Heading Home: My Christian Privilege (1 Peter 1:10-12) | Costi Hinn

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we're going to be in first Peter today so turn in your Bibles to first Peter chapter 1 verses 10 to 12 if you're using a blue Bible that one of the ushers gave you its page 1 1 1 6 in the blue ESV Bibles that you have and if you're willing go ahead and stand let's read God's Word together and then we are going to jump in thank you for standing if you are able Peter writes in 1st Peter chapter 1 verses 10 to 11 and 12 concerning this salvation the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preach the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things into which the Angels long to look go ahead and remain standing we'll pray very quickly father we've prayed much this morning we simply ask one more time for you to bless your word to do it's great work we're in need of that be with Pastor John as he ministers in Zambia and with Brian and Caden as well as they support assist and minister as well thank you for what you're doing here what you're doing there around the valley and around the world in Jesus name Amen amen well let me share with you to start a scenario that might be familiar to you there is let's say a husband and a wife and they are wrapping up dinner and let's say in this particular house on any given night the wife does the dishes and the husband gets the kids ready for bath and bedtime and so you know team hubby and wife doing what they need to do to get the kids ready and so he's gonna go change the poopy diapers and handle business and deal with all the madness and the splashing and the bubbles and all that while the wife deals with the dishes and so on this particular night though the kids are at Grandma's and so hubby thinks hey it's my night off good luck with the grease pans there sweetheart I'm gonna go watch me some football well then the look comes from the wife right and the husband but grudgingly responds Oh fine I guess I have to wash the dishes with you I guess I got to help you with the dishes all right I'll help you with the dishes and then the wife says this right some of you said this you know what forget it I don't need your help with the dishes go on and watch your football and then the husband says well you gave me the look like you want me to do the dishes so you don't me to do the dishes or not want me to do the dishes you want me to watch football you really mean that you're being supportive you want me to watch football which is because I don't speak wife or woman right now I need a translator here am I gonna get is this gonna come back to get me later do you want me to do the dishes or not and then every wife in the room is probably responded this way it's not that I want you to do the dishes I want you to want to do the dishes for those of you still in need of the the CHT translation the challenged husband translation what's your wife and my wife are saying in those moments is they don't want us thinking I have to do the dishes with you they want us thinking I get with you and we're gonna sway to music and you're gonna scrub and pass and I'm gonna dry and rack and it's gonna be this beautiful movie montage right we're gonna fall in love all over again the kids are out for the night I get to do the dishes I don't know who wants to watch football anyway and put their feet up after a long day not me I want to do the dishes with you sweetheart and I think there's enough room if we stand close to each other and a little padded mat that you ladies have in front of the dish soap sink you know we'll stand on that together and sway what is happening there is a wife wanting her husband to be serving and loving and romanticizing and fellowshipping with her not as a blessing or a burden rather but as a blessing and what has taken place in kitchens and marriages for millennia is something that is very common today still an attitude problem if you will that plagues our perspective in every area of our life we can either think I have two or we can think I get two oh we can be those who live the Christian life under compulsion and not the kind of compulsion that is good the kind that is bad or we can be the kind of Christians who live our lives with conviction the I get too attitude or passage today though I would argue you're not necessarily going to read this and think this is a blessing and a gift to our perspective as believers it will literally offer you life-changing perspective and so let's do this we're gonna understand the text first run through a few key points and then we're gonna apply this together as a body so first look with me at the beginning of verse 10 Peter says concerning this salvation the word salvation if you want to circle it it literally means saved or to be delivered this is a word we've talked about before in Prior sermons in our first Peter study and so I won't rehash you can go check YouTube for those but literally this is where we get the Christian phrase are you saved have you been saved he says concerning dis salvation which is basically that you've got a repent of your sin you've got to turn from your ways you've got to say you know my way doesn't work God I need your way to work I keep ending up on dead ends and even if I end up somewhere pretty great in the end it never really works and I'm still empty I need you you Jesus who were the Son of