Choose Your Blox Fruit From It's First Letter, Then Battle!

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we're picking random fruits to use in a 1 V one battle in blocks fruits each win counts as one point and the first of Five Points is the winner but we have to pick off Fruit by only knowing their first letter Luke you know your first letter is L right which is what you're going to take today no I'm changing my name from here on out to W what see you're taking a w okay well let's see what fruit you get so your first one your first one is an L that's actually so funny and then you got a p and then your last one is a b I'm just going to take l cuz it's just going to be light you're going to take the L okay yeah yeah take light yeah you're the actual one that's going to be taking the L now that I've got this that's ruthless okay I like it ooh this is an interesting side you've got m g and then another M wait now M right I'm thinking Mammoth but it could also be magma and I also like magma honestly and what was the middle one was it P G oh G for Gravity Oh disgusting give me the second M you know what come around and have a look oh it was Ghost I am happy with that Magma's not bad magma is life it's over sen I have The High Ground you have the dead ground that's what you have oh does that hurt no it doesn't oh you're getting folded wait I just hit a tree this is so tough best believe I'm going to defeat you with a left click come on then get away that's not ideal that move is so dumb I just aimed in your general direction you're in here aren't you I am yeah yeah I'm in there come on ni it's over for you what was that about an L in my name I mean I'm not wrong this is getting slightly annoying now no yes I think you mean yes bro getting left clicks are so annoying no it's so hard to hit you know what play time's over bye-bye it was fun while it lasted said it was no let's go that's actually impossible I think light just beats magma that's that's that's all there is to it honestly I think I need to change my name to Len after that first round honestly Len Pirates maybe I'll get the W this time let's see your first one it's an S your next one ooh it's an r and then your last one is a g for Gravity uh what was the first one it was s r g that's Spirit give me the spirit you actually just Bamboozled yourself I said r no you didn't damn it I said g you did not say G either put it back take your s and get out of there okay so your first one s next one is D and then I the S I kind of want to do the battle of the s's cuz it could be sound it could it could be spin it could be Spike don't do it give me S let's go don't get it it's spider oh GG man well Luke it's spider versus spin the battle of the please please please by no no I saw last second I was like it's not happening not today no no get me away I'm just like casually like spinning around just like you oh that's huge that's huge oh you're actually winning you're actually winning oh it's taking you just till now to realize has it this is like dragon versus Falcon all over again shut up that never happens no one can prove it um it never happened this is going to be Monumental this is going to be mon no one move oh no you've actually won you've actually won you've actually won oh you actually won yes let's go why did I play with my food for so long I I was like not even trying I wasn't even using moves Len Pirates rise up H all right it's it's actually over for me now is it zero is all I get I'm actually setting the line for you zero is all I get why did I do that I'm so dumb let me get your fruits out boo okay you've got an r a p and then S I want Rumble give me Rumble how have I done it again I literally that's so funny all right then you've got f f and can you guess what the last one is is it f r f f and R now the thing is one of those is probably Flame the other is probably Falcon I'm actually going to be honest here I'm so scared of getting Falcon and losing that I might have to choose the r yeah pick R pick R please it'll be a mirror match I think and I lose those as well so what do I do here I've got a bad feeling about the first F I've just got a bad feeling about the give me the second one yeah you got the best one on the board okay oh I'm glad we didn't do the mirror match I would have lost you're onsight you're fighting me on site what is this hell run away run away run away run away bye-bye what even hit me what do you mean I flash St towards you like a mad man I can hear you dashing somewhere where are you how did you know n bro turn on observation that's cheating I did I did you little rat I watched where you were I was like he's not tricking me now do you see the lce Strat though like I had you if you came in there dodged never mind yeah where where In which century did you dodge that because it wasn't this one okay yeah there's no point I'm not going to win l i see that you've pushed T you're imagining you're imagining that's your imagination it doesn't even matter because you need to die right now come on there big man you think you can come on then fight me ow yeah yeah that's what I that's what I thought that's what I thought all right I am I'm mad now okay I'm mad stja Vu from last round yes so you need to die then no I I could could have you oh well that's GG take some of that oh finally 21 I'm not even going to lie I wanted you dead from frame one and it took that long I'm just that good with rocket you know you're just that cringe