She disguises herself as a man to enter a tournament with a prize of 1 million yen

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on the school campus a group of hooligan students were bullying another student for some snack money hu suddenly jumped from the third floor landed in front of the fugs and eloquently declared that he would not forgive these evil actions however contrary to his guess that this would be a battle the fugs bowed to him and left however as soon as hotaro turned around they rushed to attack him from behind in the blink of an eye hotaro had wrestled the thug to the ground canny suddenly appeared from behind and gently touched his chest she wonders why hotaro isn't wearing a bra canny then chases hotaro and declares that she must make him wear a skirt today it turns out that student council president hotaro is female and likes to wear the male student uniform today is the day huru lives independently away from her family she moves into an apartment complex and is curious about what the people who live there are like when she arrived at her room hu saw a handsome man leaning against her door he was flirting with some girl and saying rude things over the phone hu couldn't hold back anymore and rushed for forward to send him a punch but the man somehow managed to dodge hu's lightning fast attack the man was not afraid of the punch just now and thought huru was playing a fun game with him he introduced himself as mimun living in room 203 next to hu's room hu's instincts told her that she needed to stay away from this guy however when she ignored him and opened the door to go inside she suddenly discovered a pistol dropped by massamun massamun was very calm just picked up the gun gently touched hotaru's lips and asked him to keep quiet and left hu told this story to canny Kenny said that she had a favor to ask hodaru that's buying food for her she was scammed by a hot guy the other day so now she doesn't have any money left in her pocket hearing that hotaru got angry and asked Kenny where that guy was hu followed the address cany told her and rushed into Host Club Orion to find the hot guy who tricked her friend here he met massamun again he works as a host here and is also the one who scammed canny's money as soon as hotaru learned about this she immediately rushed to threaten him with a punch nasun doesn't understand what's going on but if huru wants to compete he has another way it's a gunfight although it is just a toy gun it is quite similar to a real gun the bullets fired are plastic bullets it is used to play Survival Games although the bullets are fake the feeling the player receives is real it's a sport that all ages can play together if hotaro wins then massamun will do whatever hotaro asks however if hotaro loses she will belong to massamun hotaro then chooses a waler because hodaru is a new player massamun only uses a single bullet the main arena is this club Hall huro fired first but massamun easily dodged the bullet a host must capture every customer's smallest movement and quickly take action without hesitation poo hid behind the wall and suddenly rushed out he stepped on the furniture and approached massamun the gun was finally pointed at mamun's chest however hu's gun is out of bullets seizing this opportunity massamun ended the match poter who then learned the truth canny had voluntarily come to this club to meet massamun and she had spent all her money on food and services here so hotaru misunderstood everything massamun finally gets hotaru he wants hotaru to join his toy gungun team however massamun still does not know that hu is a girl each time huru wins an airsoft game massamun will consider it payment for this club's repair costs having no other choice Hado had to accept mamun's proposal the next morning massamun woke Haru at 5:00 a.m. he said that the toy gun gun team had a meeting today so he would give her a ride the place they arrived it was a battlefield setup for mock battles there are many participants including mamun's toy Gung gun massamun threatens huru that if she does not participate she will never be able to pay her debt back today toy gungan will play in teams of three massamun takes off hu's shirt and says you need to change you can't fight in your pajamas hodu directly punched massamun in the face and cursed him as a pervert after huru finished changing her outfit a guy was surprised to see hadu coming out of the women's restroom hadu hastily explains that she is a boy this guy sympathizes with hadar's actions and says that he sometimes sneaks into the women's bathroom to fantasize however when he saw the banner on hotaru's arm he immediately scolded hadu for being a pervert even though this guy was also a pervert nasun has found hadoro it turned out that for the past half hour he had been sitting depressed in a corner Corner because of the shock just now massamun dragged her to the other member's place to compete he single-handedly took down three opponents not only that he only fired three bullets however hu was surprised to learn that he was the Pervert she met earlier massamun introduces huru to toru and says that he is his new teammate starting today toru is a quite famous manga artist toru pulled massamun to a corner and asked why he added more people to the team massamun said it was because he liked him hearing that toru