God the perfect and sinless Savior the one who came and took the wrath of God in my place and then you rose from the dead to prove that you've got this death thing conquered and now I believe in you I trust in you I throw my life on you and you give me eternal life and even better or before that I get to live a life of purpose here on earth in you that salvation is what Peter is referring to that it's not some insurance policy it's a whole new way of life concerning all that that the old you is gone the new you is in full effect and and the blessings of salvation that are available to you concerning that is what he's saying and those are all you know wrapped up in verses three through nine really it's the inheritance that you have it's the rich mercy of God it's the lavish grace he's basically said hey spiritually speaking you are loaded you are the upper upper upper class grace upon grace that you didn't deserve no matter what you're going through you are saved Ephesians 1:7 in him you have redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ you've been forgiven and according to the riches of grace that he lavished on us lavished that's what Peter is starting out this passage with an understanding that salvation is a really big deal and what he's about to explain is something that you and I need to understand which is salvation is a really big privilege it's a huge privilege and so in a sermon that's literally titled my Christian privilege it would be I would be remiss if I didn't first start by saying this you cannot take advantage of the privileges that I'm gonna walk you through or even the applications of being a Christian if you have not first laid down your pride repented of your sin kind of the old Church word and that's just the way it goes and ain't no fire and brimstone it's just at the end of the day at some point every human has to come to a point a fork in the road my way or God's Way repent of my sin turn to him or keep going my way in Pride and think you know God thinks I'm a good guy I'll figure it out in the end you've got to make that choice at some point you don't have the Christian privilege of salvation if you have not said Jesus I want to live for you and I'm going to live for you the Bible says in Romans 10:13 that all who call upon the name of the Lord in that way will be saved and so this morning if you've not yet done that taking advantage of that privilege I invite you to do that and people talk a lot today about privilege don't they you hear this on the news and different blogs and whatever even in the Christian world they took a white privilege and suburban privilege and gender privilege privilege privilege all over the place here's the deal guess what Jesus doesn't care about your skin color your zip code or your gender male or female it don't matter Gentile it don't matter everybody gets the privilege of salvation if they will simply come to him and say I believe I'll do it your way I want that and if you want that today I don't care if it's during the service and you know walk down this aisle and sit right here and commit your life to Christ will have altar workers that'll walk down I'll stop the sermon I really don't care if today's the day of salvation for you at the end there'll be people down here to pray with you and one of us will be at the door in the lobby anywhere you go on this campus if Jesus is doing a work in your heart and after this sermon you say I want the Christian privilege of salvation we'll walk with you and so before we go any further understand that that has been made clear people think that heaven is kind of like this mountain top that all the trails just lead to but Jesus said I'm the way the truth the life no one's getting up that mountain to the Father except through me and so in the end at the end of all things you're playing a game you'll never win if you're trying to get to heaven without Jesus and so the first point in the text and in the passage and the Sermon is that my Christian privilege is salvation by grace through faith when I repent of my sin and I follow Jesus Christ that's the Christian privilege you get that is the Christian privilege that I get if we will throw ourselves on Jesus Peter says concerning this salvation now that we understand the prophets in verse 10 be and on to 11 who prophesied about that grace that was to be yours they searched and inquired carefully inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glory something you're thinking okay you had me at the salvation repent all that was clear what in the world is this talking about oh well let's look closer and I'll explain it it's very simple in the end here a Peter is saying that there were prophets of old and they got literal verbal prophecy revelation from God on high saying here are promises about the future here are promises for people here is hope in a messiah here's hope and a savior this is like those passages at Christmas we read from Book of Isaiah it says unto us a child is born unto us a son will be given his name will be wonderful counselor he will be a manual God with us and we all sing these songs I think oh wow I guess this is just a modern day thing no this has been predicted and prophesied for millennia that's what Peter wants them to understand that there are prophets who back then prophesied about the grace that was coming it appears here just to kind of dig deeper