a label for it but I know hey whatever this is this is really helping instantaneously with pain I'm stepping outside and I'm holding her and nobody's telling her you should be feeling better enough for autonomic nervous system is having an instant response to the fact that it's not inflamed anymore her body is neutralized and inflammation is decreasing and I can see that relief and I can feel it in her so that's how I started getting the concept of earthing [Music] all we have to do is touch it and we're grounded [Music] we are providing the earthing resources to various cancer patients across the United States to help them with hopefully whatever it is that else in the most and then feedback that we have gotten has been pretty amazing a lot of pain relief we have patients that have said that it's relieving their headaches I've been seeing patients for 17 years specializing in autoimmune diseases started using earthing grounding okay so approximately huh what percentage of your patients have a positive result with the grounding resources are being grounded for the earth easily 85 or 90 percent step Sinatra and his father are dedicated to updating health care they believe will improve the economy and open doors that up till now have been closed and locked I was born near Hinckley Minnesota and here is where both my parents have not only experienced the effects of grounding and have shared it with everyone that will listen [Music] I'm looking at my picture okay here we got the hunting picture Oh see how are you I just turned 98 the 17th of February have you lived close to nature your whole life all my life you what what did you do in your life every you pick bury what are you I did everything that ordinary citizens us in their lifetime [Music] when my parents introduced earthing to the neighbor girl that survived being pinned by a tractor tire on her face the result she had closed the door on anyone elses doubts within her family about what grounding can do first it was her mother and then it was her sister [Music] I hadn't been in Minnesota for two years and there were a few people missing I knew where to find them did they die before their time probably so [Music] it made me think deeply but what matters seeing my family name made me realize that I want to make every moment count before it's gone forever we live in a toxic age I mean there's toxicity all around us dis scene forces there's unseen forces and the unseen forces are worse than the scene so what we're doing right now we're taking any energy of the earth [Music] we're balancing what connecting that's it we're connecting with the earth that's what we need that's what everybody needs [Music] so tell me a little bit about what you guys are working on well we're gonna go to a retirement home and I we're gonna be giving these grounding sheets which I don't know if anyone's heard about but [Music] these blankets have these stripes in it and it's connected to this wire and see this little plug you can put it in the outlet this will help connect through the outlet through the grounding system in the house when you're outside and you just feel connected to nature and it's actually healing for your body but sometimes I can't go outside I'm working on the computer or I'm inside so I can do this this will plug in and connect me to the earth outside and be supportive of my health and people use these and they sleep with them and if you four hours sleep with it or what have it on your lap while you're watching TV or reading then it's studies have shown in your blood and in your joints and all through your body that pain is decreased and you sleep better and that kind of thing it's nothing to do it be electricity you're putting it in the grounding port right now [Music] [Music] I really like the individual anecdotal evidence because that shows me what's possible because if it's if something happens even one person then I know it's possible for me even if it doesn't happen to anybody else I have unlimited possibility but if something happens and it's true for that human being and there's that story and that truth then I know that that's possible for anybody so the Epiphany was this in that a split second after that I said well wow if I created that then I can create my wildest dreams you know and and this is something that I keep telling people over and over again disease cancer whatever kind of disease it is is a construct of how you live your life and what you think about s and it like in the old energy Robinson gangster movies when he says I'm a Jew and I can break you that's exactly that it's exactly what you're telling what you're telling us you're telling us I made this circumstance I made this bad situation I can unmake it and make the most wild fantastic future that there is [Applause] [Music] it was Howard's mother Charlotte Gerson his father dr. max Gerson went down in history as a visionary in medicine he was curing cancer almost a hundred years ago now at that time no one listened to him either [Music] the grounding is not very different from the Gerson Therapy grounding is relatively free of charge the Gerson Therapy is relatively inexpensive because we're using natural materials and they can't patent them so they are against it because they can't make a lot of money on it Howard Straus is an MIT graduate in physics and wanted to show me a math equation that manifests itself in a design perhaps visual proof of maths expression in nature the door was opened and as I stepped in a flood of memories came back to me the past two years have gone by quickly and it was a wake-up call as to what I had witnessed [Music] [Music] get naked and I felt better anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything I really like the individual anecdotal evidence because then I know that that's possible for anybody [Music] greatest discovery of all time was with the one that was earthing there is an intelligence that is beyond us anything's possible [Music] that's mirror do you see math equations in the universe when created a lot of math equation to describe the movement in the universe and where things are with respect to each other if there is a message at all about earthing it really is about our connection with nature with the planet with the universe or should I haven't read these studies that you're asking about these scientific studies as in all good science reproducible in this instance of a diabetic patient I'll make sure is everyone [Music] what I know of her things is a bit one have a youth number of made-up New Age planes I can't say I've heard anyone say they have a whole group of group let's get to it does not know [Music] Schumann cavity residence 7.8 three pets he's a hottie of us made visible for the first time in this year we need to be connected with the earth which gave us birth if we don't have air for more than three or four minutes we're dead if you don't have clean water you're sick and the same with the earth that gives us our food the Sun that gives us the energy in our bodies [Music] and the other creatures around the planet that make the planet habitable for us if we don't see that that is the bottom line for our well-being and happiness than were toast [Music] but Howard saw in the mathematical sequence discovered by benoƮt mandelbrot is something considered to be one of the greatest mathematical revelations of all time computers did not create this never-ending design they revealed it does it carry a message [Music] they say that in all the snowflakes that have ever fallen that no two are exactly alike we are snowflakes there are billions of us but we are all unique made with infinite perfection and if we embrace each other coming together with a shared sustainable purpose born in love the power of that can move mountains nothing can stop it anything anything is possible I think now more than ever I'm ready for spring [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The House Of Film
Views: 55,970
Rating: 4.9240069 out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Movies, Full Movie, Science Fiction Movies, Trailer (Website Category), Education (TV Genre), Spiritualism (Religion), Science (Journal), Sci Fi Science: Physics Of The Impossible (TV Program), Documenta (Film Genre), Documentary (TV Genre), Healing (Film Genre), Healing Hands (TV Program), Nature Documentary (TV Genre), Nature (Journal), Steve Kroschel, Howard Straus, Edgar D. Mitchell, Gaetan Chevalier, Heal For Free - Full Movie, Heal For Free
Id: TrTsTGhuF1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 33sec (4653 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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