immediately asked massamun what would happen if he cried and begged him to stop playing the two then return to the match round two is to play Capture the Flag they win if they can hit the switch for the flag before the opposing team although if they annihilate the enemy they can win that way too the outcome is directly influenced by whom you put in charge of your offense and defense in other words in Capture the Flag teamwork is crucial toru suggested that he and huru would work as a pair to infiltrate enemy territory because he had heard about tooru's super physical strength toru is is confident she will provide good cover so she will stay behind the team's flag Guardian will be massamun the capture the flag match between toy gungun and Greyhound begins toru did not do as he initially said that is instead of supporting hotaru he returned to defend with massamun he had no intention of being friends with hodaru from the beginning massamun angrily asks toru how scary it is to be left behind in enemy territory you must understand toru says he doesn't want to share Mass immune with anyone toru went to hotaru and discovered that he had not been hit by any bullets even though the Greyhound was continuously attacking him toru suddenly realized that if he did that it would be no different from the bullies who used to bully and isolate him in school toru then arrives and reunites with hotaru after hearing him confess everything hataru replied that toru wasn't actually mean otherwise he wouldn't have come here to relieve hodaru when he found out that hu wanted to be friends with him and that there was someone other than mamun who wanted to be friends with him toru immediately changed his attitude and advised hotaru to go get the flag leaving the matter of holding back the enemy to him and massamun to handle huru rushed straight towards the defending enemy he gently moved aside and knocked his gun away then finished him off the victory then went to toy gungun after hu captured the opponent's flag toru gave hotaru a manga book that he drew himself as a way to make up for the bad incident earlier however because it was a pornographic manga huro did not hesitate and threw it into the trash through the recent match hadu realized that life like this is not so bad toru was already waiting for hu in front of the school gate as soon as he saw huru and canny he introduced his latest manga without hesitation hodaru punched him in the face toru curiously asked hodaru if he was angry because he didn't want to play Airsoft anymore massamun said huru had paid off all her debt surprising hu however toru thinks that massamun did it for hu because he saw that huru always wanted to escape the game but toru saw that Hu was always full of Vitality when playing Airsoft hu said that she simply returned to her normal life nothing had changed toru says that now that you've had a taste of the battlefield you won't be able to return to normal life anymore especially when huro wants to face stronger opponents hu explains that her physical strength is for destroying evil not for satisfying her own Ambitions hu returned home and wondered what he really wanted unexpectedly she received a letter from T's death even more strange when he was in room 204 he discovered that there were many guns in tooru's room seeing these guns brought back his memories of being on the airsoft Battlefield toru suddenly appears and asks what she is doing in his room massamun also appears and says he knew this was going to happen he went to meet toru for the upcoming regular meeting he didn't think hotaro got this hooked on Airsoft though welcome once again to toy gungun hotaro basun asked hadu if she wanted her own gun the next day mamun asked toru to take hadu to a kabar to buy a toy gun toru said that if she aimed to be number one in Japan in airsoft it was imperative that she have her own gun the letter hu received was a provocative letter this is a competitive tournament between special teams the winning team will be awarded 1 millionen in addition to prizes you can also receive rare equipment and special benefits in other words this is a gathering of the most talented Warriors selected from all over Japan toru then leaves hotaru to go buy manga hu went to a gun shop and met a handsome guy guy who offered to guide her in buying things he introduces himself as nagamasa and advises huan guns after a while of selection he found that the G3 SAS High cycle was very suitable for hodaru but its price is quite expensive 55,000 Yen hotaro doesn't have the money to buy it however after boss learned that hodaru had been introduced by massamun he told hotaro to come with him he will test huru to see whether or not that one is right for her after they went inside toru arrived nag mosa knocks toru down he is toy gun's opponent in the upcoming tournament boss gives hotaru the G3 SAS gun within 5 minutes he will be running around the training room without a weapon hu's mission is to hit him if she runs out of ammo or can't defeat him in 5 minutes she loses however if she wins that gun will belong to her poo discovered that boss had just come around behind her poo immediately shot continuously it can shoot at Ultra fast speeds of 25 rounds per second this made hotaru very excited and he wanted it the boss laughed disdainfully thinking that with that skill hu could not