with you that his audience is aware of what a prophet really is and so he doesn't bother to explain their ethnicity he doesn't bother to explain that they are reliable and no logical person under the power and direction of the Holy Spirit which would have been Peter as he's writing this letter is going to talk about something that isn't 100 percent reliable and true and so the source is reliable he's encouraging persecuted Christians that it's reliable accurate prophets that they could count on why what's he's showing them he's showing them that they don't stand on a heritage alone this is nothing new you know people who think that this you know organized religion is some modern construct there's some social construct we've just created as a revenue stream and then to give y'all a little hope so you can kind of have a purpose in life but we stand on and here sit now in and on top of a heritage of faith that reaches back thousands of years that has been prophesied literally and has been and is still being and going to be fulfilled literally the grace that these people are living in the sufferings of Christ the glories to come all of that they were now and you and I are now living in a much fuller sense the Messiah they prophesied about hadn't come yet would he come in a hundred years ten years is he here now it's not like the Old Testament prophets were sitting there going okay so be a little stable and this guy named Joe and this gal Mary and then you know she'll have a baby bump and always wear blue and the nativity scenes that everyone will have one day and this whole thing is going to look like this and then the can in the wisemen it's not like they had every detail nailed they were given a glimpse of you revelation from God to prophesy of the Messiah to come but it's not like in the Old Testament they were saying you know Lord Jesus I believe in you you're the only way the truth and the life I'm gonna pray the sinner's prayer and get saved people often ask well how did they get saved in the Old Testament well the same way that you and I still get saved today by grace through faith we see with Abraham God says it was reckoned to him as righteousness it's reckon him as faith why cuz he went not knowing where he was going God just said go and he obeyed he followed the progressive revelation he had been given up to that point what's Peter's point in looking back at the prophets is well look at your life now you've got prophecy unveiled and if I were to even take that and cross the time bridge to you today I would tell you look in your lap at the storyline that unfolds right before your eyes look at how much you and I now have look at the privilege of seeing prophecy fulfilled that you don't have to wake up every day kind of wondering you know is this Christianity thing for real is this Jesus thing for real you and I may ask how long oh Lord until you return but we have so much more than the Old Testament prophets and they themselves Peter says even inquired what that means is like in Daniel chapter 12 8 9 and verse 13 and in Habakkuk 1 2 to 3 and Isaiah 6 11 and other places throughout the Old Testament God would come and he would reveal something the prophets and they would look back up and say wow when is that gonna happen who will it be what will this be like they would actually be allowed they were 100% infallible accurate prophets they weren't like you know shotgun prophecy they throw twenty of them out there and one of them kind of hits a little bit like oh I guess I'm a prophet no these guys were going into the Hall of Fame for prophets batting a thousand they always got it right and they would ask God like Daniel how long how long till we see this all unfold this is incredible what's this all gonna be like and like for Daniel there were these interesting moments where the messenger of the Lord of the word of the Lord would come and and tell them you know these words are shut up for a little while there bottled up and they'll be revealed at some point but for you Daniel you just do your job you just tell them what's coming now and then you sit down go rest for a little while in other words go die and relax in the presence of God for a little bit and then I love this and you shall stand in your allotted place at the end of days you know what the messenger of the Lord just told Daniel hey do your job predict the future and then listen you'll get your 50-yard line seats when the show goes down one day I'll make sure of it you'll get your place to stand and watch what I'm gonna do but for now you prophesy when it comes to pass people are gonna say wow look at the accuracy of our God Isiah how long oh Lord a backup wondering when the wicked will be destroyed and when it's all gonna work out how long oh Lord even outside of the prophets in Luke 3:15 remember John the Baptist came and he's wearing camel hair and eating grasshoppers crazy man running around the desert shouting the Lamb of God's coming people are saying who is this guy is this the Messiah is this like Elijah coming back from the dead this guy's really bringing it this must be one of those questioning wondering and even John the Baptist after ending up in prison he's about to lose his head he's deflated Matthew 11 verses 2 & 3 John sends out people to ask Jesus himself are you the one cuz I thought you were gonna overthrow Rome man I thought we were gonna do this together