let's not call it a comeback yet but it's a start of something beautiful I think one is all you get shut up your first one is p your next one is M and your last one is B you see I feel like M just can't be bad so I'm going to take M oh okay I had a feeling that was pain that's why I was staying far away from it one of the better options you definely got one of the better options there though Buddha would have been really good let's see what I'm up against though because interesting you've got sound yes I'll take that one actually you've got D okay you've got L and you've got S I think I'll play it safe I'll take the L bro forgot about his favorite fruit I forgot about the Beast ins yeah I'm I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm not even giving you a chance no please give me a chance give me a chance it's so hard to keep up with what's going on there we go I've got an idea I've got an idea come inside s this is problematic Until you realize ow yeah I can damage you from out of here no you're cheating you've got observation on 100% I don't I'm literally just running around the pyramid how how did you knock me out then I don't know but you know what Blox fruits I love that you're so janky sometimes Luke I'm just spamming by the way I'm actually just spamming I don't even care that's unlucky bro's going out to be a sea Mammoth sorry a sea magma yeah sea Mammoth that's totally what I'm doing what take some of that you a mid attack damage thing no that doesn't happen to you know the L's here the leopards that's too old all right two is all you get I misspoke last round yes it's happening the sen Pirates comeback and if you all click subscribe now you'll give me some goated luck Sal lute gets bad fruits let's do it it's already been happening been there done that I'm going to say this they click subscribe your first one's an S your next one's an l and your last one's a q I'm not picking clake never there's not even any other Q fruits so someone's off the table okay I think you can't go wrong with L right I'm going to take the L okay yes you won that you won that coin flip this is interesting you've got another double up so you've got B T and B I'm taking T I didn't even have to think about it cuz isn't there only like T-Rex I can't even think of another T just give me T all right best believe I'm Sky camping I'm not touching the floor for a single second it doesn't matter I'm actually not a T-Rex I'm a pterodon so unlucky it's T-Rex in Time come on versus a T versus a no what what what what what all right knock you down there and then frame one I'm leaving bye-bye I actually just realized this is going to be really tough for me best friend go you've got a best friend which you know in real life maybe not but wow okay yeah I'm especially staying in the sky now oh no I've made him mad go best friend it's me I summoned myself what are you going to do against two Koopa calls huh I'm just about to say is that your only best friend you you're kind of doing this to yourself by the way I only need me myself and I me and cicle Junior are sick and tired of your wa cicle junior is he your son now instead of your best friend the voice is in my head oh I've summoned kits you you don't win now he's got the true triple dark blade easy fight easy fight you're not transforming yet sen oh there we go go kit take him down I'm not going to be able to hit you am I go kit annihilate oh this is actually kind of bad I did a lot of damage there and you've got the mark on you you getting low Mr T-Rex maybe I actually think I'm about to lose no that's what I thought that's what happens when you you know play against a sky camper that's all I'm saying all right look I may have had T-Rex and lost to love but he was just Sky camping so doesn't even count honestly I think you mean tactically staying off the floor tactically being cringe okay your first one is D your next one is D and your last one is C what do you want I'm going to take the first D that's mad from you you've cooked for the first time in this video all right you lose I do all right you've got Q you've got B and you've got S I think s is my best shot because s at least has stuff like spirit all right come and get your Spike fruit is it Spike come get your Spike I I was trying to get you to rethink sound might do it yeah I'm I'm going to be on Match Point I'm going to be living sound versus do see you later I'm I'm doing what you did last round you're doing the special are you the coopa cool special see you later let's get you down what that is unlucky round two what you missed that one I thought that hit I got so scared that I stopped just going to have a bit of fun down here just relax you know maybe Farm do bit of grinding you could say boom ow wait this actually kind of bad not anymore back into the Sky I go Sky camping Gremlin all right I'm off to go say hi to us up honestly unlucky from you bro oh boom get yes he didn't even get to use though that's crazy and it's not much Point Sky camping is cringe but C did it to me so all fair in Love and War honestly hey yours was more cringe though you flew up like Icarus and I came down just as hard okay let's see you've got an s a p and a g I'm not taking G that's just not worth it he could be portal which sucks and I'll lose you know what I got to do it I'm just going to take S I got to take the risk I had what a terrible B that was well ghost is good what do you mean ghost is kind of strong as we always see yeah