live more than a few seconds in a real fight suddenly he felt terrible murderous intent from hotaru although hotaru's shooting was not accurate she was able to find his location easily 1 minute left if hotter doesn't realize the gun's weakness she will lose hotter discovered Brown BB's bullets on the floor this is the type she is using the bullets that were on the floor from before were white she figured out that the gun's weakness was that the the pellets got depleted very quickly boss wants to tricker into shooting all the bullets he's on the other side of the wall Hodo had less than a minute left at this point even if hotaro ran straight to him she still couldn't reach him however what boss didn't expect was that he would encounter a reckless guy hotter jumped over the wall and flashed a crazy smile this made boss panic and he pulled out his gun and shot back he broke the rules so he lost and hotaru won as promised he gave the gun to hotaru the next day Mass immune and toru took hodaru to shooting practice huru seemed very happy because this was the first time she participated in a game with her own gun however things happened in an unexpected way less than a minute after the game started hu was shot massamun and toru advised huru that she is relying too much on her instincts she always shoots wildly and misses her targets toru bluntly said that hadu couldn't win the TGC tournament at that level massamun asks hotaru to follow his orders not be arrogant and do as she pleases the three then got into an argument and massamun pushed hodaru over to another team and asked them to look after her in other words hodaru was kicked out of the toy gungan team this time the red team is divided into two groups groupa captured the flag while Group B stayed to protect it hodaru was in a Daz and sat depressed Captain cagara approached and asked what hu had done to make massamun so angry after telling her everything hadu said that she had become arrogant without realizing it she wanted to fight them as equal comrades Sagara takes hu to see how massamun and toru handle the other players mamun was now observing his teammates and helping them red team cigara said that when she heard he was the host she wasn't too surprised the host observes how customers react and then talks to them his ability to observe and grasp the entire playing field as his leadership Talent not to mention massamun is always protected behind him by Sharpshooter toru Sagara said that during the break she also overheard toru and mamun's conversation massamun said that he was just trying to exploit hu's potential that way she will be much happier hotaro realized that she could only Rush blindly even though she couldn't see anything she still came up with strange ideas huru then came and bowed to apologize to her two teammates and begged them to let her be their partner again nasam and toru say they are willing to let everything go and let her rejoin the team it's good that hotaru can be their teammate again however through this she learned the truth toy gungan never allowed women to participate today toy gungan will have a training session at their own residence to avoid affecting the neighbors massamun decided to use a water gun seeing toru looking tired massamun immediately said a few provocative words immediately toru demanded a two-on-one match meanwhile hotaru is quite scared because if both of them find out that she is a girl she will no longer be able to play Airsoft on this team the rule of the match is that if you get hit by water from a water gun you will lose and they will not shoot BBS in the upcoming TGC tournament there will be a new rule allowing physical attacks on opponents while it is generally illegal to physically attack an opponent it tends to cause problems but it will be allowed if agreed upon by both teams while playing with water guns toru said that this team also had a girl before she played quite well and was also uninjured however the way they chased her was like torturing her the way they killed seemed very barbaric it happened right before mamun's eyes and he couldn't do anything she later left the team and that hurt massamun deeply the person who cornered that girl will also be present at the TGC tournament hotaru feels she doesn't deserve to be on the same team as massamun so she plans to tell him the whole truth it was at this moment that mamun suddenly appeared and attacked hataru forcing her to flee while running away hu suddenly realized that massamun wanted to defeat the bad guys in TGC and Avenge the girl hotaru thought that if she could defeat that person she could proudly declare herself a girl thinking of this hu's face suddenly turned into a hunter's she immediately radiated murderous intent and continuously pressed and attacked massamun massamun intended to run around behind the board to attack hotaru however what he did not expect was hadu lying camouflaged close to the ground seizing the opportunity she immediately pushed him down and pointed the gun at mamun's head she said she could prove she was stronger than that villain toru realized that hadu would reveal her power when fighting with a great purpose however massamun is not the type of person motivated by Justice as she thought today hadu was brought to the TGC field by toru and mamun as soon as she got out of the car she felt a very strange