I was gonna be your vice president I thought you were coming to kill them all and establish your kingdom now I'm here in prison they're gonna cut she's gonna cut off my head oh I thought you're the guy wondering inquiring is this what it was I thought you were bringing grace I thought you were bringing power and so certainly they wondered and inquired and in the end watch even now as the cloud of witnesses as God's plan on faults not just for Peters readers in the early church but even now through you and through me Peter goes on and says it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves yeah you know the the prophets weren't superstars they were servants they were there to give people hope and literal declarations that would come to past Peters readers are being told you're an insider like never before in history the prophets looked they saw they heard but in the end you're living the promises of hope you're living out the promise of a savior you're not living before the cross you're living after the cross even the picture just before the cross Jesus paints for his disciples he says in Matthew 13 16 to 17 but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear for truly I say to you many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but they didn't see it and to hear what you hear and they did not hear it Jesus is faithful disciples they lived pre cross post cross they see the establishment of the church comprised of every nation and tribe and tongue now you are living prophecy revealed that is what Peter is conveying and getting across to these readers you live in the age of grace now you don't have to come and kill little lamby's at the foot of the altar to make God happy he just says repent and believe it's the free gift of grace you get to come all you who are heavy laden and he'll give you rest Peter doesn't want to stop at the prophets though he takes that extra shot it's the last word but in a good way he says this look at it real close there at the end of 12 things into which the angels long to look things into which the angels long to look circle a few words or underlining or highlighting if you're one of those Bibles circling highlighting type of notetaker people things okay things all the beautiful privileges of salvation much of what we've talked about and much of what we have and I could go on and seven different sermons on the blessings of salvation but trust me or trust the Bible it's there we could studied another time he's referring things all those amazing things are what the Angels long the word is a strong desire this is an urge they are trying to get in there and look and it uses the word look and you can circle that that means to stoop or bend over imagine the phrase I'm bending over backwards to try to see this I'm peering in I'm on my tippy-toes that is the word being used here this is the same word used in Luke 24 12 when Peter himself is stooping in to see is the body really gone he raised from the dead he's not in here where did he go they are stooping and look that's the way that the angels are watching all this unfold they're looking at you and what you get and the privileges you have that way you know Peters audience at the time could have been thinking you know we're being persecuted the world thinks we're ridiculous were scorned and yet they get the promise and the joy of Peter telling them you are the object of heavens affection God is paying attention to you so much so that the prophets are looking going Wow who's this grace gonna fall upon and the angels themselves who by the way did you know are not saved by grace through faith they're not saved from sin they're not like you you are the image of God angels aren't they're created as messengers servants for the purposes of God they're watching you and oh I know some of you want to get to heaven and like the little movies you know in the bell rings and the angel gets its wings and you're all excited to see what the angels are like they are watching you now peering in stooping over thinking unbelievable we sing about the holy God we are witnesses of his glory only to the effect though that even gives us wings to cover our eyes because his glory would melt us if we actually saw that holy God loves those he's saving those amazing Wow not only that look at how he declared it through the prophets and now it's coming true oh there's no God like our God oh there's no word like our God's word oh there is no execution of divine decrees like our gods look at his plan look at the people that's what the angels are doing look at the way that you gift them and love them and use them Oh what it would be like to be the object of the divine creator's affection Oh to have the wisdom Oh to have the plan and purpose as they do Wow and this is all over the Bible all over first Corinthians 49 Paul explaining the the exhibition of being an apostle you know people do they think being apostles real cool you're gonna be the head honcho and run a church and be a hotshot doing miracles here's the deal he says apostles were last of all were scorned by all men we're the tip of the spear we're the ones being thrust into the battle first he explains I think God has Xzibit us apostles of last of all like men sentenced to death because we become a spectacle to the world to angels into men the angels are even looking on saying wow look at how these humans would be