He Was the Most Wanted Man in America, Here's What He Did

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everyone stares at the flight attendant as she hastily walks past the passengers she ignores any request that comes to her and rushes to the cockpit everyone looks at each other confused is there a problem with the plane behind all these worried people one man is sitting patiently waiting for his plan to unfold no one knew the danger they were about to be in it's Thanksgiving everyone is boarding a plane from Portland Oregon to Seattle Washington for the holidays everything seemed like a typical day at the airport except for when D.B Cooper walked in no one noticed him and no one suspected anything out of him he is a man of mystery and when I say mystery I mean D.B Cooper isn't his actual name until this day no one knows his real identity all we know is that he bought a ticket under the name of Dan Cooper but the media came into the picture and started telling this story portraying him as DB Cooper and ever since then he was known by this name he was described by witnesses as a middle-aged man in his mid-40s he was wearing a dark business suit with a black raincoat he wore a white shirt and a thin black tie the flight was short 37 minutes to be exact so nobody figured that something terrible was going to happen he boarded a Boeing 727 carrying nothing but a black briefcase and a brown paper bag back then there wasn't any background checking or luggage scanning for safety measures you just walk in grab your seat and be done strategically took a seat in the last row and ordered some beverages just as the plane was ready for takeoff s is that they're ready to fly the passengers on board are expecting to munch on some delicious turkey and be with their families in less than an hour Cooper had other plans and waited until the plane was in mid-flight he noticed that everyone was minding their own business he had a note with him and waited for the flight attendant to approach him so that he could give it to her her seat was directly behind him so when she was nearby he handed her the note [Music] at first the flight attendant didn't make much of the note thinking that the middle-aged man was just handing her his phone number but then he leaned in towards her and told her to read it her face turned white she couldn't tell whether this was a prank or he was serious but she looked at him and he wouldn't blink the note was hinting that he was carrying something devastating in his luggage to keep everyone safe he demanded two hundred thousand dollars by 5 PM it might not seem like a lot of money to demand given you're in a position of power but back then it was a lot that value now would be around 1.4 million dollars he also requested two front parachutes and two main parachutes to be worn on his back the flight attendant passed the message to the pilot who made the request through the radio at first no one noticed anything but then news caught on about Cooper's plans they noticed how the flight attendant was jittery and uncomfortable once they landed in Seattle Cooper wasn't done he seemed confident in his plan according to the people on board they brought him the money and refueled the play so that he can continue with his plan they also brought the parachutes as he demanded he was meticulous in the order in which his demands were met he wouldn't let anyone off the plane unless the money was brought in he asked for four civilian parachutes that the authorities brought from a skydiving School once he received his parachutes he allowed the passengers to leave the only people left on the plane were three flight members and three cabin crew Cooper was losing his patience since refueling the plane was delayed on top of that they didn't deliver the money to him in a knapsack as he asked according to Witnesses he was a calm person and didn't lash out at anyone but eventually the plane took off what his plan was he showed the flight plan to the pilots and told them to fly toward Mexico City as slowly as possible and to remain at around 10 000 feet above the ground the flight route was well designed like someone who had Aviation experience in the past he told them to leave the landing gear deployed during takeoff and mid-fly and for the cabin to remain unpressurized his plan was in motion but there was another problem Cooper had been informed that the plane could only travel another Thousand Miles with the amount of fuel given that means he couldn't make it to Mexico after much pondering Cooper decided that they would have to stop for another refueling they decided to land at Reno Tahoe International Airport in Nevada Cooper knew that this would stop him from running away with the money so we told everyone to wait near the cockpit he was now alone where 35 other passengers would be sitting it's only been four or five minutes since the plane took off from Seattle the pilots received a warning red light flashing showing that the internal pressure has changed a witness recalls peeking at him tying the money to his waist as he strapped on the parachute some of the cabin members asked him if he needed any help through the intercom he simply replied no and that was the last thing Cooper ever said to them once the stairs were deployed out of the tail of the plane the back end suddenly shifted upward but the pilot was experienced enough to keep it flying level they would constantly announce to Cooper that they were about to land and that they needed him to close the AFT stairs but he wasn't responding no one from the crew went back to see where he was they landed safely with the stairs still deployed the authorities rushed to the scene to sweep out the area in case he was still there but after 30 minutes there was no sign of them they can confirm that Cooper had jumped out of the plane with the money strapped to him via a parachute in the Pitch Black Knight and since that day Cooper was never seen again it's not clear whether he made it to Mexico or not and no evidence shows whether he survived or not some of the money with the same serial numbers given to him was found in Washington but that's the only trace of it either he made it back to Washington or the money was found somewhere and spent by the finder of the loot if he's around today then he'd be in his mid-90s which equally means he might not be around today it's not like it was a complete dead end throughout the years many people became obsessed with DB Cooper that they came to the authorities to claim they were the ones who did it but they were just seeking attention who wouldn't want to be the hero in this the authorities even believed he could have been Canadian since Cooper was named after a comic book hero who used to jump out of planes to escape Danger so many theories popped out of thin air but nothing was conclusive there was a famous sketch of Cooper but it's hard to truly identify the man Cooper became a celebrity and a hero to some some people even launched a Cooper Cod where fans of the mystery man would meet up together and share their theories and so-called evidence of his presence the truth is we still don't know in 2016 the authorities decided not to pursue D.B Cooper anymore they claimed it was too time consuming and one of the most exhaustive investigations in their entire history all we know is that this incident changed the entire way we approach air travel forever that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 74,853
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, true story, amazing story, how he got away, he broke free, D.B. Cooper, the story of Dan Cooper, based on true story, actually happened, the most wanted man in America, how Dan Cooper managed to escape, Boeing 727, flight safety, no safety check, Reno-Tahoe International Airport, Seattle, he wanted to run away to Mexico, CooperCon, mystery man, air travel safety, this guy disappeared without a trace
Id: _fxtWsweJlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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