a VERY CHALLENGING week at sea

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okay so that I can see here your package is rele by Customs already your package was to release on Friday May 31st okay the schedule delivery is for today at the moment we just need to wait that the package r or the package will be out for Del Li so it did clear Customs it's cleared already the package was cleared on Friday all right there was no charges or fees associated with that we don't have any required here okay all right so uh it'll be on a truck today to delivery yes most likely will'll be delivered today during the day and I can set up for notifications via email if you want or you can continue to check fedex.com the status for your bik okay thank you very much okay so today clear Customs good this hope it's the right part hope it fits the shaft fits shaft please one thing I can say about pyi is everything they've ever sent me is better right that's good I've never had any issues with any of the sizes they sent the the prop shaft seals the PSS prop shaft seals yep and they they fit they had the right size 60 mm uh tube and and 40 mm shaft those all fit perfectly so good okay why are we up at 5:00 in the morning the crack a dawn because the call you saw yesterday did not happen that was not the truth Keith got another call saying the package was still stuck in customs waiting on $4,000 of customs fees so we are uh headed to FedEx to be there when they open at 8:30 but it's a 3-hour drive from where we're at so we're super excited to be here can't wait to get this started this is the adventures of uh boat life when you need a part and third world countes charge duties and Customs on transient parts that are not going to be imported in the country and you have to go argue and say hey this part is for both just leaving your country so chances are we got to [Music] pay so we arrived promptly at 8:30 as told but then after waiting a couple of hours we were told to go to another office and talk to a different person who then instructed us to go to another office and talk to a different person the documents that you need so we got a broker here in where we at s Santa Domingo and uh they're helping us get our package we got to take somebody with us from Santa Domingo all the way back up to Porta plada they have to ride with us to verify that we take the parts and put them on the boat and these fine people here are helping us get that done so we don't have to pay ,000 in import taxes and that's what these guys are getting done to because it's a part in transit and it's been a long day this is about the 12th office we've been to they are all day at the FedEx office finally got him excellent so yes we finally got the package but also had to take a customs agent with us on the 3-hour drive back up to Porta plada it only cost us well an undisclosed amount which was nothing near the three grand in import taxes we thought we'd have to pay long day but successful [Music] y as you can see Keith tied the prop onto the boat just since it was so deep and dark down there he did not want to lose it cannot lose another prop this whole process for both props took several hours two tanks adjustments double checking Etc and once he was comp was on properly he removed the safety [Music] line after a lunch break he moved on to the starboard side to remove the old prop okay got the old prop off the one that didn't fall down into the bottom of the sea getting ready to put the new one [Music] on is it yep after carefully placing the new one on he put all the bolts in put the zincs back on and he thoroughly greased both props and we fired up the engine to check them [Applause] out all right well I just got a checked out of the Dominican Republic Keith got all the props put on we even checked them it sounds and feels like everything is good so we've got good propulsion a big thanks to Fred at pyi for answering all of Keith's calls and questions and I think we got everything installed correctly so we'll have good propulsion to make it to Puerto Rico hopefully sales Keith picked a weather window that looks pretty good so hopefully we'll throw some sales out and uh get there in a couple of days some nasty weather coming through we're getting out of here just in time although we probably won't Bow's off have a safe treat yes thank you goodbye goodbye Dominican Republic goodbye adios how's everything feel sound and it's all right look like it's all working okay yeah good it does that the sea state is tremendous yeah yeah no pretty bad man oh man leave that open Luke man oh man this is almost a cotra weather here no 40 to 50 knots of wind yeah that was we can't afford a man over overboard it this time guys oh my God that prop is going to fall it's greasy put put it down there on the rugs not on the good rug on the icky rugs they on the to yeah there you go so pink flamingo lost their dingy yeah but they already got it yeah they got it back they're just trying to figure out if they're going to go back to Marina up uh I don't blame him this is nasty nasty weather nobody likes this just riding it out riding out the storm you do better are you feeling better you still sick Emily's not feeling too hot they got me got me real good a nap that's what I tried to do that's a joke like a napping right now out everything's calming down now I don't know what they're doing something our friends pink flamingo lost their dinghy again I guess they got it tied up and then it came untied again I don't know what that that's some big waves right there oh be that the thing go is pretty nervous right now well they're stuck back here in the front of the Squall down here they just drifted with it so they're right in the middle of it instead of punching through it yeah well they lost their dingy they had to go and get it I know but they should be turned and coming this way and going slow and easing into it so that it gets away so they don't stay on the leading edes of it did she say they lost it again yeah I don't know yeah I think they lost it again now there's no win excellent just put a sail out now we're going to roll it back in and you guys were right in that line for a long time instead you lost your dingy so you couldn't punch through it but looks like if you keep coming I mean we're down to n knots of wind 10 knots of wind here well