willing to lay it all down for our God they're getting it they're seeing what we see all the time they're walking in obedience and now we're into a whole new way that angels look not just oh what it would be like to be the object of grace but incredible the way that some of them respond and are willing to do anything and they believe but yet they've not seen him this is amazing only our God could cause such power to unfold through the lives of mere men in Ephesians 3:10 Paul says that the church is the manifold wisdom of God and it gets put on display for all the world and the heavenly places and rulers and authorities throughout the world what is he saying you are showstoppers the church is the showstopper everyone looks on and says unbelievable look at them committed loving singing serving giving fellowshiping preaching counseling disciple incandescently is unstoppable our God who is like our god that's what the angels are saying and so point number two is this my Christian privilege is that prophets and angels long to see what God is doing in and through me yeah I don't mean to be clever and making it rhyme but if that helps you remember it a little more than so be it the angels and the prophets they long to see what God is doing in and through me through you people walking in the plan of God brothers and sisters it is a privilege to be a Christian I wonder if you see it that way your gifts your life your background your story a privilege to be used for the glory of God not rules to be loathed in light of a passage like this what if no matter what we were going through we were not I have two kind of Christians we were I get two kind of Christians what if we looked at the privilege of salvation and suddenly we decided we're we're gonna walk around with an awareness of this short time in which a heritage of faith and even heavenly angels are looking down upon and we are gonna live it to the fullest for the glory of God I want to apply these with you and so I'm gonna give you what I call the big six the big six these are applications for us as a church we're going to run through them fast bullet point there in your outlines there's passages associated with them they aren't New Testament commands but in the end we're not called to do these with compulsion we are called to do them and live them with conviction and so this is the call for you this morning are you and I have two kind of Christian or and I get to kind of Christian in the end all believers are going to go to heaven you're gonna get there and you're gonna either have been a consumer or a contributor you'll have either sat around down here no offense if your name is Debbie or but as a Debbie Downer or cynical Sally dragging the system down and spewing your preferences and your opinions what you don't like it as though this were some new thing that you know heaven needs your opinion on no brothers and sisters heavens been clear God has been clear and so it's been well said in the world and on sports teams and through coaches for many many decades that attitude determines altitude you ever heard that before I think that can be applied to the church and the way a church lives attitude determines altitude how far we go how high we go in his strength for his glory is determined by the way our perspective is as we approach our privilege and so let's test these out ready number one I'm gonna drive some of you crazy with this list number one I get to attend church weekly whoo I get to attend church we get people dying for their faith some people can't even meet in China we come in I gotta be here today I guess wife dragged me here or husband dragged me here wow I wonder if you've heard one of my favorite ministry jokes you probably have maybe you haven't a wife once looked on as her husband was wearing down throughout the week as sunday approached she wondered if he'd have any motivation to attend church on Sunday morning she'd gotten up gotten ready heard the alarm go off several times he kept hitting the snooze button finally she walked in and said honey you need to get up and go to church he pleaded from under the covers I don't want to go to church she fired back oh you are going to church give me three good reasons he argued well she began number one it's Sunday you need to get up get dressed and go to church number two you're 43 years old and need to stop acting like a rebellious teenager and number three you're the pastor and you're preaching this morning so get up and go to church you know I wonder if you and I have ever felt that way I'm sure you and I if maybe felt that way so so what if we just commit together to a renewed perspective to just crush the I have to and start walking in you I get to I get to go see all these people I get to go fight for parking and still smile because you can't road rage at church I get to come and sing in worship I get to be encouraged I get to go and gather with the Saints number two I get to disciple others faithfully from growth groups to marriage classes a quick courses prayer ministry one-on-one Bible studies men's and women's ministry the chance to make disciples is never-ending the chance to be sharpened as iron being sharpened by iron is never-ending for the Christian there's always someone new who needs a mature believer to walk with them there's always somebody mature who is looking for somebody to walk with and so instead of just using