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Coyote's Moon our first viewer he says P6 wait what P6 muus and Julio 1,446 Ops and over 100k a random we don't use a free P we go in we ball first 10 okay okay bad start bad start we skip here we go Blue not the blue back give me it 30 no Blues no Blues please God oh my God this is going to be a long ass night I I am not feeling good about this 40 please please do not take me to 50 no no dude it's one of those streams again okay three no melanites what the heck this is 50 PS oh my God you know what great great we take it give me two no ninth pole oh my God this was a very expensive six star this better be me this jul please here we go okay okay we hit the 70% good one jul that's one hok we go next no celebration yet back to back blue no Blues Guys no Blues stop it here we go nice early 20 pulls and we hit it okay nice nice we skip we skip okay one of both let's spr had it even okay this is really good really good one muis one Julio so far let's keep it up back to back to back to back no no back to back one melanite very nice there's a pulling simulation right here oh no here we go again let's test our luck we're skipping wait no no what the I saw the gold and I was like oh and then no having an extra sculpter is not bad that's actually really good right P4 could out P5 that's actually pretty good that's one off Banner so far a pretty good off Banner though next we're going to the singles now no more 10 PS yes wait 20 pulls oh my God guys we're hitting it early this is this is really nice that 2% is hitting very early we skip we skip we skip no no not the Mizuki what is this dude please we don't have that many PS to spare man unlimited pulls no next pull please yes dude we're hitting it early as long as we hit it early nothing matters just give us more six stars please yes okay julak P2 P2 oh my God oh my God okay okay fourth pole we skip another julak guys the this guy's getting very lucky I'm loving it okay four on banners so far two off banners not bad I don't even think I I don't I don't know how many points we reach what the back to back six star mes yes yes what 170 PS seven six stars that's crazy that's crazy give us more we get the blue bag you know what that's fine we wind back up blue bag wind back up this is a roller coaster right now skip okay another okay two five stars good starts we keep going this is 200 PS guys 200 PS okay you know you know what usually I'll be pretty mad about that but this some this session so far has been very lucky we can forgive a little okay this is a full pity pull we'll take it we'll take it guys we'll take it we'll take it as long as the next one is Mu assist please are you serious that is actually so lucky bro how do how do we get three blue bags all right pity pull pity pull pity pull not happy about this but we'll take it we'll take it if it's on Banner okay let's go okay a horn great wow nice no no dude Yost are out here actually destroying me now they're like yeah give him the blues all right 20 wind it back up no no no please give me the earlies we've gone almost 100 poles without an on Banner that's awful no no please no 100 PS no on Banner we're almost touching 300 now oh God okay okay I think that was just slightly early maybe at 40 we'll take it five all right guys please mulus give me muus right now please please please yes yes we've balanced It 33 right now three NIS three julak and I believe three off Banner so you know what it's kind of kind of strange balance okay you know what I'll take it so far the good thing though the good thing is that we're not super weighted towards one of the six stars that happens a lot with these limited banners like imagine if we had only one muis and like five hulio that would be really bad right now the blue bag please no more blue bags no more blue bags please here we go oh go oh my my God oh my God his a rund is almost gone guys we've seen his entire stash just go 40 PS into the pity oh God it's going to be a soft pity hit oh God it's it's op time op time all right here we go here we go here we go give me two give me two give me two no okay fourth pole fourth pole no off banners no off [Music] banners are you serious that's a P6 sculpter guys we actually did it maybe it's a blessing I don't know all right let's dig deeper guys dig deeper yes yes the dream we love it when this happens yes focus up yeses yes yes we'll take it 43 right now four muis three julak we're making it through here we go another one give me another back to back no back to back blue not bad so far not bad yes 20 PS and we hit it guys this is a lucky session this is a lucky session please another muus okay okay we'll take it 53 53 here we go more give me a julak now we need some B we need some balance we need some balance we need julak we have a free spark right now remember that chat we have a free spark give need two more julak if we can what is this bro guys you guys are right the rich get richer they get richer here we go how do you not have flame tail bro you're a whale well take the off Banner here we go the deeper we go in dude we're actually unlocking a lot for your account today we got you a new flame Tail as well P6 your scouter dude this account is actually it's a blessing today I will say it's a it's a blessing let's just hope that we can save him some money ooh no blue bag blue bag here we go early yes we'll take it early my god dude another one here we go we're skipping yoar you [ __ ] the back to back 30% proc what is this man oh my God now we wind up again we build the pity concrete what the hell was that all right fully o please blue bag blue bag skip I skipped blue bag blue not [Music] again convert no guys the amount of blue bags we've gotten in this session is ridiculous we've got a lot of uh you know rainbows yes but guys the blue bags how how what is this all right please please please early nice we'll take it all right ninth pull skip three off banners back to back to back keep going God blue bag guys guys guys guys guys we're actually running this guy broke at this point I point we're going to have to just wish that at 600 we can hit one more we need one more one more jul and one more muis to make this worth it at 600 but it's not looking good we have 90 pulls left to prove it end our suffering please I say that and the first thing we get is a blue bag please no no more blue bags I am so done guys we're skipping we're skipping into a thought that blue bag Jesus dude oh my God oh my God okay nice good spook here we go use reverse psychology all right we do not want a jul we do not want a mosis [ __ ] the on [Music] Banner what guys we've gotten as many schulters as juls what is this we can still redeem this if we get a Julio and Amis please please no more suffering no more suffering God blue bag stop Yar stop do not we have 40 more PS to do this God they're really not giving to us please please please please I see it happening guys give me it right here really you really had to give me a blue bag really skip I cannot make this [ __ ] up that is by far the most advanced crazy we're actually suffering now we're suffering by far the most advanced scam I've ever encountered God this is really the end 600 600 and we're still missing two copies this game please let this be the end let this be the end no seven okay okay that is P6 muus but what about pulok no so we only have two which means we need two more or so we need one more we need one more oh he has tokens if he has tokens that actually works out perfectly bro he just messaged me this is now tied with my worst PS no wait this is my worst P you bro this was your worst sub his stash is gone he only has 500 op bro holy [ __ ] he looks like a freaking free to play now that was P6 P6 entire Banner kind of almost I guess minus the tokens [Music]
Channel: Vifer
Views: 37,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q1XSNky5CpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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