HE WAS IN PRISON SECRETS REVEALED ~ $4300 MASONS STORAGE LOCKER ~ bought an abandoned storage unit

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come on be jewelry gold on three two one what is that I know I'm not even supposed to show this type of stuff so just ding and real quick before I want to tell you something but this is absolutely disgusting right here one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a while they have a roach infestation I'm making boys and girls of all ages we are here well go ahead we go do an unboxing out of the $4,200 three-peat freemason epic historical family everything you ever wanted title of video storage unit and real quick we gotta stop and check our post office peel box oh we got some mail so that's kind of cool we can go ahead and open this up on the next slide from change there and Smith and Jack burger as well they won't tell me why but this package came back and it doesn't have a reason why and we're here chasers been waiting for me we've got nothing but great stuff I believe to be found inside of this pile of stuff from the $4,200 third time around so we're gonna go ahead I gotta straighten up this little bit of mess here get this ready set some boxes for junk and we're gonna go ahead and start making videos so this is some of the stuff we've already found in the previous videos but I'm gonna put some of this stuff on my live auction of some form on pirate auctions silver pieces silver pieces and doodads and trinkets and stuff so I'm gonna start setting this stuff up to take home but before I get started I got lots of all the offers come in so let's see what we got here $30 record okay I just wants me to promote us so go away $100 Paul Abdulle sealed record was $70 offer let's take it now let's see real quick if we have things we need to send offers to I love doing this like here is a $5.99 let's send them a 350 1000 claim come on I was a little bit high let's try 400 cuz you went way too high on that I don't really send offers too much on cheaper items let's do 550 on this one no let's do $5.99 as well we do this my favorite game in the whole world is to send offers to people the antique brass thing let's go let's go 675 turns out this is not as much as was expensive as Scott said that brass barometer but nonetheless we still went with it because you kind of got him nothing real major was the one I wanted to do right here let's send an offer of $19.99 it's a fair value off that's my favorite game anyway let's get started all right let's start going through things first thing we got is a box that has slides Colonel Sanders that's gonna weird look at that but I start a bus station or something going on a vacation okay so there's a lot of slides in here slide projector is really not worth much I'll probably pull the slides out and we will make a huge thing that goes with the rest of this and type history and this right here will probably end up in Alameda or the free market we got some cane the Canes can be money sometimes I will probably put these in Alameda because they are vintage but I don't think they're like some famous game maker that looks pretty customary this one looks like the same thing a little older though different kind of wood almost looks like a bird's-eye maple I don't see any type of markings but they're cool vintage Kings let me try to twist it off again hmm this thing is rapidly as heck is there any words on it so oh I think the words have gone up it says Ellery Arms Company okay it's got some cool woven as to it it's had better days though and I don't see the normal marking that would be here so this is probably just standard stuff telling me to flea market stuff yummy huh that's heard don't like rat turds box of trash you've watched the other videos in this play that you understand it to me every single paper in this unit has potential I'm not usually that thorough nor am i that concerned about every little thing but some of these things have had such crazy value that I need to actually look that's goes in a postcard lock but I'm looking for historical documents have I have one law on my ebay of all the documents from 1700s 1800 stories all these things that make this family they show levels of prominence question I don't want to film every paper so I'll stop and I'll start when I show it when I find something that has value this is this is interesting Department of Corrections Wow I guess we have inmate 3 through we found something the NSR watch stainless steel swift movement I don't know about this brand it is a very vintage just a watch head but that is actually something valuable so we'll put that aside and that'll end up in a youtube option as well it seems to be a lot of bull crap in there I guess they were into smoking the medical tomatoes so there's a lot of that in here I'm gonna continue sorting seems to be a lot of letters from somebody who is serving time in jail or prison this actually has some this has a value there's a market for this stuff I but try and tell you guys out of my live recently but I mean Education Agency knowledge from detainer dual vocational institution alright interesting in that when you seventy club Domino champ 1973 oh yeah we got a domino champ we got more letters that we need to actually have a we need to send it off tour person Native America general business the ride trading company interesting I don't know what that is but why more letters for somebody serving time thank you note cards actual hair that is gross look at that some dreadlock though there was a rat for a minute there when I was looking in there so glad it looks like a lot of letters from somebody in jail and so forth so I'm gonna have to set all that aside have a wash on this board but we least we found to watch and we found this little costume jewelry bracelet it doesn't look like real gold but still pedal end up in a youtube auction here we have this nice little number five Tonka it's in pretty good