all of these avenues you know nearly seven days a week of ministry as though they're just entertainment and just to hang out some of you for the free food I'm with you we cater really good at the church but in the end what are you doing while you're there what's the conversation like are you talking about you know your preferences or you don't like the shirt that I wore on Sunday and all that stuff just toss all that on the shelf go to chick-fil-a on another time and talk about all that but for now redeem the time dwell on the word put your nose in the book get on your face together seek the Lord pray for the loss pray for the church pray for others pray for your pastors I get to we get to disciple faithfully for a short time we get to grow in the Lord number three I get to serve with my gifts uniquely you know that you're a thumbprint the Bible literally says that first Peter 4 7 through 11 will study that in our first Peter series you're a thumbprint and Men I know you won't like this I'm going to only use it once just to give you the visual all the way you're a snowflake you're a snowflake you know that no two snowflakes are the same no two thumb prints are the same you do you better than anyone on this earth not one of you is gifted the same there is a hybrid there are many lists lists of spiritual gifts in fact people get this wrong they go into one passage and they count them all up and say well that's how many spiritual gifts they are so you take a test and I guess your whatever no you are all a unique hybrid blend from the sovereign holy spirit pouring into your life saying I've called you to do this nobody else can do this better or like you you're a member of the body and playing your role people say oh the church always just wants something from me no the church wants something for you to use your gift to use the unique thumbprint that you are to leave an imprint in a mark on the church and I'll end with this and this point you know false pride can get some of us can it we say things like you know I am such a good communicator and I don't really want to because if I did you know Kosti and John would we probably wouldn't have jobs you know some of you maybe have said this you know I'm such an amazing singer it will only distract if I grace everyone with my voice for four straight services I run piano keys like Mozart it'll turn into symphony number 40 if I get up there surely nobody will even want to hear the preaching they'll just want me to keep playing the piano and people will come up to me after and say how amazing I play and then the focus will be on me and not Jesus listen some of you need to get over your lofty view of your own self-importance we are a church we are look around a Church of gifted singers musicians preachers artists quilters teachers painters businessmen educators lawyers strategists and beyond there are numerous gifts that would blow your mind that they do blow your mind every single week and you glorify God and you thank your brother and sister for using their gift because we get the privilege of serving we get the privilege of using our gift he gave you the gift all you need to do is worry about giving them the glory people are gonna say you sound amazing cuz you probably do just say praise God thankful to serve if you get John and I fired and you're the preacher good for you I'll come up after to the door shake your hand and say thanks for bringing the word brother good for you praise God praise God that he gifted a church praise God that he gifted a children's ministry a choir ministry a prayer ministry with people who lay themselves down praise God number four I get to give my money generously I get to give we saw this at Christmas you people are unbelievable the unloaded generosity on Redeemer African church's breast cancer survivors and women in great need prison ministry here's the deal the the wallets back here in the old rear end isn't it and the hearts right here they seem a little far apart but they are inextricably connected forever amen your money in your heart are tied together very tightly jesus said it in Matthew 6:21 where your treasure is your heart is we do this in our home you ought to do it as well this is just a Bible thing you looked what Jesus said basically your cash and your convictions are gonna mesh they're gonna match you look at where you spend your money I'll tell you your convictions you I'll give you my login right now you go log into my Chase account and look at the ledger you're gonna see some in and out on there guaranteed you're gonna see a date night on there I hope you see Redeemer on there you're gonna see convictions when we look at the privilege of giving I think some of us forget there ain't no u-haul behind the hearse we ain't taking it with us that we get the chance to give we get the chance to live generously and Jesus said that my heart and my money are connected he wasn't talking about giving your time some people say I'm gonna give my time I'm gonna keep my money and that's good with God no it's not and here's why I'm pressing on this because today there is so much confusion about money and get these crazy preachers telling you if you don't give 10% you're robbing God in the Old Testament tithe was more like 23 to 33 percent scholars have made that very clear so I'm talking about no tithe 2nd Corinthians 8 and 9 are the two chapters you want to read