He Took Me To The Basement To Show Me The Good Stuff

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i want to show you guys something if i can get it all situated here bring it around town clip then you just clip your gopro wait this way no the other way and like that and then then you go to garage sales this past weekend i took my gopro with that little setup i just showed you guys and went to one garage sale i wanted to go to multiple sales but this one ended up being so cool and so many like different layers of it i guess you would call them that i ended up staying here for almost like an hour and a half and got some really cool items so let's go ahead and start with the gopro footage good morning morning how are y'all good morning what you got out here oh it's sold okay okay that's cool i thought it was gonna be kind of cold today but it's it feels like it's warmed up a little bit radio shack farms i'm gonna i'm gonna make a pile too okay there we go y'all got some pretty cool stuff [Music] oh you're getting an ambulance from my grandmother got her undertaking license during world war ii she was a nurse and she got her undertaker license so she had an ambulance phone so the funeral home could call her wow that's i didn't even know the the story behind it yeah so you just pick it up and it's the ambulance got a body coming in that's pretty cool we got one coming oh me [Music] huh it's pretty cool 1965 operation for the entire box excuse me got some old games 1965 that was before my mom was born oh wow yeah they don't you don't find them old man they keep remaking them you know but you don't find the old ones like that anymore yeah yeah what are you doing i think i'm gonna get this it's an old ironing board i knew it but i'm just showing you that cleaned up real good that's what you can make the buffer guards with it works regardless all right it works i've seen people on flea market flip turn these into tables yeah with not not much work you basically just put stuff on it i like it that's that was my grandmother that's awesome that is awesome all right let me take one more look around i think i'm done but we'll make sure good morning [Music] wow that's pretty cool yeah you talked me into it okay i'll get it your prices are so good i can't say no is this an old toaster yep clean that sucker up a little bit yeah universal made in the usa i like it that's an ancient coaster i don't know no power cord right no you might could find one somewhere you know somebody may have yeah somebody will probably just collect this for just for looks it looks pretty cool i'll take a chance on it for a dollar are you getting this big metal thing over here no no no okay a lot of good stuff here look at these old pipe clamps [Applause] two bucks a piece all about giving the stuff away man we gotta get it out of here yeah now's a good time to put the house on the market yeah is it this house yeah what's the uh what's the square footage and uh i don't know is everything inside for sale too okay look at the house and look for stuff too okay um you got some couches they're kind of dated on the fabric that's a daggone boy hill that's a nice chair that's a boy hill too or thomasville or anyway it's a name brand but there yeah kind of david yeah lots of stuff yeah yeah i took my eyeballs up how much you went on this little radio oh give me five do you know if it works yeah got something predictable weather and ever-changing safety protocols sometimes it's just all right um do you have any like old camera equipment i see a bunch of camera stuff we have so much old camera included okay um you want to put down your pile we'll take a walk downstairs yeah are you ready for cool i'm ready for cool let's see it close that door okay yeah so this was this dark room he was an electrical mechanical guru so he made all kind of homemade contraptions contraptions to go with his stuff like he made that sink that was yeah and then he uh here's a military uh something that he uh modified wow i mean seems like a pretty cool guy i don't even know i don't even know is this timer thing for sale yeah give me uh two bucks there's another little timer it's pretty cool dayton ohio oh yeah anything made in the usa nowadays is so old listen you just want to put that stuff down just yeah this is some cool stuff it's old first aid kit i like that i don't even know what that is but i get it that's a cool sign give that these are all lights for uh photographic portrait stuff this is roller flex this is a german camera yeah a 120 millimeter is all they've ever made and this is a rolly flash so i don't know what it goes for me do you have any rolleiflex cameras or just accessories and that locks on there that would be a great mate for those things yeah for sure i see it pops on right there and then it twists into place that's awesome if i find the reel what you're gonna have for that uh 20 for that put the smaller stuff in here i don't even remember okay um 62. all right here you go great thank you very much thanks man i hope you all get it cleared out yeah i know it's a headache yeah so as you guys saw i spent a total of 62 dollars on everything i got at that garage sale and i feel like i should make most of my money back just with this big ironing board back there i'm gonna go through everything but i think this vintage ironing board is gonna be listed on facebook marketplace and i think i could probably get i don't know probably like 75 bucks for it something like that so that'll should it should as long as everything works out that should pay for the entire haul and then everything else will be pure profit first up is this really cool radio shack vintage oh there's a battery vintage radio shack fire chief helmet i put batteries in it and it does not work i couldn't get it to work but it looks fine like i don't see any corrosion or anything in there um so i don't know maybe it'll sell as a collector's piece uh soul comps on ebay on this item are anywhere from like 40 to 75 depending on if it has the box and if the box is in good condition i think i paid like a dollar for this yeah one dollar for this and uh i don't know like i said 40 maybe like maybe 30 to 50 i think the box is in rough shape and because the hat doesn't actually work 30 to 50 is pretty pretty conservative i think got a nice little john deere hat not vintage or anything it's definitely a modern like baseball style hat but john deere stuff always sells well this is in pretty good condition i want to straighten the bill out a little bit just to make it not so curved but i should be able to get 12 to 15 bucks plus shipping for this i got two of these sony radios this is one of uh i don't