feeling the Gunners here are all completely different people from the opponents she met the participants here all stared at the enemy massamun decided to leave hotaru outside so she could get used to the tense atmosphere here hodaru saw nagamasa and rushed to hug him she thanked nagamasa for helping her he is also probably the chosen one huru suddenly realized that everyone was talking about her in nagamas the organizer of TGC is soji explains the rules of the game this time first the team leader will draw a number that determines who they're against first you will be playing against teams in your bracket and the last team standing will receive 1 million yen and the right to use this field free of charge for the next 6 months the rules are basically the same as standard Airsoft game rules you lose if you get hit wear goggles and no zombieing allowed however there are three special rules one your numbers must match up two two no calling freeze there are games where calling freeze is considered a hit but it's not allowed here you have to make sure to shoot your opponent down to defeat them third the most dangerous and Special Rule hand-to-hand combat and knife attacks are allowed massamun and toru returned to find hadu talking to nagamasa mamun's expression changed completely when he saw nagamasa seeing this toru immediately pulled out his gun and threaten nagamasa not to come close to massamun toru then explains to hu that nagamasa is the the villain massamun wants to defeat taru thought she would have fun playing Airsoft with massamun and toru but she felt that the two of them were in pain toru grabbed hotaru's hand and asked her to save massamun from Pain however what they did not expect was that toy gungan would face nagamas his team right away in the first round there are many terrains here they will play in the jungle terrain where they can be observed from above although it was difficult to see anything when entering the forest everyone was curious about the results hodu did not expect that nagamasa and his teammates would win four times in a row nagamasa has two guns on his back hu thought that in airsoft only massamun use two guns potero tells masaman to just believe in her and she will do her best the first match will last 20 minutes at the end of the match the side with the most lives wins nagamas is now extremely excited at the thought of crushing toy gun's hope of Revenge for the past year suddenly huro appeared in front of them when she saw the nagamasa team she panicked because she knew was going the wrong way and immediately turned back nagamasa said that she ran from the starting point to here in only 48 seconds fujimon said that he would go fine and kill the enemy from far away toru fired a bullet at nagamasa luckily for him IAI discovered the projectile and push nagamasa aside IAI cannot forgive and immediately takes action the match between snipers is a match to see who can find who first the shot from earlier revealed tooru's position if it was a normal player they would rush straight to him how however ikai is a sniper so she doesn't do that usually she would aim from a place with good visibility like the top of a hill she placed a gun up on the hill to make toru think she was there while she was below looking for toru she spots a sniper rifle in the bushes and thinks toru is inside however when she approached she discovered that it was just a trap that toru had set toru appeared from behind and attacked her however what toru did not expect was that aai only pretended to be afraid of him and then kicked T's gun away toru quickly picked up the sniper gun and hid behind a tree he sees that IAI has changed her Focus to attacking massamun meanwhile huru is facing fujan a minigun user it is also known as painless gun you will die before you can feel any pain hu was cornered by fujian she is determined to win and bring glory to her team she rushed forward and kicked the barrel of Fuji's minigun so he couldn't shoot poter jumped around behind him but she didn't shoot it turned out she hadn't removed the gun's safety so she couldn't fire this was her mistake AK however fujian admitted defeat and advised hu to go help her teammates meanwhile massamun continuously misses nagamasa even nagamasa hadn't pulled out his gun yet suddenly images of when they were both in school kept flashing in his mind nagamasa says that if you really want to beat me you should use high cycle guns not your Desert Eagles that was the very first gun he bought nagamasa came around from behind and pinned massamun to the ground he took mamun's gun and held it close to his skin so he could feel the the pain it was bone deep pain in a normal match doing this is forbidden he covered mamun's mouth making it impossible for him to scream on the other side IAI calls nagamasa saying she has lost track of toru just as IAI finished warning toru suddenly rushed out and fired at nagamasa but nagamasa easily dodged the bullets toru was extremely indignant he continued to fire at nagamasa nagamasa was forced to quickly hide behind a nearby tree nagamasa then ran around behind toru and threw a punch at him causing him to fall over toru pulled out his knife to fight in close combat but he was still no match for nagamasa nagamasa pulled out his gun and shot toru in the ear even if nagamasa did not use his gun and accepted close