He straight up hacked Among Us in real life....

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hello and welcome to team edge and our second among us in real life video but this time instead of having four people and it not making a whole lot of sense this time we have six people and it's gonna make a whole lot of sense for our contestants today we have red we have braeto we have blue we have jay rath we have roberto sorry boberto and rimrac racker and bobby do you want to tell them where we got these names from yeah guys thank you so much to our members for choosing our names we have we have camel farhat picking my name and a big thank you to jacob for work i hope i said your name right and i hope we said all your guys names right for picking my name and big shout out to you casey rata for picking out the best name of all rata the easiest one actually it's on your instagram so if you guys don't know what among us is it's basically mafia and we're doing it in real life we are on a ship we are the crewmates and we have tasks to do to keep the ship alive one person is deemed as the imposter the imposter is allowed to pass through the vent which is the big warehouse and they will go around killing people once somebody's killed we go like this guys who killed people you did it we all have to decide who the imposter is and hopefully the imposter does not last until the last round because that means they won does that make sense no you guys suck at [Music] explaining all right let's break all right wait no i'm ready to go to the meeting emergency meeting guys that's so loud ryan you pressed the button why'd you do that what is and i'm accusing myself all right all right everybody just go i gotta save this ship you guys want to team up just kidding navigation so i think i need to go beep oh my favorite i have to fuel the engines i am priming shields i just realized i primed them completely wrong so i'm unpriming the shields now dude brian's acting right he's acting real sus jordan i don't believe you why is he falling well my job here is done it's kind of in yep perfect i tried let's pick something i don't trust you let's make something it's okay dude what is he doing i did notice bobby followed jeff in here don't this guy's scaring me this dude just followed me in i saw you following me i gotta do this test stabilization do i need to call a meeting stabilized stirring stabilized steering oh that's stupid there's too many people in there oh oh oh i fixed the water it's not me dude why are you acting so sucks getting out of here just messing with you gotta clean out the co2 because everyone needs to breathe there we go breathing's nice in space that's kind of like a luxury dude brahito's acting real sus he hopped on that sus bus i think i gotta prime the shields everyone's probably going upstairs [Music] now i'm too scared of everyone i don't trust no one oh dang it he did it this is my favorite one i just always have so much fun doing this even though i don't need to bum bum bum bum look at this poop oh what look it's too small oh i did it shields are primed dude stay back you stay back stay back i got some tasks to do why are you following me i need your task i need to save the ship sort the samples okay and then the secret gem crystals that are powering our future all right i think we're good this is cool too full now are you with me you know what joey come here wait was that killing me no so why are you attacking me are you fighting brahito was being real sus following me around real close i don't trust that dude oh shoot okay all right let's fill up the fuel engines how do i do this all right hey he's falling he's was that an attack what's happening no was that an attack he was approaching me we need more water wait what no what was this stop everything's pulling a whistle you found a dead body and you two are the last ones to walk out all four of us okay upstairs what i can say is that jeff has followed me around everywhere and we've been together the entire time yes jeff and you followed me into that back room over there so it's definitely bobby you two are the last ones to leave i haven't walked out yet and jordan's body was sitting right there you're trying to convince me that i'm the murderer when i know i'm not you it doesn't make any sense it's you too it's someone else's body you two were the last ones to walk out and jordan was right there his body was right there it was so rough it was right there at the end it was so bad berto i have learned nothing i will say when you're not the imposter it is very confusing on who to believe all i know is joey only knows there's a reason why so i've been with jeff like the entire time let's say let's skip the vote and then we'll see what happens oh hello [Music] [Applause] oh it's a dead guy hey you want to see it i want to see a dead guy dance blow this i dare you you got him he's not dead he's alive i'm coming over here you it's one okay you guys go it's one of you guys i think you're the imposter one of you guys only the imposter would grab my belly fat i don't even know what's over here what is this stabilized steering fix weather nod all right how do you fix a nod i'm going in this way because i really want to do the fun you follow me everywhere you're like a little latchkey i just want to do the flipping wire one hey listen it is one of them it is one of them they're the last two to walk out of that room i have to fix the light that's part of the ship i think i did it i'm gonna say i did it i'm not even sure all right gotta stabilize the steering oh you scared me why would you do that i don't know it's funny oh co2 is good now i gotta try and fix this what's in there someone died no everyone's alive it's definitely bobby i know it you can't grip it [Music] let me finish it that guy's done hi what's up hey what's going on how you doing hey just hanging i want to witness the murder jordan huh did you see who killed you yes bobby it was yeah no i need to swipe this card here what's going on over there what's going on red be sus right now what are you talking what are you watching what are you saying to the camera he's going through the vent right now i know it i'm gonna go see bobby appear on this side all right task done actually i need to fake him out first is this hi what are you doing today i'm just trying to witness the murder this is hi you wanna come hey you know what sounds good chinese food uh like panda any chinese food wonton soup sounds good ramen oh co2 oh gosh there's a murder on my watch wait no that's co2 oh co2 co2 okay that's fine co2 we're going to live oh there's gas everywhere oh dead body oh my word oh my word roberto you calling a meeting again that's bobby for sure now i don't even care who whistles if this round doesn't go two rounds bobby is definitely the murderer glove fight bobby's the imposter yeah he asked me i just walked in there and he walked out and he was like dead body there's a person behind him and nobody else was in there that was alive wait a second okay guys co2 is over there so i'm running to go fix co2 and i see brian some uh spraying the whistle whatever you blowing to the whistle spraying the whistle he did come from that room right before he went there so he went in there and then he went back with the co2 but he had already killed him you were in there when he went back for the co2 you were in there too