know and it's an old one i don't really know a lot about sony radios but i like them i like i like the aesthetic of them like how they look uh i did plug it in and it i got two of these and both of them do work but i think they're like missing the antennas or something like i think they're supposed to be like a wire or something up here again i don't know anything about it i hear static and you can get some stations but um you don't really get a lot so i'll probably just sell them as is i wish i had an antique booth stuff like this makes me really want an antique booth but i don't have one so we're gonna sell these on ebay probably like 20 to 25 bucks plus shipping here is the other radio which is basically the same situation this one's slightly smaller which may be more desirable i don't know if people want it bigger or smaller but it turns on you can hear static but again i think there's supposed to be some bigger antennas or something back there i don't know if anybody knows how to increase the range on these things let me know in the comments down below but this is pretty cool too i think i paid like five bucks a piece for each of these radios and each one should sell for 20 to 25 bucks plus shipping i got this really cool box at least i think it's cool down in the uh dark room that he showed me in the basement it's literally just a wooden finger jointed box anytime you have a wooden box that has this kind of like joinery these are called finger joints which it's a pretty high quality box it also has this label on there globe wernicke cincinnati i'm assuming it might be wernickey but i don't know maybe it's german or something uh but just a solid wooden box a little soft hinge back there and then the back i'm pretty sure it says globe wernicke again or number whatever that says so pretty cool i don't know somebody might want it again this would be a great antique store uh antique booth piece but i don't have one of those those hinges on the back look cool too pretty interesting i was walking through the kitchen and i grabbed this knife because he said everything was for sale and i just saw made in usa and grabbed it i think he charged me like 50 cents for it or so utica forge i was hoping it was going to be a little bit more valuable but looking up soul comps on ebay in the current condition it might sell for like five bucks or so because it needs to be cleaned it needs to be sharpened the the handle's in good condition nice solid wood handle but um i don't know i feel like all knives back in the day were really good quality nowadays they make cheap crap but um i i don't i don't know i was hoping hoping for better on this one but i'll settle for it paid 50 cents turned into like five bucks not losing money so you guys saw me get that whole box of vintage board games i didn't really want all of them but it was like a dollar for the whole box because i think the box had gotten wet and some of the games on the very bottom were like moldy and gross so i just honestly just put those outside uh probably just gonna throw them away got a fast eddie game never heard of this game before but open it up it's got i don't know it's got a bunch of stuff in there it's got all the marbles pretty cool i think this is just before my before my day all these games are like vintage originals i don't see a date on this one but um it was a spirograph this one has a date right there the spirograph of 1967 which is it's old that's that's pretty old uh this is a vintage made in usa operation game from 1965. pretty old there and what i like i like about this game is that it even has all the stuff in there like all the little pieces it has like the wishbone and the dog and all that i haven't put batteries in this yet to try it and see if it works but just the fact that it has all the pieces in there it's pretty pretty cool i grabbed this thing when we were down in the basement dark room it's uh highland photo eye model hr53 and apparently this is like a handheld flash thing for cameras i think i paid like a dollar for this a dollar too so i figured i wouldn't lose money um but unfortunately this really isn't worth much i think they're sold comps with like 15 bucks free shipping um but cool it reminds me of that men in black thing where they like then we got this this was really cool i didn't even like look at this the guy the older guy at the sale showed me this and like talked me into buying it i think i paid eight dollars and five dollars okay five dollars for this which was a steal of a deal and this is a i like a vintage cutting set like carving knife set i think it's from japan it says samurai sword samurai cutlery pretty cool still got the pamphlet in there um yeah this is from tokyo literally looks like a samurai sword that is freaking sick man and the other side has this uh cool like dragon or something engraved on it may uh japan stainless yeah stainless japan stainless japan definitely really cool this is the there's this long knife and then there's a shorter knife i'm not a knife guy i don't know what the difference is then you got the fork for holding stuff something while you cut it and then the sharpening thing sharpening stick as well and the fact that it comes in a nice little case that i don't think it's it's kind of made to look like animal skin or something but i don't think it's real uh but either way i figured it was worth five bucks i mean maybe somebody will pay you know 30 35 bucks for this plus shipping all right getting more into it i got the sign from the dark room i thought this was nice got a nice little vintage look to it dark room in use please knock it's got a little bit of wear in the corners and it's not it's like particle board or something it's not real wood but uh it was like a dollar so i just grabbed it got this set of three pipe clamps these are for like woodworking and stuff pipe clamps are pretty expensive it's um like even like newer ones you get like harbor freight tool um they're gonna be this size will probably be like 20 bucks a piece and generally the older ones are more desirable because they're better quality so i think i can probably list this set of three pipe clamps on facebook marketplace and probably get like 40 to 50 bucks for the for the set of three maybe something like that i haven't sold pipe clamps in a while um but i used to do woodworking and woodworkers love pipe clamps because it makes it it's a lot easier to use pipe clamps to clamp wood together than it is to use like the like the plastic clamps that are super cheap so i think these will be a good facebook marketplace local sale for sure got this cool really cool this is probably one of the coolest things