combat toru would still be defeated hu arrives to see both massamun and toru defeated massamun advised hodaru to surrender because it was a difficult opponent seeing massamun being trampled on by nagamasa huru rushed forward and pushed nagamasa away at this time the sky began to appear with windy and dark clouds signaling that a storm was approaching huru felt regretful thinking nagamasa was a good person now she understands everything and decides not to forgive nagamasa hu rushed forward and kicked nagamasa in the head but he used his gun to block it she continuously dodged the attack and used her flexibility to get close to nagamasa hu looked no different from someone nagamasa once knew it started to rain nagamasa was cornered by hadu he plays psycholog iCal tricks he said that hadu is a girl this caused her to be distracted and get hit by iai's Bullet hu felt ashamed but couldn't do anything about it she then left without being able to avenge massamun and nagamasa and his team won five times in a row huru is still in shock after losing to nagamasa although she said that she could definitely help toru and mamun she could only return alive and couldn't do anything else Kenny discovered hotaru's abnormality after hearing her tell everything Kenny told Hado to just try again however hu lost the motivation to fight and said that everything was over and left canny had known hu since her first year of high school but she had never seen her so sad Kenny decided to learn about the survival game that hotaru told her about KY decided to challenge hotaro to a 50m race hu felt confused because she didn't know what canny was planning but still reluctantly accepted cany warns hodaru not to look down on her because since the end of middle school until now she has never missed a day of training to stay in shape today she even walked part of the way from the station to school before entering the starting line KY suddenly mumbled to hotaro about something it doesn't really matter what we're competing for that's not what matters fujian was reprimanded by the nurses for not arriving on time this morning meanwhile Dr nagamasa always arrives 20 minutes early however people did not know the truth that it was fujian who came to nagam masa's house this morning and woke him up while nagamasa was still sleeping fujan then helped him cook and prepare breakfast fujan wonders if nagamasa is still tired after the TGC tournament nagamasa admitted that he liked the match against toy gungan more than the finals but the excitement might happen next time it took 30 minutes to bike to the hospital from nagam M's apartment building however nagamasa criticized Fuji's bicycle and took a taxi to go ahead fujian was angry because nagamasa knew the whole thing and didn't say anything for him however because fujian is a pervert he wants nagamasa to criticize him even more as for the competition between canny and hotaru as soon as the starting signal was given hodaru rushed straight to the Finish Line while cany was still tired running behind even though she stumbled and fell behind over and over again canny was still determined not to give up the purpose of this challenge is to help hotaro realize her lost determination thanks to Kenny hotaro realized that not giving up is really cool she thanked Kenny and put the shirt on her shoulders she promised herself that she would definitely defeat nagam M's team next time however before that it was still necessary to declare that she was a girl she returned to her apartment and decided to muster up the courage to confess that she was a girl however when he met nagamasa he didn't let her speak first and invited her to have a barbecue with toru tooru's room looks like a dump looks and mangar everywhere hu then mercilessly threw them into the trash toru realized that hadu had been hesitant to say something all along toru misunderstood and thought that huru must also think he was a disgusting guy he doesn't know how friendly other people are to him because he has no one but massamun his friends hu says that toru is not disgusting but just a bit perverted hearing this made tou feel relieved even though being called a pervert wasn't much better than being disgusting they then ate barbecue together hu didn't want to break the atmosphere so she didn't dare tell the truth toru said that at the field there is a place to rent equipment for making barbecue in some places staff also cook and serve food huru had never attended a barbecue like this before massamun is still a bit sad because he lost in the tournament in the first round massamun asked hu if there were any high school students at school who played Airsoft like her toru said that huru has a very pretty girlfriend he accidentally met her at hu's school hadu denied it and tried to say she was a girl but couldn't in her heart she now feels like a coward toru advised hu that if she had any worries she should confide in massamun after all he was an adult massamun returns and says he has something to say first he asks hotaru if she really likes Airsoft she replied that at first it was not too much but since playing her first team match she felt the joy of participating in that game however massamun bluntly asked huru to leave the team massamun didn't explain much but just said that he considered her a third member after huru left toru guessed