ghost is all right but like all that was in my mind was um gravity uh true and gravity no bueno all right let's see what I'm up against ooh you've got g c and V oh I'll take V you don't even want to consider the C well C could be control right I'm bad with it or it could be kit what spell it could be chop as well no disgusting I just realized I'm going to take V cuz I think that's just Venom right so no there's um vocket what was control I would have lost I've got Spike what you mean you would have lost I don't think you understand how bad I am with control I'm I'm going to take Venom and uh my side was just way better than yours I'm being reverse swept I can't believe it let's do it okay Venom versus SP see you he's gone to start a family yeah my people need me bro are you going to the ocean or no why would I go to the ocean a spike fruit user that would just be ridiculous okay this is just very bad it is pretty bad you know what I don't want to hurt your feelings but I've already got transformation as well don't use it that's cringe yeah I'm actually not going to use it come on son come join me in the ocean it's nice and warm you know what sure come on okay I'm still damaging you which is quite funny okay yeah it's chalked well it was fun while it lasted the poison killed you Sor sorry so did you even take any water damage oh no I didn't fall into the water once that was my only plan that was all I had my Noggin it was a good plan but it's also a match point to me the Skeleton Man and I'm about to make it um a game set to match you I wouldn't be surprised you just keep getting the luckiest fruits now someone else got kind of lucky you got p v and B give me the middle one no no no are you sure oh you could have missed look at that that's actually a crazy board yeah that is probably the best board we've seen so far oh Deja Vu except this time you're on the receiving end this is what you like to see you've got SD I think I'm going to take the risk on B give me the B for come have a look please don't be bad please please please wait as for shadow you know what blizzard versus Venom four is all you get yeah I don't know about this one Chief lizard versus Venom um I am not feeling too good about it honestly you thought I was rushing straight towards you that just be silly sen Pirates he's done the move wow I am absolutely destroying you oh you just hit me for so much and that totally wasn't the NPCs yeah I'm I'm thinking it was only the NPCs play time is over call and ambul I was about say call an ambulance but not for me but you just killed me it's the Venom death Okay match point to both of us I'm Feeling Lucky Luke you're about to get the absolute worst fruits ever no no no it's comeback season okay well let's see that's not bad that's not bad and that's not bad first one is a p your next one it's F and your last one is R I think I just send it give me R oh no he's actually cooked he's cooked he's got the best one Rumble this is redemption this is redemption R for Redemption I hope there's an r on your side and it's rubber you've got B D and all right cool which one would you like what was the last one you got a you got C the K I've been waiting for this whole time that I've been asking for every round no no it's C I'll take the last one even if it's c i i don't even mind losing if you you've mind gave me that much I'll take the loss let me see the last one come have a look I said it in not order as well it is kid why I've got the B Tech kids I'm not going to lie I think I lose this what is bro yapping about I'm so bad with kids and it doesn't even take skill you just press C and I die you mean like this that's crazy you gave me no warning you're the one that said c takes no skill okay let me just build up my uh towels real quick okay hit with one of those one of those as well I wasn't even in there that's like that's Minecraft poor fit Shenanigans you've taken a lot of damage I have I told you I'm bad with this fruit I don't know how it works as long as I keep cooking I can win this I can actually win this you actually can okay until that happened I guess go the one move the tracks transform get away from me get away from me what now you can't tell me that's not got range you just sniped me Luke no no no what Luke wait where is bro I actually don't know where you are yes die oh my God I tried something it didn't work I'm actually going to lose cuz I can't get close he's off coold Downs I don't have any charges I don't have any charges left ah come on I can't see you come on come on go whoops did you press e come on no I'm still going to lose I'm still going to lose what no no no no no no no I flush stepped into Buggy's base and then you pulled me back that's cheating you cheated you're a hacker no why what on my screen send Pirates hacker confirmed GG can't win against a hacker editor just show my screen it didn't happen wow you're really going to cut me out like that that's crazy yeah cut off his audio as well censorship this is unbelievable
Channel: Senpirates
Views: 880,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, minecraft, unitedgamer, mod, mine mine no mi, mine piece, prime piece, minecraft modded, modded, one, piece, anime, challenge, koopekool, koopekul, 100 days, 24 hours, senpirates, kanesace, bedrock, asa addon, asa, blox fruits, roblox, blox, fruits, pvp, battle
Id: 3tpOKG6kepQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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