i found is this really old first aid kit i love the look of this thing the patina just like that tackle box that i found a couple like a month or so ago at the goodwill bins i just love the look of this thing i didn't even think there was gonna be first aid stuff in it i thought it was gonna be empty but when i opened it it did have first aid stuff in it it has like all these like gauze packages and stuff and it's a state of south carolina first aid kit 16 unit pretty interesting but obviously you could take this stuff out and use it for whatever you want again i just bought it because i liked the look of it a lot got this toaster look at this old toaster i don't know why i got this it's probably not worth anything but i only paid a dollar for it i was just trying to help them clear out stuff i think if you go to a yard sale and you start buying a lot of the stuff that i don't know maybe nobody else would want they would be more likely to give you good deals on other things that you really want so i was just trying to buy a bunch of stuff to win them over and so they gave me better deals on stuff later so i thought this was pretty cool nice little vintage chrome toaster kind of rusty don't think it's worth much but uh definitely cool this next item is really really interesting this is uh an ambulance phone uh you guys heard the story when she was saying about her mom or somebody that used to be an undertaker worked in a funeral home and this was the phone and the funeral home they would just pick up and it would immediately it doesn't dial out there's no dials on it so they would just pick it up and it would immediately link them to the ambulance or whatever for a body i don't know just a pretty interesting piece here i couldn't lose only a dollar this next item is probably my favorite thing that i found at the yard sales just got a cool look to it and it's fully functional i plugged it in and it does work this is a dark room timer it was on the top shelf of the dark room i just grabbed it because i was like oh a timer you it's a dark room timer but you could use it for anything somebody could put this in their kitchen or whatever it does work you just like pull this lever to whatever you want to set the timer for like five minutes or 60 minutes whatever you want and then you plug it in turn on the timer and turn on the alarm i guess there's two on and off switches i'm not sure which one turns on which thing uh but then it just goes and when it hits it's like like it's really it's really loud uh but definitely a cool piece i like the look of it soul consoleness are not that great i had high hopes for this but i think it can probably in the current condition it'll probably sell for 25 bucks or so 20 20 25 maybe 30 bucks plus shipping and then of course the very last thing today is this awesome vintage ironing board that nobody would really use this as an ironing board they would all use it as a table but it's got like the nice legs that fold out down there it's nice and sturdy for the most part for being something that's you know probably over a hundred years old definitely definitely a really cool piece we needed a table to go here in our kitchen but this is a little too deep so again like i said i'm probably going to list this on a facebook marketplace for about 75 bucks or so i think 75 bucks is a pretty fair price to pay for such an old ironing board again if i had an antique booth this would be perfect because you can put in the antique booth for sale but you could also put other things on top of it it would it would be awesome i might actually take it to an antique booth and see if they could like consign it or something i should really open my own antique booth i don't know why i haven't done it yet generally my issue with that is that i haven't been able to find enough items that would be appropriate to sell in an antique booth but this whole lot would fill up a small like a very their antique mall in my town is they have their booths are like super small like four by four little closets so this would fill up a whole antique booth and it would they're all perfect items to sell at a place like that so i don't know i might get into it but that was my yard sale haul i felt like it was uh maybe not the most profitable items in the world but definitely one of the coolest yard sales i've been to i really have like a just an interest in older items like this and like hearing the stories about who owned them and where they came from and things like that and i don't know i just love being the middle man you know buying stuff like this yard sale super cheap and then trying to find people out there in the world that would maybe value it and enjoy it you know other than me because i definitely don't have a ton of space to hold on to this stuff forever all right you guys i think that is going to be it for today's video i am super excited to get back into garage sales i haven't been to a garage sale either on or off camera in months since last year basically and i'm excited to have more garage sale opportunities and make more garage sale videos however the bad thing is that in my area generally people aren't very good about scheduling their garage sales like the very first good weather weekend of spring everybody has a garage sale and they all start at like 7 a.m and go until 12 noon so you have like one saturday morning where there's like literally 40 or 50 really good yard sales within 20 miles and you have four hours to go to all of them and it's just it's so frustrating i would like please just spread it out a little bit do some on friday do some on sunday and some people do but for the most part saturday mornings between seven and noon are like prime garage sale time so that's something i have to work through but again i am excited to incorporate more garage sale videos into my youtube channel and let me know if you guys like those thank you guys so much for watching today's video i definitely appreciate your time if you've enjoyed it at all remember to take a couple seconds and hit that like button down below it's totally free and really helps me out a ton and if you haven't yet go ahead and click the subscribe button down below as well thank you guys again for watching you're the best and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 33,916
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Keywords: garage sales, yard sales, garage sale POV, garage sale vlog, cool garage sale, hidden camera garage sale, make money from garage sales, estate sale hidden cam, garage sale haul
Id: bBOyrb1lMgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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