Can We BEAT a Lie Detector?? He was so bad!πŸ˜‚

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what's up team edge welcome to beat the lie detector challenge in today's competition we'll see which player can lie the most without getting caught and if they lie to the lie detector and they get caught they will get a punishment what kind of punishment well let me tell you some of those punishments are colored powder egg firing squad cupcakes sprinkles and a lot more it's gonna be a mess that sounds amazing before we start the competition though i do have to get a baseline reading from all three players okay oh yeah you're dead you're breathing oh what is whoa with you all right brian we're going to get your baseline breathing okay okay i'm going to ask you some questions that are true you could just look at his apple watch that's just great we bought all of this you're still spiking i need you to calm down breathe all right so i'm gonna ask you a question answer truthfully is your name brian yes why did that spike are you adopted what is your real name bro your daughter's dating bro you're not the one interrogating oh oh the blood pressure kind of rolls it's gonna go up you have to get my baseline that's the point brian he's not helping your baseline right now it's spiking it looks like you're not breathing at all is joey better looking than you yeah no oh my goodness it didn't spike wow all right so brian i got your baseline reading now i'm gonna go to joey joey i need your baseline reading is bobby your favorite cousin no oh that's a lie look at that good baseline readings i'll go to joey now or bobby all right i need you i need you to send it i'm asking the questions thank you bobby are you wearing shorts yes yeah but bobby's pants are shorts for me those were easy baseline questions just wanted to get a nice baseline reading now we will move on to the more difficult questions sweet oh all right gentlemen just to remind you the point of the game is to lie to lie and not get caught remember you're not supposed to tell the truth lie bobby first question what is your middle name harold all right you passed that one oh come on his middle name is fernando everybody all right brian spell your name wait hold on you're spiking like crazy right now dude what are you having a heart attack right now all right brian spell your name b r y a n you're supposed to lie you're supposed to lie i shall not tell a lie brian because you told the truth you get a punishment oh how did i forget the first question i was supposed to lie that's not even gonna pop all right here we go brian [Music] on to joy are you ready joy actually this is part of this no i'm not ready it has to be on joy it's a lie joey put that on all right joey yes or no question is your legal name joseph no he always answered he has passed that test all right liar your question is what day of the week is it tuesday so confident man we're going to see who's the least trust brethren i'll consider that a pass let's go yeah all right brian what year is it 2020 his blood pressure's tie i don't think it's 20 20. his perspiration went up brian you activated two of the three that is enough for me to say you are gonna get it bro time for a punishment brian we should have got a different detective or whatever the heck no we shouldn't have it's special agent k comment down below what the k is it's not mine [Laughter] hey brian this is gonna be like that house dropping video where i didn't get touched all right brian we have your punishment powdered sugar my friend and i'm wet 200 psi too much here we go ready three two [Music] oh that thing oh what was that in there i didn't think their shirt was gonna fly that shirt went right above your head i gotta learn my lesson not to invite kevin for these subjective type of videos all right joey hopefully you can do a better job lying okay of course this question what month is it june december actually that's pretty smooth june that's so stupid all right bobby next question to you what sport did you play in high school golf okay joey hold on a second you don't go back to me you go to brian we're cycling through because of the way that you just said it in the tone of your speech i'm going to ask you anyways yes or no do you like to woodwork i hate woodworking okay brian they're coming to arrest you dude they know you're lying yes or no do you like golf no okay wow hey none of you should trust us that's all i gotta say can you read that please uh what question do you think would make bobby fail the lie detector comment down below when they'll pin the best one all right here we go what is your brother's name larry okay you beat the lighter picture yes how come i'm still the only one that's been hit i'm just too honest of a person i guess what color are your shoes he can't say fake words he has to say a real word no and here's the thing because it's not a lie it took you too long to respond what joey follow me to the punishment box please oh my god quickly bro this is gonna be like that house dropping video where i didn't get touched why does he look like a hermit crab like hunched over give me your worst you got powdered sugar is this going to be one of those things where you're like just kidding you're good you know i was thinking about that but since you're mocking me no all right talk to me three two hands down one one one all the safety's on there we go [Music] wow that was beautiful that was cool all right all right fellas he's got to use real english words new rules you have to answer quickly if you take too long you will get a punishment you just did that that was not me but you knew i was doing it he was laughing you were laughing the whole time so guess what buddy you get another question oh yes or no did you graduate from elementary school you took too long follow me oh i forgot i had the answer quick follow me to the punishment i was trying to focus like all right [Applause] all right so your punishment firing squad buy eggs we have our firing squad lined up right here ladies and gentlemen what they're gonna be right there yeah right here that close yeah billy get him right in the face man three two one dude one zoomed past his face [Music] [Applause] all right bobby what color is your shirt purple wow if you pass that let's go wow let's go joey you once posted a youtube video on your old jfred channel of your eyebrows dancing to music yes that's the truth the truth so you're getting the punishment how stupid am i i don't know what i'm you're dumb i am dumb everybody's just chilling over here clean we have some orbeez and powdered sugar oh oh the face i'm not going for your face three two oh with the safety all right here we go it's off two one [Applause] the suspense i got to put it to 200 i'm losing so much energy just tensing up two one orbeez everywhere all right brian what color are your pants gray what that's too close to black shut up