He-Man Official | Battle of the Dragons | He-Man Full Episodes

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[Applause] and the Masters of the [Applause] Universe I am Adam Prince of Eternia defender of the secrets of Castle gry scull this is cringer my Fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aoft my magic sword and said by the power of gray [Music] skull I am the [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and I became He-Man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the Sorceress Planet arms and Oro together we defend Castle gry skull from the evil forces of Skeletor do you think it'll take much longer man-at-arms no that should do it it's a long trip to dark smoke but the wind Raider as ready as she'll ever be great I can hardly wait to see grir again this should be a pretty special trip yes the anniversary of the treaty between dragons and humans to be invited to represent erans everywhere that's a high honor it's too bad we couldn't bring Orco along he really wanted to come grenia sent for He-Man and man at- arms and that's who he's going to get maybe Orco can talk to grania some other time I don't want to talk to grir I just want to see him I'll just sneak in here and hide nobody they'll ever know I was along for the ride well if grir is expecting He-Man I'd bet something wrong Adam I thought I heard something must have been my imagination by the power of gray skull I am the power anytime you're ready Duncan by the way what were the terms of the treaty between dragons and humans but the dragons would withdraw from the rest of the world that the dragons could do whatever they want and that humans are to leave them alone doesn't sound like much of a bargain have you ever tried to bargain with a [Applause] [Music] dragon do not presume to Baron with me targon you will regret it Taron does not like to be told what to do not even by you Morning Star I don't care if tagon does not like my plan then tagon can leave but when I rule Eternia Tagan will find his life very very unhappy very well Morning Star I will do what you say for now excellent once you give me the Ice Crystal I will put out the magic fire from which our beloved leader Gran Amir draws his powers then I shall take over and lead a war against the people of Eternia and me what of me we will find some small role for you in ruling Eternia perhaps you will govern eternos itself now the Ice Crystal how do I know I can trust you with it you don't but you have no choice take it then excellent and now to test it just to be sure now no not on me and now to pay a visit to gran [Music] perfect and now to put out Gran amir's power once and for [Music] all who dares who dares to invade my home put out my fire and steal my magic humans oh great grir what I saw them grir with my own eyes well He-Man we're nearly there dark smoke should be coming into view anytime now great if I know grir he's probably got quite a welcoming party for us Meo I can hardly wait [Music] grir humans coming this way humans how fortunate for me and how unfortunate for them there you see I was right humans get them let those who stole the magic flame of grir feel the wrath of dragons no no wait they might be friends dragons have no friends among the [Music] humans well here comes the welcoming party funny they don't look very happy to see us you're right watch it take it easy was close too close yes but why are they attacking us it's like we'll have to find that out later He-Man uh-oh we're hit He-Man look the wing if it comes loose we'll crash there's only one thing to do I've got to hold on something's cooking I hope it's not me we'll have to land land where anywhere you got it they're going down good now back to dark smoke hang on this is going to be [Music] rough I made it are you all right He-Man sore but all right I guess we better what's that hey somebody let me out of here it's stop Oro hi guys I just sort of tagged along for the ride only this time Orco you tagged along for the walk the wind Raider can be repaired but it'll take a while so as of right now we walk the dark smoke did you see which humans were in the flyer no grir and it doesn't matter they began this fight not us we must leave here now and prepare for war who is with [Music] me and you grir those who wish to may leave but for me I will stay this is my home so be it come let us be [Music] off fly fly [Music] fly he man so that was you knew my dragons attacked and not the other humans what other humans I was asleep and some human extinguished the magic fire that gives me my Powers I fear that there will be War soon between your people and my Dragons war couldn't you stop them regrettably no they have not fought in a war for a long time and they have forgotten what it's like they have forgotten the pain the Darkness the madness that is war and now without my magic I'm not able to stop them isn't there any way we can get your magic back I do not know little one the fire can only be restored with flame brought from the pit of Shadows I would try to get it myself but I am too large for the passage and Magic can only be summoned by Magic and I have none but I do well some days I'll get that fire and bring it back for you grir I promise the question is where do we start the way is through here follow the signs of fire but beware the way is dangerous very dangerous all right grir we'll take it from here good luck champion of [Music] Eternia the signs point this [Music] way in hand [Music] look an ice fighter look out Careo if one of