we lost we had the D tied up and uh uh the line that it was tied to snapped so we ended up spending all that time in the Squall trying to recover the dingy what actually broke on the davits did the davit break or just your line holding it holding the two little ropes you made to hold it in you no the whole davit snap oh cable have a bar a c cons yeah say they could lift their up and put it on their but that's kind of complicated oh it's not not like the welcome to boat live Flamingo DAV snap they could take a if their boom reaches out far enough they could take a line off their boom hang it off it up definitely calm down see some blue sky out there a little bit look at the beautiful rainbow calm after the storm look at that sunny skies calm seas everything is better the Thunder the lightning that's what I'm saying holy cow way up there in the distance and they low on the right how that how would that feel going in that in an airplane you wouldn't that would kill you you wouldn't have wings left when you got down here what are you doing I'm trying to go around them oh yeah I am a little [Music] bit our Mariners are requested when I get to Puerto Rico I'm going to change out those lanyards that lift the dingy up are you nervous I'm nervous about everything I'm nervous about the dinghy falling off cuz the boat just lost their dinghy and I hadn't changed these in four 5 years so I probably need to change them I'm nervous about my props falling off I'm nervous about my cutless bearings I'm nervous about the alignment of the engines I'm nervous about uh my Rudder over there my Rudder bearing cuz it's vibrating I'm I'm nervous about one that broke either it's not the one that broke either but I'm going to pack it full of grease when I get to Puerto Rico which we are right off the shore Puerto Rico and I am going a pack it full of grease so to get Grenada I'm huling out Grenada and I'm going to get all these little under the boat Gremlins and everything fixed I'm going to redo those those uh lanyards tomorrow while we're sitting in palas dear and get those brand new cuz I don't want to be worried about my dingy falling off I mean any you know what I'm talking about guys the struggle's real do you ever worry about your dingy falling off CU if you do make a good lanyard hold that thing up if you have my problems you need a lanyard to hold it up what about the Anar engines how they've been running they have been running great the only thing that's running great the the Yanmar engines are running like like legy split I got an autopilot issue one of my head autopilot heads is not working correctly and uh that's frustrating me but we haven't sailed at all we had sail at all it's been motoring we're done with the last leg of the thorny passage it's been a good passage we had just about 4 hours of rough stuff yesterday or day before yesterday when we took off out of Porta plada but nothing nothing nothing scary I mean if I had have been out in that years ago I might have been scared but not today not today we need a new flag I got one oh okay got one we just got to put it on so this time on the thorny passage I went around the north side of Puerto Rico instead of the south side and I think I made the right decision because we don't have any swell very little swell here flat seas and uh we timed it just right we cut through some storms last night yesterday there were some really beautiful lightning storms out there on the horizon but we threaded our way right through there using our radar and so uh I was a little nervous about going on the North side here but it looks like I made the ride Gamble and uh it's paid off how long to we get there uh about 12 hours and we'll be at Los palas Marina pal Mark or palom well palus is in the Canary Island that's right palus stillar we'll be in palus stillar [Music] then full Swag yeah wow really taking up this s get off the ladder here [Music] Lord Havey well that work how much you think that weighs 100 lb I don't know we're going to have to double you want to double best things are heavy they're so heavy it's like the intro you're going uh thumbnail all wait here we go that's so heavy oh so heavy wait wait again again that's not good where's my acting career lift it up there we go we got to remove this or something dude no you got to leave it there it's got to stay that's a striner the door's not open that you may recall when we got these batteries in Western Australia back in September of 2021 it was a group effort to get these heavy things onto the boat Keith had been dreaming of lithiums even before that but now he finally found a great deal on top quality lithium ion batteries and he is super stoked we got 12 of the epoch life P4 lithium batteries and get this they're smart batteries they have a built-in smart battery management system with overcharge protection and over discharge protection and come with an 11-year warranty and best of all they only weigh 58 lb each so we're reducing the weight on the boat by about 500 lb what weighs so much is lead yeah all lead oh yeah this is lithium dad's just going to juggle them here in a minute cuz they're so light and this is Epoch this is shout out to Epoch for being so light yeah for real oh [Music] [Music] gosh very coming through right [Music] [Music] [Music] little r out there [Music] and we're off goodbye Puerto Rico and this episode has been one week and we've been to two different [Music] countries okay all right how the batteries working all right so the batteries are working good the only thing we've got to do and we didn't have time to do it is I need to take them all out and I should I didn't have time to do it beforeand but I need to set them up in parallel and put a 12vt battery charger on them and bring them all up 100% charge and they're balanced like that Vol same voltage same balance and they're all balanced up once they're done that then I can take them back apart retie them into their series parallel configuration that I have and uh they'll run like clockwork but I got the batteries in they're working great I mean they're not hitting Peak efficiency because I haven't got them all balanced out yet but I'll do that when we get the Grenada and uh they're working good I mean I love lithium batteries I mean we've been I got 1,500 amp hours or I have 1,800 amp houres of lithium and uh you