what are you a color grader shut up all right brian you passed that test joey how many daughters do you have no billion nope you failed come on joey you're another punishment really you can't come up with a number he literally could have said any number all right so his punishment is cupcake and sprinkle time sprinkle time not really sure how this is a punishment i love rainbow sprinkles [Music] in three two one you gotta ride in the face dude i'm glad i put ear plugs in it hit right out of my ear we haven't had one of these good punishing videos in a long time that's good a while i didn't even catch a cupcake all right brian the question is to you okay what was that were you going to say something okay okay okay did you graduate high school no dude i wouldn't have answered that right all right you passed that test all right bobby we're coming to you my friend are you ready you've been kind of quiet over here i'm gonna make this one tough because you know what i don't like to see you clean okay a yes or no answer you ate a crayon earlier this week you took too long follow me to the question yes reread answer the question i said it was a yes or no question there was no statement there wasn't any questions and i said i said this is a yes or no question there's no question mark at the end of that it's not a question that was a statement oh okay you know what brian brian i appreciate you being very supportive in this situation joey and bobby were being difficult so therefore you both must follow me to the punishment box come on this is so dumb all right so this is what happens when you mess with special all right so this is what happens when you mess with special k all right so this is what happens with special agent k when you mess with him you feel his rat bobby you're first oh that's so cold oh my goodness it's not over yet it's not over here bring out the guns man oh you guys are partnering crime so you stay there bobby i got one more gun here we go that was bird seed it's stung man it's like little rocks [Music] hey it would really really suck if i got the cakes next round thrown at me all right brian question to you yes or no joey once dropped lemon juice down your mouth when you were sleeping with your mouth open no that's a spike that is a pretty big spike it's going up very well he's gonna have to get a shot all right joey who is taller you're bobby bobby you're in the good range right now you passed you were spiked before i asked you that question than anyone else oh sorry all right bobby do you own a kayak no oh where where you passed that test all right brian who has more facial hair you or marvin me oh i am sorry but yeah oh my god where did you go that's ginormous look at that no brown actually turned around well above your theme brian please follow me to the punishment box you freaked out all right brian so we're gonna lather you up with some water first and then we have a nice surprise that we call our special cereal edition are you ready for it bring out the gun stay with me sprinkle time wait oh that hurt [Music] oh you're supposed to eat it brian stop playing with your food what happened no that hurt we've been doing this for five years y'all get out of my face all right brian you made it through that punishment what was that next question goes to bobby were you a college athlete yes he's good at lying man he is i don't trust you anymore he he's going into his own lie right now you passed that test my friend i already asked joey all his questions so i'm gonna ask brian and bobby the questions how many kids do you have four oh what was that four audience did anybody see the before the four yeah yeah yeah look at my pulse yeah i'm pretty sure you're probably wrong okay well look at your pulse then you're sweating a lot yeah you spiked brian sorry follow me to the punishment box bro let's look at my pawn do you want me to be like joy all right brian oh happy birthday is all i gotta say yummy here's the birthday punishment ready hands down three two oh you didn't save the cake it's not over yet bro it's not done it's not over yet sprinkle time are you breathing no breathe [Music] hey we haven't gotten messy like this in a long time who is the youngest out of the og3 team edge members brian ooh your vitals are clean you pass that down let's go dude look at his vitals man they are those are smooth when i haven't drank enough caffeine there's nothing you can do to increase my heart rate all right brian are you ready were you a college athlete no what is going on i got yum yum all over me whoa nope sorry oh wow i was laughing you must follow me to the base i know you look at that when i ask you the question i mean you did not pass the mess this is confusing you have to lie but beat the lie it's like you did not beat the detectives oh he mocks you now sprinkle time look at the different flavors in there oh you change batteries okay get the wafer to change batteries ryan they're changing batteries brian don't do that was that a kidney shot bruh my hair oh that one thumped all right so i'm gonna tally up the numbers because i believe we have a very close score here right now so we have joey five brian five bobby two two two hey bobby don't be proud of that you're the best liar on team edge man all right so we'll have to break the tie all right brian first question to you do fish swim no oh you passed that test good joey do people call you a giraffe no looking good solid answer the question all right brian do you have two brothers no okay good joey your crocodile swim yes dang it he told the truth i couldn't figure out how to answer it all right let's do that all right you get the final money shred finish me man all right so joey is the biggest loser of this challenge so he's gonna go out with our biggest finale vaseline pies and the sprinkle gun are we ready oh we have one more thing one more last one it's sprinkle time guys three two one [Music] hey look at shrek all right y'all big shout out to kaobi for helping us out today make sure you go follow him on instagram and go watch this video that is an old school team edge video that is a condiment flip challenge it was messy it was fun and watch this video that youtube recommends for you right over here we'll see you guys
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 1,204,789
Rating: 4.9491878 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Can We BEAT a Lie Detector?? He was so bad!πŸ˜‚, lie, lie detector, lie detecter, lie reader, lie machine, truth, truth or lie, false, detective, investigate, cant tell a lie, cant tell the truth, tell the truth, machine, heart rate, breathing, controlledbreathing, controlled breathing, tean edge, team edhe, mhstery, mystery, game, kids games, family friendly, funny, hilariouse, cake, cupcakes, eggs, messy, gross
Id: C0XznUKZpQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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