i was hanging out what were you doing hanging out just hanging wait so he was in there i was doing wiring upstairs the whole time because you guys went immediately upstairs so you guys i've been upstairs the whole time you guys are fine so red me and you are the only two down there and i i found that body and you were you were down there just hanging out i was hanging not gonna lie you're not supposed to be hanging he wasn't going towards the co2 oh him so you think it was a new pastor wouldn't care about but at the same time i still think it's bobby what bob hey watch joey we're gonna go up here and you're gonna be dead and watch no one's gonna die because he's going to be like well i can't do it because it is red i'm scared dude because it could be you i don't know i know it's not joey it's not joey it's not joy or you joey's going to be dead or nothing's going to happen yeah guys if you like this video you're gonna see among us tackle edition oh gosh did you hear that someone died somebody just died clearly so now we know it's bobby gosh why did i leave bobby alone yeah what were we thinking this is definitely okay wait no whistle yet whistle i heard something up there we heard something fall on our heads we're gonna finish this too quick we might need to do another round in this video folks just as i thought well it's not bobby that's dead a dead body i wonder why i mean body dead body oh you gotta blow whistle hold on i'm just gonna get my shortcut wow you look like you're the first man that was on the moon what [Music] dead body dead body i bet bobby where was it bobby what is it bobby what are you talking about we were downstairs what was it what's going on five minutes later where is he we were downstairs together and we're here joey you're the only one up there with him bobby you can't convince people that they're the murderer we should they're trying to convince me that i'm a murderer and i know i'm not the only one up there with him wait you're right maybe i am the murderer bobby how in the way could i have done that we just voted you bobby were you the imposter wait are you voting for me too yeah bobby bobby the game's over yeah because you're the impossible one on the imposter obvious bobby was the imposter and you failed you betrayed us all bobby i think that you would be a terrible murderer i trusted you how could you do that he walked in like this who was it wasn't me we're doing one more round the impostor has been picked let's go folks [Music] got to refuel this thing again but i also if i want to take care of the ship i can refuel myself i'm going to turn i'm going to be here for a little bit i'm going to pretend like i'm doing a task but i'm really eating hang on my house was done that was mean dude hey get away from bobby dude he's a he's ghosting you right now bro i'm gonna do this one so i gotta go all the way down i do not trust anyone i was literally the first person to die last round and complete i don't trust anyone i don't trust anyone i'm dumb i'm obsessed with j wrap i'm always suspicious when someone's near the vent so i'm going to stare at brian see if he goes through it they wouldn't make bobby the killer again i kind of trust him now do you need help with that how long does it take to swipe a card it takes precision let me be leave me alone watch this you mean he's mean okay jeff didn't do it he had a chance you swiped the card already you don't need to swipe it again it's not working this guy wasn't wrong i swear he's gonna go to the bench i'm almost sure of it what is this this is sweet and stalking oh man look at you i was fixing the wires look at you look at me it's been four hours but i still think he's gonna go through the vent oh man up the stairs we go i just thought i just saw a murderer i'm so screwed jeff literally saw me my only hope is to kill everyone before they find me [Music] dude why are you following me bro too many i'm really suss of giraffe oh gosh she refused to be alone i'm gonna go with you bobby oh my dead body dead body oh that's loud dead body i'm gonna do this task i was about to do this task there's a dead body all right guys this is called the putting task [Music] no i'm gonna respond to that in a second wait wait wait one one dead body there's two joey giraffe there's two dead bodies what there's one right here [Music] doing that i literally red i don't know who that was red wait is there another one i call them there's two of them i genuinely don't know who it was you were down here though when i was watching you you also didn't do anything wait where's bobby bobby mommy where are you i'm dad no why's the dude they got three people it's one of you guys that means oh thank you or you it's you can't convince me that it's not me then i know it's not me bobby bobby who killed you i'm dead okay that didn't work all my least favorite people are getting killed is the best except one of you is a killer you're one of the least favorite people i think you're the killer he's being he's making accusations why does everybody try to convince me that i'm the killer i know i'm not the killer you literally just said that your least favorite people were dying i'm convinced that i didn't you literally just said that all your least favorite people just got killed and you're kind of stoked about it did he not say that blue he did say that okay i'm suddenly uneasy because i know i'm in the midst of a murderer i saw both of you around all i know and you one of you killed three people i saw you walking from up here and then a couple seconds later i heard killers so it has to be you he's still trying to convince me it's me convince him i'm convincing you i'm saying it's you but i'm looking at you and i'm saying it's you it's i think it's him it's jayraff i think it's jraft i think we should not vote he's trying to make us not vote so that he can kill us are you both i think guilty smile i think they might both do imposter [Music] i was not the imposter who was the imposter you really thought it was me he just killed three people does that mean he's gonna kill me now he just won i just won you die but i only die if you kill me hey come on wow jordan i'm impressed i'm impressed that you stoop solo sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do your hair is high but your heart is low and this is how i popsicle popsicle pop popsicle okay everyone just unsubscribed from that i can't that was that was slick like he's a decent that was slick all right folks big thanks to jeff and ryan make sure you go check out their channels jeff's wife in this video followed him around for an entire day and he didn't know it and she documented the process also go check out this video where ryan gives cinematography tips if you're interested in that kind of thing because he's got a channel devoted to that also leave bye bye
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 1,908,859
Rating: 4.9239092 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Among us, amongus, among us in real life, Among Us in REAL Life!!, irl, video games in real life, video games, crewmate, impostor, imposter, tasks, meeting, nav, sick bay, cockpit, sus, dangie bros, strategy, mystery, team edhe, tean edge, kids games, family friendly, astronaut, who is it, last to leave
Id: V8HhHwnxZLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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