got two more coming I got one more coming one more and uh they didn't have the the one there but I think they have went Grenada and um so where we at where we going right now we're CRA C cbra cbra whatever it's called still in Puerto Rico still in Puerto Rico Spanish Virgin Islands and uh now we are going to Anchor here tonight and then tomorrow we'll go over to St James go to the pizza boat and then uh Thursday morning we'll go over to uh the bass and the BB and then Friday morning we will jump across s Ana and Ana what is it called an an anag passage I don't remember yeah and get we got a nice weather window to jump across there calm seas no wind and we'll get all the way out to St Martin and we'll just go 24 hours a day for 2 and a half three days and get the grenade and we should be Grenada by Sunday Monday Sunday Monday Sunday Monday excellent oh that's sounds good sounds good all right [Music] water's cool it feels great it's clear nice and clear Emily's out there on a paddle board just chilling very nice place to chill so we just jumped in the water we just anchored here at kbra Puerto Rico and jumped in the water to refresh and cool off and um our Rudder our what is this port side Rudder yeah port side it's cut in half but strange Keith is down there with the camera I'll show you some of the footage if he gets some is [Music] so another delay because he said it's probably just going to fall off if we keep sailing motoring well you might as well leave it on give us a bit of steering thing is I got to get my driver's license on the 28th and we keep having setbacks and pretty soon I I don't think I'm ever going back to Van life we're going to be stuck in the the boat the MK are going to fall down and that that actually happens knock on wood so Keith said we might be able to haul out in what' he say B BB which is like a day or two away yeah get there days and then it'll kill another week to haul out get the ruers fixed put back on this is this is crazy this is really getting a little obnoxious it's getting a little it's like it's almost a sign from God almost a sign what are you telling us God that we shouldn't that something are you delaying us for something bad is something something bad is going to happen in the US and we are doom to stay here something bad is going to happen in Grenada we're dodging in yeah there was some sailing couple that got murdered out there remember in Grenada M holy smokes what you I'm sure yall saw it on the news it was just random it was some thieves broke out of the prison or something and and they found their monol cops found the monol but not the people just lots of blood anyway this is the cariban so what do you think I don't know I don't know I guess I didn't catch that when we were in the ARA maybe it was from the Marena no I thought about that and I went and checked the bottom of it fine and there's no what there's no we didn't touch bottom didn't touch bottom cuz there's no scrapes or anything on along the bottom head it's like peeling in half or something yeah it's just the the that's the rer I think we had rebuilt down in uh New Zealand yeah they didn't do a very good job what do you think now I think that uh when that prop fell off it must have hit the rudder cracked it yeah yeah yeah yeah I never did look at the rudder closely when I was doing all that I might have some footage those underwater Clips I'll go back and look just to see I don't know but that rudder's going to come apart and there'll be nothing but a stump left there oh man when it rains it pours so we need to decide what we want to do I don't know I don't know it take two days what time is it can you go call a place over there see how quickly they can haul us out there's even a spot I mean I actually don't even need to get hauled out I I go over there get close to Anchor and just drop the rudder and F it take it get it fixed get it fixed but I mean it take it take two days to do that Rudder if they could get on it yeah if they could start right away start right away and if we take one off I might as well take both of off no that that one will last till we get where we're going it's lasted across the Atlantic it's lasted up the [Music] cariban yeah that's the one thing you can't actually do without whether you're sailing or motoring another tur SW coming from LS of turtles yeah that is a little swelly sheesh I don't know what to do that's boat life baby we really will have new working hearts in the boat when we get that yeah like I said a brain transplant a heart transplant I mean brand new Sales brand new engines brand new props we'll have brand new Rudders what brand new batteries generator is the only thing is not brand new now it sure is a pretty place just to be stuck we're just going to sit here for um I don't know we might St here tomorrow while he makes some phone calls and figures out what to do where to take the boat where to get hauled out we really need to get to uh Grenada as soon as possible we got to fly back over to Texas so Finn can get his driver's license we have an appointment for that which those are few and far between hard to get H anyway I tell you what when it rains it pours really kind of stinks but anyway I'm going to end this episode here because it's just I want it to end I want to run away from the boat and not come back for a little while not really Anyway come back next week I don't know what we're going to do or where we're going to be but Keith thinks that he can steer the boat without the rudds he says he can use the motors and make it work I don't know we'll see all right well have a good weekend subscribe if you don't already thank you give us a thumbs up and I will see you next Thursday bye
Channel: Sailing Zatara
Views: 84,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, travel, family, travel family, liveaboard, sail the world, alternative lifestyle, off grid, homeschool, parenting, deep sea fishing, travel video, family videos, travel videos, family youtube videos, sailing video, family friendly videos, youtube travel channel, homeschool family, off grid lifestyle, privilege catamarans, priviledge catamarans, privilege boats, privilige boats, privilidge boats, privlege boats, sailing zahara, zatra
Id: 2oDzP7exUS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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