later you want to talk about New Testament giving Paul says you give joyfully excitedly you give generously not under compulsion excitedly what you purpose in your heart which means it's a get too attitude and then he says that Jesus became poor so you could become rich he was talking about Jesus being so generous and lavished with His grace that that's a model for our giving and the Macedonian Christians at that time when Paul's talking our broke people that are begging him if they can give more soda ain't about no being rich and no being poor and about percentages it is always and hear me clear always about your and my heart that's what God wants he doesn't want your 10% he wants your heart and so we do well to live with the I get too attitude and our giving and one final point on that the reality is you know if if I'm a millionaire and I'm given a certain percentage because you know I think the Bible says I might be robbing God I could give more and live on less and still be loaded and some of us are going through hard times and for you to give you a three or four percent of your income your stretching crying this is like Widow's mite sacrificial you know what the beautiful thing is both work together God uses the first Timothy six rich rich in good works generous to share the broke and the poor who are always with us and they all come together because the church is the rich the poor the black the white the left the right from everywhere and in between and they are people of God being used together to showcase his glory to the world that's what we are and so are we and I get to kind of church number five I get to preserve unity consistently another privilege that results from our salvation is unity jesus prayed for it in John 17 and don't you think if Jesus prayed for something we should probably aim for it he prayed that the church should be unified in proverbs 619 God literally says I hate discord I hate division I will not tolerate it you don't want to be doing the thing that God says he hates over and over and over we need to be putting on love forgiving one another walking with one another being gentle bearing one another's burdens some people are just tough to deal with I know some people are just critical I know we gotta love them you can't hit him you can't kill him you can't do none of that you gotta love them bobble don't even say you have to like him you just gotta love him that's the call that is the call we call this on our staff closing gaps movie 300-member the faint links they keep it tight they check their ranks picture the enemies circling Redeemer week after week looking for gaps you know the gap is they didn't say hi to me on Sunday I bet they don't even like me I wonder if they've been talking about me behind my back in growth group you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tell the pastor you know how this church is just I've done with this church I've been done with you know what this happened two years ago and we don't close the gap meanwhile the person was just thinking about their kid or needing coffee they went to church they're at brunch and they're not even thinking about you we create caricatures or in our mind and we talk about people and gossip and divide ago when in the end the gaps open and Satan goes perfect right there I'm going in close gaps go to your brother go to your sister go to people go to pastors work it out get over it and move on there are bigger things to do amen we got to serve the Lord I get to preserve unity consistently number six and finally I get to proclaim the gospel to others boldly I get to we're only here a little while it's been a week since Coby and several others died I knew John Altobelli the coach baseball coach that was on the helicopter with him and my life flashes back to a season of time I almost played for him and I start thinking wow life like that husbands wives daughters people this is happening in our lives every day I get to share the gospel I got one shot one life one chance so I ought to do it I ought to stop what I'm saying at the table sometimes and just look at the server and see a soul I ought to be you know buying a car or at the grocery store picking the same line each week so I can see the young gal with the pain in her eyes and she had a ring on and now she does and probably was a tough divorce I don't know what's going on but my wife and I compelled we ought to ask her if she's doing okay every opportunity to be or throwing the rope of the gospel to people I get to proclaim the gospel what if we simply were used by God to plant seeds of truth that would change lives and give others the privileges that we have you can add more to this list as the Holy Spirit leads you throughout the week there's certainly more you could add but in the end we talk about you know changing our lives and changing a church and changing a city changing a valley even changing the world it all starts with a change in our perspective are you and I and I have two kind of Christian or are we and I get to kind of Christian
Channel: Redeemer Bible Church
Views: 1,552
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Bible, Redeemer Bible Church, Arizona, Gilbert, Mesa, Bible Church, Truth, Understanding, God, Costi Hinn, 1 Peter, Christianity
Id: 844Rkp8jGRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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