those webs hits you you'll be stuck here for a long time but how do we get past it I have an idea but I'll need a distraction you've got it He-Man just say the word to aim for those [Music] webs now now if I can just cut let that web loose GE man looks like that Ice Spider really likes to get wrapped up in his work yes but we better move on before he works himself loose and before we're too late to prevent a war between dragons and humans the days of dragon rule have arrived now at last from this Dragon hold we shall launch our attack for we are the strongest we are most fit to rule the race of men we the dragons there are none strong enough to oppose us our time is [Music] now that's it the pit of Shadows let's go Orco wait only the good and the wise and the brave may pass into the pit of Shadows let us see if your goodness will shine as the sun well we can [Music] try good wise Brave you may pass good wise bra you make PS My [Music] Turn Only The Good the wise and the brave may pass I know I know you may pass two out of three is not bad oh yeah yeah oh yeah all right goodbye pretty impressive yes the question is how do we bring some of this back with us I have an idea fire far to fire near come with us to [Music] [Applause] [Music] grir do you really think it'll work OKO of course it'll work I [Music] think it worked just what we need to get grenia fire going again then let's go before Morning Star starts a war so the war begins at last yes nothing can stop us now this Village will be only the beginning if grir could see this but see grir is too weak even to emerge from his pit yes Victory and Rule of the Dragons is finally one what's this no they have the magic fire join the others there is trouble to be dealt with but I will return soon yes Morning Star it is too late grir the war is on and now I'll make sure that you don't regain your magic this doesn't look like the same way we came in we're lost not yet we should be near the surface by now let's make our own [Music] exit you did it He-Man now to get the fire to grir I'm afraid noty man I won't let you ruin all my work your work so you're the one who put out Gran amir's fire grir it was Morning Star he did it grir your calls are useless little one without his magic grir sleeps his time is p as is the age of human rule on Eternia now hand me the fire no I won't OKO no the power is too [Music] strong that's what I was a afraid of he's got more power than he can control wo wo got to can control this you're okay Morning Star take that now must get out of here wow wow wow [Music] the fire has returned my magic is restored I am grir great glad to hear it good work OKO looks like you did it little friend well how did it feel to have a taste of dragon power next time I think I'll stay home and read a book I'm pooped best to let him get his rest he earned it meanwhile we've got a war to [Music] stop our homes why are they doing this look He Man are you sure I can't help you grir no hean these are my dragon Brothers I must deal with them myself well they're pretty worked up will they listen to reason even from you it is the chance I must take hurry hurry press the attack nothing can stop us now wrong the war is over my brothers Let Us return to dark smoke in peace Morning Star has deceived you is this true Morning Star if so we have made a terrible mistake it doesn't matter it's time for dragons to rule listen to me not granmere do you challenge me yes to the test of [Music] fire that's a test of Fire all right to see who's strongest I only hope Gran has had enough time to recover from losing his [Music] magic no no grir no I I I Surrender I admit it I put out the flame and blamed the humans punish him grir use the fire it is your right no my brothers it is my right but it would not be right we will find a more peaceful way to administer Justice and now let us go home it is unfortunate that all of this should have taken place on the anniversary of the treaty between your people and the dragons but perhaps it was for the best this little war War like the treaty itself will help to remind us how very fragile is peace but most of all I regret that your village paid the price for our foolishness we see now that you were tricked so we will hold no grudge now is the time to rebuild we will help you to no no my friend thank you we shall rebuild the village and we shall make it a place of such beauty the likes of which have never before been seen it shall be called the city of peace and the treaty between man and dragon will be moved there as a reminder of our friendship thank you Gran Amir finally I want to thank all of you for your help h i wonder it was our pleasure anytime you have only to ask right Oro Orco I'm sure I can handle just a little dragon fire wow yeah y oh no wo wo [Music] [Applause] W boy was that a [Laughter] mistake oh I haven't laughed this hard in a thousand years [Music] today I want to talk to you about winning and losing when grir had his fiery tug of war with another Dragon he won fair and square and stopped he let go because as soon as you take advantage of being a winner You' really lost remember it's important to be a good loser but sometimes it's just as important to know how to be a good winner winning is no excuse for Bad Manners see you next [Music] [Applause] time
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 116,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: jfvQkBrf2xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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