shape you saw this in the beginning of the video or the very first in this little playlist of this third Pete unit but I didn't get a chance to look at it cuz I was more intrigued by the sword and stuff it's in fairly good shape you could sign this some biscuit up turn it sideways listed on eBay English key but we don't have I noticed I was looking up fire trucks we don't have the fire hydrant which completes this good old buddy Steve you guys remember old man Steve he's trying to buy this from me actually because he came here their day install sin on top he's like let's look to your stuff I'm like no we got a family we can't go and look through this stuff but I told him he can have this for a hundred it's in fairly good shape there's a little bit of rust there and a tiny bit there but I think you can turn that sumbitch get up then dang this I don't know what the heck this is alligator it looks like a suitcase anything in this suitcases I'm kind of scared look to even a from that because this unit has me freaked out and sat similar for years it's just the way it's crushed this is from an alligator maybe or a crocodile right I have to have this look that I think it could probably be restored it is very old this is Oh what do you guys think about this little bit of bucks it works that's what matters as we continue we got some cool things these were laying on the ground in that unit there type of stuff I'll probably just send to Alameda they're not extreme value right but they're cool collectors pieces people might hang these on their walls etc so I think they're from what a bowl used to push a plow that's my guess on that something of that maybe like a crop holder like it would yeah I think it is the whole set of these they're very cold like I said I'll probably put them in Alameda and let's see meet my wife the buyer has if a reasonable offer to make on them I'll go ahead and sell them to them we're making stuff is just so good then we come back to more paper so the only thing I could do on the box like this is I'm gonna time-lapse this again and then if it's great I'll show you if not we'll just be like pay me I found you seeds man all right real quick the things that I've found in here that are kind of cool this is all right this is nothing extravagant it's just a banana republic that could be a very expensive brand then I got this cute little kitty cat this little kitty cat will probably end up in Alameda it's a neat little lamp that's like a $10 bill on a Halloween 2 table even though it's got a little chip right there so we'll just deal with that like that then you come in here and I found some watches we got a citizen end up in a you tube option this right here is kind of neat I think it's gold let me see again that isn't gold clip so they made these type of jewelry's if you remember I was founder stuff before they made jewelry like that this right here look at this there's a Sun and it is sterling silver but this will end up in a YouTube option I promise that then you come in here and we got a couple more watches and maybe this right here is sterling what does it say hickory sterling look at that s for Superman or super or storage storage unit sucka could be all sorts of type of things but that is pretty tight right there sterling silver then we got a wall thumb we'll start making a watt launched on the YouTube options and then we'll go with a Britannia that like psycho Encyclopedia Britannica and real quick before I want to tell you something but this is absolutely disgusting right here one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a while they have a roach infestation I'm talking the most roaches I've ever seen in one single box see look roaches Danya hope they don't get out a little a little humor for everybody now this is kind of neat what if this was solid gold you know they were miners they did stuff like that what if this is just all sorts of gold and they made this weird little thing that no one would ever know and this is just the solid one pound ago right there I don't know that's something I would have looked at this right here is rather disgusting but we're gonna show you its teeth and then we have a couple rocks I'll probably put these in a law on a YouTube option as well it's the amethyst and some type of green stuff we'll try to go through here real quick Mark Twain the autobiography I saw she said autograph of Mark Twain that'd be much better what do we got here another book another book another book come on home come on big money Pink Floyd so that's like a decent record it looks a little dirty but in good shape BMI Wow I'm liking that Jiffy Lube no what no real record okay we need to save all paper all paperwork must be saved fand eang and sha attorney-at-law okay Pink Floyd the Rolling Stones and what do we have whoo-hoo oh oh that's not very big but that is definitely turquoise and that is definitely silver this is beautiful right here and then she I don't think it's Native American but we'll go ahead and put that on a YouTube auction please okay no gold beads and some really nice crystals this is what the ride Trading Company was okay the ride trading company little earring backs tons of little earring backs and came that's Obama one little necklace in there and some beads we should probably keep all these little stones because those are worth selling making Lots on the internet so we're gonna do lots of lots almost like Jade beads to be honest with you come on be jewelry gold on three two one peridot emerald cut for earrings for Kim Kim's necklace take off - pineapple make three necklaces for the girls remake take off for Zia make it fit to me to smaller gold ones at least wow that is kind of tight right there pineapples those are sick and it's gold - this will end up on a youtube auction ringing pineapples they're cold those are real something out of their glass or what they may be but this is going on a YouTube auction 100% yikes I like come on