mamun's reason for doing so massamun did not want to drag hadu into his personal battle and make hotaru hate it however toru does not agree with mamun's approach he says he won't go with massamun anymore he advises massamun not to let the hauntings of his past hold him back the next day hodu decided to find out why masamune kicked her out of the team she went to find nagamasa and took out her gun to challenge him in the hospital nagamasa asked her to wait until after work and then LED them both to the maid and Gun cafe here nagamasa invited hu to the shooting practice room to compete nagamasa hits all Targets while hadu misses all Targets nagamasa tells hadu that he did not reveal to massamun that hotaru was a girl massamun then introduces hotaro to the headshot game she and he will be aiming at this human silhouette Target simultaneously but there's a catch they have to shoot the target in numerical order and finally make a head shot they only get one shot for the head so Landing that shot will be next to Impossible also if you shoot the head before we've shot the other body parts you lose however even if nagamasa manages to shoot all the other parts and huru shoots the head at the end she will win after the maid signal the game began hu immediately shot at the abdomen but nagamasa took his Target away she decided to skip apart and then aim at the right hand but nagamasa took it away again nagamasa told hu what would happen if he merged the toy gungan team with his team you could insult mamun even more if he was on your team ruining Rebels like that was nagamas his hobby now only the head remained and nagamasa intended to end the game however this time hu took nagam masa's Victory nagamasa realized ized her aiming ability was Zero but she still hit it meaning she was imagining nagamasa as that human silhouette Target huru angrily declares to nagamasa that she will not let him have toru and massamun the next time they meet again it will be on the battlefield when she returned home toru came and talked to her toru reveals that massamun is not acting out of Justice all because massamun is obsessed with nagamasa massamun thinks he can't develop himself if he can't defeat nagamasa TGC massamun selfish obset gave birth to two victims the first of whom was a girl because of her they made a rule Banning women from participating turns out massamun just didn't want to see him fail to protect the women at TGC the way nagamasa fights is somewhat brutal but everything he does is legal toru lied to hu that mamun's team was evil so she would have the motivation to fight after the girl left toy gungan recruited a new male player this person initially loved Airsoft like hotoro but eventually got caught up in the battle between nagamasa and massamun before leaving the team he told massamun that it was because of him that he hated Airsoft for this reason massamun kicked hotaru out of the team toru bowed his head and apologized to hu for lying to her at the same time he begged her to help mimun hodaru then accepted and immediately went to meet massamun to challenge him hu booked a bus to take everyone to the airsoft field if huru wins she has a few words she hopes massamun will say toru saw that massamun seemed hesitant and immediately said a few words to provoke him massamun agreed on one condition if he won hu would never have anything to do with toy gungun as soon as toru signaled the start of the battle hodaru continuously fired bullets at massamun fortunately hodaru is a very bad shot massamun thought that hu's challenge was to get revenge on him hodaru hid behind a tree and returned fire however she is incapable of hitting the target at this distance massamun kept his distance then ran around behind huru and shot her however huru did not want to give up and asked for another match seeing her stubbornness massamun only reluctantly agreed to try again he will play until hotaru feels satisfied furthermore he is planning to abandon the TGC tournament after making hotaru quit however even though hotaru lost more than 10 times she still did not give up this causes massamun to reconsider himself he wondered when he had become such a coward who avoided losing massamun tells hotaru that you need to understand that there are people who cannot be defeated hu said that she was determined because she wanted to defeat nagamas his team with toy gungan at TGC the two continued to exchange fire with each other this time hotaru slipped and massamun immediately took the opportunity to point the gun at her head however mamun's gun ran out of bullets so he was forced to hide behind a plank but on the other side of the plank was hodaru hodaru said in a determined voice that the only person who gets to play with toru and massamun is her if you're afraid of hurting others just run away massamun said he would give hotaru 30 seconds to run away and after 30 seconds he would chase her in the end hotaru won thanks to that the relationship between the three of them became closer
Channel: Top Cover Movies
Views: 53,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, new, best, review, recap, moments, Top, Hot, anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, harem anime recaps, top anime recaps, animerecapd
Id: n0FfsOlJ47o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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