come on cash McCall please be cash from cash McCall contact link jazz works okay we need to look into this right here this contract is for the personal use of musicians engagement printed name a group cash McCall Friday and Saturday all right we got a contract here we got a contract interesting this against this unit just gets weirder and weirder and better and better we got stamps all right stamps are always good lawyers mutual fund people work for days paperwork all needs to be gone through heavily so we're just setting it aside one day we will go through this really heavily their costume jewelry is plastic right but it's cool Texaco North Dakota I guess that's the name of it guess it's a boy Oh tinker it is made by SS Texaco North Dakota deadweight built 1953 made in USA this is kind of like a neat little plastic toy of some form what is that and I mean I'm not even supposed to show this type of stuff so um it says this on there see like see that symbol and it says like that and then you take it over like that I don't know what the heck this is interesting real interesting at the Capitol Washington DC March 1907 kind of hard to not touch these you don't want to touch them but is this so whole thing negatives but are they good negatives because they said Washington DC Capitol thing this is weird this is more stuff to add to my personal paper collection from this you know there's somebody fishing very old history here why they kept to put it in this box is beyond me because I've never heard of something like that do you guys know then we come in here this is all it's like literally kind of junk in this box here look it looks like junk what do we have in here that might have some value you think Oh coin purse right gonna be coins it's a little bit of junk neat little things staple stuff out there this is kind of valuable if you could find the other one of these this would have something like a $20 value what else we go Daniel wait let's say a broken finial for something not as exciting as I was hoping that today let's wrap up with these two guitars here I guess this one has no marking but it reminds me of the antique Martin I sold for 1700 and pretty raggedy shape it was literally the same style guitar this one is very old look at them these things here I have no idea what that's worth but anybody out there knows how to tell I don't see any markings and any thing burned on the inside the states with that's word the case itself actually damage needs to be repaired but you look at the quality of the way that this was assembled this is turn-of-the-century you don't see any markings in there it's old I don't see nothing on the neck look at the construction of that that is not typical that is not normal our guitar guy will be here in a minute so we'll have him tell us anything when he gets here needs to be repaired quick little break of my filming real quick because I got to do a little bit of watching my primary to premiere today's shout out to everybody in the chat that we're done watching the premiere my good buddy Pickers warehouse just showed up and I would quinces identity he's a guitar enthusiast so it's perfect timing because he's coming help me film a video but he's gonna actually give you guys a little bit of insight on what these guitars are actually about and we call the lifeline just to confirm what we thought and it's about 1900s he said he said it's likely a lion Healey or regal parlor guitar okay from the 1900 so 120 years old still exists I think for a quick buck seven or eight hundred bucks top dollar good condition 1500 bucks someone wants it it's cool it's old definitely needs a little bit of repair work couple hundred bucks and resurfacing and stuff can you play it but you got two other strings can't you incorporate that nice then we got this one has some interesting markings I don't know if you guys be able to see it but here it says March 13th 94 so my guess is that's the date that at least these were manufactured so 1800s guitar they very sim but they very remind me of the you saw the Martin before they have like the same style I'm gonna guess but if someone in the chat someone in the comments has more insight cuz we just can't figure this look at the crudeness of the wood see how the is rounded yeah so basically I think that's from play but this time we're talking over a hundred years of play so can you play that one but it is old and once we figure out exactly what it is we'll put it in another video but it's not worthless I can already tell you that it's it's got some bird's-eye maple do you know anything about wood bird's-eye maple I think that's what that is is a good wood what's very beautiful it's naughty all the sexy little pieces we say then wouldn't it be a name of a good band and they can all grow band little pieces yeah I mean my friends you have you have friends in a band called hot pants what's your band name five days dirty time we toured the country four years we live that life who or girl pants that concludes this video right here I'm gonna go ahead and end this one we're gonna make more he's actually here gonna help me film one this is Pickers warehouse I call them axe oh he's very good friends if all of us youtubers here in the Bay Area that you know and watch storage buyers please subscribe his channel I'll put the link here maybe put his logo here or here or here somewhere like that but please subscribe you also don't forget the like button share and subscribe and say some pretty like Justin I love your Goldilocks
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 7,492
Rating: 4.8691206 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, abandoned storage, watch storage wars, found money, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage units, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, auctions, asmr
Id: m_CYSx68sos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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